Total 10781 results.
Title | Preferred Abbrev | Alternate Abbrev | Jurisdiction |
- | |||
dpwljNOPLERIUMJnB | - | ||
elZMdlSydPcjQwIkkL | - | ||
http://www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk/admin | - | ||
lrlr | - | ||
A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, New South Wales | - | A'B.R.J.N.S.W. ; A'Beck.R.J. ; A'Beck.R.J.N.S.W. ; A'Beck.Res.Judgm. ; Eq Judg ; R.E.D. ; Res & EJ ; Res & Eq Judg ; Res.& E.J. ; Res.& Eq.J. ; Res.& Eq.Jud. ; Res.& Eq.Judg. | Australia, New South Wales |
A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip | - | A'B Res Judgm ; A'B.R.J.P. ; A'B.R.J.P.P. ; A'Beck.R.J.P.P. ; A'Beck.Res. ; A'Beckett ; R.J. | Australia, New South Wales |
A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Victoria | - | A'B.Res.Judgm. ; A'Beck Judg. Vic. ; A'Beck.Judg.Vic. ; A'Beck.Judg.Vict. ; A'Beckett Res.Judg. | Australia, Victoria |
A.K.Marshall's Kentucky Reports | A.K.Marsh. | Ky.(A.K.Marsh.) ; Mar. ; Marsh. ; Marsh.(Ky.) ; Marsh.A.K. | United States, Kentucky |
A.Moore's Reports (in Bosanquet & Puller) | - | A.Moo. ; Moo.A. ; Moore A. | England & Wales |
ABA Update - Newsletter of the Australian Broadcasting Authority | ABA Update | - | Australia |
ABTEE - Fortnightly Newsletter | ABTEE | - | Australia |
ACCC Journal | ACCC Journal | - | Australia |
ACT Law Society Newsletter | ACTLS Newsletter | - | Australia |
ADR Forum: The Canadian Journal of Dispute Resolution | - | ADR Forum | Canada |
AGLA Bulletin: Journal of the Australian Government Lawyers' Association | AGLA | AGLA Bull. | Australia |
AIDA Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore, della Cultura e dello Specttacolo | - | AIDA | Italy |
AIDA Pollution Insurance Bulletin | - | AIDA P.I.B. | England & Wales |
AIDS Law & Litigation Reporter | AIDS L.& Litig.Rep. | - | United States |
AIPLA Quarterly Journal | - | AIPLA Q.J. | United States |
ALSA Forum | - | ALSA Forum | United States |
AMPLA Bulletin | AMPLA Bulletin | - | Australia |
APTIRC Bulletin | APTIRC Bulletin | - | Singapore |
ASA Bulletin | ASA Bull. | - | |
ASEAN Law and Society Journal | - | ASEAN L.& Soc'y J. ; ASEAN LJ | Asia |
ASILS International Law Journal | - | ASILS Int'l LJ | International |
ASMA - Official Journal of the Australian Stipendiary Magistrates' Association | - | ASMA | Australia |
ATLA Products Liability Law Reporter | - | PLLR | United States |
AWR Bulletin | - | AWR Bull. | International |
Aansprakelijkheid en Verzekering | - | A & V | Netherlands |
Abbott's New Cases, New York | Abb.N.Cas. | A.N. ; A.N.C. ; Abb.N.C. | United States, New York |
Abbott's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Abbott) | United States, New Jersey |
Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions | - | Abb.App.Dec. ; Abb.Ct.App. ; Abb.Dec. ; Abb.N.Y.App. | United States, New York |
Abbott's New York Practice Reports | Abb.Pr. | Abb.P.R. ; Abb.Pr.Rep. ; Abb.Prac. ; Abbott P.R. ; Abbott Pr.Rep. ; Abbott Pract.Cas. ; Abbott's Pr.Rep. ; Abbott's Prac.Rep. | United States, New York |
Abbott's New York Practice Reports, New Series | Abb.Pr.(N.S.) | Abb.N.S. ; Abb.Pr.N.S. | United States, New York |
Abbott's United States Circuit and District Court Reports | - | Abb. ; Abb.C.C. ; Abb.U.S. ; Abb.U.S.C.C. ; Abbott U.S.R. ; Abbott U.S.Rep. | United States |
Abbott's United States District Court Admiralty Reports | - | Abb.Adm. | United States, New York |
Abbott, Civil Jury Trials | - | Abbott Civ.Jur.Tr. | United States |
Abbott, Criminal Trial Practice | - | Abbott Crim.Tr.Pr. | United States |
Abbott, Digest of the Law of Corporations | - | Abb.Dig.Corp. | United States |
Abbott, Forms of Pleading | - | Abb.F. | United States |
Abbott, Forms of Pleading, Supplement | - | Abb.F.Supp. | United States |
Abbott, Introduction to Practice under the Codes | - | Abb.Int. | United States |
Abbott, Law Dictionary 1879 | South Texas L.J. | Abb.Law Dict. ; Abbott | United States |
Abbott, Legal Remembrancer | - | Abb.Leg.Rem. | United States |
Abbott, Merchant Ships. 14th ed. | - | Abb.Sh. ; Abb.Ship. ; Abbott | United States |
Abbott, Monthly Index | - | Abb.Mo.Ind. | United States |
Abbott, National Digest | - | Abb.Nat.Dig. | United States |
Abbott, New York Digest | - | Abb.Dig. ; Abb.N.Y.Dig. | United States, New York |
Abbott, Pleading under the Code | - | Abb.Pl. | United States |
Abbott, Trial Evidence | - | Abb.Tr.Ev. | United States |
Abbott, Yearbook of Jurisprudence | - | Abb.Y.Bk. | United States |
Abdy & Walker, Gaius and Ulpian | Car.& M. | A.& W.Gai. ; Abdy & W.Gai. | Roman law |
Abdy & Walker, Justinian | - | A.& W.Just. ; Abdy & W.Just. | Roman law |
Abdy, Roman Civil Procedure | - | Abdy R.Pr. | Roman law |
Aberdeen Student Law Review | ASLR | A.S.L.R. | |
Abney, Reports of Cases | - | Abney, Reports | None |
Aboriginal Law Bulletin | ALB | A.L.B. ; Aborig LB | Australia |
Abstracts on Criminology and Penology | - | Abs.Crim.Pen. ; Abstr.Crim.& Pen. | United States |
Academe, Bulletin of the AAUP | - | Academe | United States |
Academy of Political Science Proceedings | - | Acad.Pol.Sci.Proc. ; Proc.APS | United States |
Accident Compensation Commission Reports | - | A.C.C.Report ; N.Z.A.C.R. | New Zealand |
Accident Compensation Journal | - | A.C.J.(Mad.Pr.) | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Accidents Claims Journal | - | ACJ | India |
Accioly, Tratado de Direito Internacional Publico | - | Accioly | International |
Accountancy | - | Accountancy ; Accty. | England & Wales |
Accountancy Ireland | - | Accountancy Irl. | Ireland |
Accountancy Law Reporter | Accountancy L.Rep. | - | United States |
Accountant Law Reports | - | Acct.L.Rep. | England & Wales |
Accountant's Record | - | Acct.Rec. | England & Wales |
Accounting and Business | - | A.& B. | England & Wales |
Accounting and Business Research | - | A.& B.R. | England & Wales |
Acordaos da Commissao Constitucional | - | A.C.C. | Portugal |
Acordaos do Tribunal Administrativo | - | ATA | Mozambique |
Acquisitions Monthly | - | Acquisitions M. | England & Wales |
Act Book of Whalley Ecclesiastical Court | - | Cooke | England & Wales |
Act Discrimination Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ACTDT | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Acta Academicae Universalis Jurisprudentiae Comparativae | - | Acta. | Germany |
Acta Baltica | - | Acta Balt. | Germany |
Acta Cancellariae (Monro) | - | Act.Can. ; Act.Can., Monro ; Monro A.C. | Roman law |
Acta Criminologica | - | Acta Crim. | Canada |
Acta Curiae Admiralatus Scotiae (Wade) | - | Act.Cur.Ad.Sc. | Scotland |
Acta Dominorum Concilii | - | A.D.C. ; ADC | Scotland |
Acta Facultatis Politico-Iuridicae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae | - | Acta Fac.Polit.-Iur.Univ.Sci.Budapestiensis | Hungary |
Acta Juridica | - | A.J. ; Acta Jur ; Acta Jur. ; Acta Juridica (RSA) | South Africa |
Acta Juridica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | - | Acta Jur.Acad.Sci.Hung. ; Acta Jur.Hung. ; Acta Juridica Acad.Sci.Hungaricae | Hungary |
Acta Juridica Hungarica | - | Acta Jur Hung | Hungary |
Acta Juridica et Politica Universitatis Szegediensis | - | Acta Juridica & Politica Univ.Szeged. | Hungary |
Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis | - | Acta Med.Leg.Soc. | Belgium |
Acta Politica | - | Acta Pol. | Netherlands |
Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Juridica | - | Acta U Carol Jur ; Acta U.Carol.Jur. | Czech Republic |
Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Juridica Monographia | - | Acta U.Carol.Jur.Mono. | Czech Republic |
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica | - | Acta Univ.Lodz. | Poland |
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis | - | Acta Univ.Wratislav. | Poland |
Actas Procesales del Derecho Vivo | - | Act.Proces.Derecho Vivo | Venezuela |
Action for Victims of Medical Accidents Medical and Legal Journal | LW | AVMA Journal ; AVMA M.&L.J. | England & Wales |
Acton's Prize Cases | Act. | Act.Pr.C. ; Acton | England & Wales |
Acts and Joint Resolutions of the State of Iowa | Iowa Acts | - | United States, Iowa |
Acts and Joint Resolutions, South Carolina | S.C.Acts | - | United States, South Carolina |
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum | Tulsa L.J. | Acts & Ords.Interreg. | England & Wales |
Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts | Mass.Acts | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Acts and Resolves of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | R.I.Acts | - | United States, Rhode Island |
Acts and Resolves of Vermont | Vt.Acts & Resolves | - | United States, Vermont |
Acts of Lawting Court | - | Act.Lawt.Ct. | Scotland |
Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland | - | Act.Ass. | Scotland |
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia | Va.Acts | - | United States, Virginia |
Acts of the Legislature of West Virginia | W.Va.Acts | - | United States, West Virginia |
Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes | - | Act.Ld.Aud.C. | Scotland |
Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes | - | Act.Ld.Co.C.C. | Scotland |
Acts of the Lords of Council in Public Affairs | - | Act.Ld.Co.Pub.Aff. | Scotland |
Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, 1124-1707 | - | A.P.S. | Scotland |
Acts of the Privy Council of England (ed. J.R. Dasent) | - | Act.P.C. ; APC | England & Wales |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series | - | Act.Pr.C.Col.S. | England & Wales |
Acts of the Privy Council, New Series | - | Act.P.C.N.S. | England & Wales |
Acts, Indiana | Ind.Acts | - | United States, Indiana |
Acts, Resolves and Constitutional Resolutions of the State of Maine | Me.Acts | - | United States, Maine |
Actualite Juridique: Droit Administratif | - | A.J.D.A. ; Act.jur.,D.A. | France |
Actualite Juridique: Propriete Immobiliere | - | Act.jur.,P.I. | France |
Actualite Legislative Dalloz | - | A.L.D. ; ALD | France |
Actualites du Droit | - | Act Dr ; Actual Dr. | Belgium |
Actuary | - | Actuary | England & Wales |
Adalet Dergisi | - | AD | Turkey |
Adam's Justiciary Reports | Adam | A. ; Ad.Jus. | Scotland |
Adams County Legal Journal | - | Adams L.J. ; Adams Leg.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Adams' Equity | - | Ad.Eq. ; Adams Eq. | None |
Adams' Reports (Maine) | - | Adams | United States, Maine |
Adams' Reports (New Hampshire) | - | Adams | United States, New Hampshire |
Addam's Ecclesiastical Reports | Add. | Ad. ; Add.E.R. ; Add.Ecc. ; Add.Eccl. ; Add.Eccl.Rep. ; Addams | England & Wales |
Addison's County Court Reports | - | Add.Pa. ; Add.Rep. ; Addis. ; Addison(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Addison's Philadelphia Supreme Court Reports | - | Add. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Addison, Contract. 11th ed | - | Ad.Con. ; Add.C. ; Add.Con. ; Add.Cont. | None |
Addison, Torts. 8th ed. | - | Add.T. ; Add.Tor. ; Add.Torts | None |
Adelaide Law Review | Adel L Rev | A.L.R. ; Adel L R ; Adel Law Rev ; Adel.L.R. ; Adel.L.Rev. ; Adel.Law Rev. ; Adelaide L.R. ; Adelaide L.Rev. ; Adelaide Law Rev. ; Adelaide LR ; ALR | Australia |
Adelphia Law Journal | - | Adelphia L.J. | United States |
Aden Law Reports | - | A.L.R. ; Aden L.R. | Yemen |
Admin Review, Administrative Review Council | Admin Rev | Admin Rev. | Australia |
Administracion de Andalucia | QBT | Adm.Andalucia | Spain |
Administratieve en rechterlijke beslissingen betrefende het openbaar bestuur in Nederland | - | A.R. ; A.R.B. ; AB | Netherlands |
Administration | - | Adm.(Dublin) ; Admin.(Ireland) ; Administration (IRE) | Ireland |
Administration Publique | - | A.P. ; Admin.pub. | Belgium |
Administration and Society | - | Admin.& Soc'y. | United States |
Administrative Appeal Tribunal of Australia [Neutral Citation] | AATA | - | Australia |
Administrative Appeals Reports | AAR | A.A.R. | Australia |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions | Admn | Admn. | Australia |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions & Reasons | AAT Decisions & Reasons | - | Australia |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Reports | AATR | - | Australia, Victoria |
Administrative Court Digest | A.C.D. | - | England & Wales |
Administrative Law Bulletin | - | Ad.L.Bull. | United States |
Administrative Law Decisions | ALD | A.L.D. | Australia |
Administrative Law Decisions, Second Series | - | A.L.D.2d | United States |
Administrative Law Journal | - | Admin.L.J. | Canada |
Administrative Law Journal of the American University | - | Admin.L.J.Am.U. | United States |
Administrative Law News | - | Ad.L.News | United States |
Administrative Law Newsletter | - | Ad.L.Newsl. | United States |
Administrative Law Notes | ALN | A.L.N. | Australia |
Administrative Law Reporter, Second Series (Pike & Fischer) | - | Ad.L.2d ; Ad.L.2d(P&F) ; Admin.L.2d (P&F) | United States |
Administrative Law Reports | - | A.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Administrative Law Reports (Canada) | - | Admin.L.R. ; R.J.D.A. | Canada |
Administrative Law Reports (UK) | - | Admin.L.R. | England & Wales |
Administrative Law Reports, Fourth Series (Canada) | - | Admin LR (4th) ; Admin.L.R.(4d) ; R.J.D.A.(4e) | Canada |
Administrative Law Reports, Second Series (Canada) | - | Admin.L.R.(2d) ; R.J.D.A.(2e) | Canada |
Administrative Law Reports, Third Series (Canada) | - | Admin.L.R.(3d) ; R.J.D.A.(3e) | Canada |
Administrative Law Review | Adm.L.Rev. | Ad.L.Rev. ; Admin.L.Rev. | United States |
Administrative Register of Kentucky | Ky.Admin.Reg. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Administrative Rules and Regulations of the Government of Guam | Guam Admin.R.& Regs. | - | Guam |
Administrative Rules of Montana | Mont.Admin.R. | - | United States, Montana |
Administrative Rules of South Dakota | S.D.Admin.R. | - | United States, South Dakota |
Administrative Science Quarterly | - | Admin.Sci.Q. | United States |
Administrative Tribunals Cases | - | ATC | India |
Adolphus & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports | A.& E. | Ad.& E. ; Ad.& El. ; Adol.& E. ; Adolph. & E. ; Q.B. ; QB | England & Wales |
Adolphus & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports, New Series | A.& E.(N.S.) | Ad.& El. N.S. ; Adol.& El.N.S. ; Q.B. ; QB | England & Wales |
Adoption and Fostering | - | Ad.& Fos. | England & Wales |
Advance California Appellate Reports | - | A.C.A ; ACA | United States, California |
Advance California Reports | - | AC | United States, California |
Advance Legislative Service to the General Statutes of North Carolina | N.C.Adv.Legis. | - | United States, North Carolina |
Advertising Law Anthology | - | Advert.L.Anth. | United States |
Advertising Law and Practice | - | Advertising L.& Prac. | England & Wales |
Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin | AMLB | A.M.L.B. | Australia |
Advertising and Marketing Law Letter | - | Ad.& Mar.L.L. | England & Wales |
Advertising and Marketing Law and Practice | - | Ad.&. Mar.L.& P. ; Advertising & Marketing L.& Prac. | England & Wales |
Adviser | - | Adviser | England & Wales |
Advising Business: Law & Practice | - | A.B.L.& P. | England & Wales |
Advocate (Cleveland, USA) | - | Adv. | United States, Ohio |
Advocate (Idaho, USA) | - | Advoc.(Boise) | United States, Idaho |
Advocate (Ife, Nigeria) | - | Adv. | Nigeria |
Advocate (London) | - | Adv. | England & Wales |
Advocate (Minneapolis, USA) | - | Adv. | United States, Minnesota |
Advocate (Toronto) | - | Advocate (Tor.) | Canada |
Advocatenblad | - | Advbl. | Netherlands |
Advokatbladet | - | Adv.Bl. | Denmark |
Adye, Courts-Martial. 8th ed. | - | Adye C.M. | None |
Aegean Review of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law | Aegean Rev Law Sea | Aegean. Rev. Law. Sea. | International |
Aegyptus | - | Aegyptus | Italy |
Afghan Judicial Reports | - | A.J.R. | Afghanistan |
Africa Today | - | Afr.Today | Africa |
Africa. Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell'Istituto Italo-Africano | - | Afr. | Italy |
African Affairs | - | Afr.Aff. | Africa |
African Development Review | - | Afr.Dev.Rev. ; Rev.Afr.Dev. | Africa |
African Human Rights Law Journal | AHRLJ | Africa | |
African Journal of International Law | - | A.J.I.L. ; Afr J Intl L ; Afr.J.Int.L. ; African J.Int.L. | International |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law | - | A.J.I.C.L. ; AFJICL ; Afr J Intl Comp L ; AJICL ; R.A.D.I.C. | Africa |
African Law Digest | - | Afr.L.Digest ; African L.D. | Africa |
African Law Reports, Commercial Series | ALR Comm | A.L.R.Comm. ; African L.R.Comm. | Africa |
African Law Reports, Malawi Series | - | A.L.R.Malawi ; African L.R.Mal. | Malawi |
African Law Reports, Sierra Leone Series | - | A.L.R.S.L. ; African L.R.S.L. ; L.R.S.L. | Sierra Leone |
African Law Studies | - | Afr.L.Stud. ; African L.S. | United States |
African Legal Studies | - | Afr.L.Stud. | Africa |
African Quarterly (New Delhi) | - | Afr.Q. | Africa |
African Studies Review | - | Afr.Stud.Rev. | Africa |
African Yearbook of International Law | - | Afr Yrbk Intl L ; AYIL | South Africa |
Afrika Spectrum | - | Afr.Spectrum | Africa |
Afrique Contemporaine | - | Afr.Contemp. | Africa |
Agnew, Patents. | - | Agn.Pat | None |
Agnew, Statute of Frauds. | - | Agn.Fr. | None |
Agra Full Bench Rulings | - | Agra F.B. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Agra High Court Reports | - | Agra ; Agra H.C. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Agrarecht | - | AgrarR | Germany |
Agricultural Law | - | Agri.Law | England & Wales |
Agriculture Decisions | Agric.Dec. | Agri.Dec. | United States |
Aichidaigaku Hokei Ronshu | - | Aichi | Japan |
Aiken's Alabama Digest | - | Aik.Dig. ; Aik.Stat. | United States, Alabama |
Aiken's Vermont Supreme Court Reports | Aik. | - | United States, Vermont |
Ailgarh Law Journal | - | Ailgarh L.J. | India |
Air Affairs | N.S.R.(Coch.) | Air Aff. | United States |
Air Force JAG Law Review | - | A.F.JAG L.Rev. | United States |
Air Force Law Review | A.F.L.Rev. | A.F.L.R. ; Air Force L.Rev. | United States |
Air Law (Netherlands) | - | Air L. | Netherlands |
Air Law (USA) | - | Air L. | United States |
Air Law Review | - | Air L.R. ; Air L.Rev. | United States |
Air and Space Law | Air & Space Law | A.& S.L. ; Air & Space L. | None |
Aird, Blackstone Economised. 2nd ed. | - | Aird Black. | None |
Aird, Civil Laws of France | - | Aird Civ.Law. | France |
Aitchison, A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads relating to India and Neighbouring Countries | - | Aitchison | India |
Aiyar, Company Cases | - | Aiyar ; Aiyar C.C. | India |
Aiyar, Leading Privy Council Cases | - | Aiyar L.P.C. | India |
Aiyar, Unreported Decisions | - | Aiyar Unrep.D. | India |
Ajmer-Merwara Law Journal | - | A.M.L.J. ; Ajmer-Merwara L.J. | India, Rajasthan |
Akron Law Review | Akron L.Rev. | - | United States |
Akron Tax Journal | - | Akron Tax J. | United States |
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis | - | AJP ; PJA | Switzerland |
Al-Kada Wa-I-Tashri | - | Al-Kada | Tunisia |
Al-Mabadi 'al-qada'iyah li-Mahkamat al-Isti'naf al-Shar'iyah fi al-Mamlakah al-Urduniyahat Hashimiyah | - | Al-Mabadi | Jordan |
Al-Maj-muah' al mufahrasah li-jefat al-mabadi, al-dusturiyah, al-idariyah | - | Majmuah | Libya |
Alabama Acts | Ala.Acts | - | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Administrative Code | Ala.Admin.Code | - | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Appellate Court Reports | Ala.App. | - | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Bar Bulletin | - | Ala.Bar Bull. ; Alabama Bar Bull. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Code | Ala.Code | Ala.C. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Law Journal | - | Ala.L.J. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Law Review | Ala.L.Rev. | Alabama L.Rev. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Lawyer | - | Ala.Law ; Ala.Lawyer ; Alabama Law. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Reports | Ala. | Ala.N.S. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Reports Annotated | - | Ala.(Ann.) | United States, Alabama |
Alabama State Bar Foundation Bulletin | - | Ala.St.Found.Bull. | United States, Alabama |
Alabama Supreme Court Reports | - | Ala. | United States, Alabama |
Alaska Administrative Code | Alaska Admin.Code | - | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Bar Brief | - | Alaska B.B. | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Code | - | Alaska Co. | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Federal Reports | Alaska Fed. | A.F.Rep. ; Alaska Fed.R. ; Alaska Fed.Rep. | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Law Journal | - | Alaska L.J. | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Law Review | Alaska L.Rev. | - | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Reports | Alaska | Alk. | United States, Alaska |
Alaska Session Laws | Alaska Sess.Laws | - | United States, Alaska |
Albany Law Journal | - | A.L.J. ; Alb.L.J. ; Alb.Law.J. | United States |
Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology | Alb.L.J.Sci.& Tech. | - | United States |
Albany Law Review | Alb.L.Rev. | Albany L.Rev. | United States |
Albany Law School Journal | - | Alb.L.S.Jour. | United States |
Albert Insurance Arbitration (Lord Cairns' Decisions) | Cairns' Dec. | Alb.Arb. | England & Wales |
Alberta Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | ABCA | - | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Court of Queen's Bench [Neutral Citation] | ABQB | - | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Decisions | - | Alta.Dec. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Judgments | - | A.J. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Labour Relations Board Reports | - | Alta.L.R.B.R. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Law Quarterly | Vic ACR | Alb.L.Q. ; Alberta L.Q. ; Alta.Q. | Canada |
Alberta Law Reports | Alta.L.R. | A.L.R. ; Alb.L.R. ; Alberta L. ; Alta LR ; Alta. ; Alta.L. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Law Reports, Second Series | Alta.L.R.(2d) | Alta LR (2d) | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Law Reports, Third Series | Alta.L.R.(3d) | Alta LR (3d) | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Law Review | Alta.L.Rev. | Alberta L.Rev. ; Alta.L.R. | Canada |
Alberta Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | ABPC | - | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Reports | - | A.R. ; AR | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Revised Statutes | - | Alta.Rev.Stat. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Securities Commission [Neutral Citation] | ABASC | - | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta Weekly Law Digest | - | A.W.L.D. | Canada, Alberta |
Alberta, Northwest Territories & Yukon Tax Reporter | A.N.W.T.&Y.Tax R. | - | Canada |
Alcock & Napier's King's Bench Reports | A.& N. | Al.& N. ; Al.& Nap. ; Alc.& N. ; Alc.& Nap. ; Alcock & N. | Ireland |
Alcock's Registration Cases | Alc.Reg. | Alc.Reg.C. ; Alc.Reg.Cas. | Ireland |
Alden's Condensed Reports | - | Ald. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Aldridge, History and Jurisdiction of the Courts of Law | - | Ald. | England & Wales |
Alexander's British Statutes in Force in Maryland | - | Alex.Br.Sta. | United States, Maryland |
Alexander's Reports | - | Alexander | United States, Mississippi |
Aleyn's Reports, King's Bench | Al. | Aleyn | England & Wales |
Algemene Practische Rechtsverzameling (Series title) | - | Alg.Pract.Rechtsverz. | Belgium |
Alison's Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland | - | Alis.Princ.Scot.Law | Scotland |
Alison, Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland | - | Al.Pr. | Scotland |
All Canada Weekly Summaries | A.C.W.S. | - | Canada |
All England Direct Law Reports (Digests) | All ER (D) | AER (D) | England & Wales |
All England Law Reports | All ER | A.E.L.R. ; A.E.R. ; All E.R. ; All Eng. | England & Wales |
All England Law Reports (Commercial Cases) | All ER (Comm) | All E.R.(Comm) ; All ER(Comm) | England & Wales |
All England Law Reports Annual Review | All ER Rev | All E.R.Rev. | England & Wales |
All England Law Reports European Cases | All ER (EC) | All E.R.(EC) | European Union |
All England Law Reports Reprint | All ER Rep | A.E.R.Rep. ; All E.R.Rep. | England & Wales |
All England Law Reports Reprint, Australian Extension Volumes | All ER Rep Ext | A.E.R.Rep.Ext. ; All E.R.Rep.Ext. | Australia |
All India Criminal Decisions | - | A.I.Cr.D. ; All Ind.Crim.Dec. ; All India Crim.Dec. | India |
All India Criminal Times | - | All Ind.Cr.T. | India |
All India Prevention of Food Adulteration Cases | - | A.I.P.F.A.Cas. | India |
All India Rent Control Journal | - | A.I.R.C.J. | India |
All India Reporter | AIR | A.I.R. ; All I.R. ; All Ind.Rep. ; All India Rptr. | India |
All India Reporter, Ajmer Series | - | A.I.R.Aj. ; Aj. | India, Rajasthan |
All India Reporter, Allahabad Series | A.I.R.All. | A. ; A.I.R.A. ; AIR All ; All. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Andhra Pradesh Series | A.I.R.A.P. | A.I.R.Andh.Pra. ; AIR AP ; Andh.Pra. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Andhra Series | - | A.I.R.And. ; A.I.R.Andh. ; And. ; Andh. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Assam Series | - | A.I.R.Asm. ; A.I.R.Assam. ; Asm. ; Assam | India, Assam |
All India Reporter, Bhopal Series | - | A.I.R.Bhop. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Bilaspur Series | - | A.I.R.Bilas. | India, Himachal Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Bombay Series | A.I.R.Bom. | A.I.R.B. ; AIR Bom | India, Maharashtra |
All India Reporter, Calcutta Series | A.I.R.Cal. | A.I.R.C. ; AIR Cal | India, West Bengal |
All India Reporter, Dacca Series | - | A.I.R.Dacca | Bangladesh |
All India Reporter, Delhi Series | A.I.R.Delhi | AIR Delhi | India, Delhi |
All India Reporter, East Punjab Series | - | A.I.R.East Punjab | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Federal Court Series | - | A.I.R.F.C. | India |
All India Reporter, Gujarat Series | A.I.R.Guj. | AIR Gujurat | India, Gujarat |
All India Reporter, Himachal Pradesh Series | A.I.R.H.P. | A.I.R.Him.Pra. | India, Himachal Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Hyderabad Series | - | A.I.R.Hy. ; A.I.R.Hyd. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Indian Digest | - | A.I.R.Ind.Dig. | India |
All India Reporter, Jammu and Kashmir Series | - | A.I.R.J&K. | India, Jammu and Kashmir |
All India Reporter, Journal | AIR Journal | A.I.R.(Journ.) ; A.I.R.Journal | India |
All India Reporter, Karnataka Series | A.I.R.Kant. | - | India, Karnataka |
All India Reporter, Kerala Series | A.I.R.Ker. | A.I.R.Kerala ; AIR Kerala | India, Kerala |
All India Reporter, Kutch Series | - | A.I.R.Kutch | India, Gujarat |
All India Reporter, Lahore Series | - | A.I.R.Lahore | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Madhya Bharat Series | - | A.I.R.M.B. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Madhya Pradesh | A.I.R.M.P. | A.I.R.Madh.Pra. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Madras Series | A.I.R.Mad. | A.I.R.M. ; AIR Mad | India, Tamil Nadu |
All India Reporter, Manipur Series | - | A.I.R.Manip. | India, Assam |
All India Reporter, Mysore Series | - | A.I.R.My. | India, Karnataka |
All India Reporter, Nagpur Series | - | A.I.R.N. ; A.I.R.Nag. | India, Maharashtra |
All India Reporter, New Series | - | All Ind.Rep.N.S. | India |
All India Reporter, Notes of Cases | AIR NOC | - | India |
All India Reporter, Orissa Series | A.I.R.Ori. | A.I.R.Oris. ; AIR Orissa | India, Orissa |
All India Reporter, Oudh Series | - | A.I.R.Oudh | India, Uttar Pradesh |
All India Reporter, Patiala and East Punjab States Union Series | - | A.I.R.Pep ; A.I.R.Pepsu. | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Patna Series | A.I.R.Pat. | A.I.R.P. | India, Bihar |
All India Reporter, Peshawar Series | - | A.I.R.Pesh. | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Privy Council | - | A.I.R.P.C. | India |
All India Reporter, Punjab & Haryana | A.I.R.P.& H. | AIR Punj & Har | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Punjab Series | - | A.I.R.Pun. | India, Punjab |
All India Reporter, Rajasthan Series | A.I.R.Raj. | A.I.R.R. ; AIR Raj | India, Rajasthan |
All India Reporter, Saurashtra Series | - | A.I.R.Sau. | India |
All India Reporter, Simla Series | - | A.I.R.Simla | India |
All India Reporter, Sind Series | - | A.I.R.Sind | Pakistan |
All India Reporter, Supreme Court | A.I.R.S.C. | AIR (SC) ; AIR SC ; AIR(SC) | India |
All India Reporter, Travancore-Cochin Series | - | A.I.R.T.C. | India, Kerala |
All India Reporter, Tripura Series | - | A.I.R.Trip. | India, Assam |
All India Reporter, Vindhya Pradesh Series | - | A.I.R.V.P. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
All India Services Law Journal | - | A.I.Serv.L.J. | India |
All Indian Criminal Reports | - | All I.C.R. ; All Ind.Cr.R. | India |
All Malaysia Reports | - | AMR | Malaysia |
All Nigeria Law Reports | - | All N.L.R. | Nigeria |
All South African Law Reports | All S.A. | A.S.A.R. ; All SA | South Africa |
All States Tax Guide | All St.Tax Guide | - | United States |
Allahabad Criminal Cases | - | A.C.C. ; A.Cr.C. ; ACC ; All.Cr.Cas. ; All.Crim.Cas. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Criminal Reports | - | A.Cr.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Journal | - | A.L.J. ; ALJ ; All.L.J.& Rep. ; Alla.L.J. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Reporter | - | All. L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Reports | - | ALR | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Review | - | All.L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Times | - | All.L.T. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Law Weekly | - | All.L.W. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Weekly Cases | - | All.W.C. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Weekly Notes | - | A.W.N. ; All.W.N. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad Weekly Reporter | - | A.W.R. ; All.W.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allahabad and Oudh Select Law Reports | - | All. & O. Se.L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Allam es Igazgatas | Poll. | Allam es Igazatas | Hungary |
Allam es Jogtudomany | - | AJ ; Allam es Jog | Hungary |
Allen & Overy Pensions and Employment Law Update | - | A.& O.P.& E.L.U. | England & Wales |
Allen's Massachusetts Reports | Allen | All. ; Mass.(Allen) | United States, Massachusetts |
Allen's New Brunswick Reports | - | All. ; All.N.B. ; Allen ; N.B.R.(All.) ; N.B.R.(All.) ; N.B.R.All. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Allen's Telegraph Cases | - | All.Tel.Cas. | United States |
Allen, Law in the Making. 7th ed. | - | Allen | England & Wales |
Alleyne, Legal Decrees of Marriage | - | All.L.D.of Mar. | England & Wales |
Allgemeine Immobilien-Zeitung | - | AIZ | Germany |
Allgemeines deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch | - | ADHGB | Germany |
Alliance Environmental Law News | - | A.E.L.N. | England & Wales |
Allied Irish Banks Review | - | A.I.B. Review | Ireland |
Allinson's Pennsylvania Superior and District Court Reports | - | Allin. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Allnat, Law of Partition | - | Alln.Part. | England & Wales |
Allwood's Appeal Cases under the Weights and Measures Act | M.& Gel. | Allwood | England & Wales |
Almond & Coleman, The Politics of Developing Areas | - | Almond-Coleman, Developing Areas | England & Wales |
Alsop Wilkinson EC Newsletter | - | A.W. EC News. | European Union |
Alternative Criminology Journal | ACJ | A.C.J. | Australia |
Alternative Law Journal | Alt LJ | Alternative LJ | Australia |
Alves, Dampier & Maxwell's British Guiana Reports | - | Alv., D.& M. ; Alves | Guyana |
Ambio | - | Ambio | None |
Ambler's Chancery Reports | Amb. | Ambl. ; Ambler | England & Wales |
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Journal | - | Am.Acad.Matri.Law.J. | United States |
American Annotated Cases | - | Am.Ann.Cas. ; Ann.Cas. | United States |
American Anthropologist | - | Amer.Anthrop. | United States |
American Association of University Professors Bulletin | - | Am.A.U.Prof.Bull. | United States |
American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review | - | Am.Bankr.Inst.L.Rev. | United States |
American Bankruptcy Law Journal | Am.Bankr.L.J. | - | United States |
American Bankruptcy Reports | - | A.B.R. ; A.B.Rep. ; Am.B'kc'y Rep. ; Am.B.R. ; Am.Bankr.R. ; Am.Bankr.Rep. | United States |
American Bankruptcy Reports, New Series | - | A.B.R.N.S ; Am.B.R.(N.S.) ; Am.Bankr.N.S. ; Am.Bankr.R.(N.S.) ; Am.Bankr.Rep.N.S. | United States |
American Bankruptcy Review | - | A.B.Rev. ; Am.Bank.Rev. ; Am.Bankr.Rev. | United States |
American Bar Association Antitrust Law Journal | - | ABA Antitrust L.J. | United States |
American Bar Association Comparative Law Bulletin | - | A.B.A.Comp.L.Bull. | Comparative Law |
American Bar Association Foundation Research Journal | Am.B.Found.Res.J. | - | United States |
American Bar Association Journal | A.B.A.J. | A.B.A.Jo. ; A.B.A.Jour. ; ABAJ ; Am.Bar Ass.J. ; Am.Bar Asso.Jour. | United States |
American Bar Association Reports | - | A.B.A.Rep. ; ABA Rep. ; Am.Bar Asso.Rep. | United States |
American Bar Foundation Research Journal | - | A.B.F.Res.J. ; Am.Bar Found.Res.J. | United States |
American Bar News | - | Am.Bar.N. | United States |
American Business Law Journal | - | Am.Bus.L.J. | United States |
American Chancery Digest | - | Am.Ch.Dig. | United States |
American Civil Law Journal | - | A.C.L.J. ; Am.C.L.J. ; Am.Civ.L.J. | United States |
American Consular Bulletin | - | Am.Consul.Bul. | United States |
American Corporation Cases (Withrow) | - | A.C.C. ; Am.Corp.Cas. | United States |
American Criminal Law Quarterly | - | Am.Crim.L.Q. | United States |
American Criminal Law Review | Am.Crim.L.Rev. | - | United States |
American Criminal Reports (Hawley) | - | A.C.R. ; Am.Cr.Rep. | United States |
American Criminal Trials | - | Am.Cr.Tr. | United States |
American Decisions | - | A.D. ; Am.Dec. | United States |
American Digest | - | Am.Dig. | United States |
American Digest (Century Edition) | - | Am.Cent.Dig. ; Am.Dig.Cent.Ed. ; Cent.Dig. | United States |
American Digest (Decennial Edition) | - | Am.Dig.Dec.Ed. ; Dec.Dig. | United States |
American Economic Review | - | Am.Ec.Rev. ; Am.Econ.Rev. ; Amer.Econ.Rev. | United States |
American Electrical Cases | - | A.E.C. ; Am.El.Cas. ; Am.Elec.Cas. ; Am.Elect.Cas. ; Am.Electl.Cas. ; Am.Electr.Cas. | United States |
American Federal Tax Reports | A.F.T.R. | AFTR ; Am.Fed.Tax R. ; Amer.Fed.Tax Rep. | United States |
American Federal Tax Reports, Second Series | A.F.T.R.2d | Am.Fed.Tax R.2d | United States |
American Historical Review | - | Am.Hist.Rev. | United States |
American Indian Law Review | Am.Indian L.Rev. | Am.Ind.L.R. ; Am.Ind.L.Rev. | United States |
American Insolvency Reports | - | A.Ins.R. ; Am.Ins.Rep. ; Am.Insolv.Rep. | United States |
American International Law Cases | AILC | - | International |
American Journal of Comparative Law | Am.J.Comp.L. | A.J.C.L. ; AJCL ; AJCompL ; Am J Comp L ; Amer.J.Comp.L. | Comparative Law |
American Journal of Criminal Law | Am.J.Crim.L. | Am.J.Crim.Law | United States |
American Journal of Family Law | - | Am.J.Fam.L. | United States |
American Journal of International Arbitration | Am.J.Int'l Arb. | - | United States |
American Journal of International Law | AJIL | A.J. ; A.J.I.L. ; Am J Intl L ; Am.J.Int'l.L. ; Am.J.Int.Law ; Amer.J.Int'l.L. ; Amer.Journ.Int.Law | International |
American Journal of Jurisprudence | Am.J.Juris. | Am.J.Jurispr. ; Am.J.Jurisprud. | United States |
American Journal of Law and Medicine | AJLM | Am.J.L.& Med. ; Am.J.Law & Med. | United States |
American Journal of Legal History | Am.J.Legal Hist. | Am.J.Leg.Hist. | United States |
American Journal of Philology | - | Am.J.Philol. | United States |
American Journal of Political Science | - | AJPS | United States |
American Journal of Politics | - | Am.Jour.Pol. | United States |
American Journal of Psychology | - | Am.J.Psych. | United States |
American Journal of Social Sciences | - | Am.J.Soc.Sci. | United States |
American Journal of Sociology | - | Am.J.Soc. | United States |
American Journal of Tax Policy | - | Am.J. Tax Pol'y | United States |
American Journal of Trial Advocacy | Am.J.Trial Advoc. | - | United States |
American Jurisprudence | Am Jur | Am.Jur. | United Kingdom |
American Jurisprudence Legal Forms Annotated | - | Am.J.Leg.Forms Anno. ; Am.Jur.Leg.Forms Anno. | United States |
American Jurisprudence Legal Forms, Second Series | - | Am.Jur.Legal Forms 2d | United States |
American Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms (Revised) | - | Am.Jur.Pl.& Pr.Forms (Rev.) | United States |
American Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms Annotated | - | Am.J.Pl.& Pr.Forms Anno. ; Am.Jur.Pl.& Pr.Forms Anno. | United States |
American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts | - | Am.J.Proof of Facts ; Am.Jur.POF | United States |
American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts Annotated | - | Am.Jur.Proof of Facts Anno. | United States |
American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts, Second Series | - | Am.Jur.POF2d | United States |
American Jurisprudence Trials | - | Am.J.Trials ; Am.Jur.Trials | United States |
American Jurist | - | A.J. ; Amer.Jur. | United States |
American Jurist & Law Magazine | - | Am.Jur. ; Am.Jurist | United States |
American Labor Arbitration Awards | - | A.L.A.A. | United States |
American Labor Arbitration Cases | - | Am.Lab.Arb.Cas. | United States |
American Labor Cases | - | A.L.C. ; A.L.R. ; Am.Lab.Cas. | United States |
American Labor Legislation Review | - | Am.Lab.Leg.Rev. ; Am.Labor Legis.Rev. | United States |
American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law | - | Am.L.Ins. ; Am.L.Inst. ; Am.Law.Inst. | United States |
American Law Journal | - | Am.Law.J. | United States |
American Law Journal (Ohio) | - | A.L.J. ; Am.L.J. ; Am.L.J.(O) | United States |
American Law Journal, New Series | - | A.L.J.N.S. ; Am.Law J.N.S. | United States |
American Law Magazine | - | A.L.M. ; Am.L.M. ; Am.Law Mag. | United States |
American Law Record | - | A.L.Rec. ; Am.L.Rec. ; Am.Law Rec. | United States |
American Law Register | - | A.L.R. ; A.L.Reg. ; A.L.Reg.(O.S.) ; Am.L.Reg. ; Am.L.Reg.(O.S.) ; Am.Law Reg. ; Am.Law.Reg.O.S. ; Amer.Law Reg.(O.S.) | United States |
American Law Register and Review | - | Am.L.Reg.& Rev. | United States |
American Law Register, New Series | - | A.L.R.N.S. ; A.L.Reg.(N.S.) ; Am.L.Reg.(N.S.) ; Am.Law Reg.N.S. ; Amer.Law Reg.(N.S.) | United States |
American Law Reporter | - | A.L.Rep. | United States |
American Law Reporter, Davenport | - | Am.L.Rep. | United States |
American Law Reports | ALR | A.L.R. | United States |
American Law Reports Annotated | - | A.L.R. | United States |
American Law Reports Annotated, Fifth Series | - | A.L.R.5th ; ALR 5th | United States |
American Law Reports Annotated, Fourth Series | - | A.L.R.4th ; ALR 4th | United States |
American Law Reports Annotated, Second Series | - | A.L.R.2d ; ALR 2d | United States |
American Law Reports Annotated, Third Series | - | A.L.R. 3d ; ALR 3d | United States |
American Law Reports, Federal | - | A.L.R.Fed. | United States |
American Law Review | - | A.L.Rev. ; Am.L.Rev. ; Am.Law Rev. ; Amer.Law Rev. | United States |
American Law School Review | - | Am.L.S.Rev. ; Am.Law S.Rev. | United States |
American Law Times (New York) | - | Am.L.T. | United States |
American Law Times (Washington) | - | A.L.T. ; Am.L.T. | United States |
American Law Times Reports | - | A.L.T.R. ; Am.L.T.R. ; Am.L.T.Rep. ; Am.Law T.Rep. | United States |
American Law Times Reports, New Series | - | Am.L.T.R.N.S. | United States |
American Law Times, Bankruptcy Reports | - | A.L.T.Bankr. ; Am.L.T.Bankr. ; Am.L.T.Bankr.Rep. | United States |
American Law and Economics Review | ALER | - | United States |
American Law of Veterans | - | Am.Vets. | United States |
American Lawyer | - | Am.Law. ; Am.Lawy. ; Amer.Law. ; Amer.Lawy. | United States |
American Leading Cases | - | A.L.C. ; Am.L.Cas. ; Am.Lead.Cas. ; Am.Lead.Cas.(H.&W.) | United States |
American Legal News | - | Am.Leg.N. | United States |
American Legal Notes | - | Am.Leg.N. | United States |
American Legislator | - | Am.Leg. | United States |
American Maritime Cases | AMC | A.M.C. ; Am.Mar.Cas. | United States |
American Monthly Review | - | Am.Mo.Rev. | United States |
American Negligence Cases | - | A.N.C. ; Am.Neg.Ca. ; Am.Neg.Cas. ; Am.Negl.Cas. | United States |
American Negligence Digest | - | Am.Neg.Dig. | United States |
American Negligence Reports | - | A.N.R. ; Am.Neg.Rep. ; Am.Negl.R. ; Am.Negl.Rep. | United States |
American Oriental Law Society Journal | - | Am.Oriental Soc'y J. | Asia |
American Oriental Society Journal | - | Am.Oriental Soc'y | United States |
American Patent Law Association Bulletin | - | Am.Pat.L.Assoc.Bull. ; APLA Bull. | United States |
American Patent Law Association Quarterly Journal | - | Am.Pat.L.Q.J. ; APLA Q. ; APLA Q.J. | United States |
American Philosophical Quarterly | - | Am.Phil.Q. | United States |
American Political Science Journal | - | Am.Pol.Sc.J. | United States |
American Political Science Review | - | A.P.S.R. ; Am.Pol.Sc.R. ; Am.Pol.Sc.Rev. ; Am.Pol.Sci.Rev. ; Am.Polit.Sci.Rev. | United States |
American Politics Quarterly | - | Am.Pol.Q. | United States |
American Practice | - | Am.Pr. | United States |
American Practice Reports | - | Am.Pr.Rep. | United States |
American Practice Reports, New Series | - | Am.Pr.Rep.N.S. | United States |
American Probate Reports | - | Am.Prob. ; Am.Prob.Rep. | United States |
American Probate Reports, New Series | - | Am.Prob.N.S. | United States |
American Quarterly Register | - | Am.Q.Reg. | United States |
American Quarterly Review | - | Am.Q.Rev. | United States |
American Railroad and Corporation Reports | Kan.U.C.C.Ann.(Vernon) | Am.R.R.& C.Rep. | United States |
American Railway Cases | - | A.R.C. ; Am.R.Cas. ; Am.R.R.Cas. ; Am.Rail.Cas. ; Am.Railw.Cas. ; Am.Ry.Cas. | United States |
American Railway Reports | - | A.R.R. ; Am.Rail.R. | United States |
American Reports | - | A.R. ; A.Rep. ; Am.R. ; Am.Rep. | United States |
American Review | - | Amer.Rev. | United States |
American Review of History and Politics | - | Am.Rev.of Hist.& Politics | United States |
American Review of International Arbitration | - | Am Rev Intl Arb ; Am.Rev.Int'l Arb. ; Am.Rev.Int'l Arbitration | International |
American Ruling Cases | - | A.R.C. | United States |
American Samoa Administrative Code | Am.Samoa Admin. Code | - | American Samoa |
American Samoa Code Annotated | Am.Samoa Code Ann. | - | American Samoa |
American Samoa High Court [Neutral Citation] | ASHC | - | American Samoa |
American Samoa Reports | Am.Samoa | - | American Samoa |
American Samoa Reports, Second Series | Am.Samoa 2d | - | American Samoa |
American Society for Legal History Newsletter | ASLH Newsletter | - | United States |
American Society of International Law Proceedings | ASIL PROC. | A.S.I.L.Proc. ; A.S.I.L.Procgs. ; A.S.Proceedings ; Am Soc Intl L Proc ; Am.Soc'y Int'l L.Proc. ; Am.Soc.Int.L.Proc. ; Am.Soc.Int.Law.Proceed. | International |
American Sociological Review | - | Am.Soc.Rev. ; Am.Sociolog.Rev. | United States |
American State Reports | - | Am.S.R. ; Am.St.R. ; Am.St.Rep. | United States |
American Stock Exchange Guide | - | Am.Stock Ex.Guide | United States |
American Street Railway Decisions | - | Am.St.R.D. ; Am.St.Ry.Dec. | United States |
American Street Railway Reports | - | Am.St.Ry.Rep. | United States |
American Themis | - | Am.Them. | United States |
American Trade Mark Cases (Cox) | - | Am.Trade Mark Cas. | United States |
American Trial Lawyers Association Journal | - | A.T.L.A.J. ; Am.Trial Law.L.J. | United States |
American University International Law Review | Am.U.Int'l L.Rev. | - | International |
American University Intramural Law Review | - | Am.U.Int.L.Rev. ; Am.U.Intra.L.Rev. | United States |
American University Journal of Gender and the Law | Am.U.J.Gender & L. | - | United States |
American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law | - | Am.U.J.Gender Soc.Pol'y & L. | United Kingdom |
American University Journal of International Law and Policy | Am.U.J.Int'l L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
American University Law Review | Am.U.L.Rev. | A.U.L.R. ; Am.U.L.R. ; Am.Univ.L.Rev. ; Amer.Univ.Law Rev. | United States |
American Whig Review | - | Am.Whig Rev. | United States |
American and English Annotated Cases | - | A.& E.A.C. ; A.& E.Ann.Cas. ; A.& E.Anno. ; A.& E.Cas. ; Am.& Eng.Ann.Cas. ; Ann.Cas. | United States |
American and English Corporation Cases | - | A.& E.Corp.Cas. ; Am.& E.Corp.Cas. ; Am.& Eng.Corp.Cas. | United States |
American and English Corporation Cases, New Series | - | A.& E.Corp.Cas.N.S. ; Am.& E.Corp.Cas.N.S. ; Am.& Eng.Corp.Cas.N.S. | United States |
American and English Decisions in Equity | - | Am.& E.Eq.D. ; Am.& Eng.Dec.Eq. ; Am.& Eng.Dec.in Eq. ; Am.& Eng.Eq.D. | United States |
American and English Encyclopedia of Law and Practice | - | A.& E.Enc. ; A.& E.Ency. ; A.& E.Ency.Law ; Am.& Eng.Enc.Law & Pr. ; Am.& Eng.Enc.Law. ; Am.& Eng.Ency.Law ; Amer.& Eng.Enc.Law | United States |
American and English Encyclopedia of Law and Practice, Supplement | - | Am.& Eng.Enc.Law Sup. | United States |
American and English Patent Cases | - | A.& E.Pat.Cas. ; Am.& Eng.Pat.Cas. | England & Wales |
American and English Pleading and Practice | - | A.& E.P.& P. | United States |
American and English Railroad Cases | - | A.& E.R.Cas. ; A.& E.R.R.C ; A.& E.R.R.Cas. ; Am.& E.R.Cas. ; Am.& E.Ry.Cas. ; Am.& Eng.R.Cas. ; Am.& Eng.R.R.Cas. | United States |
American and English Railroad Cases, New Series | - | A.& E.R.Cas.N.S. ; A.& E.R.R.Cas.N.S. ; Am.& E.R.Cas.N.S. ; Am.& Eng.R.Cas.N.S. ; Am.& Eng.Ry.Cas.N.S. | United States |
Amerman's Reports | - | Amer. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Ames' Cases on Bills and Notes | - | Ames Cas.B.& N. | United States |
Ames' Cases on Partnership | - | Ames Cas.Par. | United States |
Ames' Cases on Suretyship | - | Ames Cas.Sur. | United States |
Ames' Cases on Trusts | - | Ames Cas.Trusts | United States |
Ames' Reports | - | Ames | United States, Rhode Island |
Ames, Knowles & Bradley's Reports | - | Ames K.&B. | United States, Rhode Island |
Amex Bank Review | - | Amex B.R. | None |
Amicus Curiae | - | Amicus Curiae | None |
Amity International: Bulletin of the international Law Association of Thailand | - | Amity Int'l | Asia |
Amministrare | - | Amministrare | Italy |
Amministratore giudiziario | - | Amm.giud. | Italy |
Amministrazione Civile | - | Amm.civ. | Italy |
Amos & Ferrard on Fixtures | - | A.& F.Fix. ; Amos & F.Fixt. | None |
Amtliche Nachrichten der Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit | - | ANBA | Germany |
Amtliche Nachrichten des Reichsversicherungsamtes | - | ANRVA | Germany |
Amtliche Nachrichten fur Reichsversicherung | - | AN | Germany |
Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgesetz und Verordnungen | - | AS ; RO ; RU | Switzerland |
Amtliche Sammlung von Entscheidungen der Oberverwaltungsgerichte Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland | - | AS RP-SL | Germany |
Amtliche Sonderveroffentlichungen d. Deutschen Justiz | - | SonderveroffDJ | Germany |
Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt des Bundesausgleichsamtes | - | MtblBAA | Germany |
Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt des Hauptamtes fur Soforthilfe | - | MtblHfS | Germany |
Amtsblatt der Alliierten Hohen Kommision in Deutschland | - | ABlAHK | Germany |
Amtsblatt der Alliierten Kommandatura Berlin | - | ABlAllKdtrBln | Germany |
Amtsblatt der Deutschen Bundesbahn | - | ABlDB | Germany |
Amtsblatt der Europaischen Gemeinschaft fur Kohle und Stahl | - | ABlEGKS | European Union |
Amtsblatt der Europaischen Gemeinschaften | - | ABlEG | European Union |
Amtsblatt der Reichsfinanzverwaltung | Przegl.Zachodni | RFBl | Germany |
Amtsblatt des Bundesministers fur das Post- unfd Fernmeldewesen | - | ABlBMP | Germany |
Amtsblatt des Europaischen Patentamts | - | ABlEPA | European Union |
Amtsblatt des Kontrollrats in Deutschland | - | ABlKr | Germany |
Amtsblatt des Reichspostministeriums | - | ABlRPM | Germany |
Amtsblatt des Saarlandes | - | SaarABl. | Germany |
An-Nashrat al-kad'iyat al-Lubnaniya | - | An-Nashrat | Lebanon |
Analele Universitatii Bucuresti | - | An.Univ.Bucuresti ; Analele Univ.Bucuresti | Romania |
Anales Judiciales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | A.J. ; Anales Jud. | Peru |
Anales Judiciales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Segunda Edicion | - | A.J.(2e) | Peru |
Anales de Jurisprudencia | - | Anales Jur. | Mexico |
Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas | - | An.Real Acad.Cienc.Morales y Polit. | Spain |
Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu | - | An.Pravnog Fak.Beogradu ; Anal Prav Fak Beograd ; Anal.Prav.Fak.Beograd ; Anali Beograd | Yugoslavia |
Anderson's Agricultural Decisions | - | And. ; And.Ag.Dec. ; And.Agr.Dec. | Scotland |
Anderson's Common Pleas Reports | And. | Ander. ; Anders. ; Anderson ; Anderson, Reports | England & Wales |
Anderson's Uniform Commercial Code | - | Anderson UCC | United States |
Andhra Law Times | - | A.L.T. ; Andh.L.T. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
Andhra Pradesh Law Journal | - | A.P.L.J. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
Andhra Weekly Reporter | - | A.W.R. ; An.W.R. ; And.W.R. ; Andh.W.R. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
Andrew's Sexual Harassment Litigation Reporter | - | SHLR | United States |
Andrews & Stoney's Supreme Court of Judicature Acts | - | And.& Ston.J.A. | None |
Andrews' King's Bench Reports | Andr. | And. ; Andrews | England & Wales |
Andrews' Reports | - | And. | United States, Connecticut |
Andrews, Digest of the Opinions of the Attorneys-General | - | And.Dig. | None |
Angell & Durfee's Reports | - | Ang. ; Ang.& Dur. | United States, Rhode Island |
Anglo-American Law Review | Anglo-Am.L.R. | A.A.L.R. ; Anglo-Am.L.Rev. ; Anglo-Amer.L.Rev. | Common Law |
Anli Xuanbian | - | Anli Xuanbian | China |
Annalen des Sachsischen Oberlandesgerichts | - | Ann.Sachs.OLG | None |
Annales Londonienses (Stubbs) | - | Annales Lond. | England & Wales |
Annales Paulini (Stubbs) | - | Annales Paulini | England & Wales |
Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia (Luard) | - | Annals of Dunstable | England & Wales |
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska | - | Ann.Univ.Mariae-Curiae-Sklodowska | Poland |
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae, Sectio Juridica | - | Ann U Sci Budapest Jur ; Ann.U.Sci.Budapest Jur. ; Ann.Univ.Sci.Budaperstinensis ; Annales Budapest | Hungary |
Annales d'Etudes Internationales | - | Ann.d'Et.Int'l | International |
Annales d'Histoire des Facultes de Droit et de la Science Juridique | - | Ann Hist Fac Dr & Sci Jur ; Ann.Hist.Fac.Dr.& Sci.Jur. | France |
Annales d'Hygiene Publique et de Medicine Legale | - | Ann.Hyg.Publ.Med.Leg. | France |
Annales de Burton (Luard) | - | Annals of Burton | England & Wales |
Annales de Droit | - | Ann.Dr. | Belgium |
Annales de Droit Commercial | - | Ann.Dr.Com. | France |
Annales de Droit International Medical | - | Ann.de Droit Int'l Med. ; Annales Droit Int'l Medical | International |
Annales de Droit Luxembourgeois | - | Ann Dr Lux | Luxembourg |
Annales de Droit de Louvain, Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Belge | - | Ann Dr Louvain ; Ann.Dr.Louvain ; Ann.Louv. | Belgium |
Annales de Theokesberia (Luard) | - | Annals of Tewsbury | England & Wales |
Annales de l'Universite des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse | - | Ann U Sci Soc Toulouse ; Ann.U.Sci.Soc.Toulouse ; Ann.Univ.Sci.Soc.Toulouse | France |
Annales de la Faculte de Droit d'Aix-en-Provence | N.Z.J.Pub.Admin. | Ann.Fac.Aix. | France |
Annales de la Faculte de Droit d'Economie et de Sciences Sociales de Liege | - | Ann.Fac.Dr.Econ.Sci.Soc.Liege | Belgium |
Annales de la Faculte de Droit de Kinshasa | - | Ann.Fac.Dr.Kinshasa | Congo, Democratic Republic |
Annales de la Faculte de Droit de Liege | AAR | Ann.Fac.Droit Liege | Belgium |
Annales de la Faculte de Droit et de Science Politique (Universite de Clermont) | - | Ann.Fac.Dr.Sci.Polit. | France |
Annales de la propriete industrielle, artistique et litteraire | - | Ann.propr.industr. ; Annal.prop.ind. | France |
Annales des justices de paix | - | A.J.P. ; Ann.J.P. | France |
Annales des loyers et de la propriete commercial, rural et immobilere | - | Ann.loyers | France |
Annales parlementaires | - | Ann.parl. | Belgium |
Annali Facolta di economia e commercio dell'Universita di Palermo | - | Ann.fac.ec.Palermo | Italy |
Annali Facolta giuridica dell'Universita di Camerino | Annals | Ann.Camerino | Italy |
Annali Istituto di Studi Europei A.de Gasperi | - | Annali.I.S.E.-A.De Gasperi | Italy |
Annali Seminario Giuridico della Universita di Catania | - | Ann.sem.giur.Catania | Italy |
Annali Triestini | - | Ann.Triestini | Italy |
Annali Universita Messina | - | Ann.Messina | Italy |
Annali del Seminario Giuridico della Universita di Palermo | - | Ann.sem.giur. ; Ann.sem.giur.Palermo | Italy |
Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara | - | Ann.Ferrara | Italy |
Annali della Facolta Giuridica della Universita di Bari | - | Ann.Bari ; Ann.Bari. | Italy |
Annali della Facolta di Scienze Politiche (Universita di Cagliari) | - | Ann.Fac.Sci.Pol.Cagliari | Italy |
Annali della Facolta di giurisprudenza dell'Universita di Perugia | - | Ann.fac.giur.Perugia | Italy |
Annali della Facolta di scienze politiche dell'Universita Perugia | - | Ann.sc.pol.Perugia | Italy |
Annali della Facolta giuridica della Universita di Macerata | - | Ann.Macerata | Italy |
Annali di Giurisprudenza Italiana | - | Ann.Giur.Ital. | Italy |
Annali di Storia del Diritto | - | Ann.st.dir. | Italy |
Annali di diritto e procedura penale | - | Ann.dir.proc.pen. | Italy |
Annali di diritto internazionale | - | A.Di.I. ; Ann.dir.internaz. | Italy |
Annals of Air and Space Law | - | Ann Air & Space L ; Ann.Air & Space L. ; Ann.D.Aerien & Spatial ; Annals Air & Space L. ; Annals Air and Space | Canada |
Annals of Cleveland, Court Record Series | - | Ann.Cleve. | United States, Ohio |
Annals of Health Law | - | Annals Health L. | United States |
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | Annals Am.Acad.Pol.& Soc.Sci. | Ann.Am.Acad. ; Annals ; Annals AAPSS | United States |
Annals of the Chinese Society of International Law | - | Annals Chinese Soc'y Int L. | International |
Annee Africaine | - | Ann.Afr. | Africa |
Annee Politique Suisse | - | Ann.Polit.Suisse | Switzerland |
Annotated Code of Maryland | Md.Code.Ann. | - | United States, Maryland |
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957) | Md.Ann.Code | - | United States, Maryland |
Annotated Law Reporter | - | Ann.L.Rep. | India |
Annotated Laws of Massachusetts | Mass.Ann.Laws | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Annotated Legal Forms Magazine | - | Ann.Leg.Forms Mag. | None |
Annotated Tax Cases | A.T.C. | Ann.Tax Cas. | England & Wales |
Annuaire Europeen | - | A.E. ; Ann Europeen ; Ann. Europeen ; Ann.Europ. ; Annu.Eur. | International |
Annuaire Europeen d'Adminsitration Publique | - | Annu.Eur.d'Adm.Publ. | International |
Annuaire Francais de Droit International | - | A.F.D.I. ; Ann Fr Dr Intern ; Ann.Fr.Dr.Int. ; Ann.fr.dr.intern. ; Annuaire Francaise | France |
Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionelle | - | Annu.Int'l Just.Const. | International |
Annuaire Suisse de Science Politique = Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fur Politische Wissenschaft | - | ASSP | Switzerland |
Annuaire administratif et judiciaire de Belgique | - | An.ad. | Belgium |
Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Aerien | - | Ann.Droit Mar.& Aerien | France |
Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Aero-Spatial | - | Ann.Dr.Marit.& Aero-Spat. ; Annu.Dr.Marit.et Aero-Spatial | France |
Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Oceanique | - | Ann Dr Marit & Aero-Spat | France |
Annuaire de Legislation Francaise et Etrangere | - | Annu.Legis.Franc.et Etr. | France |
Annuaire de l'AAA | - | AAA ; Ann. A.A.A. | International |
Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord | - | Annu.de l'Afr.du Nord | Africa |
Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International (France) | - | AIDI ; Ann.de l'Inst.de Droit Int'l ; Ann.I.D.I. ; Annuaire ; Annuaire de l'Institut | France |
Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International (Switzerland) | - | Ann Inst Dr Intern ; Ann.Inst.Dr.Intern. | Switzerland |
Annuaire des Pays de l'Ocean Indien | - | Annu.des Pays de l'Ocean Indien | None |
Annuaire du Droit de la Mer | - | An Dr Mer | France |
Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases | A.D.I.L. | A.D. ; Ann.Dig. ; Annual Digest | International |
Annual Law Register of the United States | - | Ann.Law.Reg. | United States |
Annual Law Review | Ann Law Review | Ann.Law Rev. | Australia, Western Australia |
Annual Legal Bibliography | - | Ann.Leg.Bibliog. | United States |
Annual Practice | - | Ann.Pr. ; Ann.Prac. | England & Wales |
Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute | - | Fordham Corp.L.Inst.Ann.Proc. | United States |
Annual Review of Banking Law | Ann.Rev.Banking L. | - | United States |
Annual Review of Irish Law | A.R.I.L. | Ireland | |
Annual Review of Population Law | - | Ann.Rev.Population L. | United States |
Annual Review of United Nations Affairs | ARUNA | Annu.Rev.UN Aff. | International |
Annual Survey of African Law | - | A.S.A.L. | Africa |
Annual Survey of American Law | Ann.Surv.Am.L. | A.S.A.L. ; Annu.Surv.Amer.L. | United States |
Annual Survey of Australian Law | Annual Survey | A.S.A.L. ; Ann Surv of Aust Law ; Ann.Surv.Austl.L. ; Ann.Surv.of Aust.Law ; ASAL | Australia |
Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law | - | Ann.Surv.Bankr.L. | United States |
Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law | - | A.S.C.L. ; ASCL | Commonwealth |
Annual Survey of English Law | - | A.S.E.L. | England & Wales |
Annual Survey of Family Law | - | Ann.Surv.Fam.L. | United Kingdom |
Annual Survey of Indian Law | ASIL | A.S.I.L. ; Ann.Surv.Indian L. | India |
Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law | - | Ann.Surv.Int'l & Comp.L. | International |
Annual Survey of Law | Annual Survey | A.S.L. ; Ann Surv of Law ; Ann.Surv.of Law | Australia |
Annual Survey of Massachusetts Law | - | A.S.M.A. | United States, Massachusetts |
Annual Survey of South African Law | - | A.S.S.L. ; Annu.Surv.SA L. ; Annual Survey | South Africa |
Annual of Industrial Property Law | AIPL | A.I.P.L. ; Ann.Ind.Prop.L. | England & Wales |
Annuario di Statistiche Giudiziarie | - | Ann.stat.guid. | Italy |
Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi | - | Ann Dir Comp & Stud Legis ; Ann.dir.comp. ; Annu.Dir.Comp.e di Stud.Legis. ; Annuario Dir.Comp. | Italy |
Anson on Contracts | - | Ans.Con. ; Ans.Cont. ; Anson ; Anson.Con. | England & Wales |
Anstruther's Exchequer Reports | Anst. | Anstr. | England & Wales |
Anthon's New York Nisi Prius Reports | Ant.N.P.Cas. | Anth. ; Anthon N.P.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Anti-Discrimination Board Newsletter | ADB-INK Newsletter | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Antioch Law Journal | - | Antioch L.J. | United States |
Antitrust Bulletin | Antitrust Bull | Antitrust Bull. | United States |
Antitrust Law Journal | - | ALJ ; Antitrust L.J. | United States |
Antitrust Law Symposium | - | Antitrust L.Sym. | None |
Antitrust Law and Economic Review | - | Antitrust L.& Econ.Rev. | United States |
Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation Report | - | Antitrust L.& Trade Reg.Rep. | United States |
Anuario Argentino de Derecho Internacional | - | An Argentino Der Intern ; An.Argentino Der.Intern. ; Anu.Argentino Der.Internac. | Argentina |
Anuario Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional | - | An Hisp-Luso-Am ; An.Hisp.-Luso.-Am ; Anu.Hispano-Luso-Am.Der.Internac. | Spain |
Anuario Juridico Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Maxico (UNAM) | - | Anu.Jur. | Mexico |
Anuario Juridico Interamericano | - | An Jur Interam ; An.Jur.Interam. ; Anu.Jur.Interam. ; Anuario Jurid.Interam. | United States |
Anuario Mexicano de Historia del Derecho | - | An Mex Hist Der | Mexico |
Anuario Uruguayo de Derecho Internacional | - | AUDI | Uruguay |
Anuario de Derecho | - | An Der (Panama) ; An.Der.(Panama) | Panama |
Anuario de Derecho Civil | - | An Der Civ ; An.Der.Civ. | Spain |
Anuario de Derecho Civil Uruguayo | - | An Der Civ Uruguayo | Uruguay |
Anuario de Derecho Internacional. Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Navarra | - | An Der Intern ; An.Der.Intern. ; Anu.Der.Internac.(Navarra) | International |
Anuario de Derechos Humanos | - | An Der Hum ; An.Der.Hum. | Spain |
Anuario de Filosofia Juridica y Social | - | Anu.Filos.Jur.y Soc. | Argentina |
Anuario de Filosofia del Derecho | - | Anu.Filos.Der. | Spain |
Anwaltsblatt | - | AnwBl | Germany |
Anyasa Yargisi | - | AY | Turkey |
Anzilotti, Corso di Diritto Internazionale. 3rd ed. | - | Anzilotti,Corso | Italy |
Apollinaris: Commentarius Instituti Utriusque Iuris | MAC | Apollinaris | Holy See (Vatican) |
Apospasma Syndromon Illustrium et Solmnium Relationum Decisionum Camerae Imperialis | - | Thilmann | Germany |
Appeal Cases, District of Columbia | App.D.C. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
Appeal Commissioners Decisions | App. C.D. | Ireland | |
Appeal Court Reports (Balasingham) | - | A.C.R. | Sri Lanka |
Appeal Court Reports (De Witt and Weeresinghe) | - | De Witt | Sri Lanka |
Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform | - | Appeal | Canada |
Appeals from Fisheries Commission | - | App.Fish.Comm. | Ireland |
Appellate Division Reports | - | A.D. ; App.Div. | South Africa |
Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives | - | AJHR | New Zealand |
Appendix to the Journals of the Legislative Council | ACLC | New Zealand | |
Appleton's Maine Reports | - | App. ; Appleton ; Me.(Appleton) | United States, Maine |
Applied Computer & Communications Law | - | App.Comp.& Comm.L. | United Kingdom |
Arab Law Quarterly | ALQ | A.L.Q. ; Arab L.Q. ; Arab LQ | Arab |
Arabica, Revue d'Etudes Arabes | - | Arabica | Arab |
Aranzadi Jurisprudencia | - | A.J. ; RAJ | Spain |
Aranzadi Legislacion | - | A.L. | Spain |
Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht | - | AuA | Germany |
Arbeitsrecht im Betrieb | - | AIB | Germany |
Arbeitsrecht in Stichworten | - | ARST | Germany |
Arbeitsrecht-Blattei | - | AR-Blattei | Germany |
Arbeitsrechtliche Praxis | - | AP | Germany |
Arbeitsrechts-Sammlung | - | ArbRSamml. | Germany |
Arbeitsschutz | - | ArbSch | Germany |
Arbejdsrettens Domme | - | Arb Dom | Denmark |
Arbets-domstolens Domar | - | AD | Sweden |
Arbitrale Rechtspraak | - | A.R. | Netherlands |
Arbitration | Arb. ; Arbitration ; J.C.I.Arb. | International | |
Arbitration Court Judgments | - | A.C.J. | New Zealand |
Arbitration International | - | Arb Intl ; Arb.Int'l ; Arbitration Int. | International |
Arbitration Journal (UK) | Connoly | Arb.J. | England & Wales |
Arbitration Journal (USA) | R.P. | Arb.J. ; Arb.J.(O.S.) | United States |
Arbitration Journal, New Series | - | Ar.J. ; Arb.J.(N.S.) | United States |
Arbitration Law Monthly | - | Arb.L.M. | England & Wales |
Arbitration Law Reports and Review | ArbLR | United Kingdom | |
Arbitration Law: A Quarterly Digest of Court Decisions | - | Arb.L.Dig. | United States |
Arbitration Quarterly | - | Arb.Q. | India |
Arbitration and ADR Review | - | A. and ADR Rev. | Ireland |
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal | ADRLJ | A.D.R.L.J. | England & Wales |
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Newsletter | - | A.D.R.L.N. | None |
Arbitration, Practice & Procedure Law Reports | APP.L.R. | ||
Arbitrator | Arbitration | Arbitrator | Australia |
Arbuthnot's Select Criminal Cases | - | Arbuth. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Archbold -applied to numerous titles in criminal law by J.F.Archbold | - | Arch.Cr.L. | England & Wales |
Archbold News | Pitts.L.J. | Arch. News | England & Wales |
Archbold Review | Arch. Rev. | England & Wales | |
Archbold on Bankruptcy. 11th ed. | - | Arch.Bank. | England & Wales |
Archbold's Practice in Common Pleas | - | Arch.C.P. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Civil Pleading and Evidence. 2nd ed. | - | Arch.Civ.Pl. ; Archb.Civ.Pl. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Forms in the King's Bench and Common Pleas. 3rd ed. | - | Arch.K.B.Forms | England & Wales |
Archbold, Indictments with Forms | - | Arch.Forms | England & Wales |
Archbold, King's Bench Practice. 14th ed. | - | Arch.K.B.Pr. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Law of Landlord and Tenant. 3rd ed. | - | Arch.L.&T. ; Archb.Landl.& Ten. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Law of Nisi Prius. 2nd ed. | - | Arch.N.P. ; Archb.N.P. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Law of Partnership. 2nd ed. | - | Arch.Part. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Lunacy Laws. 5th ed. | - | Arch.Lun. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Municipal Corporations Act. | - | Arch.Mun.Corp. | England & Wales |
Archbold, New Practice, Pleading and Evidence in the Courts of Common Law at Westminster. 2nd ed. | - | Archb.N.Pr. ; Archb.New.Pr. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases | - | Arch.Cr. ; Arch.Cr.Pl. ; Arch.Cr.Prac. ; Archb.Cr.Law ; Archb.Cr.Prac. ; Archb.Crim.Pl. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Pleas of the Crown | - | Arch.P.C. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Poor Law. 16th ed. | - | Arch.P.L. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Practice by Chitty | - | Arch.P.Ch. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Practice in Quarter Sessions. 6th ed. | - | Arch.Pr.Q.S. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Practice in the King's Bench. 14th ed. | - | Arch.P.K.B. ; Archb.Pr.K.B. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Practice of the Court of Common Pleas | - | Arch.P.C.P. | England & Wales |
Archbold, Summary of the Laws of England | - | Arch.Sum. | England & Wales |
Archeion Idiotikou Dikaiou | - | Arch.Idiotikou Dikaiou | Greece |
Archeion Nomologias | - | ArchN | Greece |
Archer & Hogue's Reports | - | Archer & H. ; Archer & Hogue | United States, Florida |
Archer's Reports | J.Bankr.L.& Prac. | Archer | United States, Florida |
Archibald, Country Solicitor's Practice in the Queen's Bench | - | Arch.C.S.Pr. | England & Wales |
Archibald, Practice of Judges in Chambers. 2nd ed. | - | Arch.J.Cr.Pr. | England & Wales |
Architects' Law Reports | Arch.L.R. | Architects' L.R. | England & Wales |
Archiv des Offentlichen Rechts | - | AoR ; ArchOffR ; ArchOR | Germany |
Archiv des Volkerrechts | - | A.d.V. ; Arch VR ; Arch.Volkerrechts ; ArchVR ; AVR | Germany |
Archiv for retsvidenskaben og dens anvendelse | - | AfR | Denmark |
Archiv fur Burgerliches Recht | - | ArchBurgR | Germany |
Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen | - | ArchEisenbW | Germany |
Archiv fur Entscheidungen dur Obersten Gerichte | - | Seuffert | Germany |
Archiv fur Evangelishes Kirchenrecht | - | KirchArch | Germany |
Archiv fur Judenrecht | - | AfJ | Germany |
Archiv fur Kommunalwissenschaften | - | AfK | Germany |
Archiv fur Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik | - | ArchKrimAnthr | Germany |
Archiv fur Kriminologie | - | Arch.f.Krim. | Germany |
Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete | - | Arch.Papyrusforschung | Germany |
Archiv fur Post und Telegraphie | - | ArchPostTel | Germany |
Archiv fur Post und Telekommunikation | - | Arch.PT | Germany |
Archiv fur Presserecht | - | AfP | Germany |
Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie | ARSP | Arch.R.-und Sozialph. ; ArchRSozPhil | Germany |
Archiv fur Rechts und Wirtschaftsphilosophie | - | Arch.R.-und Wirtschafsph. | Germany |
Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik | Am.Law Mag. | Arch.Sozialw.und Sozialpol. | Germany |
Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaften und Sozialphilosophie | - | Arch.Sozialw.und Sozialph. | Germany |
Archiv fur Strafrecht | - | GoltdA | Germany |
Archiv fur Verwaltungsrecht | - | ArchVwR | Germany |
Archiv fur Zivilistische Praxis | - | ArchZivPr | Germany |
Archiv fur das Post- und Fernmeldewesen | - | ArchPF | Germany |
Archiv fur die civilistische Praxis | - | ACP ; Arch.civ.Pr. ; Arch.Civ.Prax. ; AZP | Germany |
Archiv fur katholisches Kirchenrecht | - | AfkKR | Germany |
Archives Europeennes de Sociologie | - | Arch.Europ.Sociol. | None |
Archives d'Histoire du Droit | - | Arch.d.Hist.du Droit | None |
Archives d'Histoire du Droit Oriental | - | Arch.d'Hist.du Droit Orient. ; Arch.Hist.Dr.Oriental | Belgium |
Archives de Philosophie du Droit | - | A.P.D. ; Arch Phil Dr ; Arch.de Phil.du Droit ; Arch.de Philos.du Droit ; Arch.Phil.Dr. | France |
Archives de Philosophie du Droit et de Sociologie Juridique | Pol.Theory | Arch.de Phil.et Soc.Jur. ; Archives | France |
Archivio "Vittorio Scialoia" | - | Arch."V.Scialoia" | Italy |
Archivio Civile | - | Arch.civ. | Italy |
Archivio Giuridico | - | Arch.G. ; Arch.giur. | Italy |
Archivio della responsabilita civile | - | Arch.rep.civ. | Italy |
Archivio di diritto ecclesiastico | - | Arch.dir.eccles. | Italy |
Archivio di diritto pubblico | - | Arch.dir.pubbl. | Italy |
Archivio di medicina mutualistica | - | Arch.med.mutual. | Italy |
Archivio di ricerche giuridiche | - | Arch.ric.giur. | Italy |
Archivio finanziario | - | Arch.fin. | Italy |
Archivio giuridico 'F.Serafini' | - | A.G. ; Arch Giur Serafini | Italy |
Archivio giuridico della circolazione e dei sinistri stradali | - | Arch.giur.circolaz. | Italy |
Archivio penale | - | Arch.pen. | Italy |
Archivio storico italiano | - | Arch.stor.ital. | Italy |
Archivio storico lombardo | - | Arch.stor.lomb. | Italy |
Archivio storico per le provincie napoletane | - | Arch.stor.nap. | Italy |
Archivio storico siciliano | - | Arch.stor.sicil. | Italy |
Archivio studi corporativi | - | Arch.stud.corporat. | Italy |
Archivio veneto | - | Arch.ven. | Italy |
Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviense | - | Arch.Iur.Cracoviense | Comparative Law |
Argumentation | Arg. ; ARGU | ||
Argus Law Reports | ALR | A.L.R. ; A.R. ; Ar.Rep. ; Arg LR ; Arg Rep ; Arg.L.R. ; Arg.Rep. ; Argus L.R. ; Argus LR | Australia, Victoria |
Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) | ALR (CN) | A.L.R.(C.N.) ; Argus L.R.(C.N.) ; Argus LR (CN) | Australia, Victoria |
Argus Reports | - | AR ; Argus (Newspr.) (Vic.) | Australia, Victoria |
Arhiv za Pravne i Drustvene Nauke | - | Arh Prav Drust Nauk ; Arh.Prav.Drust.Nauk. ; Arh.Prav.Drust.Nauke | Yugoslavia |
Arizona Administrative Code | Ariz.Admin.Code | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Administrative Register | Ariz.Admin.Reg. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Appeals Reports | Ariz.App. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Attorney | - | Ariz.Att'y | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Bar Journal | - | Ariz.B.J. | United States, Alabama |
Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law | - | Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.L. | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Law Review | Ariz.L.Rev. | Arizona L.Rev. ; Az.L. ; Az.L.R. | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Legislative Service (West) | Ariz.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Reports | Ariz. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Revised Statutes | Ariz.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated | Ariz.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona Session Laws | Ariz.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Arizona |
Arizona State Law Journal | Ariz.St.L.J. | Arizona St.L.J. | United States, Arizona |
Arkansas Advance Legislative Service (Michie) | Ark.Adv.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Appellate Reports | Ark.App. | - | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Code Annotated | Ark.Code Ann. | - | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Law Journal | - | Ark.L.J. | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Law Notes | - | Ark.L.Notes | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Law Review | Ark.L.Rev. | Arkansas L.Rev. | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Register | Ark.Reg. | - | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Reports | Ark. | Ak. | United States, Arkansas |
Arkansas Statutes Annotated | - | Ark.Stat.Ann. | United States, Arkansas |
Arkiv for Luftrett | - | Archiv f.Luftrett | Norway |
Arkiv for Sjoerett | - | Arkiv f.Sjorett | Norway |
Arkley's Justiciary Reports | Arkley | Ark. ; Ark.Just. ; Arkl. | Scotland |
Armenopoulos Miniaia Nomiki Epitheorisis | - | Arm. ; Armenopoulos | Greece |
Arms Control | - | Arms Control | International |
Arms Control Today | - | Arms Control Today | International |
Armstrong's Breach of Privilege Cases | - | Arms.Br.P.Cas. | United States, New York |
Armstrong's Contested Election Cases | - | Arms.Con.El. ; Arms.Con.Elec. ; Arms.Elect.Cas. ; Armstrong | United States, New York |
Armstrong's Limerick Trials | - | Arms.Tr. | Ireland |
Armstrong, Macartney & Ogle, Nisi Prius Reports | Arm.M.& O. | A.M.&O. ; Arm.& O. ; Arm.Mac.& Og. ; Arms.M.& O. ; Arms.Mac.& O. ; Armstrong M.& O. | Ireland |
Army Lawyer | Army Law. | Army Lawy. | United States |
Arnold & Hodges' Practice Cases, Queen's Bench | A.& H. | Arn.& H. ; Arn.& H.B.C. ; Arn.& Hod. ; Arn.& Hod.B.C. ; Arn.& Hod.P.C. ; Arn.& Hod.Pr.Cas. ; Arnold & H. | England & Wales |
Arnold's Common Pleas Reports | Arn. | Arnold | England & Wales |
Arnold's Election Cases | - | Arn.El.Cas. | None |
Arnold, Municipal Corporations. 7th ed. | - | Arn.Mun.Car. | None |
Arnold, Public Meetings and Political Societies | - | Arn.Pub.M. | None |
Arnot's Criminal Trials | Arnot Cr.C. | Arn. | Scotland |
Arnould, Marine Insurance | - | Arn. ; Arn.Ins. | None |
Arquivos do Ministerio da Justica | - | Arq.Minist.da Just. | Brazil |
Arrets Celebres et Memorables du Parlement de Paris | - | Le Vest | France |
Arrets Notables | - | Papon | France |
Arrets Notables des Differents Tribunaux du Royaume | - | Augeard | France |
Arrets Notables du Parlement de Toulouse | - | Cambolas ; Flavin ; Juin | France |
Arrets Notables du Parlement de Toulouse (Cotelan) | - | Cotelan | France |
Arrets de la Cour Decisifs de Diverses Questions | - | Bouguier | France |
Arrets de la Cour Prononcez en Robbes Rouge | - | de Montholon | France |
Arrets du Nouveau-Brunswick | - | A.N.-B. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Arrets et avis du Conseil d'Etat | - | A.A.C.E. | Belgium |
Ars Aequi: Juridisch Studentenblad | - | A.Ae. ; AA ; Ars Aequi | Netherlands |
Art & the Law | - | Art & L. | United States |
Art Antiquity and Law | - | A.A.& L. | None |
Articled Clerk | - | Artic.Cl. | England & Wales |
Articled Clerk and Debater | - | Artic.Cl.Deb. | England & Wales |
Articled Clerks' Journal and Examiner | - | Artic.Cl.J.Exam. | England & Wales |
Artificial Intelligence and Law | - | A.I.& L. ; Artif.Intellig.& L. | United States |
Arts and Entertainment Law Review | A&ELR | - | Australia |
Arundell, Mines and Mining Companies | - | Arun.Mines | None |
Arztrecht | - | ArztR | Germany |
Ashburner, Principles of Equity. 2nd ed. | - | Ashb. | England & Wales |
Ashe's Tables to the Year Books, Coke's Reports or Dyer's Reports | - | Ashe | England & Wales |
Ashmead's Pennsylvania Reports | - | Ash. ; Ashm. ; Ashm.(Pa.) ; Ashmead. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Ashton's Entries | - | Ast.Ent. | England & Wales |
Ashton's Opinions of the United States Attorney's General | ICSID Rev | Ashton | United States |
Ashurst's Manuscript Reports | - | Ashurst | England & Wales |
Ashurst's Paper Books | - | Ashurst | England & Wales |
Asia Business Law Review | - | A.B.L.R. ; AsiaBLR | Asia |
Asia Insurance Review | - | A.I.R. | None |
Asia Intellectual Property Reports | - | AIPR | Asia |
Asia Law | - | A.L. | Asia |
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law | APJEL | A.P.J.E.L. | Asia |
Asia Pacific Law Review | - | A.P.L.R. ; APLR ; Asia Pac L Rev | Asia |
Asia Quarterly | - | Asia Q. | Asia |
Asia-Pacific Constitutional Yearbook | APCY | Asia-Pac.Const.Y.B. | Asia |
Asia-Pacific Construction Law Reports | APCLR | - | Asia |
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law | - | A.P.J.H.R.L. | Asia |
Asia-Pacific Lawyers' Association Journal | APLA Journal | - | International |
Asiamoney | - | Asiamoney | Asia |
Asian Commercial Law Review | - | A.C.L.R. ; A.C.L.Rev. | Asia |
Asian International Arbitration Journal | - | A.I.A.J. | None |
Asian Journal of Comparative Law | ASJCL | A.J.C.L. | Asia |
Asian Journal of International Law | AsianJIL | A.J.I. Law | International |
Asian Journal of Law and Society | AsianJLS | Asia | |
Asian Pacific Commercial Lawyer | APCL | A.P.C.L. | Pacific |
Asian Pacific Law and Tax Review | APLTR | A.P.L.T.R. | Pacific |
Asian Pacific Review of Computers, Technology and Law | APRCTL | A.P.R.C.T.L. | Asia |
Asian Survey | - | Asian Surv. | Asia |
Asian Thought & Society | - | Asian Thought & Soc. | Asia |
Asian Yearbook of International Law | - | Asian Yrbk Intl L ; AsYIL | International |
Asian and African Studies | - | Asian & Afr.Stud. | Asia |
Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin | - | A.P.Tax & Invest.Bull. ; Asia-Pac Tax & Invest Bull ; Asian-Pac.Tax & Invest.Bull. | Singapore |
Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika | - | Asien.Afr.Lateinam. | None |
Asien. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur | - | Asien | Asia |
Aspinall's Maritime Cases | Asp.Mar.Law Cas. | Asp. ; Asp.Cas. ; Asp.M.C. ; Asp.M.C.L. ; Asp.M.L.C. ; Asp.Mar.L.Cas. ; Asp.Rep. ; Aspin. ; Mar.L.C.N.S. ; Mar.L.R. | England & Wales |
Assam Law Reports | - | A.L.R. | India, Assam |
Asset Finance International | - | A.F.I. | None |
Assicurazioni: Rivista di Diritto, Economia e Finanza delle Assicurazioni Private | - | Assicurazioni | Italy |
Assizes at Cambridge | - | Palmer | England & Wales |
Association Suisse de Droit Aerien et Spatial | - | ASDA ; SVLR | Switzerland |
Association for the Study of Abortion Newsletter | - | A.S.A.Newsl. | United States |
Association of Banking Teachers Bulletin | - | A.B.T.Bull. | None |
Association of Lloyd's Members Briefing | - | A.L.M.Brief | None |
Association of Lloyd's Members News | - | A.L.M.News | None |
Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers Quarterly Bulletin | A.R.D.L. Bull ; A.R.D.L. Q. Bull. ; A.R.D.L. Quart. Bull. | England & Wales | |
Assuntos Europeus | - | Ass.Eur. | Portugal |
Assurances: Revue Trimestriel Consacree a l'Etude Theorique et Pratique de l'Assurance au Canada | - | Ass. ; Assurances | Canada |
Astin Bulletin | - | Astin Bull. | None |
Asyl. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Asylrechtund Praxis | - | Asyl | Switzerland |
Atcheson, Election Cases | - | Atch.E.C. | None |
Atchison, Navigation and Trade Reports | - | Atch. | None |
Ateneo Law Journal | - | Ateneo L.J. ; Ateneo LJ | Philippines |
Atherley, Marriage Settlements | - | Ath.Mar.Set. | None |
Atkinson, Law of Solicitors' Liens | - | Atkinson | England & Wales |
Atkinson, Sheriffs. 6th ed. | - | Atk.Sher. | None |
Atkyn's Parliamentary Tracts | - | Atk.P.T. | None |
Atkyns' Chancery Reports | Atk. | Atkyns | England & Wales |
Atlantic Community Quarterly | - | ACQ | United States |
Atlantic Monthly | - | Atl.Mo. ; Atlan. | United States |
Atlantic Provinces Reports | - | A.P.R. ; APR | Canada |
Atlantic Reporter | A. | A.R. ; A.Rep. ; At. ; Atl. ; Atl.R. | United States |
Atlantic Reporter, Second Series | A.2d | Atl.2d | United States |
Atomic Energy Commission Reports | A.E.C. | - | United States |
Atomic Energy Law Journal | Atom.Energy L.J. | Atomic Energy L.J. | United States |
Atomic Energy Law Reporter | - | Atom.En.L.Rep. | United States |
Attenborough, The Laws of the Earliest English Kings | - | Attenborough | England & Wales |
Attorney General's Opinions | - | A.G.O. ; Atty.Gen.Op. | United States |
Attorney General's Opinions, New York | - | Atty.Gen.Op.N.Y. | United States, New York |
Attorney-General's Information Service | AGIS | A.G.I.S. | Australia |
Attorney-General's Newsletter | A-G Newsletter | A-G Newsl. | Australia, Victoria |
Attualita amministrativa | - | Att.amm. | Italy |
Atwater's Reports | - | Atw. | United States, Minnesota |
Auchinleck's Manuscript Cases | Am.Econ.Rev. | Auch. | Scotland |
Auckland University Law Review | Auckland U L Rev | A.U.L.R. ; Auck.U.L.Rev. ; Auckland U.L.Rev. ; Auckland Univ.L.Rev. ; AULR | New Zealand |
Auction Register & Law Chronicle | - | Auct.Reg& L.Chron. | United States |
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | - | Aus.Pol.& Zeitgesch. | Germany |
Auslands und Internationaler Teil | - | AiT | Germany |
Aussenpolitik | - | Aussenpol. | Germany |
Aussenwirtschaft | - | Aussenwirt. ; Aussenwirtschaft | Switzerland |
Austin's County Court Cases | Aust. | Austin C.C. | England & Wales |
Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Abridged | - | Aust.Jur.Abr. | England & Wales |
Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence. 3rd ed. | - | Aust.Jur. ; Austin, Lectures | England & Wales |
Austin. Appeal Reports, Kandy | Z.L.R. | Aus.Rep. ; Aust. ; Aust.(Ceylon) ; Aust.K.A. ; Austin | Sri Lanka |
Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal | - | AGLIJ ; Australasian Gay & Lesbian L.J. ; Australasian Gay & Lesbian LJ | Australia |
Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy | - | Aus.J.Psych.Phil. | Australia |
Australasian Law Students' Association Journal | - | ALSA Journal ; ALSAJ | Australia |
Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference Proceedings | ALTA Conference Proceedings | - | Australia |
Australasian Law Times | - | ALT | Australia |
Australasian Tax Decisions | ATD | A.T.D. | Australia |
Australasian Tax Reports | ATR | A.T.R. | Australia |
Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Report | - | A.C.V. | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian Accountant | Aust Accountant | Aust. Accountant ; Aust.Acc. | Australia |
Australian Administrative Law Bulletin | AALB | A.A.L.B. ; A.A.L.Bull. ; AAL Bull ; ADL Bull ; ADL Bull. | Australia |
Australian Argus Law Reports | ALR | A.A.L.R. ; A.L.R. ; AALR ; Austl.Argus L.R. | Australia |
Australian Argus Law Reports Current Notes | - | A.L.R.(C.N.) | Australia |
Australian Associated Stock Exchanges Official Listing Requirements | AASE Listing Requirements | - | Australia |
Australian Banking Law Bulletin | ABB | BLB | Australia |
Australian Bankruptcy Bulletin | - | A.B.B. ; ABB | Australia |
Australian Bankruptcy Cases | ABC | A.B.C. ; Aust Bankr Cas ; Aust.Bankr.Cas. ; Austl.Bankr.Cas. ; Austr.B.C. | Australia |
Australian Bar Gazette | Aust Bar Gaz | Aust.Bar Gaz. | Australia |
Australian Bar Review | Aust Bar Rev | ABR ; Aust.Bar Rev. ; Austl.B.Rev. | Australia |
Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Fortnightly Newsletter | - | ABTEE | Australia |
Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Manual | ABT Manual | - | Australia |
Australian Business | - | AB | Australia |
Australian Business Law Manual | - | ABUS | Australia |
Australian Business Law Review | ABLR | A Bus L Rev ; A.B.L.R. ; A.Bus.L.Rev. ; Aust Bus L Rev ; Aust Bus Rev ; Aust.Bus.L.Rev. ; Aust.Bus.Rev. ; Austl.Bus.L.Rev. | Australia |
Australian Business Lawyer | Aust Bus Lawyer | A Bus L ; Aust.Bus.Lawyer | Australia |
Australian Business Monthly | - | ABM | Australia |
Australian Business and Estate Planning Reporter | AEB | - | Australia |
Australian Capital Territory Administrative Appeals Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ACTAAT | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | ACTCA | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Law Society Gazette | - | ACTLS Gazette | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Law Society Newsletter | - | ACT Law Soc Newsletter ; ACTLS Newsletter | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Reports | ACTR | A.C.T.R. | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Residential Tenancies Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ACTRTT | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | ACTSC | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Australian Case Citator | ACC | - | Australia |
Australian Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England | AC Hals | HALC | Australia |
Australian Commercial Journal | - | Austl.Com.J. | Australia |
Australian Companies Legislation | - | A.C.L. | Australia |
Australian Companies and Securities Legislation | - | A.C.L. ; ACL | Australia |
Australian Company Law Cases | ACLC | A.C.C. ; A.C.L.C. ; Aust Comp Law Cases ; Aust.Comp.Law Cases ; C.C.H.C.L.C. ; C.L.C. ; CCH CLC ; CLC | Australia |
Australian Company Law Reports | ACLR | A.C.L.R. | Australia |
Australian Company Law and Practice | - | ACP | Australia |
Australian Company Secretary's Letter | - | A.C.S.L. ; ACSL | Australia |
Australian Competition Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ACompT | - | Australia |
Australian Construction Industry Law Letter | ACILL | A.C.I.L.L | Australia |
Australian Construction Law Bulletin | ACLB | - | Australia |
Australian Construction Law Newsletter | ACLN | - | Australia |
Australian Construction Law Reporter | ACLR | A.C.L.R. | Australia |
Australian Consumer Credit Law Guide | - | ACCG | Australia |
Australian Consumer Credit Reports | ACCR | - | Australia |
Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Cases | - | ACSCC ; ASC | Australia |
Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter | ASC | A.S.C. | Australia |
Australian Contract Law Reporter | ACON ; ACR ; Aust Contract Reports | Australia | |
Australian Contract Reports | Fam.L. | Australia | |
Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors Journal | AC & SJ | A.C.&S.J. ; Aust Conv ; Aust.Conv.Sol.J. | Australia |
Australian Copyright Council Bulletin | ACCB | A.C.C.B. ; Aust Copyright ; Aust Copyright Bulletin ; Aust Copyright Cncl Bull ; Aust.Copyright Cncl.Bull. | Australia |
Australian Copyright Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ACopyT | - | Australia |
Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter | - | A.C.A. | Australia |
Australian Corporate Lawyer | - | Aust Corp Law | Australia |
Australian Corporate Practice Manual | - | ACPM | Australia |
Australian Corporation Law Bulletin | ACLB | - | Australia |
Australian Corporation Law Pending Legislation | - | PENDC | Australia |
Australian Corporation Practice | - | ACP | Australia |
Australian Corporations and Securities Legislation | - | ACL | Australia |
Australian Corporations and Securities Reports | ACSR | - | Australia |
Australian Crime Prevention Council Quarterly Journal | ACPCQJ | - | Australia |
Australian Criminal Reports | ACR | A Crim R ; A.C.R. ; A.Crim.R. | Australia |
Australian Current Law | ACL | A.C.L. | Australia |
Australian Current Law Articles | ACL AT | AT | Australia |
Australian Current Law Bulletin | ACL Bull | - | Australia |
Australian Current Law Digest | ACLD | A.C.L.D. ; ACL DT | Australia |
Australian Current Law Legislation | - | ACL Leg | Australia |
Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation | - | ACL | Australia |
Australian Current Law Review | ACL Rev | A.C.L.R. ; A.C.L.R.Rev. ; A.C.L.Rev. ; ACLR ; Aust CL Rev ; Aust.C.L.Rev. | Australia |
Australian Customs Law and Practice | - | ACUS | Australia |
Australian Customs Notice | CAN | - | Australia |
Australian De Facto Relationships Law | - | ADR ; DFC | Australia |
Australian Defamation Reports | A Def R | ADR | Australia |
Australian Defence Forces Discipline Appeal Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ADFDAT | - | Australia |
Australian Designs Office [Neutral Citation] | ADO | - | Australia |
Australian Digest | AD | A.D. ; Aust. Digest | Australia |
Australian Digest Bulletin | ADB | - | Australia |
Australian Director | - | Aust.Director | Australia |
Australian Dispute Resolution Journal | ADRJ | - | Australia |
Australian Employment Law Guide | - | AEM | Australia |
Australian Employment Legislation | - | AEL | Australia |
Australian Environment Review | - | AER ; Aust ER | Australia |
Australian Environmental Law News | AELN | - | Australia |
Australian Estate and Gift Duty Reporter | - | A.E.G. ; A.E.G.R. ; AEG ; AEGR | Australia |
Australian Family Law Bulletin | AFLB | A.F.L.B. | Australia |
Australian Family Law Cases | - | AFLC ; F.L.C. | Australia |
Australian Family Law Guide | - | AFAM | Australia |
Australian Family Law and Practice | PFA | A.F.L. ; AFL ; FLC | Australia |
Australian Family Lawyer | - | A.F.L. ; AFL | Australia |
Australian Federal Administrative Law Reporter | - | Admn | Australia |
Australian Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | AFPDT | - | Australia |
Australian Federal Tax Reporter | - | A.F.T. ; AFT ; AFTR ; FTR | Australia |
Australian Feminist Law Journal | - | A Fem LJ ; AFLJ ; Austl.Feminist L.J. | Australia |
Australian Finance Availability Guide | - | AFIN | Australia |
Australian Financial Review | AfR | A.F.R. | Australia |
Australian Foreign Affairs Record | AFAR | A.F.A.R. | Australia |
Australian Fringe Benefits Tax Guide for Employers | L.G.L.Rep. | AFB | Australia |
Australian Health Law Bulletin | HLB | - | Australia |
Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter | - | AHMLR | Australia |
Australian High Court and Federal Court Practice | AHF | A.H.F. ; A.P.R. ; Aust HC & Fed Ct Prac | Australia |
Australian Immigration Law | - | IMM | Australia |
Australian Income Tax Guide | - | A.T.G. ; ATG | Australia |
Australian Income Tax Law and Practice | - | A.I.T.L&P. | Australia |
Australian Income Tax Legislation | - | ATL | Australia |
Australian Income Tax Rulings | - | ATRU | Australia |
Australian Indigenous Law Reporter | AILR | Australia | |
Australian Indigenous Law Review | AILR | Australia | |
Australian Industrial Digest | AID | - | Australia |
Australian Industrial Law Reports | AILR | - | Australia |
Australian Industrial Law Review | AILR | A.I.L.R. ; Aust Ind LR ; Aust.Ind.L.R. | Australia |
Australian Industrial Relations Commission [Neutral Citation] | AIRComm | - | Australia |
Australian Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Cases | AISHWC | - | Australia |
Australian Industrial and Intellectual Property | - | ALEC | Australia |
Australian Insolvency Bulletin | AIB | - | Australia |
Australian Insolvency Management Practice | - | AITG | Australia |
Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum | - | AIAL ; AIALF | Australia |
Australian Institute of Administrative Law Newsletter | - | AIALFN | Australia |
Australian Institute of Criminology Seminar Proceedings | AIC Seminar Proceedings | - | Australia |
Australian Insurance Institute Journal | - | A.I.I.J. | Australia |
Australian Insurance Law Bulletin | ILB | - | Australia |
Australian Intellectual Property Cases | AIPC | - | Australia |
Australian Intellectual Property Journal | AIPJ | - | Australia |
Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin | AIPLB | IPLB | Australia |
Australian International Law Journal | Aust ILJ | - | Australia |
Australian International Law News | AILN | A.I.L.N. ; Austl.Int'l L.News | Australia |
Australian International Tax Agreements | - | AIX | Australia |
Australian Investment Planning Guide | - | AVST | Australia |
Australian Journal of Administrative Law | AJ Admin L | - | Australia |
Australian Journal of Asian Law | - | Austl J Asia L | Asia |
Australian Journal of Corporate Law | Aust Jnl of Corp Law | Aust JCL ; Austl.J.Corp.L. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Environmental Management | AJEM | - | Australia |
Australian Journal of Family Law | AJFL | A.J.F.L. ; Austl.J.Fam.L. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | AJFS | A.J.F.S. ; Aust J For Sci ; Aust Jnl of Forensic Sciences ; Aust.J.For.Sci. ; Aust.Jnl.of Forensic Sciences ; Austl.J.For.Sci. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Human Rights | AJHR | - | Australia |
Australian Journal of International Affairs | - | Aust.J.Int'l Aff. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Labour Law | AJLL | A.J.L.L. ; Austl.J.Lab.L. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Law and Society | - | A.J.L.S. ; AJ of Law & Society ; Aust J of L & Soc ; Aust.J.L.& Soc. ; Aust.J.of Law & Society ; Austl.J.L.& Soc'y | Australia |
Australian Journal of Legal History | Aust J Leg Hist | - | Australia |
Australian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy | AJNRLP | - | Australia |
Australian Journal of Politics and History | - | AJPH | Australia |
Australian Journal of Public Administration | AJPA | A.J.P.A. ; Aust.J.Pub.Admin. | Australia |
Australian Journal of Social Issues | - | AJ of Social Issues ; Aust Jnl of Social Issues ; Aust.Jnl.of Social Issues | Australia |
Australian Jurist | - | Aust Jur ; Aust.Jur. ; Austr.Jur. | Australia |
Australian Jurist Reports | AJR | A.J.R. ; A.Jur.Rep. ; Aust Jur ; Aust.Jur. ; Aust.Jur.R. ; Aust.Jur.Rep. ; Austl.Jur.R. ; Austr.Jur. | Australia |
Australian Jurist Reports (Notes of Cases) | AJR (NC) | A.J.R.(N.C.) | Australia |
Australian Labour Law Reporter | - | A.L.L. ; ALLR | Australia |
Australian Law Journal | ALJ | A.L.J. ; Aust LJ ; Aust.L.J. ; Austl LJ ; Austl.L.J. ; Austr.L.J. | Australia |
Australian Law Journal Reports | ALJR | A.L.J.R. ; Aust.L.J.R. ; Austl.L.J.Rep. | Australia |
Australian Law Librarian | ALL | Aust LL | Australia |
Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter | ALLG Newsletter | A.L.L.G.Newsl. | Australia |
Australian Law News | ALN | Aust Law News ; Aust LN ; Aust. Law News ; Aust.L.N. ; Aust.Law News | Australia |
Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Papers | ALRC Discussion Papers | - | Australia |
Australian Law Reporter | - | AL Rep | Australia |
Australian Law Reports | ALR | A.L.R. | Australia |
Australian Law Times | ALT | A.L.T. ; Aust LT ; Aust LT (Vic) ; Aust.L.T. ; Austr.L.T. | Australia, Victoria |
Australian Lawyer | Australian Lawyer | Aust Law ; Aust Lawyer ; Aust. Lawyer ; Aust.Law. ; Aust.Lawyer | Australia |
Australian Leave and Holiday Practice Manual | - | ALVE | Australia |
Australian Legal Information Institute | AustLII | Aust LII | Australia |
Australian Legal Monthly Digest | A.L.M.D. | ALMD | Australia |
Australian Legal Practice | - | Aust LP | Australia |
Australian Legal Profession Digest | - | ALPD | Australia |
Australian Legal Words and Phrases | - | AWP | Australia |
Australian Legal Workers Group Newsletter | ALWG Newsletter | ALWG Newsl. | Australia, New South Wales |
Australian Local Government Planning and Environment Digest | - | ALGPED | Australia |
Australian Media Law Reporter | MLR | AMLR | Australia |
Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Bulletin | - | A.M.P.L.A.Bull. ; AMPLA Bulletin | Australia |
Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association Yearbook | AMPLA Yearbook | AMPLY | Australia |
Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal | AMPLJ | A.M.& P.L.J. ; A.M.P.L.A.J. ; AMPLA Journal ; Aust.Mining & Petroleum L.J. | Australia |
Australian Official Journal of Patents | AOJP | - | Australia |
Australian Official Journal of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs | AOJP | A.O.J.P. ; A.O.J.P.T.M.D. ; AOJPTMD ; Austral Off J Pat ; Austral.Off.J.Pat. | Australia |
Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks | AOJTM | - | Australia |
Australian Patents Office [Neutral Citation] | APO | - | Australia |
Australian Pay-roll Tax Manual | - | APY | Australia |
Australian Personnel Management | - | A.P.M. ; APM | Australia |
Australian Planning Appeal Decisions | APA | A.P.A. ; A.P.A.D. ; APAD | Australia |
Australian Police Journal | APJ | A Pol J ; A.Pol.J. ; Aust Pol J ; Aust.Pol.J. | Australia |
Australian Product Liability Reporter | APLR | - | Australia |
Australian Property Law Bulletin | APLB | - | Australia |
Australian Property Law Journal | APLJ | Austl.Prop.L.J. | Australia |
Australian Public Affairs Information Service | APAIS | A.P.I.A.S. | Australia |
Australian Quarterly | AQ | A.Q. ; Aus.Quart. ; Aust.Q. ; Aust.Quart. | Australia |
Australian Sales Tax Cases | ASTC | - | Australia |
Australian Sales Tax Guide | - | A.T.X. ; AXT | Australia |
Australian Securities Law Cases | ASLC | - | Australia |
Australian Securities Law Reporter | - | A.S.R. | Australia |
Australian Sentencing Digest | - | ASD | Australia |
Australian Sentencing Judgments Bulletin | ASJB | - | Australia |
Australian Social Security Cases | ASSC | - | Australia |
Australian Social Security Guide | - | ASS | Australia |
Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Bulletin | - | A.S.L.P.Bull. ; ASLP Bull | Australia |
Australian Society of Legal Philosophy Proceedings | ASLP Proceedings | A.S.L.P.Proc. | Australia |
Australian Stamp Duties | - | ASTM | Australia |
Australian State Family Law Legislation | - | ASFL | Australia |
Australian Stock Exchange Ltd Official Listing Rules | ASX Listing Rules | - | Australia |
Australian Succession and Trusts Law Reports | - | ||
Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin | SLB | - | Australia |
Australian Superannuation Practice | - | A.S.P. | Australia |
Australian Superannuation and Employment Benefits Guide | - | ASP | Australia |
Australian Takeovers Panel [Neutral Citation] | ATP | - | Australia |
Australian Tax Cases | ATC | A.T.C. | Australia |
Australian Tax Decisions | ATD | A.T.D. ; Aust.Tax D. ; Austl.Tax ; Austr.Tax.D. | Australia |
Australian Tax Forum | ATF | A.T.F. ; Austl.Tax F. | Australia |
Australian Tax Monitor | - | A.T.M. ; ATM | Australia |
Australian Tax Office Practice | - | ATOP | Australia |
Australian Tax Office Rulings & Guidelines | ATO Rulings & Guidelines | - | Australia |
Australian Tax Planning Report | - | A.P.X. | Australia |
Australian Tax Review | AT Rev | A.T.Rev. ; Aust Tax Rev ; Aust.Tax Rev. ; Austl.Tax.Rev. ; Austr.Tax R. | Australia |
Australian Torts News | - | ATN | Australia |
Australian Torts Reports | Aust Torts Reports | A. Torts Rep. ; A.T.R. ; ATOR ; Aust.Torts Rep. | Australia |
Australian Trade Marks Office [Neutral Citation] | ATMO | - | Australia |
Australian Trade Practices Reporter Cases and Decisions Digest | ATPR (Digest) | - | Australia |
Australian Trade Practices Reporter Commission Decisions | ATPR (Com) | - | Australia |
Australian Trade Practices Reports | ATPR | A.T.P. ; A.T.P.R. | Australia |
Australian Treaties National Interest Analysis [Neutral Citation] | ATNIA | - | Australia |
Australian Treaties Not Yet in Force [Neutral Citation] | ATNIF | - | Australia |
Australian Treaty Series | ATS | A.T.S. | Australia |
Australian Workers Compensation Case Digests | - | AWCCD | Australia |
Australian Workers Compensation Guide | - | AWK | Australia |
Australian Workers Compensation Review | AWCR | - | Australia |
Australian Yearbook of International Law | Aust YBIL | A.Y.B.I.L. ; Aust Yr Bk IL ; Aust.Yr.Bk.I.L. ; Austl Yrbk Intl L ; Austl.Y.B.Int'l.L. ; Austl.Yrbk.Int.L. ; Austr.Yb.Int'l L. ; Australian YIL ; AYBIL | Australia |
Australian and New Zealand Citator to UK Reports | - | CIT | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of England | - | ANZC Hals | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing Reports | ANZ ConvR | A & NZCR ; A.C.R. ; ACR | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Equal Opportunity Law and Practice | - | A & NZEOC ; AEOP ; EOC | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Income Tax Reports | AITR | A.I.T.R. | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases | ANZ Insurance Cases | ; | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Insurance Reporter | - | AIN ; ANZ Ins Cas | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology | ANZJ Crim | A.& N.Z.J.of Criminology ; ANZJ of Crim ; ANZJC ; Aust & NZJ Crim ; Aust NZJ Criminol ; Aust.& N.Z.J.Crim. ; Aust.& N.Z.J.Criminol. ; Aust.Crim.& N.Z.J. ; Aust.N.Z.J.Criminol. ; Austl.& N.Z.J.Criminology | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Legal Speeches | ANZLAS | ANZ Legal Speeches | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin | TPLB | - | Australia and New Zealand |
Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices Law Bulletin | TPLB | AMLB | Australia and New Zealand |
Austrian Journal of Public International Law | - | AJPIL ; Osterreich.Zschft.Offentl.& Volkerrecht ; OZoRV | Austria |
Austrian Review of International and European Law | - | ARIEL | International |
Auswartiger Dienst | - | Ausw.D. | Germany |
Automobile Cases | - | Auto.Cas. | United States |
Automobile Cases, Second Series | - | Auto.Cas.2d | United States |
Automobile Insurance Cases | - | Auto.Ins.Cas. | United States |
Automobile Law Reporter | - | Auto.L.Rep. | United States |
Automobile Negligence Cases | - | Auto.Neg.Cas. | United States |
Autonomies | - | Autonomies | Spain |
Aviation & Space Law Reports | ASLR | - | Australia |
Aviation Cases | Av.Cas. | - | United States |
Aviation Insurance Report | - | Aviation I.R. | None |
Aviation Law Association Papers of Australia | ALAA Papers | - | Australia |
Aviation Law Reporter | - | Av.L.Rep. | United States |
Axiom | - | Axiom | None |
Ayliffe, Calendar of Ancient Charters | - | Ayl.Char. | England & Wales |
Ayliffe, Pandect of the Roman Civil Law | - | Ayl.Pand. ; Ayliffe | Roman law |
Ayliffe, Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani | - | Ayl.Par. ; Ayliffe | Roman law |
Ayr & Wigton's Registration Cases | J.Leg.Educ. | Ayr & Wig. | Scotland |
Ayr's Registration Cases | - | Ayr | Scotland |
Azione ospedaliera | - | Az.ospedal. | Italy |
Azuni, Maritime Law | - | Az.Mar.Law ; Azuni Mar.Law | None |
B.Monroe's Kentucky Reports | B.Mon. | Ky.(B.Mon.) ; Mon. ; Mon.B. ; Monroe, B. | United States, Kentucky |
BILETA Newsletter | - | BILETA News. | United Kingdom |
BIO-Science Law Review | - | B.S.L.R. | None |
BRAK-Mitteilungen | - | BRAK-Mitt | Germany |
BYU Journal of Public Law | - | B.Y.U.J.Pub.L. | United States |
Back Office Focus | - | B.O.F. | None |
Backes' New Jersey Equity Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Backes) | United States, New Jersey |
Bacon & Woodrow Analysis | - | B.& W.A. | None |
Bacon & Woodrow Primer | - | B.& W.P. | None |
Bacon's Chancery Reports | Bac.Rep. | Bac.Chanc. ; Ritch. | England & Wales |
Bacon, Case of Treason | Bac.Ca. | - | England & Wales |
Baden-Wurttembergische Verwaltungsblatt | - | BaWuVBl | Germany |
Baden-Wurttembergische Verwaltungspraxis | - | BWVP | Germany |
Bahamas Law Reports | - | B.L.R. ; Bah.L.R. | Bahamas |
Bahamas Law Reports, New Series | - | B.L.R.(N.S.) | Bahamas |
Baildon's Select Cases in Chancery | Baild. | Baildon Chan. | England & Wales |
Baildon's Select Civil Pleas | - | Baildon Civ. | England & Wales |
Bailey's South Carolina Equity Reports | Bail.Eq. | Bai.Eq. ; Bail.Eq.(S.C.) ; Bailey ; Bailey Ch. ; Bailey Eq. ; S.C.Eq.(Bail.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Bailey's South Carolina Law Reports | Bail. | Bai. ; Bail.L. ; Bail.L.(S.C.) ; Bailey ; S.C.L.(Bail.) | United States, South Carolina |
Baker & MacKenzie Employee Benefits Law | - | B.& M.E.B.L. | None |
Baker & MacKenzie Employment Law | - | B.& M.E.L. | None |
Baker & McKenzie Pensions Law | - | B.& M.P.L. | None |
Baker & McKenzie Pensions Law and Employee Benefits | Malayan Cas. | B.& M.P.L.& E.B. | None |
Balance Sheet | - | B.S. | United Kingdom |
Balasingham's Notes of Cases | - | Bal.Notes ; Balas. ; Balas.N.C. | Sri Lanka |
Balasingham's Reports of Cases | - | Bal.Rep. ; Balas. ; Balas.R.C. ; Balasingham Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Baldwin's Official Edition, Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated | Ky.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Baldwin's Official Edition, Kentucky Revised Statutes and Rules Service | Ky.Rev.Stat.& R.Serv. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Baldwin's Ohio Legislative Service | Ohio Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Ohio |
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code Annotated | Ohio Rev.Code Ann. (Banks-Baldwin) | - | United States, Ohio |
Baldwin's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Bald. ; Bald.C.C. ; Baldw. | United States |
Balfour's Practiks | - | Balf.Prac. | Scotland |
Ball & Beatty's Reports | B.& B. | Ba.& B. ; Ba.& Be. ; Ball & B. | Ireland |
Ballentine's Law Dictionary | - | Ballentine ; Ballentine's Law Dict. | United States |
Baltimore City Reports | - | Baltimore R. | United States, Maryland |
Bamber's Report of Mining Cases decided by the Railway & Canal Commission | - | Bamber | United Kingdom |
Banaras Law Journal | - | Banaras L.J. | India |
Banca e credito agrario | - | Banca e cred.agr. | Italy |
Banca, borsa e titoli di credito | - | Banca, borsa tit.cred. ; BB | Italy |
Bangladesh Case Reports | - | B.C.R. | Bangladesh |
Bangladesh Legal Decisions | - | B.L.D. | Bangladesh |
Bangladesh Supreme Court Reports | - | B.S.C.R. ; BSCR | Bangladesh |
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin | - | B.E.Q.B. | United Kingdom |
Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi | - | Banka Huk Dergisi | Turkey |
Banker | - | Banker | United Kingdom |
Bankers' Law | - | Bank. Law | United Kingdom |
Bankers' Magazine | - | Bankers Mag. | United Kingdom |
Banking & Finance Law Review | - | B.F.L.R. ; Bank.& Fin.L.Rev. ; Banking & Fin.L.Rev. ; R.D.B.F. | Canada |
Banking Ireland | - | B.Ire. | Ireland |
Banking Law Journal | Banking L.J. | B.L.J. ; Bank.L.J. | United States |
Banking Law Reports | Bank LR | Bank.L.R. | None |
Banking Law Review | - | Banking L.Rev. | United States |
Banking Reporter | Banking Rep. | - | United States |
Banking Technology | - | B.T. | None |
Banking World | - | B.W. | United Kingdom |
Banking and Finance Reports of Australia (volume 4 of Weaver and Craigie) | BFRA | - | Australia |
Banking and Financial Training | - | B.& F.T. | United Kingdom |
Bankruptcy Company and Probate Cases | - | BC (NSW) ; BC&PC | Australia, New South Wales |
Bankruptcy Court Decisions | Bankr.Ct.Dec. | - | United States |
Bankruptcy Developments Journal | - | Bankr.Dev.J. | United States |
Bankruptcy Reporter | B.R. | - | United States |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports | Das. | B.& I. ; Bank.& Ins. ; Bank.& Ins.R. ; Bank.Insol.Rep. ; Bankr.Ins.R. ; Banks.& Ins. ; Dasent | United Kingdom |
Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Reports | BPIR | B.P.I.R. | England & Wales |
Bar Association Law Journal Reports | - | B.A.L.J.R. | Sri Lanka |
Bar Gazette | Bar Gaz | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Bar News | Bar News | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Bar Reports in all the Courts | - | Bar Re. ; Bar Rep. ; Bar. | England & Wales |
Bar Review | - | Bar Review | Ireland |
Barbados Law Reports | Barb.L.R. | - | Barbados |
Barbados Official Gazette | - | Barb.Gaz. | Barbados |
Barber's Gold Law Reports | - | Barb. ; Barber | South Africa, Transvaal |
Barbour's Chancery Cases on Contract | - | Barbour | England & Wales |
Barbour's New York Chancery Reports | Barb.Ch. | Barb.Ch.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Barbour's New York Supreme Court Reports | Barb. | B. ; Barb.S.C. | United States, New York |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Employment Law Review | - | BLG E.L.R. | None |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Insurance Law Quarterly | - | BLG Ins.Law Q. | None |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Pollution and Environmental Risk Digest | - | BLG P.& E.R.D. | None |
Barnardiston's Chancery Reports | Barn.Ch. | Bar. ; Bar.Ch. ; Bar.Chy. ; Barn. ; Barn.C. ; Barnard.Ch. ; Barnard.Ch.Rep. ; Barnardiston C.C. | England & Wales |
Barnardiston's King's Bench Reports | Barn.K.B. | Bar. ; Barn. ; Barnard. ; Barnard.K.B. | England & Wales |
Barnes' Notes of Practice, Common Pleas Reports | Bar.N. | Barn. ; Barn.No. ; Barnes ; Barnes N.C. ; Barnes Notes | England & Wales |
Barnewall & Adolphus' King's Bench Reports | B.& Ad. | B.& A. ; Bar.& Ad. ; Barn & Adol ; Barn.& Ad. ; Barn.& Ado. | England & Wales |
Barnewall & Alderson's King's Bench Reports | B.& Ald. | B.& A. ; Bar.& Al. ; Barn.& Ald. ; Selw.& Barn. | England & Wales |
Barnewall & Cresswell's King's Bench Reports | B.& C. | Barn.& C. ; Barn.& Cr. ; Barn.& Cress. | England & Wales |
Baroda High Court Reports | - | Bar.H.C.R. | India, Gujarat |
Baroda Law Reports | - | Bar.L.R. | India, Gujarat |
Barrister | - | Barrister | United States |
Barron & Arnold's Election Cases | B.& Arn. | B.& A. ; Bar.& Arn. ; Barr.& Arn. | England & Wales |
Barron & Austin's Election Cases | B.& Aust. | B.& A. ; Bar.& Au. ; Bar.& Aust. ; Barr.& Aus. | England & Wales |
Barron & Holtzoff's Federal Practice & Procedure | - | Barron & H.Fed.Pr.& Proc. | United States |
Barron's Speakers' Rulings | - | Barron | New Zealand |
Bartholoman's Reports at the Yorkshire Lent Assize, March 9,1811 | - | Bartholoman | England & Wales |
Basler Juristische Mitteilungen | - | BJM | Switzerland |
Batty's King's Bench Reports | Batt. | Batty(Ire.) | Ireland |
Bauamt und Gemeindebau | - | BuG | Germany |
Baurecht | - | BauR | Germany |
Baurechtssammlung | - | BRS | Germany |
Baxter's Contested Election Cases | - | Baxter | United States, New York |
Baxter's Tennessee Reports | - | Bax. ; Baxter ; Tenn.(Baxter) | United States, Tennessee |
Bay's South Carolina Law Reports | Bay | S.C.L.(Bay) | United States, South Carolina |
Bayerische Beamtenzeitung | - | BayBgm | Germany |
Bayerische Gemeinde- und Verwaltungszeitung | - | BayGemVZ | Germany |
Bayerische Gemeinde-Zeitung | - | BayGemZ | Germany |
Bayerische Gemeindetag | - | BayGT | Germany |
Bayerische Justizgesetze | - | Ostler | Germany |
Bayerische Notarzeitschrift | - | BayNotZ | Germany |
Bayerische Verwaltungsblatter | - | BayVBl. | Germany |
Bayerisches Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt | - | BayGVBl. | Germany |
Baylor Law Review | Baylor L.Rev. | B.L.R. | United States, Texas |
Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin | - | B.S. EU Bull. | European Union |
Beasley's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Beas. ; Beasl. ; N.J.Eq.(Beasley) | United States, New Jersey |
Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports | Beat. | Beatt. ; Beatty ; Beatty Ir.Ch. | Ireland |
Beavan & Walford's Railway & Canal Parliamentary Cases | Beav.& Wal. | Beav.& W. ; Beav.& W.Ry.Cas. ; Beav.& Wal.Ry.Cas. ; Beav.R.& C. ; Beav.R.& C.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Beavan's Rolls Court Reports | Beav. | B. ; Bea. ; Beavan Ch. | England & Wales |
Beaver County Legal Journal | - | Beaver ; Beaver Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Bee's United States District Court Admiralty Reports | - | Bee ; Bee Adm. | United States, South Carolina |
Behavioral Sciences and the Law | Behav.Sci.& L. | Behavioral Sci.& L. | United States |
Beijing Rundschau | - | Beijing Rdsch. | China |
Beitrage zur Erlauterung des Deutschen Rechts | - | Gruchot | Germany |
Beitrage zur Konfliktforschung | - | Beitr.z.Konfliktforsch. | Germany |
Belgique judiciare | - | B.J. ; Belg.Jud. | Belgium |
Bell's Crown Cases Reserved | Bell C.C. | Bell ; Bell Cr.C. ; Bell Cr.Ca. ; Bell Cr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Bell's Decisions, Court of Session | Bell, Ct.of Sess.fol. | Bell C. ; Bell Cas. ; Bell Ct.of Sess. ; Bell Ct.of Sess.fol. ; Bell Fol. ; Bell folio ; Bell Sc.Cas. ; Bell Ses.Cas. | Scotland |
Bell's Dictionary and Digest of the Laws of Scotland | Bell, Dict.Dec. | Bell Dict. ; Bell Dict.Dec. ; Bell's Dict. | Scotland |
Bell's House of Lords Appeal Cases | Bell's App. | Bell ; Bell Ap.Ca. ; Bell App. ; Bell App.(Sc.) ; Bell App.Cas. ; Bell H.L. ; Bell H.L.Sc. ; Bell Sc.App. ; Bell Sc.App.Cas. ; Bell, Sc.App. ; S.Bell | Scotland |
Bell's Session Cases | Bell, Ct.of Sess. | Bell ; Bell C. ; Bell Cas. ; Bell Ct.of Sess. ; Bell Oct.R. ; Bell Sc.Cas. ; Bell Ses.Cas. ; Bell, C. ; Bell, Oct. | Scotland |
Bellasis' Civil Cases, Bombay | - | Bell ; Bell C.C. ; Bellas. ; Bellasis | India, Maharashtra |
Bellasis' Criminal Cases, Bombay | - | Bell ; Bell C.C. ; Bell Cr.C. ; Bell Cr.Ca. ; Bell Cr.Cas. ; Bellas. ; Bellasis | India, Maharashtra |
Bellewe's King's Bench Reports | Bellewe | Bel ; Bell. ; Bell.Cas.t.R.II ; Bell.Cas.t.Rich.II ; Bellewe's Ca.t.R.II ; Bellewe's Ca.temp.R.II ; Y.B.Rich.II | England & Wales |
Bellringer & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes | - | Ann.Codes & St. | United States, Oregon |
Belt's Supplement to Vesey Senior's Chancery Reports | Belt's Supp. | Belt Sup. ; Belt Sup.Ves. ; Belt Supp. ; Belt Ves.Sen. ; Ves.Sen.Supp. ; Ves.Sr.Supp. | England & Wales |
Bench & Bar of Minnesota | - | Bench & B.Minn. | United States, Minnesota |
Benedict on Admiralty | - | Benedict, Admiralty | United States |
Benedict's United States District Court Reports | - | Ben. ; Bened. ; Benedict | United States, New York |
Benefits & Compensation International | - | B.& C.Int. | United Kingdom |
Benefits File | - | Ben. File | None |
Benefits Law Journal | - | Benefits L.J. | United States |
Bengal Law Reports | - | B.L.R. ; Beng.L.R. | India, West Bengal |
Bengal Law Reports, Full Bench Rulings | - | B.L.R.(F.B.) | India, West Bengal |
Bengal Law Reports, Supplemental Volume | - | B.L.R., Supp.Vol. | India, West Bengal |
Benloe & Dalison's Common Pleas Reports | Benl.& Dal. | B.& D. ; Ben.& D. ; Ben.& Dal. ; Benl. ; Benl.Old ; Dal. ; Dal.C.P. ; Dalison | England & Wales |
Benloe's Common Pleas Reports | - | Ben.& D. ; Ben.& Dal. ; Benl. ; Benl.& D. ; Benl.Old ; Dal. | England & Wales |
Benloe's King's Bench Reports | Benl. | Ben. ; Ben.in Keil. ; Bendl. ; Bendloe ; Benl.in Keil. ; Benl.K.B. ; Benl.New ; Benloe | England & Wales |
Benloe's Reports (anonymous reports at end) | A.B. | An. ; An.B. | England & Wales |
Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Volkrrecht | - | Ber.d.Dt.Gesell.f.Volkerrecht | Germany |
Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labour Law | Berkeley J.Emp.& Lab.L. | - | United States |
Berkeley Journal of International Law | - | Berk J Intl L ; Berkeley J.Int'l L. | International |
Berkeley Technology Law Journal | - | Berkeley Tech.L.J. | United States |
Berkeley Women's Law Journal | Berkeley Women's L.J. | - | United States |
Berks County Law Journal | - | Berk Co.L.J. ; Berks Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Berliner Anwalts-Blatt | - | BerlAnwBl | Germany |
Berliner Debatte Initial | - | Berl.Debatte | Germany |
Berliner Grundeigentum | - | BerlGrdE ; BG | Germany |
Berliner Hausbesitzer-Zeitung | - | BHZ | Germany |
Berliner Steuer-Blatt | - | BerlStBl | Germany |
Bermuda Law Reports | Bda LR | Berm.L.R. | Bermuda |
Bernard's Church Cases | Bern. | Bern.Ch.Cas. | Ireland |
Berton's New Brunswick Reports | - | Bert. ; N.B.R.(Bert.) ; N.B.R.Ber. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Beslissingen in Belastingzaken | - | B.B. | Netherlands |
Beslissingen in belastingzaken-Nederlandse belastingrechtspraak | - | B.N.B. ; BNB. | Netherlands |
Best & Smith's Queen's Bench Reports | B.& S. | Best & S. ; Best & Sm. | England & Wales |
Best's Review Life-Health Insurance Edition | - | Bests Rev.L./H. | United States |
Best's Review Property-Casualty Insurance Edition | - | Bests Rev.P./C. | United States |
Bestuurswetenschappen | - | Bestuursw. | Netherlands |
Betriebliche Altersversorgung | - | BetrAV | Germany |
Betriebs- und Unternehmensverfassung | - | BUV | Germany |
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis | - | BFuP | Germany |
Beven & Siebel's Reports | - | Bev.& Sieb. | Sri Lanka |
Bewahrungshilfe | - | BewHi | Germany |
Bi-Monthly Law Review | - | Bi-Mo.L.Rev. | United States |
Bibb's Kentucky Reports | Bibb | Bibb(Ky.) ; Ky.(Bibb) | United States, Kentucky |
Bigelow's Cases from William I to Richard I | Cas.Wm.I. | Big.Cas. ; Law Cas.Wm.I. | England & Wales |
Bignell's Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal | - | - | |
Bihar Bar Council Law Journal | - | B.B.C.Jour. ; BBCJ | India, Bihar |
Bihar Law Journal Reports | - | B.L.J.R. ; Bih.L.J.Rep. ; BLJR | India, Bihar |
Bihar Reports | - | B.R. ; Bih.Rep. | India, Bihar |
Bijblad bij de industriele eigendom | - | Bijbl.I.E. | Netherlands |
Bills Digest Service (Australia) | - | BDS | Australia |
Bills Digest Service (New South Wales) | - | BDS | Australia, New South Wales |
Bingham's Common Pleas Reports | Bing. | - | England & Wales |
Bingham's New Cases, English Common Pleas | Bing.N.C. | B.N.C. ; Bing.N.Cas ; N.C. ; New Cas. | England & Wales |
Binnenschiffahrt | - | ZfB | Germany |
Binnenschiffahrts-Nachrichten | - | BN | Germany |
Binney's Pennsylvania Reports | Binn. | Bin. ; Binn.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Biochemical Ethics Reviews | - | Biochemical Eth.Revs. | United States |
Birdwood's Printed Judgments | - | Birdw. ; Birdwood | Pakistan |
Birkbeck Law Review | BBKLR | B.L. Rev. | |
Birkenhead's Judgements, House of Lords | - | Birk.J. | England & Wales |
Birmingham Court of Requests | - | Hutton | England & Wales |
Birosagi Hatarozatok | - | BH | Hungary |
Bissell's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Bis. ; Biss. | United States |
Bitburger Gesprache - Jahrbuch | - | Bitburger Gespr.-Jb. | Germany |
Bittleston's Practice under the Judicature Acts | Lah. | Bitt.P.C. ; Bitt.Pr.Cas. ; Bitt.Pr.Case ; Bitt.Prac.Cas. ; Bitt.Prac.Case | England & Wales |
Bittleston's Reports in Chambers, Queen's Bench Division | Bitt.Rep.in Ch. | Bitt. ; Bitt.Ch. ; Bitt.Ch.Cas. ; Bitt.Cha.Cas. ; Bitt.Chamb.Rep. ; Rep.in Ch. | England & Wales |
Bittleston, Wise & Parnell's New Magistrates' Cases | New Mag.Cas. | Bit.& Wise ; Bitt.W.& P. ; Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
Biuletin Verkhovnogo Suda Rossisko Federatsii | - | BVS Rossisko Federatsii | Russian Federation |
Biuletin Verkhovnogo Suda SSSR | - | BVS SSSR | Russian Federation |
Biuletin na Vurkhovniia sud na NRB: Sudebna Praktika | - | BV | Bulgaria |
Black Law Journal | Black L.J. | - | United States |
Black's Supreme Court Reports | Black | Black R. ; U.S.(Black) | United States |
Blackacre | - | Blackacre | Australia |
Blackerby's Magistrates' Reports | Black. | Black.Jus. | England & Wales |
Blackford's Indiana Reports | Blackf. | Black. ; Blackf.(Ind.) | United States, Indiana |
Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports | Bl.D.& Osb. | B.D.& O. ; Bl.D.& O. | Ireland |
Blackmore's Speaker's Decisions | - | Blackmore | United Kingdom |
Blair County Law Reporter, Second Series | Col.L.R. | Blair Co.L.R., 2d | United States, Pennsylvania |
Blair County Reports | - | Blair Co. ; Blair Co.L.R. ; Blair Co.L.R.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports | - | Bland ; Bland Ch.(Md.) ; Bland's Ch. | United States, Maryland |
Blatchford & Howland's United States District Court Reports | - | B.& H. ; Blatchf.& H. | United States, New York |
Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Bl. ; Bl.C.C. ; Blatchf. ; Blatchf.C.C. | United States |
Blatchford's United States District Court Prize Cases | - | Blatchf.Pr.Cas. ; Blatchf.Prize Cas. | United States, New York |
Blatt fur Patent-, Muster, und Zeichenwesen | - | Bl.f.PMZ | Germany |
Blatt fur Patent-, Muster-, und Zeichenwesen | - | PatMustZeichBl | Germany |
Blatter fur Administrative Praxis | - | BlAdmPr | Germany |
Blatter fur Deutsche und Internationale Politik | - | Bl.Dt.& Internat.Pol. | Germany |
Blatter fur Gefangniskunde | - | Bl.f.Gk | Germany |
Blatter fur Genossenschaftswesen | - | Bl.f.G. | Germany |
Blatter fur Grundstucks-, Bau-, und Wohnungsrecht | - | BlGBW | Germany |
Blatter fur Internationales Privatrecht | - | BlIntPr | Germany |
Blatter fur Rechtspflege im Bezirk des Kammergerichts | - | KGBl | Germany |
Blatter fur Steuerrecht, Sozialversicherung und Arbeitsrecht | - | BlStSozArbR | Germany |
Blatter fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre | - | BlVerglRW | Germany |
Blatter fur Zurischerische Rechtsprechung | - | BlZR ; ZR | Switzerland |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports | Bli. | Bli.(O.S.). ; Bligh | United Kingdom |
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, New Series | Bli.N.S. | Bl.N.S. ; Bli.(N.S.) ; Bligh N.S. | United Kingdom |
Blue Sky Law Reports | Blue Sky L.Rep. | - | United States |
Bluett's Advocate's Note Book | Blu. | Bluett | Isle of Man |
Blume's Supreme Court Transactions | - | Blume S.C. ; Blume Sup.Ct.Trans. | United States, Michigan |
Blume's Unreported Opinions | Blume Unrep.Op. | Blume Op. | United States, Michigan |
Blumfield's Manumission Cases | - | Blumfield | United States, New Jersey |
Blutalkohol | - | Blutalkohol | Germany |
Board of Contract Appeal Decisions | - | Bd.Cont.App.Dec. | United States |
Board of Tax Appeals Memorandum Decisions | B.T.A.M.(P-H) | - | United States |
Board of Tax Appeals Reports | - | B.T.A. | United States |
Bohemia | - | Bohemia | Germany |
Bohun's Election Cases | - | Bohun | England & Wales |
Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, Coimbra | - | BFD ; Bol Fac Dir Coimbra | Portugal |
Boletim do Ministerio da Justica | - | Bol Minist Jus ; Bol.Minist.Just. | Portugal |
Boletin Informativo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | B.I. | Costa Rica |
Boletin Judicial de la Suprema Corte | - | B.J. | Dominican Republic |
Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado | - | Bol Mex Der Comp ; Bol.Mex.de Derecho Comp. | Mexico |
Boletin Oficial del Estado | BOE | - | Spain |
Boletin de Jurisprudencia | - | Bol.J. | Chile |
Boletin de Jurisprudencia Constitucional | BJC | - | Spain |
Boletin de Legislacion Extranjera | - | BLE | Spain |
Boletin del Tribunal Supremo | - | B.T.S. | Cuba |
Boletin del Tribunal Supremo Popular | - | B.T.S.P. | Cuba |
Boletini i Gykates se Larte te RSPH | - | BGL | Albania |
Bollettino Ufficiale Regione Sarda | - | B.U.Sa. | Italy |
Bollettino Ufficiale Trentino Alto-Adige | - | B.U.T. | Italy |
Bollettino Ufficiale della Valle d'Aosta | - | B.U.A. | Italy |
Bollettino degli usi civici | - | Boll.usi.civici | Italy |
Bollettino del tribunale delle prede | - | Boll.trib.prede | Italy |
Bollettino dell'Istituto di Diritto romano 'V.Scialoia' | - | B.I.D.R. | Italy |
Bollettino dell'Istituto di diritto e procedura penal dell'Universita di Pavia | L.R.& I. | Boll.Pavia | Italy |
Bollettino dell'istituto di diritto comparato | - | Boll.ist.dir.comp. | Italy |
Bollettino dell'istituto di diritto romano | - | Boll.ist.dir.rom. | Italy |
Bollettino della Biblioteca istituti giuridici dell'Universita di Napoli | - | Boll.Naploi | Italy |
Bollettino della societa delle nazioni | - | Boll.soc. | Italy |
Bollettino di informazioni costituzionali e partliamentari | - | Boll.inf.cost. ; Boll.Infor.Cost.e Parlamentari | Italy |
Bollettino di informazioni dell'associazione italiana di diritto marittimo | - | Boll.infor.ass.it.mar. | Italy |
Bollettino di informazioni della cassa marittima meridionale | - | Boll.inform. | Italy |
Bollettino di legislazione doganale e commerciale | - | Boll.leg.dog.comm. | Italy |
Bollettino economico del Consigolio provinciale delle corporazioni | - | Boll.econ.cons.prov.corp. | Italy |
Bollettino forense | - | Boll.for. | Italy |
Bollettino informazioni economiche | - | Boll.inf.econ. | Italy |
Bollettino italiano di assistenza all'infanzia | - | Boll.assist.inf. | Italy |
Bollettino tributario | - | Boll.trib. | Italy |
Bombay High Court Criminal Rulings | - | Bomb.Cr.Rul. | India, Maharashtra |
Bombay High Court Reports | - | B.H.C. ; Bom. ; Bom.H.C.R. ; Bomb.H.C. ; Bomb.H.Ct. ; Bomb.Hg.Ct. | India, Maharashtra |
Bombay Law Journal | - | Bom.L.J. | India, Maharashtra |
Bombay Law Reporter | - | B.L.R. ; Bom LR ; Bom.L.R. ; Bomb.L.R. ; Bombay L.Rep. | India, Maharashtra |
Bombay Unreported Criminal Cases | - | Bom.Unrep.Cr.C. | India, Maharashtra |
Bond Law Review | Bond LR | Bond L.Rev. | Australia |
Bond's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Bond | United States |
Boodle Hatfield European Business Brief | - | B.H.Eur.Bus.Brief | European Union |
Book of Awards | - | B.A. | New Zealand |
Borrodaile's Civil Cases, Bombay | - | Borr. ; Borrodaile | India, Maharashtra |
Borthwick's Law of Libel & Slander | - | Borthwick | Scotland |
Bosanquet & Puller's Common Pleas Reports | Bos.& P. | B.& P. ; Bos.& Pu. ; Bos.& Pul. | England & Wales |
Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports, Common Pleas | - | B.& P.N.R. ; B.P.N.R. ; Bos.& P.N.R. ; Bos.& Pul.N.R. ; Bos.N.R. ; N.R. ; N.R.B.P. ; New Rep. | England & Wales |
Boscowen's Convictions on Penal Statutes | - | Boscowen | England & Wales |
Boston Bar Journal | - | Boston Bar J. | United States, Massachusetts |
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review | B.C.Envtl.Aff.L.Rev. | Boston Coll.Envtl.Aff.L.Rev. | United States |
Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review | - | Boston Coll.Int'l & Comp.L.Rev. | United States |
Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal | - | Boston Coll.Int'l & Comp.L.J. | United States |
Boston College International and Comparative Law Review | B.C.Int'l & Comp.L.Rev. | Boston Coll.Int'l & Comp.L.J.Rev. | United States |
Boston College Law Review | B.C.L.Rev. | Boston Coll.L.Rev. | United States |
Boston College Third World Law Journal | B.C.Third World L.J. | Boston Coll Third World LJ ; Boston Coll.Third World L.J. | United States |
Boston University International Law Journal | B.U.Int'l L.J. | Boston U.Int'l L.J. | United States |
Boston University Journal of Tax Law | B.U.J.Tax Law | Boston U.J.Tax.L. | United States |
Boston University Law Review | B.U.L.Rev. | Bost.U.L.Rev. ; Boston U.L.R. ; Boston.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Boston University Public Interest Law Journal | B.U.Pub.Int.L.J. | - | United States |
Boswell's Reports on Literary Property | Bosw. | - | Scotland |
Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports | - | Bos. ; Bosw. ; Bosworth | United States, New York |
Botswana Law Reports | - | BLR ; Botswana L.R. | Botswana |
Bott's Poor Law Cases | Bott | B.P.L. ; B.P.L.Cas. ; Bott P.L.Cas. ; Bott P.L.Const. ; Bott Poor Law Cas. ; Bott Set.Cas. ; Botts P.L. ; Botts P.L.Cas. ; Const. | United Kingdom |
Boulnois' Supreme Court Reports | - | Bouln. ; Boulnois | India, West Bengal |
Boundary & Security Bulletin | - | Boundary & Sec.Bull. ; IBRU Boundary & Sec.Bull. | International |
Boundary Bulletin | - | Boundary Bull. | International |
Bourke's Parliamentary Precedents | Bourke P.P. | - | United Kingdom |
Bourke's Reports of Cases in the High Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal | Kelly | Bourke | India, West Bengal |
Boyce's Delaware Reports | Boyce | Del.(Boyce) | United States, Delaware |
Bracton Law Journal | - | Bracton L.J. | England & Wales |
Bracton's Note Book, King's Bench | Brac. | Br.N.B. ; Bra. ; Bract. ; Bracton | England & Wales |
Bradbury's Pleading and Practice Reports, New York | - | Bradb. ; Bradbury | United States, New York |
Braddell's Law of the Straits Settlements | - | BLSS | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Bradford's Iowa Reports | Bradf. | Brad. ; Bradford | United States, Iowa |
Bradford's New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Brad. ; Bradf. ; Bradf.Sur. ; Bradf.Surr. ; Bradford | United States, New York |
Bradwell's Illinois Appeal Court Reports | - | App.Ct.Rep. | United States, Illinois |
Brandeis Journal of Family Law | - | Brandeis J.Fam.L. | United States |
Brandeis Law Journal | Brandeis L.J. | - | United States |
Brayton's Vermont Reports | Brayt. | Brayton (Vt.) | United States, Vermont |
Breese's Illinois Reports | Breese | Ill.(Breese) | United States, Illinois |
Breese's Reports, Appendix | - | Ap.Bre. ; Appx.Bre. | United States, Illinois |
Brett's Decisions on the Grand Jury Acts | - | Brett | Ireland |
Brevard's South Carolina Reports | Brev. | S.C.L.(Brev) | United States, South Carolina |
Brewing Trade Review Licensing Law Reports | B.T.R.L.R. | B.T.R. ; Brew.Tr.Rev. | England & Wales |
Brewster's Pennsylvania Reports | - | Brewst. ; Brewster | United States, Pennsylvania |
Bridgeport Law Review | - | Bridgeport L.Rev. | United States |
Brief | Brief | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Brief Times Reporter | Brief Times Rptr. | - | United States, Colorado |
Briefing | Briefing | ||
Briefnotes (Public Solicitor's Office) | Briefnotes | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Brigham Young University Law Review | BYU L.Rev. | B.Y.U.L.R. ; B.Y.U.L.Rev. ; Brig.Yo.U.L.R. ; Brigham Y.U.L.R. ; Brigham Young U.L.Rev. | United States |
Brightly's Nisi Prius Reports | - | Bright. ; Bright.N.P. ; Brightly ; Brightly N.P. ; Pa.N.P. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Brisbane Courier Reports | - | B.C.(Newspr) (Q.) | Australia, Queensland |
Bristol Pleas of the Crown | - | Watson | England & Wales |
British & Colonial Prize Cases | Br.& Col.Pr.Cas. | B.& C.Pr.Cas. ; Br.& Col. ; Brit.& Col.Pr.Cas. ; P.C. ; P.Cas. | International |
British Actuarial Journal | - | B.A.J. | United Kingdom |
British Asbestos Newsletter | BAN | B.A.N. | |
British Columbia Appeal Cases | - | B.C.A.C. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Corporations Law Guide | - | B.C.Corps.L.G. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | BCCA | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Decisions. Civil Cases | - | B.C.Dec. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Decisions. Criminal Conviction Cases | - | B.C.Dec. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Decisions. Criminal Sentence Cases | - | B.C.Dec. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | BCHRT | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Labour Relations Board Decisions | - | B.C.L.R.B.D. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Law Reports | B.C.L.R. | BCLR | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Law Reports, Second Series | B.C.L.R.(2d) | BCLR (2d) | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Law Reports, Third Series | B.C.L.R.(3d) | BCLR (3d) | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | BCPC | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Reports | B.C.R. | B.C.Rep. ; BCR | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Securities Commission [Neutral Citation] | BCSECCOM | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | BCSC | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Tax Reporter | B.C.T.R. | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Unreported Decisions. Civil Cases | - | B.C.Dec. | Canada, British Columbia |
British Columbia Weekly Law Digest | B.C.W.L.D. | - | Canada, British Columbia |
British Company Cases | BCC | B.C.C. | None |
British Company Law Cases | BCC | B.C.C. | United Kingdom |
British Digest of International Law | B.D.I.L. | - | International |
British Guiana Court of Review Reports | - | Pound ; Rev.Ct.Judg. | Guyana |
British Guiana Law Reports | - | B.G.L.R. ; Br.G.S.C.D. ; L.R.B.G. | Guyana |
British Guiana Law Reports. New Series | - | B.G. ; B.G.L.R.(N.S.) | Guyana |
British Guiana Law Reports. Old Series | - | B.G.L.R.(O.S.) | Guyana |
British Guiana Official Gazette | - | Br.G.Off.Gaz. | Guyana |
British Guiana Supreme Court Judgments | I.E.L.T.R. | Br.G.S.C.J. | Guyana |
British Insurance Law Association Journal | - | B.I.L.A.J. | None |
British International Law Cases | B.I.L.C. | - | International |
British Journal of Administrative Law | B.J.A.L. | Brit.J.Admin.Law | United Kingdom |
British Journal of American Legal Studies | Br. J. Am. Leg. Studies | - | |
British Journal of Criminology | Brit.J.Criminol. | Brit.J.Criminology | United Kingdom |
British Journal of Delinquency | Brit.J.Delinq. | Brit.J.Delinqency | United Kingdom |
British Journal of Law and Society | - | Brit.J.L.& Soc'y ; Brit.J.Law & Soc. ; Brit.J.Law.& Soc'y | United Kingdom |
British Journal of Political Science | - | B.J.Pol.S. ; Brit.J.Pol.Sci. | United Kingdom |
British Pension Lawyer | - | B.P.L. | United Kingdom |
British Ruling Cases | - | B.R.C. ; Br.Rul.Cas. ; BRC ; Brit.Rul.Cas. | Commonwealth |
British Tax Cases | BTC | B.T.C. | United Kingdom |
British Tax Review | B.T.R. | Brit.Tax Rev. ; BTR | United Kingdom |
British Value Added Tax Reporter | - | B.V.C. ; BVC | United Kingdom |
British Year Book of International Law | B.Y.B.I.L. | B.Y.I.L. ; Brit Yrbk Intl L ; Brit.Y.B.Int'l L. ; BYIL | International |
Broadcasting Reports | BR | - | Australia |
Broadway & Danson's Criminal Rulings | - | Broad. & Dans. | India, Punjab |
Brockenbrough & Holmes Virginia Cases | - | Brock.& H. ; Brock.& Ho. ; Va.Cas. ; Virg.Cas. | United States, Virginia |
Broderick & Freemantle's Ecclesiatical Reports | Brod.& F. | B.& F. ; Br.& F. ; Br.& Fr. ; Bro.& F. ; Bro.& Fr. ; Brod.& Fr. ; Brod.& Frem. | England & Wales |
Broderip & Bingham's Common Pleas Reports | Brod.& Bing. | B.& B. ; Br.& B. ; Brod.& B. | England & Wales |
Broker's Monthly & Insurance Adviser | - | B.M.& I.A. | United Kingdom |
Brooke's Abridgement | - | Br.Abr. ; Bro.Ab. ; Bro.Abr. | England & Wales |
Brooke's Ecclesiatical Reports | Bro. | Bro.Ecc. ; Brooke ; Brooke Eccl. ; Brooke Eccl.Judg. | England & Wales |
Brooke's New Cases King's Bench | B.N.C. | Br.N.C. ; Br.N.Cas. ; Brooke ; Brooke N.C. ; Brooke(Petit) ; Lit.Brooke ; Little Brooke ; Mar.Br. ; March ; March(N.C.) | England & Wales |
Brooklyn Barrister | - | Brooklyn Bar. | United States, New York |
Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law | Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L. | - | |
Brooklyn Journal of International Law | - | Brook.J.Int'l L. ; Brooklyn J.Int'l L. | International |
Brooklyn Law Review | Brook.L.Rev. | Brookl.L.Rev. ; Brooklyn L.Rev. | United States |
Broughton's Notes of Cases Decided upon Points of Civil Procedure to 1886 | - | Broughton | India |
Broun's Justiciary Reports | Broun | Broun Just. | Scotland |
Brown's Chancery Cases | Bro.C.C. | B.C.C. ; B.C.R. ; B.C.Rep. ; Belt.Bro. ; Br.C.C. ; Bro. ; Bro.Ch. ; Bro.Ch.Cas. ; Bro.Ch.R. ; Brown ; Brown C. ; Brown C.C. ; Brown Ch. ; Brown Ch.C. | England & Wales |
Brown's Georgia Pleading & Practice & Legal Forms Annotated | - | Brown, Ga.Pl.& Pr.Anno. | United States, Georgia |
Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports | - | Brown ; Brown N.P. ; Mich.N.P. | United States, Michigan |
Brown's Supplement to Morisons Dictionary of Decisions, Session Cases | Bro.Supp.to Mor. | B.S. ; Br Supp ; Br.Sup. ; Bro.Supp. ; Brown Sup. ; Brown Sup.Dec. | Scotland |
Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session | Bro.Synop. | Br.Syn. ; Brown Syn. | Scotland |
Brown's United States District Court Admiralty and Revenue Cases | - | Bro.A.& R. ; Bro.Adm. ; Brown ; Brown A.& R. ; Brown Adm. | United States |
Browne's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Browne) | United States, Massachusetts |
Browne's Pennsylvania Reports | - | Browne | United States, Pennsylvania |
Browne's Reports, Ceylon | - | Browne ; Browne's Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Browning & Lushington's Admiralty Reports | Brown.& Lush. | B.& L. ; Br.& L. ; Br.& Lush. ; Bro.& L. ; Bro.& Lush. ; Brown.& L. | England & Wales |
Brownlow & Goldesborough's Common Pleas Reports | Br.& Gold. | B.& G. ; Br.& G. ; Brn. ; Bro. ; Bro.& G. ; Brown. ; Brownl. ; Brownl.& G. ; Brownl.& Gold. | England & Wales |
Bruce's Decisions, Court of Session | Bru. | Bruce | Scotland |
Brunner's Collected Cases | - | Brun.Col.Cas. ; Brun.Sel.Cas. ; Brunn.Coll.Cas. ; Brunn.Sel.Cas. ; Brunner Col.Cas. ; Brunner Sel.Cas. | United States |
Brunskill's Irish Land Cases | Brunskill | - | Ireland |
Buchanan's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Buch. ; Buch.Eq.(N.J.) ; N.J.Eq.(Buchanan) | United States, New Jersey |
Buchanan's Remarkable Cases | Buch. | Buch.Cas. ; Buchan. | Scotland |
Buchanan's Reports of the Court of Appeal, Cape of Good Hope | - | A. ; A.C. ; App.Ca. ; B.A.C. ; Buch AC ; Buch. ; Buch.A.C. ; Buch.App.Cas. ; Buch.Ct.App.Cape G.H. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy | Buck | Buck Bankr. ; Buck Cas. | England & Wales |
Bucks County Law Reporter | - | Bucks Co.L.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Bucks County Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas | - | Bucks Co.Q.S. & C.P. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Budwinski's Sammlung der Erkentnisse des k.k. Verwaltungsgerichtshofes | - | Budwinski | Austria |
Buffalo Criminal Law Review | - | Buff.Crim.L.R. | United States |
Buffalo Environmental Law Journal | - | Buff.Env.L.J. ; Buff.Envtl L.J. | United States |
Buffalo Human Rights Law Review | - | Buff.Hum.Rts.L.Rev. | United States |
Buffalo Journal of International Law | - | Buff.J.Int'l L. | United States |
Buffalo Law Review | Buff.L.Rev. | Buff.L.R. ; Buffalo L.Rev. | United States |
Building | - | Building | United Kingdom |
Building Law Monthly | - | Build.L.M. | United Kingdom |
Building Law Reports | BLR | B.L.R. ; Build.L.R. | England & Wales |
Building Regulations Decisions | - | B.R.D. | United Kingdom |
Building and Construction Law | BCLRS | BCL ; Bldg.& Constr.L. | Australia |
Building and Construction Legal Reporting Service | - | BCLRS | Australia |
Bulleti Oficiel del Principat d'Andorra | - | BOPC | Andorra |
Bulletin Interparlementaire | - | Bull.Interparl. ; Inter-Parliam. | Comparative Law |
Bulletin de l'administration des prisions | - | Bull.adm.penit. | Belgium |
Bulletin de la Cour Supreme de Haute Volta | - | Bull.C.S.H.V. | Burkina Faso |
Bulletin der Europaischen Gemeinschaften | - | Bull.E.G. ; BullEG | European Union |
Bulletin der Europaischen Wirtschafsgemeinschaft | Arch.Volkerrechts | BullEWG | European Union |
Bulletin der Internationalen Juristenkommission | - | BullIJK | Germany |
Bulletin des Arretes du Tribunal de Cassation | - | Bull.T.C. | Haiti |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Chambre Civile de la Cour de Cassation | - | B. ; Bull.Civ. | France |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Chambre Criminelle de la Cour de Cassation | - | B. ; Bull.Crim. | France |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Cour Supreme de Justice | - | Bull.C.S.J. | Congo, Democratic Republic |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Cour Supreme de Malasy Republic | - | Bull.C.S.M.R. | Madagascar |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Cour Supreme de la Republique Populaire du Congo | - | Bull.C.S.R.C. | Congo |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Cour Supreme du Cameroun Oriental | - | Bull.C.S.C. | Cameroon |
Bulletin des Arrets de la Cour de Cassation | - | Bull.C.C. | Belgium |
Bulletin des Droits de l'Homme | - | Bull.Dr.H. | International |
Bulletin des Lois (France) | - | B. ; Bull. | France |
Bulletin des Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung | - | Bull. | Germany |
Bulletin des Transports Internationaux Ferroviaires | - | Bull.Transp.Int. | International |
Bulletin des annonces legales obligatoires | - | B.A.L.O. | France |
Bulletin des assurances | - | B.A. | Belgium |
Bulletin des lois (Luxembourg) | - | Bull.lois | Luxembourg |
Bulletin du CEDEJ | - | Bull Etudes Jur Econ & Soc ; Bull.CEDEJ | Egypt |
Bulletin du Conseil national des commissaires aux comptes | - | Bull.comm.comptes. | France |
Bulletin et Recueils des Arrets de la Cour Supreme de Madagascar | - | Bull.C.S.M. | Madagascar |
Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation | - | B.I.F.D. ; BIFD ; Bull Int Fiscal Doc ; Bull Intl Fisc Doc ; Bull.Int'l Fiscal Doc. ; Bull.Int'l Fiscal Docum. | International |
Bulletin for International Taxation | - | B.F.I.T. | International |
Bulletin legislatif Dalloz | - | B.L.D. | France |
Bulletin legislatif belge | - | Bull.leg. | Belgium |
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations | - | BCLR ; Bull.Comp.Lab.Rel. | Comparative Law |
Bulletin of Czechoslovak Law | - | Bull Czech L ; Bull.Czech.L. ; Bull.Czechoslovak L. ; Bull.de Droit Tchecoslovaque | Czech Republic |
Bulletin of Human Rights | - | Bull.Hum.Rts. | International |
Bulletin of Legal Developments | BILD or BLD | B.L.D. ; BILD ; BLD ; Bull.Leg.Dev. | International |
Bulletin of Medical Ethics | - | Bull.Med.E. | United Kingdom |
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, New Series | - | Bull.Mediev.Canon L.(N.S.) | None |
Bulletin of Northern Ireland Law | - | BNIL | Northern Ireland |
Bulletin of Peace Proposals | - | Bull.Peace Proposals | International |
Bulletin of Words and Phrases | - | BWP | Australia |
Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law | - | Bull.Am.Acad.Psychiatry & L. | United States |
Bulletin of the American Patent Law Association | - | APLA Bull. | United States |
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosphy | BASLP | - | Australia |
Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. | - | Bull.Copyright Soc'y USA | United States |
Bulletin of the European Communities | - | Bull.C.E. ; Bull.E.C. ; Bull.Europ.Communities | European Union |
Bulletin of the European Union | - | Bull.E.U. | European Union |
Bulletin officiel des lois et arretes royaux de la Belgique | - | Bull.Off. | Belgium |
Bulletin on Narcotics | - | Bull.on Narcotics | International |
Bulletin usuel des lois et arretes | - | Bull.us. | Belgium |
Bulletin zur Ostrechtsforschung in den Landern des Europarates | - | Bull.Ostrechtsforschung | Germany |
Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 'Vittorio Scialoja' | - | Bull.Dir.Romano ; Bullettino Scialoja | Italy |
Bulstrode's King's Bench Reports | Bulst. | Bulstr. | England & Wales |
Bunbury's Exchequer Reports | Bunb. | Bunbury | England & Wales |
Bundesanzeiger | - | Banz | Germany |
Bundesarbeitsblatt | - | BArbBl ; BarbBl. ; BArBl | Germany |
Bundesbaublatt | - | BBauBl | Germany |
Bundesgesetzblatt | - | BGBl ; BGBl. | Germany |
Bundesgesetzblatt des Norddeutschen Bundes | - | BGBl | Germany |
Bundesgesundheitsblatt | - | Bundesgesundhbl. | Germany |
Bundeskriminalblatt | - | BKBl | Germany |
Bundesstelle fur Aussenhandelsinformation - Rechtsinformation | - | Bfai-Rechtsinform. | Germany |
Bundessteuerblatt | - | BStBl | Germany |
Bundesversorgungsblatt | - | BVBl | Germany |
Bundeswehrverwaltung | - | BWV | Germany |
Bundeszollblatt | - | BZBl | Germany |
Burgerliches Gesetzbuch | - | BG ; BGB | Germany |
Burgerlijk Wetboek | - | B. ; B.W. ; BW | Netherlands |
Burma Law Journal | - | B.L.J. ; Bur.L.J. ; Burm.L.J. | Burma |
Burma Law Journal Reports | - | B.L.J.R. | Burma |
Burma Law Reports | - | B.L.R. ; Bur.L.R. ; Burm.L.R. ; Burma L.R. | Burma |
Burma Law Times | - | B.L.T. ; Bur.L.T. ; Burm.L.T. | Burma |
Burmah Law Reports | - | Porter | Burma |
Burn's Indiana Advance Legislative Service | Ind.Adv.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Indiana |
Burn's Indiana Statutes Annotated | - | Ind.Code.Ann. | United States, Indiana |
Burnett's Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports | Bur. | Burnett ; Burnett (Wis.) | United States, Wisconsin |
Burrell's Admiralty Cases | Burr.Adm. | Burrell | England & Wales |
Burrell's Intellectual Property Law Reports | BIP | South Africa | |
Burrell's Patent Law Reports | BP | South Africa | |
Burrow's King's Bench Reports tempore Mansfield | Burr. | B.M. ; Bur. ; Bur.M. ; Burr.t.M. | England & Wales |
Burrow's Settlement Cases | Burr.S.C. | Bur.S.C. ; Burrow Sett.Cas. ; Sett.& Rem. ; Sett.Cas. | England & Wales |
Burton's Cases with Opinions | Burt.Cas. | Cas.& Op. ; Cas.w.Op. | England & Wales |
Busbee's North Carolina Equity Reports | Busb.Eq. | Busbee Eq.(N.C.) ; N.C.(Busb.Eq.) | United States, North Carolina |
Busbee's North Carolina Law Reports | Busb. | Busb.L. ; N.C.(Busb.) | United States, North Carolina |
Bush's Kentucky Reports | Bush | Bush (Ky.) ; Ky.(Bush) | United States, Kentucky |
Business & Professsional Ethics Journal | - | Bus.& Prof.Ethics J. | United States |
Business & the Law | - | Bus.& L. ; Bus.& Law | Canada |
Business Entities | - | Business Entities | United States |
Business Insurance | - | Bus.Ins. | None |
Business Law Bulletin | - | Bus.L.B. | None |
Business Law Cases for Australians | - | A.B.L. | Australia |
Business Law Europe | B.L.E. | None | |
Business Law International | B.L.I. | Bus.L.I. | International |
Business Law Reports | B.L.R. | - | Canada |
Business Law Reports, Second Series | - | B.L.R.(2d) | Canada |
Business Law Reports, Third Series | - | B.L.R.(3d) | Canada |
Business Law Review | - | B.L.R. ; Bus.L.R. ; Bus.L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Business Law Review: journal of commercial law and practice | B.L.R. | Bus.L.R. ; Bus.L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Business Lawyer | Bus.Law | Bus.L. | United States |
Business News. Journal of HM Customs & Excise | - | B.News | United Kingdom |
Business Quarterly | - | Business Q. | Canada |
Business Review Weekly | - | BRW | Australia |
Business Risk: the official A.I.R.M.I.C. magazine | - | Bus.Risk | United Kingdom |
Business Tax Planning | - | Bus.T.P. | None |
Business Week | Bus.Wk. | - | United States |
Business and Human Rights Journal | BHRJ | B.H.R.J. | |
Business and Law | - | Bus L | New Zealand |
Busy Practitioner | - | Busy P. | England & Wales |
Busy Tax Practitioner's Digest | - | BTPD | Australia |
Butler County Legal Journal | - | Butler Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Butterworth's New Zealand Local Government Reports | - | N.Z.L.G.R. | New Zealand |
Butterworth's Rating Appeals | B.R.A. | Butt.R.A. ; Butt.Rat.App. | United Kingdom |
Butterworth's Workmen's Compensation Cases | B.W.C.C. | Butt.W.C.C. ; Butt.Work.Comp.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Butterworths Banking and Financial Law Review | - | B.B.& F.L.R. | None |
Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin | - | BRB | New Zealand |
Butterworths Civil Costs Newsletter | BCCN | C.C.N. | England & Wales |
Butterworths Companies and Securities Law Bulletin | - | CSLB | Australia |
Butterworths Company Law Bulletin | BCLB | - | Australia |
Butterworths Company Law Cases | BCLC | B.C.L.C. | United Kingdom |
Butterworths Company Reports | - | BCR | New Zealand |
Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports | - | BCLR | South Africa |
Butterworths Consumer Credit Bulletin | - | BCCB | Australia |
Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin | - | BCB | New Zealand |
Butterworths Corporation Law Bulletin | BCLB | - | Australia |
Butterworths Current Law | - | BCL | New Zealand |
Butterworths Current Law Digest | - | BCLD | New Zealand |
Butterworths Family Court Reports | FCR | - | England & Wales |
Butterworths Family Law Journal | BFLJ | New Zealand | |
Butterworths Fringe Benefits Tax Bulletin | - | FBT Bulletin | Australia |
Butterworths Human Rights Cases | BHRC | B.H.R.C. | Commonwealth |
Butterworths International Tax Bulletin | - | BITB | International |
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law | JIBFL | B.J.I.B.& F.L. ; BJIB & FL | None |
Butterworths Labour Law Reports | - | BLLR | South Africa |
Butterworths Law Direct | - | BLD | England & Wales |
Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports | BMLR | B.M.L.R. | England & Wales |
Butterworths Merger Control Review | - | B.M.C.R. | None |
Butterworths Offshore Case Monthly | BOCM | - | None |
Butterworths Personal Injury Litigation Service | BPILS | B.P.I.L.S. | United Kingdom |
Butterworths Property Reports | BPR | CONBPR | Australia, New South Wales |
Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin | - | BRMB | New Zealand |
Butterworths South African Law Review | - | BSALR ; Butterworths S.Afr.L.Rev. | South Africa |
Butterworths Superannuation Bulletin | - | BSB | Australia |
Butterworths Trading Law Cases | BTLC | - | England & Wales |
Butterworths Weekly Tax Bulletin | BWT Bull | - | Australia |
C.E.Green's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Green ; Green (C.E.) ; Green (N.J.) ; Green C.E. ; N.J.Eq.(Green C.E.) | United States, New Jersey |
CA Magazine | - | CA Mag. | Canada |
CALL Newsletter | - | CALL Newsl. | Canada |
CCH Commercial Law Cases | CLC | C.L.C. | England & Wales |
CCH Journal of Australian Taxation | - | CCH J of Aust Taxn ; J Aust Tax | Australia |
CCH Tax Action Digest | - | ADIG | Australia |
CELA Newsletter | - | C.E.L.N. ; CELA Newsletter | Canada |
CEPAL Review | - | CEPAL Rev. | International |
CILEx Journal | - | ||
CLIC's Legal Materials Letter | CLIC or Bull.CCDJ | Bull.CCDJ ; CLIC ; CLIC Letter | Canada |
CLU Journal | - | CLU J. | United States |
CMS Cameron McKenna Environmental Law Bulletin | - | C.McK.Env.L.B. | None |
COI Daily List | - | COI D.L. | England & Wales |
CTC Reporter | - | CTC Rep. | International |
Cababe & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports | Cab.& E. | C.& E. ; Cab.& El. ; Cab.& Ell. ; CB & EL | England & Wales |
Cadwalader's United States District Court Reports | - | Cadw. ; Cadwalader | United States, Pennsylvania |
Cahiers Francais | - | Cah.Franc. | France |
Cahiers Juridiques de l'Electricite et du Gaz | - | C.J.E.G. ; Cah.jur.electr. | France |
Cahiers de Droit Europeen | - | C.D.E. ; Cahiers Dr Euro | Belgium |
Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International | - | Cahiers Dr Fisc Intern ; Cahiers Droit Fiscal Int'l | International |
Cahiers prud'hommaux | - | Cah.prud'h. | France |
Caines' New York Cases | Cai.Cas. | Cai. ; Cai.Cas.Err. ; Cai.R. ; Cain. ; Caines ; Caines (N.Y.) ; Caines Cas. ; N.Y.Cas.Err. | United States, New York |
Caines' New York Reports | Cai.R. | Cai. ; Cai.Cas. ; Cai.T.R. ; Cain. ; Caines ; Caines (N.Y.) ; Caines Cas. ; N.Y.T.R. | United States, New York |
Calabar Law Journal | - | Cal.L.J. ; Calabar L.J. | Nigeria |
Calabria giudiziaria | - | Cal.giud. | Italy |
Calcutta Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Cal.L.J. ; Calc.L.J. ; Calcutta L.J. ; CLJ | India, West Bengal |
Calcutta Law Reports | - | C.L.R. | India, West Bengal |
Calcutta Weekly Notes | - | C.W.N. ; Cal.W.N. ; Calc.W.N. ; Calcutta W.N. ; CWN ; W.N. ; W.N.(Calc.) | India, West Bengal |
Caldecott's Magistrates' and Settlement Cases | Cald.Mag.Cas. | Cald. ; Cald.J.P. ; Cald.M.Cas. ; Cald.Set.Cas. | England & Wales |
Calendar of Lancashire Assize Rolls | - | Parker | England & Wales |
Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery | Cal.P.Ch. | - | England & Wales |
California Advance Legislative Service (Deering) | Cal.Adv.Legis. (Deering) | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports | Cal.App. | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Fourth Series | Cal.App.4th | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Fourth Series Supplement | Cal.App.4th.Supp. | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Second Series | Cal.App.2d | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Second Series Supplement | Cal.App.2d.Supp. | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Supplement | Cal.App.Supp. | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Supplement, Second Series | - | Cal.App.Supp.2d | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Third Series | Cal.App.3d | - | United States, California |
California Appellate Reports, Third Series Supplement | Cal.App.3d.Supp. | - | United States, California |
California Bankruptcy Journal | Cal.Bankr.J. | - | United States |
California Code of Regulations | Cal.Code Regs. | - | United States, California |
California Decisions | - | Cal.Dec. | United States, California |
California International Practitioner | - | Cal.Int'l Prac. | International |
California Jurisprudence | - | Cal.Jur. | United States, California |
California Jurisprudence, Second Series | - | Cal.Jur.2d | United States, California |
California Jurisprudence, Third Series | - | Cal.Jur.3d | United States, California |
California Law Review | CLR | Cal.L.Rev. ; Calif.L.Rev. | United States |
California Lawyer | - | Caif.Law. ; Cal.Law. | United States, California |
California Legal Record | - | Cal.Leg.Rec. | United States, California |
California Legislative Service (West) | Cal.Legis.Serv. (West) | - | United States, California |
California Real Property Journal | - | Cal.Real Prop.J. | United States, California |
California Regulatory Law Reporter | Cal.Reg.L.Rep. | - | United States |
California Regulatory Notice Register | Cal.Regulatory Notice Reg. | - | United States, California |
California Reporter | Cal.Rptr. | - | United States, California |
California Reporter, Second Series | Cal.Rptr.2d | - | United States, California |
California Reports | Cal. | - | United States, California |
California Reports, Fourth Series | Cal.4th | - | United States, California |
California Reports, Second Series | Cal.2d | - | United States, California |
California Reports, Third Series | Cal.3d | - | United States, California |
California State Bar Journal | Cal.St.B.J. | Calif.St.Bar.J. | United States, California |
California Superior Court Decisions | - | Cal.Sup. | United States, California |
California Unreported Cases | Cal.Unrep. | Cal.Unrep.Cas. | United States, California |
California Western International Law Journal | Cal.W.Int'l L.J. | Cal.West.Intl.L.J. ; Calif.W.Int'l L.J. ; Calif.West.Int'l L.J. ; Calif.Western Int.L.J. | United States |
California Western Law Review | Cal.W.L.Rev. | Cal.West.L.Rev. ; Calif.W.L.Rev. ; Calif.West.L.Rev. ; Calif.Western.L.Rev. | United States |
Call's Virginia Reports | Call | Call (Va.) ; Va.(Call) | United States, Virginia |
Calthrop's City of London Cases, King's Bench | Calth. | Cal. ; Calthr. | England & Wales |
Cambria County Law Journal | - | Cambria ; Cambria Co.(Pa.) ; Cambria Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Cambria County Reports | - | Cambria Co.(Pa) ; Cambria Co.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Cambrian Law Review | - | Cambrian L.R. ; Cambrian L.Rev. | England & Wales |
Cambridge International Law Journal | CILJ | International | |
Cambridge Journal of Economics | - | Camb.J.Econ. | United Kingdom |
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law | CJICL | International | |
Cambridge Law Journal | C.L.J. | Camb.L.J. ; Cambridge L.J. ; CLJ | United Kingdom |
Cambridge Student Law Review | CSLR | International | |
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies | - | C.Y.E.L.S. ; Cam Yrbk Euro Legal Stud | European Union |
Cameron & Norwood's North Carolina Conference reports | Cam.& Nor. | Cam.& N. ; N.C.(Cam.& Nor.) ; N.C.Conf. ; N.C.Conf.Rep. | United States, North Carolina |
Cameron's Digest | Cam.Dig. | - | Canada |
Cameron's Privy Council Decisions | Cam. | - | Canada |
Cameron's Supreme Court Cases | Cam.S.C. | Cam. ; Cam.Cas. ; Cameron ; Cameron (Can) ; Cameron Cas.(Can.) ; Cameron S.C. | Canada |
Cameroon Law Reports & News Journal | - | C.L.R.& N.J. | Cameroon |
Campbell Law Review | Campbell L.Rev. | - | United States |
Campbell's Legal Gazette Reports | - | Camp. ; Camp.L.G.R. ; Campb. ; Campbell ; Leg.Gaz.Re. ; Pa.L.G. ; Pa.Leg.Gaz. ; Penn.L.G. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Campbell's Nisi Prius Cases | Camp. | C.N.P.C. ; Camp.N.P. ; Campb. ; Campbell | England & Wales |
Canada Competition Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | CACT | - | Canada |
Canada Exchequer Court Reports | - | Can.Ex.C.R. ; Can.Ex.R. ; Can.Exch. ; Ex.C.R. ; Morse Exch.Rep. | Canada |
Canada Federal Court Reports | F.C. or C.F. | C.F. ; F.C. ; F.C.R. | Canada |
Canada Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Can.L.J. | Canada |
Canada Law Journal, New Series | - | C.L.J.N.S. ; Can.L.J.(N.S.) | Canada |
Canada Law Journal, Old Series | - | C.L.J.O.S. | Canada |
Canada Law Reports | - | C.L.R. ; Can.L.R. | Canada |
Canada Law Reports, Exchequer Court | Ex.C.R. | Exch.C. ; Exch.C.R. ; Exch.Can. ; Exch.Ct.(Can.) | Canada |
Canada Law Reports, Supreme Court | S.C.R or R.C.S. | Can.S.Ct. ; R.C.S. ; S.C.R. ; S.C.R. or R.C.S. ; SCR | Canada |
Canada Supreme Court Reports | S.C.R. or R.C.S. | R.C.S. ; S.C.R. | Canada |
Canada Tax Appeal Board Cases | - | Can.Tax App.Bd. | Canada |
Canada Tax Cases | C.T.C. | C.Tax.C. ; Can.T.C. | Canada |
Canada Tax Cases, New Series | C.T.C.(N.S.) | - | Canada |
Canada Tax Manual | C.T.M. | - | Canada |
Canada Trade and Sales Tax Cases | - | T.S.T. | Canada |
Canada's Immigration and Citizenship Bulletin | - | Imm.& Cit. | Canada |
Canada-U.S. Business Law Review | - | C.U.B.L.R. ; R.D.Comm.Can.-E.-U. ; R.I.B.L. | Canada |
Canada-U.S. Trade | - | Can.-U.S. Trade | Canada |
Canada-United States Law Journal | - | Can.-U.S. L.J. | Canada |
Canadian Abridgement Bulletin | - | Can.Abridg.Bull. | Canada |
Canadian Abridgment, Second Edition, Consolidation | - | Abr.Con.(2d) | Canada |
Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs | - | Can.Ann.Rev.Pol.& Pub.Aff. | Canada |
Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal | - | Can.Arbit.and Med.J. ; J.Arbitr.& Med.Can. | Canada |
Canadian Banker | - | Banquier ; Can.Banker | Canada |
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports | C.B.R. | Can.Bank.R. ; Can.Bankr. ; Can.Bankr.Ann. | Canada |
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, Fifth Series | - | Can. Bank. R. (5th) ; Can. Bankr. (5th) ; Can. Bankr. Rep. (5th) ; CBR (5th) | Canada |
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, Fourth Series | IN | Can. Bank. R. (4th) ; Can. Bankr. (4th) ; Can. Bankr. Rep. (4th) ; CBR (4th) | Canada |
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, New Series | - | C.B.R.(N.S.) ; C.B.R.N.S. ; Can.Bankr.Ann.(N.S.) ; CBR (2d) | Canada |
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports, Third Series | - | Can. Bank. R. (3d) ; Can. Bankr. (3rd) ; Can. Bankr. Rep. (3d) ; CBR (3d) | Canada |
Canadian Bar Review | Can.Bar Rev. or R.du B.Can. | C.B.R. ; Can.B.R. ; Can.B.Rev. ; Can.Bar Rev. ; R.du B.Can. | Canada |
Canadian Business Law Journal | C.B.L.J. | Can.Bus.L.J. ; Rev.Can.D.Comm. | Canada |
Canadian Cases on Employment Law | C.C.E.L. | CCEL | Canada |
Canadian Cases on Employment Law, Second Series | C.C.E.L.(2d) | CCEL (2d) | Canada |
Canadian Cases on Employment Law, Third Series | - | C.C.E.L.(3d) ; CCEL (3d) | Canada |
Canadian Cases on Pensions and Benefits | - | C.C.P.B. | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance | C.C.L.I. | CCLI | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance, Fourth Series | C.C.L.I.(4th) | CCLI (4th) | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance, Second Series | C.C.L.I.(2d) | CCLI (2d) | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance, Third Series | C.C.L.I.(3d) | CCLI (3d) | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Securities | - | C.C.L.S. | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts | C.C.L.T. | - | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts, Second Series | C.C.L.T.(2d) | - | Canada |
Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts, Third Series | C.C.L.T.(3d) | - | Canada |
Canadian Citations | C.C. | - | Canada |
Canadian Commercial Law Guide | Can.C.L.G. | Can.Com.L.Guide | Canada |
Canadian Commercial Law Reports | Can.Com.R. | C.L.R.C. ; Can.Com.Cas. ; Can.Com.L.R. | Canada |
Canadian Community Law Journal | - | Can.Community L.J. | Canada |
Canadian Competition Policy Record | - | Can.Compet.Policy Rec. | Canada |
Canadian Competition Record | - | Can.Compet.Rec. | Canada |
Canadian Computer Law Reporter | - | Can.Computer L.R. | Canada |
Canadian Corporate Counsel | - | Can.Corp.Counsel | Canada |
Canadian Corporations Law Reporter | - | C.C.L.R. | Canada |
Canadian Council on International Law, Conference Proceedings | - | Can Counc Intl L Proc ; Can.Council Int.L. ; Conseil Can.D.Int. | International |
Canadian Court Martial Appeal Reports | C.M.A.R. | T.A.C.M. | Canada |
Canadian Criminal Cases | C.C.C. | Can.Cr.Cas. ; Can.Crim.Cas. ; CCC | Canada |
Canadian Criminal Cases, 2nd Series | C.C.C.(2d) | CCC (2d) | Canada |
Canadian Criminal Cases, 3rd Series | C.C.C.(3d) | CCC (3d) | Canada |
Canadian Criminal Law Review | - | Can.Crim.L.Rev. ; Rev.Can.Droit P. | Canada |
Canadian Criminology Forum | - | Can.Crim.Forum ; Forum Can.Crim. | Canada |
Canadian Current Law | C.C.L. | Can.C.L. | Canada |
Canadian Current Tax | - | Can Cur Tax ; Can Curr Tax ; Can.Current Tax | Canada |
Canadian Customs and Excise Reports | C.E.R. | C.C.E.R. | Canada |
Canadian Employment Benefits and Pension Guide Reporter | C.E.B.& P.G.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Employment, Safety and Health Guide | C.E.S.H.G. | - | Canada |
Canadian Environmental Law Reports | C.E.L.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Environmental Law Reports (New Series) | C.E.L.R.(N.S.) | - | Canada |
Canadian Estate Planning and Administration Reporter | C.E.P.A.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Exchequer Court Reports | Ex.C.R. | Can.Ex.C.R. ; Can.Ex.R. ; Can.Exch. ; Exch.C.R. ; Exch.Can. | Canada |
Canadian Family Law Guide | Can.F.L.G. | - | Canada |
Canadian Family Law Quarterly | - | C.F.L.Q. ; C.T.D.Famille Can. | Canada |
Canadian Financial Services Alert | - | Alert | Canada |
Canadian Forces JAG Journal | - | Can.Forces JAG J. ; Rev.JAG Forces Can. | Canada |
Canadian Health Facilities Law Guide | C.H.F.L.G. | - | Canada |
Canadian Human Rights Digest | - | H.R.Dig. | Canada |
Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter | Litigation | Bull.Fond.Can.Dr.Pers. ; Can.H.R.Found.Newsl. | Canada |
Canadian Human Rights Reporter | C.H.R.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | CHRT | - | Canada |
Canadian Human Rights Yearbook | - | A.C.D.P. ; Ann.Can.D.de la Personne ; Ann.can.droits de la personne ; C.H.R.Y.B. ; Can Hum Rts Yrbk ; Can.Hum.Rts.Y.B. ; Can.Hum.Rts.Yb. ; Can.Human Rights Y.B. | None |
Canadian Income Tax Guide Report | Can.I.T.G.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Industrial Relations Association, Annual Meeting, Proceedings | - | Ass.Can.Rel.Ind. ; Can.Ind.Rel.Assoc. | Canada |
Canadian Insurance | - | Can.Ins. | Canada |
Canadian Insurance Law Reporter | - | Insur.L.Rep. | Canada |
Canadian Insurance Law Review | C.I.L.R. or R.Droit Assur. | C.I.L.R. ; R.Droit Assur. | Canada |
Canadian Intellectual Property Reports | C.I.P.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Intellectual Property Review | - | C.I.P.Rev. ; Can.Intell.Prop.Rev. ; Rev.C.P.I. | Canada |
Canadian International Lawyer | - | Can.Int'l Law. ; Can.Inter.Lawyer ; Rev.Can.D.Inter. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice | - | C.J.A.L.P. ; R.C.D.A.P. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of African Studies | - | Can.J.Afr.Stud. | Africa |
Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law | CJCCL | Canada | |
Canadian Journal of Criminology | - | Can.J.Crim. ; Can.J.Criminology ; Rev.Can.Crim. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections | - | Can.J.Criminology & Corrections | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Family Law | - | Can.J.Fam.L. ; Rev.Can.D.Fam. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Insurance Law | - | Can.J.Ins.L. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of International Business Law and Policy | - | Can.J.Inter.Bus.L.& Pol'y | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | CJLJ | C.J.L.J. ; Can.J.L.& Juris. ; Can.J.L.Juris. | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Law and Society | - | Can.J.L.& Soc'y ; Can.J.L.& Society ; Rev.Can.D.& Societe | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Life Insurance | - | Can.J.L.I. | None |
Canadian Journal of Political Science | - | Can.J.Pol.Sc. ; Can.J.Pol.Sci. ; CJPS ; R.C.S.P. ; RCSP | Canada |
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law | - | C.J.W.L. ; Can.J.Women & L. ; Rev.Femmes & D. ; Rev.Jur.Femme & D. | Canada |
Canadian Labour Law Cases | C.L.L.C. | - | Canada |
Canadian Labour Law Journal | - | Can.Lab.L.J. | Canada |
Canadian Labour Relations Board Decisions/Information | di | - | Canada |
Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports | - | C.L.R.B.R. ; Can.L.R.B.R. | Canada |
Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports, New Series | C.L.R.B.R.(N.S.) | - | Canada |
Canadian Labour Relations Board Reports, Second Series | - | C.L.R.B.R.(2d) | Canada |
Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal | - | Can.Lab.& Emp.L.J. ; Rev.Can.D.& Emploi | Canada |
Canadian Law Libraries | - | Bibliotheques de D.Can. ; Bibliotheques de D.Can. or Can.L.Libraries ; Can.L.Libraries | Canada |
Canadian Law Review | Can.L.Rev. | - | Canada |
Canadian Law Times | C.L.T. | Can.L.T. | Canada |
Canadian Law Times, Occasional Notes | - | C.L.T.Occ.N. ; Can.L.T.Occ.N. | Canada |
Canadian Lawyer | - | Can.Lawyer | Canada |
Canadian Mortgage Practice Reporter | C.M.P.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Native Law Cases | - | C.N.L.C. | Canada |
Canadian Native Law Reporter | C.N.L.R. | Can.Native L.Rep. ; CNLR | Canada |
Canadian Occupational Health & Safety Cases | C.O.H.S.C. | - | Canada |
Canadian Patent Reporter | C.P.R. | Can.P.R. | Canada |
Canadian Patent Reporter, Fourth Series | - | C.P.R.(4d) | Canada |
Canadian Patent Reporter, Second Series | C.P.R.(2d) | - | Canada |
Canadian Patent Reporter, Third Series | - | C.P.R.(3d) ; C.P.R.(N.S.) | Canada |
Canadian Petroleum Tax Journal | - | Can.Petro.Tax.J. | Canada |
Canadian Public Administration | - | Adm.Pub.Can. ; Can.Pub.Adm. ; Can.Publ.Adm. | Canada |
Canadian Public Policy | - | Can.Pub.Policy | Canada |
Canadian Railway Cases | C.R.C. | Can.R.Cas. ; Can.Ry.Cas. | Canada |
Canadian Railway and Transport Cases | C.R.T.C. | Can.Ry.& T.Cas. | Canada |
Canadian Reports, Appeal Cases | C.R. A.C. | A.C. ; Can.App. ; Can.R.A.C. ; Can.R.App.Cas. | Canada |
Canadian Rights Reporter | C.R.R. | CRR | Canada |
Canadian Rights Reporter, Second Series | - | C.R.R.(2d) ; CRR (2d) | Canada |
Canadian Sales Tax Reporter | Can.S.T.R. | - | Canada |
Canadian Securities Law Reporter | Can.S.L.R. | CSLR | Canada |
Canadian Tax Foundation, Tax Conference Report of Proceedings | - | Can.Tax Found. | Canada |
Canadian Tax Journal | - | Can.Tax.J. ; Rev.Fiscale Can. | Canada |
Canadian Tax News | - | Can.Tax News | Canada |
Canadian Tax Reports | - | Can.Tax Rep. | Canada |
Canadian Taxpayer | - | Can.Taxpayer | Canada |
Canadian Trade & Commodity Tax Cases | - | T.C.T. | Canada |
Canadian Trade and Sales Tax Cases | - | T.S.T. | Canada |
Canadian Transport Cases | C.T.C. | - | Canada |
Canadian Transport Commission Reports | - | C.T.C.R. ; R.C.C.T. | Canada |
Canadian Wartime Labour Relations Board Decisions | - | CLLC | Canada |
Canadian Yearbook of International Law | - | A.C.D.I. ; Ann.can.d.int. ; Can.Y.B.I.L. ; Can.Y.B.Int'l L. ; Can.Y.B.Int.L. ; Can.Yb.Int'l L. ; Can.Yearb.Int.L. ; Can.Yearbook Int.L. ; Canadian YBIL ; CanYIL | International |
Canadian-American Law Journal | - | Can.-Am.L.J. | United States |
Canberra Law Review | Canb LR | Canberra L.Rev. | Australia |
Candy's Printed Judgments | - | Candy | Pakistan |
Canterbury Law Review | Canta LR | Canterbury L.Rev. | New Zealand |
Cantwell's Cases on Tolls and Customs | - | Cantwell | Ireland |
Cape Law Journal | - | Cape L.J. ; Cape Law J. | South Africa |
Cape Provincial Division Reports | C.P.D. | Cape P.Div. ; Cape.P.D. ; S.A.L.R.C.P. ; S.A.Law Reports C.P. ; S.A.Law Reports C.P.D. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Cape Times Law Reports | C.T.R. | C.T.L.R. ; Cape T.R. ; CTR | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Cape Town Convention Journal | CTCJ | C.T.C.J. | International |
Capital Defense Digest | Cap.Def.Dig. | - | United States |
Capital Gains Tax Brief | - | C.G.T.B. | United Kingdom |
Capital Markets Law Journal | CMLJ | C.M.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Capital Tax Planning | - | C.T.P. | United Kingdom |
Capital Taxes News & Reports | - | C.T.News & Reps. | United Kingdom |
Capital Taxes and Estate Planning Quarterly | - | C.T.& E.P.Q. | United Kingdom |
Capital Taxes: a quarterly commentary | - | Cap.Tax. | United Kingdom |
Capital University Law Review | Cap.U.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Captive Insurance Company Reports | - | C.I.C.Reps. | None |
Captive Insurance Company Review | - | C.I.C.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Carbon & Climate Law Review | CCLR | C.C.L.Rev | International |
Carbon County Law Journal | - | Carbon Co. Legal J. ; Carbon Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Carbon and Climate Law Review | CCLR | International | |
Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal | Cardozo Arts & Ent.L.J. | - | United States |
Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law | - | Cardozo J.Int'l & Comp.L. | International |
Cardozo Law Review | Cardozo L.Rev. | - | United States |
Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature | - | Cardozo Stud.L.& Lit. | United States |
Cardwell's Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England | - | Card.Doc.Ann. | England & Wales |
Carey's Manitoba Reports | Carey | Carey M.R. | Canada, Manitoba |
Cargo Claims Analysis | - | C.C.A. | United Kingdom |
Caribbean Journal of Legal Information | - | Caribbean J.Leg.Info. | Jamaica |
Caribbean Law Bulletin | - | Carib L Bull | West Indies |
Caribbean Law Librarian | - | Caribbean L.Librarian | Jamaica |
Caribbean Law Review | Carib.L.R. | Carib L Rev ; Carib.L.Rev. | West Indies |
Carleton's New Brunswick Reports | - | Carl. ; N.B.R.(Carl.) ; N.B.R.Carl. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Carolina Law Repository | Car.L.Rep. | Car.Law.Repos. ; N.C.(Car.L.Rep.) | United States, North Carolina |
Carpmael's Patent Cases | Carp.Pat.Cas. | Carp. ; Carp.P.C. | United Kingdom |
Carrau's Reports of Summary Cases Determined in the Presidency Sudder Court | - | Carrau | India, West Bengal |
Carrington & Kirwan's Nisi Prius Reports | Car.& Kir. | C.&.K. ; Car.& K. ; Carr.& K. | England & Wales |
Carrington & Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports | Car.& M. | C.& M. ; C.& Mar. ; C.& Marsh. ; Car.& Mar. ; Carr.& M. | England & Wales |
Carrington & Payne's Nisi Prius Reports | C.& P. | Car.& P. | England & Wales |
Carrow, Hamerton & Allen's Session Cases | Car.H.& A. | C.H.& A. ; Car.Ham.& Al. ; N.S.C. ; New Sess.Cas. | England & Wales |
Carswell's Practice Cases | C.P.C | C.P.C. | Canada |
Carswell's Practice Cases, Fifth Series | C.P.C.(5d) | - | Canada |
Carswell's Practice Cases, Fourth Series | C.P.C.(4d) | - | Canada |
Carswell's Practice Cases, Second Series | C.P.C.(2d) | - | Canada |
Carswell's Practice Cases, Third Series | C.P.C.(3d) | - | Canada |
Carter's Common Pleas Reports | Cart. | Carter ; Rep.t.O.Br. | England & Wales |
Carthew's King's Bench Reports | Carth. | Cart. | England & Wales |
Cartmell's Trade Mark Cases | Cartm. | - | United Kingdom |
Cartwright's Constitutional Cases | Cart.B.N.A. | Cart. ; Cart.Cas.(Can.) | Canada |
Cary's Chancery Reports | Cary | - | England & Wales |
Case Notes | CN | England & Wales | |
Case Notes on Northern Nigeria | - | CNNN | Nigeria, Northern Region |
Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law | Case W.Res.J.Int'l L. | Cas.W.Res.J.Int.L. ; Case W Res J Intl L ; Case W.Res.J.Intl.L. ; Case West.Res.J.Int'l L. | United States |
Case Western Reserve Law Review | Case W.Res.L.Rev. | Cas.W.Res.L.Rev. ; Case West.Res.L.Rev. | United States |
Case and Comment | Case & Com. | - | United States |
Cases Decided in the High Court of the Orange Free State | O.F.S. | - | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Cases Illustrative of Oriental Life on the Application of English Law to India | - | Perry | India, Maharashtra |
Cases in Chancery | Chan.Cas. | Cas.Arg.& Dec. ; Cas.in C. ; Cas.in Ch. ; Cases in Ch. ; Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cases in Chancery tempore George I | Ca.t.Geo.I. | Ca.t.Geo.I ; Cas.t.Geo.I. | England & Wales |
Cases in King's Bench tempore William III | Ca.t.Wm.III | Cas.B.R. ; Cas.B.R.t.W.III ; Cas.C.R. ; Cas.t.Wm.III | England & Wales |
Cases in Queen's Bench tempore Queen Anne | Ca.t.Q.A. | Ca.t.Holt ; Cas.t.Q.A. ; Cas.t.Q.Anne ; R.t.Q.A. ; Rep.Q.A. | England & Wales |
Cases of Practice in the Court of King's Bench | Cas.Pract.K.B. | Cas.Pr. ; Cas.Pr.K.B. ; Cas.Pra.K.B. ; Cas.Prac.K.B. | England & Wales |
Cases of Settlement, King's Bench | - | Cas.Sett. ; Sett.& Rem. ; Sett.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cases temp. Hardwicke | - | B.R.H. ; Cas.t.H. ; Cas.t.Hard. ; Cas.t.Hardw. ; Lee & H. ; Lee.t.Hard. ; Lee.t.Hardw. ; R.t.H. ; R.t.Hardw. | England & Wales |
Cases temp. Hardwicke (editor: Annaly) | Ann. | Annaly | England & Wales |
Cassazione Penale - Massimario Annotato | - | Cass.pen.mass. | Italy |
Cassels' Practice Cases | Cass.Prac.Cas. | Cass.Prac. | Canada |
Cassels' Supreme Court Digest | Cass.S.C. | Cass.Dig. | Canada |
Casson's Local Government Board Decisions | Cass.L.G.B. | - | United Kingdom |
Cates' Tennessee Reports | - | Cates ; Tenn.(Cates) | United States, Tennessee |
Catholic Lawyer | Cath.Law. | Catholic Law. | United States |
Catholic University Law Review | Cath.U.L.Rev. | Cath.U.L.R. ; Catholic U.L.R. ; Catholic Univ.L.Rev. | United States |
Catholic University of America Law Review | - | Cath.U.A.L.R. ; Catholic U.A.L.R. | United States |
Cayman Islands Law Reports | CILR | C.I.L.R. ; C.I.R. | Cayman Islands |
Cent Notables Singulieres Questions de Droit Decidees par Arrets Memorables des Cours Souveraines de France | ASX Listing Rules | Chenu | France |
Central Arbitration Committee Awards | - | C.A.C.A. | United Kingdom |
Central Banking | - | C.Bank. | United Kingdom |
Central Criminal Court Cases | C.C.C.Sess.Pap. | C.C.C.Cas. ; C.C.Ct.Cas. | England & Wales |
Central European: finance and business in Central and Eastern Europe | - | C.E. | None |
Central Provinces & Berar Revenue Rulings | - | C.P.& B.R.R. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Central Provinces Law Reports | - | C.P.L.R. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Central and East European Business Law Bulletin | - | Butt.C.& E.E.B.L.B. ; C.& E.E.B.L.B. | None |
Centrale-Rundschreiben | - | Centrale-RdSchr | Germany |
Centre County Legal Journal | - | Centre Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Bulletin | - | CIJL Bulletin | International |
Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Yearbook | - | CIJL Yearbook | International |
Certified Accountant | - | C.A. | None |
Ceylon Criminal Appeal Reports | - | Ceyl.Cr.App.R. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Examiner Reports | - | Exam.R. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Income Tax Cases | - | C.I.T.C. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Ceyl.L.J. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Law Recorder | - | C.L.Rec. ; Ceyl.L.R. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Law Reports | - | C.L.R. ; Ceyl.L.R. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Law Review | - | C.L.Rev. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Law Weekly | - | C.L.W. ; Ceyl.L.W. | Sri Lanka |
Ceylon Weekly Reporter | - | C.W.R. | Sri Lanka |
Chalmer's Opinions of Eminent Lawyers | - | Chalmers | England & Wales |
Chambers Client Report | - | C.C.R. | United Kingdom |
Chambers Magazine | C. Mag. | ||
Chambers and Pretty, Reports of Cases on the Finance Act 1910 | Ch.& P. | - | England & Wales |
Champion's Cases under the Wine & Beer Houses Act | - | Champ. ; Champion | England & Wales |
Chancery Sentinel | - | Ch.Sent. | United States, New York |
Chandler's New Hampshire Reports | - | Chand. ; Chand.(N.H.) ; Chandl. | United States, New Hampshire |
Chandler's Wisconsin Reports | Chand. | Chand.(Wis.) ; Chandl. | United States, Wisconsin |
Charities Management | - | Charities M. | United Kingdom |
Charity Finance | Charity F. | United Kingdom | |
Charity Law and Practice Review | CL & PR | C.L.& P.R. | United Kingdom |
Charley's Chamber Cases | Char.Cham.Cas. | Charl.Cha.Cas. ; Charl.Cham.Cas. ; Charley Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Charley's Practice Cases | Char.Pr.Cas. | Charl.Pr.Cas. ; Charley Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Chartac Taxation Report | - | CTR | Australia |
Charter of Rights Decisions | - | C.R.D. | Canada |
Charter of Rights Decisions and Judgments | - | C.R.D.J. | Canada |
Charter-Party International | - | Chart.I. | None |
Chartered Accountant Magazine | - | C.A.Mag. | None |
Chartered Building Societies Institute Journal | - | C.B.S.I.Jour. | United Kingdom |
Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal | - | C.I.P.A.J. | None |
Chartered Insurance Institute Journal | - | C.I.I.Jour. ; Chartered Ins.Inst.J. | United Kingdom |
Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters Journal | - | C.P.C.U.Jour. | None |
Chartered Surveyor Weekly | - | C.S.W. | None |
Chase's United States Circuit Court Decisions by Johnson | - | Chase ; Chase Dec. ; John. ; Johns. ; Johns.U.S. | United States |
Chemical Regulation Reporter | Chem.Reg.Rep. | - | United States |
Chester County Record of the Courts | - | Chester Co.R.C. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Chester County Reports | - | Chest.Co.(Pa.) ; Chest.Co.Rep. ; Chetsre Co.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Chester Palatine Courts | - | Stewart-Brown | England & Wales |
Chetty's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Cases, Madras | - | Chetty | India, Tamil Nadu |
Cheves' South Carolina Equity Reports | Chev.Eq. | Chev.Ch. ; Cheves Eq.(S.C.) ; S.C.Eq.(Chev.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Cheves' South Carolina Law Reports | Chev. | Cheves ; Cheves L.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(Chev.) | United States, South Carolina |
Chicago Bar Record | - | Chicago Bar Rec. | United States, Illinois |
Chicago Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Chi.L.J. ; Chic.L.J. ; Chicago L.J. | United States |
Chicago Law Record | - | Chi.L.R. ; Chic.L.R. ; Chicago L.Rec. ; Chicago L.Record | United States |
Chicago Legal News | - | C.L.N. ; Chi.Leg.N. ; Chic.Leg.N. ; Chicago Leg.News | United States |
Chicago-Kent Law Review | Chi-Kent L.Rev. | Chic-Kent L.Rev. ; Chicago-Kent L.Rev. | United States |
Chicago-Kent Review | - | Chi-Kent Rev. | United States |
Chicano Law Review | Chicano L.Rev. | - | United States |
Chicano-Latino Law Review | - | Chican-Latino L.Rev. ; Chicano L.Rev. | United States |
Child & Family Law Update | - | C.& F.L.U. | Ireland |
Child Care Forum | - | C.C.F. | None |
Child Support Rulings | - | CS | Australia |
Child and Family Law Quarterly | CFLQ | C.F.L.Q. ; Cfam | United Kingdom |
Children's Legal Rights Journal | - | Child.Leg.Rts.J. ; Children's Legal Rts.J. | United States |
Childright | N.B.R.2d. | Childright | England & Wales |
China Aktuell | - | C.A. | China |
China Business Law Guide | - | CBLG | China |
China Business Review | - | China Bus.Rev. | China |
China Joint Venturer | - | C.J.V. | Asia |
China Law Reporter | - | China L.Rep. | China |
China Law Reports | - | China L Rep ; China L.R. | China |
China Law Update | - | CLU | China |
China Law and Business Update | - | CLBU | Australia |
China Law and Practice | - | C.L.P. | China |
China Law for Business | - | China Law for Business | Asia |
China Laws for Foreign Business - Special Zones & Cities | - | CHZC | China |
China Patents & Trademarks | - | China Pat.& Trademarks | China |
China Report | - | China Rep. | China |
China-EU Law Journal | China-EU Law J | C.E.L.J. | China |
Chinese Journal of International Law | Chinese JIL | C.J.I.L. | International |
Chinese Law and Government | - | Chin.L.& Gov. ; Chinese L.& Gov't | China |
Chinese Legal Science | APCLR | Chinese Legal Sci. ; ZG Fa Xue | China |
Chinese Yearbook of International Law | - | Chin Yrbk Intl L ; Chin.Yb.Int'l L. | International |
Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs | - | Chin Yrbk Intl l & Aff ; Chin.Yb.Int'l L.& Aff. ; Chinese (Taiwan) Y.B.Int'l L.& Aff. | International |
Chipman's New Brunswick Reports | - | Chip. ; Chip.W. ; N.B.R.(Chip.) ; N.B.R.Chip. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Chitty & Patell's Causes Referred from the Bombay Court of Small Causes for the Opinion of the High Court of Bombay | - | Chitty & Patell | India, Maharashtra |
Chitty's Bills of Exchange | - | Chitty | England & Wales |
Chitty's Law Journal | Chitty's L.J. | - | Canada |
Chitty's Practice Reports | Chit. | Ch.R. ; Chit.B.C. ; Chit.R. ; Chitt. ; Chitty ; Chitty.B.C. | England & Wales |
Choyce Cases in Chancery | Ch.Cas.in Ch. | C.C.C. ; Ch.Cas.Ch. ; Cho.Ca.Ca. ; Choyce Cas. ; Choyce Cas.Ch. | England & Wales |
Christopher Robinson's Admiralty Reports | Ch.Rob. | C.Rob. ; C.Rob.Adm. ; Chr.Rob. ; Rob. ; Rob.A. ; Rob.Adm. ; Rob.Chr. ; Robinson | England & Wales |
Chukura'a Privy Council Judgments | - | Chukura | Africa |
Chukyo Hogaku | - | Chukyo Hogaku | Japan |
Chulalongkorn Law Review | - | Chula L Rev ; Chula.L.Rev. ; Chulalongkorn L.Rev. | Thailand |
Cincinnati Daily Court Bulletin | - | Cinc.D.Ct.B. | United States, Ohio |
Cincinnati Law Bulletin | - | Cincinnati L.Bull. | United States |
Cincinnati Municipal Decisions | - | Cinc.Mun.Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter | - | C.S.C.R. ; Cin.R. ; Cin.S.C.R. ; Cin.S.C.Rep. ; Cin.Sup.Ct.Rep. ; Cin.Super.(Ohio.) ; Cin.Super.Ct.Rep'r. | United States, Ohio |
Circolo Giuridico: Rivista di Dottrina e di Giurisprudenza | - | Cir.giur. | Italy |
Civil & Military Law Journal | - | Civ.& Mil.L.J. | India |
Civil Aeronautics Board Reports | C.A.B. | C.A.A. | United States |
Civil Justice Quarterly | C.J.Q. | Civ.Just.Q. | United Kingdom |
Civil Law Cases | - | CLC | Pakistan |
Civil Liberties Review | - | Civ.Lib.Rev. | United States |
Civil Litigation | - | Civ.Lit. | None |
Civil Practice & Procedure | C.P. & P. | Ireland | |
Civil Practice Bulletin | - | Civ.P.B. | None |
Civil Practice Law Reports | CPLR | C.P.L.R. | England & Wales |
Civil Procedure News | - | C.P.N. | England & Wales |
Civil Procedure Reports | - | C.P.Rep. | England & Wales |
Civil Service Arbitration Board Awards and Agreements | - | Civ.Serv.A.B.A.A. | United Kingdom |
Civilisations | - | Civis. | Belgium |
Civitas. Revista Espanola de Derecho Administrativo | - | Civitas (Madrid) | Spain |
Clarity | - | Clarity | None |
Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Cases | Cl.& F. | C.& F. ; Cl.& Fin. ; Clark & F. ; Clark & Fin. | United Kingdom |
Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Reports New Series | H.L.Cas. | Cl.App. ; Clark ; Clark & F.(N.S.) ; Clark & Fin.(N.S.) ; Clark App. ; H.L. ; H.L.C. ; H.L.Rep. ; Ho.L.Cas. ; Ho.Lords C. ; Ho.Lords Cas. ; House of L. | United Kingdom |
Clark's Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports | - | Clark ; Clark (Pa.) ; Pa.L.J. ; Pa.L.J.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Clarke & Scully's Drainage Cases | C.& S. | Cl.& Sc.Dr.Cas. ; Clarke & S.Dr.Cas. | Canada, Ontario |
Clarke's New York Chancery Reports | Cl.Ch. | Cl.R. ; Clarke ; Clarke Ch. ; Clarke Ch.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Clayton's Reports, York Assizes | Clay. | Clayt. ; Clayton ; Rep.Ass.Y. ; Rep.Yorke Ass. | England & Wales |
Clearinghouse Review | Clearinghouse Rev. | - | United States |
Cleary's Registration Cases | - | Cleary ; Cleary R.C. ; Cleary Reg.Cas. | Ireland |
Clerk Home Session Cases | C.Home | Clerk Home ; Home, Ctof Sess. | Scotland |
Cleveland Bar Journal | - | Cleveland Bar J. | United States, Ohio |
Cleveland Law Record | - | C.L.R. ; Clev.L.Rec. ; Cleve.L.Rec. ; Cleve.L.Rec.(Ohio) ; Cleve.Law Rec. | United States, Ohio |
Cleveland Law Register | - | Clev.L.Reg. ; Cleve.L.Reg. ; Cleve.L.Reg.(Ohio) ; Cleve.Law Reg. | United States, Ohio |
Cleveland Law Reporter | - | Clev.L.Rep. ; Cleve.L.R.(Ohio) ; Cleve.L.Rep. ; Cleve.L.Rep.(Ohio) ; Cleve.Law Rep. | United States, Ohio |
Cleveland State Law Review | Clev.St.L.Rev. | Clev.State L.Rev. ; Cleveland St.L.Rev. | United States |
Cleveland-Marshall Law Review | Clev-Marshall L.Rev. | Clev.-Mar.L.Rev. ; Clev.-Marshall L.Rev. | United States |
Clifford & Richard's Locus Standi Reports | Clif.& Rich. | C.& R. ; Cliff.& Rich. | United Kingdom |
Clifford & Stephen's Locus Standi Reports | Clif.& Steph. | C.& S. ; Cliff.& Steph. | United Kingdom |
Clifford Chance Benefits and Employment Bulletin | - | C.C.B.& E.B. | England & Wales |
Clifford Chance Media Law Review | - | C.C.M.L.R. | England & Wales |
Clifford's Southwark Election Cases | Cliff. | Clif.El. ; Clif.El.Cas. ; Clif.South.El. ; Cliff.El.Cas. | England & Wales |
Clifford's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Clif. ; Cliff. | United States |
Clinical Disputes Forum Newsletter | - | C.D.F.N. | None |
Clinical Law Review | - | Clin.L.Rev. | United States |
Clinical Risk | Clinical Risk | C.Risk | United Kingdom |
Coastal Management | - | Coastal Mgmt. | United States |
Coastal Zone Management Journal | - | Coastal Zone Mgmt.J. | United States |
Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England | Cobb.Parl.Hist. ; Cobbett Parl. Hist. | United Kingdom | |
Cochin Law Reports | - | Cochin ; Cochin L.R. | India, Kerala |
Cochin University Law Review | - | Cochin U.L.Rev. | India |
Cochran's Nova Scotia Reports | - | Coch. ; Coch.N.Sc. ; Cochr. ; Cochran ; N.S.R.(Coch.) ; N.S.R.Coch. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Cockburn & Rowe's Election Cases | Cock.& Rowe | C.& R. ; Cock.& R. ; Cockb.& R. ; Cockb.& Rowe | England & Wales |
Code Civil (Belgium) | - | C.C. ; C.Civ. | Belgium |
Code Civil (France) | - | C. ; C.C. ; C.Civ. | France |
Code Civil Suisse et Code des Obligations Annotes | - | CC&CO | Switzerland |
Code Napoleon | - | C.N. | France |
Code Penal (Belgium) | - | C.P. ; C.Pen. | Belgium |
Code Penal (France) | - | C.Pen. | France |
Code Reporter | - | Code R. | United States, New York |
Code Reporter, New Series | - | Code R.(N.S.) | United States, New York |
Code administratif | - | C.adm. | France |
Code civil annote Dalloz | - | C.civ.ann. | France |
Code d'Instruction criminelle (Belgium) | - | C.Inst.crim. ; C.Instr.Crim. | Belgium |
Code d'instruction criminelle (France) | - | C.Instr.Crim. | France |
Code de Commerce (Belgium) | - | C.com. | Belgium |
Code de Procedure Penale | - | C.Pr.Pen. | France |
Code de commerce (France) | - | C.com. | France |
Code de justice militaire (armee de mer) | - | C.J.M.A.M. ; C.just.mar. | France |
Code de justice militaire (armee de terre) | - | C.J.M.A.T. ; C.just.mil. | France |
Code de l'Administration Communale | - | C.A.C. | France |
Code de l'environnement | - | C.environnement | France |
Code de l'expropriation | - | C.expropr. | France |
Code de l'organisation judicaire | - | C.org.jud. | France |
Code de l'urbanisme | - | C.urb. | France |
Code de la Nationalite Francaise | - | C.Nat. | France |
Code de la construction et de l'habitation | - | C.constr.et habitation | France |
Code de la famille et de l'aide sociale | - | C.fam.et aide soc. | France |
Code de la sante publique | - | C.sante publ. | France |
Code de la securite sociale | - | C.secur.soc. | France |
Code de procedure civile (Belgium) | - | C.p.civ. ; C.pr.civ. ; C.Proc.Civ. | Belgium |
Code de procedure civile (France) | - | C.pr.civ. | France |
Code de travail maritime | - | C.trav.mar. | France |
Code des douanes | - | C.douanes | France |
Code des societes | - | C.soc. | France |
Code disciplinaire et penal de la marine marchande | - | C.discipl.et pen. | France |
Code du travail | - | C.trav. | France |
Code electoral | - | C.elect. | France |
Code forestier | - | C.For. | France |
Code general des impots | - | C.G.I. ; C.gen.imp. | France |
Code of Colorado Regulations | Colo.Code Regs. | - | United States, Colorado |
Code of Georgia Annotated (Harrison) | Ga.Code Ann. (Harrison) | - | United States, Georgia |
Code of Iowa | Iowa Code | - | United States, Iowa |
Code of Laws of South Carolina Annotated | S.C.Code Ann. | - | United States, South Carolina |
Code of Laws of South Carolina Annotated, Code of Regulations | S.C.Code Ann.Regs. | - | United States, South Carolina |
Code of Maine Rules | Code Me.R. | - | United States, Maine |
Code of Maryland Regulations | Md.Regs.Code | - | United States, Maryland |
Code of Massachusetts Regulations | Mass.Regs.Code | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Code of Rhode Island Rules | R.I.Code R. | - | United States, Rhode Island |
Code of Vermont Rules | Vt.Code R. | - | United States, Vermont |
Code of Virginia Annotated | Va.Code Ann. | - | United States, Virginia |
Code rural | - | C.Rur. | France |
Codes des communes | - | C.communes | France |
Codex Theodosianus | - | Cod.Th. | Italy |
Codice Penal | - | C.P. ; Cod.Pen. | Italy |
Codice Penale Militare di Guerra | - | C.P.Mil.G. ; Cod.Pen.Mil.Guerra | Italy |
Codice Penale Militare di Pace | - | C.P.Mil.P. ; Cod.Pen.Mil.Pace | Italy |
Codice Postale | - | C.Post. ; Cod.Post. | Italy |
Codice di Procedura Civile | - | C.P.C. ; Cod.Prov.Civ. | Italy |
Codice di Procedura Penale | - | C.P.P. ; Cod.Pro.Pen. | Italy |
Codicillus | - | Cod. ; Codicillus | South Africa |
Codigo Civil | - | CC | Spain |
Codigo Penal | CP | - | Spain |
Codigo de Commercio | Ccom | - | Spain |
Coexistence | - | Coexist. | Netherlands |
Coffey's California Probate Decisions | - | Cof. ; Cof.Prob.Dec.(Cal.) ; Coff.Prob. ; Coffey's Prob.Dec. | United States, California |
Coglan's Hindu Law Cases | - | Coglan | India |
Coke on Littleton | Me.L. | Co.Lit. ; Co.Litt. ; Coke Lit. | England & Wales |
Coke's Institutes of the Lawes of England | - | Co. ; Co.Inst. ; Coke Inst. | England & Wales |
Coke's King's Bench Reports | Co.Rep. | Co. ; Coke ; Rep. ; Reports | England & Wales |
Coldwell's Tennessee Reports | Cold. | Col. ; Coldw. ; Tenn.(Cold.) | United States, Tennessee |
Coleccion Legislativa de Espana, Jurisprudencia Civil | - | Col.Leg.Esp. | Spain |
Colectanea de Jurisprudencia | - | CJ | Portugal |
Colectanea de Jurisprudencia: Acordaos do Supremo Tribunal de Justica | - | CJ(ST) | Portugal |
Coleman and Caines' New York Cases | Cole.& Cai.Cas. | C.& C. ; Col.& C.Cas. ; Col.& Cai. ; Col.& Caines Cas.(N.Y.) ; Cole.& C.Cas. ; Cole.& Cai. ; Colem.& C.Cas. | United States, New York |
Coleman's New York Cases | Cole.Cas. | C.C. ; Col.Cas. ; Col.Cas.(N.Y.) ; Cole.Cas.Pr. ; Colem.Cas. | United States, New York |
Collectio Notabiliorum Decisionum Supremii Tribunalis Appellationum Hesso-Castellani | - | Cangiesser | Germany |
Collection Baudouin | - | B. | France |
Collection of Decisions of the European Commission of Human Rights | - | CD ; Coll.of Dec. | International |
Collection of Judgments of the Courts of Palestine | - | Coll.Judg. | Palestine |
Collection scientifique de la Faculte de Droit de Liege | - | Liege, Coll.Scientif.de la Fac.de Droit | Belgium |
Collections Relative to Claims | - | Coll.Cl. | England & Wales |
College Law Digest | College L.Dig. | - | United States |
Colles' Cases in Parliament | Colles | Coll. ; Coll.P.C. ; Colles P.C. | England & Wales |
Collier Bankruptcy Cases | - | Collier Bankr. Cas. | United States |
Collier Bankruptcy Cases, Second Series | - | Collier Bankr. Cas. 2d | United States |
Collin's Massachusett's Reports | - | Mass.(Coll.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Collinson on the Law of Idiots and Lunatics | - | Coll ; Collin.Ind. ; Collin.Lun. | None |
Collyer's Chancery Cases tempore Bruce V.C. | Coll. | Col.C.C. ; Coll.C.C. ; Coll.C.R. ; Coll.N.C. ; Colly. ; Colly.Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Colombo Law Review | - | Colombo L Rev ; Colombo L.Rev. | Sri Lanka |
Colonial Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Col.L.J. ; Col.L.J.N.Z.. | New Zealand |
Colorado Court of Appeals Reports | Colo.App. | Col.App. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Decisions | - | Colo.Dec. ; Colo.Decs. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy | Colo.J.Int'l Envtl.L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
Colorado Law Reporter | - | Col.L.Rep. ; Colo.L.R. ; Colo.Law Rep. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Lawyer | Colo.Law. | Colorado Law. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Legislative Service (West) | Colo.Legis.Serv. (West) | - | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Nisi Prius Decisions | - | Col.N.P. ; Colo.N.P.Dec. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Register | Colo.Reg. | - | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Reports | Colo. | Col. | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Revised Statutes | Colo.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated (West) | Colo.Rev.Stat.Ann. (West) | - | United States, Colorado |
Colorado Session Laws | Colo.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Colorado |
Colquit's Reports | Colquit | Colq. ; Colquitt | England & Wales |
Coltman's Registration Cases | Colt. | Colt.(Reg.Ca.) ; Colt.Reg.Cas. ; Coltm. | England & Wales |
Columbia Business Law Review | Colum.Bus.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Columbia Human Rights Law Review | Colum.Hum.Rts.L.Rev. | Col.Hum.R.L.Rev. ; Colum.Human Rights L.J. | United States |
Columbia Journal of Asian Law | - | Col J Asian L ; Colum.J.Asian L. | United States |
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law | Colum.J.Envtl.L. | Colum.J.Environ.L. | United States |
Columbia Journal of European Law | - | Colum.J.Eur.L. | European Union |
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law | Colum.J.Gender & L. | - | United States |
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems | Colum.J.L.& Soc.Probs. | - | United States |
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law | Colum.J.Transnat'l L. | Col J Transnatl L ; Col.J.Trans.L. ; Col.Jour.Trans.Law ; Colum.J.Transnat'l Law | International |
Columbia Journal of World Business | - | Colum.J.World Bus. | United States |
Columbia Law Review | Colum.L.Rev. | C.L.R. ; Col.L.R. ; Col.L.Rev. ; Col.Law Rev. ; Colum.L.R. ; Columbia L.R. | United States |
Columbia-VLA Journal of Law & the Arts | Colum.-VLA J.L.& Arts | - | United States |
Comberbach's King's Bench Reports | Comb. | Com. | England & Wales |
Comm/Ent Law Journal | - | Comm/Ent L.J. | United States |
CommLaw Conspectus | - | CommLaw Conspect. | United States |
Commercial Advertiser Reports | - | C.A.R. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Commercial Cases | Com.Cas. | Rep.Com.Cas. | England & Wales |
Commercial Conflict of Laws | - | C.C.L. | International |
Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal | CDRJ | - | Australia |
Commercial Judicial Review Bulletin | CJRB | C.J.R.B. | England & Wales |
Commercial Law Association Bulletin | CLAB | C.L.A. Bulletin ; CLA Bulletin | Australia |
Commercial Law Association of Australia Bulletin | CLAAB | CLAA Bulletin | Australia |
Commercial Law Bulletin | - | Com.L.Bull. | United Kingdom |
Commercial Law Journal (UK) | - | Comm.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Commercial Law Journal (USA) | - | Com.L.J. | United States |
Commercial Law League Journal | - | Com.L.League J. | United States |
Commercial Law Practitioner | - | C.L.Pract. | Ireland |
Commercial Law Quarterly | CLQ | Com LQ ; Comm LQ | Australia |
Commercial Law Reports | CLR (1997-2009); SACLR (2010-) | South Africa | |
Commercial Law Reports | Com LR | Com.L.R. ; Comm LR | England & Wales |
Commercial Laws of Europe | C.L.E. | Comm.Laws.Europ. | None |
Commercial Lawyer | - | C.L. ; Comm.Law. | England & Wales |
Commercial Leases | - | Comm. Leases | United Kingdom |
Commercial Liability Law Review | CLLR | C.L.L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Commercial Litigation Journal | - | Co. L.J. | United Kingdom |
Commercial Property | - | Comm.Prop. | England & Wales |
Commercial Registration Appeal Tribunal Summaries of Decisions | - | C.R.A.T. | Canada, Ontario |
Commission de la Fonction Publique de Quebec Appels: Recueil des Decisions | - | C.F.P.Q.(Appels) | Canada, Quebec |
Commissioner of Patents Decisions | - | Pat.Dec. | United States |
Commodity Futures Law Reports | Comm.Fut.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Commodity Law International | - | C.L.I. | None |
Common Bench Reports | C.B. | Com.B. ; M.& S. ; M.G.& S. ; Man.& S. ; Man.& Sc. ; Man.G.& S. ; Man.Gr.& S. ; Mann.G.& S. | England & Wales |
Common Bench Reports, New Series | C.B.N.S. | C.B.(N.S.) ; Com.B.N.S. | England & Wales |
Common Law & Equity Reports | Eq.Rep. | C.L. ; C.L.R. ; Com.L.R. ; Com.Law Rep.. ; Eq.R. ; Equity Rep. | England & Wales |
Common Law Lawyer | - | Common L.Law. | Comparative Law |
Common Law World Review | - | C.L.W.R. | Common Law |
Common Market Law Reports | C.M.L.R. | CMLR | European Union |
Common Market Law Reports, Antitrust Reports | CMLR | CMLR(AS) | European Union |
Common Market Law Review | CML Rev. | C.M.L.R. ; C.M.L.Rev. ; CMLR ; Comm.Market L.R. ; Comm.Mkt.L.R. ; Comm.Mkt.L.Rev. ; Common Mkt.L.Rev. | European Union |
Common Pleas Reporter | - | C.P.Rep. ; Com.P.Reptr. ; Com.Pl.R.(Pa.) ; Com.Pl.Reptr. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Commonwealth Arbitration Awards and Determinations | - | C.A.A. ; CAA | Australia |
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports | CAR | C.A.R. ; C.A.R.(Aust.) ; Comm AR ; Comm.A.R. | Australia |
Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Decisions | - | C.C.D. ; CCD | Australia |
Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Notes | - | C.C.N. ; CCN | Australia |
Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest | CHRLD | C.H.R.L.D. | Commonwealth |
Commonwealth Judicial Journal | - | Com.Jud.J. | England & Wales |
Commonwealth Law Bulletin | CLB | C.L.B. ; Comm Law Bull ; Comm.L.B. ; Commonwealth L.Bull. ; Commw.L.B. | Commonwealth |
Commonwealth Law Librarian | - | Com.L.L. | Commonwealth |
Commonwealth Law Reports | CLR | Austr.C.L.R. ; Comm.L.R. ; Commonw.L.R. | Australia |
Commonwealth Law Review | - | CL Rev | Australia |
Commonwealth Lawyer | - | Com. Lawyer ; Cth Lawyer | Commonwealth |
Commonwealth Legal Education Association Newsletter | CLEA Newsletter | C.L.E.A. Newsletter | Australia |
Commonwealth Public Service Arbitration Reports | CPSAR | C.P.S.A.R. | Australia |
Commonwealth Record | - | Comm Rec ; CR | Australia |
Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions | - | Board of Review Decisions ; C.T.B.R. ; CTBR ; CTBR (OS) | Australia |
Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series | CTBR (NS) | C.T.B.R.(N.S.) | Australia |
Communications International | - | Comm.Int. | None |
Communications Law | Comms L | CL ; Comms.L. | United Kingdom |
Communications Law Bulletin | CLB | Comm LB | Australia |
Communications Law and Policy in Australia | - | CLP | Australia |
Communications Regulations | Communications Reg. | - | United States |
Communications Update | - | CU | Australia, New South Wales |
Communications and the Law | - | Comm.& L. | United States |
Community Care Law Reports | CCLR | C.C.L.R. ; C.C.L.Rep. | England & Wales |
Community Services Appeals Tribunal of New South Wales [Neutral Citation] | NSWCSAT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Companies and Securities Bulletin | CSB | - | Australia |
Company Accountant | - | Co.Acc. | England & Wales |
Company Cases | - | Com.Cas. | India |
Company Director | - | CD | Australia |
Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review | CfiLR | C.F.I.L.R. | England & Wales |
Company Law Digest | - | C.L.D. ; Co.L.Dig. ; Co.Law Dig. | England & Wales |
Company Law Journal | - | C.L.J. ; Company L.J. | India |
Company Law Journal Annual Review | - | Company L.J.Ann.Rev. | India |
Company Law Monitor | - | C.L.M. | United Kingdom |
Company Law Newsletter | - | C.L.N. ; Co. L.N. | United Kingdom |
Company Lawyer | Co Law | C.L.D. ; Co.Law ; Comp.Law. ; Comp.Lawy. | England & Wales |
Company Secretary | - | C.S. | Asia |
Company Secretary's Review | - | C.S.R. | England & Wales |
Company and Securities Law Journal | C&SLJ | Co & Sec Law Journal | Australia |
Comparative Juridical Review | - | Comp Jur Rev ; Comp.Jurid.Rev. | Comparative Law |
Comparative Labor Law | Comp.Lab.L. | Comp.Lab.Law | Comparative Law |
Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal | - | Comp.Lab.L.& Pol'y J. | Comparative Law |
Comparative Labor Law Journal | Comp.Lab.L.J. | - | Comparative Law |
Comparative Law Journal | - | Hikakuho Kenkyu | Japan |
Comparative Law Review (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland) | - | Comp.L.Rev.(Nicolaus Copernicus Univ.) | Comparative Law |
Comparative Law Review (Waseda University, Japan) | - | Comp.L.Rev.(Waseda Univ.) | Comparative Law |
Comparative Law Yearbook | - | Comp.L.Y.B. | Comparative Law |
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business | - | Comp L Yrbk Intl Bus ; Comp.L.Y.B.Int'l Bus. ; Comp.L.Yrbk.Intl.Bus. | International |
Comparative Legal History | CLH | C.L.H. ; Comp Leg Hist ; Comp. Leg. Hist. | International |
Comparative Political Studies | - | Comp.Pol.Stud. | Comparative Law |
Comparative Politics | - | Comp.Pol. | Comparative Law |
Comparative Studies in Society and History | - | Comp.Stud.Soc'y & Hist. ; CSSH | Comparative Law |
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa | - | CILSA ; Comp & Intl LJ S Afr ; Comp.& Int'l L.J.Southern Africa | South Africa |
Compendium of Casenotes of the Ombudsmen | - | CCNO ; OCN | New Zealand |
Compensation & Benefits Update | - | Comp.& Ben.Update | Canada |
Competition & Consumer Law Journal | CCLJ | Competition & Consumer L.J. | Australia |
Competition Appeal Reports | CompAR | - | United Kingdom |
Competition Appeal Tribunal (Neutral Citation) | CAT | - | United Kingdom |
Competition Law Insight | - | Comp.L.I. | United Kingdom |
Competition Law International | CLI | C.L. Int. | International |
Competition Law Journal | Comp Law | Comp.L.J. | England & Wales |
Competition Law Monitor | - | Comp.L.M. | England & Wales |
Competition Law Review | - | Comp.L.Rev. | None |
Competition Law in the European Communities | - | Comp.Law E.C. | None |
Competition Policy Brief | CPB ; EC C.P.B. | European Union | |
Competition Tribunal of Canada [Neutral Citation] | Comp.Trib. or Trib.conc. | Comp.Trib. ; Trib.conc. | Canada |
Competiton Policy Newsletter | CPN | European Union | |
Compliance & Risk | CRJ | Comp. & Risk | |
Compliance Monitor | - | C.M. | England & Wales |
Compliance Officer Bulletin | COB | C.O.B. | United Kingdom |
CompuLaw Digest | CLD | - | Australia |
CompuLaw Newsletter | Com LN | - | Australia |
Computer Law | - | Computer L. | Canada |
Computer Law & Practice | - | C.L.& P. ; Computer L.& Prac. | United Kingdom |
Computer Law & Security Review | - | C.L.S.Rev. | None |
Computer Law Annual | - | Computer L.Ann. | United States |
Computer Law Journal | - | Computer L.J. | United States |
Computer Law and Security Report | - | C.L.S.R. ; CLSR ; Computer L.& Secur.Rep. | United States |
Computer Lawyer | - | Computer Law. | United States |
Computer Networks | - | Computer Networks | Netherlands |
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review | - | C.T.L.R. ; CTLR | None |
Computer und Recht | - | Computer & R ; CR | Germany |
Computers & Law (Australia and New Zealand) | - | CL | Australia and New Zealand |
Computers & Law (Australia) | - | Comp & L | Australia |
Computers & Law (UK) | - | Comp.& L. ; Comp.& Law ; Comps.& Law ; Computers & L. | United Kingdom |
Comstock's Reports, New York Court of Appeals | - | Com. ; Coms. ; Comst. | United States, New York |
Comunicazioni e Studi. Istituto di Diritto Internazionale e Straniero della Universita di Milano | - | Comun.e Stud. ; Comunicaz Ist Dir Intern Milano | Italy |
Comyn's King's Bench Reports | Com. | Comyn | England & Wales |
Conder's Highway Cases | - | Cond.High.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Conder's Sewer & Drain Cases | - | Cond.S.& D.Cas. | United Kingdom |
CondoBusiness | - | Condo Bus. | Canada |
Condominium Law Letter | - | Condo L.L. | Canada |
Conference on Labor (New York University) | - | N.Y.U.Conf.on Lab. | United States |
Congressional Digest | Cong.Dig. | - | United States |
Congressional Index | Cong.Ind. | - | United States |
Connecticut Appellate Reports | Conn.App. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Bar Journal | - | C.B.J. ; Con.B.J. ; Conn.B.J. ; Connecticut Bar J. | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Circuit Court Reports | Conn.Cir.Ct. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut General Statutes | Conn.Gen.Stat. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut General Statutes Annotated (West) | Conn.Gen.Stat.Ann. (West) | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Journal of International Law | - | Conn.J.Int'l L. ; Connecticut J.Int'l L. | United States |
Connecticut Law Journal | Conn.L.J. | Connecticut L.J. | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Law Reporter | Conn.L.Rptr. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Law Review | Conn.L.Rev. | Con.L.R. ; Connecticut L.Rev. | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Legislative Service (West) | Conn.Legis.Serv. (West) | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Probate Law Journal | - | Conn.Prob.L.J. ; Connecticut Prob.L.J. | United States |
Connecticut Public & Special Acts | Conn.Acts | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Public Acts | Conn.Pub.Acts | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Reports | Conn. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Special Acts | Conn.Spec.Acts | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut State Agencies Regulations | Conn.Agencies Regs. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Superior Court Reports | Conn.Super.Ct. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connecticut Supplement | Conn.Supp. | - | United States, Connecticut |
Connell's Leading Decisions under the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1908 | - | Connell | Scotland |
Connoly's New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Con. ; Con.Sur. ; Conn. ; Conn.Surr. ; Connoly | United States, New York |
Connor & Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports | Con.& Law. | C.& L. ; Con.& L. ; Connor & L. | Ireland |
Conroy's Custodiam Reports | Conr. | - | United Kingdom |
Consolidated Case Annotations | - | CCA | New Zealand |
Consolidated Treaties and International Agreements | CTIA | - | United States |
Conspectus of Workers' Compensation Legislation in Australia | - | CWCL | Australia |
Constitucion Espanola | CE | - | Spain |
Constitutional Commentary | - | Const.Comment. ; Const.Commentary | United States |
Constitutional Forum | - | Constit.Forum ; Forum Constit. | Canada |
Constitutional Reform: The Quarterly Review | - | Const.Ref. ; Const.Reform | United Kingdom |
Constitutional and Parliamentary Information | - | Const.& Parliam.Info. | Comparative Law |
Construction & Engineering Law | - | C.& E.L. | United Kingdom |
Construction Engineering and Energy Law Journal | C.E.E.L.J. | Ireland | |
Construction Industry Law Letter | CILL | C.I.L.L. | England & Wales |
Construction Law | - | Cons.Law | United Kingdom |
Construction Law Digest | - | Con.L.D. | England & Wales |
Construction Law International | CLInt | Cons. L.I. | International |
Construction Law Journal | Const.L.J. | - | England & Wales |
Construction Law Letter | - | Construction L.L. | Canada |
Construction Law Newsletter | - | C.L.N. | United Kingdom |
Construction Law Reports (Canada) | C.L.R. | CLR | Canada |
Construction Law Reports (UK) | Con LR | Con.L.R. | England & Wales |
Construction Law Reports, Second Series (Canada) | C.L.R.(2d) | - | Canada |
Construction Law Reports, Third Series (Canada) | C.L.R.(3d) | - | Canada |
Consumer & Commercial Contracts | - | C.& C.C. | England & Wales |
Consumer Credit | - | Consumer C. | England & Wales |
Consumer Credit Guide | - | Consumer Cred.Guide | United States |
Consumer Credit Law Reports | - | C.C.L.R. ; CCLR | England & Wales |
Consumer Law Journal | Consum.L.J. | - | International |
Consumer Law Today | - | Cons.L.Today | England & Wales |
Consumer Policy Review | - | C.P.Rev. | England & Wales |
Consumer Product Safety Guide | - | Consumer Prod.Safety Guide | United States |
Consumer and Marketing Law | - | Cons.& Mar.Law | England & Wales |
Contemporary Crises | - | ||
Contemporary Issues in Law | - | C.I.L. ; Contemp.Issues L. | United Kingdom |
Contemporary Security Policy | - | Contemp.Sec.Pol'y | International |
Continuing Legal Education Bulletin | CLE Bulletin | - | Australia, Queensland |
Continuity and Change | - | Continuity & Change | United Kingdom |
Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports | - | C.M.I.R. | United Kingdom |
Contract Appeals Decisions | - | B.C.A. ; Cont.App.Dec. | United States |
Contract Journal | - | C.J. | England & Wales |
Contratto e Impresa | - | Contratto Impresa | Italy |
Convergence | CONV | International | |
Conveyancer | Convey. | - | England & Wales |
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer | Conv. | Conv.& Prop.Law.(N.S.) ; Conv.(N.S.) ; Convey.(N.S.) | England & Wales |
Conveyancing Review | C.R. | - | Scotland |
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal | C.P.L.J. | - | Ireland |
Cook Islands Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | CKCA | - | Cook Islands |
Cook Islands High Court [Neutral Citation] | CKHC | - | Cook Islands |
Cook's Vice Admiralty Reports | Cook Adm. | - | Canada, Quebec |
Cooke & Alcock's King's Bench Reports | Cooke & Al. | C.& A. ; Coo.& Al. ; Cooke & A. ; Cooke & Alc. | Ireland |
Cooke's Practice Cases, Common Pleas | Cooke Pr.Cas. | Ca.Prac.C.P. ; Co.G. ; Cooke ; Cooke C.P. ; Rep.Cas.Pr. | England & Wales |
Cooke's Tennessee Reports | Cooke | Cooke (Tenn.) ; Tenn.(Cooke) | United States, Tennessee |
Cooley Law Review | Cooley L.Rev. | - | United States |
Cooper's Chancery Practice Cases | Coop.Pr.Cas. | C.P.C ; C.P.Coop. ; C.P.Cooper ; Coop. ; Coop.Ch.Pr. ; Coop.P.C. ; Coop.Pr.C. ; Cooper ; Cooper Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Brougham | Coop.temp.Brough. | C.P.C.t.Br. ; Coop. ; Coop.t.Br. ; Coop.t.Brough. ; Coop.t.Broughham ; Coop.temp.Brougham ; Cooper ; Cooper t.Brougham ; Sel.Cas.t.Br. | England & Wales |
Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Cottenham | Coop.temp.Cott. | C.P.C.t.Cott. ; Coop. ; Coop.C.C. ; Coop.C.P. ; Coop.t.Cott. ; Coop.temp.Cottenham ; Cooper ; Cooper.t.Cott. | England & Wales |
Cooper's Chancery Reports tempore Eldon | Coop.G. | Coop. ; Coop.Ch. ; Coop.Sel.Ca. ; Coop.t.Eld. ; Coop.temp.Eldon ; Cooper ; Cooper.t.Eldon ; G.Coop. ; G.Cooper ; Geo.Coop. | England & Wales |
Cooper's Select Thirteenth Century Cases | - | Cooper | Scotland |
Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports | - | Coop. ; Coop.Ch. ; Coop.Ten.Chy. ; Cooper ; Tenn.Ch. | United States, Tennessee |
Cooperation and Conflict | - | Coop.& Conflict | International |
Copyright (WIPO) | - | Copyright (WIPO) | International |
Copyright Bulletin (UNESCO) | - | Copyright Bull ; Copyright Bull. ; Copyright Bull.(UNESCO) | International |
Copyright Decisions Bulletin | Copy.Dec. | Co. Bull | United States |
Copyright Law Decisions | - | Copyright L.Dec. | United States |
Copyright Law Reporter | - | Copyright L.Rep. | United States |
Copyright Law Symposium | Copyright L.Symp.(ASCAP) | - | United States |
Copyright Reporter | Copy Rep | - | Australia |
Copyright World | - | C.W. ; Copyright World | United Kingdom |
Coram Chambers Genetics Law Journal | C.C.G.L.J. | United Kingdom | |
Corbett & Daniell's Election Cases | Corb.& D. | C.& D. ; Corb.& Dan. | England & Wales |
Cornell International Law Forum | - | Cornell Int'l L.Forum | International |
Cornell International Law Journal | Cornell Int'l L.J. | Cornell Int.L.J. ; Cornell Intl LJ | International |
Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy | Cornell J.L.& Pub.Pol'y | - | United States |
Cornell Law Quarterly | - | C.L.Q. ; Cornell L.Q. | United States |
Cornell Law Review | Cornell L.Rev. | C.L.R. | United States |
Coroner's Society Cases | - | Cor.Soc.Cas. | England & Wales |
Corporate Briefing | - | Corp.Brief. | United Kingdom |
Corporate Business Law Report | - | ACBL | Australia |
Corporate Counsel | - | Corp.C. | England & Wales |
Corporate Cover | - | C.C. | None |
Corporate Finance | - | C.F. | United Kingdom |
Corporate Governance Quarterly | - | C.G.Q. | China, Hong Kong |
Corporate Governance: An International Review | - | C.G. | United Kingdom |
Corporate Legal Letter | - | C.L.L. | United Kingdom |
Corporate Management Tax Conference Proceedings | - | Corp.Mgmt.Tax Conf. | Canada |
Corporate Practice Commentator | - | Corp.Prac.Comment | United States |
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency | - | C.R.& I. | United Kingdom |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | - | C.S.R.& E.M. | None |
Corporate Solutions | U.S.Sup.Ct. | C.S. | None |
Corporate Tax Review | - | C.T.R. ; CTR | United Kingdom |
Corporate and Business Law Journal | CBLJ | Corp.& Bus.L.J. | Australia |
Corporation Guide | - | Corp.Guide | United States |
Corporation Law Review | - | Corp.L.Rev. | United States |
Corpus Juris Secundum | C.J.S. | - | United States |
Corrections Magazine | - | Corrections Mag. | United States |
Corrections Quarterly | - | CQ | New Zealand |
Correspondence Judiciares | Cor.Jud. | - | Canada, Quebec |
Coryton's Reports | - | Cor. | India, West Bengal |
Costs Law Reports | - | Costs L.R. | England & Wales |
Council Mortgage Lenders News Update | - | C.M.L.N.U. | United Kingdom |
Counsel: Journal of the Bar of England and Wales | - | Counsel | England & Wales |
County Court Reports | CCR | C.C.R. | Australia, Victoria |
County Courts Chronicle & Gazette of Bankruptcy | Cty.Ct.Chron. | C.C.Chron. ; C.Cts.Chr. ; Co.Ct.Ch. ; Co.Ct.Chr. ; Count.Cts.Ch. ; Count.Cts.Chron. ; County Cts.Chron. | England & Wales |
County Courts Equity & Bankruptcy Cases | Co.Ct.Rep. | C.C.R. ; Co.Ct.R. ; County Crts.& Bankr.Cas. ; County Cts.Rep. ; Cox Cty.Ct.Cas. ; Cty.Ct.R. | England & Wales |
Couper's Justiciary Reports | Couper | Cou. ; Coup. ; Coup.Just. | Scotland |
Cours de Perfectionnement du Notariat | - | C.P.du N. | Canada, Quebec |
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada [Neutral Citation] | CMAC or CACM | CACM ; CMAC | Canada |
Court Martial Reports | C.M.R. | - | United States |
Court Martial Reports of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force | - | CMR JAG AF | United States |
Court Martial Reports of the Judge Advocate General of the Armed Military Forces and the US Court of Military Appeals | - | CMR JAG & US Ct.of Mil.App. | United States |
Court Martial Reports, Citators & Indexes | - | C.M.R.Cit.& Ind. | United States |
Court Rolls of Ramsey Abbey | J.R. | Ault. | England & Wales |
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [Neutral Citation] | EWCA Civ | England & Wales | |
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [Neutral Citation] | EWCA Crim | England & Wales | |
Court of Claims Reports | Ct.Cl. | Court Cl. | United States |
Court of Customs Appeals Reports | Ct.Cust. | Ct.Cust.App. | United States |
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Reports | C.C.P.A. | Ct.Cust.& Pat.App. ; Cust.& Pat.App. | United States |
Court of International Trade Reports | Ct.Int'l Trade | - | United States |
Court of Military Appeals Reports | C.M.A. | - | United States |
Court of Protection Law Reports | COPLR | England & Wales | |
Court of Protection [Neutral Citation 1] | EWHC (CoP) | England & Wales | |
Court of Protection [Neutral Citation 2] | EWCOP | England & Wales | |
Court of Quebec [Neutral Citation] | QCCQ | - | Canada, Quebec |
Court of Review Law Reports | - | C.R.L.R. | Kenya |
Coutlee's Notes of Unreported Cases, Supreme Court of Canada | Cout.S.C. | Cout. ; Coutlee ; Coutlee Unrep. | Canada |
Coutlee's Supreme Court Digest | Cout.Dig. | - | Canada |
Coventry Law Journal | - | Cov. L.J. | United Kingdom |
Covert Policing, Terrorism & Intelligence Law Review | CPTILR | C.P.T & I.L.R. | |
Cowen's Criminal Reports, New York | - | Cow.Cr. ; Cow.Cr.R. ; Cow.Cr.Rep. ; Cow.Crim. ; Cow.Crim.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Cowen's New York Reports | Cow. | C. ; Cow.N.Y. | United States, New York |
Cowper's King's Bench Reports | Cowp. | Cow. | England & Wales |
Cox & Atkinson's Registration Appeal Cases | Cox & Atk. | - | England & Wales |
Cox's American Trade Mark Cases | - | Cox Am.T.M.Cas. | United States |
Cox's Criminal Cases | Cox C.C. | C.C.C. ; Cox ; Cox Cr.Ca. ; Cox Cr.Cas. ; Cox Crim.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cox's Equity Cases | Cox Eq.Cas. | Cox ; Cox Ch. ; Cox Eq. | England & Wales |
Cox's Joint Stock Cases | Cox Jt.Stk. | Cox J.S.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cox's Magistrates' Cases | Cox M.C. | Cox Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
Cox, Macrae & Hertslet's County Court Reports | Cox M.& H. | C.M.& H. ; Cox M.H. ; Cox Mc.& H. ; Cox McC.& H. | England & Wales |
Coxe's New Jersey Reports | - | Coxe ; N.J.Law (Coxe) | United States, New Jersey |
Crabbe's United States District Court Reports | - | Crab. ; Crabbe | United States, Pennsylvania |
Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports | Cr.& Ph. | C.& P. ; Craig & P. | England & Wales |
Craigie, Stewart and Paton's Appeal Cases | C.S.& P. | Craig.& St. ; Craig.S.& P. ; Craig.St.& P. | Scotland |
Cranch's District of Columbia Reports | Cranch | Cranch C.C. ; Cranch D.C. ; D.C.(Cranch) | United States, District of Columbia |
Cranch's Supreme Court Reports | Cranch | Cr. ; Cra. ; Cranch (US) ; U.S.(Cranch) | United States |
Crane's Unlawful Possesion Cases | - | Crane | Guyana |
Cranenburgh's Criminal Cases | - | Crane.C.C. | India, West Bengal |
Cranenburgh's Handbook of Criminal Cases | - | Cranenburgh | India |
Crawford & Dix's Abridged Circuit Cases | Craw.& D.Abr.Cas. | Ab.Ca. ; C.& D.A.C. ; Cr.& Dix ; Cr.& Dix Ab.Ca. ; Cr.& Dix Ab.Cas. ; Craw.& D.Ab.Cas. ; Crawf.& D.Abr.Cas. ; Ir.Cir.Cas. ; Ir.Circ.Cas. | Ireland |
Crawford & Dix's Circuit Court Cases | Craw.& D. | C.& D. ; C.& D.C.C.C. ; Cr.& Dix ; Cr.& Dix C.C.C. ; Craw.& D.(Ire.) ; Craw.& D.C.C.(Ire.) ; Craw.& Dix ; Crawf.& D. | Ireland |
Crawford County Legal Journal | - | Craw.Co.Leg.J.(Pa.) ; Crawford Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Creasy's Ceylon Reports | - | Creasy | Sri Lanka |
Credit & Finance Law | - | C.& F.L. | United Kingdom |
Credit Suisse Bulletin | - | C.S.Bull. | None |
Creighton Law Review | Creighton L.Rev. | - | United States |
Cresswell's Insolvency Cases | Cress.Insol.Cas. | Cress. ; Cress.Ins.Ca. ; Cress.Ins.Cas. ; Cress.Insolv.Cas. | England & Wales |
Crime & Delinquency | - | Crime & Delinq. | United States |
Crime and Criminals in Peshawar Division | - | Elsmie | India, Punjab |
Crime and Justice | - | Crime & Just. | United States |
Crime and Justice Bulletin | C & J | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Crime and Social Justice | CSJ | Crime & Soc.Just. | United States |
Crime, Law and Social Change | C.L. & S.C. ; CL&SC | Australia | |
Crime, Punishment and Correction | - | CPC | South Africa |
Crimes | - | Crimes | India |
Criminal Appeal Reports | Cr.App.R. | C.A.R. ; C.App.R. ; Cr App R ; Cr.App.Rep. ; Crim.App. | England & Wales |
Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) | Cr.App.R.(S.) | Cr App R(S) | England & Wales |
Criminal Bar Association News | - | England & Wales | |
Criminal Bar Association Newsletter | - | England & Wales | |
Criminal Bar Quarterly | C.B.Q. | England & Wales | |
Criminal Cases | - | Crim.Cas. | India |
Criminal Circulars | - | Moyer | Burma |
Criminal Justice Consultative Council Newsletter | CJCC Newsletter | - | United Kingdom |
Criminal Justice Ethics | - | Crim.Just.Ethics | United States |
Criminal Justice Europe | - | C.J.Europe ; CJ Europe | European Union |
Criminal Justice History | - | Crim.Just.Hist. | United States |
Criminal Justice Matters | cjm | - | |
Criminal Justice Quarterly | - | CJQ | New Zealand |
Criminal Justice and Behavior | - | Crim.Just.& Behav. | United States |
Criminal Law & Justice Weekly | CL&J | C.L. & J. ; JPN | England & Wales |
Criminal Law Bulletin (E&W) | - | Crim.L.B. | England & Wales |
Criminal Law Bulletin (USA) | - | Crim.L.Bull. | United States |
Criminal Law Forum | Crim.L.F. | Crim LF | United States |
Criminal Law Journal (Australia) | Crim LJ | C.L.J. ; Crim.L.J. ; Crim.L.J.(Aus) | Australia |
Criminal Law Journal (India) | - | C.L.J. ; Cr LJ ; Cri LJ ; Crim.L.J.(Ind) ; Crim.L.J.I. ; Crim.L.J.Ind. | India |
Criminal Law News | - | Crim LN | Australia, New South Wales |
Criminal Law News | Crim. L.N. | United Kingdom | |
Criminal Law Online Service | - | C.L.O.S. | Ireland |
Criminal Law Quarterly | - | C.L.Q. ; Crim.L.Q. | Canada |
Criminal Law Reporter (India) | - | Cri LR ; Crim.L.Rep. ; Crim.L.Reptr. | India |
Criminal Law Reporter (US) | Crim.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Criminal Law Review | Crim.L.R. | C.L.R. ; Crim LR ; Crim.L.Rev. | England & Wales |
Criminal Law Week | CLW | Crim.L.W. | England & Wales |
Criminal Law Week - CPD Extended Papers | - | CPD Papers | England & Wales |
Criminal Law and Philiosophy | CLPH | Cr. L. & P. | |
Criminal Lawyer | - | Crim.Law. | England & Wales |
Criminal Reports of New Zealand | - | C.R.N.Z. ; CRNZ | New Zealand |
Criminal Reports, Canada | C.R. | Can.Cr.R. ; Can.Crim. ; Can.Crim.Cas.(N.S.) ; Can.Crim.Cas.Ann. ; CR | Canada |
Criminal Reports, Fifth Series | C.R.(5th) | CR (5th) | Canada |
Criminal Reports, Fourth Series | C.R.(4th) | CR (4th) | Canada |
Criminal Reports, New Series | C.R.N.S. | CR (2d) ; CR (NS) | Canada |
Criminal Reports, Sixth Series | C.R.(6th) | CR (6th) | Canada |
Criminal Reports, Third Series | C.R.(3d) | CR (3d) | Canada |
Criminal, Human Rights and Regulatory Law Review | CHRRLR | United Kingdom | |
Criminologie | - | Criminologie | Canada |
Criminologist | - | Criminologist | England & Wales |
Criminology | Criminology | Criminol. | United States |
Criminology Australia | - | Crim Aust | Australia |
Cripps' Church & Clergy Cases | Cripps' Church Cas. | Ch.& Cl.Cas. ; Cripps ; Cripps' Cas. ; Cripps' Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Critical Criminology: An International Journal | - | Critical Crim. | International |
Croatian Arbitration Yearbook | - | Croat Arb Yrbk | Croatia |
Croatian Critical Law Review | - | Croat Crit L Rev | Croatia |
Crockford & Cox's Maritime Cases | - | Crockford ; Mar.Cas. ; Mar.L.C. ; Mar.L.R. | England & Wales |
Croke's King's Bench Reports | Cro.Eliz. | Cro. ; Croke | England & Wales |
Crompton & Jervis' Exchequer Reports | Cr.& J. | C.& J. ; Cromp.& Jer. ; Cromp.& Jerv. | England & Wales |
Crompton & Meeson's Exchequer Reports | Cr.& M. | C.& M. ; Cromp.& M. ; Cromp.& Mees. | England & Wales |
Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe's Exchequer Reports | Cr.M.& R. | C.M.& R. ; Cromp.M.& R. | England & Wales |
Crown Office Digest | C.O.D. | - | England & Wales |
Crown's Newsletter | - | Crown's Newsl. | Canada |
Crowther's Reports | - | Crowth. ; Crowther | Sri Lanka |
Cruise on Dignities | - | Cruise | United Kingdom |
Crumrine's Pittsburgh Reports | - | Crumrine | United States, Pennsylvania |
Cuadernos del Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas | - | Cuad.del Inst.de Invest.Jur. | Mexico |
Culegere de Decizii ale Trubunal Suprem | - | CDTS | Romania |
Culegere de Decizii si Hotarari | - | CDH | Romania |
Cumberland Law Journal | - | Cumberland L.J. | United States |
Cumberland Law Review | Cumb.L.Rev. | Cum.L.Rev. ; Cumberland L.Rev. | United States |
Cumberland-Samford Law Review | - | Cum-Stan. ; Cumberland-Stanford ; Cumberland-Stanford L.Rev. | United States |
Cummins' Idaho Reports | - | Cummins | United States, Idaho |
Cumulative Bulletin of the Internal Revenue Bureau | C.B. | - | United States |
Cunningham's King's Bench Reports | Cunn. | Cun. ; Cunningham | England & Wales |
Current Australian and New Zealand Legal Literature Index | - | C.A.N.Z.L.L.I. ; CANZLLI | Australia and New Zealand |
Current Commercial Law | CCL | - | Australia |
Current Criminal Law | - | C.C. Law | England & Wales |
Current Digest of the Soviet Press | - | Current Dig.Soviet Press | Soviet Union |
Current Family Law | - | CFL | Australia |
Current History | - | Current Hist. | United States |
Current Issues in Criminal Justice | CICJ | - | Australia |
Current Labour Reports | - | CLR | India |
Current Law Consolidation | - | C.L.C. | United Kingdom |
Current Law Hong Kong | CLHK | - | China, Hong Kong |
Current Law Journal (India) | - | C.L.J. ; Curr.L.J. | India, Punjab |
Current Law Journal (Malaysia) | - | CLJ | Malaysia |
Current Law Journal (Reports) | - | CLJ (Rep) | Malaysia |
Current Law Monthly Digest | C.L. | C.L.M.D. ; CL | United Kingdom |
Current Law Reports | - | Curr.L.Rep. ; Current L.R. | Sri Lanka |
Current Law Statutes | - | C.L.S. | England & Wales |
Current Law Statutes Annotated | - | C.L.S.A. | England & Wales |
Current Law Week | - | C.L.W. | England & Wales |
Current Law Year Book | C.L.Y. | C.L. ; C.L.Y.B. | United Kingdom |
Current Legal Problems | C.L.P. | CLP ; Curr.L.P. ; Curr.L.Pr. ; Curr.Leg.Prob. ; Current Leg.Prob. ; Current Leg.Probs. ; Current Legal Probs. | England & Wales |
Current Legal Theory | - | Current Leg.Theory | International |
Current Medicine for Attorneys | Current Med.for Att'ys | - | United States |
Current Property Law | C.P.L. | - | United Kingdom |
Current Tax Reporter | - | C.T.R. ; CTR | India |
Curso de Derecho Internacional | - | Curso de Derecho Internac. | International |
Cursos de Derecho Internacional de Vitoria-Gasteiz | - | Cursos de Derecho Internac.de Vitoria-Gastiez | Spain |
Curteis' Ecclesiatical Reports | Curt. | Curt.Ecc. ; Curt.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Cur. ; Curt. ; Curt.C.C. ; Curtis | United States |
Curtis' United States Supreme Court Decisions and Digest | - | Cur. ; Cur.Dec. ; Curt.Dec. ; Curt.Dig. ; Curtis | United States |
Cushing's Contested Elections Cases | - | Cush.Cont.Elec.Cas. | United States, Massachusetts |
Cushing's Massachusetts Reports | Cush. | Cush.(Mass.) ; Cushing ; Mass.(Cush.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Customary Law Group of Australia Newsletter | - | C.L.G.A.Newsl. ; CLGA Newsletter | Australia |
Customs Act Legislation Service | CALS | - | Australia |
Customs Bulletin and Decisions | Cust.B.& Dec. | - | United States |
Customs Court Reports | Cust.Ct. | - | United States |
Customs and Patent Appeals Court Reports: Customs | - | Cust.& Pat.App.(Cust.) | United States |
Customs and Patent Appeals Court Reports: Patents | - | Cust.& Pat.App.(Pat.) | United States |
Cuttack Law Times | - | Cut LT ; Cut.L.T. ; Cutt.L.T. | India, Orissa |
Cuttack Weekly Reporter | - | Cut.W.R. | India, Orissa |
Cyber Security Law & Practice | CSLP | C.S.L. & P. | |
Cyprus Human Rights Law Review | Cyprus HR Law Rev | C.H.R.L.R. | Cyprus |
Cyprus Law Reports | - | C.L.R. ; Cyprus L.R. | Cyprus |
Cyprus Law Review | - | Cyprus L.Rev. ; Epith Kypr Dik | Cyprus |
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne | - | Czas.Praw.-Hist. | Poland |
D.Chipman's Vermont Reports | D.Chip. | Chip. ; Chip.(Vt.) ; Chip.D. ; D.Chip.(Vt.) ; D.Chipm. | United States, Vermont |
DNV Bulk Carrier Update | - | DNV.B.C.U. | International |
Dacca Law Cases | - | D.L.C. | Pakistan |
Dacca Law Reports | - | D.L.R. | Pakistan |
Dadyburjor's Cases Referred from the Bombay Court of Small Causes to the High Court of Bombay | - | Dady. ; Dadyburjor | India, Maharashtra |
Daily Appellate Reporter | - | DAR ; DJDAR | United States, California |
Daily Legal News | - | D.L.N. ; Daily L.N. ; Daily Leg.News(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Daily Legal Record | - | Daily L.R. ; Daily Leg. ; Daily Leg.Rec.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Daily List | - | D.L. | England & Wales |
Daily Telegraph Reports (Australia) | - | D.T.(Newspr.) (Tas.) | Australia, Tasmania |
Daily Washington Law Reporter | - | Daily Wash.L.Rep. | United States |
Daishin'in Keiji Hanketsuroku | Houston | Daihan Keiroku | Japan |
Daishin'in Keiji Hanreishu | - | Daihan Keishu | Japan |
Daishin'in Minji Hareishu | - | Daihan Minshu | Japan |
Daishin'in Minshi Hanketsuroku | - | Daihan Minroku | Japan |
Dakota Law Review | - | Dak.L.Rev. ; Dak.Law.Rev. | United States, Dakota |
Dakota Reports | Dakota | Dak. | United States, North Dakota |
Dale's Ecclesiastical Reports | - | Dale ; Dale Ecc. ; Dale Eccl. ; Dale Leg.Rit. | England & Wales |
Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies | - | Dal.J.Leg.Studies ; Dalhousie J.Legal Stud. | Canada |
Dalhousie Law Journal | - | Dal.L.J. ; Dalhousie L.J. | Canada |
Dallam's Digest of the Laws of Texas | Dallam | Dall.(Tex.) ; Dall.Dig. ; Dallam Dig.(Tex.) | United States, Texas |
Dallas' Pennsylvania Reports | Dall. | D. ; Dal. ; Dallas | United States, Pennsylvania |
Dallas' Supreme Court Reports | Dall. | Dal. ; Dall.S.C. ; Dallas ; U.S.(Dall.) | United States |
Dalloz hebdomadaire | - | D.H. | France |
Dalloz hebdomadaire: chroniques | - | Chr. ; Chron. | France |
Dalloz periodique | - | D.P. | France |
Dalrymple's Decisions, Court of Session | Dalr. | Dalr.Dec. ; Dalrymple | Scotland |
Daly's New York Common Pleas Reports | - | Dal. ; Daly ; Daly (N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Dana's Kentucky Reports | Dana | Dan. ; Ky.(Dana) | United States, Kentucky |
Daniels' Commission Cases | - | Dan.Comm.Cas. | England & Wales |
Daniels' Compensation Cases | - | Dan.Comp.Cas. | England & Wales |
Danister Karaliri Dergisi | - | DKD | Turkey |
Danquah's Cases in Akan Law | - | Danquah | Ghana |
Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Arbog | - | Dansk Udenrigspolit.Arbog | Denmark |
Danson & Lloyd's Mercantile Cases | Dan.& Ll. | Dan.& L. ; Dans.& L. ; Dans.& Ll. ; Dans.& Lld. | England & Wales |
Das Arbeitsrecht der Gegenwart | - | Arbeitsrecht Gegenw. ; ArbRdG | Germany |
Das Buro | - | Buro | Germany |
Das Grundeigentum | - | GE | Germany |
Das Juristische Buro | - | JurBuro | Germany |
Das Recht des Kraftfahrers | - | RdK | Germany |
Das Recht im Amt | - | RiA | Germany |
Das Recht, begr. v. Soergel | - | DJ Recht ; Recht | Germany |
Das Standesamt | - | Standesamt ; StAZ | Germany |
Das Wertpapier | - | Wertpap. | Germany |
Dasent's Acts and Proceedings of the Privy Council | - | Dasent | England & Wales |
Data Base Reports | - | Data Base Reps. | None |
Data Protection Ireland | - | D.P.I. | Ireland |
Data Protection Law & Policy | - | D.P.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Data Protection Quarterly | - | D.P.Q. | None |
Data Protection and Privacy Practice Newsletter | - | D.P.& P.P. | None |
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit | DuD | Germany | |
Datenschutz-Nachrichten | - | DANA` | Germany |
Datenverarbeitung im Recht | - | DVR | Germany |
Datenverarbeitung-Steuer-Wirtschaft-Recht | - | DSWR | Germany |
Dauphin County Reports | - | Dauph. ; Dauph.Co.Rep. ; Dauphin C.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Dave's Privy Council Judgments in Cases not Reported in the Indian Law Reports | - | Dave | India |
Davies' Bankrupt Laws | - | Davies' Bank.L. | England & Wales |
Davies' Irish King's Bench Reports | Davies | Dav. ; Dav.Ir. ; Dav.Ir.K.B. ; Dav.Rep. ; Davies (Ir.) ; Davis ; Davy ; Davy's ; Davys | Ireland |
Davies' Land Valuation Appeals | - | Dav.L.V.A. ; Davies | England & Wales |
Davies' Patent Cases | Dav.Pat.Cas. | Dav. ; Dav.P.C. ; Davies | England & Wales |
Davis' Land Court Reports | - | Davis ; Davis Land Ct.Dec.(Mass.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Davison & Merivale's Queen's Bench Reports | Dav.& Mer. | D.& M. ; D.& Mer. ; D.M. ; Dav.& M. | England & Wales |
Day's Connecticut Reports | Day | Day (Conn) | United States, Connecticut |
Day's Election Cases | Day Elect.Cas. | Day | England & Wales |
De Colyar's County Court Cases | De Col. | De Coly. | England & Wales |
De Facto Cases | DFC | - | Australia |
De Gex & Jones' Bankruptcy Reports | De G.& J.By. | D.& J.B. ; D.G.& J.B. ; De G.& J.B. | England & Wales |
De Gex & Jones' Chancery Reports | De G.& J. | D.& J. ; D.G.& J. | England & Wales |
De Gex & Smale's Chancery Reports | De G.& Sm. | D.& S. ; D.& Sm. ; De G.& S. | England & Wales |
De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports | De G. | D.G. ; De G.Bankr. ; De Gex | England & Wales |
De Gex, Fisher & Jones' Bankruptcy Reports | De G.F.& J.By. | D.F.& J.B. ; D.G.F.& J.B. ; F.& J.Bank. | England & Wales |
De Gex, Fisher & Jones' Chancery Reports | De G.F.& J. | D.F.& J.B. ; D.G.F.& J. ; De Gex F.& J. | England & Wales |
De Gex, Jones & Smith's Bankruptcy Reports | De G.J.& S.By. | D.G.J.& S.B. ; D.J.& S.B. | England & Wales |
De Gex, Jones & Smith's Chancery Reports | De G.J.& S. | D.G.J.& S. ; D.J.& S. ; De G.J.& Sm. ; De Gex J.& S. | England & Wales |
De Gex, Macnaghten & Gordon's Bankruptcy Reports | De G.M.& G.By. | D.G.M.& G.B. ; D.M.& G.B. ; De G.M.& G. ; De Gex M.& G.B. | England & Wales |
De Gex, Macnaghten & Gordon's Chancery Reports | De G.M.& G. | D.G.M.& G. ; D.M.& G. ; De Gex M.& G. | England & Wales |
De Industriele Eigendom | - | I.E. | Netherlands |
De Jure | - | DJ | South Africa |
De Kretser's Matara Appeals | - | De Krets. ; De Kretser | Sri Lanka |
De Pacht | - | P ; P. | Netherlands |
De Rebus | DR | - | South Africa |
De Rebus Procuratoriis | DRP | - | South Africa |
De Villiers' Orange Free State Reports | - | De Villiers | South Africa, Orange Free State |
De Voil Indirect Tax Intelligence | - | De Voil I.T.I. | United Kingdom |
De-Rating & Rating Appeals | D.R.A. | D.R. ; R.D.A. | England & Wales |
DePaul Business Law Journal | DePaul Bus.L.J. | De Paul Bus.L.J. | United States |
DePaul Journal of Health Care Law | - | DePaul J.Health Care L. | United States |
DePaul Law Review | DePaul L.Rev. | De Paul L.Rev. | United States |
DePaul-LCA Journal of Art and Entertainment Law | - | DePaul LCA J.Art & Ent.L. | United States |
Deacon & Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports | Deac.& Ch. | D.& C. ; D.& Ch. ; D.& Chit. ; Dea.& Ch. ; Dea.& Chit. ; Deac.& C. ; Deac.& Chit. ; Deacon & C.Bankr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Deacon's Bankruptcy Reports | Deac. | Deacon ; Deacon Bankr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Deady's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Dea. ; Deady | United States |
Deakin Law Review | Deakin LR | Deakin L.R. ; Deakin L.Rev. | Australia |
Deane & Swabey's Ecclesiatical Reports | Dea.& Sw. | D.& S. ; D.& Sw. ; Deane ; Deane & Sw. ; Deane &.S.Eccl.Rep. ; Deane Ecc.Rep. ; Deane Ecc.Rep.B. ; Deane.& S.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Deane's Blockade Cases | - | Deane Bl.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Dearsley & Bell's Crown Cases Reserved | Dears.& B. | D.& B. ; D.& B.C.C. ; Dears.& B.C.C. ; Dears.& B.Crown Cas. | England & Wales |
Dearsley's Crown Cases Reserved | - | D.& P. ; Dears. ; Dears.C.C. | England & Wales |
Deas & Anderson's Decisions | Deas & And. | D.& A. ; Deas & A. | Scotland |
Decalogue Journal | - | Decalogue J. | United States |
Decision Law Journal | - | Decision L.J. | Philippines |
Decision du Juges des Mines du Quebec | - | D.J.M.Q. ; D.Q.M.J. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisiones | - | Pape | France |
Decisiones Diversarum Causarum in Camera Imperiali Iudicatarum | - | Meichsner | Germany |
Decisiones Illustres Saxonicae | - | Carpzov | Germany |
Decisiones de Puerto Rico | P.R.Dec. | D.P.R. ; P.R.D. | Puerto Rico |
Decisioni della Corti Superiori di Malta | - | D.C.S.M. | Malta |
Decisions Disciplinaires Concernant les Corporations Professionelles | D.D.C.P. | - | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de Comites d'Appel: Commission de la Fonction Publique du Canada | - | D.C.A. | Canada |
Decisions de la Commission d'Acces a l'information | - | C.A.I. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de la Commission d'Appel en Matiere de Lesions Professionelles | - | C.A.L.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de la Commission des Affaires Sociales | - | C.A.S. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de la Commission des Loyers, Recueils de Jurisprudence | - | D.C.L. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de la Commission des Relations de Travail | - | D.C.R.T. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions de la Regie du Logement | - | D.R.L. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions des Bureaux de Revision Paritaires | - | B.R.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions du Bureau de Revision et de l'Evaluation Fonciere du Quebec | - | B.R.E.F. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions du Tribunal d'Arbitrage | - | T.A. | Canada, Quebec |
Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of US Courts | Dec.Comm'r Pat. | Dec.Co.Pat. ; Dec.Comm.Pat. | United States |
Decisions of the Comptroller General | Comp.Gen. | Dec.U.S.Compt.Gen. | United States |
Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Sri Lanka | - | D.C.C.S.L. | Sri Lanka |
Decisions of the Department of the Interior | Interior Dec. | - | United States |
Decisions of the Employees' Compensation Appeals Board | Empl.Comp.App.Bd. | - | United States |
Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority | F.L.R.A. | - | United States |
Decisions of the Native High Court | - | N.H.C.Dec. | South Africa, Natal |
Decisions of the United States Federal Maritime Commission | Dec.Fed.Mar.Comm'n | - | United States |
Decisions of the United States Maritime Commission | Dec.U.S.Mar.Comm'n | - | United States |
Decisions sur les Conflicts des Droits dans les Relations de Travail | - | D.C.D.R.T. | Canada, Quebec |
Deering's Annotated California Code | Cal.Code (Deering) | - | United States, California |
Defense Counsel Journal | - | D.C.J. ; Def.Couns.J. | United States |
Defense Nationale | - | Def.Nat. | France |
Defensor Legis | - | Def.Legis ; Defensor Legis | Finland |
Delane's Decisions, Election Revision Cases | Del. | Del.El.Cas. ; Delane | England & Wales |
Delaware Cases | Del.Cas. | - | United States, Delaware |
Delaware Chancery Reports | Del.Ch. | - | United States, Delaware |
Delaware Code Annotated | Del.Code Ann. | Del.C.Ann. | United States, Delaware |
Delaware County Reports | - | Del.Co.(Pa.) ; Del.Co.R. ; Del.County | United States, Pennsylvania |
Delaware Journal of Corporate Law | Del.J.Corp.L. | Delaware J.Corp.L. | United States |
Delaware Reports | - | Del. | United States, Delaware |
Delhi Civil Decisions | - | Delhi C.D. | India, Delhi |
Delhi Law Review | - | Delhi L.Rev. | India |
Delhi Law Times | - | Del.L.T. ; DLT | India, Delhi |
Demarest's New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Dem. ; Dem.(N.Y.) ; Dem.Surr. | United States, New York |
Democracia e Liberdade | - | Democr.e Liberdade | Portugal |
Demokratie und Recht | - | DuR | Germany |
Denio's New York Reports | Denio | Den. | United States, New York |
Denison & Pearce's Crown Cases Reserved | Den.C.C. | D. ; D.& P. ; Den. ; Den.& P. ; Denison Cr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Denning Law Journal | - | Denning L.J. | England & Wales |
Denton Hall Burgin & Warren Film & Television Newsletter | - | D.H.B.& W.F.& T.News | None |
Denton Hall Employment Newsletter | - | D.H.E.N. | None |
Denton Hall Energy Law | - | D.H.E.L. | None |
Denton Hall Information Technology Newsletter | - | D.H.I.T.News. | None |
Denton Hall Pensions Newsletter | - | D.H.P.N. | None |
Denton Hall The Interface Newsletter | - | D.H.T.I.News. | None |
Denton International Banking & Finance Newsletter | - | D.I.Bank.& F.N. | None |
Denton International Competition and EC Newsletter | - | D.I.Comp.& EC N. | European Union |
Denton International Creative Spark | - | D.I.C.S. | None |
Denton International Film & Television Newsletter | - | D.I.F.T.News. | None |
Denver Journal of International Law and Policy | Denv.J.Int'l L.& Pol'y | Den.J.I.L.P. ; Den.J.Int'l L.& Pol'y ; Denver J.Int'l L.& Pol'y | United States |
Denver Law Centre Journal | - | Den.L.C.J. | United States |
Denver Law Journal | - | Den.L.J. ; Denver L.J. | United States |
Denver Legal Notes | - | Den.L.N. ; Denver L.N. | United States |
Denver University Law Review | Denv.U.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Department of State Bulletin | Dep't St.Bull. | Dept.of State Bull. ; Dept.State Bull. | United States |
Department of the Interior, Decisions Relating to Public Lands | Pub.Lands Dec. | - | United States |
Depositions in Trials in the Bishop's Court | - | Furnivall | England & Wales |
Der Amtsvormund | - | DAVorm | Germany |
Der Betrieb | - | Betr. ; DB | Germany |
Der Betriebs-Berater | - | BB | Germany |
Der Deutsche Rechtspfleger | - | Rpfleger | Germany |
Der Donauraum | - | Donauraum | Austria |
Der Gemeindehaushalt | - | Gemhlt. | Germany |
Der Gerichtssaal | - | GerS | Germany |
Der Gesellschafter | - | GesRZ | Germany |
Der Landkreis | - | Landkr. | Germany |
Der Lastenausgleich | - | LA | Germany |
Der Markenartikel | - | MA | Germany |
Der Offentliche Dienst | - | DOD | Germany |
Der Personalrat | - | PersR | Germany |
Der Schiedsmann | - | Schs-Ztg | Germany |
Der Staat | - | Staat | Germany |
Der Steuerberater | - | StB | Germany |
Der Steuerpraktiker | - | StPrakt | Germany |
Der Versicherungsnehmer | - | VersN | Germany |
Der Versorgungsbeamte | - | VersBea | Germany |
Der Wettbewerb | - | Wettbew. | Germany |
Der Wirtschaftsprufer | - | WiPrufer | Germany |
Der Wirtschaftsreuhander | - | WiTrh | Germany |
Der Wohnungseigentumer | - | DWE | Germany |
Derecho Comparado | - | Derecho Comparado | Argentina |
Derivatives & Financial Instruments | - | D.F.I. ; DFI | International |
Desai's Handbook of Criminal Cases | - | Desai | India |
Desaussure's South Carolina Equity Reports | Des. | Desaus. ; Desaus.Eq. ; S.C.Eq.(Des.) | United States, South Carolina |
Detroit College of Law Review | Det.C.L.Rev. | Det.C.L.R. ; Det.Coll.L.R. ; Detroit Coll.L.Rev. | United States |
Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University Law Review | - | Det.C.L.Mich.St.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Detroit Law Review | - | Det.L.Rev. ; Detroit L.Rev. | United States |
Deutsch-Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift | - | D-D R-Z ; DDRZ ; DtZ | Germany |
Deutsche Aussenwirtschafts-Rundshau | - | DAWR | Germany |
Deutsche Devisen-Rundschau | - | DDevR | Germany |
Deutsche Freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit | - | DFG | Germany |
Deutsche Gemeinde-Zeitung | - | DGemZtg | Germany |
Deutsche Gemeindesteuer-Zeitung | - | DGStZ | Germany |
Deutsche Gerichtsvollzieher-Zeitung | - | DGVZ | Germany |
Deutsche Invaliden-Versicherung | - | DIV | Germany |
Deutsche Jugendhilfe | - | DJugHilfe | Germany |
Deutsche Juristenzeitung | - | DJZ | Germany |
Deutsche Justiz | - | DJ | Germany |
Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau | - | DLR | Germany |
Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift | - | DNotZ | Germany |
Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift | - | DRZ | Germany |
Deutsche Rechtspflege | - | DRpfl ; DRpflRspr | Germany |
Deutsche Rechtspfleger-Zeitschrift | - | DRpflZ | Germany |
Deutsche Rechtsprechung | - | DRspr | Germany |
Deutsche Rentenversicherung | - | DRV | Germany |
Deutsche Richterzeitung | - | DRiZ | Germany |
Deutsche Steuer-Rundschau | - | DStR | Germany |
Deutsche Steuer-Zeitung | - | DStZ | Germany |
Deutsche Strafrechts-Zeitung | - | DStrZ | Germany |
Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung | - | DVZ | Germany |
Deutsche Verkehrsteuer-Rundschau | - | DVR | Germany |
Deutsche Versicherungszeitschrift fur Sozialversicherung und Privatversicherung | - | DVZ | Germany |
Deutsche Verwaltung | - | DtVerW ; DV | Germany |
Deutsche Verwaltungsblatter | - | DVerwBl | Germany |
Deutsche Verwaltungspraxis | - | DVP | Germany |
Deutsche Wirtschaft | - | DWI | Germany |
Deutsche Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung | - | MBlWEV | Germany |
Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft | - | DWW | Germany |
Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | - | DZWiR | Germany |
Deutsche Zeitschrift fur die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin | - | DZgerichtlMed | Germany |
Deutscher Notar-Zeitschrift, Bayerische Beil. | - | DNotZ (BayB) | Germany |
Deutscher Reichs-Anzeiger und Preussischer Staats-Anzeiger | CA Mag. | Ranz | Germany |
Deutsches Arbeitsrecht | - | DArbR | Germany |
Deutsches Autorecht | - | DAR | Germany |
Deutsches Gemein- und Wirtschafterecht | - | DGWR | Germany |
Deutsches Gewerbe-Archiv | - | DGewArch | Germany |
Deutsches Handels-Archiv | - | DHA | Germany |
Deutsches Recht | - | DR | Germany |
Deutsches Recht Ausg. A | - | DR | Germany |
Deutsches Recht Ausg.B | - | DRM | Germany |
Deutsches Rechtsworterbuch | - | RWB | Germany |
Deutsches Steuerblatt | - | DStBl | Germany |
Deutsches Steuerrecht | - | DStR | Germany |
Deutsches Strafrecht | - | DStrR | Germany |
Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt | - | D VBl ; DVBl ; DVBl. | Germany |
Deutschland Archiv | - | DA (Cologne) | Germany |
Developers Digest | - | DD | Australia, New South Wales |
Development Dialogue | - | Dev.Dialogue | Sweden |
Development Planning | - | D.& P. | None |
Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Equity Reports | Dev.& Bat.Eq. | D.& B. ; Dev.& B. ; Dev.& B.Eq. ; N.C.(Dev.& Bat.Eq.) | United States, North Carolina |
Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Law Reports | Dev.& Bat. | D.& B. ; Dev.& B. ; Dev.& B.L. ; N.C.(Dev.& Bat.) | United States, North Carolina |
Devereux's North Carolina Equity Reports | Dev.Eq. | Dev. ; N.C.(Dev.Eq.) | United States, North Carolina |
Devereux's North Carolina Law Reports | Dev. | Dev.L. ; N.C.(Dev.) | United States, North Carolina |
Dhaka Law Reports | - | D.L.R. ; Dhaka L.Rep. | Bangladesh |
Dhaka Law Reports (Journal) | - | Dhaka L.Rep.(Journ.) | Bangladesh |
Dholpur High Court Decisions | - | Dholpur H.C.D. | India, Rajasthan |
Diario de Justica da Uniao | - | D.J.U. | Brazil |
Diary of Social Legislation and Policy | - | DSLP | Australia |
Dibb Lupton Broomhead Business Brief | - | D.L.B.Bus.Brief | None |
Diccionario de Jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | D.J. | Ecuador |
Diccionario de Jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Segunda Seria | - | D.J.(2a) | Ecuador |
Dicken's Chancery Reports | Dick. | Dick.Ch. ; Dickens ; Wy.Dic. | England & Wales |
Dickenson's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Dickenson) | United States, New Jersey |
Dickinson International Law Annual | Fam RZ | Dickinson Int'l L.Ann. | United States |
Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law & Policy | - | Dick.J.Envtl.L.& Pol'y | United States |
Dickinson Journal of International Law | Dick.J.Int'l L. | Dickinson.J.Int'l L. | United States |
Dickinson Law Review | Dick.L.Rev. | Dick.L.R. ; Dickinson L.Rev. ; Dk.L.R. | United States |
Dickinson's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Dick. ; Dick.(N.J.) ; Dickinson ; N.J.(Dickinson) | United States, New Jersey |
Dicta of the Denver Bar Association | U.Tas.L.R. | Dicta | United States, Colorado |
Die Aktiengesellschaft | - | AG ; AktG | Germany |
Die Angestellten-Versicherung | - | DAngVers | Germany |
Die Angestelltenversicherung. Amtl. Nachtrichten d. Reichsversicherungsanstalt fur Angestellte | - | AVN | Germany |
Die Arbeiter-Versorgung | - | ArbVers | Germany |
Die Bank | - | Bank | Germany |
Die Bauverwaltung | - | BauVerw | Germany |
Die Berufsgenossenschaft | - | BG | Germany |
Die Betriebskrankenkasse | - | BKK | Germany |
Die Betriebswirtschaft | - | DBW | Germany |
Die Deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete des Internationalen Privatrechts im Jahre | - | IPRspr | Germany |
Die Ersatzkasse | - | Ersk | Germany |
Die Friedenswarte | - | FW | Germany |
Die GmbH in der Rechtsprechung der deutschen Gerichte | - | GmbHRspr | Germany |
Die Internationale Politik | - | IP | International |
Die Justiz | - | Justiz | Germany |
Die Kommunalverwaltung | - | KommVerw | Germany |
Die Krankenversicherung | - | KrV | Germany |
Die Kriegsopferversorgung | - | KOV | Germany |
Die Offentliche Verwaltung | - | DoV | Germany |
Die Offentliche Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft | - | OW ; OWG | Germany |
Die Ortskrankenkasse | - | DOK | Germany |
Die Personalvertretung | - | PersV | Germany |
Die Polizei | - | Polizei | Germany |
Die Praxis des Bundesgerichts | - | Pr ; PraxBG | Germany |
Die Rechtsprechung | - | JR | Germany |
Die Rechtsprechung der Oberlandesgerichte auf dem Gebiet des Zivilrechts | - | OLGRspr | Germany |
Die Reichsversicherung | - | RV | Germany |
Die Restitution | - | Rest. | Germany |
Die Selbstverwaltung | - | SelbstVw | Germany |
Die Sozialgerichtbarkeit | - | SGb` | Germany |
Die Sozialordnung der Gegenwart | - | SozOrddG | Germany |
Die Sozialversicherung | - | SozVers | Germany |
Die Sozialversicherung der Gegenwart | - | SozVersdG | Germany |
Die Steuer | - | Steuer | Germany |
Die Steuerberatung | - | Stbg. | Germany |
Die Vereinten Nationen und Osterreich | - | VN u.Osterr. | Austria |
Die Versicherungs-Praxis | - | VP | Germany |
Die Versicherungsrundschau | - | VR | Germany |
Die Versorgungsverwaltung | - | VersVw | Germany |
Die Verwaltung | - | Verw ; Verwalt. | Germany |
Die Verwaltungspraxis | - | VerwPr | Germany |
Die Welt des Islams | - | World Islam | None |
Die Wichtigsten Gesetzgebungsakte in den Landern Ost- und Sudosteuropas - Monatshefte fur Osteuropaisches Recht | - | WGO | Germany |
Die Wirtschaftsprufung | - | WPg | Germany |
Die Zollpraxis | - | ZPr | Germany |
Die freie Wohnungswirtschaft | - | FWW | Germany |
Die schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft | - | SchwAG | Switzerland |
Die steuerliche Betriebsprufung | - | StBp | Germany |
Digest of Municipal and Planning Law | - | Digest M.& P.L. | Canada |
Digest of Reports of the Average Adjusters Association | - | Av.Adj.Assoc.Dig. | None |
Digital Evidence Journal | - | D.E.J. | United Kingdom |
Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review | D.E. & E.S.L.R. | United Kingdom | |
Dillon's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Dil. ; Dill. ; Dillon | United States |
Diprose & Gammon's Reports of Laws Affecting Friendly Societies | D.& G. | - | England & Wales |
Directions: Executive Briefing | - | Directions | Canada |
Directors Law Reporter | - | Dir LR ; DLR | Australia |
Direito e Justica | - | Direito e Just. | Portugal |
Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali | - | Dir Comun & Scambi Intern ; Dir.Comunitario & Scambi Int'l ; Diritto Comun.e degli Scambi Internaz. | Italy |
Diritto del lavoro | - | Dir.lav. | Italy |
Diritto e Giurisprudenza | - | Dir & Giur | Italy |
Diritto e Societa | - | Diritto e Soc. | Italy |
Diritto e pratica tributaria | - | Dir.prat.trib. | Italy |
Diritto internazionale | - | Dir.internaz. | Italy |
Dirleton's Decisions, Court of Session | Dirl. | Dirl.Dec. | Scotland |
Disarmament | - | Disarmament | International |
Discrimination Law Case Digests | - | DLCD | United Kingdom |
Discrimination Law Reports | Disc LR | D.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Disney's Ohio Superior Court Reports, Cincinnati | - | Dis. ; Disney | United States, Ohio |
Dispute Resolution International | DRI | D.R.I. | International |
Dispute Resolution Journal | - | Disp.Resol.J. | United States |
District Court Law Reports | - | District Court L.R. | China, Hong Kong |
District Court Law Reports (NSW) | DCLR | DCLR (NSW) | Australia, New South Wales |
District Court Procedure | - | DCN | Australia, New South Wales |
District Court Reports (Australia, New South Wales) | DCR (NSW) | D.C.R. ; D.C.R.(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
District Court Reports (New Zealand) | - | D.C.R. ; DCR | New Zealand |
District Courts Bulletin | - | DCB | New Zealand |
District of Columbia Code Annotated | D.C.Code Ann. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
District of Columbia Law Review | D.C.L.Rev. | - | United States |
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations | D.C.Mun.Regs. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
District of Columbia Register | D.C.Reg. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
District of Columbia Statutes at Large | D.C.Stat. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
District of Columbia Supreme Court Reports | - | D.C.S.C.R. | United States, District of Columbia |
Dixon & Ryan's Selected Supreme Court Opinions | - | Dix.& Ry. | United States, Wisconsin |
Dli University College Galway Law Graduates Association Gazette | - | Dli | Ireland |
Documenta | - | Documenta | Switzerland |
Documentacao e Direito Comparado | - | Doc.& Direito Comparado | Portugal |
Documentacion Administrativa | - | DA (Madrid) | Spain |
Documentacion Juridica | - | Doc Jur ; Docum.Jur. | Spain |
Documents d'Etudes. Droit Constitutionnel et Institutions Politiques | - | Doc.d'et.Droit Const. | France |
Documents parlementaires | - | Doc.parl. | Belgium |
Dodridge's Woman's Lawyer | - | Woman's L. | England & Wales |
Dodson's Admiralty Reports | Dods. | Dod. ; Dod.Adm. | England & Wales |
Doiron & Hazen's New Brunswisk Reports | - | Doir.& Haz. ; N.B.R.(Doir.& Haz.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Dokumentation Deutsche Finanzrechtsprechung | - | DFR | Germany |
Dokumentation Ostmitteleuropa | - | DokOst | Germany |
Dokumente | - | Dok. | Germany |
Dolgozatok az allam-es jogtudomanyok korebol | - | Dolgozatok | Hungary |
Domain Names Quarterly | - | D.N.Q. | None |
Domar Felagsdoms | - | DF | Iceland |
Dominion Law Reporter | - | Dom.L.R. | India |
Dominion Law Reports | D.L.R. | DLR ; Dom.L.R. | Canada |
Dominion Law Reports, 2nd Series | D.L.R.(2d) | DLR (2d) | Canada |
Dominion Law Reports, 3rd Series | D.L.R.(3d) | DLR (3d) | Canada |
Dominion Law Reports, 4th Series | D.L.R.(4th) | DLR (4th) | Canada |
Dominion Report Service | D.R.S. | - | Canada |
Dominion Tax Cases | D.T.C. | - | Canada |
Donnell's Irish Land Cases | Don.Ir.Land Cas. | Donn. ; Donn.L.C. | Ireland |
Donnelly's Chancery Reports | Donn. | Donn.Eq. ; Donnelly | England & Wales |
Dorion's Quebec Queen's Bench Reports | D.C.A. | Dor. ; Dorion ; Dorion (Can.) ; Dorion Q.B. | Canada, Quebec |
Doshisha Hogaku | - | Doshisha Hogaku | Japan |
Douglas' Election Cases | Doug.El.Cas. | Doug. ; Doug.El.Ca. ; Dougl.El.Cas. | England & Wales |
Douglas' King's Bench Reports | Doug.K.B. | Doug. ; Dougl.K.B. | England & Wales |
Douglass' Michigan Reports | Doug. | Doug.(Mich.) ; Dougl.(Mich.) | United States, Michigan |
Dow & Clark's House of Lords Cases | Dow & Cl. | D.& C. ; D.& Cl. ; D.N.S. ; Dow & C. ; Dow N.S. | England & Wales |
Dow's House of Lords Cases | Dow | Dow P.C. | England & Wales |
Dowling & Lowndes' Practice Reports | Dow.& L. | D.& L. ; Dowl.& L. ; Dowl.& Lound. | England & Wales |
Dowling & Ryland's King's Bench Reports | Dow.& Ry.K.B. | D.& R. ; Dowl.& R. ; Dowl.& Ryl. | England & Wales |
Dowling & Ryland's Magistrates' Cases | Dow.& Ry.M.C. | D.& R.M.C. ; D.& R.Mag.C. ; Dowl.& R.Mag.C. ; Dowl.& Ryl.M.C. | England & Wales |
Dowling & Ryland's Nisi Prius Cases | Dow.& Ry.N.P. | D.& R.N.P. ; D.& R.N.P.C. ; Dow.& Ry. ; Dow.& Ry.K.B. ; Dowl.& R.N.P. ; Dowl.& Ryl.N.P. | England & Wales |
Dowling's Practice Cases | Dowl. | D.P.C. ; Dow. ; Dow.P.C. ; Dow.P.R. ; Dowl.P.C. ; Dowl.P.R. ; Dowl.Pr. ; Dowl.Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Dowling's Practice Cases, New Series | Dowl.N.S. | D.N.S. ; Dow.N.S. ; Dowl.P.C.(N.S.) ; Dowl.Pr.C.N.S. | England & Wales |
Doyles Dispute Resolution Reports | - | Doyles DR Reps | Australia |
Drake Law Review | Drake L.Rev. | - | United States |
Draper's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports | Draper | Dra. ; Draper (Can.) ; Draper (Ont.) | Canada, Ontario |
Drejtesia Popullore | - | DP | Albania |
Drejtesia. Reviste e Organeve te Drejtesise | - | Drejtesia | Albania |
Dreptul | - | Dreptul | Romania |
Drewry & Smale's Chancery Reports tempore Kindersley | Drew.& Sm. | D.& S. ; D.& Sm. ; Drew.& S. | England & Wales |
Drewry's Vice Chancellor's Reports tempore Kindersley | Drew. | Dr. | England & Wales |
Drinkwater's Common Pleas Reports | Drink. | Drinkw. ; Drinkwater | England & Wales |
Droit Bulgare | - | Dr Bulgare ; Droit Bulg. | Bulgaria |
Droit Ecrit | - | Dr Ecrit | France |
Droit International Prive: Travaux du comite Francais de droit international prive | - | Dr Intern Prive | France |
Droit Polonais Contemporain | - | Dr Polon Contemp ; Droit Pol.Contemp. ; Droit Polonais Contemp. | Poland |
Droit Social | - | Dr Social ; Droit Soc. | France |
Droit de l'Informatique et des Telecoms | - | Dr Infornat | Belgium |
Droit et Societe | - | Dr & Soc ; Droit et Soc. | France |
Droits et Libertes au Quebec | D.L.Q. | - | Canada, Quebec |
Droits: Revue Francaise de Theorie Juridique | - | Droits ; Droits Rev Fr | France |
Drucksachen des Bundesrates | - | BRDrucks | Germany |
Drucksachen des Deutschen Bundestages | - | BTDrucks | Germany |
Drury & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports | Dr.& Wal. | D.& W. ; D.& Wal. ; Dru.& Wal. ; Drury & Wal. | Ireland |
Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports | Dr.& War. | D.& W. ; D.& War. ; Dru.& War. ; Drury & War. | Ireland |
Drury's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Napier | Dr.& Nap. | Ca.t.Nap. ; Dr. ; Dr.R.t.Nap. ; Dr.t.Nap. ; Dru.& Nap. ; Dru.t.Nap. ; Drury ; Drury (Ir.) ; Drury t.Nap. | Ireland |
Drury's Irish Chancery Reports tempore Sugden | Dr.& Sug. | Ca.t.Sugd. ; Dr. ; Dr.R.t.Sug. ; Dr.t.Sug. ; Dru. ; Dru.& Sug. ; Dru.t.Sug. ; Dru.t.Sugden ; Drury ; Drury (Ir.) ; Drury t.Sug. | Ireland |
Dublin University Law Journal | D.U.L.J.(N.S.) | D.U.L.J. ; Dublin U.L.J. ; DULJ | Ireland |
Dublin University Law Review | - | Dublin U.L.Rev. ; DULR | Ireland |
Dudley's Georgia Reports | - | Dud. ; Dud.(Ga.) ; Dudl. ; Dudley ; Dudley (Ga.) | United States, Georgia |
Dudley's South Carolina Equity Reports | Dud.Eq. | Dud.Ch. ; Dud.Eq.(S.C.) ; Dudl. ; S.C.Eq.(Dud.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Dudley's South Carolina Law Reports | Dud. | Dud.(S.C.) ; Dud.L. ; Dud.L.(S.C.) ; Dudl. ; S.C.L.(Dud.) | United States, South Carolina |
Due Diligence and Risk Management | Meded.v.d.Nederl.Veren.v.Int'l Recht | D.D.& R.M. | None |
Duer's New York Superior Court Reports | - | Duer ; Duer (N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Duke Bar Association Journal | - | Duke Bar A.J. | United States |
Duke Bar Journal | - | Duke Bar.J. | United States |
Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum | - | DELPF ; Duke Envtl L.& Pol'y F. | United States |
Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law | Duke J.Comp.& Int'l L. | - | United States |
Duke Law Journal | Duke L.J. | - | United States |
Duke's Law of Charitable Uses | - | Duke | England & Wales |
Duncan's Entail Cases | - | Dunc.Ent.Cas. | Scotland |
Duncan's Mercantile Cases | Dunc.Mer.Cas. | Dunc.Merc.Cas. ; Duncan | United Kingdom |
Dunlop, Bell & Murray's Reports, Second Series Session Cases | D. | C.of S.Ca.2nd series ; D.B.& M. ; Dunl. ; Dunl.(Ct.of Sess.) ; Dunl.B.& M. ; Dunlop | Scotland |
Dunning's King's Bench Reports | Dunn. | Dunning | England & Wales |
Duquesne Law Review | Duq.L.Rev. | Duq. ; Duq.L.R. ; Duquesne L.Rev. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Duquesne University Law Review | Sayles | Duquesne U.L.Rev. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Durie's Decisions, Court of Session | Durie | Gib.Dec. ; Gibson | Scotland |
Durnford & East's Term Reports, King's Bench | D.& E. | Durn.& E. ; T.R. ; Term R. ; Term Rep. | England & Wales |
Durzhava i Pravo | - | Durzh Pravo | Bulgaria |
Dutcher's New Jersey Law Reports | - | Dutch. ; Dutcher ; N.J.Law (Dutcher) | United States, New Jersey |
Duvall's Kentucky Reports | Duv. | Ky.(Duv.) | United States, Kentucky |
Duxbury's High Court Reports, South African Republic | - | D. ; Dux. ; Duxbury | South Africa, Transvaal |
Dyer's King's Bench Reports | Dyer | D. ; Dy. | England & Wales |
Dziennik Ustaw | - | Dz.U. | Poland |
E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law | E LAW | Australia | |
E-Commerce Law & Policy | - | E.C.L.& P. | None |
E-Commerce Law Reports | - | E.C.L.Rep. | None |
E-Finance & Payments Law & Policy: the newsletter for the industry | - | E.F.L.& P. | None |
E-Law Review | - | E-Law Review | None |
E-Signature Law Journal | - | E.S.L.J. | None |
E.D.Smith's New York Common Pleas Reports | - | Sm.E.D. ; Smith ; Smith E.D. | United States, New York |
E.J.Buchanan's Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | - | B. ; Buch. ; Buch.E.Cape G.H. ; Buch.E.J. ; Buch.S.C.Rep. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
EC Bulletin | U.C.L.J. | EC Bull | European Union |
EC Energy Monthly | - | EC.E.M. | European Union |
EC Food Law Monthly | - | EC.F.L.M. | European Union |
EC Packaging Report Monthly | - | EC P.R. | European Union |
EC Tax Journal | - | EC T.J. | European Union |
EC Tax Review | - | EC T.R. ; EC Tax Rev. | European Union |
EC Update | EC Update | - | European Union |
EG-Magazin | - | EG-Mag. | Germany |
EMIS E-Law Service | - | EMIS E.L.S. | United Kingdom |
EMIS Personal Injury Service | - | E.P.I.S. | United Kingdom |
EMIS Property Service | - | E.P.S. ; Prop.S. | United Kingdom |
ENDS Report | - | ENDS | United Kingdom |
EPA Review | - | EPA Review | Australia |
ERA Forum | ERA Forum | European Union | |
EU Briefing Notes | - | EU Brief.Notes | European Union |
EU Focus | EU Focus | - | European Union |
Eagle | - | Eagle | None |
Eagle & Young's Tithe Cases | Eag.& Y. | E.& Y. ; Eag.& Yo. | England & Wales |
East Africa Protectorate Law Reports | - | E.A.L.R. ; E.A.P.L.R. ; E.A.Prot.L.R. ; E.Afr.L.R. ; Hamilton ; L.R.E.A. | Kenya |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights | - | E Afr J Peace & Hum Rts ; E.Afr.J.Peace & Hum.Rts. | Uganda |
East African Law Review | - | E.Afr.L.Rev. ; East Afr L Rev | Tanzania |
East Asian Executive Reports | - | E.Asian Exec.Rep. ; East Asian Exec Rep | Asia |
East European Business Law | - | E.E.B.L. | None |
East European Constitutional Review | EECR | E.Eur.Const.Rev. | None |
East European Insurance Report | - | E.E.I.R. | None |
East European Jewish Affairs | - | E.Eur.Jew.Aff. | None |
East European Quarterly | - | E.Europ.Q. | None |
East's Notes of Cases in Morley's East Indian Digest | - | East | India, West Bengal |
East's Term Reports, King's Bench | East | E. ; E.R. ; Ea. ; East's ; New Term Rep. ; T.R.N.S. | England & Wales |
Eastern Africa Court of Appeal Reports | - | E.A.C.A. ; East Af. | Africa, East |
Eastern Africa Court of Appeal Reports | E.A.C.A. | East Af. | Africa, East |
Eastern Africa Law Reports | E.A. | - | Africa, East |
Eastern District Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | E.D.C. | E.D. ; East.D.C. ; EDC | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Eastern District Local Division Cases of the Supreme Court | E.D.L. | East.D.L. ; EDL | South Africa |
Eastern European Forum Newsletter | - | E.E.F.N. | None |
Eastern Law Reporter | E.L.R. | East.L.R. | Canada |
Eastern Mineral Law Institute | - | E.Min.L.Inst. | United States |
Easy Search of Topical Law | - | ESTOPL | Australia |
Ecclesiastical Law Journal (UK) | Ecc LJ | Ecc.L.J. ; ELJ | England & Wales |
Ecclesiastical Proceedings in Durham Courts | - | Raine | England & Wales |
Eco-Management & Auditing | - | Eco M.& A. | None |
Ecology Law Quarterly | Ecology L.Q. | - | United States |
Economic Affairs | - | Ec.Aff. | None |
Economic Policy: A European Forum | - | E.P.E.F. | None |
Economic Review | - | Ec.Rev. ; Econ.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Economics and Philosophy | - | Econ.& Phil. | United Kingdom |
Economy and Law | - | Econ.& L. | China, Hong Kong |
Eden's Chancery Reports tempore Northington | Eden | C.t.N ; Ca.t.N. ; Ca.t.North. ; Cas.t.North. ; Ed. ; Ed.Bro. ; North. | England & Wales |
Edgar's Decisions, Court of Session | Ed. | Edg. ; Edgar | Scotland |
Edinburgh Law Review | - | Edin.L.R. ; Edinburgh L.Rev. | Scotland |
Edmond's New York Select Cases | Edm.Sel.Cas. | Edm.Sel.Ca. ; Edm.Sel.Cas.(N.Y.) ; Edmond | United States, New York |
Education Case Reports | - | Ed.C.R. | England & Wales |
Education Law Journal | - | Ed.Law. | England & Wales |
Education Law Journal (Canada) | - | E.L.J. ; Educ.& L.J. ; R.D.Ed. | Canada |
Education Law Monitor | - | Ed.L.M. | England & Wales |
Education Law Reporter | - | Ed Law Rep | United States |
Education Law Reports | ELR | E.L.R. | England & Wales |
Education and the Law | - | E.& L. | United Kingdom |
Education, Public Law and the Individual | - | E.P.L.I. ; EPLI | United Kingdom |
Edward's Admiralty Reports | Edw. | Edw.(Tho). ; Edw.Adm. ; Edw.Lead.Dec. ; Edw.P.C. ; Edw.Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Edwards' Cases on Vessels under British Licences | - | Edw.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Edwards' New York Chancery Reports | Edw.Ch. | Ed.C.R. ; Ed.Ch. ; Edw. ; Edw.Ch.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Eesti Jurist | - | E.J. | Estonia |
Efimeris Ellinon Nomikon | - | EEN ; Efim Ellinon Nom ; Ephem Hellenon Nom | Greece |
Ehe und Familie im Privaten und Offentlichen Recht | - | FamRZ | Germany |
Ehrengerichtliche Entscheidungen | - | EGE | Germany |
Eildienst Bundesgerichtliche Entscheidungen | - | BGH ; EBE | Germany |
El Derecho-Jurisprudencia General | - | Derecho-Jurispr.Gen. | Argentina |
Elchies' Decisions, Court of Session | Elch. | Echies' Dict. ; El. ; El.Dict. ; Elchies ; Grant | Scotland |
Elder Law Journal | Eld LJ | Eld. L.J. | United Kingdom |
Elder Law Journal | - | Elder L.J. | United States |
Elder Law and Finance | - | E.L.F. | None |
Elder's Food & Drug Cases | - | Elder | England & Wales |
Elderly Client Adviser | - | E.C.A. | None |
Election Law Reports | - | E.L.R. | India |
Electronic Business Law | EBL | E.B.L. | United Kingdom |
Electronic Business Law Reports | - | E.B.L.R. | None |
Electronic Communications Law Review | - | E.C.L.Rev. | None |
Electronic Data Interchange Law Review | - | EDI L.R. | None |
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law | - | E.J.C.L. ; EJCL | None |
Elliniki Dikeosini | - | EllDik | Greece |
Ellis & Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports | E.& B. | El.& B. ; El.& Bl. ; Ell.& Bl. ; Ellis & Bl. | England & Wales |
Ellis & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports | E.& E. | El.& El. ; Ell.& Ell. | England & Wales |
Ellis, Best & Smith's Queen's Bench Reports | - | E.B.& S. ; El.B.& S. ; Ell.B.& S. | England & Wales |
Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports | E.B.& E. | El.B.& E. ; El.B.& El. ; El.Bl.& El. ; Ell.B.& Ell. ; Ell.Bl.& Ell. | England & Wales |
Elmes' Civil & Ecclesiatical Dilapidations | - | Elmes | England & Wales |
Emerging Markets Investor | - | E.M.I. | None |
Emory International Law Review | Emory Int'l L.Rev. | - | United States |
Emory Journal of International Dispute Resolution | - | Emory J.Int'l Disp.Res. | International |
Emory Law Journal | Emory L.J. | Em.L.J. | United States |
Employee Benefits Cases | - | Employee Benefits Cas. | United States |
Employee Benefits Compliance Coordinator | Empl.Coordinator | - | United States |
Employee Benefits Journal | - | E.B.J. | United States |
Employee Relations Law Journal | - | Empl.Rel.L.J. | United States |
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal | Employ Respons Rights J | E.R. & R.J. | |
Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal | - | Empl.Rts.& Emp.Pol'y J. | United States |
Employer's Law | - | Employ.L. | United Kingdom |
Employment Bulletin: Legal Issues in the Workplace | - | Employ.Bull. | Canada |
Employment Cases Summary | - | ECS | New Zealand |
Employment Law & Litigation | - | Emp.L.& L. | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Briefing | - | Emp.L.B. ; Empl.L.Brief. | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Bulletin | - | ELB | New Zealand |
Employment Law Bulletin (IRS) | ELB | - | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Journal | - | Emp.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Newsletter | - | Emp.L.N. | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Reports (Ireland) | ELR | - | Ireland |
Employment Law Reports (UK) | EmpLR | - | United Kingdom |
Employment Law Review - Ireland | - | E.L.R.I. | Ireland |
Employment Lawyer | - | Emp.Law. | England & Wales |
Employment Lawyers Association Briefing | - | E.L.A.Briefing | England & Wales |
Employment Litigation | - | Emp.Lit. | United Kingdom |
Employment Practices Decisions - federal and state courts | - | Empl.Prac.Dec. ; EPD | United States |
Employment Practices Guide | - | Empl.Prac.Dec. ; Empl.Prac.Guide | United States |
Employment Reports of New Zealand | - | ERNZ | New Zealand |
Employment Safety and Health Guide | - | Empl.Safety & Health Guide ; O.S.H.Dec. | United States |
Employment Testing: Law & Policy Reporter | - | Empl't Rep. ; Empl.Testing | United States |
Employment and Labour Law Reporter | - | E.L.L.R. | Canada |
Employment and Training Reporter | Empl.& Training Rep. | - | United States |
Encyclopedia of Insurance Law | - | EL | Australia |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit civil | - | Rep.civ. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit commercial | - | Rep.com. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit criminel et de procedure penale | - | Rep.crim. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit du travail | - | Rep.trav. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit international | - | Rep.internat. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit penal et de procedure penale | - | Rep.pen. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit public et administratif | Rep.admin. | France | |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de droit social et du travail | - | Rep.soc.et trav. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire de procedure civile et commerciale | - | Rep.proc. | France |
Encyclopedie Juridique Dalloz: Repertoire des societes | - | Rep.societes | France |
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen | - | ET | Germany |
Energy Law Journal | - | Energy L.J. | United States |
Energy Policy | - | Energy Pol'y | United Kingdom |
Engineering and Mining Journal | - | Engin.& Min.J. | United States |
England & Wales Care Standards Tribunal (Neutral Citation) | EWCST | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales Crown Court (Neutral Citation) | EWCC | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales Family Court [Neutral Citation] | EWFC | England & Wales | |
England & Wales High Court (Administrative Court) (revision) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Admin) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Administrative Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Admiralty Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Admlty) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Chancery Division) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Ch) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Commercial Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Comm) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Family Division) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Fam) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Mercantile Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Mercantile) | England & Wales | |
England & Wales High Court (Patents Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (Pat) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Queen's Bench Division) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (QB) | - | England & Wales |
England & Wales High Court (Technology and Construction Court) [Neutral Citation] | EWHC (TCC) | - | England & Wales |
English Historical Review | - | Eng.Hist.Rev. | England & Wales |
English Reports | E.R. | Eng.Rep. ; Eng.Rep.R. ; Eng.Rep.Re. ; ER | England & Wales |
English Reports Annotated | E.R.A. | Eng.Rep.Anno. | England & Wales |
Entertainment & Sports Law Journal | - | Ent.& Sports L.J. | United States |
Entertainment Law | - | Ent.Law | United Kingdom |
Entertainment Law Review | Ent.L.R. | Ent.L.Rev. ; Ent.LR | United Kingdom |
Entertainment and Media Law Reports | E.M.L.R. | EMLR | United Kingdom |
Entertainment and Sports Law Journal | - | ESLJ | None |
Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook | - | Ent.,Pub.& Arts Handbook | United States |
Entracte: Le Journal de la Chambre des Notaires du Qubec | - | Entracte | Canada, Quebec |
Entscheidungen Schweizerischer Gerichte in Privaten Versicherungsstreitigkeiten | - | VAS | Switzerland |
Entscheidungen aus dem Miet-, Wohnungs- und Grundstucksrecht, bearb. v Glaser | - | Glaser | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Beschwerdekammern des Europaischen Patentamts | - | EPA-E | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Ehrengerichtshofe der Rechtsanwaltschaft des Bundesgebietes und des Landes Berlin | - | EGH | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Finanzgerichte | - | EFG | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Landesarbeitsgerichte | - | LAGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Liechtensteinischen Gerichtshofe von 1947 bis | - | LGHE | Liechtenstein |
Entscheidungen der Oberlandesgerichte in Straf-Ordnungswidrigkeiten-und Ehrengerichtssachen | - | OLGSt | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Oberlandesgerichte in Zivilsachen | OLGZ | - | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Oberlandesgerichte zum Straf- und Starfverfahrensrecht | - | OLGSt | Germany |
Entscheidungen der Oberverwaltungsgerichte fur das Nordrhein-Westfalen in Munster sowie fur die Lander Nieder-Sachsen und Schleswig-Holstein in Luneberg | - | OVGE ; OVGE MuLu | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit und des Grundbuchrechts, zusammengest. im Reichsjustizamt | - | RJA | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Strafsachen | BayObLGSt. | - | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivilsachen. Neue Folge | BayObLGZ | - | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshofes | - | BayVerfGH ; BayVGH (n.F.) | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Board of Review | - | BoR | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts | - | BAG ; BAGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesdisziplinarhofs | - | BDHE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen | - | BGHSt | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen | - | BGHZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesoberhandelsgerichts | - | BOHG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesoberseeamtes und der Seeamter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | - | BOSeeAE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundespatentgerichts | - | BPatGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundessozialgerichts | - | BSG ; BSGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts | - | BVerfGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts | - | BVerwGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Deutschen Obergerichts fur das Vereinigte Wirtschaftsgebiet | - | DOG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Disziplinarsenats des Oberverwaltungsgerichts fur das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen | - | OVG NW DiszSE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Eidgenossischen Versicherungsgerichtes ... Amtliche Sammlung | - | EVGE | Switzerland |
Entscheidungen des Europaischen Gerichtshofs fur Menschenrechte | - | EGMR | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Hanseatischen Oberlandsgerichts in Strafsachen | - | HanseatOLGStrafs | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Hessischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofs und des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs Baden-Wurttemberg | - | ESVGH | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Kammergerichts | - | JFG Erg | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Koniglichen Preussischen Ober-Tribunls | - | PrObTrE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Niedersachsischen Staatgerichtshofs | - | Nds. StGHE ; NdsStGHE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichts der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Entscheidungen in Strafsachen | - | OGSt | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichts der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Entscheidungen in Zivilsachen | - | OGZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichtshofes fur die Britische Zone in Strafsachen | - | OHGSt | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichtshofes fur die Britische Zone in Zivilsachen | - | OGHZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Ruckerstattungsgerichts fur Berlin | - | ObREG Bln | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Ruckerstattungsgerichts fur die Britische Zone | - | ObREG BrZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Obersten Verwaltungsgerichts Berlin | - | OVGE,Bln. | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Berlin | - | OVGE Bln | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Osterreichischen Obersten Gerichteshofs in Zivil - und Justizverwaltungssachen | - | OGHE(ZJ) ; SZ | Austria |
Entscheidungen des Osterreichischen Obersten Gerichtshofes in Strafsachen und Disziplinarangelegenheiten | - | SSt | Austria |
Entscheidungen des Preussischen Oberverwaltungsgerichts | - | PrOVG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Preussischen Oberverwaltungsgerichts Kurzausgabe | - | PrOVGK | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Preussischen Oberverwaltungsgerichts: Kurzausgabe | - | PrOVGK | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsarbeitsgericht und der Landesarbeitsgerichte | - | ArbRSamml. ; ArbRSlg ; RAG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsdienststrafhofs | - | RDStH | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen | - | RGSt. | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen | - | RGE ; RGZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichskriegsgerichts und des Wehrmachtdienststrafshofs | - | RKG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsmilitargerichts | - | RMG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsoberhandelsgerichts | - | ROHG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsversorgungsgerichts | - | RVG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichsverwaltungsgerichts | - | RverwGE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Reichswirtschaftsgerichts | - | RWG | Germany |
Entscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichtes: Amtliche Sammlung | BGE | ATF | Switzerland |
Entscheidungen des Staatsgerichtshofes der Frein Hansestadt Bremen | - | Brem.StGHE | Germany |
Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichteshofs in Zivil - und Justizverwaltungssachen | - | OGHE(CJ) ; OGHE(SD) | Austria |
Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichteshofs in Zivil - und Justizverwaltungssachen veroffentlicht von diesem Gerichtshofe, Fortsetzung der von Nowak begrundeten Sammlung | - | Amtl.S. | Austria |
Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichtsals Kassationhofes | - | OGKE | Austria |
Entscheidungen des obersten Gerichtshofes fur die Britische Zone | - | OGHbrZ | Germany |
Entscheidungen in Jagdsachen der ordentlichen Gerichte, der Arbeitsgerichte, der allgemeinen Verwaltungsgerichte sowie der Finanz- und Sozialgerichte | RdC | EJS | Germany |
Entscheidungen in Kirchensachen seit 1946 | - | KirchE | Germany |
Entscheidungen und Mitteilungen des Reichsversicherungsamts | - | EuM d. RVA | Germany |
Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht | EWiR | - | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung Arbeitsrecht | - | EzA | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung des Hessischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofs und des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs Baden-Wurttemberg | - | ESVGH | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung fur junge Juristen | - | ESJ | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung zum AGB-Gesetz | - | AGBE | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung zum Auslander-und Asylrecht | - | EZAR | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung zum Familienrecht | - | EzFamR | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung zum Straf-und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht | - | OLGSt | None |
Entscheidungssammlung zum Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht | - | WuB | Germany |
Entscheidungssammlung zum gesamten Berich von Ehe und Familie | - | FRES | Germany |
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit | - | E+Z | Germany |
Environment Business Magazine | - | E.B.Mag. | United Kingdom |
Environment Information Bulletin | - | E.I.B. | United Kingdom |
Environment Law Brief | - | E.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Environment Reporter | - | Env't Rep. ; Env't Rep.Cas. ; ERC | United States |
Environment and Behavior | - | Environ.& Behav. | United States |
Environment and Development Law Reports | EDLR | - | Australia, South Australia |
Environment in Business | - | EIB ; Env. I.B. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Affairs | - | Envtl.Aff. | United States |
Environmental Claims Journal | - | E.C.J. ; Envtl.Claims J. | United States |
Environmental Due Diligence and Risk Management | - | E.D.D.& R.M. | None |
Environmental Health Law Reports | EHLR | E.H.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Judicial Review Bulletin | - | E.J.R.B. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law | - | Env.Law ; Env.Law ; Envtl.L. ; Envtl.Law | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law Alert | - | Env.L.Alert | Canada |
Environmental Law Bulletin | - | Env.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law Bulletin (Australia) | ELB | - | Australia, Victoria |
Environmental Law Monthly | - | Env.L.M. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law News | ELN | - | Australia |
Environmental Law Newsletter | E.L.N. | England & Wales | |
Environmental Law Newsletter (Australia) | - | ELN | Australia, New South Wales |
Environmental Law Newsletter (UK) | - | Env.L.N. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law Reporter | Env't L.Rep. | - | United States |
Environmental Law Reporter of New South Wales | ELR | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Environmental Law Reports | Env.L.R. | - | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law Reports - Digest | Env.L.R.D. | - | England & Wales |
Environmental Law Reports of New Zealand | - | New Zealand | |
Environmental Law Review | Env L Rev | Env.L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Law and Management | - | E.L.M. ; ELM | United Kingdom |
Environmental Lawyer | - | Envtl.Law. | United States |
Environmental Liability | Env. Liability | Env.Liability | United Kingdom |
Environmental Liability Law Review | - | E.L.L.R. | None |
Environmental Manager | - | Env.Man. | United Kingdom |
Environmental Policy and Governance | - | E.P.G. | European Union |
Environmental Policy and Law | - | E.P.& L. ; Env.Pol'y & L. ; Environmental Pol'y & L. ; Envtl.Pol'y & L. | Canada |
Environmental Reporter | - | Envir.Rep. ; ERC | United States |
Environmental Risk | - | Env.Risk | None |
Environmental and Planning Law Journal | EPLJ | E.P.L.J. ; Envtl.& Plan.L.J. | Australia |
Environs: Local Government, Planning & Environmental Law NSW Newsletter | Environs | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Ephemerides Iuris Canonici | - | Ephem. | Italy |
Epitheorisis tou Emporikou Dikaiou | - | EED ; Epith Empor Dik | Greece |
Equal Employment Compliance Manual | - | Eq.Empl.Comp.Man. | United States |
Equal Opportunities Cases | EOC | - | Australia and New Zealand |
Equal Opportunities Law Review | EOR | E.O.R. | England & Wales |
Equal Opportunities Review and Discrimination Case Law Digest | - | DCLD ; E.O.R.Dig. | United Kingdom |
Equal Time | Equal Time | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Equality Law Reports | EqLR | None | |
Equitable Lawyer | - | E.L. | England & Wales |
Equity Cases | New Cas.Eq. | Cas.Ch. ; Eq.Cas. ; Eq.Cas.Mod. ; Mod.Cas.Eq. ; Mod.Cas.L.& Eq. | England & Wales |
Equity Cases Abridged | Eq.Ab. | Ab.Ca.Eq. ; Ab.Eq.Cas. ; Abr.Cas.Eq. ; Cas.Eq.Abr. ; Eq.Ca.Abr. ; Eq.Cas.Abr. | England & Wales |
Erck's Ecclesiastical Register | - | Erck | Ireland |
Erie County Law Journal | - | Erie Co.L.J.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Erie County Legal Journal | - | Erie Co.L.J.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Erkentnisse des k.k.Verwaltungsgerichtshofes | HKLR | VGE | Austria |
Erkentnisse und Beschlusse der Verwaltungsgerichtshofes | - | VwSlg | Austria |
Erkentnisse und Beschlusse der Verwaltungsgerichtshofes, Neue Folge | - | VwSlgNF-A | Austria |
Espinasse's Nisi Prius Reports | Esp. | Esp.N.P. | England & Wales |
Estado & Direito | - | Estado & Direito | Portugal |
Estates & Trusts Journal | - | Est.& Tr.J. | Canada |
Estates & Trusts Quarterly | - | Est.& Tr.Q. | Canada |
Estates & Trusts Reports | E.T.R. | - | Canada |
Estates & Trusts Reports, Second Series | E.T.R.(2d) | - | Canada |
Estates & Trusts Reports, Third Series | E.T.R.(3d) | - | Canada |
Estates Gazette | EG | E.G. ; Est.Gaz. ; Estates Gaz. | England & Wales |
Estates Gazette Case Summaries | EGCS | E.G.C.S. | England & Wales |
Estates Gazette Digest of Cases | E.G.D. | Est.Gaz.Dig. | England & Wales |
Estates Gazette Law Reports | EGLR | E.G.L.R. | England & Wales |
Estates Gazette Planning Law Reports | PLR | P.L.R. | England & Wales |
Estates Times | - | E.T. | England & Wales |
Estates Times Law Reports | ETLR | - | England & Wales |
Estates Times Legal Supplement | ETLS | - | England & Wales |
Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal | - | Est.& Tr.J. ; Est.Tr.& Pensions J. | Canada |
Estudios de Derecho | - | Estud Der | Colombia |
Etablissements et Coutumes, Assises et Arrets de Echiquier de Normandie au Treizieme Siecle | - | Marnier | France |
Etudes Balkaniques | - | Et.Balkaniques | Bulgaria |
Etudes Internationales (Canada) | - | Et.Int'l (Laval/Quebec) | International |
Etudes Internationales (Tunisia) | - | Et.Int'l (Tunis) | International |
Etudes et Documents. Conseil d'Etat. Rapport Public. La Documentation Francaise | - | E.D.C.E. ; Et & Doc Cons d'Etat ; Et.& Doc. ; Et.et.doc.Cons.d'Et. | France |
Eurlegal News | - | Eurlegal | European Union |
Euromoney | - | Euromoney | European Union |
Europa Ethnica | - | Eur.Ethnica | Austria |
Europa e Diritto Privato | - | Euro Dir Priv | Italy |
Europa-Archiv | - | EA | Germany |
Europa. Die Europaische Zeitschrift fur die Schweiz | - | Eur. | Switzerland |
Europaische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift | - | Eu GRZ ; EuGRZ | European Union |
Europaische Rechtsprechung | - | ER | Germany |
Europaische Rundschau | - | Eur.Rdsch. | None |
Europaische Steuer-Zeitung | - | EuStZ | Germany |
Europaische Umwelt | - | EurUm | Germany |
Europaische Zeitschrift fur Verbraucherrecht | - | Eur.Z.Verbraucherrecht ; EZV | Germany |
Europaische Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | - | EuZW | Germany |
Europaisches Parlament. Verhandlungen. Ausfuhrliche Sitzungsberichte | - | EP-Verh. | European Union |
Europaisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht | - | EWS | Germany |
Europarecht | EuR | Europarecht | European Union |
Europe-Asia Studies | - | Eur.-Asia Stud. | None |
European Access | - | Eur.Access | European Union |
European Accounting Focus | - | E.A.F. | None |
European Anti-Discrimination Law Review | EADLR | - | European Union |
European Assurance Arbitration Cases | Eur.Ass.Arb. | Marr. | England & Wales |
European Banking and Financial Law Journal | - | E.B.& F.L.J. | None |
European Business Law Review | - | E.B.L.R. ; E.B.L.Rev. | None |
European Business Monitor | - | E.B.M. | None |
European Business Organization Law Review | EBOR | E.B.O.R. ; EBOLR | European Union |
European Commercial Cases | E.C.C. | - | None |
European Commission Competition Policy Newsletter | - | EC C.P.N. ; ECCPN | European Union |
European Commission documents | COM | - | European Union |
European Commission of Human Rights Decisions & Reports | D.R. | - | International |
European Community Cases | CEC | C.E.C. | European Union |
European Company Law | ECL | E.C.Law | European Union |
European Company and Financial Law Review | ECFR | E.C.F.R. | European Union |
European Competition Journal | ECJ | Euro.C.J. | European Union |
European Competition Law Review | - | E.C.L.R. ; ECLR ; Eur.Compet.L.Rev. ; Euro Compet L Rev ; Europ.Competition L.Rev. | None |
European Constitutional Law Review | EuConst | - | European Union |
European Consumer Law Journal | - | Europ.Consumer L.J. | None |
European Copyright and Design Reports | Blair Co.L.R. | E.C.D.L.R. ; E.C.D.R. | None |
European Corporate Lawyer | - | E.C.L. | None |
European Counsel | - | Eur.Counsel | European Union |
European Court Reports | E.C.R. | ECR | European Union |
European Court Reports, Reports of European Staff Cases | - | E.C.R.-S.C. | European Union |
European Court of Human Rights: Reports of the Judgments and Decisions | ECHR | - | |
European Criminal Law Review | EuCLR | Eu. C.L.R. | Europe |
European Current Law | Euro.C.L. | - | None |
European Data Protection Law Review | EDPL | E.D.P.L. | European Union |
European Energy Journal | EEJ | E.E.J. | Europe |
European Energy and Environmental Law Review | - | E.E.E.L.R. | European Union |
European Environment | - | EURO ENV ; Euro.Env. | None |
European Environmental Law Review | - | E.E.L.R. ; EELR ; Eur.Envtl.L.Rev. | None |
European Financial Services Law | - | E.F.S.L. | None |
European Food & Feed Law Review | EFFL | Europe | |
European Foreign Affairs Review | - | E.F.A.Rev. | None |
European Human Rights Law Review | E.H.R.L.R. | - | None |
European Human Rights Reports | E.H.R.R. | EHRR | None |
European Industrial Relations Review | - | E.I.R.R. ; EIRR | European Union |
European Insurance Market | - | E.I.M. | None |
European Insurance Strategies | - | E.I.S. | None |
European Intellectual Property Review | E.I.P.R. | EIPR ; Eur.Intell.Prop.R. ; Eur.Intell.Prop.Rev. ; Europ.Intell.Prop.Rev. | None |
European Journal for Education Law and Policy | - | E.J.E.L.& P. | European Union |
European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance | EJCL | E.J.C.L. & G. | Europe |
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice | Eur.J.Crime Cr.L.Cr.J. | Eu.J.Crime Cr.L.Cr.J. | None |
European Journal of Criminology | - | E.J.C. | None |
European Journal of Health Law | - | E.J.H.L. | None |
European Journal of International Law | EJIL | E.J.I.L. ; Eur.J.Int'l L. ; Euro J Intl L ; JEDI | International |
European Journal of Law & Economics | EJLE | E.J.L. & E. | |
European Journal of Law & Technology | EJLT | E.J.L.T. | None |
European Journal of Law Reform | - | E.J.L.R. | None |
European Journal of Legal Education | EJLE | - | European Union |
European Journal of Migration and Law | V.L.R.(P.& M.) | E.J.M.L. | None |
European Journal of Political Economy | - | Europ.J.Pol.Econ. | None |
European Journal of Political Research | - | Eur.J.Pol.Res. | None |
European Journal of Risk Regulation | EJRR | - | Europe |
European Journal of Social Law | EJSL | E.J.S.L. | European Union |
European Journal of Social Security | - | E.J.S.S. | None |
European Labour Law Journal | ELLJ | E.L.L.J. | European Union |
European Law Centre Subject Series | - | E.L.C.S.S. | European Union |
European Law Digest | - | E.L.D. | None |
European Law Journal | ELJ | E.L.J. ; Eur.L.J. ; Euro L J | European Union |
European Law Monitor | - | Euro.L.M. | European Union |
European Law Reporter | ELR | Euro.L.R. | Europe |
European Law Reports | EuLR | Eu.L.R. | None |
European Law Review | E.L.Rev. | E.L.R. ; ELR ; Eur.L.Rev. ; Euro L Rev ; Euro.L.Rev. ; Europ.L.Rev. | None |
European Lawyer | - | Euro.Law. | None |
European Legal Business | - | Euro.L.B. | European Union |
European Legal Forum | - | Eu.L.F. | European Union |
European Life & Pensions Digest | - | E.L.& P.D. | None |
European Mergers | - | E.M. | None |
European National Patent Reports | E.N.P.R. | - | European Union |
European Networks Law & Regulation Quarterly | ENLR | E.N.L.R. | European Union |
European Newsletter | - | Euro. News. | European Union |
European Patent Office Reports | - | E.P.O.R. | European Union |
European Pharma Law Centre Brief | - | EPLC Brief | None |
European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review | EPPPL | E.P.P.P.L.R. | European Union |
European Public Law | EPL | E.P.L. ; Eur.Pub.L. ; Euro Pub L | European Union |
European Public Private Partnership Law Review | EPPPL | E.P.P.P.L.R. | European Union |
European Review of Contract Law | ERCL | E.R.C.L. | European Union |
European Review of Private Law | - | E.R.P.L. ; Euro Rev Priv L | European Union |
European Review of Public Law | - | ERPL ; Eu.Rev.P.L. ; REDP | None |
European State Aid Law Quarterly | EStAL | E.St.A.L. | European Union |
European Structural and Investment Funds Journal | EStIF | E.St.I.F. | European Union |
European Studies Review | - | Europ.Stud.Rev. | None |
European Tax Service | - | Euro.T.S. | European Union |
European Taxation | - | ET ; Euro Tax ; Euro.Tax. ; Europ.Tax'n | European Union |
European Trade Mark Reports | - | E.T.M.R. | European Union |
European Transport Law | - | Eur.T.L. ; Eur.Transp.L. ; Euro Transp L ; Euro.T.L. ; Euro.Transp.L. ; Europ.Transp.L. | None |
European Union Law Reporter | - | EuLR | European Union |
European Union News | - | E.U.News | European Union |
European Works Councils Bulletin | - | E.W.C.B. | European Union |
Eurosafety | - | Eurosafety | European Union |
Evans' King's Bench Reports | Evans | - | England & Wales |
Evidenzblatt der Rechtsmittelentscheidungen | - | EvBl | Austria |
Evropske a Mezinarodni Pravo | - | EMP | None |
Examiner | - | Examiner | Canada, Quebec |
Excess Profits Tax Leaflets | - | E.P.T.Leaflet ; L.(E.P.T.) | United Kingdom |
Exchequer Reports | Exch. | Ex. ; Exch.Rep. ; Exch.Rep.W.H.& G. ; W.H.& G. ; Welsb.H.& G. ; Welsb.Hurl.& G. | England & Wales |
Excise Law Times | - | E.L.T. | India |
Excise and Customs Cases | - | ECC | India |
Experiodica | - | Exp. | None |
Expert Evidence: The International Digest of Human Behaviour Science and Law | - | EE | International |
Expert: the Journal of the Academy of Experts | - | Expert | England & Wales |
Extradition Law Reports | Extrad LR | United Kingdom | |
FAO Plant Protection Bulletin | - | FAO Plant Prot.Bull. | None |
Faculty of Advocates, Collection of Decisions | F.C. | Fac. ; Fac.Coll. ; Fac.Dec. | Scotland |
Faculty of Law Review, University of Toronto | - | Fac.L.Rev., U.Toronto | Canada |
Fair Employment Practice Cases | - | Fair Empl.Prac.Cas. ; FEP Cases | United States |
Fair Work Commission [Neutral Citation - decisions approving, varying or terminating enterprise agreements (single member only)] | FWCA | Australia | |
Fair Work Commission [Neutral Citation - full bench decisions] | FWCFB | Australia | |
Fair Work Commission [Neutral Citation - general manager and delegate decisions] | FWCD | Australia | |
Fair Work Commission [Neutral Citation - single member decisions] | FWC | Australia | |
Fairfield's Maine Reports | - | Fairf. ; Fairf.(Me.) ; Fairfield ; Me.(Fairfield) | United States, Maine |
Fairplay International Shipping Weekly | - | Fairplay | None |
Falconer & Fitzherbert's Election Cases | Falc.& Fitz. | F.& Fitz. | England & Wales |
Falconer's Decisions, Court of Session | Falc. | Pres.Fal. ; Pres.Falk. | Scotland |
Falconer's Reports, County Court Cases | Falc.Co.Cts. | - | England & Wales |
Fallos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nacion | - | Fallos | Argentina |
Familie und Recht | - | FuR | Germany |
Family Court Reporter | F.C.R. | - | England & Wales |
Family Court of Australia [Neutral Citation] | FamCA | - | Australia |
Family Court of Western Australia [Neutral Citation] | FCWA | FamCWA | Australia, Western Australia |
Family Law | Fam Law | F.L. ; Fam.L. ; Fam.Law | England & Wales |
Family Law Bulletin (New Zealand) | - | Fam L Bull ; Fam Law Bull ; FLB | New Zealand |
Family Law Bulletin (UK1) | - | Fam.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Family Law Bulletin (UK2) | - | Fam.Law B. | United Kingdom |
Family Law Journal | - | Fam.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Family Law Magistrates sitting at the Magistrates Court of Western Australia (Neutral Citation) | FCWAM | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Family Law Newsletter | - | F.L.N. | England & Wales |
Family Law Notes (Butterworths, Australia) | Fam LN | Fam.L.N. | Australia |
Family Law Notes (Federal Law Reports, Australia) | Fam LN | - | Australia |
Family Law Quarterly | Fam.L.Q. | - | United States |
Family Law Reform Act Cases | F.L.R.A.C. | - | Canada |
Family Law Reform Reporter | - | F.L.R.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Family Law Reporter | - | Fam.L.Rep. | United States |
Family Law Reports | FLR | F.L.R. | England & Wales |
Family Law Reports (Australia) | Fam LR | Fam L.R. | Australia |
Family Law Reports (Scotland) | - | Fam.L.R. | Scotland |
Family Law Reports Reprint | - | F.L.R.Rep. | England & Wales |
Family Law Review | - | Fam.L.Rev. | Canada |
Family Law Tax Guide | - | Fam.L.Tax.Guide | United States |
Family Law Today | - | F.L.T. | England & Wales |
Family Matters | - | Fam.M. | England & Wales |
Family Mediation | - | Fam.Med. | United Kingdom |
Family Reports of New Zealand | - | F.L.R.N.Z. ; FRNZ | New Zealand |
Family and Conciliation Courts Review | - | Fam.& Concil.Cts.Rev. ; FCCR | United States |
Fanti Customary Laws | - | Sar.F.C.L. ; Sar.F.L.R. | Ghana |
Far Eastern Law Review | - | Far East L Rev | Philippines |
Farm Law | - | Farm Law | United Kingdom |
Farm Tax & Finance | Comp.Trib. or Trib.conc. | Farm T.& F. | None |
Farm Tax Brief | - | Farm T.B. | United Kingdom |
Farrant's Digest of Manx Cases | Farrant | - | Isle of Man |
Fawcett. Treatise on the Court of Referees | Fawc.Ref. | Fawc. | England & Wales |
Faxue Lun Ts'ung | - | Faxue Lun Ts'ung | China, Taiwan |
Faxue Pinglun | - | Faxue Pinglun | China |
Faxue Yanjiu | - | Faxue Yanjiu ; Stud.in L. | China |
Fayette Legal Journal | - | Fay.L.J. ; Fayette L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Federal Banking Law Reports | Fed.Banking L.Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Bar Association Journal | - | Fed.Bar.A.J. | United States |
Federal Bar Journal | - | Fed.Bar J. | United States |
Federal Bar News & Journal | - | Fed.Bar News & J. | United States |
Federal Carriers Cases | - | F.Carr.Cas. ; F.Carrier Cas. ; Fed.Carr.Cas. | United States |
Federal Cases | F.Cas. | F.C. ; Fed.Ca. | United States |
Federal Circuit Bar Journal | - | Fed.Cir.B.J. | United States |
Federal Circuit Court of Australia [Neutral Citation] | FCCA | Australia | |
Federal Claims Reporter | Fed.Cl. | - | United States |
Federal Communications Bar Journal | - | Fed.Comm.B.J. ; Fed.Comm.Bar J. | United States |
Federal Communications Commission Record | F.C.C.R. | - | United States |
Federal Communications Commission Reports | F.C.C. | F.C.C.2d | United States |
Federal Communications Law Journal | - | Fed.Comm.L.J. | United States |
Federal Contracts Report | Fed.Cont.Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Court Digest | FCD | - | Australia |
Federal Court Reporter | FCR | - | Australia |
Federal Court Reporter Information Bulletin | FCR Information Bulletin | - | Australia |
Federal Court Reports, Australia | FCR | F.C.R. | Australia |
Federal Court Reports, Pakistan | - | F.C.R. | Pakistan |
Federal Court Rules | FCR | - | Australia |
Federal Court of Australia [Neutral Citation] | FCA | - | Australia |
Federal Court of Australia: Full Court [Neutral Citation] | FCAFC | - | Australia |
Federal Court of Canada [Neutral Citation] | FC | - | Canada |
Federal Court of Canada: Appeal Division [Neutral Citation] | FCA or CAF | CAF ; FCA | Canada |
Federal Court of Canada: Trial Division [Neutral Citation] | FCT or CFPI | CFPI ; FCT | Canada |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Reports | - | F.E.R.C. | United States |
Federal Estate and Gift Tax Reports | Fed.Est.& Gift Tax Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Excise Tax Reports | Fed.Ex.Tax Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Income Gift and Estate Taxation | Fed.Inc.Gift& Est.Tax'n | - | United States |
Federal Industrial Legislation | - | FIL | Australia |
Federal Judgments Bulletin | - | FJB | Australia |
Federal Law Journal | - | F.L.J. | India |
Federal Law Reports | FLR | F.L.R. ; Fed.L.R. ; Fed.L.Rep. | Australia |
Federal Law Review | FL Rev | F.L.Rev. ; Fed.L.Rev. | Australia |
Federal Lawyer | - | Fed.Law. | United States |
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia [Neutral Citation - family law decisions] | FMCAfam | Australia | |
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia [Neutral Citation - non-family law decisions] | FMCA | Australia | |
Federal Magistrates Court: Family Law and Child Support [Neutral Citation] | FMCAfam | - | Australia |
Federal Magistrates Court: General Federal Law Judgments [Neutral Citation] | FMCA | - | Australia |
Federal Maritime Board Reports | - | FMB Reports | United States |
Federal Maritime Commission Reports | F.M.C. | - | United States |
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Decisions | F.M.S.H.R.C. | - | United States |
Federal Power Commission Reports | F.P.C. | - | United States |
Federal Privacy Commissioner of Australia Decisions [Neutral Citation] | PrivCmrA | - | Australia |
Federal Probation | Fed.Probation | Fed.Prob. | United States |
Federal Reporter | F. | Fed.R. ; Fed.Rep. | United States |
Federal Reporter, Second Series | F.2d | F.2d. ; Fed.R. ; Fed.Rep. | United States |
Federal Reporter, Third Series | F.3d. | Fed.R. ; Fed.Rep. | United States |
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review | - | F.R.B.N.Y.Q.R. | None |
Federal Reserve Bulletin | Fed.Res.Bull. | - | United States |
Federal Revenue Court Law Reports | - | FRCLR | Nigeria |
Federal Rules Decisions | F.R.D. | Fed.R.D. ; Fed.Rules.Dec. | United States |
Federal Rules Service | Fed.Rules Serv. | Fed.R.Serv. | United States |
Federal Rules Service, Second Series | Fed.R.Serv.2d | Fed.Rules Serv.2d | United States |
Federal Rules Service, Third Series | Fed.R.Serv.3d | Fed.Rules Serv.3d | United States |
Federal Rules of Evidence Service | Fed.R.Evid.Serv. | - | United States |
Federal Securities Law Reports | Fed.Sec.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Sentencing Reporter | - | Fed.Sentencing Rep. | United States |
Federal Services Impasses Panel Releases | - | Fed.Serv.Imp.Pan.Rels. | United States |
Federal Supplement | F.Supp. | - | United States |
Federal Supplement, Second Series | F.Supp. 2d | - | United States |
Federal Tax Guide Reports | Fed.Tax Guide Rep. | - | United States |
Federal Trade Commission Decisions | F.T.C. | - | United States |
Federal Trial Reports | F.T.R. | - | Canada |
Federated Malay States Law Reports | - | F.M.S.L.R. ; F.M.S.R. ; FMSLR | Malaysia |
Federated States of Micronesia Chuuk State Court [Neutral Citation] | FMCSC | - | Federated States of Micronesia |
Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae State Court [Neutral Citation] | FMKSC | - | Federated States of Micronesia |
Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei State Court [Neutral Citation] | FMPSC | - | Federated States of Micronesia |
Federated States of Micronesia Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | FMSC | - | Federated States of Micronesia |
Federated States of Micronesia Truk State Court [Neutral Citation] | FMTSC | - | Federated States of Micronesia |
Federation of Insurance & Corporate Counsel Quarterly | - | Fed'n Ins.& Corp.Couns.Q. | United States |
Federation of Insurance Counsel Quarterly | - | Fed.Ins.Couns.Q. | United States |
Federation of Nigeria Law Reports | FNR | FNLR | Nigeria |
Feminist Legal Studies | - | Fem.L.S. ; Feminist Legal Stud. | United Kingdom |
Fenton's Important Judgments Delivered in the Compensation Court and the native Court | - | Fent ; Fent. ; Fent.(New Zealand) ; Fent.Imp.Judg. ; Fent.N.Z. ; Fenton | New Zealand |
Ferguson's Consistorial Decisions | Ferg. | Ferg.M.& D. ; Ferguson | Scotland |
Fernando's Appeals from the Courts | - | Fernando | Sri Lanka |
Fidelity Law Journal | - | Fidelity L.J. | United States |
Fiduciary Reporter | - | Fid.Rep. ; Fidciary R.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fiduciary Reporter, Second Series | - | Fid.Rep.2d. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fiji Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | FJCA | - | Fiji |
Fiji High Court [Neutral Citation] | FJHC | - | Fiji |
Fiji Law Reports | - | F.L.R. ; Fiji L.R. ; Udal | Fiji |
Fiji Magistrates Court [Neutral Citation] | FJMC | - | Fiji |
Fiji Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | FJSC | - | Fiji |
Film und Recht | - | Film u. R. | Germany |
Finance & Credit Law | - | F.& C.L. | United Kingdom |
Finance & Development | - | F.& D. ; Fin.& Dev. | United States |
Finance Confidential | - | Fin.Con. | None |
Financial Adviser | - | F.A. | United Kingdom |
Financial Instruments Tax & Accounting Review | - | F.I.T.A.R. | None |
Financial Law Reports | Fin.L.R. | F.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Financial Management | - | F.M. | None |
Financial Regulation International | - | F.R.I. | None |
Financial Regulation Report | - | F.R.R. | None |
Financial Regulator | - | F.R. | None |
Financial Reinsurance & Futures Newsletter | - | F.R.& F.N. | None |
Financial Reinsurance Newsletter | - | F.R.N. | None |
Financial Services Brief | - | F.S.B. | United Kingdom |
Financial Services Bulletin | - | F.S.Bulletin | United Kingdom |
Financial Services Law Journal | - | F.S.L.J. | Ireland |
Financial Services Law Letter | - | F.S.L.L. | United Kingdom |
Financial Technology Insight | - | F.T.I. | None |
Financial Times | FT | F.T. | United Kingdom |
Financial Times Law Reports | FTLR | F.T.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Finanz-Ministerial-Blatt | - | FMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Finanz-Rundschau | - | FR | Germany |
Finanzarchiv | - | FA ; Finanzarch. | Germany |
Finanzierung, Leasing, Factoring | - | FLF | Germany |
Finch's Cases on Contract | Finch Cas.Cont. | Finch ; Finch Cas.Contr. | England & Wales |
Finch's Precedents in Chancery | Fin.Pr. | Ch.Pre. ; Ch.Prec. ; Fin.PR ; Fin.Prec. ; Fin.T. ; Finch ; Finch Prec. | England & Wales |
Finch's Reports, Chancery | Fin. | Ca.t.F. ; Ca.temp.F. ; Cas.temp.F. ; Fin.H. ; Finch ; Nel. ; Nels. ; Nels.F. ; Nels.Fol. ; Nels.Fol.Rep. ; Nelson ; Nelson's Rep. ; R.t.F. ; Rep.t.F. ; Rep.t.Finch | England & Wales |
Finlay's Irish Digest | - | Fin.Dig. ; Finl.Dig. | Ireland |
Finnemore's Notes and Digest of Decisions of the Natal Supreme Court | - | F.N.D. ; Finnemore | South Africa, Natal |
Finnish Yearbook of International Law | FYBIL | Finnish Yrbk Intl L | International |
Fire and Casualty Cases (other than Automobile) | - | Fire & Casualty Cas. ; Fire and Casualty Cases | United States |
First Book of Judgments | First Book Judg. | First Bk.Judg. ; Judg.U.B. | England & Wales |
Fisher's Patent Cases | - | Fish. ; Fish.Pat. ; Fish.Pat.Cas. ; Fisher ; Fisher Pat.Cas.(F.) | United States |
Fisher's Patent Reports | - | Fish.Pat.Rep. ; Fisher | United States |
Fisher's Prize Cases | - | Fisher P.C. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fisher's United States District Court Prize Cases | - | Fish. ; Fish.Cas. ; Fish.Pr.Cas. ; Fish.Prize ; Fish.Prize Cas. ; Fisher Pr.Cas.(F.) ; Fisher Pr.Cas.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fisheries Commission Appeals | - | Fish.Comm. | Ireland |
Fisheries Pollution Reports | F.P.R. | - | Canada |
Fiske's Overruled Cases | - | Fiske | United States, Michigan |
Fitzgibbon's Irish Local Government Decisions | - | Fitz.Ir.L.G. ; Fitz.L.G.Dec. ; Fitzg.L.G.Dec. | Ireland |
Fitzgibbon's Irish Registration Appeals | Fitzg.Reg.Ca. | Fitz.Ir.R.A. ; Fitzg. | Ireland |
Fitzgibbons' King's Bench Reports | Fitz-G. | Fitzg. | England & Wales |
Fitzgibbons' Land Reports | Fitzg.Land Rep. | Fitz.Land Rep. ; Fitzg. ; Fitzg.I.L. ; Fitzg.Land.R. | Ireland |
Fitzherbert's Abridgement | - | F.Abr. ; Fitz.Abridg. ; Fitzh.Abr. | England & Wales |
Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium | - | F.N.B. ; Fitz.Nat.Brev. ; Fitzh.N.B. ; Fitzh.N.Br. ; Fitzh.Nat.Brev. | England & Wales |
Flanagan & Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports | Fl.& K. | Flan.& K. ; Flan.& Ke. ; Flan.& Kel. | Ireland |
Fleet Street Reports | F.S.R. | FSR | None |
Fletcher Forum of World Affairs | - | Fletcher F.Wld.Aff. | United States |
Fletorja Zyrtare e Republikes se Shqiperise | - | FZ | Albania |
Flinders Journal of Law Reform | FJLR | Flinders J.L.Ref. | Australia |
Flint Pleas | - | Edwards | England & Wales |
Flippin's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Flip. ; Flipp.(F.) | United States |
Florida Administrative Code Annotated | Fla.Admin.Code Ann. | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Administrative Weekly | Fla.Admin.Weekly | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Bar Journal | - | F.B.J. ; Fla.B.J. ; Florida B.J. | United States, Florida |
Florida International Law Journal | - | Fla.Int'l L.J. ; Florida Int'l L.J. | International |
Florida Journal of International Law | Fla.J.Int'l L. | - | United States |
Florida Jurisprudence | - | Fla.Jur. | United States, Florida |
Florida Jurisprudence, Second Series | - | Fla.Jur.2d | United States, Florida |
Florida Justice | - | Fla.Just. | United States, Florida |
Florida Law Journal | - | Fla.L.J. | United States, Florida |
Florida Law Review | Fla.L.Rev. | F.L.R. ; Fl.L.R. ; Fla.L.R. | United States, Florida |
Florida Law Weekly | Fla.L.Weekly | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Law Weekly Supplement | Fla.L.Weekly Supp. | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Reports | Fla. | Flor. ; Florida | United States, Florida |
Florida Session Laws Service | Fla.Sess.Law Serv. (West) | - | United States, Florida |
Florida State Bar Association Law Journal | - | Fla.S.B.A.Jo. ; Fla.S.B.A.L.J. | United States, Florida |
Florida State Law Journal | - | Fla.State.L.J. | United States, Florida |
Florida State University Law Review | - | Fla.St.U.L.Rev. ; Fla.State Univ.L.Rev. ; Florida St.U.L.Rev. | United States, Florida |
Florida Statutes | Fla.Stat. | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Statutes Annotated | Fla.Stat.Ann. (West) | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Statutes Annotated (Harrison) | Fla.Stat.Ann. (Harrison) | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Supplement | Fla.Supp. | Fl.S. | United States, Florida |
Florida Supplement, Second Series | Fla.Supp.2d | - | United States, Florida |
Florida Tax Review | - | Fla.Tax.Rev. | United States, Florida |
Focus | - | Focus | United Kingdom |
Foley's Poor Law Cases | Fol.P.L.Cas. | Fol. ; Fol.P.L.C. | England & Wales |
Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Reports | Fonbl. | F.B.C. ; Fon.B.C. ; Fonbl.N.R. | England & Wales |
Food & Drink Law Monthly | - | F.& D.L.M. | United Kingdom |
Food & Drugs Industry Bulletin | - | Food & Drugs I.B. | United Kingdom |
Food Adulteration Cases | - | FAC | India |
Food Adulteration Journal | - | FAJ | India |
Food Drug Cosmetic Law Reports | Food Drug Cosm.L.J. | Food Drug Cosm.L.Rep. | United States |
Food Law Monthly | - | Food L.M. | United Kingdom |
Food and Drug Law Journal | - | Food & Drug L.J. | United States |
Food, Drinks & Drugs Industry Bulletin | - | F.D.& D.I.B. | United Kingdom |
Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal | Food Drug Cosm.L.J. | - | United States |
Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Quarterly | - | Food Drug Cosm.L.Q. | United States |
Food, Drug, Cosmetic and Medical Device Law Digest | - | Food Drug Cosm.& Med.Device L.Dig. | United States |
Food, Nutrition and Agriculture | - | ANA ; FNA | None |
Foord's Supreme Court Reports, Cape Colony | Foord | - | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Forbes' Decisions in the Court of Session | Forb. | Forbes | Scotland |
Fordham Environmental Law Journal | Fordham Envtl.L.J. | - | United States |
Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal | Fordham Intell.Prop.Media & Ent.L.J. | - | United States |
Fordham International Law Forum | - | Fordham Int'l L.Forum | United States |
Fordham International Law Journal | Fordham Int'l L.J. | - | United States |
Fordham Law Review | Fordham L.Rev. | - | United States |
Fordham Urban Law Journal | Fordham Urb.L.J. | - | United States |
Foreign Affairs | - | Foreign Aff. ; Foreign Affairs | United States |
Foreign Affairs Reports | - | Foreign Aff.Rep. | International |
Foreign Policy | - | Foreign Pol'y | United States |
Foreign Tax Law Bi-Weekly Bulletin | - | Foreign Tax L.Bi-Weekly Bull. | United States |
Foreign Tax Law Semi-Weekly Bulletin | - | Foreign Tax L.Semi-Weekly Bull. | United States |
Foreign Tax Law Weekly Bulletin | - | Foreign Tax L.Weekly Bull. | United States |
Forensic Linguistics | - | Forensic Linguistics | United Kingdom |
Foresight: the International Journal of Insurance and Risk Management | - | Foresight | United Kingdom |
Forman's Illinois Reports | - | Form. ; Forman | United States, Idaho |
Foro Internacional | - | Foro Internac. | Mexico |
Foro Subalpino | - | Foro Sub. | Italy |
Foro civile | - | Foro civile | Italy |
Foro della Lombardia | - | Foro Lomb. | Italy |
Forrest's Exchequer Reports | For. | Forr. ; Forrest | England & Wales |
Forsikringsog Erstatningsretig Domssamling | - | FED | Denmark |
Forsyth's Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law | Fors.Cas.& Op. | - | United Kingdom |
Fortescue's King's Bench Reports | Fort. | Fortes. ; Fortes.Rep. ; Fortesc. ; Fortescue | England & Wales |
Fortnightly Law Journal | - | Fort.L.J. ; Fortn.L.J. ; Fortnightly L.J. | Canada |
Forvaltningsrattslig Tidskrift | - | Forvaltnings Tids ; FT | Sweden |
Foster & Finlayson's Nisi Prius Reports | F.& F. | Fost.& F. ; Fost.& Fin. | England & Wales |
Foster's Crown Cases | - | Fos.C.L. ; Fost. ; Fost.Cr.Law ; Fost.Crown Law ; Foster | England & Wales |
Foster's Legal Chronicle Reports | - | Foster | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fountainhall's Decisions, Court of Session | Fount. | Fount.Dec. ; Lauder | Scotland |
Four Pillars Bulletin | - | F.P.B. | None |
Fox & Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports | F.& S. | Fox.& S. ; Fox.& S.Ir. ; Fox.& Sm. | Ireland |
Fox & Smith's Registration Cases | Fox & S.Reg. | F.& S. ; Fox ; Fox & S. ; Fox & Sm. ; Fox & Sm.R.C. ; Fox Reg.Cas. | England & Wales |
Fox's Patent, Trade Mark, Design and Copyright Cases | - | Fox P.C. ; Fox Pat.Cas. ; Fox.Pat.C. | Canada |
Fox's United States District Court Decisions by Haskell | - | Fox ; Hask. | United States, Maine |
Francillon's County Court Judgments | - | Franc.Judg. | England & Wales |
Franklin County Legal Journal | - | Franklin Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Fraser's Court of Session Cases, 5th Series | F. | C.of S.5th Series ; F.(H.L.) ; F.(J.) ; F.(J.C.) ; Fraser ; Fraser (Scot.) | Scotland |
Fraser's Election Cases | Fras. | Fr.E.C. ; Fras.Elec.Cas. | England & Wales |
Fraud Intelligence | - | F.I. | None |
Free Speech Yearbook | - | Free Speech Y.B. | United States |
Freedom of Information | - | F.O.I. | Ireland |
Freedom of Information Review | FoI Review | FIR | Australia |
Freeman's Chancery Reports | Freem.Ch. | Fr. ; Fr.Ch. ; Fr.Chy. ; Free. ; Free.C.C. ; Free.Ch. ; Freem.C.C. | England & Wales |
Freeman's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | Freem.K.B. | Fr. ; Free. ; Free.K.B. | England & Wales |
Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Reports | - | Fr. ; Fr.Ch. ; Fr.Chy. ; Free.Ch. ; Freem.(Miss.) ; Freem.Ch.(Miss.) | United States, Mississippi |
Freguson of Kilerran's Session Cases | Ferg. | Ferguson | Scotland |
Freshfields Employment & Pensions Issues | - | F.E.& P.I. | None |
Fukuoka Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu | - | Fukuoka | Japan |
Full Bench Rulings, Bengal | - | F.B.R. ; Full B.R. ; Good.& Wood. | India, West Bengal |
Fuller's Practice Reports, Michigan | - | Fuller ; Fuller (Mich.) | United States, Michigan |
Fulton's Supreme Court Reports, Bengal | - | Fult. ; Fulton | India, West Bengal |
Fursorgerichtliche Entscheidungen der Verwaltungs- und Sozialgerichte | - | FEVS | Germany |
Futures & Derivatives Law Review | - | F.& D.L.R. | United Kingdom |
G.D.W.Vroom's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Vroom G.D.W.) ; Vr. ; Vroom ; Vroom (G.D.W.) | United States, New Jersey |
GDR Committee for Human Rights Bulletin | - | GDR Committee Hum.Rts.Bull. | Germany |
GEMA-Nachtrichten | - | GEMA-Nachr. | Germany |
GMU Law Review | - | GMU L.Rev. | United States |
Gaceta Forense | - | G.F. | Venezuela |
Gaceta Forense, Second Series | - | G.F.(2e) | Venezuela |
Gaceta Judicial | - | G.J. | Paraguay |
Gaceta Judicial: Publicacion de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | G.J. | Honduras |
Gaii Institutiones | - | Gai. | Italy |
Gale & Davison's Queen's Bench Reports | Gal.& Dav. | G.& D. ; Gale & D. ; Gale & Dav. | England & Wales |
Gale's Exchequer Reports | G. | Gale | England & Wales |
Gale's New Forest Decisions | - | Gale | England & Wales |
Gallison's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Gal. ; Gall. ; Gallison | United States |
Ganatra's Handbook of Criminal Cases | - | Ganatra | India |
Gauhati Law Reports | - | G.L.R. ; Gau LR | India, Assam |
Gault's Reports | - | Gault | United States, Georgia |
Gazeta Judicial: de la Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | G.J. | Ecuador |
Gazeta de los Tribunales | - | G.T. ; G.T. | Chile |
Gazette (Canada) | - | Gaz.L.Soc.Upper Can. ; Gazette | Canada, Ontario |
Gazette (England & Wales) | Gazette | - | England & Wales |
Gazette Law Reports | - | G.L.R. ; Gaz.L.R. ; Gaz.L.R.(N.Z.) ; GLR ; N.Z.G.L.R. ; N.Z.Gaz.L.R. | New Zealand |
Gazette des Tribunaix Ivoriens | - | GTI | Cote D'Ivoire |
Gazette des Tribunaux | - | Gaz.Trib. | France |
Gazette du Palais | - | G.P. ; Gaz.Pal. | France |
Gazette of Bankruptcy | Gaz.Bank. | - | England & Wales |
Gazette of Law and Journalism | Gazette L & J | GL & J | Australia |
Gazette of University College Galway Law Graduates Association | - | Dli | Ireland |
Gazette of the Law Society Ireland | - | G.L.S.I. | Ireland |
Gazette, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland | - | G.I.L.S.I. | Ireland |
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Regione Siciliana | - | G.U.Si. | Italy |
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana | - | G.U. ; Gazz.Uff. | Italy |
Geldert & Oxley's Nova Scotia Decisions | - | G.& O. ; Geld.& O. ; Geld.& Ox. ; N.S.D. ; N.S.Dec. ; N.S.R.(G.& O.) ; N.S.R.G.& O. ; N.Sc.D. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Geldert & Russell's Nova Scotia Reports | - | G.& R. ; Geld.& R. ; N.S.R.(G.& R.) ; N.S.R.G.& R. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.(Gel.) | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Gemeentestem | - | G.S. | Netherlands |
Gemeinnutzige Wohnungswirtschaft | - | GW | Germany |
Gemeinnutziges Wohnungswesen | - | GW | Germany |
Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt | - | GMBl ; GMBl. | Germany |
General Acts of Arkansas | - | Ark.Acts | United States, Arkansas |
General Insurance | - | Gen.Ins. | United Kingdom |
General Laws of Mississippi | Miss.Laws | - | United States, Mississippi |
General Laws of Rhode Island | R.I.Gen.Laws | - | United States, Rhode Island |
General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts | Mass.Gen.Laws | - | United States, Massachusetts |
General Statutes of North Carolina | N.C.Gen.Stat. | - | United States, North Carolina |
General and Special Laws on the State of Texas | Tex.Gen.Laws | - | United States, Texas |
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice | - | G.P.R.I.I.P. | None |
Geneva Papers on Risk and InsuranceTheory | - | G.P.R.I.T. | None |
Genossenschafts-Forum | - | Forum | Germany |
George Mason Law Review | Geo. Mason L. Rev. | United States | |
George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal | Geo.Mason U.Civ.Rts.L.J. | - | United States |
George Mason University Independent Law Review | Geo. Mason Indep. L. Rev. | United States | |
George Mason University Law Review | Geo. Mason L. Rev. | Geo. Mason U. L. Rev. | United States |
George Washington International Law Review | - | Geo Wash Intl L Rev | International |
George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics | Geo.Wash.J.Int'l L.& Econ. | - | United States |
George Washington Law Review | Geo.Wash.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Georgetown Immigration Law Journal | Geo.Immigr.L.J. | Georgetown Immigr.L.J. | United States |
Georgetown International Environmental Law Review | Geo.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics | Geo.J.Legal Ethics | - | United States |
Georgetown Law Journal | Geo.L.J. | Geo. ; Georget.L.J. ; Georgetown L.J. | United States |
Georgia Appeals Reports | Ga.App. | - | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Bar Journal | - | Ga.B.J. ; Georgia B.J. ; Georgia Bar J. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Decisions | - | Ga.Dec. ; Geo.Dec. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative law | Ga.J.Int'l.& Comp.L. | GaJICL ; Georgia J.Int'l & Comp.L. ; Georgia J.Int.Comp.L. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Law Journal | - | Geo.L.J. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Law Reporter | - | Ga.L.Rep. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Law Review | Ga.L.Rev. | G.L.R. ; Ga.L. ; Geo.L.Rev. ; Geo.Rev. ; Georgia L.Rev. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Laws | Ga.Laws | - | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Lawyer | - | Ga.Lawyer | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Public Service Commission Reports | - | Ga.P.S.C. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia Reports | Ga. | - | United States, Georgia |
Georgia State Bar Journal | - | Ga.S.B.J. ; Georgia St.B.J. ; Georgia St.Bar.J. | United States, Georgia |
Georgia State University Law Review | Ga.St.U.L.Rev. | Georgia St.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Georgia Supplement | - | Ga.Supp. ; Lester Supp. | United States, Georgia |
Gerichtshof der Europaischen Gemeinschaft fur Kohle und Stahl | - | EuGHE | European Union |
German Yearbook of International Law | - | Germ Yrbk Intl L ; German Y.B.Int'l L. ; GYIL ; JfIR | Germany |
Gesetz-Sammlung fur die Kgl. Preussishen Staaten | Stew.Admr. | GS | Germany, Prussia |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt | - | GVBl | Germany |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt fur Berlin | - | BeGVBl. | Germany |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt fur Schleswig-Holstein | - | SchHABl. | Germany |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt fur das Land Hessen | - | Hess.GVBl. | Germany |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt fur das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen | - | RhPfGVBl. | Germany |
Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt fur das Land Rheinland-Pfalz | - | GVBl.RP | Germany |
Gesetzblatt | - | GBl | Germany |
Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik | - | GBl DDR ; GBl I DDR ; GBl II DDR ; GBl III DDR | Germany |
Gesetzblatt der Freien Hansestadt Bremen | - | BremGVBl. | Germany |
Gesetzblatt der Verwaltung des Vererinigten Wirtschaftsgebietes | - | WiGBl ; WiGBl. | Germany |
Gesetzblatt fur Baden-Wurttemberg | - | GBl.BW | Germany |
Gewerbearchiv | - | GewArch | Germany |
Gewerbearchiv fur das Deutsche Reich | - | GewArch | Germany |
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht | - | GRUR | Germany |
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht: Internationaler Teil | - | GRUR Int ; GRUR Int. | Germany |
Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte | - | GMH | Germany |
Gewissen und Freiheit | - | Gewissen &.Freiheit | Switzerland |
Ghana Law Reports | G.L.R. | - | Ghana |
Ghana Law Reports Digest | - | G.L.R.D. | Ghana |
Gibbons' New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Gib. ; Gibb.Sur. ; Gibb.Surr. ; Gibbons ; Gibbons (N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Gibraltar Law Reports | - | Gib.L.R. | Gibraltar |
Gibson's Law Notes | - | Gib.L.N. | England & Wales |
Giffard's Chancery Reports | Giff. | Gif. ; Gif.& H. ; Giffard | England & Wales |
Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity | Gilb.K.B. | Cas.Eq. ; Cas.L.& Eq. ; Gil. ; Gilb. ; Gilb.Cas. ; Gilb.Cas.L.& Eq. ; Gilb.Com.Pl. ; Gilb.P.C. | England & Wales |
Gilbert's Chancery Reports | Gilb.Ch. | Gil. ; Gilb. ; Gilb.Exch. ; Gilb.Rep. ; Rep.Cas.Eq. ; Rep.Eq. | England & Wales |
Gilchrist's Borough Cases | - | Gilc.Bor.Cas. | Australia, Victoria |
Gilchrist's Local Government Cases | - | Gilc.L.Gov.Cas. | Australia, Victoria |
Gildersleeve's New Mexico Reports | Gild. | Gildersleeve ; Gildr. ; N.M.(G.) ; N.M.(Gild.) | United States, New Mexico |
Gill and Johnson's Maryland Reports | G.& J. | - | United States, Maryland |
Gill's Maryland Reports | Gill | - | United States, Maryland |
Gilman's Illinois Reports | Gilm. | Gilm.(Ill.) ; Gilman ; Ill.(Gilm.) | United States, Illinois |
Gilmer's Virginia Reports | Gilmer | Gil. ; Gilm. ; Gilmer (Va.) ; Va.(Gilmer) | United States, Virginia |
Gilmour & Falconer's Decisions, Court of Session | Gilm.& F. | Gilm. ; Gilm.& Fal. ; Gilm.& Falc. | Scotland |
Gilpin's United States District Court Reports | - | Gilp. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Giurisprudencia di merito | - | Giur.mer. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza Costituzionale | - | Giur Costituz ; Giur.Cost. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza Italiana | - | Giur It ; Giur.Ital. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza agraria italiana | - | Giur.agr. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza bancaria | - | Giur.banc. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto civile | - | Giur.comp.civ. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto commerciale | - | Giur.comp.comm. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza comparata diritto corporazioni | - | Giur.comp.dir.corp. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza comparata diritto internazionale privato | - | Giur.comp.dir.iter.priv. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza completa della Corte Suprema di Cassazione-Sezioni civiliagraria italiana | - | Giur.compl.cass.civ. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza completa della Corte Suprema di Cassazione-Sezioni penali | - | Giur.compl.cass.pen. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza del lavoro | - | Giur.lav. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza delle Corti regionali | - | Giur.Corti reg. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza delle imposte dirette di registro e di negoziazone | - | Giur.imp.reg.negoz. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza delle opere pubbliche | - | Giur.op.pubbl. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza in materia di infortuni sul lavoro malattie professionali | - | Giur.infort. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza siciliana | - | Giur.sic. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza torinese | - | Giur.torin. | Italy |
Giurisprudenza toscana | - | Giuris.tosc. | Italy |
Giustizia Civile Massimario | - | Giust.civ.mass. | Italy |
Giustizia civile massimario Corte d'Appello | - | Giust.civ.mass.app. | Italy |
Giustizia del lavoro | - | Giust.lav. | Italy |
Giustizia finanziaria | - | Giust.fin. | Italy |
Giustizia penale | - | Giust.pen. | Italy |
Giustizia toscana | - | Giust.tosca. | Italy |
Giustizia tributaria e le imposte dirette | - | Giust.trib.e imp.dir. | Italy |
Glanville's Election Cases | Glanv.El.Cas. | Glan.El.Cas. | England & Wales |
Glascock's Reports in all the Courts of Ireland | Glas. | Glasc. ; Glascock | Ireland |
Glaser-Unger Sammlung von zivilrechtlich Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichteshofes Civilsachen | - | GIU | Austria |
Glaser-Unger Sammlung von zivilrechtlich Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichteshofes Civilsachen (Neue Folge) | - | GIUNF. | Austria |
Glendale Law Review | Glendale L.Rev. | - | United States |
Global Arbitration Review | GAR | G.A.R. | None |
Global Competition Litigation Review | - | G.C.L.R. | None |
Global Competition Review | GCR | G.C.R. | None |
Global Constitutionalism | GlobCon | G. Cons ; GCN | |
Global Counsel | - | Global Counsel | None |
Global Crime | - | G.C. | None |
Global Investigations Review | GIR | G.I.R. | |
Global Jurist Topics. | - | ||
Global Law & Business | - | G.L.& B. ; GL & B ; GL&B | None |
Global Re Analysis | Hoffm.Dec.(F.) | G.R.A. | None |
Global Reinsurance | - | G.R. | None |
Global Risk Regulator | G.I.R. | International | |
Global Telecomms Business | - | G.T.B. | None |
Global Trade and Customs Journal | - | G.T. & C.J. | None |
Gloucester Pleas of the Crown | Hill & Den. | Maitland | England & Wales |
Glover's Municipal Corporation Cases | - | Glover | England & Wales |
Glyn & Jameson's Bankruptcy Reports | Gl.& J. | G.& J. ; Glyn & J. ; Glyn & Jam. | England & Wales |
GmbH-Rundschau | - | GmbHR | Germany |
Godbolt's King's Bench Reports | Godb. | - | England & Wales |
Godishnik na Pravniot Fakultet vo Skpoje | - | God.na Pravniot Fak.vo Skopje | Macedonia |
Godishnik na Sofijskija Universitet. Juridiceski Fakultet | - | God.Sofijskija Univ. | Bulgaria |
Godisnjak Pravnog Fakulteta u Sarajevu | - | God.Pravnog Fak.Sarajevu | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Godson's Mining Commissioner's Cases | Godson | - | Canada, Ontario |
Gold Coast Divisional Court Reports, Selected Judgments | - | D.Ct. ; G.C.D.C. ; G.C.Div.C. ; G.C.Div.Ct. | Ghana |
Golden Gate Law Review | Golden Gate L.Rev. | - | United States |
Golden Gate University Law Review | Golden Gate U.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht | - | GA ; Golt Arch ; GoltdArch | Germany |
Gonzaga Law Review | Gonz.L.Rev. | Gonzaga L.Rev. | United States |
Goode: Consumer Credit Reports | GCCR | - | United Kingdom |
Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases | Good.Pat. | - | United Kingdom |
Gordon Woodman's Ghana Land Cases | - | D.C.(Land) | Ghana |
Gosford's Manuscript Reports, Court of Session | Gosf. | - | Scotland |
Gosudarstvo i Pravo | - | GiP ; Gosud Prav | Russian Federation |
Gottingen Journal of International Law | - | Go. J.I.L. | International |
Gould's New York Consolidated Laws Annotated | N.Y.Law (Gould) | - | United States, New York |
Gouldesborough's King's Bench Reports | Gould. | Gold. ; Goldes. ; Gouldsb. | England & Wales |
Governance | - | Gov. | England & Wales |
Governance & Leadership | G.& L. | United Kingdom | |
Government Contract Reports | - | Cont.Cas.Fed. ; Gov't Cont.Rep. | United States |
Government Gazette | - | GG | South Africa |
Government and Opposition | - | Gov't & Oppos. | United Kingdom |
Gow's Nisi Prius Cases | Gow | Gow N.P. | England & Wales |
Grabill's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Grabill) | United States, Massachusetts |
Grant's Error and Appeal Reports | U.C.E.& A. | A.R. ; E.& A. ; E.& A.R. ; E.& A.U.C. ; Err.& App. ; Grant E.& A. ; Grant Err.& App. ; U.C.Err.& App. ; U.C.Err.& App.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Grant's Pennsylvania Cases | Grant | Gr. ; Grant (Pa.) ; Grant Cas. ; Grant Cas.(Pa.) ; Grant Pa. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports | - | Gr. ; Grant ; Grant Ch. ; Grant Ch.(Can.) ; Grant U.C. ; U.C.Ch. ; U.C.Ch.(Can.) ; U.C.Chan. | Canada, Ontario |
Grattan's Virginia Supreme Court Reports | Gratt. | Gratt.(Va.) ; Va.(Gratt.) | United States, Virginia |
Gray's Massachusetts Reports | Gray | Gray (Mass.) ; Mass.(Gray) | United States, Massachusetts |
Graya: a magazine for members of Gray's Inn | - | Graya | United Kingdom |
Great Plains Natural Resources Journal | - | Great Plains Nat.Resources J. | United States |
Greaves' Barbados Law Reports | - | Barb.L.R. ; Barb.R. | Barbados |
Greaves' Judgments of the Windward Islands Court of Appeal | - | Greaves ; R.W.I. ; Windward I.A.C. | West Indies |
Greece and Rome | - | Greece & Rome | None |
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies | - | Greek, Rom.& Byzan.Stud. | None |
Green Bag | - | Green Bag | United States, Massachusetts |
Green's Criminal Cases | Green Sc.Cr.Cas. | Green Cr. ; Green Cr.Cas. | Scotland |
Green's Family Law Reports | - | Fam.L.R. | Scotland |
Green's Housing Law Reports | HousLR | Hous.L.R. | Scotland |
Green's Irish Land Cases | - | Green | Ireland |
Green's New Jersey Law Reports | - | Gr. ; Green ; Green (N.J.) ; Green L. ; N.J.Law (Green) | United States, New Jersey |
Green's Reparation Law Reports | RepLR | Greens Rep.L.R. | Scotland |
Greene's Iowa Reports | Greene | Greene G.(Iowa) | United States, Iowa |
Greene's Pennsylvania Reports | - | Greene | United States, Pennsylvania |
Greenleaf's Maine Reports | - | Green. ; Greenl. ; Me.(Greenleaf) | United States, Maine |
Greens Weekly Digest | G.W.D. | - | Scotland |
Greer's Irish Land Cases | Greer | - | Ireland |
Gregorowski's Reports of the High Court of the Orange Free State | Gregorowski | Greg. | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Grenier's Ceylon Reports | - | Gren. ; Grenier | Sri Lanka |
Griffin's Patent Cases | Grif.Pat.Cas. | Grif.P.C. ; Grif.Pat.C. ; Griff.Pat.Cas. ; Griffin P.C. ; Griffin Pat.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Griffith Law Review | GLR | Griffith L.Rev. ; Griffith LR | Australia |
Griffith's London Poor Law Cases | Grif.P.L.Cas. | Grif.P.L.C. ; Grif.P.R.C. ; Grif.P.R.Cas. | England & Wales |
Griqualand West High Court Reports | H.C.G. | G.W.R. ; HCG ; High Ct. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Griqualand West Local Division Reports | G.W.L. | G.W. ; G.W.D. ; G.W.L.D. ; GWL | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Grotiana, New Series | - | Grotiana (N.S.) | International |
Grundgesetz | - | GG | Germany |
Grundrechte. Europaische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift | - | EuGRZ | European Union |
Grundstucksmarkt und Grundstuckswert | - | GuG | Germany |
Guam Civil Code | Guam Civ.Code | - | Guam |
Guam Code Annotated | Guam Code Ann. | - | Guam |
Guam Code of Civil Procedure | Guam Civ.P.Code | - | Guam |
Guam Government Code | Guam Gov't Code | - | Guam |
Guam Probate Code | Guam Prob.Code | - | Guam |
Guam Reports | Guam | Guam R | Guam |
Guam Session Laws | Guam Sess.Laws | - | Guam |
Guernsey Law Journal | GLJ | G.L.J. | None |
Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains | - | Guerres Mondiales | International |
Guild Practitioner | Guil Prac. | Guild.Prac. | United States |
Gujarat Law Herald | - | GLH ; Guj.L.H. | India, Gujarat |
Gujarat Law Reporter | - | GLR ; Guj LR ; Guj.L.Rep. | India, Gujarat |
Gujarat Law Times | - | Guj.L.T. | India, Gujarat |
Gummere's New Jersey Law Reports | - | Gummere ; N.J.Law (Gummere) | United States, New Jersey |
Gunby's Reports | Gunby | Gunby (La.) | United States, Louisiana |
Guoji Maoyi | - | Guoji Maoyi | China |
Guoji Maoyi Wenti | - | Guoji Maoyi Wenti | China |
Guoji Wenti Yanjiu | - | Guoji Wenti Yanjiu ; Int'l Stud.(Beijing) | China |
Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases | Guth.Sh.Cas. | Guth.Sher.Cas. ; Guthrie | Scotland |
Guyana Law Reports | - | G.L.R. | Guyana |
Gwillim's Tithe Cases | Gwill. | Gwil. ; Gwil.Ti.Cas. ; Gwill.T.Cas. ; Gwill.Ti.Cas. | England & Wales |
Gyosei Saiban Geppo | - | Gyosei Geppo | Japan |
Gyosei Saibansho Hanketreshu | - | Gyohan | Japan |
H.W.Green's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Gr. ; Gr.Eq. ; Green ; Green Ch. ; Green N.J. ; N.J.Eq.(Green) | United States, New Jersey |
HRC News | - | HRC News | New Zealand |
Haddington's Court of Session Reports | Had. | Hadd. ; Haddington ; Ham. | Scotland |
Haestarettardomar | - | HT | Iceland |
Haggard's Admiralty Reports | Hag.Adm. | Hag. ; Hagg.Adm. | England & Wales |
Haggard's Consistorial Reports | Hag.Con. | Consist. ; Consist.Rep. ; Hagg.Con. ; Hagg.Cons. ; Hagg.Consist. | England & Wales |
Haggard's Ecclesiatical Reports | Hag.Ecc. | Hagg.Ecc. ; Hagg.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law | HJRL | H.J.R.L. | International |
Hague Yearbook of International Law | - | Hague Y.B.Int'l L. ; Hague Yrbk Intl L | International |
Hailes' Decisions of the Court of Session | Hailes | Hailes Dec. | Scotland |
Hak Patrak Decisions of the Rajasthanik Court of Kathiawar | LTC & BILETA Newsletter | Hak Patrak | India, Gujarat |
Halcomb's Mining Cases | - | Halc. | England & Wales |
Haldane Society Employment Law Bulletin | - | Haldane S.E.L.B. | None |
Hale's Ecclesiastical Reports | Hale Ecc. | - | England & Wales |
Hale's Precedents in Ecclesiastical Criminal Cases | Hale Cr.Prec. | Hale ; Hale Prec. | England & Wales |
Halkerston's Compendium of Scotch Faculty Decisions | - | Halk. ; Halk.Comp. | Scotland |
Hall & Twell's Chancery Reports | H.& Tw. | H.& T. ; Ha.& Tw. ; Hall & T. ; Hall & Tw. | England & Wales |
Hall's Decisions of the Water Courts of South Africa | - | Hall | South Africa |
Hall's New York Superior Court Reports | Gilb.Exch. | Hall ; Hall (N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Halls' American Law Journal (Philadelphia) | - | Am.L.J.(O.S.) | United States |
Halsbury's Laws of Australia | HLA | - | Australia |
Halsbury's Laws of England | - | Hals.Laws ; Halsbury ; Halsbury L.Eng. ; Halsbury's Laws | England & Wales |
Halsbury's Statutes of England | - | Hals.Stats. ; Halsbury ; Halsbury's Statutes | England & Wales |
Halsbury's Statutory Instruments | - | H.S.I. ; Halsbury's S.I.s | England & Wales |
Halsted's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | Hals.Ch. ; Hals.Eq. ; Halst. ; Halst.Ch. ; N.J.Eq.(Halsted) | United States, New Jersey |
Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports | - | Hals. ; Halst. ; N.J.Law (Halstead) | United States, New Jersey |
Hamburgisches Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt | - | HambGVBl. | Germany |
Hamdard Islamicus | J.I.C.L. | Hamdard Islam. | Pakistan |
Hamline Journal of Public Law | - | Hamline J.Pub.L. | United States |
Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy | Hamline J.Pub.L.& Pol'y | Hamline J.Pub.L.& Pol. | United States |
Hamline Law Review | Hamline L.Rev. | - | United States |
Hammond's Condensed Reports | - | Hammond | United States, Ohio |
Hammond's Reports of Indian Election Petitions | - | Hammond | India |
Handai Hogaku | - | Handai Hogaku | Japan |
Handbuch des Arbeitsrechts | - | HbArbR | Germany |
Handelingen | - | Hand. | Netherlands |
Handelingen Eerste Kamer | - | Hand.I | Netherlands |
Handelingen Nederlandse Juristenvereniging | - | H.N.J.V. | Netherlands |
Handelingen Tweede Kamer | - | Hand.II | Netherlands |
Handelsgesetzbuch | - | HGB | Germany |
Handelsrechtliche Entscheidungen | - | HS | Austria |
Handworterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften | - | HdSW | Germany |
Handworterbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaft | - | HdWW | Germany |
Handworterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte | - | HRG | Germany |
Handy's Ohio Reports, Cincinnati | - | Han. ; Hand. ; Handy ; Handy (Ohio) | United States, Ohio |
Hannay's New Brunswick Reports | - | Han. ; Han.(N.B.) ; Hann. ; N.B.R.(Hann.) ; N.B.R.Han. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Hannoversche Urteilssammlung | - | HUS | Germany |
Hansa | - | Hansa | Germany |
Hanseatische Gerichtszeitung | - | HGZ | Germany |
Hanseatische Rechts- und Gerichtszeitschrift | - | HansRGZ | Germany |
Hanseatische Rechtszeitschrift fur Handel, Schiffart und Versicherung, Kolonial- und Auslandsbeziehungen sowie Hanstadtisches Recht | - | HansRZ | Germany |
Hansell's Reports of Bankruptcy and Companies' Winding-up Cases | H.B.R. | Han. | United Kingdom |
Hapraklit | - | Hapraklit | Israel |
Harcase's Decisions, Court of Session | Harc. | Hog. | Scotland |
Hardin's Kentucky Reports | Hard. | Hardin ; Hardin(Ky.) ; Ky.(Hard.) | United States, Kentucky |
Hardres' Exchequer Reports | Hard. | Hardr. ; Hardres | England & Wales |
Hare's Chancery Reports | Hare | H. ; Ha. | England & Wales |
Hare's Chancery Reports Appendix | Hare (App.) | Ha.App. ; Har.App. | England & Wales |
Hari Rao's Indian Income-Tax Decisions | - | Rao I.T.Cas. | India |
Hari Rao's Reports of Railway Cases | - | Hari Rao | India |
Harman's Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports | - | Harm. ; Harman | Canada, Ontario |
Harper's South Carolina Equity Reports | Harp.Eq. | Harp. ; Harp.Eq.(S.C.) ; Harper ; S.C.Eq.(Harp.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Harper's South Carolina Law Reports | Harp. | Harp.L. ; Harp.L.(S.C.) ; Harper ; S.C.L.(Harp.) | United States, South Carolina |
Harrington's Cases under the Criminal Law Act | - | Harr. | Ireland |
Harrington's Delaware Reports | Harr. | Del.(Harr.) ; Har. ; Harr.(Del.) ; Harring. ; Harrington | United States, Delaware |
Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports | - | Har. ; Harr. ; Harr.(Mich.) ; Harr.Ch. ; Harr.Ch.(Mich.) ; Harring. ; Harrington | United States, Michigan |
Harris and Gill's Maryland Reports | H.& G. | - | United States, Maryland |
Harris and Johnson's Maryland Reports | H.& J. | - | United States, Maryland |
Harris and McHenry's Maryland Reports | H.& McH. | - | United States, Maryland |
Harrison & Hazen's New Brunswick Reports | - | Harr.& Haz. ; N.B.R.(Harr.& Haz.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Harrison & Hodgins' Upper Canada Municipal Reports | - | H.& H. ; Harr.& H. ; Harr.& Hodg. | Canada, Ontario |
Harrison & Rutherford's Common Pleas Reports | Har.& Ruth. | H.& R. ; Harr.& R. ; Harr.& Ruth. | England & Wales |
Harrison & Wollaston's King's Bench Reports | Har.& W. | H.& W. ; Har.& Woll. ; Harr.& W. ; Harr.& Wol. | England & Wales |
Harrison's New Brunswick Reports | - | Harr. ; N.B.R.(Harr.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Harrison's New Jersey Law Reports | - | Har. ; Harr.N.J. ; Harrison ; N.J.Law (Harrison) | United States, New Jersey |
Harrison, Hazen & Harrison's New Brunswick Reports | - | Harr.,Haz.& Harr. ; N.B.R.(Harr.,Haz.& Harr.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal | Harv.BlackLetter L.J. | - | United States |
Harvard Business Review | - | Harv.Bus.Rev. | United States |
Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review | Harv.C.R.-C.L.Law Rev. | Harv.C.R.-C.L.L.Rev. | United States |
Harvard Environmental Law Review | Harv.Envtl.L.Rev. | Harv.Env.L.Rev. ; HELR | United States |
Harvard Human Rights Journal | Harv.Hum.Rts.J. | - | United States |
Harvard International Law Journal | Harv.Int'l L.J. | Harv.I.L.J. ; Harvard Intl LJ | United States |
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy | Harv.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y | - | United States |
Harvard Journal of Law and Technology | Harv.J.L.& Tech. | J.L.& Tech. ; JOLT | United States |
Harvard Journal on Legislation | Harv.J.on Legis. | - | United States |
Harvard Law Review | Harv.L.Rev. | H.L.R. | United States |
Harvard Law School Bulletin | - | Harv.L.Sch.Bull. | United States |
Harvard Women's Law Journal | Harv.Women's L.J. | - | United States |
Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal | Hastings Comm.& Ent.L.J. | - | United States |
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly | Hastings Const.L.Q. | - | United States |
Hastings International and Comparative Law Review | Hastings Int'l & Comp.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Hastings Law Journal | Hastings L.J. | Hast.L.J. | United States |
Hastings Women's Law Journal | - | Hastings Women's L.J. | United States |
Haszard & Warburton's Prince Edward Island Reports | P.E.I. | H.& W. ; P.E.I.Rep. | Canada, Prince Edward Island |
Hatcher's Kansas Digest | - | Hatcher's Kan.Dig. | United States, Kansas |
Hatsell's Parliamentary Precedents | Hats.Pr. | Hats. ; Hats.Prec. | England & Wales |
Haus und Wohnung | - | HW | Germany |
Haviland's Prince Edward Island Chancery Reports by Peters | - | Hav. ; Hav.Ch.Rep. ; Hav.P.E.I. ; Havil. ; P.E.I. ; P.E.I.Rep. ; Pet. ; Peters | Canada, Prince Edward Island |
Hawaii Appellate Reports | Haw.App. | Hawaii App. | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii Bar Journal | Haw.B.J. | Hawaii B.J. ; Hawaii Bar J. | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii Bar News | Haw.B.N. | - | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii District Court Reports | - | Hawaii Dist. | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii Reports | Haw. | H. ; Hawaii ; Hawaii Rep. | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii Revised Statutes | Haw.Rev.Stat. | Hawaii Rev.Stat. | United States, Hawaii |
Hawaii Revised Statutes Annotated | Haw.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Hawaii |
Hawarde's Star Chamber Cases | Hawarde | Haw. ; Hawarde St.Ch. | England & Wales |
Hawks' North Carolina Reports | Hawks | Hawks(N.C.) ; N.C.(Hawks) | United States, North Carolina |
Hay & Marriot's Admiralty Reports | Hay & Mar. | Dec.t.H.& M. ; H.& M. ; H.& M.Ch. ; Hay & M. ; Hay & Marr. ; Marr. ; Marr.Adm. | England & Wales |
Hay's Decisions on Accidents and Negligence | - | Hay ; Hay.Acc. | Scotland |
Hay's High Court Appeals Reports | - | Hay (Calc.) ; Hay. | India, West Bengal |
Hay's Poor Law Decisions | - | Hay ; Hay P.L. | Scotland |
Hay's Reports | - | Hay | India, West Bengal |
Hayes & Jones Irish Exchequer Reports | Hayes & Jo. | H.& J. ; Hay.& J. ; Hay.& Jo. ; Hayes & J. ; Hayes & Jon. | Ireland |
Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports | Hayes | Hay. ; Hay.Exch. ; Hayes Exch. ; Hayes Ir.Exch. | Ireland |
Hayward & Hazelton's District of Columbia Reports | Hay.& Haz. | Hayw.& H. | United States, District of Columbia |
Hayward's Patent Cases | HPC | United Kingdom | |
Haywood's North Carolina Reports | Hayw. | Hay. ; Hayw.N.C. ; N.C.(Hayw.) | United States, North Carolina |
Haywood's Tennessee Reports | Hayw. | Hayw.(Tenn.) ; Hayw.Tenn. ; Tenn.(Hayw.) | United States, Tennessee |
Hazard's Legal Register | - | Hazard | United States, Pennsylvania |
Hazardous Substances | - | H.S. | None |
Head's Tennessee Reports | Head | Head(Tenn.) ; Tenn.(Head) | United States, Tennessee |
Health & Law Letter | - | H.A.L.L. | England & Wales |
Health & Safety Bulletin | HSB | H.& S.B. | United Kingdom |
Health & Safety Information Bulletin | HSIB | H.& S.I.B. ; H.S.I.B. | United Kingdom |
Health & Safety Law | - | H.& S.L. | United Kingdom |
Health & Safety Monitor | - | H.& S.M. | United Kingdom |
Health & Safety Review | H. & S.R. | ||
Health & Safety at Work | - | H.& S.W. ; H.S. at W. | United Kingdom |
Health Care Law & Policy | - | Health Care L.& Pol'y | Canada |
Health Law Journal | - | Health L.J. | Canada |
Health Law Review | - | Health L.Rev. | Canada |
Health Law for Healthcare Professionals | - | Health Law | United Kingdom |
Health Law in Canada | - | Health L.Can. | Canada |
Health Matrix | - | Health Matrix | United States |
Hearsay | Hearsay | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Heiskell's Tennessee Reports | Heisk. | Heisk.(Tenn.) ; Tenn.(Heisk.) | United States, Tennessee |
Hellenic Review of International Relations | - | HRIR | International |
Helsinki Monitor | - | Helsinki Monit. | International |
Hemmant's Select Cases in the Exchequer Chamber | Hemmant | - | England & Wales |
Hemming & Miller's Chancery Reports | Hem.& M. | H.& M. ; Hem.& Mill. | England & Wales |
Hempstead's (Territory) Reports | - | Hempstead | United States, Arkansas |
Hempstead's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Hem. ; Hemp. ; Hempst. | United States |
Hening & Munford's Virginia Supreme Court Reports | Hen.& M. | H.& M. ; H.& M.(Va.) ; Hen.& Mun. ; Va.(Hen.& M.) | United States, Virginia |
Henry Blackstone's Common Pleas Reports | H.Bl. | Bl. ; Bl.H.. ; Bla.H. ; Black. ; Black.H. ; Blackst. ; H.B. ; H.Black. ; Hen.Bl. ; Hy.Bl. | England & Wales |
Herbert Smith Briefing | - | H.S.Brief. | European Union |
Hermand's Consistorial Decisions | Hermand | Herm. | Scotland |
Herne's Law of Charitable Uses | - | Herne | England & Wales |
Hertfordshire Law Journal | HLJ | Hert.L.J. | International |
Hertzog's Cases in the High Court, South African Republic | - | H. ; Hertzog | South Africa, Transvaal |
Het Personeel Statuut | - | P.S. | Netherlands |
Hetley's Common Pleas Reports | Het. | Hetl. | England & Wales |
Hibernian Law Journal | Hibernian LJ | H.L.J. ; HLJ | Ireland |
High Commission Territories Law Reports | H.C.T.L.R. | HCTLR | Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland |
High Court Judgments Bulletin | - | HCJB | Australia |
High Court Litigation Manual | - | H.C.L.M. | England & Wales |
High Court Reports, North West Frontier | - | H.C.R.N.W.F. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
High Court Reports, North West Provinces | - | H.C.R.N.W.P | Pakistan |
High Court Review | HCR | - | Australia |
High Court of Australia Special Leave Dispositions [Neutral Citation] | HCASL | Australia | |
High Court of Australia [Neutral Citation] | HCA | Australia | |
High Court of Ireland [Neutral Citation] | IEHC | - | Ireland |
High Court of Justice Northern Ireland: Chancery Division [Neutral Citation] | NICh | - | Northern Ireland |
High Court of Justice Northern Ireland: Family Division [Neutral Citation] | NIFam | - | Northern Ireland |
High Court of Justice Northern Ireland: Queen's Bench Division [Neutral Citation] | NIQB | - | Northern Ireland |
High Court of the Gilbert Islands [Neutral Citation] | KIGIHC | - | Kiribati |
High Technology Law Journal | High Tech.L.J. | - | United States |
Hikakuho Toyo | - | Hikakuho Toyo | Japan |
Hill and Denio's New York Reports | - | H.& D. ; Hill & D. ; Hill & Den. | United States, New York |
Hill and Denio's New York Reports, Lalor's Supplement | Hill & Den. | Hill & D.Supp. ; Hill & Den.Supp. ; Lalor ; Lalor Supp. | United States, New York |
Hill's New York Reports | Hill | H. ; Hill.N.Y. | United States, New York |
Hill's South Carolina Chancery Reports | Hill Eq. | Hill ; Hill Ch. ; Hill Eq.(S.C.) ; Hill S.C. ; S.C.Eq.(Hill Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Hill's South Carolina Law Reports | Hill | Hill Law ; Hill S.C. ; S.C.L.(Hill) | United States, South Carolina |
Hilton's New York Common Pleas Reports | - | Hilt. ; Hilt.(N.Y.) ; Hilt.C.P. | United States, New York |
Hiroshima Heiwa Kagaku | - | Hiroshima Heiwa Kagaku | Japan |
Hiroshima Hogaku | - | Hiroshima Hogaku | Japan |
His Grace the Steward and the Trial of Peers | - | Harcourt | England & Wales |
Hispanic-American Historical Review | - | Hisp-Am Hist.Rev. | United States |
Historia | - | Historia | Germany |
Historische Zeitschrift | - | HZ | Germany |
Historisches Jahrbuch | - | Hist.Jb. | Germany |
History | - | History | United Kingdom |
History of Political Economy | - | Hist.Pol.Econ. | United States |
History of Political Thought | - | Hist.Pol.Thought | United Kingdom |
Hitotsubashi Hogaku | - | Hitotsubashi Hogaku | Japan |
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics | - | Hitotsubashi J.L.& Pol. ; Hitotsubashi J.L.& Polit. | Japan |
Hitotsubashi Ronso | - | Hitotsubashi Ronso | Japan |
Ho Gakkai Zasshi | - | Ho Gakkai Zasshi | Japan |
Ho to Seiji | - | Ho to Seiji | Japan |
Hobart's King's Bench Reports | Hob. | Hobart | England & Wales |
Hochstrichterliche Entscheidungen. Slg. v. Entscheidungen d. Oberlandesgerichte u. d. Obersten Gerichte in Strafsachen | - | HESt | Germany |
Hochstrichterliche Entscheidungen. Slg. v. Entscheidungen d. Oberlandesgerichte u. d. Obersten Gerichte in Zivilsachen | - | HEZ | Germany |
Hochstrichterliche Finanzrechtsprechung | - | HFR | Germany |
Hochstrichterliche Rechtsprechung | - | HRR | Germany |
Hochstrichterliche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebeit des Strafrechts | - | HRRSt | Germany |
Hochverrat und Staatsgefahrdung | - | HuSt | Germany |
Hodges' Common Pleas Reports | Hodg. | Hod. ; Hodges | England & Wales |
Hodgin's Election Petitions | - | H.E.C. ; Hodg. ; Hodg.Can.Elec.Cas. ; Hodg.El. ; Hodg.El.Cas. ; Hodg.El.Cas.(Ont.) ; Hodg.Ont.Elect. | Canada, Ontario |
Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports | Hoff.Ch. | Hoff. ; Hoff.Cha. ; Hoff.N.Y. ; Hoffm. ; Hoffm.Ch.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Hoffman's United States District Court Land Cases | - | Hoff. ; Hoff.Dec. ; Hoff.L.C. ; Hoff.L.Cas. ; Hoff.Land ; Hoff.Op. ; Hoffm. ; Hoffm.Dec.(F.) ; Hoffm.Land Cas.(F.) ; Hoffm.Ops.(F.) | United States |
Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal | - | Hofstra Lab.& Emp.L.J. | United States |
Hofstra Labor Law Forum | - | Hofstra Lab.L.Forum | United States |
Hofstra Labor Law Journal | Hofstra Lab.L.J. | - | United States |
Hofstra Law & Policy Symposium | - | Hofstra L.& Pol'y Symp. | United States |
Hofstra Law Review | Hofstra L.Rev. | - | United States |
Hofstra Property Law Journal | Hofstra Prop.L.J. | - | United States |
Hogaku (Sendai) | - | Hogaku (Sendai) | Japan |
Hogaku Kenkyu | - | Hogaku Kenkyu | Japan |
Hogaku Kyokai Zasshi | - | Hogaku Kyokai Zassi | Japan |
Hogaku Ronso | - | Hogaku Ronso | Japan |
Hogaku Seijigaku Ronkyu | - | Hogaku Seijigaku Ronkyu | Japan |
Hogaku Shimpo | - | Hogaku Shimpo | Japan |
Hogan's Irish Rolls Court Reports tempore M'Mahon | Hog. | Hogan | None |
Hogan's State Trials | - | Hog.St.Tr. ; Pa.St.Tr. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Hojesterets Kendelse | - | HK | Denmark |
Hokkai Gakuen Daigaku Hogaku Kenkyu | - | Hokkai Gakuen Daigaku | Japan |
Hokudai Hogaku Ronshu | - | Hokudai | Japan |
Holdsworth Law Review | Hold.L.R. | Holdsworth L.Rev. | England & Wales |
Holme's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Holm. | United States |
Holt's Admiralty Cases on the Rule of the Road | Holt Adm. | Holt Adm.Ca. ; Holt Adm.Cas. ; Holt R.of R. | England & Wales |
Holt's Equity Reports | Holt Eq. | Holt | England & Wales |
Holt's King's Bench Reports | Holt K.B. | Holt ; Rep.t.Holt | England & Wales |
Holt's Nisi Prius Reports | Holt N.P. | Holt | England & Wales |
Home Office Research Bulletin | - | Res.B. | United Kingdom |
Hong Kong Cases | - | H.K.Cases ; HKC | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Conveyancing & Property Law Reports | HKCPLR | HKCPLR CPR | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | HKCA | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports | HKCFAR | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal [Neutral Citation] | HKCFA | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Court of First Instance [Neutral Citation] | HKCFI | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports | HKCLR | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Current Law | HKCL | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong District Court | - | HKDC | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong District Court Law Reports | HKDCLR | DCLR | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Family Court | - | HKFamC | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Inland Revenue Board of Review Decisions | BORD | BORD/IRBRD ; H.K.I.R.Decs. ; HKIRB of R Dec | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Lands Tribunal | - | HKLT | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Lands Tribunal Law Reports | HKLTLR | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Digest | - | HKLD | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Digest Yearbook | HKLY | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Journal | HKLJ | H.K.L.J. ; Hong Kong L.J. ; Hong Kong LJ | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Reports | HKLR | H.K.L.R. ; H.K.Law Reports ; Hong Kong L.R. | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest | HKLRD | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest Yearbook | HKLRD (Yrbk) | HKLY | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Law Yearbook | HKLY | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Lawyer | - | H.K.L. | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Public Law Reports | - | HKPLR | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Student Law Review | - | H.K.S.L.R. | China, Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Tax Cases | HKTC | - | China, Hong Kong |
Hood-Barr's Married Women's Debts | - | Hood-Barr | England & Wales |
Hoonahan. Reports of the Decisions of the Suddur Court of Sindh | - | Hoon. ; Hoonahan ; Hounahan | Pakistan |
Hope's Major Practicks | - | Hope, Maj.Prac. | Scotland |
Hope's Manuscript Decisions, Court of Session | Hope | Hope Dec. ; Kerse | Scotland |
Hope's Minor Practicks | - | Hope, Min.Prac. | Scotland |
Hopkin's New York Chancery Reports | Hopk.Ch. | - | United States, New York |
Hopkinson's Admiralty Decisions in Gilpin's United States District Court Reports | - | Hopk.Adm.Dec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Hopkinson's Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments | - | Hopk.Adm. ; Hopk.Judg. ; Hopkinson | United States, Pennsylvania |
Hopwood & Coltman's Registration Cases | Hop.& Colt. | Hop.& C. ; Hopw.& C. ; Hopw.& Colt. | England & Wales |
Hopwood & Philbrick's Registration Cases | Hop.& Ph. | H.& P. ; Hop.& Phil. ; Hopw.& P. ; Hopw.& Phil. | England & Wales |
Horitsu Jiho | - | Horitsu Jiho | Japan |
Horitsu Ronso | - | Horitsu Ronso | Japan |
Horn & Hurlestone's Exchequer Reports | Horn & H. | H.& H. | England & Wales |
Hosea's Cincinnati Superior Court Reports | - | Hosea | United States, Ohio |
Hosei Kenkyu | - | Hosei Kenkyu | Japan |
Hough's Precedents in Military Law | - | Hough | England & Wales |
Hough's Vice Admiralty Reports | - | Hough | United States, New York |
House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin | - | H.C.W.I.B. | United Kingdom |
Housing & Property Law Review | H.P.L.R. | England & Wales | |
Housing Law Monitor | - | H.L.M. | England & Wales |
Housing Law Reports | H.L.R. | - | England & Wales |
Housing and Development Reporter | Hous.& Dev.Rep. | - | United States |
Houston Journal of International Law | Hous.J.Int'l L. | Houston J.Int'l L. | United States |
Houston Law Review | Hous.L.R. | Hous.L.Rev. ; Houst.L.Rev. ; Houston L.Rev. | United States |
Houston's Criminal Cases | - | Houst.Cr. ; Houst.Cr.Cas. | United States, Delaware |
Houston's Delaware Reports | Houst. | Del.(Houst.) ; Hous. ; Houston | United States, Delaware |
Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports | Hov.Supp. | Hov. ; Hov.Sup. ; Supp.Ves.Jun. ; Ves.Jun.Supp. ; Ves.Supp. | England & Wales |
Howard & Hutchinson's Statutes | - | How.& H.St. | United States, Mississippi |
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | - | Howard J.Crim.Just. ; Howard Journal | None |
Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention | - | Howard J.Penology & Crime Prevention | None |
Howard Law Journal | How.L.J. | Howard L.J. | United States |
Howard's Appeal Cases, New York Court of Appeals | - | How.A.Cas. ; How.App.Cas. ; How.Cas. | United States, New York |
Howard's Chancery Practice | How.C. | How.Ch. ; How.Ch.P. ; How.Ch.Pr. | Ireland |
Howard's Mississippi Reports | Howard | How. ; Miss.(Howard) | United States, Mississippi |
Howard's New York Practice Reports | How.Pr. | How.P.R. ; How.Prac.(N.Y.) ; N.Y.Spec.Term R. ; N.Y.Spec.Term Rep. | United States, New York |
Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series | How.Pr.(N.S.) | How.P.R.(N.S.) ; How.Pr.N.S. | United States, New York |
Howard's Popery Cases | How.Po.Ca. | How.Cas. ; How.P.L. ; How.Po.Cas. | Ireland |
Howard's Supreme Court Reports | How. | U.S.(How.) | United States |
Howell's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports | - | How.N.P.(Mich.) ; Howell ; Howell N.P. ; Mich.N.P. | United States, Michigan |
Howison's Criminal Trials | - | Howison | United States, Virginia |
Hudson & Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports | Hud.& B. | H.& B. ; Hud.& Br. ; Hud.& Bro. | Ireland |
Hughes' Kentucky Reports | Hughes | Hugh. ; Ky.(Hughes) | United States, Kentucky |
Hughes' United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Hugh. ; Hughes | United States |
Hukum dan Masjarakat | - | Hukum | Indonesia |
Hull Claims Analysis | - | Hull C.A. | United Kingdom |
Human Resources Law Bulletin | HRLB | - | Australia |
Human Rights | HR | H.R. | United Kingdom |
Human Rights & International Legal Disclosure | H.R.& I.L.D. | International | |
Human Rights & UK Practice | - | H.R.& UK P. | United Kingdom |
Human Rights Alerter | - | H.R.A. | None |
Human Rights Case Digest | - | H.R.C.D. | None |
Human Rights Defender | - | HR Defender | Australia |
Human Rights Internet Reporter | - | HRI Reporter ; Hum.Rts.Internet Rep. | Canada |
Human Rights Law Journal | HRLJ | Hum.Rts.L.J. | Germany |
Human Rights Law Reports - UK Cases | - | H.R.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Human Rights Law Review | - | H.R.L.Rev. | None |
Human Rights Law and Practice | - | HRLP | Australia |
Human Rights Quarterly | Hum.Rts.Q. | Hum Rts Q | United States |
Human Rights Reports of New Zealand | - | HRNZ | New Zealand |
Human Rights Review | Human Rights Rev | H.R.R. | None |
Human Rights Review | - | Human Rights Rev. ; Human Rts.Rev. | None |
Human Rights Teaching: Unesco | - | Hum.Rts.Teaching | International |
Human Rights Updater | - | H.R.U. | None |
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission of Australia [Neutral Citation] | HREOCA | - | Australia |
Human Rights in Developing Countries Yearbook | - | Hum.Rts.in Dev.Countries Y.B. | None |
Humanitares Volkerrecht. Informationsschriften | L.R.Ind.App. | HuV-I | Germany |
Hume's Decisions, Court of Session | Hume | - | Scotland |
Humphrey's Tennessee Reports | Hum. | Humph. ; Tenn.(Hum.) | United States, Tennessee |
Hun's New York Supreme Court Reports | - | Hun | United States, New York |
Hungarian Law Review | - | Hung L Rev ; Hungarian L.Rev. | Hungary |
Hunt's Annuity Cases | Hunt's A.C. | Hunt A.C. ; Hunt Ann.Cas. ; Hunt Cas. | England & Wales |
Hunter's Torrens Cases | - | Hunt ; Hunt Torrens ; Hunt. ; Hunt.Torrens | Australia, Canada, New Zealand |
Hurlstone & Coltman's Exchequer Reports | H.& C. | Hurl.& C. ; Hurl.& Colt. ; Hurl.Colt. ; Hurlst.& C. | England & Wales |
Hurlstone & Gordon's Exchequer Reports | Hurl.& Gord. | H.& G. ; Hurl.& G. ; Hurlst.& G. | England & Wales |
Hurlstone & Norman's Exchequer Reports | H.& N. | Hurl.& N. ; Hurl.& Nor. ; Hurlst.& N. | England & Wales |
Hurlstone & Walmsley's Exchequer Reports | H.& W. | Hurl.& W. ; Hurl.& Walm. ; Hurlst.& W. | England & Wales |
Hutton's Common Pleas Reports | Hut. | Hutt. ; Hutton | England & Wales |
Huxley's Second Book of Judgments | Sec.Bk.Judg. | Hux.Judg. | England & Wales |
Hyde's High Court Reports | - | Hyde | India, West Bengal |
I.P.Scan | - | I.P.Scan | None |
IBA Global Insight | IBA Global Insight | International | |
ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin | - | ICC Int'l Ct.Arb.Bull. | International |
ICSID Review | - | ICSID Rev ; ICSID Rev. ; ICSID Review | International |
IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology | IDEA | IDEA: J.L.& Tech. | United States |
IDS Brief, Employment Law and Practice | - | IDS Brief | United Kingdom |
IDS Diversity at Work | - | IDS D.W. | United Kingdom |
IDS Employment Europe | - | IDS Emp.E. | European Union |
IDS Employment Law Brief | - | IDS Emp. L. Brief | United Kingdom |
IDS European Report | - | IDS Euro.R. | European Union |
IDS HR Studies | IDS HR Study | United Kingdom | |
IDS Pensions Bulletin | Fed.Rules Serv. | IDS P.B. | United Kingdom |
IDS Pensions Law Reports | - | IDS P.L.R. | United Kingdom |
IDS Pensions Service Bulletin | - | IDS P.S.B. | United Kingdom |
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law | - | ILSA J Int'l L ; ILSA J.Int'l & Comp.L. | International |
IMO News | - | IMO News | International |
IMS Newsletter | - | IMS Newsletter | International |
INSAF: the Journal of the Malaysian Bar | L.& T.Review | INSAF | Malaysia |
INSOL International Insolvency Review | - | I.I.I.R. ; R.D.I.I. | International |
INSOL World | - | INSOL W. | None |
IP Asia: Intellectual Property Marketing and Communications Law | - | I.P.A. ; IPA | Asia |
IPW-Berichte | - | IPW-Ber. | Germany |
IRS Employment Law | - | IRS Employment Law | England & Wales |
IRS Employment Review | - | IRS Emp. Rev. | United Kingdom |
IRS Employment Trends | - | IRS Emp.Trends | United Kingdom |
IRS European Employment Review | - | IRS Euro. Emp. Rev. | European Union |
ISBA Legislative & Regulatory Review | - | ISBA L.& R.R. | None |
IT + Communications Law Reports | - | IT & C.L.R. | United Kingdom |
IT Law Today | - | IT L.T. | United Kingdom |
IVRA: Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico | - | Ivra | Italy |
Ibero-American Journal of International Criminal Justice | I-A. J.I.C.J. | ||
Idaho Law Journal | - | Id.L.J. ; Idaho L.J. | United States, Idaho |
Idaho Law Review | Idaho L.Rev. | Id.L.R. | United States, Idaho |
Idaho Official Code | Idaho Code | - | United States, Idaho |
Idaho Reports | Idaho | Id. ; Ida. | United States, Idaho |
Iddings' Term Reports, Dayton Ohio | - | Idd.T.R. ; Iddings ; Iddings T.R.D. | United States, Ohio |
Il Consiglio di Stato | - | Cons.Stato | Italy |
Il Diritto Aereo | - | Dir.Aereo | Italy |
Il Diritto Ecclesiastico | - | Diritto Ecclesiastico | Italy |
Il Diritto Marittimo | - | Dir Marit ; Dir.Maritimo | Italy |
Il Diritto dell'Informazione e dell'Informatica | - | Dir Inform | Italy |
Il Diritto di Autore | - | Dir Autore | Italy |
Il Foro Amministrativo | - | Foro Amm. | Italy |
Il Foro Cosentino | - | Foro Cos. | Italy |
Il Foro Italiano | - | Foro It ; Foro It. ; Foro ital. | Italy |
Il Foro Ligure | - | Foro Lig. | Italy |
Il Foro Napoletano | - | Foro Nap. | Italy |
Il Foro Padano | - | Foro Pad. | Italy |
Il Foro Penale | - | Foro Pen. | Italy |
Il Foro Sardo | - | Foro Sardo | Italy |
Il Foro Siciliano | - | Foro Sic. | Italy |
Il Foro Toscano | - | Foro Tosc. | Italy |
Il Politico | - | Politico | Italy |
Il Tribunali Amministrativi Regionali | - | T.A.R. | Italy |
Il diritto fallimentare e delle societa commerciale | - | Dir.fall. | Italy |
Illinois Administrative Code | Ill.Admin.Code | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Appellate Court Reports | Ill.App. | Ill.A. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Appellate Court Reports, Second Series | Ill.App.2d | Ill.A.2d | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Appellate Court Reports, Third Series | Ill.App.3d | Ill.A.3d | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Bar Journal | Ill.B.J. | I.B.J. ; Illinois Bar J. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Circuit Court Reports | - | Ill.Cir.Ct. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Commerce Commission Opinions & Orders | - | Ill.C.C. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Complied Statutes | Ill.Comp.Stat. | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Continuing Legal Education | - | Ill.Cont.Legal Ed. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Court of Claims Reports | Ill.Ct.Cl. | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Decisions | Ill.Dec. | Ill.Decs. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Law Bulletin | - | Ill.L.B. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Law Quarterly | - | Ill.L.Q. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Law Record | - | Ill.L.Rec. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Law Review | - | Ill.L.Rev. ; Illinois L.Rev. | United States |
Illinois Legislative Service | Ill.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Register | Ill.Reg. | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Reports | Ill. | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Reports, Second Series | Ill.2d | - | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Revised Statutes | - | Ill.Rev.Stat. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois State Bar Association Quarterly Bulletin | - | Ill.B.A.Bull. ; Ill.S.B.A.Q.B. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois State Bar Association Reports | - | Ill.S.B.A. | United States, Illinois |
Illinois Workmen's Compensation Cases | - | Ill.W.C.C. | United States, Illinois |
Immigration & Nationality Law Review | - | Im.& Nat.L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Immigration Appeal Cases | I.A.C. | A.I.A | Canada |
Immigration Appeal Reports | Imm AR | Imm.A.R. | United Kingdom |
Immigration Briefings | - | Immigr.Brief | United States |
Immigration Law Digest | ILD | I.L.D. | United Kingdom |
Immigration Law Reporter | Imm.L.R. | - | Canada |
Immigration Law Reporter, Second Series | Imm.L.R.(2d) | - | Canada |
Immigration Law Reporter, Third Series | Imm.L.R.(3d) | - | Canada |
Immigration Review Tribunal Digest | - | IRTD | Australia |
Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia [Neutral Citation] | IRTA | - | Australia |
Immigration and International Employment Law | - | I.I.E.L. | United Kingdom |
Immigration and Nationality Decisions | I.& N.Dec. | - | United States |
Immigration and Nationality Law Reports | INLR | I.N.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Immigration and Nationality Law and Practice | - | I.& N.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law | IANL | I.A.N.L. | United Kingdom |
Imo State Law Reports | - | Imo SLR | Nigeria |
Impact of Science on Society | - | Impact of Sci.on Soc'y | International |
In Competition | - | In Comp. | United Kingdom |
In Flagrante Delicto | - | IFD ; In FD | Australia |
In-House Lawyer | IHL | I.H.L. ; In-House L. | England & Wales |
In-House Perspective | IHP | I.H.P. | None |
Income Tax Decisions of Australasia | ITDA | I.T.D.A. ; R & McG ; R.& McG. ; Ratc.& McG.I.T.C. | Australia |
Income Tax Journal | - | I.T.J. | India |
Income Tax Reports (India) | - | I.T.R. ; ITR | India |
Income Tax Rulings | - | IT ; IT Rulings | Australia |
Independent Financial Adviser Review | - | I.F.A.Review | None |
Independent Law Review | - | Ind.L.R. | Ireland |
Independent Solicitor | - | Ind.Sol. | England & Wales |
Index on Censorship | - | Index Censorship | United Kingdom |
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals | - | I.F.L.P. ; IFLP | None |
Index to High Court and Supreme Court Written Judgments | - | Pink Sheets | Ireland |
Index to Legal Periodicals | - | I.L.P. ; ILP ; Ind.Leg.Per. | None |
Index to Legal Periodicals & Books | - | ILP&B | None |
Index to Superior Court Written Judgments | - | Blue Index | Ireland |
Index to Unreported Judgments of the Irish Superior Courts | - | Green Index | Ireland |
Index to the Irish Superior Court Written Judgments | - | Red Index | Ireland |
India Quarterly | - | India Q. | India |
Indian Advocate | - | Indian Advoc. | India |
Indian Appeals | - | Ind.Apps. | India |
Indian Bar Review | - | Indian Bar Rev. | India |
Indian Cases | - | Ind.Cas. | India |
Indian Decisions, New Series | - | Ind.Dec.N.S. | India |
Indian Decisions, Old Series | - | Ind.Dec.O.S. | India |
Indian Factories Journal | - | F.J.R. ; FJR ; Ind.Fact.J. | India |
Indian Factories and Labour Reports | - | FLR ; I.F.L.R. | India |
Indian Full Bench Reports | - | Ind.Full Bench Rep. | India |
Indian High Court Reports | - | H.C.R. ; Ind.H.C.R. | India |
Indian Income-Tax Decisions | - | Hari Rao | India |
Indian Journal of Comparative Law | - | India J.Comp.L. | India |
Indian Journal of Criminology | - | India J.Criminology | India |
Indian Journal of Criminology & Criminalistics | - | India J.Criminology & Criminalistics | India |
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations | - | Indian J.Indus.Rel. | India |
Indian Journal of International Law | - | I.J.I.L. ; Indian J Intl L ; Indian J.Int'l L. | India |
Indian Journal of Legal Studies | - | India J.Leg.Stud. | India |
Indian Journal of Political Science | - | Indian J.Pol.Sci. | India |
Indian Journal of Public Administration | - | Indian J.Pub.Admin. | India |
Indian Journal of Social Work | - | Indian J.Soc.Work | India |
Indian Jurist (Calcutta) | - | Ind.Jur. ; Ind.Jur.O.S. | India, West Bengal |
Indian Jurist (Madras) | - | Ind.Jur. ; Ind.Jur.(Mad.) ; Ind.Jur.O.S. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Indian Jurist, New Series (Calcutta) | - | Ind.Jur.N.S. | India, West Bengal |
Indian Jurist, New Series (Madras) | - | Ind.Jur.(Mad.), N.S. ; Ind.Jur.N.S. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Indian Labour Journal | - | Indian Lab.J. | India |
Indian Law Reporter | - | I.L.R. | United States |
Indian Law Reports | - | I.L.R. ; Ind.L.R. ; Indian L.R. | India |
Indian Law Reports, Allahabad Series | - | Al.Ser. ; All. ; All.Ser. ; I.L.R.All. ; Ind.L.R.All. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Andhra Series | - | And. ; I.L.R.And. ; Ind.L.R.And. | India, Andhra Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Assam Series | - | Assam ; I.L.R.Assam ; Ind.L.R.Assam | India, Assam |
Indian Law Reports, Assam and Nagaland Series | - | I.L.R., A.& N. | India |
Indian Law Reports, Bombay Series | - | B. ; Bom. ; Bomb. ; I.L.R.Bom. ; Ind.L.R.Bomb. | India, Maharashtra |
Indian Law Reports, Calcutta Series | - | C. ; Cal. ; Calc. ; I.L.R.C. ; I.L.R.Cal. ; I.L.R.Calc. ; Ind.L.R.Calc. | India, West Bengal |
Indian Law Reports, Cuttack Series | - | I.L.R.Cuttack ; Ind.L.R.Cuttack | India, Orissa |
Indian Law Reports, Delhi Series | - | I.L.R., Del. | India, Delhi |
Indian Law Reports, Gujarat Series | - | I.L.R., Guj. | India, Gujarat |
Indian Law Reports, Himachal Pradesh Series | - | I.L.R., H.P. | India, Himachal Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Hyderabad Series | - | Hyderabad ; I.L.R., Hyd. ; I.L.R.Hyderabad ; Ind.L.R.Hyderabad | India, Andhra Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Karachi Series | - | I.L.R., Karachi ; I.L.R.Kar. ; Ind.L.R.Kar. ; Kar. | Pakistan |
Indian Law Reports, Karnataka Series | - | I.L.R. Kar. | India, Karnataka |
Indian Law Reports, Kerala Series | - | I.L.R., Ker. ; I.L.R.Ker. ; Ind.L.R.Ker. ; Ker. | India, Kerala |
Indian Law Reports, Lahore Series | - | I.L.R., Lah. ; I.L.R.Lah. ; Ind.L.R.Lah. ; Lah. | Pakistan |
Indian Law Reports, Lucknow Series | - | I.L.R., Lucknow ; I.L.R.Luck. ; Ind.L.R.Luck. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Madhya Bharat Series | - | I.L.R., M.B. ; I.L.R.Madhya Bharat ; Ind.L.R.Madhya Bharat | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Madhya Pradesh Series | - | I.L.R., M.P. ; I.L.R.Madhya Pradesh ; Ind.L.R.Madhya Pradesh | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Indian Law Reports, Madras Series | - | I.L.R., Mad. ; I.L.R.Mad. ; Ind.L.R.Mad. ; M. ; Mad. ; Mad.Ser. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Indian Law Reports, Mysore Series | - | I.L.R., Mys. ; I.L.R.Mysore ; Ind.L.R.Mysore ; My. ; Mysore | India, Karnataka |
Indian Law Reports, Nagpur Series | - | I.L.R., Nag. ; I.L.R.Nag. ; Ind.L.R.Nagpur ; N. ; Nag. | India, Maharashtra |
Indian Law Reports, Orissa | - | Cut. ; I.L.R.Cut. ; I.L.R.Or. ; Ind.L.R.Or. ; Or. | India, Orissa |
Indian Law Reports, Patiala Series | - | I.L.R., Patiala ; I.L.R.Patiala ; Ind.L.R.Patiala ; Patiala | India, Punjab |
Indian Law Reports, Patna Series | - | I.L.R., Pat. ; I.L.R.P. ; I.L.R.Pat. ; Ind.L.R.Pat. ; P. ; Pat. | India, Bihar |
Indian Law Reports, Punjab and Haryana Series | Mass.Gen.Laws.Ann. | I.L.R., Pun. ; I.L.R.Pun. ; Ind.L.R.Pun. ; Pun. | India, Punjab |
Indian Law Reports, Rajasthan Series | - | I.L.R., Raj. ; I.L.R.Rajasthan ; Ind.L.R.Rajasthan ; Rajasthan | India, Rajasthan |
Indian Law Reports, Rangoon | - | I.L.R., Ran. ; I.L.R.Rangoon ; Ind.L.R.Ran. ; Ind.L.R.Rangoon | Burma |
Indian Law Reports, Travancore-Cochin Series | - | I.L.R., Trav. ; I.L.R.Trav.-Cochin ; Trav.-Cochin | India, Kerala |
Indian Political Science Review | - | Indian Pol.Sci.Rev. | India |
Indian Rulings, Allahabad | - | All. ; Ind.Rul. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Indian Socio-Legal Journal | - | Indian Socio-Leg.J. | India |
Indian Territory Reports | Indian Terr. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Indian Yearbook of International Affairs | - | Indian Y.B.Int'l Aff. ; Indian Yrbk Intl Aff | India |
Indiana Administrative Code | Ind.Admin.Code | - | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Appellate Court Reports | - | Ind.App. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Code | Ind.Code | - | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Court of Appeals Reports | Ind.App. | - | United States, Indiana |
Indiana International & Comparative Law Review | Ind.Int'l & Comp.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | - | Ind.J.Global Legal Studies | United States |
Indiana Law Journal | Ind.L.J. | I.L.J. ; Indiana L.J. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Law Reporter | - | Ind.L.R. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Law Review | Ind.L.Rev. | Ind.L.R. ; Indiana L.Rev. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Law Student | - | Ind.L.S. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Legal Forum | - | Ind.Leg.F. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Legal Register | - | Ind.L.R. ; Ind.L.Reg. | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Register | Ind.Reg. | - | United States, Indiana |
Indiana Reports | Ind. | Ind.Rep. | United States, Indiana |
Indigenous Law Bulletin | ILB | - | Australia |
Indisch Tijdschrift van Het Recht | - | ITHR | Indonesia |
Individual Employment Rights Cases | - | IER Cases | United States |
Indo-Asia | - | Indo-Asia | Asia |
Indonesian Law and Administration Review | - | Indo L Admin Rev | Indonesia |
Indonesian Quarterly | - | IQ | Indonesia |
Industrial Arbitration Board Awards | - | Ind.Arb.Aw. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Arbitration Cases | IC | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Industrial Arbitration Reports, New South Wales | AR (NSW) | A.R. ; A.R.(N.S.W.) ; A.R.Austral. ; AR ; NSW AR ; NSW Ind Arb Cas | Australia, New South Wales |
Industrial Arbitration Service (Current Review) | IAS Current Review | Current Review ; I.A.S.(Current Review) ; IASCR | Australia |
Industrial Assurance Commissioner's Reports | - | I.A.C. ; IAC Rep | England & Wales |
Industrial Cases Reports | ICR | I.C.R. | England & Wales |
Industrial Court & Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal Awards | - | Ind.C.Aw. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Court Awards | Ind.C.Aw. | I.C.A. ; Ind.Court.Aw. ; Ind.Ct.Awards ; Indust.C.Aw. ; Indust.Ct.Aw. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Court Decisions | - | Ind.C.Dec. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Court Reports | I.C.R. | - | United Kingdom |
Industrial Disputes Tribunal Awards | - | Indust.D.Trib.Aw. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Information Bulletin | IIB | - | Australia |
Industrial Law Federal | - | IF | Australia |
Industrial Law Journal (South Africa) | - | ILJ ; Indus.L.J.(RSA) | South Africa |
Industrial Law Journal (UK) | ILJ | I.L.J. ; Ind.L.J. ; Indus.L.J. ; Indust.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Law New South Wales | - | IN | Australia, New South Wales |
Industrial Law Review | Indust.Law Rev. | I.L.R. ; Ind.L.Rev. ; Indust.L.Rev. | England & Wales |
Industrial Property (World Intellectual Property Organisation) | IP | Indus.Prop. | International |
Industrial Property Quarterly | - | Indus.Prop.Q. | International |
Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific | - | IPAP | Asia |
Industrial Relations | - | Indus.Rel. | United States |
Industrial Relations & Management Letter | - | IRM | Australia, New South Wales |
Industrial Relations Court Reports | IRCR | - | Australia |
Industrial Relations Court of Australia [Neutral Citation] | IRCA | - | Australia |
Industrial Relations Law Bulletin | IRLIB | I.R.L.B. ; IRLB | United Kingdom |
Industrial Relations Law Journal | - | Indus.Rel.L.J. ; IRLJ | United States |
Industrial Relations Law Reports | IRLR | I.R.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin | IRLIB | I.R.L.I.B. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Relations News | IRN | I.R.N. | Ireland |
Industrial Relations Review and Report | - | I.R.R.R. | United Kingdom |
Industrial Reports | IR | I.R. | Australia |
Industrial Tribunal Reports | I.T.R. | Ind.T.R. | United Kingdom |
Industrial and Labor Relations Forum | - | Indus.& Lab.Rel.Forum | United States |
Industrial and Labor Relations Review | Indus.& Lab.Rel.Rev. | Ind.& L.R.Rev. ; Ind.& L.Rel.Rev. ; Ind.& Lab.Rel.Rev. | United States |
Industry and Environment | - | Indus.& Env't | International |
Informatik und Recht | - | iur | Germany |
Information & Communications Technology Law | - | I.& C.T.L. ; Info.& Comm.Tech.L. | United States |
Information & Technology Law | - | Info.& Tech.L. | Canada |
Information Bulletin of Australian Criminology | IBAC | - | Australia |
Information Law Reports | Info LR | Info. L. R. | United Kingdom |
Information Technology & Communications Law Journal | - | I.T.& C.L.J. | None |
Information Technology & Communications Newsletter | - | IT & Comm.News. | None |
Information Technology Law Reports | InfoTLR | Info.T.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Information Technology in Insurance | - | I.T.I. | None |
Information uber Steuer und Wirtschaft | - | INF | Germany |
Informationen zum Arbeitslosenrecht und Sozialhiferecht | - | info also | Germany |
Informationen zum Hochschulrecht. Veroffentlichungen d. Kultusministerkonferenz | - | KMK-HSchR | Germany |
Informationen zum Versicherungs- u Haftlichtrecht | - | WJ | Germany |
Informations Constitutionelles et Parlementaires | - | Info.Const.et Parlement. | Comparative Law |
Informationsbrief Auslanderrecht | - | InfAusIR | Germany |
Informationsdienst Umweltrecht | - | iur | Germany |
Informationsdienst zum Lastenausgleich | ZAP | IFLA | Germany |
Inheritance, Estate & Gift Tax Reports | Inher.Est.& Gift Tax Rep. | - | United States |
Inhouse Counsel | IHC | - | Australia |
Inland Revenue Board of Appeal Decisions | - | IRB of R Dec | China, Hong Kong |
Inland Revenue Tax Bulletin | - | I.R.T.B. | United Kingdom |
Innere Kolonisation | - | IKO | Germany |
Innes' Reports | - | Innes | Malaysia |
Inquest Law Reports | Inquest LR | - | |
Inquiry | - | Inquiry | None |
Inquiry into the Laws Ancient & Modern | - | Illingworth | England & Wales |
Insolvency | - | Insolvency | None |
Insolvency Bulletin | - | Insolv.B. | United Kingdom |
Insolvency Intelligence | - | Insolv.Int. | United Kingdom |
Insolvency Law & Practice | IL&P | I.L.& P. ; Insolvency L.& Prac. | United Kingdom |
Insolvency Law Journal | ILJ | Insolv LJ ; Insolvency L.J. | Australia |
Insolvency Lawyer | Insolv.L. | United Kingdom | |
Insolvency Litigation & Practice | - | Insolv.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Insolvency Practitioner | - | Insolv.P. | United Kingdom |
Insolvency and Restructuring International | IRI | I. & R.I. | None |
Insolvenrecht | - | ZIP | Germany |
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Bulletin | - | IALS Bull. | None |
Institute of Family Studies Newsletter | IFS Newsletter | - | Australia |
Institute of Insurance Brokers Magazine | De G.F.& J. | IIB Mag. | United Kingdom |
Institute of International Law Yearbook | - | Ann.Inst.Droit Int'l | International |
Institute on Estate Planning (University of Miami) | - | Inst.on Est.Plan. | United States |
Institute on Federal Taxation (New York University School of Law) | - | Inst.on Fed.Tax'n | United States |
Institute on Mineral Law (Louisiana State University) | - | Inst.on Min.L. | United States |
Institute on Oil and Gas Law and Taxation | - | Inst.on Oil & Gas L.& Tax'n | United States |
Institute on Planning, Zoning and Eminent Domain | - | Inst.on Plan.Zoning & Eminent Domain | United States |
Institute on Securities Regulation | - | Inst.on Sec Reg. | United States |
Institutiones Justiniani | - | Inst. | Italy |
Instituut voor Arbeidsrecht Bulletin | - | Inst.Arbeidsr.Bull. | Comparative Law |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law Alert | - | I.R.L.A. | None |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law Briefing | - | I.& R.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law International | - | Ins.& Reins.Law Int. | None |
Insurance & Reinsurance Solvency Report | - | I.R.S.R. | None |
Insurance Age | - | Ins.Age | United Kingdom |
Insurance Counsel Journal | - | Ins.Couns.J. | United States |
Insurance Industry International | - | I.I.I. | Ireland |
Insurance International | - | Ins.Int. | None |
Insurance Issues Update | - | I.I.U. | None |
Insurance Law & Claims | - | Ins.L.& C. | International |
Insurance Law & Practice | - | Ins.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Insurance Law Bulletin | ILB | - | Australia |
Insurance Law Journal | - | Ins.L.J. | United States |
Insurance Law Journal (Australia) | ILJ | - | Australia |
Insurance Law Monthly | ILM | Ins.L.M. | United Kingdom |
Insurance Law Reporter | - | I.L.R. | Canada |
Insurance Law Reports | - | Ins.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Insurance Law Reports (US) | - | Fire & Casualty Cas. ; Ins.L.Rep. ; Life, Health & Accid.Ins. | United States |
Insurance Systems Bulletin | - | I.S.B. | None |
Insurance Systems International | - | I.S.I. | None |
Insurance and Liability Law Bulletin | ILLB | - | Australia |
Insurance and Reinsurance Law Newsletter | IRLN | I.R.L.N. | None |
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics | - | I.M.& E. | None |
Integracion Latinoamericana | - | Integ Latinoam ; Integr.Latinoam. | Argentina |
Integracion y Comercio | - | Integ Comercio | Argentina |
Integration | - | Integr. | Germany |
Intellectual Property | - | I.Prop. | United Kingdom |
Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law | - | I.P.& I.T.Law | United Kingdom |
Intellectual Property (Australia) | IP | - | Australia |
Intellectual Property Business | - | I.P.Business | None |
Intellectual Property Decisions | IPD | I.P.D. | United Kingdom |
Intellectual Property Forum | IPF | - | Australia |
Intellectual Property Journal (Australia) | IPJ | - | Australia |
Intellectual Property Journal (Canada) | - | I.P.J. ; Intell.Prop.J. ; IPJ ; R.P.I. | Canada |
Intellectual Property Law Review | - | Intell.Prop.L.Rev. | United States |
Intellectual Property Lawyer | - | I.P.Law. | None |
Intellectual Property Magazine | IPM | I.P.M. | |
Intellectual Property Newsletter | - | I.P.News. | None |
Intellectual Property Quarterly | I.P.Q. | - | None |
Intellectual Property Reports | IPR | - | Australia |
Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law Updates | - | I.P.& I.T.L.U. | United Kingdom |
Intellectual Property and Technology | - | I.P.& T. | None |
Intellectual Property in Asia and the Pacific | IPAP | - | International |
Intellectual Property in Business Review | - | I.P.B.Rev. | European Union |
Intellectual Property in Business: Briefing | - | I.P.B.Rev.Brief. | European Union |
Inter-American Economic Affairs | - | Inter-Am.Econ.Aff. | International |
Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal | Int.Am. & Eur.Hum.Rts.J. | I.A. & E.H.R.J. ; Rev.Int.Am.& Eur.D.H. | International |
Interactive Entertainment Law Review | IELR | International | |
Interights Bulletin | - | I.Bull. | None |
Interior Department Decisions | - | I.D. ; Int.Dec. | United States |
International & Comparative Law Quarterly | ICLQ | I.C.L.Q. ; Int'l & Comp.L.Q. ; Int.& Comp.L.Q. ; Int.Comp.L.Q. ; Int.Comp.Law Quart. ; Intl Comp LQ | None |
International Accountant | - | Int.Acc. | International |
International Affairs (Russia) | - | Int'l Aff.(Moscow) ; Int'l Aff.(Russia) | International |
International Affairs (UK) | - | Int'l Aff.(London) ; Int'l Aff.(UK) | International |
International Affairs Bulletin | - | Int'l Aff.Bull. | South Africa |
International Annals of Criminology | - | Annales Int'l de Crimin. ; Annales Int'les Criminolgie | International |
International Arbitration Law Review | - | Int.A.L.R. | None |
International Arbitration Report | - | Int'l Arb.Rep. | International |
International Arbitrations | - | Moore | International |
International Association of Law Libraries Bulletin | - | Int'l A.L.Lib.Bull. | International |
International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin | - | IAEA Bull. ; Int'l Atomic Energy Agency Bull. | International |
International Banking Law | - | I.B.L. ; IBL ; Int.Bank.L. ; Inter Bank Law | International |
International Banking and Financial Law | - | I.B.F.L. | International |
International Bar Journal | - | IBJ ; Int'l Bar J. | International |
International Bar News | - | I.B.N. ; IBN | None |
International Benefits Information Service Report | - | IBIS Report | None |
International Benefits Information Service Review | - | IBIS Review | None |
International Broker | - | Int.Broker | International |
International Bulletin for Research on Law in Eastern Europe | - | Int'l Bull.Res.East.Europ. ; Int'l Bull.Res.L.Est.Europe | Germany |
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation Bulletin | - | IBFD Bull | International |
International Business Law Journal | - | I.B.L.J. ; J.Droit Aff.Int'les | International |
International Business Lawyer | - | I.B.L. ; IBL ; Int'l Bus.Law. ; Int.Bus.Lawy. ; Intl Bus Law | International |
International Civil Aviation Organization Journal | - | ICAO J. | International |
International Commercial Litigation | - | I.C.Lit. ; ICL | International |
International Community Law Review | - | Int.C.L.Rev. | International |
International Company and Commercial Law Review | - | I.C.C.L.R. ; ICCLR ; Int'l Company & Com.L.Rev. | International |
International Computer Law Adviser | - | ICLA | International |
International Computer Lawyer | - | ICL | International |
International Construction Law Review | - | I.C.L.R. ; I.C.L.Rev. ; ICLR ; Int'l Constr.L.Rev. | International |
International Contract Law and Finance Review | - | Int'l Cont.L.& Fin.Rev. | International |
International Corporate Law | - | I.C.L. ; ICL | International |
International Corporate Law Bulletin | - | I.C.L.B. | None |
International Corporate Rescue | - | ICR ; Int.C.R. | None |
International Court of Justice Pleadings, Oral Arguments and Documents | - | Pleadings | International |
International Court of Justice Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders | - | I.C.J.R. ; I.C.J.Reports ; ICJ Rep ; Rep.Jud. | International |
International Court of Justice Yearbook | - | I.C.J.Y.B. | International |
International Criminal Law Review | - | Int.C.L.R. | International |
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Law Reports | - | ICTR Law Reports | International |
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | - | ICTY Law Reports | International |
International Data Privacy Law | IDPL | I.D.P.L. | International |
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law | - | Int Encycl Comp L ; Intl Ency Comp L | Comparative Law |
International Energy Law & Taxation Review | I.E.L.T.R. | - | International |
International Energy Law Review | I.E.L.R. | - | International |
International Environment Reporter | - | Int'l Env't Rep. | United States |
International Family Law | IFL | I.F.L. ; Intl Fam L | International |
International Financial Law Review | I.F.L.Rev. | IFL Rev ; Int'l Fin.L.Rev. ; Intl Fin L Rev | International |
International Free and Open Source Software Law Review | IFOSS L. Rev | I.F.O.S.S.L.R. | None |
International Geneva Yearbook | - | Int'l Geneva Y.B. ; Intl Geneva Yrbk | International |
International Human Rights Reports | IHRR | I.H.R.R. | International |
International Insights | - | Inter.Insights | Canada |
International Insolvency Review | - | I.I.R. | International |
International Insurance Law Review | - | IILR ; Int'l Ins L.Rev. ; Int.I.L.R. | International |
International Insurance Report | - | Int.I.R. | International |
International Internet Law Review | - | I.I.L.Rev. ; I.I.L.Review | None |
International Journal | - | Int'l J. ; Int'l J.(Toronto) | International |
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law | - | I.J.S.L. | None |
International Journal of Biosciences and the Law | - | I.J.B.L. | None |
International Journal of Children's Rights | - | Int'l J.Children's Rts. ; Intl J Child Rts | International |
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education | - | I.J.C.L.E. | United Kingdom |
International Journal of Communications Law and Policy | - | I.J.C.L.P. | None |
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations | - | IJCCLIR ; Int.J.Comp.L.L.I.R. | None |
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice | - | Int'l J.Comp.& Applied Crim.Just. | United States |
International Journal of Constitutional Law | ICON | I.J.C.L. | United States |
International Journal of Criminology and Penology | - | Int'l J.Criminology & Penology ; Int.J.Criminol. | International |
International Journal of Cultural Property | IJCP | Int'l J.Cult.Prop. ; Intl J Cult Prop | International |
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance | IJDG | I.J.D.G. | None |
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law | - | I.J.D.L. ; IJ Discrimination and the Law | International |
International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law | IJECL | I.J.E.C.L. ; Int'l J.Estuarine & Coastal L. | None |
International Journal of Evidence & Proof | E&P | E.& P. ; Int'l J.Evidence & Proof | International |
International Journal of Franchising Law | - | Int.J.F.L. | United Kingdom |
International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law | - | I.J.F.D.L. | None |
International Journal of Human Rights | - | I.J.H.R. ; Intl J Hum Rts | International |
International Journal of Insurance Law | - | I.J.I.L. | International |
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management | IJIPM | Int. J.I.P.M. | International |
International Journal of Law & the Family | - | IJLF ; Int.J.Law & Fam. | None |
International Journal of Law Libraries | - | Int'l J.L.Lib. | International |
International Journal of Law and Information Technology | IJLIT | I.J.L.& I.T. ; Int'l J.L.& Info.Tech. ; Intl J L & Info Tech | International |
International Journal of Law and Management | IJLMA | Int. J.L.M. | International |
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | Int'l J.L.& Psychiatry | - | United States |
International Journal of Law in Built Environment | IJLBE | I.J.L.B.E. | International |
International Journal of Law in Context | - | Int. J.L.C. | None |
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice | IJLCJ | I.J.L.C.J. | Comparative Law |
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family | IJLPF | Int'l J.L.Pol'y & Fam. ; Int.J.Law & Fam. | International |
International Journal of Legal Information | - | IJLI ; Int'l J.Legal Info. ; Intl J Legal Info | International |
International Journal of Legal Information Design | IJLD | - | None |
International Journal of Middle East Studies | - | Int'l J.Mid.E.Stud. | None |
International Journal of Nuclear Law | IJNucL | - | None |
International Journal of Offender Therapy | - | Int'l J.Offend.Therapy | Comparative Law |
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | - | Int'l J.Offend.Therapy & Comp.Criminology | Comparative Law |
International Journal of Police Science and Management | - | IJPSM | None |
International Journal of Private Law | IJPL | I.J.P.L. | International |
International Journal of Procedural Law | IJPL | Int. J.P.L. ; IZPR ; RIDP | International |
International Journal of Public Administration | - | Int'l J.Pub.Admin. | Comparative Law |
International Journal of Public Law and Policy | IJPLAP | I.J.P.L. & P. | International |
International Journal of Refugee Law | IJRL | I.J.R.L. ; Int'l J.Refugee L. | International |
International Journal of Regulatory Law & Practice | - | I.J.R.L.& P. | None |
International Journal of Shipping Law | - | I.J.O.S.L. | None |
International Journal of Technology Policy and Law | IJTPL | - | None |
International Journal of Transitional Justice | - | I.J.T.J. | None |
International Journal of the Legal Profession | - | I.J.L.P. | None |
International Journal of the Sociology of Law | - | Int'l J Soc L ; Int'l J.Soc.L. ; Int'l J.Sociol.L. ; Int'l J.Sociology L. ; Int.J.Soc.L. ; Int.J.Sociol.Law | Comparative Law |
International Journal on Group Rights | - | Int'l J.Group Rts. | International |
International Labour Law Reports | ILLR | - | International |
International Labour Review | - | Int'l Lab.Rev. | International |
International Law Association Report | - | ILA Rep. ; Intl L Assoc Rep | International |
International Law Firm Management | - | I.L.F.M. ; ILFM | International |
International Law News | ILN | - | International |
International Law Notes | - | Int.L.N. ; Intnat.L.N. | International |
International Law Quarterly | I.L.Q. | - | None |
International Law Reports | ILR | I.L.R. ; Intl.L.R. | International |
International Law in Brief | ILIB | - | International |
International Lawyer | Int'l Law | Int'l Law. ; Int'l Lawy. ; Intl Law | United States |
International Lawyers' Newsletter | - | ILN | International |
International Legal Materials | ILM | I.L.M. ; Int'l Leg.Materials | International |
International Legal Practitioner | - | I.L.P. ; ILP ; Int'l Legal Prac. ; Int'l Legal Practitioner ; Intl Legal Prac | International |
International Litigation Procedure | - | I.L.Pr. | International |
International Maritime Law | - | Int.M.L. | International |
International Media Law | - | I.M.L. ; IML | International |
International Organization | Int'l Org. | Int'l Organiz. ; Int'l Organization ; IO | United States |
International Organizations Law Review | - | I.O.L.R. | None |
International Peacekeeping | - | I.P. ; Int'l Peacekeeping | International |
International Pension Lawyer | - | I.P.L. | None |
International Political Science Review | - | IPSR ; RISP | International |
International Problems | - | Int'l Probs.(Tel Aviv) | International |
International Relations | - | Int'l Rel. ; Int.Rel. | International |
International Review of Administrative Sciences | - | Int'l Rev.Admin.Sci. | Comparative Law |
International Review of Computer Technology and the Law | - | IRCTL | Asia |
International Review of Criminal Policy | - | Int'l Rev.Crim.Pol'y | Comparative Law |
International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law | - | IIC ; Int'l Rev./Indus.Prop.& Copy.L. ; Int'l Rev.Ind.Prop.& C'right L. ; Int'l Rev.Indus.Prop.& Copyright L. ; Intl Rev Indus Prop & Copy L | Comparative Law |
International Review of Law & Economics | - | Int'l Rev.L.& Econ. ; Int.Rev.Law & Econ. | International |
International Review of Law Computers & Technology | - | I.R.L.C.T. ; Int'l Rev.L.Computers & Tech. | None |
International Review of Social History | - | Int'l Rev.Soc.Hist. | International |
International Review of Victimology | - | I.R.V. ; IRV | International |
International School of Law Review | - | United States | |
International Securitisation Report | - | I.S.R. | None |
International Social Science Bulletin | - | Int'l Soc.Sci.Bull. | None |
International Social Science Journal | - | Int'l Soc.Sci.J. | International |
International Social Security Review | - | Int'l Soc.Sec.Rev. | Comparative Law |
International Society of Barristers Quarterly | - | Int'l Soc'y Barristers | United States |
International Spectator | - | Int'l Spectator (Rome) | International |
International Sports Law Journal | - | I.S.L.J. | None |
International Sports Law Review | I.S.L.R. | - | None |
International Studies (India) | - | Int'l Stud.(New Delhi) | International |
International Survey of Legal Decisions on Labour Law | - | I.S.L.L. | International |
International Tax & Business Lawyer | - | Int'l Tax & Bus.Law. | International |
International Tax Journal | - | Int'l Tax J. | International |
International Tax Law Reports | ITLR | I.T.L.Rep. | None |
International Tax Report | - | I.T.Rep. | United Kingdom |
International Tax Review | - | I.T.Rev. ; ITR | International |
International Technology Law Review | - | I.T.L.R. | None |
International Trade Forum | - | Int'l Trade F. | International |
International Trade Journal | - | Int'l Trade J. | International |
International Trade Law & Regulation | - | Int TLR ; Int.T.L.R. | International |
International Trade Law Journal | - | Int'l Trade L.J. | International |
International Trade Law Quarterly | ITLQ | I.T.L.Q. | International |
International Trade Law and Practice | - | Dr & Prat Comm Intern ; Droit & Pratique Com.Int'l | International |
International Trade Reporter | - | Int'l Trade Rep. | United States |
International Trade Reporter Decisions | I.T.R.D. | - | United States |
International Trade and Business Law Journal | ITBLJ | Int'l Trade & Bus.L.J. | International |
International Transfer Pricing Journal | - | I.T.P.J. | None |
International Travel Law Journal | - | I.T.L.J. | International |
International Trust & Estate Law Reports | ITELR | I.T.E.L.R. | International |
International VAT Monitor | - | I.V.M. | None |
International Yearbook of Law, Computers & Technology | - | I.Y.L.C.T. | None |
International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal | - | I.C.C.L.J. ; Intl Comp Corp LJ | None |
Internationale Gesellschaft fur Urheberrecht e. V. Jahrbuch | - | Int Gesell UrheberR | Austria |
Internationale Politik | - | Int'l Pol. | International |
Internationale Revue fur Soziale Sicherheit | - | Int'l Rev.f.soz.Sicherh. | International |
Internationale Sammlung der Arbeitsrechtsprechung | - | ISAR | Germany |
Internationale Spectator | - | Int'l Spectator ('s-Gravenhage) | International |
Internationales Afrikaforum | - | Int'l Afr.-F. | Africa |
Internationales Asienforum | - | IASF | None |
Internationales Jahrbuch der Politik | - | IntJbPol | Germany |
Internationales Recht und Diplomatie | - | IRuD | Germany |
Internationales und Auslandisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht | - | Int & Ausland Wirt | Germany |
Internet Law Bulletin | INTLB | - | Australia |
Internet Newsletter for Lawyers | - | I.N.L. | United Kingdom |
Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada | I.E.C.L.C. | IECLC | Canada |
Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners' Journal | I.C.C.Practitioners' J. | I.C.C.Pract.J. ; ICC Prac.J. | United States |
Interstate Commerce Commission Reports | I.C.C. | I.C.C.2d ; I.C.C.Rep. | United States |
Interstate Commerce Commission Reports, Motor Carrier Cases | M.C.C. | - | United States |
Interstate Commerce Commission Reports, Valuation Reports | I.C.C.Valuation Rep. | V.R. ; Val.Rep. ; Val.Rep.I.C.C. | United States |
Intertax. International Tax Review | - | Intertax | None |
Investment & Pensions Europe | - | I.& P.E. | None |
Investment & Taxation Bulletin | ITB | - | Australia |
Investment Management | - | Inv.Man. | None |
Investors Chronicle | IC | I.C. | United Kingdom |
Iowa Administrative Bulletin | Iowa Admin.Bull. | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Administrative Code | Iowa Admin. Code | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Bar Review | - | Iowa B.Rev. ; Iowa Bar.Rev. | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Code Annotated | Iowa Code Ann. | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Law Bulletin | - | Iowa L.Bull. | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Law Review | Iowa L.Rev. | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Legislative Service | Iowa Legis. Serv. | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Reports | Iowa | - | United States, Iowa |
Iowa State Bar Association News Bulletin | - | Iowa St.B.A.News Bull. | United States, Iowa |
Iowa State Bar Association Quarterly | - | Iowa St.B.A.Q. | United States, Iowa |
Iowa University Law Bulletin | - | Iowa Univ.L.Bull. | United States, Iowa |
Iowa Workmen's Compensation Commission Reports | - | Iowa W.C.S. | United States, Iowa |
Iqbal Review | - | Iqbal Rev. | Pakistan |
Iredell's North Carolina Equity Reports | Ired.Eq. | Ired. ; Ired.Eq.(N.C.) ; N.C.(Ired.Eq.) | United States, North Carolina |
Iredell's North Carolina Law Reports | Ired. | Ired.L. ; Ired.L.(N.C.) ; N.C.(Ired.) | United States, North Carolina |
Ireland Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | IECA | Ireland | |
Ireland Court of Criminal Appeal (Neutral Citation) | IECCA | - | Ireland |
Ireland High Court of Ireland (Neutral Citation) | IEHC | - | Ireland |
Ireland Supreme Court of Ireland (Neutral Citation) | IESC | - | Ireland |
Irish Banking Review | - | I.B.R. | Ireland |
Irish Business Law | - | Ir.B.L. | Ireland |
Irish Business Law Quarterly | I.B.L.Q. | Ireland | |
Irish Business Law Review | IBLR | I.B.L.R. | Ireland |
Irish Chancery Reports (2nd series) | I.Ch.R. | I.C.R. ; Ir Ch R ; Ir.Ch. ; Ir.Law & Ch. ; Ir.Rep.Ch. | Ireland |
Irish Circuit Reports | Ir.Cir.Rep. | Cas.Six Cir. ; Ir.Circ.Rep. ; Six Circ. | Ireland |
Irish Circuit Reports | I.C.R. | Ir.Cir. | Ireland |
Irish Common Law Reports (2nd series) | I.C.L.R. | ICLR ; Ir.C.L. ; Ir.Com.Law Rep. ; Ir.R.C.L. ; Ir.Rep.N.S. | Ireland |
Irish Competition Authority Decisions [Neutral Citation] | IECA | - | Ireland |
Irish Criminal Law Journal | - | I.C.L.J. ; ICLJ | Ireland |
Irish Current Law Monthly Digest | - | I.C.L.M.D. | Ireland |
Irish Current Law Statutes Annotated | - | I.C.L.S.A. ; ICLSA | Ireland |
Irish Employment Law Journal | I.E.L.J. | - | Ireland |
Irish Equity Reports (1st Series) | I.Eq.R. | I.E.R. ; Ir Eq R ; Ir.Eq. ; Ir.Law & Eq. ; Ir.R.Eq. | Ireland |
Irish Human Rights Law Review | IHRLR | I.H.R.L.R. | Ireland |
Irish Information Commissioner's Decisions [Neutral Citation] | IEIC | - | Ireland |
Irish Insurance Law Review | I.I.L.R. | - | Ireland |
Irish Intellectual Property Law Quarterly | I.I.P.L.Q. | Ireland | |
Irish Intellectual Property Review | IIPR | I.I.P.R. | Ireland |
Irish Journal of European Law | - | I.J.E.L. ; IJEL ; Ir.J.Eur.L. | European Union |
Irish Journal of Family Law | I.J.F.L. | - | Ireland |
Irish Journal of Legal Studies | IJLS | I.J.L.S. | Ireland |
Irish Journal of Taxation | - | I.J.T. | Ireland |
Irish Jurist | I.J. | Ir.Jur. ; Irish Jurist | Ireland |
Irish Jurist (New Series - journal) | I.J.N.S. | Ir Jur ; Ir.Jur. ; Ir.Jur.N.S. ; Ir.Jurist ; Irish Jurist (N.S.) | Ireland |
Irish Jurist (journal) | I.J. | Ir.Jur. | Ireland |
Irish Land Reports | - | Fitz.Ir.L.R. ; Fitz.Land R. ; Fitzg. ; Fitzg.Land R. ; Ir.L.T.R. ; Qly.Land.R. | Ireland |
Irish Law Recorder (1st Series) | Ir.L.Rec. | Ir.Law.Rec. ; L.R. ; Law Rec. ; Law Rec.(O.S.) | Ireland |
Irish Law Recorder (New Series) | Ir.L.Rec.N.S. | Ir.Law Rec.N.S. ; L.Rec.N.S. ; Law Rec.(N.S.) | Ireland |
Irish Law Reports (1st Series) | I.L.R. | ILR ; Ir.L.R. | Ireland |
Irish Law Reports Monthly | ILRM | I.L.R.M. | Ireland |
Irish Law Review | Ir. L.R. | Ireland | |
Irish Law Times | I.L.T. | I.L.T.& S.J. ; Ir.L.T. ; Ir.L.T.J. ; Ir.L.T.Journal ; Ir.Law T. ; Irish L.T. | Ireland |
Irish Law Times (New Series) | ILT | Irish L.Times (New Series) | Ireland |
Irish Law Times Reports | Ir.L.T.R. | I.L.T.R. ; ILTR ; Ir.l.T.Rep. | Ireland |
Irish Petty Sessions Journal | - | Ir.Pet.S.J. | Ireland |
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal | IPELJ | I.P.E.L.J. | Ireland |
Irish Probate Law Journal | I.P.L.J. | Ireland | |
Irish Reports | I.R. | Ir.R. | Ireland |
Irish Reports, Common Law (3rd Series) | I.R.C.L. | Ir.R.C.L. | Ireland |
Irish Reports, Equity (3rd Series) | I.R.Eq. | - | Ireland |
Irish Reports, Registry Appeals in the Court of Exchequer Chamber and Appeals in the Court for Land Cases Reserved | I.R., R.& L. | Ir.R.Reg. & L. ; Ir.R.Reg.App. | Ireland |
Irish Road Traffic Law | I.R.T.L. | Ireland | |
Irish State Trials | Ir.St.Tr. | - | Ireland |
Irish Student Law Review | - | I.S.L.Rev. ; ISLR | Ireland |
Irish Studies in International Affairs | - | Ir.Stud.Int'l Aff. | International |
Irish Tax Cases | - | ITC | Ireland |
Irish Tax Reports | - | ||
Irish Tax Review | - | Ir.T.R. | Ireland |
Irish Weekly Law Reports | Ir.W.L.R. | - | Ireland |
Irish Workmen's Compensation Cases | Shill.W.C. | Ir.W.C.C. | Ireland |
Irregular notes | Irr N | Tas Irreg Notes ; Tas.Irreg.Notes | Australia, Tasmania |
Irvine's High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary Reports | I.J.C. | I.J.Cas. ; Irv. ; Irv.Just. ; Irv.Just.Cas. | Scotland |
Irving's Land Cases | - | Irving | Nigeria |
Islam and the Modern Age | - | Islam & Mod.Age | India |
Islamic Culture | - | Islam.Culture | India |
Islamic Law Journal | - | ILJ | Pakistan |
Islamic Law and Society | - | I.L.& S. ; Islam L & Soc | None |
Islamic Quarterly | - | Islam.Quarterly | None |
Islamic Studies | - | Islam.Stud. | Pakistan |
Islamic World | - | Islam.World | None |
Islamic and Comparative Law Quarterly | - | Islam. & Comp.L.Q. | Comparative Law |
Islamic and Comparative Law Review | - | Islam & Comp L Rev | None |
Israel Law Review | - | I.L.R. ; Is.L.R. ; Israel L Rev ; Israel L.Rev. | Israel |
Israel Studies in Criminology | - | Israel Stud.Criminology | Israel |
Israel Yearbook and Almanac | - | Isr.Y.B. | Israel |
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights | - | Isr.Y.B.Hum.Rts. ; Israel Y.B.Hum.Rts. ; Israel Yrbk Hum Rts | Israel |
Issues and Studies | - | Issues & Stud. | China |
Issues in Criminology | - | Issues Criminology | United States |
Issues in Law & Medicine | - | Issues L.& Med. | United States |
Istanbul Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Mecmuasi | - | Istanbul Univ Hukuk Fak Mec | Turkey |
Italian Studies in Law | - | Ital Stud L | Italy |
Italian Yearbook of Civil Procedure | - | Ital Yrbk Civ Proc | Italy |
Italian Yearbook of International Law | - | Ital Yrbk Intl L ; Ital.Y.B.Int'l L. ; Italian Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
Iurisprudentia Forensis Romano-Saxonica | - | Carpzov | Germany |
Ius Commune | - | Ius Commune | Germany |
Iustitia | - | Iustitia | Italy |
Ivey Business Journal | - | Ivey Business J. | Canada |
J.B.Wallace's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Wal.Sr. ; Wall. ; Wall.C.C. ; Wall.Sen. | United States |
J.Brown's Cases in Parliament | Bro.Parl.Cas. | B.P.C. ; B.P.R. ; Br.P.C. ; Bro. ; Bro.P.C. ; Brown ; Brown P.C. ; Brown Parl. | England & Wales |
J.Buchanan's Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | - | Buch.J. ; Buch.J.Cape.G.H. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
J.J.Marshall's Kentucky Reports | J.J.Marsh. | J.J.Mar. ; J.J.Marsh.(Ky.) ; Ky.(J.J.Marsh.) ; Marsh. ; Marsh.(Ky.) ; Marsh.J.J. | United States, Kentucky |
J.W.Wallace's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Wal.Jr. ; Wall. ; Wall.C.C. ; Wall.Jr. ; Wall.Jr.C.C. | United States |
JAG Journal | JAG J. | - | United States |
JSB Journal | - | J.S.B.J. ; JSB Journal | England & Wales |
Jabalpur Law Journal | - | Jabalpur L.J. | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Jacob & Walker's Chancery Reports | Jac.& W. | J.& W. ; Jac.& Walk. | England & Wales |
Jacob's Chancery Reports | Jac. | Jacob | England & Wales |
Jahrbuch Dritte Welt | - | Jb.Dritte Welt | Germany |
Jahrbuch Extremismus und Demokratie | - | E&D | Germany |
Jahrbuch der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien | - | Jb.Dipl.Akad.Wien | Austria |
Jahrbuch der Entscheidungen zum burgerlichen Gesetzbuch und en Nebengesetzen, begr. v. Warneyer | - | WarnJB | Germany |
Jahrbuch der Europaischen Integration | - | Jb.Eur.Integration | European Union |
Jahrbuch der Fachanwalte fur Steuerrecht | - | JbFSt | Germany |
Jahrbuch des Offentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart | - | Jahrbuch Offentl.Rechts ; Jb offent R ; JoR | Germany |
Jahrbuch des Sozialrechts der Gegenwart | - | Jb.Soz.-Recht Gegenw. ; JbSozRdG | Germany |
Jahrbuch des Strafrechts und Strafprozesses, hrsg. v. Soergel und Krause | - | Soergels Jb | Germany |
Jahrbuch des Umwelt- und Technikrechts | - | Jb.UTR ; UTR | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Afrikanisches Recht | - | Jahrbuch Afr.Recht ; Jb.Afr.Recht | Africa |
Jahrbuch fur Entscheidungen des Kammergerichts in Sachen | - | KGJ | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Entscheidungen in Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit und des Grundbuchrechts, begr. v. Ring | - | JFG | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Latinamerikas | - | JbLA | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich, hrsg.vVon Schmoller | - | Schmollers Jb. | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Ostrecht | - | Jahrbuch Ostrecht ; Jb OstR ; JoR | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik | - | Jb R & Ethik | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie | - | JbRSoz. | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur Sozialwissenschaft | - | Jb.Sozialwiss. | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur die Dogmatick des Heutigen Romischen Rechts und Deutschen Privatrechts | - | Jb | Germany |
Jahrbuch fur die Praxis der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit | - | Jb.Prax.Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ; JbPrSchiedsger | Germany |
Jahrbuch zur Staats- und Verwaltungswissenschaft | - | Jb.Staats-u.Verwaltungswiss. | Germany |
Jahrbucher des Grossherzoglich Badischen Oberhof- Gerichts | - | Hohnhorst | Germany |
Jahresschrift fur Rechtspolitologie | - | JfR | Germany |
Jamaica Law Reports | LN | J.L.R. | Jamaica |
Jamaica Law Reports, New Series | - | Jamaica L.R.(N.S.) | Jamaica |
Jamaica Law Reports, Old Series | - | Jamaica L.R. | Jamaica |
James Cook University Law Review | JCULR | James Cook Univ.L.Rev. | Australia |
James' Martial Law Cases | - | James | England & Wales |
James' Nova Scotia Reports | - | James ; James (N.Sc.) ; James Sel.Cases ; N.S.R.(James) ; N.S.R.J. ; N.S.R.James | Canada, Nova Scotia |
James's Select Cases and Reports | - | James ; James (N.Sc.) ; James Sel.Cas. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Jameson & Montague's Bankruptcy Reports | James.& Mont. | - | England & Wales |
Jammu and Kashmir Law Reporter | - | J.& K.L.R. | India, Jammu and Kashmir |
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal | - | Japan Com.Arb.J. | Japan |
Japan Law Update | - | JLU | Japan |
Japan Quarterly | - | Jap.Q. | Japan |
Japanese Annual of International Law | - | Jap.Ann.Int'l L. ; Jap.Ann.of Int'l L. ; Japan Ann Intl L | International |
Japanese Annual of Law and Politics | - | Jap.Ann.L.& Pol. | Japan |
Jayewardine's Appeal Cases | - | Jay.W. ; Jayewardene | Sri Lanka |
Jebb & Burke's Queen's Bench Reports | Jebb & B. | - | Ireland |
Jebb & Symes' Queen's Bench Reports | Jebb & S. | J.& S. ; Jebb & Sym. | Ireland |
Jebb's Crown Cases Reserved | Jebb C.C. | Jebb | Ireland |
Jefferson's Reports | - | Jeff. ; Jeff.(Va.) ; Jefferson ; Va.Col.Dec. | United States, Virginia |
Jenkins' Exchequer Reports | Jenk. | Jenk.Cent. ; Jenkins | England & Wales |
Jenkinson & Formoy's Select Cases in the Exchequer of Pleas | Jenk.& Formoy | - | England & Wales |
Jeremy's Digest | - | Jer.Dig. | England & Wales |
Jernal Hukum | - | JH | Singapore |
Jersey Judgments | JJ | J.J. ; J.R.C.J. | Jersey |
Jersey Law Reports | JLR | J.L.R. | Jersey |
Jersey Law Review | - | Jersey L.R. | Jersey |
Jersey and Guernsey Law Review | - | J.G.L.R. | None |
Jerusalem Journal of International Relations | - | Jerus.J.Int'l Rel. | International |
Jerusalem Quarterly | - | Jerus.Q. | Israel |
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies | Jerusalem Rev. Leg. Stud. | J.R.L.S. | International |
Jewish Law Annual | - | Jewish L.Ann. ; JLA | Israel |
Jewish Quarterly Review | - | Jewish Q.Rev. | None |
Jewish Social Studies | - | Jewish Soc.Stud. | None |
Jherings Jahrbucher fur die Dogmatick des Burgerlichen Rechts | - | JhJb | Germany |
Jherings Jahrbucher fur die Dogmatik des burgerlichen Rechts | - | JherJb. | Germany |
Jochi Hogaku Ronshu | - | Jochi | Japan |
Jogtudomanyi Kozlony | - | Jog Kozlony ; Jog.Kozlony | Hungary |
John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law | - | J.Marshall J.Computer & Info.L. | United States |
John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure | - | John Marshall J.Prac.& Proc. | United States |
John Marshall Law Review Journal | J.Marshall L.Rev.J. | J.Marshall L.Rev. | United States |
Johnson & Hemming's Chancery Reports | John.& H. | J.& H. ; Johns.& H. ; Johns.& Hem. | England & Wales |
Johnson's Chancery Reports | John. | John.Eng.Ch. ; Johns. ; Johns.(V.C.) ; Johns.Ch. ; Johns.Eng.Ch. ; Johns.H.R.V. ; Johnson | England & Wales |
Johnson's Chancery Reports (Maryland) | - | John. ; Johns. ; Johns.Ch. ; Johns.Dec. ; Johnson ; Md.Ch. | United States, Maryland |
Johnson's New Mexico Reports | - | N.M.(J.) | United States, New Mexico |
Johnson's New York Cases | Johns.Cas. | Johns.Cas.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Johnson's New York Chancery Reports | Johns.Ch. | J.Ch. ; Johns. ; Johns.(N.Y.) ; Johns.Ch.(N.Y.) ; Johns.Ch.Cas. ; Johns.Rep. ; Johnson | United States, New York |
Johnson's New York Reports | Johns. | J. ; John. ; Johns.Ct.Err. ; Johns.N.Y. ; Johns.Rep. ; Johnson | United States, New York |
Johore Law Reports | - | J.L.R. ; JLR | Malaysia, Johore |
Jones & Carey's Exchequer Reports | Jo.& Car. | J.& C. ; Jon.& Car. ; Jones & C. | Ireland |
Jones & La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports | Jo.& Lat. | J.& L. ; J.& La T. ; J.& Lat. ; Jo.& La T. ; Jones & L. ; Jones & L.(Ir.) ; Jones & La T. | Ireland |
Jones & Spencer's New York Superior Court Reports | - | J.& S. ; Jones & S. ; Jones & Spen. | United States, New York |
Jones' North Carolina Equity Reports | Jones Eq. | Jones ; N.C.(Jones Eq.) | United States, North Carolina |
Jones' North Carolina Law Reports | Jones | Jones L. ; Jones N.C. ; N.C.(Jones) | United States, North Carolina |
Jones' Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports | - | Jones ; Jones U.C. ; U.C.C.P. ; U.C.C.P.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Joseph & Bevan's Digest of Decisions | - | Jos.& Bev. | Sri Lanka |
Journal Officiel | - | J.O. ; Journ.Off. | France |
Journal Officiel, Debats parlementaires, Senat | - | J.O.Sen. ; J.O.Senat | France |
Journal Officiel, edition de l'Assemblee nationale | - | J.O.Ass.nat. | France |
Journal de Droit Fiscal | - | J.Droit Fiscal | Belgium |
Journal des Juges de Paix et de Police | W.W.& H. | J.J.P. | Belgium |
Journal des Notaires et des Advocats | - | J.Not. ; J.Notaires | France |
Journal des Parquets | - | Journ.Parq. | France |
Journal des Principales Audiences du Parlement | - | du Fresne | France |
Journal des Tribunaux | - | J Tribun ; J.T. ; JdT ; JdT ; JT ; JT | Switzerland |
Journal des Tribunaux Droit Europeen | - | J.T.Droit Eur. | European Union |
Journal des Tribunaux du Travail | - | J.T.T. | Belgium |
Journal du Droit International | - | Clunet ; J.D.I. ; J.Droit Int'l ; Journ.dr.internat. | International |
Journal du Palais | - | J.P. | France |
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law | JEEPL | J.E.E.P.L. | European Union |
Journal for Social Justice Studies | - | JSJS | Australia |
Journal of ADR, Mediation and Negotiation | - | J.A.M.N. | None |
Journal of Accountancy | - | J.Account. | United States |
Journal of Administration Overseas | - | J.Admin.Overseas | United Kingdom |
Journal of African Administration | - | J.Afr.Admin. | United Kingdom |
Journal of African History | - | J.Afr.Hist. | Africa |
Journal of African Law | - | J Afr L ; J.A.L. ; J.Afr.L. ; JAL | Africa |
Journal of African Studies | - | J.Afr.Stud. | Africa |
Journal of Air Law and Commerce | J.Air L.& Com. | J Air L & Comm ; J.Air L. ; J.Air Law ; J.of Air L.& Commerce ; JALC | United States |
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement | JAE | J.A.E. | |
Journal of Applied Philosophy | - | J.Applied Phil. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Armed Conflict Law | - | J.A.C.L. | International |
Journal of Arts Management and Law | - | J.Arts Mgmt.& L. | United States |
Journal of Asian History | - | J.Asian Hist. | Asia |
Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation | - | IAPJ | Asia |
Journal of Asian Studies | - | J.Asian Stud. | Asia |
Journal of Asian and African Studies | - | JAAS | None |
Journal of Banking Regulation | - | J.B.R. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice | JBFLP | J.B.F.L.P. | Australia |
Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice | - | J.Bankr.L.& Prac. | United States |
Journal of British Studies | - | J.Brit.Stud. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Broadcasting | - | J.Broadcasting | United States |
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media | - | J.Broadcasting & Electronic Media | United States |
Journal of Business Law | J.B.L. | J.Bus.L. ; JBL | United Kingdom |
Journal of Business Valuation | - | J.Bus.Val. | Canada |
Journal of Canadian Studies | - | J.Can.Studies ; Rev.Etudes Can. | Canada |
Journal of Ceylon Law | - | J.Ceylon L. | Sri Lanka |
Journal of Child Law | JCL | J.C.L. ; J.Ch.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Chinese Law | J.Chinese L. | - | United States |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy | - | J.Chinese Phil. | China |
Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law | - | J Chin Comp L | China, Hong Kong |
Journal of Christian Jurisprudence | - | J.Christ.Jurispr. | United States |
Journal of Church and State | - | J.Church & State ; JCS | United States |
Journal of Civil Liberties | - | J.Civ.Lib. | None |
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure | - | J.C.P.P. | England & Wales |
Journal of Clinical Legal Education | - | J.C.L.E. | United Kingdom |
Journal of College and University Law | J.C.& U.L. | J.Coll.& U.L. ; J.Coll.& Univ.L. | United States |
Journal of Common Market Studies | - | J.Com.Mar.St. ; J.Common Mkt.Stud. | European Union |
Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics | - | J.Commonw.& Comp.Pol. | Commonwealth |
Journal of Commonwealth Criminal Law | J.C.C.L. | J.C.C. Law | Commonwealth |
Journal of Commonwealth Law & Legal Education | - | J.C.L.L.E. | Commonwealth |
Journal of Community Care Law | J.C.C.L. | England & Wales | |
Journal of Comparative Business and Capital Market Law | - | J.Comp.Bus.& Cap.Mkt.L. | Comparative Law |
Journal of Comparative Corporate Law and Securities Regulations | - | J.Comp.Corp.L.& Sec. | Comparative Law |
Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law | J.Comp.Leg. | J.C.L.& I.L. ; J.Comp.Leg.& Int.Law ; Jour.Comp.Leg. ; Journ.Comp.Leg. | Comparative Law |
Journal of Competition Law & Economics | - | J.C.L.& E. | None |
Journal of Conflict Resolution | - | J.Conflict Resol. ; J.Conflict Resolut. | International |
Journal of Conflict and Security Law | - | J.C.& S.L. | International |
Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe | - | J Const L East & Cen Eur | None |
Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies | - | J.Const.& Parliament.Stud. | India |
Journal of Consumer Policy | - | J.C.P. ; JCP | None |
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy | J.Contemp.Health L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
Journal of Contemporary History | - | J.Contemp.Hist. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Contemporary Law | J.Contemp.L. | - | United States |
Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues | - | J.Contemp.Legal Issues | United States |
Journal of Contract Law | JCL | J.C.L. ; J.Cont.L. | Australia |
Journal of Corporate Law Studies | JCLS | J.C.L.S. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Corporate Taxation | J.Corp.Tax'n | - | United States |
Journal of Corporation Law | J.Corp.L. | J.Corpn.L. | United States |
Journal of Criminal Justice | JCJ | J.Crim.Just. | Australia |
Journal of Criminal Justice Education | JCJE | - | United States |
Journal of Criminal Law | J.C.L. | J.Crim.L. ; J.Crim.Law | United Kingdom |
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology | J.Crim.L.& Criminology | - | United States |
Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science | - | J.Crim.L.C.& P.S. ; J.Crim.L.Crimin.& Pol.Sc. | United States |
Journal of Development Planning | - | J.Dev.Plan. ; J.Dev.Planning | International |
Journal of Development Studies | - | J.Dev.Stud. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Dispute Resolution | J.Disp.Resol. | - | United States |
Journal of Divorce | - | J.Divorce | United States |
Journal of East European Law | - | J East Euro L | None |
Journal of Economic History | - | J.Econ.Hist. | None |
Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient | - | J.Econ.& Soc.Hist.Orient | Asia |
Journal of Electronic Commerce Law & Practice | - | I.J.E.C.L.& P. ; J.E.C.L.& P. | None |
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies | - | JELS | United States |
Journal of Employment Law & Practice | - | J.E.L.P. | None |
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law | J.E.R.L. | J.En.& Nat.Res.L. ; J.Energy & Nat.Resources L. ; JERL | International |
Journal of Energy Law and Policy | J.Energy L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
Journal of Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law | J.Energy Nat.Resources & Envtl L. | - | United States |
Journal of Environmental Law | JEL | J.Env.L. ; J.Envtl.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation | J.Envtl.L.& Litig. | J.Envtl.L.& Litigation | United States |
Journal of Environmental Law and Practice | - | J.E.L.P. | Canada |
Journal of Environmental Policy and Law in Latin America and the Caribbean | - | J Env Pol & L | None |
Journal of Equity | J Eq | JOE | Australia |
Journal of Ethiopian Law | - | J Ethiop L | Ethiopia |
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice | - | J.E.C.L. & Pract. | European Union |
Journal of European Economic History | - | J.Europ.Econ.Hist. | None |
Journal of European Environmental & Planning Law | JEEPL | - | European Union |
Journal of European Integration | - | J.Europ.Integration ; Rev.d'Integration Eur. | European Union |
Journal of European Public Policy | - | J.E.P.P. | European Union |
Journal of Family Law | J.Fam.L. | - | United States |
Journal of Finance | - | J.Fin. | United States |
Journal of Financial Crime | - | J.F.C. | None |
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance | - | J.F.R.& C. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Financial Services Marketing | - | J.F.S.M. | None |
Journal of General Management | - | Jour.G.M. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Health Care Law & Policy | - | J.Health Care L.& Pol'y | United States |
Journal of Health Law | - | J.Health L. | United States |
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law | - | J.Health Pol., Pol'y & L. | United States |
Journal of Health and Hospital Law | J.Health & Hosp.L. | - | United States |
Journal of Hellenic Studies | - | J.Hellenic Stud. | Greece |
Journal of Housing Law | - | J.H.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Human Justice | - | J.Hum.Jus. ; JHJ | Canada |
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment | JHRE | J.H.R.E. | None |
Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law | - | J.I.A.N.L. | None |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History | - | J.Imp.& Commonw.Hist. | Commonwealth |
Journal of Industrial Relations | JIR | - | Australia |
Journal of Information, Law & Technology | JILT | J.I.L.T. | None |
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics | - | JITE ; Zschft.Gesamte Staatswissenschaft | Germany |
Journal of Intellectual Property Law | - | J.Intell.Prop.L. | United States |
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | JIPLP | - | European Union |
Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs | - | J.Interam.Stud.& Wld.Aff. | International |
Journal of Interdisciplinary History | - | J.Interdisciplinary Hist. | United States |
Journal of International Affairs | - | J.Int'l Aff. | International |
Journal of International Arbitration | J.Int'l Arb. | J Intl Arbit ; J.Int.Arb. | International |
Journal of International Banking Law | J.I.B.L. | J.Int'l Banking L. ; JIBL | United Kingdom |
Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation | J.I.B.L.R. | - | None |
Journal of International Banking Regulation | JIBR | J.I.B.R. | None |
Journal of International Biotechnology Law | JIBL | J.I.B. Law | International |
Journal of International Commercial Law | - | J.I.C.L. ; J.Int.Comm.L. | None |
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technolo | - | ||
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology | JICLT | J.I.C.L.T. | International |
Journal of International Criminal Justice | JICJ | J.I.C.J. | International |
Journal of International Dispute Settlement | JIDS | J.I.D.S. | International |
Journal of International Economic Law | - | J Intl Econ L ; J.I.E.L. ; J.Int'l Econ.L. | International |
Journal of International Financial Markets | - | J.I.F.M. | None |
Journal of International Franchising and Distribution | - | J.I.F.D.L. ; JIFDL | None |
Journal of International Law and Economics | - | J.Int'l L.& Econ. | United States |
Journal of International Law and International Relations | - | JILIR | International |
Journal of International Law and Practice | J.Int'l L.& Prac. | - | United States |
Journal of International Maritime Law | JIML | J.I.M.L. | International |
Journal of International Money and Finance | - | J.I.M.F. | None |
Journal of International Tax, Trust and Corporate Planning | JTCP | J.I.T.T.C.P. | International |
Journal of International Taxation | - | JIT | International |
Journal of International Trade Law & Policy | - | J.I.T.L. & P. | International |
Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning | - | J.Int.P. ; J.T.C.P. | None |
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy | - | JIWLP | None |
Journal of Internet Law | - | J.Internet L. | United States |
Journal of Investment Compliance | JOIC | J.I.C. | |
Journal of Islamic Law and Culture | - | J Islam L Cult ; J.I.L. & C. | None |
Journal of Islamic and Comparative Law | - | J Islam & Comp L ; J.Islam.& Comp.L. | Nigeria |
Journal of Japanese Studies | - | J.Jap.Stud. | Japan |
Journal of Judicial Administration | JJA | J.Jud.Admin. ; JJ Admin | Australia |
Journal of Jurisprudence | - | Hall's J.Jurispr. ; J.Jur. | United States |
Journal of Juristic Papyrology | - | J.Jurist.Papyrology | None |
Journal of Juvenile Law | - | J.Juv.L. | United States |
Journal of Korean Law | - | J Korean L | Korea, South |
Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law | J.Land Use & Envtl.L. | - | United States |
Journal of Land, Resources & Environmental Law | - | J.Land Resources & Envtl.L. | United States |
Journal of Latin American Studies | - | J.Lat.Am.Stud. | None |
Journal of Law | - | J.L. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Journal of Law & Economics | JLE | J.L.& Econ. ; J.Law & Econ. | United States |
Journal of Law & Education | - | J.L.& Educ. | United States |
Journal of Law & Society | - | J.L.& Soc. ; J.L.Soc'y ; J.Law & Soc. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Law and Commerce | J.L.& Com. | - | United States |
Journal of Law and Health | J.L.& Health | - | United States |
Journal of Law and Information Science | JLIS | J.L.& Info.Sci. | Australia, Tasmania |
Journal of Law and Medicine | - | J.L.& Med. ; JLM | Australia |
Journal of Law and Policy | J.L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
Journal of Law and Politics (Japan) | - | Hosei Riron | Japan |
Journal of Law and Politics (USA) | J.L.& Pol. | - | United States |
Journal of Law and Religion | - | J.L.& Relig. ; J.L.& Religion | United States |
Journal of Law and Social Policy | - | J.L.& Social Pol'y ; Rev.Lois & Pol.Sociales | Canada |
Journal of Law and Society (Pakistan) | - | J.L.& Soc'y (PAK) | Pakistan |
Journal of Law and the Biosciences | JLB | - | |
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization | J.L.Econ.& Org. | J.L., Econ.& Organization ; J.L.E.& O. | United States |
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics | - | J.L.M & E. ; J.L.Med.& Ethics | United States |
Journal of Legal Analysis | J. Legal Anal. ; J.L.A. ; JLA | ||
Journal of Legal Education | J.Leg.Ed. | J.Leg.Educ. ; J.Legal Educ. | United States |
Journal of Legal History | - | J.L.H. ; J.Leg.Hist. ; J.Legal Hist. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Legal Medicine | - | J.Leg.Med. ; J.Legal Med. | United States |
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law | - | J Legal Plur ; J.Leg. Pluralism ; J.Legal Pluralism | Comparative Law |
Journal of Legal Studies | JLS | J.Leg.Stud. ; J.Legal Stud. | United States |
Journal of Legal Studies (USAFA) | - | J.Legal Stud.(USAFA) | United States |
Journal of Legal Studies in Business | - | J.Legal Stud.Bus. | United States |
Journal of Legislation | - | J.Legis. | United States |
Journal of Legislative Studies | - | J.L.S. | None |
Journal of Libertarian Studies | - | J.Libertarian Stud. | United States |
Journal of Local Government Law | - | J.L.G.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law | - | J.Mal.& Comp.L. ; JMCL ; Jur Undang-Undang | Malaysia |
Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce | J.Mar.L.& Com. | J Marit L & Comm ; J.Mar.Law & Com. ; J.Maritime L.& Comm. | United States |
Journal of Marriage and the Family | - | J.Marriage & Fam. | United States |
Journal of Media Law | JML | J.M.L. | None |
Journal of Media Law and Practice | - | J.M.L.& P. ; J.M.L.P. ; J.Media L.& Prac. ; J.Media L.& Practice ; JMLP ; Media L.& Prac. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Medieval History | - | J.Mediev.Hist. | None |
Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies | - | J.Mediev.& Renaissance Stud. | United States |
Journal of Mental Health Law | - | J.M.H.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Mineral Law and Policy | J.Min.L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
Journal of Modern African Studies | - | J.M.A.S. ; J.Mod.Afr.Stud. | Africa |
Journal of Modern History | - | J.Mod.Hist. | United States |
Journal of Money Laundering Control | - | J.M.L.C. | None |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | - | J.M.C.B. | United States |
Journal of Motor Vehicle Law | J.M.V.L. or R.D.V.A. | J.M.V.L. ; R.D.V.A. | Canada |
Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law | - | J.Nat.Resources & Envtl.L. | United States |
Journal of Network Industries | - | J.N.I. | None |
Journal of Northeast Asian Studies | - | J.N.E.Asian Stud. | None |
Journal of Obligations and Remedies | - | J.O.& R. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety in Australia | J Occ Health Safety Aust | AJSH ; J Occ Health Safety - Aust NZ | Australia |
Journal of Palestine Studies | - | J.Palest.Stud. ; J.Palestine Stud. | None |
Journal of Partnership Taxation | - | J.Partnership Tax'n | United States |
Journal of Peace Research | - | J.Peace Res. ; JPR | International |
Journal of Peking University | - | Beijing Daxue Xuebao ; J.Peking U. | China |
Journal of Pensions Management | - | J.P.M. ; J.P.M.& M. | None |
Journal of Personal Injury Law | J.I.P.L. | J.P.I.Law | England & Wales |
Journal of Personal Injury Litigation | J.P.I.L. | - | England & Wales |
Journal of Philosophy | - | J.Phil. | United States |
Journal of Planning & Environment Law | J.P.L. | J.P.E.L. ; J.Pl.& Environ.L. ; JPEL ; JPL | United Kingdom |
Journal of Planning & Property Law | J.P.L. | J.P.P.L. ; J.Plan.& Prop.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Planning Law | J.P.L. | J.Pl.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Police Science and Administration | - | J.Police Sci.& Admin. | United States |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | - | J.Pol'y Analysis & Mgmt. | United States |
Journal of Political Economy | - | J.Pol.Econ. | United States |
Journal of Politics | - | J.Pol. | United States |
Journal of Private International Law | J Priv Int L | Jour.P.I.L. | International |
Journal of Products Liability | J.Prod.Liab. | - | None |
Journal of Professional Legal Education | JPLE | J of Prof Legal Educ ; J.of Prof.Legal Educ. ; J.P.L.E. ; J.Prof.Leg.Educ. ; Journal of Prof.Legal Education | Australia |
Journal of Property Finance | - | J.Prop.Fin. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Psychiatry & Law | - | J.Psychiatry & L. | United States |
Journal of Psychological Medicine & Medical Jurisprudence | - | J.Psychological Medicine | United States |
Journal of Public Law | - | J.P.L. ; J.Pub.L. | United States |
Journal of Quantitative Criminology | - | J.Quantitative Criminology | United States |
Journal of Radio Law | - | J.Radio Law | United States |
Journal of Real Estate Taxation | - | J.Real Est.Tax'n | United States |
Journal of Refugee Studies | - | J.R.S. | None |
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency | - | J.Res.Crime & Delinq. | United States |
Journal of Risk and Insurance | - | J.R.& I. | United States |
Journal of Roman Studies | - | J.Rom.Stud. | None |
Journal of S Corporation Taxation | - | J.S.Corp.Tax'n | United States |
Journal of Science & Technology Law | - | J.Sci.& Tech.L. | United States |
Journal of Semitic Studies | - | J.Semitic Stud. | None |
Journal of Small & Emerging Business Law | - | J.Small & Emerging Bus.l. | United States |
Journal of Social Security Law | J.S.S.L. | - | United Kingdom |
Journal of Social Welfare Law | J.S.W.L. | J.Soc.Wel.L. ; J.Soc.Welfare.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | - | J.Soc.Wel.& Fam.L. ; JSWFL | United Kingdom |
Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies | - | J.S.Asian & M.East.Stud. | None |
Journal of Southern African Affairs | - | J.South.Afr.Aff. | None |
Journal of Southern Legal History | - | J.S.Legal Hist. | United States |
Journal of Space Law | J.Space L. | - | United States |
Journal of Strategic Studies | - | J.Strategic Stud. | United Kingdom |
Journal of Strategy in International Taxation | - | J.Strategy Int'l Tax'n | International |
Journal of Studies in Justice | - | JSJ | Australia |
Journal of Sun Yatsen University-Social Science Edition | - | J.Sun Yatsen U.-Soc.Sci.Ed. | China |
Journal of Supreme Court History | - | J.Sup.Ct.Hist. | United States |
Journal of Taxation | J.Tax'n | J.Tax ; J.Taxation | United States |
Journal of Taxation of Investments | - | J.Tax'n Invest. ; J.Tax'n Invts. | United States |
Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law | JTHTL | - | None |
Journal of Tort Law | JETL | - | |
Journal of Transnational Law and Policy | J.Transnat'l L.& Pol'y | J.Transn.L. | International |
Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy | - | J.Transp.L.Logist.& Pol'y | United States |
Journal of Welfare Benefits Law | J.W.B.L. | England & Wales | |
Journal of Women's Health and Law | - | J.Women's Health L. | Canada |
Journal of World Energy Law & Business | - | J.W.E.L. & B. | International |
Journal of World Intellectual Property | VwGO | J.W.I.P. ; JWIP | International |
Journal of World Trade | J.W.T. | J World Trade | International |
Journal of World Trade Law | J.W.T.L. | J.World Tr.L. ; J.World Trade L. | International |
Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers | - | J.A.A.M.L. ; J.Am.Acad.Matrimonial Law. | United States |
Journal of the American Institute Criminal Law and Criminology | - | J.Crim.Law | United States |
Journal of the American Judicature Society | - | J.Am.J.Soc. ; J.Am.Jud.Soc. | United States |
Journal of the American Medical Association | - | JAMA | United States |
Journal of the American Society of CLU | - | J.Am.Soc'y CLU | United States |
Journal of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters | - | J.Am.Soc'y C.L.U. | United States |
Journal of the Association of Law Teachers | J.A.L.T. | J.A.L.Teachers ; J.Assoc.L.Teachers | United Kingdom |
Journal of the Auckland Medico-Legal Society | - | JA Med LS | New Zealand |
Journal of the Australian Stipendiary Magistrates' Association | ASMA | A.S.M.L. | Australia |
Journal of the Church Law Association of Canada | - | J.Church L.Assoc.Can. | Canada |
Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA | - | J.Copyright Soc'y U.S.A. | United States |
Journal of the Forensic Science Society | - | J.Forensic.Sci.Soc'y | United Kingdom |
Journal of the History of International Law | - | International | |
Journal of the Indian Law Institute | J.I.L.I. | J Indian L Inst ; J.Indian.L.Inst. ; L.Q. | India |
Journal of the Institute of Actuaries | - | J.I.A. | United Kingdom |
Journal of the Institute of Credit Management | - | J.I.C.M. | United Kingdom |
Journal of the International Commission of Jurists | - | J.Int'l Comm.Jurists | International |
Journal of the Irish Society for Labour Law | - | J.Irish Soc'y Lab.L. ; JISLL | Ireland |
Journal of the Irish Society of European Law | - | J.Irish Soc'y Europ.L. ; JISEL | European Union |
Journal of the Kansas Bar Association | - | J.Kan.B.A. | United States, Kansas |
Journal of the Law Society of New South Wales | - | J.L.Soc'y NSW | Australia, New South Wales |
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland | J.Law Soc.Sc. | J.L.S. ; J.L.S.S. ; J.L.Soc'y Scotland ; J.L.Soc.of Scotl. ; J.L.Soc.Scotland | Scotland |
Journal of the Legal Profession | - | J.Leg.Profession ; J.Legal Prof. | United States |
Journal of the Missouri Bar | - | J.Missouri Bar ; J.Mo.B. | United States, Missouri |
Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judges | - | J.Nat'l A.Admin.L.Judges | United States |
Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society | - | J.Pakistan Hist.Soc'y | Pakistan |
Journal of the Patent Office Society | J.Pat.Off.Soc'y | - | United States |
Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society | J.Pat.& Trademark Off.Soc'y | JPTOS | United States |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | - | J.Royal Asiatic Soc'y | Asia |
Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia | JASSA | - | Australia |
Journal of the Society of Fellows | - | J.S.F. | None |
Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law | J.S.P.T.L. | J.Soc.Pub.T.L. | United Kingdom |
Journal of the State Bar of California | - | J.St.Bar Calif. | United States, California |
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes | - | J.Warburg & Courtauld Inst. | United Kingdom |
Journal officiel des Pays-Bas | - | J.O.Pays-Bas | Belgium |
Journal officiel des lois et decrets, no. complementaire | - | J.O.N.C. | France |
Journal officiel du Gouvernement de la Belgique | - | J.Off.Belg. | Belgium |
Journal officiel du Grand Duche de Luxembourg | - | J.Off.Lux. | Luxembourg |
Journal officiel, edition debats | - | J.O.Deb. | France |
Journal officiel, edition du Conseil de la Republique | - | J.O.Cons.Rep. | France |
Journals of the Legislative Council | - | JCL | New Zealand |
Journals, House of Representatives, Appendix | - | App.J.H.R. | New Zealand |
Journees de la Societe de Legislation Comparee | - | J.Soc.Legis.Comp. ; Jour Soc Legis Comp | Comparative Law |
Joyce. The Sword and the Keys | - | Joyce | England & Wales |
Judah & Swan's Reports | - | J.& S. ; J.&S.Jam. ; Jud.& Sw. | Jamaica |
Judges' Journal | - | Judges' J. | United States |
Judgments Online | - | JOL | South Africa |
Judgments and Rulings on Buddhist Law | - | Judg.& Rulings | Burma |
Judgments delivered at Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast Colony / by Mr. Justice Earnshaw | - | Earn | Ghana |
Judgments etc. of the Arbitration Court of New Zealand | - | A.C.J. ; ACJ ; Arb.Ct. | New Zealand |
Judgments etc. of the Industrial Court of New Zealand | - | Ind Ct | New Zealand |
Judgments in Election Petitions | - | Judg.Elec.Pet. | United Kingdom |
Judgments in the Supreme Court, Lagos | - | Lagos R. | Nigeria |
Judgments of the Admiralty Transport Arbitration Board | - | Judg.A.T.A.B. | United Kingdom |
Judgments of the Court of Criminal Appeal | - | Frewen | Ireland |
Judgments of the Supreme Court of Cyprus | J.S.C. | JSCC | Cyprus |
Judgments of the Supreme Court of Nigeria | - | J.S.C.N. | Nigeria |
Judgments under the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act | - | Judg.C.L.A. | Ireland |
Judicature | - | Judicature | United States |
Judicial Decisions Affecting Building Societies | - | Jud.Dec.B.Soc. | England & Wales |
Judicial Officers Bulletin | JOB | Judl Officers Bull | Australia, New South Wales |
Judicial Review | JR | J.R. | United Kingdom |
Judicial Studies Institute Journal | - | J.S.I.J. | Ireland |
Jugements de l'Echiquier de Normandie du XIIIe Siecle | - | Auvray | France |
Jugendschutz | - | JugS | Germany |
Jugendwohl | - | JugW | Germany |
Jugoslovenska Revija za Kriminologiju i Krivicno Pravo | - | Jugo Rev Krim Prav | Yugoslavia |
Jugoslovenska Revija za Medunarodono Pravo | - | JRMP ; Jugo Rev Med Prav | Serbia |
Jur-PC | - | Jur-PC | Germany |
Jura | - | Jura | Germany |
Jura Falconis: Juridisch Wetenschappelijk Studententijdschrift | - | Jura Falconis | Belgium |
Jura, Juristische Ausbildung | - | Jura | Germany |
Juridica | - | Juridicia | Estonia |
Juridical Review | Jur.Rev. | J.R. ; Jurid.Rev. ; Juridical R. | Scotland |
Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet | - | Jurid Tids | Sweden |
Jurimetrics Journal | Jurimetrics J. | Jurimetrics | United States |
Juris-Classeur Administratif | - | J.C.A. | France |
Juris-Classeur Civil | - | J.-Cl. Civ. ; J.-Cl. Civil | France |
Juris-Classeur commercial | - | J.-Cl.com. | France |
Juris-Classeur des Societes | - | J.-Cl.Soc. | France |
Juris-Classeur du travail | - | J.-Cl.trav. | France |
Juris-Classeur penal | - | J.Cl.pen. | France |
Juris-Classeur procedure civile | - | J.Cl.proc.civ. | France |
Juris-Classeur procedure penale | - | J.Cl.proc.pen. | France |
Jurisprudence | - | Juris. | England & Wales |
Jurisprudence Logement | - | J.L. | Canada, Quebec |
Jurisprudence commerciale de Bruxelles | - | J.C.B. ; J.C.Br. ; Jur.com.Bru | Belgium |
Jurisprudence commerciale des Flandres | - | J.C.F. | Belgium |
Jurisprudence de la Cour d'Appel de Liege | - | J.C.A.L. ; J.L. ; Jur.Liege | Belgium |
Jurisprudence des tribunaux de l'arrondisssement de Nivelles | - | J.P.Niv. | Belgium |
Jurisprudence du Louage d'Ouvrage | - | J.L.D. ; J.L.O. | Belgium |
Jurisprudence du Port d'Anvers | - | J.P.A. | Belgium |
Jurisprudence en Droit du Travail, Decisions de Commissaire du Travail | - | C.T. | Canada, Quebec |
Jurisprudence en Droit du Travail, Decisions des Commissaires Enqueteurs | - | C.E. | Canada, Quebec |
Jurisprudence en Droit du Travail, Tribunal du Travail | - | T.T. | Canada, Quebec |
Jurisprudence en Sante et Securite du Travail | - | J.S.S.T. | Canada, Quebec |
Jurisprudence generale Dalloz | - | D.Jurisp.gen. ; D.Rep. ; Jur.gen. ; R.D.S. | France |
Jurisprudencia Argentina | - | J.A. | Argentina |
Jurisprudencia Civil | - | J.C. | Colombia |
Jurisprudencia Civil Andorrana: Jutjat d'Allellaciones | - | JCA | Andorra |
Jurisprudencia Civil, Commercial e Criminal | - | Jur.Civ. | Portugal |
Jurisprudencia de la Alta Corte de Justicia del Uruguay | - | J.A.C.J. | Uruguay |
Jurisprudensi Indonesia | - | Jurisprudensi | Indonesia |
Jurist (New Series - journal) | - | Jur.(N.S.) ; Jur.N.S. | England & Wales |
Jurist (Tokyo) | - | Jurist (Tokyo) | Japan |
Jurist (journal) | - | Jur. | England & Wales |
Jurist Reports | Jur. | Lond.Jur. | England & Wales |
Jurist Reports, New Series | Jur.N.S. | Jur.(N.S.) ; Lond.Jur.N.S. | England & Wales |
Jurist Reports, New Series, Court of Appeal, New Zealand | - | J.R.N.S.C.A. | New Zealand |
Jurist Reports, New Series, Mining Law Cases, New Zealand | - | J.R.N.S.M.L. ; N.Z.Jur.Mining Law | New Zealand |
Jurist Reports, New Series, Supreme Court, New Zealand | - | J.R.N.S.S.C. | New Zealand |
Juristen-Jahrbuch | - | JJb | Germany |
Juristen: Danmarks Jurist og Okonomforbund | - | J ; Juristen (Denmark) | Denmark |
Juristens Domssamling | - | J.D. | Denmark |
Juristenzeitung | JZ | - | Germany |
Juristische Analysen | - | JurA` | Germany |
Juristische Arbeitsblatter fur Ausbildung, Examen, Fortbildung | - | JA | Germany |
Juristische Blatter | - | J Bl ; JBI | Austria |
Juristische Rundschau | - | JR | Germany |
Juristische Rundschau fur die Privatversicherung | - | JRPV | Germany |
Juristische Schulung | JuS | Ju S | Germany |
Juristische Studiengesellschaft Karlsruhe Schriftenreihe | - | Ju St Karlsruhe Schr | Germany |
Juristische Wochenschrift | - | JW | Germany |
Jus | - | Jus (La Plata) | Argentina |
Jus Gentium | - | Jus Gentium | Italy |
Jus: Rivista di Science Giuridiche | - | Jus (Milan) ; Jus Riv Sci Giur | Italy |
Jussens Venner | - | Jussens Venner | Norway |
Justice Journal | - | J.J. | United Kingdom |
Justice Quarterly | JQ | J.Q. ; Just.Q. | United States |
Justice Report | Indust.C.Aw. | Act Justice ; Jus.Report | Canada |
Justice System Journal | Just.Sys.J. | Just.Syst.J. | United States |
Justice of the Peace | J.P.N. | J.P. ; J.P.J. ; J.P.Jo. ; JP ; Just.of the Peace ; Just.P. | England & Wales |
Justice of the Peace (Australia, New South Wales) | JP (NSW) | - | Australia |
Justice of the Peace (Australia, Western Australia) | JP (WA) | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Justice of the Peace Reports | JP | J.P. ; J.P.R. | England & Wales |
Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review | J.P.N. | J.P. ; J.P.J. ; J.P.Jo. ; Just.P. ; Just.Peace Loc.Gov't Rev. | England & Wales |
Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review Reports | J.P. | J.P.R. | England & Wales |
Justices' Law Reporter | - | J.L.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Justicia: Rechtsgeleerd Periodek voor de Nederlaandse Antillen | - | JNA | Netherlands Antilles |
Justinian | - | Justinian ; Justn | Australia |
Justis Irish Cases | JIC | J.I.C. | Ireland |
Justiz und Verwaltung | - | JuV | Germany |
Justiz-Ministerialblatt fur die Preussischen Gesetzgebung und Rechtspflege | - | JMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Justizverwaltungsblatt | - | JVBl | Germany |
Juta's Daily Reporter | J.D.R. | Juta ; Juta D.R. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Juta's Daily Reports | - | JDR | South Africa |
Juta's Law Reports of Zimbabwe | - | Juta L.R.Z. | Zimbabwe |
Juta's Prize Cases | - | Juta P.C. | South Africa |
Juta's Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | - | Cape S.C.R. ; Juta ; S.C. ; S.C.R. ; S.C.Rep. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Juta's Tax Law Reports | - | JTLR | South Africa |
Juta's Weekly Digest | - | J.W.D. | South Africa |
Juta's Weekly Reporter | J.W.R. | - | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Juvenile Justice | - | Juv.Just. | United States |
Juvenile and Family Court Journal | - | Juv.& Fam.Court.J. | United States |
KM Legal | - | KM Legal | United Kingdom |
Kagawa Law Review | - | Kagawa L.Rev. | Japan |
Kames & Woodhouselee's Folio Dictionary, Court of Session | Fol.Dict. | F.Dict. ; Fol.Dic. ; K.& W. ; Kam. ; Kames ; Kames Dec. ; Kames Dict.Dec. | Scotland |
Kames' Remarkable Decisions, Court of Session | Kam.Rem. | Kam. ; Kames | Scotland |
Kames' Select Decisions | Kam.Sel. | Kam.Sel.Dec. ; Kames Sel.Dec | Scotland |
Kamphiphaksa San Dika | - | Kamphiphaksa | Thailand |
Kanagawa Hogaku | - | Kanagawa Hogaku | Japan |
Kanagawadaigaku Hogaku Kenkyunempo | - | Kanagawadaigaku Hogaku Kenkyunempo | Japan |
Kanazawa Hogaku (Kanazawa University) | - | Kanazawa Hogaku | Japan |
Kanazawadaigaku Hobungkubu Ronshu | - | Kanazawa | Japan |
Kanpur Law Journal | - | Kanpur L.J. | India |
Kansai Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu | - | Kansai | Japan |
Kansai University Review of Law and Politics | - | Kansai U.Rev.L.& Pol. | Japan |
Kansainoikeus | - | Kansainoikeus ; KOIG | International |
Kansas Administrative Regulations | Kan.Admin.Regs | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Bar Association Journal | - | Kan.B.Ass'n.J. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas City Bar Journal | - | Kans.B.A. ; Kansas City Bar J. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas City Law Reporter | - | Kan.C.L.Rep. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas City Law Review | - | Kan.C.L.Rev. ; Kansas City L.Rev. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Code of Civil Procedure | Kan.Civ.Proc.Code | Kan.Civ.Pro.Stat.Ann. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Code of Criminal Procedure | Kan.Crim.Proc.Code | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Court of Appeals Reports | Kan.App. | Kans.App. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Court of Appeals Reports, Second Series | Kan.App.2d | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Criminal Code | Kan.Crim.Code Ann. | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas General Corporation Code | Kan.Corp.Code Ann. | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy | Kan.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Judicial Council Bulletin | - | Kan.Jud.Council Bul. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Law Journal | - | Kan.L.J. ; Kansas L.J. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Lawyer | - | Kan.Law. ; Kansas Law. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Probate Code | Kan.Prob.Code Ann. | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Register | Kan.Reg. | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Reports | Kan. | Kans. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas State Law Journal | - | Kan.St.L.J. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Statutes | - | Kan.Stat. | United States, Kansas |
Kansas Statutes Annotated | Kan.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Kansas |
Kansas University Lawyer | - | Kan.U.Lawy. ; Kan.Univ.Lawy. | United States, Kansas |
Kanun: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia | - | Kanun | Malaysia |
Kapital und Borse | Ky.(Duv.) | K&B | Germany |
Kapitalanlagen | - | KaRS | Germany |
Karachi Law Journal | - | Karachi L.J. | Pakistan |
Karachi Law Reports | - | K.L.R. ; Kar. ; Karachi L.Rep. ; KLR | Pakistan |
Kararlar Dergisi | - | KD | Turkey |
Karlsruher Juristische Bibliographie | - | KJB | Germany |
Karnataka Law Journal | - | Kar.L.J. ; KLJ | India, Karnataka |
Kashmir Law Journal | - | Kashmir L.J. | India, Jammu and Kashmir |
Kathiawar Law Reports | - | K.L.R. ; Kathiawar L.R. | India, Gujarat |
Kay & Johnson's Vice Chancellor's Reports | K.& J. | Kay & J. ; Kay & John. ; Kay & Johns. | England & Wales |
Kay's Vice Chancellors' Reports | Kay | - | England & Wales |
KcVFEujeEEdhs | DAGJhwxGAbbgJOQ | - | |
Ke Alakai o Ki Kanaka Hawaii | - | Ke Alakai | United States, Hawaii |
Keane & Grant's Registration Appeal Cases | K.& G. | K.& G.R.C. ; K.& Gr. ; Keane & G.R.C. ; Keane & Gr. | England & Wales |
Keble's King's Bench Reports | Keb. | Kebl. ; Keble | England & Wales |
Keen's Rolls Court Reports | Keen | Ke. ; Keen Ch. | England & Wales |
Keilwey's King's Bench Reports | Keil. | Cro. ; Croke ; Keilw. ; Keilwey ; Keyl. | England & Wales |
Keio Law Review | - | Keio L.Rev. | Japan |
Kellen's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Kel.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Kelly's Georgia Reports | - | Kelly | United States, Georgia |
Kelyng's Crown Cases | Kel. | J.Kel. ; Kel.(1) ; Kel.C.C. ; Kel.J. ; Kelyng J. | England & Wales |
Kelynge's Chancery Reports | Kel.W. | Cas.K.B.t.H. ; Kel.(2) ; Kelynge W. | England & Wales |
Kemp & Kemp: The Quantum of Damages | Q.R. | England & Wales | |
Kemp News | Kemp News | - | England & Wales |
Kent Keepers of the Peace | - | Putnam | England & Wales |
Kentucky Acts | Ky.Acts | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service | Ky.Admin.Regs. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Appellate Reporter | Ky.App.Rptr. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Bar Journal | - | Ky.B.J. | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Law Journal | Ky.L.J. | K.L.J. ; Kentucky L.J. | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Law Reporter | Ky.L.Rptr. | Ken.L.Re. ; Ky.L.R. ; Ky.Law.Rep. | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Law Summary | Ky.L.Summary | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Opinions | Ky.Op. | Ken.Opin. | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Reports | Ky. | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated, Official Edition (Michie) | Ky.Rev.Stat.Ann (Michie) | - | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky State Bar Journal | - | Ky.S.B.J. ; Ky.St.B.J. | United States, Kentucky |
Kentucky Workmen's Compensation Board Decisions | - | Ky.W.M.Dec. | United States, Kentucky |
Kenya Court of Appeal Reports | - | K.C.A.R. | Kenya |
Kenya Court of Review Reports | - | K.C.R. | Kenya |
Kenya Law Reports | - | K.L.R. ; Kenya L.R. ; L.R.K. | Kenya |
Kenyon's Notes of Cases, King's Bench | Keny. | Hanm. ; Hanmer ; K. ; Ken. ; Keny.Ch. ; Ld.Ken. | England & Wales |
Kerala Law Journal | - | Ker.L.J. | India, Kerala |
Kerala Law Reporter | - | Ker.L.R. | India, Kerala |
Kerala Law Times | - | K.L.T. ; Ker.L.T. ; KLT | India, Kerala |
Kernan's Reports, New York Court of Appeals | - | Kern. | United States, New York |
Kerr's New Brunswick Reports | - | Kerr ; Kerr (N.B.) ; N.B.R.(Kerr) ; N.B.R.Kerr | Canada, New Brunswick |
Keyes' New York Court of Appeals Reports | - | Key. ; Key.App.Cas. ; Keyes | United States, New York |
Kilburn's Magistrates' Cases | - | Kilb. | England & Wales |
Kilkerran's Court of Session Decisions | Kilkerran | Kilk. | Scotland |
Kind, Jugend, Gesellschaft | - | KJuG | Germany |
Kindai Hogaku | - | Kindai Hogaku | Japan |
King's College Law Journal | K.C.L.J. | KCLJ ; King's C.L.J. ; King's Coll L J | United Kingdom |
King's Conflicting Civil Cases | - | King | United States, Texas |
King's Counsel | - | King's Counsel | United Kingdom |
King's Law Journal | K.L.J. | - | |
King-Farlow's Judgments | - | K.F. ; King-Farlow | Ghana |
Kingston Law Review | - | Kingston L.R. ; Kingston L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Kirby's Connecticut Reports | Kirby | Kir. ; Kirb. | United States, Connecticut |
Kiribati Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | KICA | - | Kiribati |
Kiribati High Court [Neutral Citation] | KIHC | - | Kiribati |
Kitakyushu Daigaku Hosei Ronshu | - | Kitakyushu | Japan |
Kitchen's Griqualand West Cases | - | Kitchen | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Knapp & Ombler's Election Cases | Kn.& Omb. | K.& O. ; Kn.& O. ; Knapp & O. | England & Wales |
Knapp's Privy Council Appeal Cases | Kn. | Kn.& Moo. ; Kn.A.C. ; Kn.P.C. ; Knapp ; Knapp.P.C.C. | England & Wales |
Knight's Industrial Law Reports | - | K.I.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Knight's Industrial Reports | - | K.I.L.R. ; K.I.R. ; Knight's Ind. | United Kingdom |
Knight's Local Government Reports | L.G.R. | K.L.G.R. ; Kn.L.G.R. | United Kingdom |
Knowledge and Information Management | - | KIM Legal | None |
Knox's Supreme Court Reports, New South Wales | - | Kn ; Kn NSW ; Kn. ; Kn.N.S.W. ; Knox ; Knox (N.S.W.) ; Knox (NSW) | Australia, New South Wales |
Kobe Hogaku Zasshi | - | Kobe | Japan |
Kobe University Law Review | - | Kobe U.L.Rev. | Japan |
Koch's Ceylon Supreme Court Decisions | - | Koch | Sri Lanka |
Kokka Gakkai Zassi | - | Kokka Gakkai Zassi | Japan |
Kokugakuin Hogaku | - | Kokugakuin Hogaku | Japan |
Kokusaiho Gaiko Zassi | - | KGZ | Japan |
Kolner Steuerdialog | - | KOSDI | Germany |
Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | - | KZfSS | Germany |
Komazawa Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu | - | Komazawa | Japan |
Kommentierte Finanzrechtsprechgung | - | KFR | Germany |
Kommunal-Kassen-Zeitschrift | - | KKZ | Germany |
Kommunale Steuer-Zeitschrift | - | KStZ | Germany |
Konan Hogaku | - | Konan Hogaku | Japan |
Konkurs- und Treuhandwesen | Act.Jur.D.A. | KonkTreuh | Germany |
Konkurs-, Treuhand- und Schiedsgerichtswesen | - | KTS | Germany |
Konstam & Ward's Rating Appeals | Konst.& W.Rat.App. | - | United Kingdom |
Konstam's Rating Appeals | Konst.Rat.App. | - | United Kingdom |
Konum Nomi Bilan Uzbekiston Respublikasi | - | KNB | Uzbekistan |
Korea & World Affairs | - | Korea & Wld.Aff. ; Korea & World Aff. | Korea, South |
Korea Law Update | - | KLU | Korea, South |
Korean Journal of Comparative Law | - | Korean J.Comp.L. | Korea, South |
Korean Journal of International Law | - | Korean J.Int'l L. | Korea, South |
Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law | - | Korean J Intl Comp L | Korea, South |
Korkeimann Hallinto-Oikeuden Vuosikirja | - | KHV | Finland |
Korkeimann Oikeuden Paatokset | - | KOP | Finland |
Korkeimann Oikeuden Paatokset ja Tuomiot | - | KOPT | Finland |
Korkeimann Oikeuden Ratkaisuja | - | KDK | Finland |
Korkeimann Oikeuden Tuomiot | - | KOT | Finland |
Kotze & Barber's Supreme Court Reports, Transvaal | - | Kotze & B. ; Kotze & Barb. ; Kotze & Barber | South Africa, Transvaal |
Kotze's Transvaal High Court Reports | Kotze | K. | South Africa, Transvaal |
Kraftfahrt und Verkehrsrecht | - | KuV | Germany |
Kraje Socjalistyczne | - | Kraje Soc. | Poland |
Kriminalistik | - | Kriminal. | Germany |
Kriminalistische Rundschau | - | KrimRdsch | Germany |
Kriminologisches Journal | - | KrimJ | Germany |
Kritische Justiz | - | KJ | Germany |
Kritische Vierteljahresschrift fur Gesetzgebung und Rectswissenschaft | - | Kr Vjschr ; KritV ; KritVj | Germany |
Krummeck's Decisions of the Water Courts of South Africa | - | Krummeck | South Africa |
Kumamoto Hogaku | - | Kumamoto Hogaku | Japan |
Kurdish Human Rights Project Legal Review | - | K.H.R.P.L.R. | None |
Kurukshetra Law Journal | - | Kurukshetra L.J. | India |
Kyklos: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaften | - | Kyklos | Switzerland |
Kyudai Hogaku (Kyushu University) | - | Kyudai Hogaku | Japan |
L'Actualite Juridique: droit administratif | - | Act Jur DA ; Act.Jur. ; Act.Jur.D.A. | France |
L'Amministrazione Italiana | - | Amm.It. | Italy |
L'Amministrazione Locale | - | Amm.Loc. | Italy |
L'Annee Canonique | - | Ann.Canonique | France |
L'Assicurazione | - | Assicurazione | Italy |
L'Assistenza Sociale | - | Ass.Soc. | Italy |
L'Egypte Contemporaine | - | Egypte Contemp. | Egypt |
L'Italia e l'Europa | - | Ital.e l'Eur. | Italy |
LAG Bulletin | LAG Bulletin | L.A.G.Bul. ; L.A.G.Bull. | England & Wales |
LS Law Medical | - | LS Law Med | United Kingdom |
La Civilta Cattolica | - | Civ.Cattol. | Italy |
La Comunita Internazionale | - | Comunita Int'le ; Comunita Intern | Italy |
La Giustizia Penale | - | Giust.pen. | Italy |
La Jurisprudence Civile d'Andorre: Arrets du Tribinal Superieure de Perpignan | - | JCA | Andorra |
La Justicia Uruguaya | - | J.U. | Uruguay |
La Legislazione Italiana | - | Leg.It. | Italy |
La Ley | - | L.L. ; Ley | Argentina |
La Notario | - | La Notario | Andorra |
La Presse Juridique | - | Presse Jur. | Canada |
La Raza Law Journal | La Raza L.J. | Raza L.J. | United States |
La Revue Administrative | - | R.A. ; Rev Admin ; Rev.Adm. | France |
La Revue Juridique Themis | - | R.J.T. ; Rev Jur Themis ; Rev.Jurid.Themis ; RJT | Canada, Quebec |
La Revue Juridique des Etudiants et Etudiantes de l'Universite Laval | - | R.J.E.U.L. | Canada |
La Revue du Barreau (Quebec) | - | R.Barreau ; R.du B. ; Rev Bar ; Rev.Barreau Quebec | Canada, Quebec |
La Revue du Notariat | - | R.du N. ; Rev Notariat ; Rev.Notariat | Canada, Quebec |
La Semaine Judiciaire | - | Sem-Jud ; SJ | Switzerland |
La Semaine Juridique: Cahiers de Droit de l'Enterprise | - | Sem Jur Cahiers Entr | France |
La Semaine Juridique: Juris Classeur Periodique | - | J.C.P. ; J.C.P., ed.G. ; Jur.Class. ; Sem Jur ; Sem.Jur. ; Sem.Jurid. | France |
Labatt's District Court Reports | - | Lab. | United States, California |
Labeo: Rassegna di Diritto Romano | - | Labeo | Italy |
Labor Arbitration Awards | Lab.Arb.Awards | Arb. | United States |
Labor Arbitration Reports | - | L.A.R. ; LA ; Lab.Arb. ; LAR | United States |
Labor Cases | - | Labor Cases | United States |
Labor Law Journal | Lab.L.J. | Labor L.J. | United States |
Labor Law Reports | - | CCH Lab.Cas. ; CCH NLRB ; Lab.Cas. ; Lab.L.Rep. ; NLRB Dec. | United States |
Labor Lawyer | - | Lab.Law. | United States |
Labor Relations Reference Manual | - | LRRM | United States |
Labor Relations Reporter | - | Fair Empl.Prac.Cas. ; L.R.R. ; L.R.R.M. ; Lab.Arb.Rep. ; Lab.L.Rep. ; Lab.Rel.Rep. ; Wage & Hour Cas. | United States |
Labor and Employment Institute | - | Lab.Emp.L.Inst. | United States |
Labores Judicales: Corte Suprema de la Nacion | - | L.J. | Bolivia |
Labour Alert | Lab.Alert | Canada | |
Labour Appeal Cases | - | Lab.App.Cas. | India |
Labour Arbitration Cases | - | L.A.C. | Canada |
Labour Arbitration Cases, Fourth Series | - | L.A.C.(4th) | Canada |
Labour Arbitration Cases, Second Series | - | L.A.C.(2d) | Canada |
Labour Arbitration Cases, Third Series | - | L.A.C.(3d) | Canada |
Labour Arbitration News | - | L.A.N. | Canada |
Labour Arbitration Yearbook | - | Lab.Arb.Y.B. | Canada |
Labour Law Journal (India) | - | Lab LJ ; Lab.L.J. ; Lab.Law J. ; LLJ | India |
Labour Law Notes | - | LLN | India |
Labour and Industrial Cases | - | L.& I.Cas. ; Lab IC | India |
Labour and Society | - | Lab.& Soc'y ; Lab.& Soc. | Comparative Law |
Lackawanna Bar | - | Lack.B. ; Lack.Bar | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lackawanna Bar Reports | - | Lack.B.R. ; Lack.Bar R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lackawanna County Reports | - | Lack.Co.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lackawanna Jurist | - | Lac.Jur. ; Lack.J. ; Lack.Jur. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lackawanna Legal News | - | Lack.L.N. ; Lack.Leg.N. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lackawanna Legal Record | - | Lack.L.R. ; Lack.Leg.Rec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lagos High Court Reports | - | Lagos H.C.R. | Nigeria, Lagos State |
Lagos Law Reports | - | LLR | Nigeria, Lagos State |
Lahore Law Journal | - | L.L.J. ; Lah.L.J. | India, Punjab |
Lahore Law Times | - | L.L.T. ; Lah.L.T. | India, Punjab |
Lahore Law Times Revenue Holdings | - | Lah.L.T.R.R. | India, Punjab |
Lailey's Hampshire County Court Decisions | - | Lailey | England & Wales |
Lakimies | - | Lakimies | Finland |
Lamy social | - | Lamy soc. | France |
Lancaster Bar | AER | Lanc.Bar | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lancaster Bar Weekly Reports | - | Lanc.B.W.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lancaster Law Review | - | Lanc.L.R. ; Lanc.L.Rev.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Land Appeal Court Cases | - | L.A.C.C. ; L.C.C. ; L.C.C.(N.S.W.) ; LACC ; Land App Ct Cas ; Land App.Ct.Cas. ; LCC (NSW) | Australia, New South Wales |
Land Compensation Reports | - | L.C.R. | Canada |
Land Economics | - | Land Econ. | United States |
Land Management and Environmental Law Report | LMELR | L.M.E.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Land Reform | - | Land Reform | International |
Land Registration Cases | - | L.R.C. | Nigeria, Lagos State |
Land Tax Rulings | LT Rulings | - | Australia |
Land Use Laws and Zoning Digest | - | ZD | United States |
Land and Environment Notes | - | LEN | Australia |
Land and Valuation Court Reports | LVR | L.V.R. ; LVR (NSW) | Australia, New South Wales |
Land and Water Law Review | Land & Water L.Rev. | - | United States |
Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung | - | LKV | Germany |
Landlord & Tenant Law Review | - | L.& T.Review | United Kingdom |
Landlord and Tenant Reports | L.&T.R. | - | United Kingdom |
Lands Tribunal Cases | - | L.T.C. | United Kingdom |
Lands Tribunal Rating Appeals | L.T.R.A. | L.P. ; L.V.C. | United Kingdom |
Lane's Exchequer Reports | La. | Lane | England & Wales |
Language Problems and Language Planning | - | LPLP | None |
Lansing's New York Chancery Reports | Lans.Ch. | L. ; Lans. | United States, New York |
Lansing's New York Supreme Court Reports | Lans. | - | United States, New York |
Lantz' Repertoire Mixte et Indigene | - | Lantz | Egypt |
Laperriere's Speaker's Decisions | - | Lap.Dec. | Canada |
Latch's King's Bench Reports | Lat. | Latch | England & Wales |
Lathrop's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Lat.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Latin American Research Review | - | Lat.Am.Res.Rev. | None |
Latomus | - | Latomas | Belgium |
Latvijas Vestnesis: Latvijas Republikas Oficialaise Laikrasts | - | Latvijas Vestnesis | Latvia |
Launceston Examiner Reports (Australia) | - | L.Exr.(Newspr.) (Tas.) | Australia, Tasmania |
Law | - | Law | None |
Law & Anthropology: International yearbook for Legal Anthropology | - | L & Anthro ; L.& Anthropology ; Law & Anthropol. | None |
Law & Inequality | Law & Ineq.J. | L.& Inequality | United States |
Law & Justice: the Christian Law Review | - | L.& Just. ; Law & Just. | United Kingdom |
Law & Philiosophy | Law & Phil. | None | |
Law & Policy | - | L.& Pol'y ; Law & Pol. | United Kingdom |
Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals | - | L.P.I.C.T. | International |
Law & Sexuality | - | Law & Sex. | United States |
Law & Social Inquiry | L.& Soc.Inquiry | - | United States |
Law & Social Trust Review | - | LST Review | Sri Lanka |
Law & Society Review | L.& Soc'y Rev. | L.& Soc.Rev. ; Law & Soc'y Rev. | United States |
Law & Tax Review | - | Law & Tax R. | United Kingdom |
Law Book Company's Industrial Arbitration Service | JDR | L.B.Co's Indust Arb.Serv | Australia |
Law Book Company's Land Law Service | Land L Serv | Land L. Serv. | Australia, New South Wales |
Law Business Review | - | L.B.R. | None |
Law Centres News | - | L.C.News | United Kingdom |
Law Commission (NZ) Preliminary Paper | - | NZLC PP | New Zealand |
Law Commission (NZ) Report | - | NZLC R | New Zealand |
Law Council Newsletter | - | LCN | Australia |
Law Council of Australia Business Law Section Bulletin | LCABLS Bull | - | Australia |
Law Gazette International | - | L.G.I. | None |
Law Institute Journal | LIJ | L Inst J ; L.I.J. ; L.Inst.J. ; Law Inst.J. | Australia |
Law Institute News | - | LIN | Australia, Victoria |
Law Journal Cases on Assessed Taxes | - | L.J.C.A.T. | England & Wales |
Law Journal County Court Appeals | - | L.J.C.C.A. ; L.J.N.C.C.A. | England & Wales |
Law Journal County Courts Reporter | L.J.C.C.R. | L.J.C.C. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Newspaper | L.J. | L.J.News. ; L.J.Newsp. ; L.Jo. ; Law J. ; Law Jour. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Newspaper County Court Reports | L.J.N.C.C.R. | C.C.Rep. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Notes of Cases | L.J.N.C. | L.Jo.N.C. ; No.Cas.L.J. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports | L.J.R. | L.J.Rep. ; Law J. ; Law Jour. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Admiralty New Series | L.J.Adm. | L.J.Adm.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Bankruptcy New Series | L.J.Bcy. | L.J.Bank. ; L.J.Bank.N.S. ; L.J.Bankr. ; L.J.Bankr.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Chancery New Series | L.J.Ch. | L.J.Ch.N.S. ; L.J.Eq. ; Law J.Ch. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Chancery Old Series | - | L.J.Ch.(O.S.) ; L.J.O.S.Ch. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Common Pleas New Series | L.J.C.P. | L.J.C. ; L.J.C.P.D. ; L.J.C.P.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Common Pleas Old Series | - | L.J.C.P.(O.S.) ; L.J.O.S.C.P. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Ecclesiastical Cases New Series | L.J.Eccl. | L.J.Ecc. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Exchequer New Series | L.J.Ex. | L.J.Ex.D. ; L.J.Exch. ; L.J.Exch.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Exchequer Old Series | - | L.J.Exch.(O.S.) ; L.J.O.S.Ex. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Exchequer in Equity | - | L.J.Ex.Eq. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, House of Lords New Series | L.J.H.L. | - | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, King's Bench New Series | L.J.K.B. | - | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, King's Bench Old Series | - | L.J.O.S.K.B. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Magistrates' Cases New Series | L.J.M.C. | L.J.M.Cas. ; L.J.Mag. ; L.J.Mag.Cas.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Magistrates' Cases Old Series | - | L.J.M.C.O.S. ; L.J.Mag.Cas. ; L.J.O.S.M.C. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, New Series | - | L.J.N.S. ; L.J.Rep.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Old Series | L.J.O.S. | L.J.(O.S.) | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Privy Council New Series | L.J.P.C. | L.J.P. ; L.J.P.C.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Probate & Matrimonial New Series | L.J.P.& M. | L.J.Prob. ; L.J.Prob.& Mat. ; L.J.Prob.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Probate, Divorce & Admiralty New Series | L.J.P. | L.J.P.D.& A. ; L.J.P.D.& Adm. ; Law J.P.D.& A. | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Probate, Matrimonial & Admiralty New Series | L.J.P.M.& A. | - | England & Wales |
Law Journal Reports, Queen's Bench New Series | L.J.Q.B. | - | England & Wales |
Law Journal of the Marut Bunnag International Law Office | - | L.J.Marut Bunnag | Thailand |
Law Journal, Irish | - | L.J.Ir. | Ireland |
Law Journal, Irish Free State | - | L.J.I.F.S. | Ireland |
Law Librarian | - | L.Libn. ; L.Librarian ; Law Lib. ; Law Libn. ; Law Libr. | United Kingdom |
Law Library Journal | L.Libr.J. | L.Lib.J. ; Law Lib.J. ; Law Libr.J. | United States |
Law Magazine | - | Law Mag. | United Kingdom |
Law Notes (England & Wales) | - | L.N. ; Law.N. | England & Wales |
Law Notes (Pakistan) | - | LN | Pakistan |
Law Notes (United States) | - | L.Notes | United States |
Law Now | - | L.Now | Canada, Alberta |
Law Office Management Journal | - | L.O.M.J. ; R.Gestion Cab.d'Av. | Canada |
Law Practice Management | - | Law Practice Mgmt. | Canada |
Law Quarterly Review | L.Q.R. | L.Q.Rev. ; Law Q.Rev. ; LQR | United Kingdom |
Law Recorder, New Series | - | L.R. ; Law Rec. ; Law Rec.(N.S.) | Ireland |
Law Recorder, Old Series | - | L.R. ; Law Rec. ; Law Rec.(O.S.) | Ireland |
Law Reporter | - | L.R. ; Law Rep. | England & Wales |
Law Reports (1st series) | L.R. | Law Rep. | England & Wales |
Law Reports of British Guiana | - | L.R.B.G. | Guyana |
Law Reports of British India | - | L.R.B.I. | India |
Law Reports of Nigeria | LRN | - | Nigeria |
Law Reports of Northern Nigeria | - | LRNN ; N.N.L.R. ; N.R.L.R. ; NNLR | Nigeria, Northern Region |
Law Reports of Rivers State of Nigeria | - | LRRS | Nigeria, Rivers State |
Law Reports of the Commonwealth | LRC | - | Commonwealth |
Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Commercial Law Reports | LRC(Comm) | L.R.C.(Comm) | Commonwealth |
Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Constitutional and Administrative Law Reports | LRC(Const) | L.R.C.(Const) | Commonwealth |
Law Reports of the Commonwealth, Criminal Law Reports | LRC(Crim) | L.R.C.(Crim.) | Commonwealth |
Law Reports of the East-Central State of Nigeria | - | LRE-CSN | Nigeria, East-Central State |
Law Reports of the Eastern Region of Nigeria | - | LRERN | Nigeria, Eastern Region |
Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical | L.R.A.& E. | Adm.& Ecc. ; Adm.& Eccl. ; L.R.Adm.& Ecc. ; L.R.Adm.& Eccl. ; Law Rep.A.& E. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Appeal Cases (Second Series) | App.Cas. | L.R.A.C. ; L.R.App. ; L.R.App.Cas. ; Law Rep.App.Cas. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Appeal Cases (Third Series) | AC | A.C. ; App. ; App.Cas. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Bankruptcy & Probate | - | L.R.(N.S.W.)B.& P. | Australia, New South Wales |
Law Reports, Burma | - | L.R.Burm. ; L.R.Burma | Burma |
Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases | L.R.Ch.App. | Ch.App. ; Ch.App.Cas. ; Cha.App. ; Law Rep.Ch.App. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Chancery Division (2nd Series) | Ch.D. | L.R.Ch.D. ; Law Rep.Ch.D. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Chancery Division (3rd Series) | Ch | Ch. ; L.R.Ch. ; Law Rep.Ch. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Common Pleas | L.R.C.P. | C.P. ; Com.P.Div. ; Com.Pl. ; Law Rep.C.P. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Common Pleas Division | C.P.D. | C.P.Div. ; L.R.C.P.D. ; L.R.C.P.Div. ; Law Rep.C.P.D. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Court of Appeals | - | L.R.C.A. | New Zealand |
Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved | L.R.C.C.R. | C.C.R. ; Cr.Cas.Res. ; L.R.C.C. ; L.R.Cr.Cas.Res. ; Law Rep.C.C. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, English & Irish Appeals | L.R.H.L. | E.& I.App. ; Eng.& Ir.App. ; H.L. ; L.R.E.& I.App. ; L.R.Eng.& Ir.App. ; Law Rep.H.L. | England & Ireland |
Law Reports, Equity | - | L.R.(N.S.W.)Eq. | Australia, New South Wales |
Law Reports, Equity Cases | L.R.Eq. | Eq. ; L.R.Rep.Eq. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Exchequer Cases | L.R.Ex. | Ex. ; L.R.Ex.Cas. ; L.R.Exch. ; Law Rep.Ex. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Exchequer Division | Ex.D. | Ex.Div. ; Exch.Div. ; L.R.Ex.D. ; L.R.Ex.Div. ; L.R.Exch.D. ; L.R.Exch.Div. ; Law Rep.Ex.D. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Family Division | Fam. | Fam | England & Wales |
Law Reports, House of Lords Scotch & Divorce Appeal Cases | L.R.Sc.& Div. | H.L.Sc.App.Cas. ; L.R.H.L.Sc. ; L.R.H.L.Sc.App.Cas. ; L.R.S.& D.App. ; L.R.Sc.& D.App. ; L.R.Sc.& Div.App. ; L.R.Sc.App. ; Law Rep.H.L.Sc. ; Sc.Div.App. | United Kingdom |
Law Reports, Indian Appeals | L.R.Ind.App. | Ind.App. ; Indian App. ; L.R.I.A. ; L.R.Indian App. | India |
Law Reports, Indian Appeals, Supplementary Volume | L.R.Ind.App.Supp. | Ind.App.Supp. ; Law Rep.Ind.App.Supp. | India |
Law Reports, Ireland (4th Series) | L.R.I. | L.R.Ir. ; Law Rep.Ir. | Ireland |
Law Reports, Karachi Series | - | Kar. ; L.R.(Karachi) | Pakistan |
Law Reports, King's Bench | K.B. | L.R.K.B. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, New South Wales | - | L.R.(N.S.W.) ; LR (NSW) ; N.S.W.L.R. ; NSWLR | Australia, New South Wales |
Law Reports, Privy Council Appeal Cases | L.R.P.C. | Law Rep.P.C. ; P.C. ; P.C.App. | United Kingdom |
Law Reports, Probate | P. | L.R.P. ; Law Rep.P. ; Prob. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Probate & Divorce Cases | L.R.P.& D. | L.R.P.Div. ; L.R.Prob.Div. ; Law Rep.P.& D. ; P.& D. ; Pr.& Div. ; Prob.& Div. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Probate, Divorce & Admiralty Division | P.D. | L.R.P.D. ; P.Div. ; Pr.Div. ; Prob.Div. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Queen's Bench (1st Series) | L.R.Q.B. | Law Rep.Q.B. ; Q.B. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Queen's Bench (3rd Series) | QB | L.R.Q.B. ; Law Rep.Q.B. ; Q.B. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division | Q.B.D. | L.R.Q.B.D. ; L.R.Q.B.Div. ; Law Rep.Q.B.D. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Restrictive Practices Cases | L.R.R.P. | L.R.R.P.C. ; Repts.R.P.C. ; Restric.Prac. | England & Wales |
Law Reports, Sierra Leone | - | L.R.S.L. ; S.L.L.R. ; Sierra Leone L.R. | Sierra Leone |
Law Reports, Statutes | - | L.R.Stat. | United Kingdom |
Law Reports, Supreme Court | - | L.R.S.C. | New Zealand |
Law Reports, Vice-Admiralty | - | L.R.(N.S.W.)Vice-Adm. | Australia, New South Wales |
Law School Review | - | L.Sch.Rev. | United States |
Law Society Bulletin | Law Soc Bull | Law Soc Bulletin (SA) ; LSB (SA) ; LSB(SA) | Australia, South Australia |
Law Society Journal | LSJ | L.Soc'y J. ; Law Soc J ; Law Soc.J. ; NSW Law Soc J | Australia, New South Wales |
Law Society Solicitors' European Group Journal | - | S.E.G.J. | European Union |
Law Society of South Australia Judgment Scheme | LSJS | - | Australia, South Australia |
Law Society of Western Australia Brief | - | Brief | Australia, Western Australia |
Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Gazette | - | Law Soc ACT Gaz | Australia, Capital Territory |
Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Newsletter | Law Soc ACT NL | - | Australia, Capital Territory |
Law Society's Gazette | - | Gazette ; L.S.G. ; L.S.Gaz. ; L.Soc'y Gazette ; L.Soc.Gaz. ; Law Soc'y. Gaz. ; Law Soc.Gaz. ; LS Gaz ; LS Gaz R | England & Wales |
Law Teacher | - | L.Tchr. ; L.Teacher ; Law Teach. | United Kingdom |
Law Technology Centre & BILETA Newsletter | LTC & BILETA Newsletter | - | United Kingdom |
Law Technology Journal | - | L.T.J. | United Kingdom |
Law Times | - | L.Times | Canada |
Law Times Newspaper | L.T.Jour. | L.T. ; L.T.J. ; L.T.Jo. ; L.T.Newsp. ; L.Times | England & Wales |
Law Times Reports | L.T. | L.T.N.S. ; L.T.R. ; L.T.R.N.S. ; L.T.Rep.N.S. ; Law T.N.S. ; Law T.Rep.N.S. | England & Wales |
Law Times Reports, Old Series | L.T.O.S. | Law T.Rep.O.S. | England & Wales |
Law Weekly | - | L.W. ; Law W. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Law and Computer Technology | - | L & Comp Tech ; L.& Computer Tech. | Australia |
Law and Contemporary Problems | LCP | L&CP ; L.& C.Prob. ; L.& Contemp.Prob. ; L.C.P. ; Law & Contemp. Prob. ; Law & Contemp.Probs. | United States |
Law and Critique | - | Law & Crit. | None |
Law and Financial Markets Review | LFMR | - | None |
Law and Financial Markets Review | - | L.& F.M.R. | United Kingdom |
Law and History Review | LHR | Law & Hist.Rev. | United States |
Law and Human Behavior | Law & Hum.Behav. | - | United States |
Law and Humanities | - | L.& H. | None |
Law and International Affairs | - | L.& Int'l Aff. | Bangladesh |
Law and Legislation in the German Democratic Republic | - | L.& Legis.GDR | Germany |
Law and Philosophy | - | L.& Phil. ; Law & Phil. | None |
Law and Policy in International Business | Law & Pol.Int.Bus. | L & Policy Intl Bus ; L.& Pol'y Int'l Bus. ; L.& Pol.Int'l.Bus. ; L.& Policy Intl.Bus. ; Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus. | United States |
Law and Psychology Review | - | L.& Psychology Rev. ; Law & Psychol.Rev. | United States |
Law and State | - | L.& St. | Germany |
Law for Business | - | Law for Bus. | United Kingdom |
Law for the Australian Businessman | - | A.B.L. | Australia |
Law in Context | LIC | L.Context ; Law in Context | Australia |
Law in Eastern Europe | - | L East Eur ; L.in E.Eur. | None |
Law in History | - | L Hist | Poland |
Law in Japan: an Annual | - | L Japan Ann ; L.in Jap. ; L.Japan | Japan |
Law lectures for practitioners | - | Law lectures for practitioners | China, Hong Kong |
Law of Adulterine Bastardy | - | Nicolas | England & Wales |
Law of the Sea Institute Proceedings | - | Law Sea Inst.Proc. | International |
Law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence | - | L.C.& A.I. | None |
Law, Innovation and Technology | - | L.I.T. | None |
Law, Medicine & Health Care | - | L.,Med.,& Health Care | United States |
Law, Probability & Risk | - | L.P.& R. | United Kingdom |
Law, Science and Policy | - | L.S.& P. | None |
Law, Social Justice & Global Development | - | L.G.D. | None |
Law/Technology | - | Law/Tech. | United States |
Law/Text/Culture | L/T/C | - | Australia |
LawInSport | LawInSport | ||
Lawasia | Lawasia | - | Asia |
Lawasia (New Series) | Lawasia (NS) | - | Asia |
Lawasia Commercial Law Bulletin | Lawasia CLB | - | Asia |
Lawasia Human Rights Bulletin | Lawasia HRB | - | Asia |
Lawrence Law Journal | - | Lawr.L.J. ; Lawrence L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Laws Concerning Elections | - | Law.Elec. | United Kingdom |
Laws of Delaware | Del.Laws | - | United States, Delaware |
Laws of Florida | Fla.Laws | - | United States, Florida |
Laws of Hong Kong | - | L.H.K. | China, Hong Kong |
Laws of Illinois | Ill.Laws | - | United States, Illinois |
Laws of Maryland | Md.Laws | - | United States, Maryland |
Laws of Missouri | Mo.Laws | - | United States, Missouri |
Laws of Montana | - | Mont.Laws | United States, Montana |
Laws of Nebraska | - | Neb.Laws | United States, Nebraska |
Laws of New Jersey | N.J.Laws | - | United States, New Jersey |
Laws of New Mexico | N.M.Laws | - | United States, New Mexico |
Laws of New York | N.Y.Laws | - | United States, New York |
Laws of North Dakota | N.D.Laws | N.D.Sess.Laws | United States, North Dakota |
Laws of Pennsylvania | Pa.Laws | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Laws of Puerto Rico | P.R.Laws | - | Puerto Rico |
Laws of Puerto Rico Annotated | P.R.Laws Ann. | - | Puerto Rico |
Laws of Shipping and Insurance with Determinations | - | Parker | England & Wales |
Laws of South Dakota | S.D.Laws | - | United States, South Dakota |
Laws of Utah | Utah Laws | - | United States, Utah |
Laws of Washington | Wash.Laws | - | United States, Washington |
Laws of Wisconsin | Wis.Laws | - | United States, Wisconsin |
Laws of the Republic of Texas | Repub.Tex.Laws | - | United States, Texas |
Laws of the State of Maine | Me.Laws | - | United States, Maine |
Laws of the State of New Hampshire | N.H.Laws | - | United States, New Hampshire |
Lawson's Irish Registration Cases | Laws.Reg.Cas. | - | Ireland |
Lawtel Transcripts | LTL | - | United Kingdom |
Lawyer (India) | - | Lawyer (IND) | India |
Lawyer (United Kingdom) | - | Lawyer | United Kingdom |
Lawyer 2B | Lawyer 2B | - | England & Wales |
Lawyer International | - | LI | International |
Lawyer and Law Notes | - | Law.& L.Notes | United States |
Lawyer and Magistrate | - | Law.& Mag. | Ireland |
Lawyer of the Americas | - | Law.Amer. | United States |
Lawyers Guild Review | - | Law.Guild Rev. | United States |
Lawyers Weekly | - | Lawyers Wkly | Canada, Ontario |
Lawyers in Europe | - | Law.in Eur. | European Union |
Lawyers' Europe | - | L.E. | European Union |
Lawyers' Reports Annotated | - | L.R.A. | United States |
Lawyers' Reports Annotated, New Series | - | L.R.A.N.S. | United States |
Le Courrier des Pays de l'Est | - | Courr.Pays de l'Est | France |
Le Droit Maritime Francaise | - | Dr Marit Fr | France |
Le Journal du Barreau Canadien | - | Barreau ; J.du Bar. | Canada, Quebec |
Le Marchant's Report on the Claims of the Barony of Gardner | - | Le Marchant | England & Wales |
Le Monde Juridique | - | Monde Jur. | Canada, Quebec |
Le Mouvement Communal | - | Mouv.com. | Belgium |
Le Regioni | - | Regioni | Italy |
Lea's Tennessee Reports | - | Lea ; Tenn.(Lea) | United States, Tennessee |
Leach's Club Cases | - | Leach | England & Wales |
Leach's Crown Cases | Leach | Cas.C.L. ; L.C.C. ; Leach C.C. ; Leach C.L. | England & Wales |
Leach's Modern Reports | - | Mod. ; Mod.Rep. | England & Wales |
Leader Law Reports (South Africa) | L.L.R. | Lead.L.R. ; T.L.L.R. | South Africa, Transvaal |
Leader Law Reports (Sri Lanka) | - | Lead. ; Lead.L.R. ; Leader L.R. | Sri Lanka |
Leading Ecclesiastical Cases in the Court of Session | - | Lead.Ecc.Cas. | Scotland |
League of Nations Treaty Series | - | L.N.T.S. ; LNTS | International |
Lebanon County Legal Journal | - | Lebanon Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lecciones y Ensayos | Ba.& B. | LyE | Argentina |
Lee's Ecclesiastical Judgments | Lee | Ca.t.Lee ; Cas.t.Lee ; Cas.temp.Lee ; Lee Eccl. ; Lee G. | England & Wales |
Lee's King's Bench Cases tempore Hardwicke | - | Lee & H. ; Lee t.Hard. ; Lee t.Hardw. ; Rep.t.Hard. ; Rep.t.Hardw. | England & Wales |
Leembruggen and Asirwatham's Reports | - | Leem.& Asir. | Sri Lanka |
Lefroy & Cassel's Practice Cases | - | L.& C. ; Lef.& Cas. ; Lef.& Cass. | Canada, Ontario |
Legal & Insurance Reporter | - | Leg.& Ins.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal Action | Legal Action | - | United Kingdom |
Legal Aid Clearinghouse Bulletin | LACB | - | Australia |
Legal Alert | - | Leg.Alert | Canada |
Legal Aspects of Medical Practice | - | Leg.Aspects Med.Prac. | United States |
Legal Business | - | Legal Bus. | United Kingdom |
Legal Compliance Bulletin | - | L.C.B. | England & Wales |
Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers | - | L.D.A.B. | United Kingdom |
Legal Director | - | L.D. | None |
Legal Education Review | - | Legal Educ.Rev. | Australia |
Legal Ethics | Legal Ethics | - | None |
Legal Executive | L.Ex. ; Leg.Exec. | England & Wales | |
Legal Gazette | - | Leg.Gaz. ; Leg.Gaz.(Pa.) ; Pa.L.G. ; Pa.Leg.Gaz. ; Penn.L.G. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal IT | - | Legal IT | None |
Legal Information Management | LIM | L.I.M. | United Kingdom |
Legal Intelligencer | - | Leg.Int. ; Phila.Leg.Int. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal Issues of Economic Integration | L.I.E.I. | Leg.Issues ; Leg.Issues Europ.Integration ; Legal Iss Econ Integ | None |
Legal Issues of European Economic Integration | - | L.I.E.E.I. ; L.I.E.I. ; Leg.Issues Europ.Integr. ; LIEI | European Union |
Legal Journals Index | - | LJI | United Kingdom |
Legal Management Consultancy Services' Law Practice Management Newsletter | LMCS Reports | - | Australia |
Legal Marketing | - | Legal M. | United Kingdom |
Legal Medical Quarterly | - | Leg.Med.Q. ; Legal Med.Q. | Canada |
Legal Monthly Digest | LMD | - | Australia |
Legal News | - | L.N. ; Leg.News | Canada, Quebec |
Legal Observer | L.O. | Leg.Ob. ; Leg.Obs. | England & Wales |
Legal Opinion | - | L.O. ; Leg.Op. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal Practices Update | - | LPU | Australia |
Legal Record Reports | - | Leg.Rec.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal Record, Supreme Court Decisions | - | Legal Record | United States, Pennsylvania |
Legal Reference Services Quarterly | - | Leg.Ref.Serv.Q. ; Legal Reference Services Q. | United States |
Legal Reporter (Australia) | Legal Rep | Leg Rep ; Leg.Rep. | Australia |
Legal Reporter (Ireland) | Leg.Rep. | Leg.Rep.(Ir.) | Ireland |
Legal Reporter Applications for Civil Special Leave | Legal Rep SL | - | Australia |
Legal Reporter Criminal Law | Leg Rep C | - | Australia |
Legal Research Update | - | Leg.Res.Update | Canada |
Legal Research in Australia and New Zealand | - | LRANZ | Australia and New Zealand |
Legal Service Bulletin | LSB | Leg.Serv.Bull. | Australia |
Legal Studies | LS | L.S. ; Leg.Stud. ; Legal Stud. | United Kingdom |
Legal Studies Forum | - | Leg.Stud.Forum ; Legal Stud.F. | United States |
Legal Technology Insider | - | L.T.I. | None |
Legal Technology Journal | - | Legal T.J. | None |
Legal Theory | LEG | L.T. ; Legal Theory | None |
Legal Times | - | Legal Times | United Kingdom |
Legal Week | - | Legal Week ; Legal Wk. | None |
Legal Week Global | - | L.W.G. | United Kingdom |
Legge's Supreme Court Cases | Legge | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Legislative Studies Quarterly | - | Legis.Stud.Q. | United States |
Legisprudence | Leg. | None | |
Lehigh County Law Journal | - | Leh.Co.L.J.(Pa.) ; Lehigh Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lehigh Valley Law Reporter | AiT | Leh.V.L.R.(Pa.) ; Lehigh L.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Leiden Journal of International Law | LJIL | L.J.I.L. ; Leiden J Intl L | International |
Leigh & Cave's Crown Cases Reserved | Le.& Ca. | L.& C. ; L.& C.C.C. ; Leigh & C. ; Leigh & C.C.C. | England & Wales |
Leigh's Virginia Supreme Court Reports | Leigh | Leigh (Va.) ; Va.(Leigh) | United States, Virginia |
Leipziger Kommentar | - | LK | Germany |
Leipziger Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Recht | - | LZ | Germany |
Leonard's Reports | Leon. | Leo. | England & Wales |
Les Cahiers de Droit | - | C.de D. ; Cah.de Droit ; Cahiers Dr ; Cahiers Droit | Canada |
Les Cahiers de Propriete Intellectuelle | - | C.de Prop.Intell. ; Cahiers Prop.Intel. | Canada |
Les Nouvelles | - | Nouvelles | United States |
Les Olim | - | Les Olim ; Olim | France |
Les Recueils de Jurisprudence de Quebec, Cour d'Appel | - | R.J.Q. | Canada, Quebec |
Les Recueils de Jurisprudence de Quebec: Cour Provinciale, Cour des Sessions de la Paix, Tribunal de la Jeunesse | - | C.P. ; C.S.P. ; T.J. | Canada, Quebec |
Lesotho Appeal Cases | - | LAC | Lesotho |
Lesotho Law Journal | - | Lesotho L.J. ; Lesotho LJ | Lesotho |
Lesotho Law Reports | - | LLR | Lesotho |
Lettre D'Information | - | L.D'I. | None |
Leviathan | - | Leviathan | Germany |
Levinz's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | Lev. | - | England & Wales |
Lewin's Crown Cases Reserved | Lew.C.C. | Lew. ; Lewin.C.C. ; Lewin.Cr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Lewis and Crawford's Master and Servant | - | Lew.& Craw. | Sri Lanka |
Lex et Scientia | - | Lex et Scientia | United States |
Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil | LEC | - | Spain |
Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal | LECr | - | Spain |
Ley's King's Bench Reports | Ley | - | England & Wales |
Liability, Risk & Insurance | - | L.R.& I. | United Kingdom |
Liber Assisarum | Ass. | Lib.Ass. | England & Wales |
Liber Officialis Sancti Andree | - | Forb. | Scotland |
Liberian Law Journal | - | Liberian L.J. | Liberia |
Liberian Law Reports | - | L.L.R. | Liberia |
Licensing Law Reports | LLR | - | England & Wales |
Licensing Review | - | L.R. | United Kingdom |
Licolnshire Assize Rolls | - | Stenton | England & Wales |
Liechtensteinische Entscheidungssamlung | - | LES | Liechtenstein |
Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung | - | Liecht JZ ; LJZ | Liechtenstein |
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo ir Sprendima | - | Lietuvos | Lithuania |
Life (Health & Accident) Cases | - | Life C. ; Life Cas. ; Life Cases | United States |
Life (Health & Accident) Cases, Second Series | - | Life C.2d ; Life Cas.2d ; Life Cases (2d) | United States |
Life Insurance International | - | L.I.I. | None |
Lilly's Assize Reports | Lil. | Lilly | England & Wales |
Lincoln Law Review (Buffalo) | - | Lincoln L.Rev. | United States |
Lincoln Law Review (San Francisco) | Lincoln L.Rev. | - | United States, California |
Link Association of Women Solicitors | - | Link AWS | None |
Linklaters & Paines Competition EC | - | L&P Comp.EC | European Union |
Linklaters & Paines Employment & Benefits Law Newsletter | - | L&P E.& B.L.N. | None |
Linklaters & Paines European Community Law | - | L&P E.C.Law | European Union |
Linklaters & Paines Financial Services Newsfile | - | L&P F.S.News. | None |
Linklaters & Paines Intellectual Property News | - | L&P I.P.N. | None |
Linklaters & Paines Internal Market Report | - | L&P I.M.Rep. | European Union |
Linklaters & Paines Investment Funds Newsfile | - | L&P I.F.News. | None |
Linklaters & Paines Property Law Now | - | L&P P.L.N. | None |
Liquor Control Law Reports | Liquor Cont.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Litigation | Lit. | Litig. | England & Wales |
Litigation (USA) | - | Litig. ; Litigation | United States |
Litigation Funding | - | L.F. | United Kingdom |
Litigation Letter | - | Lit.L. | United Kingdom |
Litigator | - | Litigator | England & Wales |
Littell's Kentucky Reports | Litt. | Ky.(Litt.) ; Lit. ; Litt.(Ky.) ; Littell | United States, Kentucky |
Littell's Selected Cases | Litt.Sel.Cas. | Ky.(Lit.Sel.Cas.) ; Lit.Sel.Ca. | United States, Kentucky |
Littleton's Common Pleas Reports | Litt. | Lit. ; Litt.Rep. ; Littleton | England & Wales |
Liverpool Law Review | - | Liverpool L.R. ; Liverpool L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Livingston's Judicial Opinions, Mayor Court, New York | - | Liv.Jud.Cas. ; Liv.Jud.Op. ; Livingstone ; Livingstone Jud.Ops.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Lizar's Legacy Duty Cases | - | Lizar | Scotland |
Lleis y Resoluciones | - | Lleis | Andorra |
Lloyd & Goold's Chancery Reports tempore Plunkett | L.& G.temp.Plunk. | Ca.t.Plunk. ; Cas.t.Plunk. ; L.& G.t.P. ; L.& G.t.Plunk. ; Ll.& G.t.P. ; Ll.& G.t.Pl. ; Lloyd & Goold (t.Plunkett) | Ireland |
Lloyd & Goold's Chancery Reports tempore Sugden | L.& G.temp.Sugd. | L.& G.t.Sug. ; Ll.& G.t.S. ; Lloyd & Goold (t.Sugden) | Ireland |
Lloyd & Welsby's Commercial & Mercantile Cases | L.& Welsb. | L.& W. ; L.l.& W. ; Ll.& Wels. ; Lloyd & W. | England & Wales |
Lloyd's Arbitration Reports | L.A.R. | - | England & Wales |
Lloyd's Insurance International | - | Ll.Ins.Int. | None |
Lloyd's Law Reports | Lloyd's Rep. | Lloyd L.R. | England & Wales |
Lloyd's Law Reports Banking | - | Lloyd's Rep Bank ; Lloyd's Rep.Bank. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Law Reports Financial Crime | Lloyd's Rep FC | - | England & Wales |
Lloyd's Law Reports Insurance & Reinsurance | Lloyd's Rep IR | Lloyd's Rep.I.R. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Law Reports Medical | Lloyd's Rep Med | Lloyd's Rep.Med. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Law Reports Professional Negligence | Lloyd's Rep PN | Lloyd's Rep.P.N. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's List | - | Lloyd's List | None |
Lloyd's List Insurance Day | - | L.L.I.D. | None |
Lloyd's List Law Reports | Lloyd's Rep. | Ll. L. Rep. ; Ll.L.L.R. ; Ll.L.R. ; Ll.List.L.R. ; Ll.Rep. ; Lloyd L.R. ; Lloyd's List L.R. | England & Wales |
Lloyd's Log | - | Ll.Log | None |
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter | - | L.M.L.N. ; Ll.Mar.L.N. ; Lloyd's Mar.L.N. | None |
Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter Legal Practices Update | LML Newsletter LPU | - | Australia |
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly | LMCLQ | L.M.C.L.Q. ; Ll.M.C.L.Q. ; Lloyd's Mar.& Com.L.Q. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Reinsurance Law Reports | L.R.L.R. | LRLR | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Reports of Prize Cases | Lloyd Pr.Cas. | Ll.L.Pr.Cas. ; Ll.Pr.Cas. ; Lloyd's Pr.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's Reports of Prize Cases, 2nd Series | Lloyd Pr.Cas.N.S. | Ll.Pr.Cas.N.S. ; Ll.R.Pr.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Lloyd's of London Newsletter | - | Ll.News. | None |
Lloyds Bank Economic Bulletin | - | L.B.E.B. | United Kingdom |
Local Authority Circular | - | LAC | United Kingdom |
Local Authority Law | - | L.A.L. | England & Wales |
Local Courts & Municipal Gazette | - | L.C.& M.Gaz. ; Loc.Ct.Gaz. | Canada, Ontario |
Local Government Appeals Tribunal Reports | - | L.G.A.T.R. | Australia |
Local Government Appeals Tribunal Reports, New South Wales | LGATR (NSW) | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Local Government Bulletin | - | LGB | Australia, New South Wales |
Local Government Chronicle | LGC | L.G.C. ; Loc.Govt.Chr.& Mag.Rep. | United Kingdom |
Local Government Chronicle Law & Administration | - | L.G.C.Law & Admin. | None |
Local Government Law & Practice | - | Loc.Gov't L.& Prac. | Australia, New South Wales |
Local Government Law Journal | LGLJ | - | Australia |
Local Government Law Reports | - | L.G.R. ; L.G.R.(N.S.W.) ; Local Govt.R.(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
Local Government Lawyer | L.G.L. | ||
Local Government Reports | LGR | B.L.G.R. ; L.G.L.R. ; L.G.L.Rep. ; L.G.R. | United Kingdom |
Local Government Reports (New South Wales) | LGR (NSW) | L.G.R.(N.S.W.) ; LGR ; N.S.W.L.G.R. | Australia, New South Wales |
Local Government Reports of Australia | LGRA | A.L.G.R. ; L.G.R.A. ; L.G.Rep.Aus. ; Local Govt.R.Austl. | Australia |
Local Government Review | L.G. Review | Ireland | |
Local Government Review | L.G.R. | L.G.Rev. ; Loc.Gov't.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Local Government Review Reports | - | L.G.R.Rep. | United Kingdom |
Local Government Studies | - | LGS | United Kingdom |
Local Government and Environmental Reports of Australia | LGERA | - | Australia |
Local Government and Law | - | L.G.and L. | England & Wales |
Local Government and Planning Law Guide | LGPLG | - | Australia |
Lockwood's New York Reversed Cases | Lock.Rev.Cas. | - | United States, New York |
Locus Standi Reports | - | L.S.R. | United Kingdom |
Lofft's King's Bench Reports | Lofft | - | England & Wales |
London Law Review | - | L.L.R. | England & Wales |
London Market Newsletter | - | L.M.N. | None |
London Review of International Law | Lond. rev. int. law | International | |
Long Quinto | Long Quinto | Long Q. ; Quinto | England & Wales |
Longfield & Townsend's Exchequer Reports | Long.& T. | L.& T. ; Longf.& T. | Ireland |
Lord Raymond's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | Ld.Raym. | Ld.Ray. ; Raym. ; Raym.Ld. | England & Wales |
Lorenz' Namptissement Cases | - | Lorenz N.C. | Sri Lanka |
Lorenz's Ceylon Reports | - | Lorenz ; Lorenz App.R. ; Lorenz Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Louisiana Administrative Code | La.Admin.Code | - | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Annual Reports | La.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Bar Journal | La.B.J. | Louisiana Bar J. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Court of Appeals Reports | La.App. | La.A. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Law Journal (New Orleans) | - | La.L.J. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Law Journal (Schmidt's) (New Orleans) | - | La.L.J. ; Lou.L.Jour. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Law Review | La.L.Rev. | La.L.R. ; Lou.L.Rev. ; Louisiana L.R. ; Louisiana L.Rev. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Legal News | - | Lou.Leg.N. | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Register | La.Reg. | - | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Reports | La. | - | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana Session Law Service | La.Sess.Law.Serv. | - | United States, Louisiana |
Louisiana State University Quarterly | - | La.S.U.Q. | United States, Louisiana |
Lov og Rett | - | LoR ; Lov og Rett | Norway |
Lovell White Durrant EC Newsletter | - | L.W.D. EC News. | None |
Lovell White Durrant Legal Advice on Pensions | R.E.D.I. | L.W.D.L.A.P. | None |
Lowell's United States District Court Decisions | - | Low. ; Lowell | United States, Massachusetts |
Lower Burma Rulings | - | L.B.R. | Burma |
Lower Canada Jurist | - | L.C.J. ; L.C.Jur. ; Low.Can.Jur. ; Lower Can.Jur. | Canada, Quebec |
Lower Canada Law Journal | - | L.C.L.J. ; L.C.L.Jo. ; Low.Can.L.J. | Canada, Quebec |
Lower Canada Reports | - | L.C.R. ; Low.Can.R. ; Low.Can.Rep. ; Lower Can. | Canada, Quebec |
Lower Canada Reports Seignorial Questions | - | L.C.Rep.S.Qu. ; Seign.Questions ; Seign.Rep. | Canada, Quebec |
Lowndes & Maxwell's Bail Court Cases | Lownd.& M. | B.C.C. ; B.C.R. ; B.C.Rep. ; Bail C.C. ; Bail Cr.Rep. ; Bail Ct.Cas. ; Bail Ct.Rep. ; L.& M. ; Lown.& M. ; Lowndes & M. | England & Wales |
Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's Reports in the Queen's Bench Practice Court | L.M.& P. | Lown.M.& P. ; Lownd.& M. ; Lowndes.M.& P. ; Pr.Rep.B.C. | England & Wales |
Loyola Consumer Law Reporter | Loy.Consumer L.Rep. | - | United States |
Loyola Entertainment Law Journal | Loy.L.A.Ent.L.J. | Loyola Ent.L.J. | United States, California |
Loyola Law Review | Loy.L.Rev. | Loy.R. ; Loyola L.Rev. | United States, Louisiana |
Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal | Loy.U.Chi.L.J. | Loy.Chi.L.J. ; Loyola U.Chi.L.J. ; Loyola U.L.J. ; Loyola U.L.J.(Chicago) ; Loyola Univ.L.Rev. | United States |
Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review | - | Loy.L.A.Ent.L.Rev. | United States |
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Annual | - | Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.Ann. ; Loyola L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.Ann. | United States, California |
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal | Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J. | Loyola L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J. ; Loyola Los Ang.Int'l & Comp.L.J. | United States, California |
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review | Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review | Loy.L.A.L.Rev. | Loyola L.A.L.Rev. ; Loyola Los A.L.Rev. ; Loyola U.L.Rev.(L.A.) | United States, California |
Lucas' Cases in Law and Equity | Lucas | Ca.t.Mac. ; Cas.t.Mac. ; Cas.t.Maccl. ; Luc. | England & Wales |
Lucknow Cases | - | Lucknow Cas. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Luder's Election Cases | Lud.E.C. | Lud.El.Cas. ; Luder Elec.Cas. | England & Wales |
Lumley's Poor Law Cases | Lumley P.L.C. | Lum.(P.L.C.) ; Lum.Pl.Cas. | England & Wales |
Lushington's Admiralty Reports | Lush. | Lush.Adm. | England & Wales |
Luttenberg's Chronologische verzameling der wetten, besluiten, arresten enz. | - | Luttenberg | Netherlands |
Lutwyche's Entries and Reports, Common Pleas | Lut. | Lut.Ent. ; Lutw. | England & Wales |
Lutwyche's Registration Cases | Lut.Reg.Cas. | Lut.Elec.Cas. ; Lut.R.C. ; Lutw. ; Lutw.Reg.Cas. | England & Wales |
Luzerne Law Journal | - | Luz.L.J. ; Luzerne L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Luzerne Law Times, New Series | - | Luz.L.T.(N.S.) ; Luz.L.T.N.S. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Luzerne Law Times, Old Series | - | Luz.L.T.(O.S.) ; Luz.L.T.O.S. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Luzerne Legal Observer | - | Luz.Leg.Ob. ; Luz.Leg.Obs. ; Luzerne Leg.Obs.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Luzerne Legal Register | - | Luz.Leg.R. ; Luz.Leg.Reg. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Luzerne Legal Register Reports | - | Kulp ; Luz.L.R.R. ; Luz.L.Reg.Rep. ; Luz.Leg.Reg.Rep. ; Luzerne Leg.Reg.R.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
LyIcZWamaEQ | CZpBWXnQjRetmMTYjL | - | |
Lycoming Reporter | - | Lycoming ; Lycoming R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Lyne's Leases for Lives | - | Lyne | Ireland |
M'Cleland & Younge's Exchequer Reports | M'Cle.& Yo. | M'Cl.& Y. ; M'Clel.& Y. ; McCl.& Y. ; McCle.& Yo. ; McClell.& Yo. | England & Wales |
M'Cleland's Exchequer Reports | M'Cle. | M'Cl. ; M'Clel. ; McCl. ; McClell. | England & Wales |
MFznTqyIIXJmCbbKLM | BxmBjHfqbiU | - | |
MRQYKYEAqybBZV | PTuNQhocMJ | - | |
Maanblad voor Belastingrecht | - | M.B. | Netherlands |
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law | MJ | Maastricht J. ; Masst J Eur & Comp L ; MJ(Antwerp) ; MJECL | Comparative Law |
MacArthur and Mackey's District of Columbia Reports | MacArth.& M. | D.C.(MacArth.& M.) ; MacAr.& M. ; MacAr.& Mackey ; MacArth.& M.(Dist.Col.) ; MacArthur & M. | United States, District of Columbia |
MacArthur's District of Columbia Patent Cases | - | MacA.Pat.Cas. ; MacAr. ; MacArth. ; MacArth.Pat.Cas. ; MacArthur ; MacArthur Pat.Cas. | United States, District of Columbia |
MacArthur's District of Columbia Reports | MacArth. | D.C.(MacArth.) ; MacAr. ; MacArthur | United States, District of Columbia |
MacCarthy's Irish Land Cases | MacCarthy | - | Ireland |
MacDevitt's Irish Land Cases | MacDev. | Macd. | Ireland |
MacGillivray's Copyright Cases | Mac.C.C. | M.C.C. ; MacG.C.C. ; MacG.Cop.Cas. | United Kingdom |
MacNaghten's Nizamut Adawalut Cases. Bengal | - | Macn. ; Macn.N.A.Beng. | India, West Bengal |
Macarthur Law Review | Mac LR | Mac.L.Rev. | Australia |
Macassey's Reports | - | Mac. ; Mac.N.Z. ; Macas. ; Macassey | New Zealand |
Macfarlane's Jury Trials | MacF. | M'F.R. ; MacFar. ; MacFarl. ; MacFarlane | Scotland |
Mackenzie's Pleadings in some Remarkable Cases | - | Mackenzie | Scotland |
Mackey's District of Columbia Reports | Mackey | D.C.(Mackey) | United States, District of Columbia |
Maclaurin's Remarkable Cases | Macl.Rem.Cas. | Macl. | Scotland |
Maclean & Robinson's Appeal Cases | Macl.& R. | M.& R. ; M.& Rob. ; Mac.& R. ; Mac.& Rob. ; Macl.& Rob. ; Maclean & R. ; Maclean & Rob. ; McL.& R. | England & Wales |
Macnaghten & Gordon's Chancery Reports | Mac.& G. | M.& G. ; M.& Gord. ; Macn.& G. | England & Wales |
Macpherson's Session Cases (3rd Series) | M. | M.(H.L.) ; Macph. | Scotland |
Macquarie Law Students' Journal | MLSJ | - | Australia |
Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases | Macq. | Macq.H.L.Cas. ; Macq.Sc.App.Cas. | Scotland |
Macrae & Hertslet's Insolvency Cases | Mac.& H. | Macr.& H. | England & Wales |
Macrory's Patent Cases | Macr. | Mac.P.C. ; Macr.P.Cas. ; Macr.Pat.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Maddock & Geldart's Chancery Reports | Madd.& G. | Geld.& M. ; Geldart ; M.& G. ; M.& Gel. ; Mad.& Gel. ; Madd.& Gel. | England & Wales |
Maddock's Chancery Reports | Madd. | Mad. ; Madd.Ch. | England & Wales |
Madhya Pradesh Law Journal | - | M.P.L.J. ; MPLJ | India, Madhya Pradesh |
Madras Criminal Cases | - | M.Cr.C. ; Mad.Crim.Cas. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras High Court Reports | - | M.H.C. ; M.H.C.R. ; Mad. ; Mad.H.C. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Jurist | - | M.J. ; Mad.Jur. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Law Journal | - | M.L.J. ; Mad LJ ; Mad.L.J. ; Mad.L.J.R. ; Madras L.J. ; Madras LJ ; MLJ | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Law Journal (Criminal) | - | Mad.L.J.(Crim.) ; MLJ (Cri) | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Law Reporter | - | Mad.L.Rep. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Law Times | - | M.L.T. ; Mad.L.T. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Weekly Notes | - | M.W.N. ; Mad.W.N. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Madras Weekly Notes Criminal Cases | - | M.W.N.C.C. ; Mad.W.N.C.C. | India, Tamil Nadu |
Magisterial Cases | - | Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
Magistrate | - | Mag. ; Magistrate | England & Wales |
Magistrate & Municipal & Parochial Lawyer | - | Mag. ; Mag.& M.& P.L. | England & Wales |
Magistrate and Constable | - | Mag.& Con. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Magistrates' Appeal Cases | - | M.A.C. | Malaysia, Penang |
Magistrates' Cases reprinted from Law Journal Reports | - | Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
Magistrates' Court Decisions | - | M.C.D. ; MCD | New Zealand |
Magistrates' Court Reports | - | M.C.R. ; MCR ; MCR (NZ) | New Zealand |
Magistrates' Courts Practice | - | M.C.P. | England & Wales |
Magruder's Maryland Reports | - | Mag. ; Mag.(Md.) ; Magruder | United States, Maryland |
Magyar Jog | - | MJ(Budapest) | Hungary |
Magyar Kozigazgatas | - | MK | Hungary |
Maharashtra Law Journal | - | Mah LJ ; Mah.L.J. ; Maharashtra L.J. | India, Maharashtra |
Maine Bar Journal | - | Maine Bar J. ; Me.B.J. | United States, Maine |
Maine Law Review | Me.L.Rev. | Maine L.Rev. ; Me.L. ; U.Maine.L.Rev. | United States, Maine |
Maine Legislative Service | Me.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Maine |
Maine Reports | Me. | Mai. ; Maine | United States, Maine |
Maine Revised Statutes Annotated | Me.Rev.Stat.Ann. | M.R.S.A. | United States, Maine |
Majmu'ah al-Jaza'iyah li-Qarat Mahkamat al Naqdal-Suriyah Khilala Thalathin 'Aman | - | Majmu'ah | Syria |
Majmuat ijtihadat li-Shahin Hatim' | - | Majmuat | Algeria |
Major Tax Planning | - | Major Tax.Plan. | United States |
Malabar Law Quarterly | - | Malabar L.Q. | India, Kerala |
Malawi Law Reports | - | MLR | Malawi |
Malay Union Law Reports | - | M.U.L.R. ; MULR | Malaysia |
Malaya Law Review | - | Mal LR ; Mal.L.R. ; Malaya L.R. ; Malaya L.Rev. | Malaysia |
Malayan Cases | - | M.C. ; Malayan Cas. ; MC | Malaysia |
Malayan Law Journal | - | M.L.J. ; Mal.L.J. ; Malayan L.J. ; Malayan LJ ; MLJ | Malaysia |
Malayan Law Journal Supplement | - | M.L.J.Supp. ; MLJ Supp | Malaysia |
Malayan Law Reports | - | M.L.R. ; MLR | Malaysia |
Malaysia and Singapore Tax Cases | - | MSTC | Malaysia |
Malaysian Journal of Law and Society | - | JUUM | Malaysia |
Malaysian Labour Law Reports | - | MLLR | Malaysia |
Malaysian Law News | - | MLN | Malaysia |
Malaysian Tax Cases | - | MTC | Malaysia |
Malaysian and Singapore Company Law Cases | - | MSCLC | Malaysia |
Malaysian and Singapore Company and Securities Law Reports | - | CSLR | Malaysia |
Management Accounting | - | M.A. | None |
Managerial Law | Man.L. ; Man.Law | United Kingdom | |
Managing Intellectual Property | - | M.I.P. | None |
Managing Partner | - | M.P. | None |
Managing for Success | - | M.F.S. | None |
Manchester Review of Law, Crime and Ethics | M.R.L.C.E. | ||
Manitoba & Saskatchewan Tax Reporter | - | Man.& Sask.Tax.R. | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | MBCA | - | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench [Neutral Citation] | MBQB | - | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Law Journal | - | M.L.J. ; Man.L.J. ; Manitoba L.J. ; R.D.Man. | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Law Reports | - | M.L.R. ; Man. ; Man.L.R. ; Manitoba ; Manitoba L.(Can.) | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | MBPC | - | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Reports | - | Man R ; Man.R. ; Manitoba ; Manitoba L.(Can.) | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Reports tempore Wood | - | Armour ; Man.R.t.Wood ; Man.R.temp.Wood ; Man.t.Wood ; Wood | Canada, Manitoba |
Manitoba Reports, Second Series | - | Man R(2d) ; Man.R.(2d) | Canada, Manitoba |
Manning & Granger's Common Pleas Reports | Man.& G. | M.& G. ; Mann.& G. | England & Wales |
Manning & Ryland's King's Bench Reports | Man.& Ry.K.B. | M.& R. ; Man.& R. ; Man.& Ry. ; Mann.& R. | England & Wales |
Manning & Ryland's Magistrates' Cases | Man.& Ry.M.C. | M.& R. ; M.& R.M.C. ; Man.& R. ; Man.& Ry. ; Man.& Ry.Mag.Cas. ; Mann.& R. | England & Wales |
Manning's Digest of Nisi Prius Reports | - | Mann. | England & Wales |
Manning's Revision Cases | Man. | Man.El.Cas. ; Mann. ; Mann.E.C. | England & Wales |
Manning's Unreported Louisiana Cases | - | Manning | United States, Louisiana |
Manson's Bankruptcy and Companies Winding-up Cases | Mans. | Man. ; Manson ; Manson Bankr.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Manx Law Bulletin | - | M.L.B. | Isle of Man |
Manx Law Reports | MLR | Manx L.R. | Isle of Man |
Maori Law Review | - | Maori LR ; MLR | New Zealand |
March's New Cases, King's Bench | March N.C. | Mar. ; Mar.N.C. ; Mar.N.R. ; March ; March N.R. | England & Wales |
Marine & Aviation Insurance Report | - | M.& A.Ins.Rep. | None |
Marine Insurance Report | - | Marine I.R. | None |
Marine Policy | - | Mar.Pol'y ; Marine Pol'y | United Kingdom |
Marine Policy Reports | - | Mar.Pol'y Rep. | United States |
Maritime Administration Reports | - | MA | United States |
Maritime Advocate | - | M.Advocate | None |
Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Journal | MLAANZ Journal | - | Australia and New Zealand |
Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Newsletter | MLAANZ Newsletter | M.L.A.A.N.Z. Newsletter | Australia and New Zealand |
Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Papers | MLAANZ Papers | - | Australia and New Zealand |
Maritime Lawyer | - | Mar.Law. | United States |
Maritime Policy and Management | - | Mar.Pol'y & Mgmt. ; Marit.Pol.Mgmt. | United Kingdom |
Maritime Provinces Reports | M.P.R. | Mar.Prov. | Canada |
Maritime Risk International | - | M.R.I. | United Kingdom |
Maritime Tax Reporter | - | M.T.R. | Canada |
Markenschutz und Wettbewerb | - | MuW | Germany |
Marketing and the Law: National Information Bulletin | - | Mkting & L | Australia, New South Wales |
Marknadsdomstolens Avgoranden | - | MA | Sweden |
Marquette Law Review | Marq.L.Rev. | Marqu.L.R. ; Marquette L.Rev. | United States |
Marquette Sports Law Journal | - | Marq.Sports L.J. | United States |
Marshall & Sevestre's Appeal Reports, Bengal | - | App.Cas.Beng. ; Marsh. ; Marsh.& Seves. ; Marsh.Beng. ; Marsh.Calc. ; Marshall | India, West Bengal |
Marshall Islands High Court [Neutral Citation] | MHHC | - | Marshall Islands |
Marshall Islands Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | MHSC | - | Marshall Islands |
Marshall Islands Traditional Rights Court [Neutral Citation] | MHTRC | - | Marshall Islands |
Marshall's Common Pleas Reports | - | Marsh. ; Marsh.C.P. | England & Wales |
Marshall's United States Circuit Court Decisions by Brockenbrough | - | Brock. ; Brock.C.C. ; Brock.Marsh. ; Marsh.Dec. | United States |
Martin & Yerger's Tennessee Reports | Mart.& Yer. | M.& Y. ; M.& Y.R. ; Mart.& Y. ; Mart.& Y.(Tenn.) ; Mart.& Yerg. | United States, Tennessee |
Martin's Decisions in Equity | - | Martin Dec. | United States, Arkansas |
Martin's Louisiana Reports | Martin | La.T.R. ; Mar. ; Mar.La. | None |
Martin's Louisiana Reports, New Series | Mart.(N.S.) | La.T.R.(N.S.) | United States, Louisiana |
Martin's Louisiana Reports, Old Series | Mart.(O.S.) | La.T.R. | United States, Louisiana |
Martin's Mining Cases | - | M.M.C. ; Mart.M.C. | Canada, British Columbia |
Martin's North Carolina Reports | Mart. | Mart.Dec. ; Mart.N.C. ; Martin ; N.C.(Mart.) | United States, North Carolina |
Martin's Tennessee Reports | - | Tenn.(Martin) | United States, Tennessee |
Marvel's Delaware Reports | Marv. | Del.(Marv.) ; Mar. ; Marv.(Del.) ; Marvel | United States, Delaware |
Marwar Law Reports | - | Marwar L.R. | India, Rajasthan |
Maryland Appeal Reports | Md.App. | - | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Bar Journal | - | Mar.B.J. ; Maryland Bar J. ; Md.B.J. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues | Md.J.Contemp.Legal Issues | - | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Journal of International Law | - | International | |
Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade | Maryland J.Int'l L.& Trade ; Md.J.Int'l L.& Trade | International | |
Maryland Law Encyclopedia | - | M.L.E. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Law Forum | - | Maryland L.Forum | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Law Journal and Real Estate Record | - | Mar.L.J. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Law Record | M.L.R. | Mar.L.Rec. ; Md.L.Rec. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Law Review | Md.L.Rev. | Mar.L.Rev. ; Mary.L.Rev. ; Maryland L.Rev. ; Md.L.R. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Register | Md.Reg. | - | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Reports | Md. | Maryland | United States, Maryland |
Maryland State Bar Association Reports | - | Md.S.B.A. | United States, Maryland |
Maryland Workmen's Compensation Cases | - | Md.W.C.C. | United States, Maryland |
Mason's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Mas. | United States |
Masons Computer Law Reports | Masons CLR | Masons C.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Massachusetts Advance Legislative Service | Mass.Adv.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Appeals Court Reports | Mass.App.Ct. | Ma.A. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Appellate Decisions | Mass.App.Dec. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Appellate Division Advance Sheets | Mass.App.Div.Adv.Sh. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Appellate Division Reports | Mass.App.Div. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Election Cases | Mass.Elec.Cas. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts General Laws Annotated | Mass.Gen.Laws.Ann. | M.G.L.A. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Industrial Accident Board Reports of Cases | Mass.I.A.B. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Law Quarterly | - | Mass.L.Q. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Law Reporter | - | Mass.L.R. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Law Review | Mass.L.Rev. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Legislative Service | Mass.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Register | Mass.Reg. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Reports | Mass. | Ma. ; Mas. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Reports Supplement | Mass.Supp. | - | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration Reports | - | Mass.St.B.C.& A. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Unemployment Compensation Commission Opinions | - | Mass.U.C.C.Op. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Workmen's Compensation Cases | - | Mass.W.C.C. | United States, Massachusetts |
Massimario Annotato della Cassazione (Giustizia Civile) | Giust.civ.mass. ; Mass.Giur.Civ. | Italy | |
Massimario Annotato della Cassazione Penale | - | Mass.Cass.Pen. | Italy |
Massimario Tributario | - | Mass.Trib. | Italy |
Massimario del Foro Amministrativo | - | Foro.Amm.mas. | Italy |
Massimario del Foro Italiano | - | Mass.foro.it. | Italy |
Massimario della Giurisprudenza Italiana | - | Giur.it.Mass. ; Mass.Giur.Ital. | Italy |
Massimario di giurisprudenza del lavoro | - | Giur.lav.mass. ; Mass.giur.lav. | Italy |
Massimario penale | - | Mass.pen. | Italy |
Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica | - | Mater.Stor.Cult.Giurid. | Italy |
Materialien zur Politischen Bildung | - | Mater.Pol.Bildung | Germany |
Matrimonial Property Act Cases | - | M.P.A.C. ; MPC | New Zealand |
Matrimonial Tax & Finance | - | M.T.& F. | United Kingdom |
Maule & Selwyn's King's Bench Reports | M.& S. | Mau.& Sel. ; Maul.& Sel. ; Maule & S. | England & Wales |
Mauritius Reports | - | M.R. ; Maur.Dec. ; Maur.R. | Mauritius |
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law | - | Max Planck Yrbk UN L | International |
Maxwell's Irish Land Purchase Cases | - | Max.L.P.C. ; Maxwell | Ireland |
Maynard's Reports | Mayn. | - | England & Wales |
Mazengarb's Industrial Law Bulletin | - | ILB ; Ind Law Bull | New Zealand |
McAllister's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Macal. ; Macall. ; McAll. | United States |
McCahon's Kansas Reports | McCahon | McCah. | United States, Kansas |
McCarter's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | McCar. ; McCart. ; McCarter ; N.J.Eq.(McCarter) | United States, New Jersey |
McCarty's Civil Procedure Reports | - | Civ.Pro.Rep. ; McCarty | United States, New York |
McCord's South Carolina Chancery Reports | McCord Eq. | McCord Ch. ; S.C.L.(McCord Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
McCord's South Carolina Law Reports | McCord. | S.C.L.(McCord) | United States, South Carolina |
McCrary's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | McCr. | United States |
McGeorge Law Review | - | McGeorge L.Rev. | United States |
McGill Health Law Publication | PDSM | Canada | |
McGill Journal of Law and Health | MJLH | RDSM | Canada |
McGill Law Journal | Mcgill L.J. or R.D.McGill | McGill L.J. ; R.D.McGill | Canada |
McGloin's Louisiana Court of Appeals Reports | McGl. | McGloin | United States, Louisiana |
McKenna Employment Benefits Bulletin | - | McK.E.B.B. | None |
McKenna Environmental Law Bulletin | - | McK.Env.L.B. | None |
McKenna European Review | - | McK.Euro.R. | European Union |
McKenna Law Letter | - | McK.Law Let. | None |
McKenna Pension Brief | - | McK.P.B. | None |
McKenna Pension Law Bulletin | - | McK.P.L.B. | None |
McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York | N.Y.Law (McKinney) | - | United States, New York |
McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated | N.Y.Law (McKinney) | - | United States, New York |
McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Macl. ; McL. | United States |
McMaster's Current Commercial Cases | - | McM.Com.Cas. ; McM.Com.Dec. | United States |
McMullen's South Carolina Equity Reports | McMul.Eq. | McMul.Eq.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(McMullan Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
McMullen's South Carolina Law Reports | McMul. | McMul.L.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(McMul.) | United States, South Carolina |
Mcgrath's Mandamus Cases, Michigan | - | McGrath | United States, Michigan |
Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht | - | Meded.v.d.Nederl.Veren.v.Int'l Recht | Netherlands |
Media Law Reporter | Media L.Rep. | - | United States |
Media Lawyer Newsletter | - | M.L.N. | None |
Media Perspktiven | - | Media Persp. | Germany |
Media Review | - | M.R. | None |
Media World | - | M.World | None |
Media and Arts Law Review | MALR | - | Australia |
Media and Communications Law Review | M.C.L.R. or R.d.Media & Comm. | M.C.L.R. ; R.D.Media & Comm. | Canada |
Medical Defence Union Journal | - | M.D.U.Jour. | None |
Medical Devices Reports | Med.Devices Rep. | - | United States |
Medical Journal of Australia | - | Med J of Aust | Australia |
Medical Law International | - | Med.L.Int'l ; Med.L.Int. | None |
Medical Law Monitor | - | Med.L.Mon. | United Kingdom |
Medical Law Reports | Med LR | Med.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Medical Law Review | Med.L.Rev. | - | United Kingdom |
Medical Litigation | - | Med.Lit. | United Kingdom |
Medical Litigation Cases | MLC | - | |
Medical Trial Technique Quarterly | - | Med.Trial Tech.Q. | United States |
Medicinal Research Reviews | - | Med Res Rev | None |
Medicine, Science & the Law | Med.Sci.Law | Med.Sci.& L. | United Kingdom |
Medico-Legal Journal | - | Med.Leg.J. | United Kingdom |
Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland | MLJI | M.L.J.I. | Ireland |
Meditationes Medii | - | MM | South Africa |
Medizinrecht | - | MedR | Germany |
Medunarodni Problemi | - | MP | Serbia |
Meeson & Welsby's Exchequer Reports | M.& W. | Mees.& W. ; Mees.& Wels. | England & Wales |
Megone's Reports of Cases under the Companies Acts 1888-1890 | Meg. | Megone | United Kingdom |
Meigs' Tennessee Reports | Meigs | Tenn.(Meigs) | United States, Tennessee |
Meiji Gakuin Daigaku Hogaku Kenkyu | - | Meiji Gakuin Daigaku | Japan |
Meiji Gakuin Ronso | - | Meiji Gakuin Ronso | Japan |
Meiji Gakuin Ronso Hogaku Kenkyu | - | Meiji Gakuin Ronso Hogaku Kemkyu | Japan |
Meiji Hogaku | - | Meiji Hogaku | Japan |
Meiji Hogaku Ronshu | - | Meiji Hogaku Ronshu | Japan |
Melanesian Law Journal | - | Mel.L.J. ; Melanesian L.J. ; Melanesian LJ | Pacific |
Melbourne Journal of International Law | MJIL | International | |
Melbourne University Law Review | MULR | M.U.L.R. ; Melb.U.L.Rev. ; Melb.Univ.L.R. ; Melb.Univ.L.Rev. ; Melbourne U.L.R. ; Melbourne U.L.Rev. | Australia |
Memorial adminstratif du Grand Duche de Luxembourg | - | Mem.admin. | Luxembourg |
Memorial legislatif et adminstratif du Grand Duche Luxembourg | - | Memorial | Luxembourg |
Memphis State University Law Review | - | Mem.St.U.L.Rev. ; Memphis St.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Mennesker & Rettigheter | - | M&R | Norway |
Mental Health and the Law | - | MHL | New Zealand |
Mental Health law Reports | MHLR | United Kingdom | |
Menzies Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | - | M. ; Menz ; Menz. ; Menzies | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Mercantile Law Reporter | - | M.L.R. | India |
Mercer Bulletin European Newsletter | - | M.Bulletin | None |
Mercer County Law Journal | - | Mercer Co.L.J. ; Mercer L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Mercer Direct European Communication Newsletter | - | - | |
Mercer European Community Newsletter | - | M. EC News. | European Union |
Mercer European News | - | M.Euro.News | European Union |
Mercer Law Review | Mercer L.Rev. | Mer. ; Mercer Law Rev. | United States, Georgia |
Mercer Prospect Eastern European Newsletter | - | M.Prospect | None |
Mercer Review | - | M.Review | None |
Mercer Transatlantic | - | M.Transatlantic | None |
Mercer Update | - | M.Update | None |
Mercury Reports (Australia) | - | Merc.(Newspr.) (Tas.) | Australia, Tasmania |
Meredith Memorial Lectures | - | Conf.Commem.Meredith ; Meredith Mem.Lect. | Canada |
Merivale's Chancery Reports | Mer. | Meriv. | England & Wales |
Merritt's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Merritt) | United States, Massachusetts |
Metcalf's Kentucky Reports | Met. | Ky.(Met.) ; Metc. ; Metc.Ky. | United States, Kentucky |
Metcalf's Massachusetts Reports | Met. | Mass.(Met.) ; Metc. ; Metc.Mass. | United States, Massachusetts |
Mezdunarodny Otnoseniya | - | Mezdunarod.Otnos. | Bulgaria |
Mezinarodni Vztahy | - | Mezin.Vztahy | Czech Republic |
Miami Law Quarterly | - | Miami L.Q. | United States, Florida |
Michigan Administrative Code | Mich.Admin.Code | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Appeals Reports | Mich.App. | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Bar Journal | - | Mich.B.J. ; Michigan Bar.J. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Business Law Journal | Mich.Bus.L.J. | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Circuit Court Reporter | - | Mich.C.C.R. ; Mich.Cr.Ct.Rep. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Compiled Laws | Mich.Comp.Laws | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated | Mich.Comp.Laws Ann. | M.C.L.A. ; Mich.Comp.L.Ann. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Court of Claims Reports | Mich.Ct.Cl. | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Industrial Accident Board, Workmen's Compensation Cases | - | Mich.W.C.C. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Journal of International Law | Mich.J.Int'l L. | Mich J Intl L | International |
Michigan Law Journal | - | Mich.L.J. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Law Review | Mich.L.Rev. | Mi.L. | United States |
Michigan Law and Practice Encyclopedia | - | M.L.P. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Lawyer | - | Mich.L. ; Mich.Lawyer | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Legal News | - | Mich.Leg.News | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Legislative Service | Mich.Legis.Serv | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Register | Mich.Reg. | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Reports | - | Mich. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Reports Advance Sheets | - | Mich.Adv. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan State Bar Journal | - | Mich.S.B.A.Jo. ; Mich.S.B.J. ; Mich.St.B.J. ; Michigan St.Bar J. | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Statutes Annotated | Mich.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Michigan |
Michigan Yearbook of International Legal Studies | - | Michigan Y.B.Int'l Leg.Stud. | International |
Mid-western State of Nigeria Law Reports | - | MSNLR | Nigeria, Midwestern State |
Middle East Commercial Law Review | MECLR | M.E.C.L.R. | None |
Middle East Executive Reports | - | M.E.Exec.Rep. ; Mid East Exec Rep | Asia, Middle East |
Middle East Journal | - | Middle E.J. | None |
Middle East Policy | - | Middle E.Pol'y | None |
Middle East Review | - | Middle E.Rev. | None |
Middle Eastern Studies | - | Middle E.Stud. | None |
Mietrechtliche Entscheidungen | - | Miet Sig | Austria |
Mifflin County Legal Journal | - | Mifflin Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Migrantenrecht | - | MR | Netherlands |
Migration Review Tribunal of Australia [Neutral Citation] | MRTA | - | Australia |
Miles' Pennsylvania Reports | - | Miles | United States, Pennsylvania |
Milieu en Recht | - | M en R | Netherlands |
Militairrechtelijk Tijdschrift | - | M.R.T. ; MRT | Netherlands |
Military Justice Reporter | M.J. | - | United States |
Military Law Journal | - | Military L.J. | United States |
Military Law Review | Mil.L.Rev. | Milit.L.R. ; Military L.Rev. | United States |
Miljolretlige Afgorelser oj Domme | - | MAD | Denmark |
Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Reports | Mill | Const. ; Const.S.C. ; Mill Const. ; Mill Const.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(Mill) | United States, South Carolina |
Milletlerarasi Hukuk ve Milletlerarasi Ozel Hukuk Bulteni | - | Milleterarasi Hukuk Bulteni | Turkey |
Milletlerarasi Munasebetler Turk Yilligi | - | Mill.Mun.Turk.Yill. ; Turkish Y.B.Int'l Rel. | International |
Millin's Petty Sessions Cases | - | Mill. ; Millin | Ireland |
Mills Workers Compensation New South Wales | - | WCN | Australia, New South Wales |
Mills' New York Surrogate Court Reports | Rev.Droit Univ.Sherbrooke | Mill. ; Mills ; Mills (N.Y.) ; Mills Surr.Ct. | United States, New York |
Milward's Irish Ecclesiastical Reports | Milw. | Ir.Eccl. ; Milw.Ir.Ecc.Rep. | Ireland |
Mines and Factories Journal | - | Mines & Fact.J. | India |
Mining Commissioner's Cases | - | Ferguson ; Godson ; Horan ; M.C.C. ; Price | Canada, Ontario |
Ministerial-Blatt der Handels- und Gewerbe- Verwaltung | - | HMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Ministerial-Blatt fur die gesamte innere Verwaltung in den Kgl. Preussischen Staaten | - | MBliV | Germany, Prussia |
Ministerialblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik | - | MBl DDR | Germany |
Ministerialblatt der Preussischen Verwaltung fur Landwirtschaft, Domanen und Forsten | - | LwMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers der Finanzen und des Bundesministerium fur Ernahrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten | - | MinBlELF | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers der Finanzen und des Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft | - | MinBlFin ; MinBlFin. | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers fur Verteidigung | - | VMBl | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers fur Wirtschaft | - | BWMBl | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers fur Wirtschaft und Finanzen | - | MinBlWF | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers fur Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Bereich Finanzen | - | MinBl.WF(F) | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers fur Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Bereich Wirtschaft | - | MinBlBMWF(W) | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Reichs- und Preussische Ministeriums der Innern | - | MBliV ; RMBliV | Germany |
Ministerialblatt des Reichswirtschaftsministeriums | - | RWMBl | Germany |
Ministerialblatt fur Wirtschaft | - | MBlWi | Germany |
Ministerialblatt fur Wirtschaft und Arbeit | - | MBlWiA | Germany, Prussia |
Minnesota Court Reporter | - | Minn.Ct.Rep. | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota General Laws | - | Minn.Gen.Laws | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Journal of Global Trade | Minn.J.Global Trade | - | United States |
Minnesota Law Journal | - | Minn.L.J. | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Law Review | Minn.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Minnesota Reports | Minn. | Min. | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Rules | Minn.R. | - | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Session Law Service | Minn.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota State Register | Minn.Reg. | - | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Statutes | Minn.Stat. | - | United States, Minnesota |
Minnesota Workmen's Compensation Decisions | - | Minn.W.C.D. | United States, Minnesota |
Minor's Alabama Reports | Minor | Ala. ; Min. ; Minor (Ala.) | United States, Alabama |
Minzhu yu Fazhi | - | Minzhu yu Fazhi | China |
Mirovaya Ekonomika I Mezhdunarodnye | - | MEMO | Russian Federation |
Mishpatim | - | Mishpatim | Israel |
Mississippi Code Annotated | Miss.Code Ann. | - | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi College Law Review | Miss.C.L.Rev. | Mississippi Coll.L.Rev. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Court Records | - | Miss.Ct.R. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Decisions | Miss.Dec. | - | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Law Journal | Miss.L.J. | M.L.J. ; Mississippi L.J. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Law Review | - | Miss.Law.Rev. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Lawyer | - | Miss.Lawyer ; Mississippi Law. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Official and Statistical Register | Miss.Reg. | - | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Reports | Miss. | Mis. | United States, Mississippi |
Mississippi Unreported Decisions | - | Miss.Unrep.Dec. | United States, Mississippi |
Missouri Appeals Reports | Mo.App. | Mo.App.Rep. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Appellate Reporter | - | Mo.A.R. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Bar | - | Mo.Bar. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Bar Journal | Boston U.Int'l L.J. | Missouri Bar J. ; Mo.Bar.J. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Code of State Regulations Annotated | Mo.Code Regs.Ann. | - | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Journal of Dispute Resolution | - | Missouri J.Dis.Res. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Law Review | Mo.L.Rev. | Missouri L.Rev. ; Mo.L. | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Legislative Service | Mo.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Register | Mo.Reg. | - | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Reports | Mo. | - | United States, Missouri |
Missouri Revised Statutes | Mo.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, Missouri |
Mister's Missouri Appeal Reports | Mister | - | United States, Missouri |
Mitchell's Maritime Register | Mar.Reg. | M.M.R. ; Mar.R. ; Mit.M.R. ; Mitch.M.R. | England & Wales |
Mitteilungen aus der Praxis, hrsg. v. Wurttemberg Notariatsverein | - | WurttNV | Germany |
Mitteilungen aus der Praxis. Zeitschrift fur der Notariat in Baden Wurttemberg | - | BWNotZ | Germany |
Mitteilungen der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer | - | MittBRAK | Germany |
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Rechtsvergleichung | - | Mitt.Ges.Rechtsvgl. | Germany |
Mitteilungen der Kommunalen Gemeinschafsstelle fur Verwaltungsvereinfachung | - | MittKGSt | Germany |
Mitteilungen der Reichsversicherungsansalt fur Angestellte | - | MittRfA | Germany |
Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Notar-Kammer | - | MittRhNotK | Germany |
Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwalte | - | MittDPatAnw | Germany |
Mitteilungen des Bayerischen Notarvereins | - | BayNotV ; MittBayNot | Germany |
Mitteilungen des Hochschulverbandes | - | MittHV | Germany |
Mitteilungen des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Instituts der Gewerkschaften | - | MittWWI | Germany |
Mitteilungen. Rheinische Notar-Kammer | - | MittRhNotK | Germany |
Mitteilungsblatt | - | Mtbl. | Germany |
Mitteilungsblatt der Steuerberater | - | MStb | Germany |
Mitteilungsblatt des Reichskommissars fur die Preisbildung | - | MtblRfP | Germany |
Mjesecnik; glasilo Pravnickoga Drustva | - | Mjesecnik | Croatia |
Model Arbitration Law Quarterly Reports | - | M.A.L.Q.R. | None |
Modern Asian Studies | - | Mod.Asian Stud. | Asia |
Modern Business Law | - | Mod.Bus.L. | South Africa |
Modern Cases | Mod.Cas. | - | England & Wales |
Modern China | - | Mod.China | China |
Modern Law Reports | - | Mod.L.R. | Sri Lanka |
Modern Law Review | MLR | M.L.R. ; Mod.L.R. ; Mod.L.Rev. ; Modern L.R. ; Modern L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Modern Law and Society | - | Mod.L.& Soc'y | Germany |
Modern Reports | Mod. | Mo. ; Mod.Rep. | England & Wales |
Modern Reports, King's Bench tempore Holt | Farresley | Benne ; Far. ; Farr. ; Mod.Ca.per.Far. ; Mod.Ca.t.Holt ; Mod.Cas. ; Mod.Cas.per.Far. ; Mod.Cas.t.Holt | England & Wales |
Modern Uses of Logic in Law | - | MULL | United States |
Molloy's Chancery Reports | Mol. | Moll. | Ireland |
Monaghan's Unreported Cases (Pennsylvania) | Monag. | Mon. ; Mona. ; Monaghan ; Monaghan(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Monash University Law Review | Mon LR | Mon UL Rev ; Mon ULR ; Mon.L.R. ; Monash L.R. ; Monash U.L.R. ; Monash U.L.Rev. | Australia |
Monatshefte fur Osteuropaisches Recht | - | WGO | Germany |
Monatsschrift fur Deutsches Recht | - | DRsp ; MDR | Germany |
Monatsschrift fur Kriminalbiologie und Strafrechtsreform | - | MschrKrimBiol | Germany |
Monatsschrift fur Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform | - | MschrKrimPsych | Germany |
Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform | - | MschrKrim | Germany |
Monde Arabe Maghreb-Machrek | - | Monde Arabe Maghreb | Arab |
Money & Family Law | - | Money & Fam.L. | Canada |
Money Advice | - | M.Advice | None |
Money Laundering Bulletin | - | Money L.B. | None |
Money Management | - | M.Man. | None |
Money Marketing | - | M.M. | None |
Money Week | - | M.W. | United Kingdom |
Moniteur Belge | - | Mon. ; Monit. ; Monit.Belge | Belgium |
Monitor Polski | - | M.P. | Poland |
Monroe Legal Reporter | - | Mon.Leg.R.(Pa.) ; Monroe L.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Montagu & Ayrton's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont.& A. | M.& A. ; M.& Ayr. ; Mont.& Ayr. ; Mont.& Ayr.Bankr. | England & Wales |
Montagu & Bligh's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont.& B. | M.& B. ; Mont.& B.Bankr. | England & Wales |
Montagu & Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont.& Ch. | M.& C. ; M.& Chit.Bankr. ; Mont.& C. ; Mont.& C.Bankr. ; Mont.& Chitt. | England & Wales |
Montagu & MacArthur's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont.& M. | M.& M'A. ; M.& M. ; M.& Mc'A. ; Mont.& M.Bankr. ; Mont.& MacA. | England & Wales |
Montagu's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont. | Mont.B.C. ; Mont.Bank.Rep. ; Mont.Bankr. | England & Wales |
Montagu's Partnership Cases | - | Montagu | England & Wales |
Montagu, Deacon & De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports | Mont.D.& De G. | M.D.& D. ; M.D.& De G. | England & Wales |
Montana Administrative Register | Mont.Admin.Reg. | - | United States, Montana |
Montana Code Annotated | Mont.Code Ann. | - | United States, Montana |
Montana Law Review | Mont.L.Rev. | Montana L.Rev. | United States, Montana |
Montana Legal News | - | Mont.Leg.News | United States, Montana |
Montana Reports | - | Mont. | United States, Montana |
Montgomery County Law Reporter | - | Mont.Co.L.Rep. ; Montg. ; Montg.Co.L.R. ; Montgomery Co.L.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Monthly Journal of Law | - | Month.J.L. | United States |
Monthly Labor Review | - | Monthly Lab.Rev. | United States |
Monthly Law Bulletin | - | Month.L.Bull. ; Month.Law Bull. | United States, New York |
Monthly Law Digest | - | MLD | Pakistan |
Monthly Law Digest & Reporter | - | M.L.Dig.& R. | Canada, Quebec |
Monthly Law Review | - | Month.L.Rev. | United States, Michigan |
Monthly Legal Examiner | - | Month.Leg.Ex. ; Month.Leg.Exam. ; Month.Leg.Exam.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Monthly Report Deutsche Bundesbank | - | M.R.D.B. | Germany |
Montreal Condensed Reports | - | M.C.R. ; Mont.Cond.Rep. | Canada, Quebec |
Montreal Law Reports | - | M.L.R. ; Mont.L.R. | Canada, Quebec |
Montreal Law Reports, Queen's Bench | - | M.L.R.(Q.B.) ; M.L.R.,C.B.R. ; M.L.R.,Q.B. ; Mont.L.R.Q.B. ; Montr.Q.B. ; Montreal L.Q.B.(Can.) ; Montreal L.R.Q.B. | Canada, Quebec |
Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court | - | M.L.R.(S.C.) ; M.L.R.,C.S. ; M.L.R.,S.C. ; Mont.L.R.S.C. ; Mont.Super. ; Montr.Super. ; Montreal L.R.S.C. ; Montreal L.S.C.(Can.) ; S.C. | Canada, Quebec |
Montriou's Cases of Hindu Law, Bengal | - | Mont. ; Mont.Cas. ; Montr. | India, West Bengal |
Montriou's Reports, Supreme Court, Bengal | - | Mont. ; Mont.Rep. ; Montr. ; Montriou | India, West Bengal |
Moody & Malkin's Nisi Prius Reports | Mood.& M. | M.& M. ; Moo.& M. ; Moo.& Mal. ; Mood.& Malk. ; Moody.& M. | England & Wales |
Moody & Robinson's Nisi Prius Reports | Mood.& R. | M.& R. ; M.& Rob. ; Mo.& R. ; Moo.& R. ; Moo.& Rob. ; Mood.& Rob. ; Moody.& R. | England & Wales |
Moody's Crown Cases Reserved | Mood.C.C. | M.C.C. ; Moo. ; Moo.C.C. ; Moo.Cr.C. ; Moody ; Moody C.C. ; Moody Cr.C. ; R.M.C.C. ; R.M.C.C.R. ; Ry.& M.C.C. ; Ry.M.C.C. | England & Wales |
Moore & Payne's Common Pleas Reports | Moo.& P. | M.& P. ; Mo.& P. ; Moo.& Pay. ; Moore & P. | England & Wales |
Moore & Scott's Common Pleas Reports | Moo.& S. | M.& S. ; M.& Sc. ; M.& Scott ; Mo.& S. ; Mo.& Sc. ; Moo.& Sc. ; Moore & S. | England & Wales |
Moore's Common Pleas Reports | Moore C.P. | B.M. ; B.Moore ; J.B.Moore ; Mo. ; Mo.J.B. ; Moo. ; Moo.C.P. ; Moo.J.B. ; Moore | England & Wales |
Moore's Indian Appeal Cases | Moore Ind.App. | MIA ; Mo. ; Mo.I.A. ; Moo.Ind.App. | India |
Moore's King's Bench Cases | Moore K.B. | Arg.Mo. ; Mo. ; Mo.(F.) ; Moo. ; Moo.F. ; Moo.K.B. ; Moore ; Moore Q.B. | England & Wales |
Moore's Privy Council Cases | Moore P.C. | M.P.C. ; Mo. ; Mo.P.C. ; Moo.P.C. ; Moo.P.C.C. ; Moore ; Moore P.C.C. | England & Wales |
Moore's Privy Council Cases, New Series | Moore P.C.C.N.S. | Moo.P.C.(N.S.) ; Moo.P.C.C.N.S. ; Moo.P.C.N.S. ; Moo.P.Cas.N.S. ; Moore P.C.N.S. | England & Wales |
Morehead and Brown's Digest of Statute Laws (Kentucky) | - | Ky.St.Law | United States, Kentucky |
Morgan & Williams, Law Journal | - | L.J.M.& W. ; Law Jour.(M.& W.) ; Morg.& W.L.J. | England & Wales |
Morgan's Legal Miscellany | - | Morgan ; Morgan L.M. | Sri Lanka |
Morison's Company Law Reports | - | MCLR | New Zealand |
Morison's Dictionary of Decisions | Mor. | M. ; M.Dict. ; Mor.Dic. ; Mor.Dict. | Scotland |
Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, Supplement | - | Mor.Supp. | Scotland |
Morison's Synopsis, Session Cases | Mor.Syn. | - | Scotland |
Morrell's Bankruptcy Cases | Morr. | M.B. ; Morr.B.C. ; Morr.Bankr. ; Morr.Bankr.Cas. ; Morrell.B.C. | United Kingdom |
Morris & Harrison's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bombay | - | Morris & Har. ; Morris & Harrison | India, Maharashtra |
Morris' Iowa Reports | Morris | Mor.Ia. ; Morr. | United States, Iowa |
Morris' Mississippi Reports | - | Mor.Miss. ; Morr.Miss. ; Morris | United States, Mississippi |
Morris' Mississippi State Cases | - | Miss.St.Ca. ; Miss.St.Cas. ; Mor.St.Cas. ; Morr.St.Cas. | United States, Mississippi |
Morris' Reports | - | Morr. ; Morr.(Jam.) ; Morris ; Morris R. | Jamaica |
Morris' Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bombay | - | Morr. ; Morr.Bomb. ; Morris ; Sel.Dec.Bomb. | India, Maharashtra |
Morrison's Mining Reports | - | Mor.Min.Rep. ; Morr.M.R. ; Morr.Min.R. | United States |
Mortgage Finance Gazette | - | M.F.G. | United Kingdom |
Mortgage Monthly | - | Mortgage M. | United Kingdom |
Morton's Supreme Court Reports, Bengal | - | Morton | India, West Bengal |
Moskowskij Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo Prava | - | MJIL ; MZMP | International |
Mosley's Chancery Reports | Mos. | Cas.t.K. ; Cas.t.King ; Mosely | England & Wales |
Motor Accidents Cases | - | MAC | Australia |
Motor Insurance Market | - | M.I.M. | United Kingdom |
Motor Traffic Law | - | MTV | Australia, Victoria |
Motor Vehicle Reports (Australia) | MVR | - | Australia |
Motor Vehicle Reports (Canada) | - | M.V.R. | Canada |
Motor Vehicle Reports, Fourth Series (Canada) | - | M.V.R.(4th) | Canada |
Motor Vehicle Reports, Second Series (Canada) | - | M.V.R.(2d) | Canada |
Motor Vehicle Reports, Third Series (Canada) | - | M.V.R.(3d) | Canada |
Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies | - | M.J.L.S. | United Kingdom |
Mumford's Reports | - | Mum.Jam. ; Mumf. | Jamaica |
Mundy's Abstracts of Star Chamber Proceedings | Mundy | - | England & Wales |
Munford's Virginia Reports | Munf. | Mun. ; Munf.(Va.) ; Va.(Munf.) | United States, Virginia |
Municipal Association Reports, New South Wales | MAR | M.A.R. | Australia, New South Wales |
Municipal Corporation Cases | - | Mun.Corp.Ca. ; Mun.Corp.Cas. | United States |
Municipal Journal | - | M.J. | United Kingdom |
Municipal Law Reporter | - | Mun. ; Mun.L.R. ; Munic.L.R.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Municipal and Planning Law Reports | - | M.P.L.R. | Canada |
Municipal and Planning Law Reports, Second Series | - | M.P.L.R.(2d) | Canada |
Municipal and Planning Law Reports, Third Series | - | M.P.L.R.(3d) | Canada |
Municipalities and Corporations Cases | - | M.C.C. | India |
Munitions of War Acts, Appeals from Tribunals | Mun.App. | A.M.T. ; M.A. ; Mun.App.Rep. ; Mun.Apps. | England & Wales |
Munitions of War Acts, Scottish Appeal Reports | - | Mun.App.Sc. ; Mun.Apps.(Sc.) | Scotland |
Murphey's North Carolina Reports | Mur. | Murph. ; Murph.(N.C.) ; N.C.(Mur.) | United States, North Carolina |
Murphy & Hurlestone's Exchequer Reports | Murph.& H. | M.& H. ; Mur.& H. ; Mur.& Hurl. ; Murp.& H. | England & Wales |
Murray's Ceylon Reports | - | Mur. | Sri Lanka |
Murray's Jury Court Cases | Mur. | Murr. | Scotland |
Museum Helveticum | - | Museum Helveticum | Switzerland |
Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law Courts | - | Hameed | Sri Lanka |
Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law Reports | - | Markhani | Sri Lanka |
Muslim World | - | Muslim World | None |
Muthukrishna's Decisions on Hindu Law | - | Muthukrishna | Sri Lanka |
Muthukrishna's Thesaweleme | - | Muthukrishna | Sri Lanka |
Myer's Federal Decisions | - | Myer Fed.Dec. | United States |
Mylne & Craig's Chancery Reports | My.& Cr. | M.& C. ; My.& C. ; Myl.& C. ; Myl.& Cr. | England & Wales |
Mylne & Keen's Chancery Reports | My.& K. | M.& K. ; Myl.& K. ; Mylne & K. | England & Wales |
Myrick's California Probate Reports | - | Myr. ; Myr.Prob. ; Myrick ; Myrick (Cal.) ; Myrick Prob.(Cal.) | United States, California |
Mysore Chief Court Reports | - | My.C.C.R. ; Mys.Ch.Ct. | India, Karnataka |
Mysore High Court Reports | - | My.H.C.R. ; Mys.H.C.R. | India, Karnataka |
Mysore Law Journal | - | My.L.J. ; Mys.L.J. | India, Karnataka |
Mysore Law Reports | - | My.L.R. ; Mys.L.R. | India, Karnataka |
Mysore Reports | - | My.R. | India, Karnataka |
N.Chipman's Vermont Reports | N.Chip. | Chip.N. ; N.Chip.(Vt.) ; N.Chipm. | United States, Vermont |
NAFTA: Law & Business Review of the Americas | - | NAFTA Rev. | International |
NOtAnguvxULTNL | GInVebKASp | - | |
Naamloze Vennootschap | - | N.V. | Netherlands |
Nabarro Nathanson EC News | - | N.N. EC News | European Union |
Nabarro Nathanson Resource | - | N.N.R. | None |
Nabarro Nathanson The Pension Dimension | - | N.N.P.D. | None |
Nachschlagewerk der Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs | - | BFH-N | Germany |
Nachschlagewerk der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts | - | NBVerfG | Germany |
Nachschlagewerk des Bundesarbeitsgerichts. Arbeitsrechtliche Praxis | - | AP | Germany |
Nachschlagewerk des Bundesgerichtshofs, hrsg. v. Lindenmaier, Mohring u.a. | Peake N.P. | LM | Germany |
Nachtrichtendienst des Deutschen Vereins fur offentliche und private Fursorge | - | NDV | Germany |
Nagoya Daigaku Hosei Ronshu | - | Nagoya | Japan |
Nagpur Law Journal | - | N.L.J. ; Nag.L.J. ; Nagpur L.J. | India, Maharashtra |
Nagpur Law Notes | - | Nagpur L.N. | India, Maharashtra |
Nagpur Law Reports | - | N.L.R. ; Nag. ; Nag.L.R. | India, Maharashtra |
Namibian Law Reports | A Bus L | NLR ; NR | Namibia |
Narain's, Reports of Indian Election Petitions | - | Narain | India |
Nasa Zakonitost | - | NZ | Croatia |
Nashriya al Ta 'Kib Mahkamat | - | Nashriya | Tunisia |
Nassau Lawyer | - | Nassau Law. | United States |
Natal Law Reports | N.L.R. | Nat.L.R. ; Natal L.R. | South Africa, Natal |
Natal Law Reports, New Series | N.L.R. | NLR | South Africa, Natal |
Natal Law Reports, Old Series | N.L.R.(Old Series) | N.L.R.(O.S.) | South Africa, Natal |
Natal Native High Court Reports | N.H.C. | - | South Africa |
Natal Provincial Division Reports | N.P.D. | NPD ; S.A.Law Reports,N.P.D. | South Africa, Natal |
Natal University Law Review | - | Natal U.L.Rev. ; NULR | South Africa |
Natal University Law and Society Review | - | Natal U.L.& Soc'y Rev. ; NUL&SR | South Africa |
National Academy of Arbitrators Proceedings of the Annual Meeting | - | Nat'l Acad.Arb.Proc.Ann.Meeting | United States |
National Banking Law Review | - | Nat.Banking L.Rev. | Canada |
National Bankruptcy Register Reports | - | N.B.R. ; Nat.B.R. ; Nat.Bankr.R. | United States |
National Black Law Journal | Nat'l Black L.J. | - | United States |
National Civic Review | - | Nat'l Civic Rev. | United States |
National Companies and Securities Commission Manual | NCSC Manual | - | Australia |
National Creditor/Debtor Review | - | Nat.Creditor/Debtor Rev. | Canada |
National Economic and Legislative Reports | - | A.N.R. | Australia |
National Industrial Court Law Reports | - | NICLR | Nigeria |
National Insolvency Review | - | Nat.Insolvency Rev. | Canada |
National Institute Economic Review | - | N.I.E.R. | United Kingdom |
National Journal of Constitutional Law | NJCL | N.J.C.L. ; Nat'l J.Const.L. ; R.N.Droit Const. | Canada |
National Judicial Institute Bulletin | - | Bull.I.N.M. ; Nat.Jud.Inst.Bull. | Canada |
National Labor Relations Board Decisions and Orders | N.L.R.B. | N.L.R.B.Dec. | United States |
National Law Reporter | - | Nat.L.Rep. | United States |
National Law Reporter (Pakistan) | - | N.L.R. ; NLR | Pakistan |
National Law Review | NLR | - | Australia |
National Lawyers' Guild Quarterly | - | Nat'l Law Guild Q. | United States |
National Mediation Board Determinations | N.M.B. | - | United States |
National Municipal Review | - | Nat'l Mun.Rev. | United States |
National Native Title Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NNTTA | - | Australia |
National Probation and Parole Association Journal | - | Nat'l Probation & Parole A.J. | United States |
National Property Review | - | Nat.Prop.Rev. | Canada |
National Public Employment Reporter | Nat'l Pub.Empl.Rep. | - | United States |
National Railroad Adjustment Board Reports | N.R.A.B. | - | United States |
National Real Property Law Review | - | Nat.Real Property L.Rev. | Canada |
National Reporter | - | N.R. | Canada |
National Reporter on Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility | Nat'l Rep.Legal Ethics | - | United States |
National Security Law Journal | - | United States | |
National Taiwan University Law Journal | - | Nat'l Taiwan U.L.J. | China, Taiwan |
National Tax Association Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation | - | Nat'l Tax Ass'n Proc.Ann.Conf. | United States |
National Tax Journal | - | Nat'l Tax J. | United States |
National Transportation Agency of Canada Reports | - | N.T.A.R. ; R.O.N.T. | Canada |
National Transportation Safety Board Decisions | N.T.S.B. | - | United States |
National Westminster Bank International Trade Bulletin | - | Natwest I.T.B. | None |
National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review | - | N.W.B.Q.R. | None |
Native Appeal Court Reports | - | N.A.C.R.(S.R.) | Zimbabwe |
Native Appeal Court Reports, Transkei | N.A.C. | - | South Africa |
Native Title News | NTN | - | Australia |
Natur und Recht | - | NuR | Germany |
Natural Gas Lawyer's Journal | - | Nat.Gas Law.J. | United States |
Natural Law Forum | - | Nat.L.Forum | United States |
Natural Resources Forum | - | Nat.Res.F. | None |
Natural Resources Journal | Nat.Resources J. | N.Res.J. ; Nat.R.J. ; Nat.Res.J. | United States |
Natural Resources Lawyer | - | Nat.Resources Law. | United States |
Natural Resources and Environment | - | Nat.Resources & Env't ; Nat.Resources & Environ. | United States |
Nature and Resources | - | Nat.& Resources | International |
Nauru Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NRSC | - | Nauru |
Navajo Nation Code | Nation Code | - | United States, Navajo Nation |
Navajo Reporter | Navajo Rptr. | - | United States, Navajo Nation |
Naval Law Review | - | Naval L.Rev. | United States |
Naval War College Review | - | Naval War Coll.Rev. | United States |
Near Eastern Studies | - | Near East.Stud. | United States |
Nebraska Administrative Rules and Regulations | - | Neb.Admin.R.& Regs. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Court of Appeals Reports | Neb.Ct.App. | Neb.App.R. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Law Bulletin | - | N.B.L.B. ; Neb.L.B. ; Nebr.L.B. ; Nebraska L.Bull. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Law Review | Neb.L.Rev. | Neb.L.R. ; Nebr.L.Rev. ; Nebraska L.Rev. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Legal News | - | Neb.Leg.N. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Railway Commission Reports | - | Neb.R.C. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Reports | Neb. | - | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska State Bar Journal | - | Neb.S.B.J. ; Neb.St.B.J. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Supreme Court Journal | - | Neb.Sup.Ct.J. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Unofficial Reports | - | Neb.(Unof.) ; Neb.R. ; Neb.Unoff. | United States, Nebraska |
Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court Bulletin | - | Neb.W.C.C. | United States, Nebraska |
Nederlands Juristenblad | - | N.J.B. ; NJB | Netherlands |
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht | - | NTB | Netherlands |
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht | - | NTBR | Netherlands |
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor International Recht | - | Nederlands Tijdschrift Int'l Recht | International |
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie | - | NTRR ; R & R | Netherlands |
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten | - | NJCM-Bull. | Netherlands |
Nederlandse Gemeente | - | N.G. | Netherlands |
Nederlandse Jurisprudentie | - | N.J. ; NedJur ; NJ | Netherlands |
Nederlandse Staatscourant | - | Stc. ; Stcrt. ; Stct. | Netherlands |
Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated | - | Negl.& Comp.Cas.Ann. | United States |
Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated, Fourth Series | - | Negl.& Comp.Cas.Ann.4th | United States |
Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated, New Series | - | Negl.& Comp.Cas.Ann.(N.S.) | United States |
Negligence & Compensation Cases Annotated, Third Series | - | Negl.& Comp.Cas.Ann.3d | United States |
Negligence Cases | - | Neg.C. ; Neg.Cas. ; Negl.Cas. | United States |
Negligence Cases, Second Series | - | Negl.Cas.2d | United States |
Neil's Decisions of the Supreme Court | - | Neil | Sri Lanka |
Nejvyssi Soud Rozhodnuti & Nejvyssiho Soudu Ceskoslovenske Republiky ve Vecech Obcanskych | - | NSR | Czechoslovakia |
Nell's Decisions of the Supreme Court | - | Nell | Sri Lanka |
Nelson's Chancery Reports | Nels. | Nel. ; Nels.8vo ; Nelson ; Nelson's Rep. | England & Wales |
Netherlands International Law Review | NILR | N.I.L. Rev. ; Neth Intl l Rev ; Neth.Intl.L.Rev. ; Nether.Int'l L.Rev. ; Netherlands Int'l L.Rev. | International |
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights | - | N.Q.H.R. ; NQHR | International |
Netherlands Reinsurance Group Quarterly | - | N.R.G.Q. | None |
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law | NYIL | Neth.Yrbk.Intl.L. ; Netherl.Yb.Int'l L. ; Netherlands Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
Neue Betriebswirtschaft | - | NB | Germany |
Neue Deutsche Beamtenzeitung | - | NDBZ | Germany |
Neue Entscheidungssammlung fur Strafrecht | - | NStE | Germany |
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift | NJW | - | Germany |
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift-Computerreport | Am.S.R. | NJW-CoR | Germany |
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift-Rechtsprechungs Report:Zivilrecht | - | NJW-RR | Germany |
Neue Justiz | - | NJ | Germany |
Neue Politische Literatur | - | NPL | Germany |
Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe fur Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht | - | NWB | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Sozialrecht | - | N Ar Z ; NZA | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Socialrecht | - | NZS | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Strafrecht | - | N St Z ; NStZ | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Verkehrsrecht | - | NZV | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Verwaltungsrecht | - | N Vw Z ; NVwZ | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Verwaltungsrecht, Rechtsprechungs-Report | - | NVwZ-RR | Germany |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Wehrrecht | - | NZWehrr | Germany |
Nevada Administrative Code | Nev.Admin.Code | - | United States, Nevada |
Nevada Reports | Nev. | - | United States, Nevada |
Nevada Revised Statutes | Nev.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, Nevada |
Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated | Nev.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Nevada |
Nevada State Bar Journal | - | Nev.S.B.J. ; Nev.St.Bar.J. | United States, Nevada |
Nevile & Manning's King's Bench Reports | Nev.& M.K.B. | N.& M. ; Nev.& M. ; Nev.& Man. | England & Wales |
Nevile & Manning's Magistrates' Cases | Nev.& M.M.C. | N.& M.M.C. ; N.& M.Mag. ; Nev.& Man.Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
Nevile & Perry's King's Bench Reports | Nev.& P.K.B. | N.& P. ; Nev.& P. | England & Wales |
Nevile & Perry's Magistrates' Cases | Nev.& P.M.C. | N.& P.M.C. ; N.& P.Mag. ; Nev.& P. ; Nev.& P.Mag.Cas. | England & Wales |
New Brunswick Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NBCA | - | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench [Neutral Citation] | NBQB | - | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Equity Reports | - | N.B.Eq. ; N.B.Eq.Ca. ; N.B.Eq.R. ; N.B.Eq.Rep. ; N.B.R.Tru. ; New B.Eq.Ca. ; New B.Eq.Cas.(Can.) ; New B.Eq.Rep. ; New Br.Eq.(Can.) ; Tru. ; True. ; Truem.Eq.Cas. ; Truemans Eq.Cas. | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Labour Law Cases | - | N.B.L.L.C. | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | NBPC | - | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Reports | - | N.B. ; N.B.R. ; N.B.Rep. ; N.Bruns. ; NBR ; New Br. ; New Br.R. | Canada, New Brunswick |
New Brunswick Reports, 2nd Series | - | N.B.2d. ; N.B.R.(2d) ; N.B.R.2d. ; R.N.-B.(2e) | Canada, New Brunswick |
New England Journal of Medicine | New Eng.J.Med. | - | United States |
New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement | New Eng.J.on Crim.& Civ.Confinement | - | United States |
New England Journal on Prison Law | - | New Eng.J.Prison.L. | United States |
New England Law Review | New Eng.L.Rev. | New Engl.L.Rev. | United States |
New Europe Law Review | - | New Eur.L.Rev. | None |
New Gazette | - | New Gazette ; T.N.G. | China, Hong Kong |
New Hampshire Bar Journal | - | N.H.B.J. ; N.H.J. ; New Hamp.B.J. ; New Hampshire Bar.J. | United States, New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules Annotated | N.H.Code Admin.R.Ann. | - | United States, New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Law Reporter | - | N.H.L.Rep. ; N.H.Law.R. | United States, New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Reports | N.H. | N.H.R. | United States, New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated | N.H.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Rulemaking Register | N.H.Rulemaking Reg. | - | United States, New Hampshire |
New Human Rights Journal | - | New Hum.Rts.J. | France |
New Hungarian Quarterly | - | New Hungarian Q. | Hungary |
New Irish Jurist | - | N.I.J. | Ireland |
New Irish Jurist Reports | N.I.J. | N.I.J.R. ; New Ir.Jur. | Ireland |
New Jersey Administrative Code | N.J.Admin.Code | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Administrative Reports | N.J.Admin. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Administrative Reports, Second Series | N.J.Admin.2d | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Advance Reports and Weekly Review | - | Adv.Rep.N.J. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Equity Reports | N.J.Eq. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Law Journal | - | N.J.L.J. ; N.J.Law J. ; New Jersey L.J. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Law News | - | N.J.Law N. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Law Reports | N.J.L. | N.J.Law | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Law Review | - | N.J.L.Rev. ; New Jersey L.Rev. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Lawyer | - | N.J.Law. ; N.J.Lawy. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Legal Record | - | N.J.Leg.Rec. ; New Jersey Leg.Rec. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Miscellaneous Reports | N.J.Misc. | N.J.M. ; NJM | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Realty Title News | - | N.J.Re.Tit.N. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Register | N.J.Reg. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Reports | N.J. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Revised Statutes | N.J.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Session Law Service | N.J.Sess.Law Serv. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey State Bar Association Quarterly | - | N.J.S.B.A.Q. ; New Jersey S.B.A.Qu. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey State Bar Journal | - | N.J.S.B.J. ; N.J.St.B.J. ; New Jersey St.Bar J. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey State Board of Tax Appeals, Opinions | - | N.J.S.B.T.A.Ops. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Statutes Annotated | N.J.Stat.Ann. | N.J.S.A. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Superior Court Reports | N.J.Super. | N.J.S. | United States, New Jersey |
New Jersey Tax Court Reports | N.J.Tax. | - | United States, New Jersey |
New Journal of European Criminal Law | NJECL | - | None |
New Law Journal | NLJ | N.L.J. ; New L.J. | England & Wales |
New Law Journal Reports | NLJR | United Kingdom | |
New Law Online | NLC | - | England & Wales |
New Law Reports | N.L.R. | Ceylon N.L.R. ; New L.Rep. | Sri Lanka |
New Mexico Administrative Code | N.M.Admin.Code | - | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Advance Legislative Service | N.M.Adv.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Law Review | N.M.L.Rev. | N.M.L. ; N.M.L.R. ; N.Mex.L.Rev. ; New Mexico L.Rev. | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Quarterly | - | New Mex.Q. | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Register | N.M.Reg. | - | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Reports | N.M. | - | United States, New Mexico |
New Mexico Statutes Annotated | N.M.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, New Mexico |
New Practice Cases | New Pract.Cas. | N.P.C. ; New Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
New Property Cases | - | N.P.C. | England & Wales |
New Reports | New Rep. | N.R. | England & Wales |
New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal Appeal Panel [Neutral Citation] | NSWADTAP | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NSWADT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Bankruptcy, Company and Probate Cases | - | B.C.(N.S.W.) ; BC ; BC (NSW) ; N.S.W.B. ; N.S.W.Bktcy.Cas. ; N.S.W.Bky.& C. ; NSW Bkptcy Cas ; NSWB | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Building Licensing Reports | - | NSW BLR ; NSWBLR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Chief Industrial Magistrates Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWCIMC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Compensation Court Reports | NSWCCR | CCR ; NSW CCR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Compensation Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWCC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NSWCTTT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Conveyancing Law and Practice | NSW Conv R | A.N.C. ; ANC ; CCH NSW Conv R ; N.S.W.Conv.R. ; NSWCR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NSWCA | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NSWCCA | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Court of Review Decisions | - | NSW CRD ; NSW CRD ; R.& McG.Ct.of Rev. ; Ratc.& McG.C.R.D. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Courts Review | NSWCR | NSW CR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales District Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWDC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Drug Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWDRGC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Dust Diseases Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NSWDDT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Fair Trading Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NSWFTT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Government Gazette | NSW GG | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Industrial Arbitration Reports | - | N.S.W.A.R. ; NSW Ind Arbtn Cas ; NSWR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Industrial Gazette | NSWIG | N.S.W.I.G. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission [Neutral Citation] | NSWIRComm | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Judgments Bulletin | NSWJB | N.S.W.J.B. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Land Appeal Court Cases | - | LCC ; N.S.W.Land App.Cas. ; N.S.W.Land App.Ct. ; NSW Land App Cas | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Land Tax | - | ANLX | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Land Valuation Court Reports | - | L.V.R.(N.S.W.) ; N.S.W.L.V.R. ; NSW LVR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Land and Environment Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWLEC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Law Reports | NSWLR | N.S.W.L.R. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Law Reports Bankruptcy and Probate | LR (NSW) B&P | L.R.(N.S.W.)B.& P. ; L.R.(NSW) B.&P. ; N.S.W.B. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Law Reports, Divorce | LR (NSW) D | L.R.(N.S.W.)D. ; L.R.(NSW) D. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Law Reports, Equity | NSWR Eq | L.R.(N.S.W.)Eq. ; L.R.(NSW) Eq ; N.S.W.C.Eq. ; N.S.W.Eq. ; N.S.W.Eq.Rep. ; NSW Eq ; NSWLR (Eq) | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Law Reports, Vice Admiralty | - | L.R.(N.S.W.)Vice-Adm. ; L.R.(NSW) Vic-Adm ; LR (NSW) Vic-Adm ; N.S.W.Ad. ; N.S.W.Adm. ; NSW Ad ; NSW Adm ; NSWR Adm | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Local Courts Civil Practice | - | ANCP | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Reports | - | N.S.W.R. ; NSWR | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Residential Tenancies Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | NSWRTT | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Revenue Rulings | - | ANRU ; SD | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Society for Computers and Law | - | N.S.W.Soc.for Computers & Law | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Solicitors Manual | - | SMN | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales State Reports | SR (NSW) | N.S.W.S.R. ; N.S.W.St.R. ; NSW SR ; NSW St R ; S.R.(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales State Reports, Bankruptcy and Probate | SR (NSW) B & P | S.R.(N.S.W.)B.&P. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales State Reports, Equity | SR (NSW) Eq | S.R.(N.S.W.)Eq. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Statue Law Decisions | - | N.S.W.S.L.D. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Strata Schemes Board [Neutral Citation] | NSWSSB | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Strata Title Law and Practice | - | ANST | Australia |
New South Wales Supreme Court Reports | NSW SCR | N.S.W.S.C.R. ; S.C.R. ; S.C.R.(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Supreme Court Reports (New Series) | NSW SCR | K & F NSW ; K.& F.N.S.W. ; Knox & F. ; Knox & Fitz ; Knox & Fitz. ; N.S.W.S.C.R.(N.S.) ; N.S.W.S.C.R.N.S. ; NSW SCRNS ; S.C.R. ; S.C.R.(N.S.)(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Supreme Court Reports, Equity | SCR (NSW) Eq | N.S.W.S.C.R.(Eq.) ; NSW SCR (Eq) ; S.C.R.(NSW) Eq. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Supreme Court Reports, Law | - | N.S.W.S.C.R.(L.) ; NSW SCR (L) ; SCR (L) | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NSWSC | - | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales Weekly Notes | WN (NSW) | N.S.W.W.N. ; NSW WN ; W.N.(N.S.W.) ; Week.No. | Australia, New South Wales |
New South Wales, Bankruptcy, Company and Probate Cases | - | N.S.W.Bky.C.& P. | Australia, New South Wales |
New Term Reports, Queen's Bench | - | N.T.Rep. ; N.T.Repts. ; New Term Rep. | England & Wales |
New York Annotated Cases | - | Ann.Cas. ; N.Y.Ann.Ca. ; N.Y.Ann.Cas. | United States, New York |
New York Chancery Reports Annotated | N.Y.Ch.Ann. | N.Y.Ch.R.Ann. | United States, New York |
New York City Bar Association Bulletin | - | N.Y.C.Bar A.Bull. | United States, New York |
New York City Bar Association Record | - | N.Y.C.Bar A.Record | United States, New York |
New York City Court Reports | - | Jac.Cy.Ct. ; N.Y.C.Ct.Reps. ; N.Y.City.Ct.Rep. | United States, New York |
New York Civil Practice and Rules | N.Y.C.P.L.R. | N.Y.Civ.Prac.Law & R. | United States, New York |
New York Civil Procedure Reports | - | Civ.Pro.Rep. ; N.Y.Civ.Pr.Rep. ; N.Y.Civ.Pro.R. ; N.Y.Civ.Proc.R. | United States, New York |
New York Civil Procedure Reports, New Series | - | Civ.Pro.Rep.(N.S.) ; N.Y.Civ.Pro.R.N.S. ; N.Y.Civ.Proc.(N.S.) ; N.Y.Civ.Proc.R.N.S. | United States, New York |
New York Code Reporter | - | N.Y.Code R. ; N.Y.Code Rep. ; N.Y.Code Report. ; N.Y.Code Reptr. | United States, New York |
New York Code Reporter, New Series | - | N.Y.Code R.N.S. ; N.Y.Code Rep.N.S. ; N.Y.Code Report.N.S. ; N.Y.Code Reptr.N.S. | United States, New York |
New York Common Law Reports | - | N.Y.C.L.R. | United States, New York |
New York Consolidated Laws Service | N.Y.Law (Consol.) | - | United States, New York |
New York Criminal Reports | - | N.Y.Cr. ; N.Y.Cr.R. ; N.Y.Cr.Rep. ; N.Y.Crim. ; N.Y.Crim.R. | United States, New York |
New York International Law Review | - | N.Y.Int'l L.Rev. | United States, New York |
New York Judicial Repository | - | N.Y.Jud.Rep. | United States, New York |
New York Law Forum | - | N.Y.L.Forum | United States, New York |
New York Law Journal | - | N.Y.L.J. | United States, New York |
New York Law Record | - | N.Y.L.Rec. | United States, New York |
New York Law Review | - | N.Y.L.Rev. | United States, New York |
New York Law School Human Rights Annual | - | N.Y.L.Sch.Hum.Rts.Ann. | United States, New York |
New York Law School Journal of Human Rights | N.Y.L.Sch.J.Hum.Rts. | - | United States, New York |
New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law | N.Y.Sch.J.Int'l.& Comp.L. | - | United States, New York |
New York Law School Law Review | N.Y.L.Sch.L.Rev. | N.Y.L.School Rev. | United States, New York |
New York Leading Cases Annotated | - | N.Y.L.C.Ann. ; N.Y.L.Cas. ; N.Y.Lead.Cas.Ann. | United States, New York |
New York Miscellaneous Reports | Misc. | - | United States, New York |
New York Miscellaneous Reports, Second Series | Misc.2d | - | United States, New York |
New York Monthly Law Record | - | N.Y.Mon.L.R. | United States, New York |
New York Reports | N.Y. | - | United States, New York |
New York Reports, Second Series | N.Y.2d | - | United States, New York |
New York State Bar Association Antitrust Law Symposium | N.Y.St.B.A.Antitrust L.Symp. | - | United States, New York |
New York State Bar Association Bulletin | - | N.Y.St.Bar.A.Bull. | United States, New York |
New York State Bar Journal | - | N.Y.S.B.J. ; N.Y.St.B.J. ; N.Y.St.Bar.J. ; N.Y.State Bar.J. | United States, New York |
New York State Register | N.Y.St.Reg. | - | United States, New York |
New York State Reporter | - | N.Y.S. ; N.Y.S.R. ; N.Y.S.Rep. ; N.Y.St. ; N.Y.St.R. ; N.Y.St.Rep. | United States, New York |
New York Stock Exchange Guide | N.Y.S.E.Guide | - | United States |
New York Superior Court Reports | - | N.Y.S.Ct. | United States, New York |
New York Supplement | N.Y.S. | New York Supp. ; NYS | United States, New York |
New York Supplement, Second Series | N.Y.S.2d | NYS 2d | United States, New York |
New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports | A.D. | Ap. ; App.Div. ; App.Div.(N.Y.) ; N.Y.App.Dec. ; N.Y.App.Div. | United States, New York |
New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports, Second Series | A.D.2d. | Ap.2d. ; App.Div.2d. | United States, New York |
New York Supreme Court Reports | N.Y.Sup.Ct. | N.Y.Supr.Ct. ; N.Y.Suprm.Ct. | United States, New York |
New York University Environmental Law Journal | - | N.Y.U.Envtl.L.J. | United States |
New York University Journal of International Law & Politics | N.Y.U.J.Int'l Law & Pol. | N.Y.U.J.I.L.P. ; N.Y.U.J.Int'l.L.& Pol. ; NYU J Intl L & Pol | United States |
New York University Law Quarterly Review | - | N.Y.U.L.Q.Rev. | United States, New York |
New York University Law Review | N.Y.U.L.Rev. | N.Y.U.L.R. | United States |
New York University Review of Law and Social Change | N.Y.U.Rev.L.& Soc.Change | N.Y.U.Rev.Law & Soc.C. | United States |
New York Weekly Digest | - | N.Y.Week.Dig. ; N.Y.Wkly.Dig. | United States, New York |
New Yugoslav Law | - | New Yugoslav L. | Yugoslavia |
New Zealand Accident Compensation Reports | - | N.Z.A.C.R. ; NZACR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Administrative Reports | - | N.Z.A.R. ; NZAR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports | - | NZBORR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Business Bulletin | - | NZ Bus Bull | New Zealand |
New Zealand Business Law Cases | NZBLC | N.Z.B.L.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Business Law Cases, Commerce Commission Decisions | - | N.Z.B.L.C.(Com.) ; NZBLC (Com) | New Zealand |
New Zealand Business Law Quarterly | - | NZBLQ | New Zealand |
New Zealand Case Law Digest | - | NZCLD | New Zealand |
New Zealand Colonial Law Journal | - | N.Z.Col.L.J. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Company Law Cases | NZCLC | N.Z.C.L.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Company and Commercial Law Reports | NZCCLR | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Conveyancing Cases | NZ Conv C | NZ ConvC | New Zealand |
New Zealand Conveyancing and Property Reports | - | N.Z.C.P.R. ; NZ Conv C ; NZCPR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Court of Appeal Reports | - | App.Ct.Rep. ; App.N.Z. ; App.R.N.Z. ; Johns.N.Z. ; Johnst.(N.Z.) ; N.Z.App.Rep. ; N.Z.C.A. ; N.Z.L.R.C.A. ; N.Z.L.R.S.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NZCA | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Current Taxation | - | N.Z.C.T. ; NZ Current Tax ; NZCT | New Zealand |
New Zealand Customs Cases | NZCC | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand District Court Reports | - | N.Z.D.C.R. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Duties and Sales Tax Cases | - | N.Z.D.S.C. ; NZDSC | New Zealand |
New Zealand Employment Law Cases | NZELC | N.Z.E.L.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Employment Law Reports | NZELR | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Environmental Law Reporter | NZELR | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand External Relations Review | - | NZ Extern.Rel.Rev. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Family Law Journal | NZFLJ | - | |
New Zealand Family Law Reports | - | N.Z.F.L.R. ; N.Z.Fam.Rep. ; NZFLR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Gazette | - | N.Z.Gaz. ; NZ Gaz | New Zealand |
New Zealand Industrial Law Reports | - | NZILR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal | NZIPJ | New Zealand | |
New Zealand Intellectual Property Reports | NZIPR | N.Z.I.P.R. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law | NZJEL | N.Z.J.Envtl.L. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations | - | N.Z.J.I.R. ; NZJIR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Journal of Public Administration | - | N.Z.J.P.A. ; N.Z.J.Pub.Admin. ; NZJPA | New Zealand |
New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy | - | NZ J Tax L & Policy ; NZJTLP | New Zealand |
New Zealand Jurist Reports | - | J.R. ; N.Z.Jur. ; New Zeal.Jur.R. ; NZ Jur | New Zealand |
New Zealand Jurist Reports, New Series | - | J.R.(N.S.) ; N.Z.Jur.N.S. ; NZ Jur (NS) | New Zealand |
New Zealand Justice of the Peace | - | N.Z.J.P. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Journal | - | N.Z.L.J. ; New Zeal.L.J. ; New Zealand L.J. ; NZLJ | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Journal Magistrates' Court Decisions | - | N.Z.L.J.M.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Librarian | - | NZLL | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Librarians' Group Newsletter | - | NZLLG Newsletter | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Reports | NZLR | L.R.N.Z. ; N.Z. ; N.Z.L.R. ; N.Z.Rep. ; New Zeal.L. ; New Zeal.L.R. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Review | - | N.Z.L.Rev. ; NZ Law Review | New Zealand |
New Zealand Law Society Newsletter | - | N.Z.Law Soc.N. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Local Government Reports | - | NZLGR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Medical Journal | - | N.Z.Med.J. ; NZ Med J | New Zealand |
New Zealand Parliamentary Debates | - | N.Z.P.D. ; NZPD | New Zealand |
New Zealand Planning Tribunal Digest | - | NZPTB | New Zealand |
New Zealand Privacy Commissioner Decision [Neutral Citation] | NZPrivCmr | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Privy Council Cases | - | N.Z.P.C.C. ; N.Z.P.C.Cas. ; NZPCC | New Zealand |
New Zealand Recent Law | - | N.Z.R.L. ; NZ Recent Law ; NZRL | New Zealand |
New Zealand Recent Law Review | - | NZ Recent Law Review ; NZRL Rev | New Zealand |
New Zealand Resource Management Appeals | NZRMA | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Superannuation Cases | NZSC | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Tax Cases | NZTC | N.Z.T.C. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Tax Planning Report | - | N.Z.T.P.R. ; NZTPR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Taxation Board of Review Decisions | - | N.Z.T.B.R. ; NZTBR | New Zealand |
New Zealand Town Planning Appeals | - | N.Z.T.P.A. ; NZTPA | New Zealand |
New Zealand Treaty Series | - | N.Z.T.S. ; NZTS | New Zealand |
New Zealand Trust Reports | NZTR | - | New Zealand |
New Zealand Universities Law Review | NZULR | N.Z.U.L.R. ; N.Z.U.L.Rev. ; N.Z.Univ.L.R. ; New Zealand U.L.Rev. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Valuer | - | N.Z.Val. ; NZ Val | New Zealand |
New Zealand Valuers' Journal | - | N.Z.Val. ; N.Z.Val.J. ; NZ Val | New Zealand |
New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases | - | N.Z.W.C.C. ; NZWCC | New Zealand |
Newberry's United States District Court Admiralty Reports | - | Newb. ; Newb.Adm. ; Newberry Adm.(F.) | United States |
Newblyth's Manuscript Decisions, Session Cases | Newblyth | - | Scotland |
Newbon's Private Bills' Reports | - | Newbon | United Kingdom |
Newcastle Law Review | - | Newc LR ; Newcastle L.Rev. | Australia |
Newfoundland & Labrador Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | NLPC | - | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newfoundland & Labrador Supreme Court: Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NFCA | - | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newfoundland & Labrador Supreme Court: Trial Division [Neutral Citation] | NLSCTD | - | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newfoundland & Prince Edward Island Reports | - | Nfld & PEIR ; Nfld.& P.E.I.R. | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newfoundland Law Reports | - | N.F ; N.L.R. ; Newf.L.R. ; Newfld.L.R. ; Newfoundl.L.R. ; Newfoundl.R. ; Nfld.L.R. ; Nfld.R. | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newfoundland Select Cases | - | Newf.Sel.Cas. ; Newfoundl.Sel.Cas. ; Sel.Cas.N.F. ; Tuck. ; Tuck.Sel.Cas. | Canada, Newfoundland |
Newsletter of the Canadian Environmental Law Association | - | Intervenor | Canada |
Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law | - | Resources | Canada |
Newsletter of the Copyright Society of Australia | - | NCSA | Australia |
Newsletter of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists | - | N.E.G.R.I.E. | None |
Nicholl, Hare, Carrow, Oliver, Beavan & Lefroy Railway & Canal Cases | Ry.& Can.Cas. | C.&O.R.Cas. ; Car.& O. ; Car.& Ol. ; Car.O.& B. ; Eng.R.& C.Cas. ; Eng.R.R.Ca. ; N.H.C. ; Nic.H.& C. ; Nic.Ha.C. ; Nich.H.& C. ; Nicholl H.& C. ; Oliv.B.& L. ; R.& C.C. ; R.& C.Ca. ; R.& C.Cas. ; R.& Can.Cas. ; R.C. ; R.R.& Cn.Cas. ; Ra.& Ca. ; Rail.&Can.Cas. ; Rail.Ca. ; Ry.& C.Cas. ; Ry.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Nicholls & Stops' Reports | N&S | N & S ; N.& S. | Australia, Tasmania |
Nichols-Cahill Annotated New York Civil Practice Acts | - | Nichols-Cahill | United States, New York |
Nicholson's Manuscript Decisions, Session Cases | Nicholson | - | Scotland |
Niedersachsisches Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt | - | NdsGVBl. | Germany |
Niemeyers Zeitschrift fur internationales Recht | - | NiemeyersZ | International |
Nieuw Europa | - | Nieuw Eur. | None |
Nigeria Court of Appeal Reports | - | NCAR | Nigeria |
Nigeria Law Reports | - | N.L.R. ; Nig.L.R. ; Nigeria L.R. ; NLR | Nigeria |
Nigerian Bar Journal | - | Nigerian Bar J | Nigeria |
Nigerian Commercial Law Reports | - | NCLR | Nigeria |
Nigerian Constitutional Law Reports | NCLR | - | Nigeria |
Nigerian Criminal Reports | - | NCR | Nigeria |
Nigerian Forum | - | Nigerian F. | Nigeria |
Nigerian Journal of International Affairs | - | Nigerian J.Int'l Aff. | International |
Nigerian Law Journal | - | Nigerian L.J. ; Nigerian LJ | Nigeria |
Nigerian Monthly Law Reports | - | N.M.L.R. ; NMLR | Nigeria |
Nigerian Weekly Law Reports | - | NWLR | Nigeria |
Nihon Daigaku | - | Nihon Daigaku | Japan |
Nihon Hogaku | - | Nihon Hogaku | Japan |
Nihon University Comparative Law | NUCL | Nihon U Comp L ; Nihon U.Comp.L. | Comparative Law |
Niqabat al Muhamin | - | Niqabat | Jordan |
Niue Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NUCA | - | Niue |
Niue High Court [Neutral Citation] | NUHC | - | Niue |
No Neutral Citation (Neutral Citation) | NNC | - | Scotland |
Noble's Current Court Decisions, New York | - | Noble | United States, New York |
Nolan's Magistrates' Cases | Nolan | Nol. ; Nol.Mag. | England & Wales |
Nomiko Bina i Miniaion Nomikon Periodikon | - | NoB | Greece |
Nomoikon Vema | - | Nomiko Vema | Greece |
Nomologia Symuouliou tis Epikrateias | - | NSE | Greece |
Nomologia tou Areiou Pagou | - | NAP | Greece |
Nomos | - | Nomos ; Nomos (New York) | United States |
Nomos - Le Attualita nel Diritto | - | Nomos (Rome) | Italy |
Non-State Actors and International Law | - | N.S.A.I.L. | None |
Nordic Journal of International Law | - | Act.Scand.Juris.Gent. ; Nord J Intl L ; Nord.J.Int'l L. ; Nord.J.Intl.L. | International |
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift | - | Nord Admin Tids ; Nord.Adm.Tidsskr. | Denmark |
Nordisk Kontakt | - | NK | Sweden |
Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret | - | Nordisk Tidsskrift Int'l Ret | International |
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab | - | Nordisk Tidsskrift Kriminalvidenskab | International |
Nordiske Domme i Sjofartsanliggende | - | NDS | Norway |
Nordrhein-Westfalische Verwaltungsblatter | - | NWVBl | Germany |
Norfolk Island Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NFSC | - | Norfolk Island |
Normas Legales | - | Normas Legal. | Peru |
Norsk Retstidende | - | Norsk Rt. ; NR ; Rt. | Norway |
Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Arbok | - | Norsk Utenrikspolit. Arbok | Norway |
North Atlantic Regional Business Law Review | - | N.Atl.Reg.Bus.L.Rev. | United States |
North Borneo Law Reports | - | N.B.L.R. | Malaysia, Sabah |
North Carolina Administrative Code | N.C.Admin.Code | - | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Central Law Journal | N.C.Cent.L.J. | N.Car.Central L.J. ; N.Carolina Cent.L.J. | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Court of Appeals Reports | N.C.App. | - | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation | N.C.J.Int'l L.& Com.Reg. | N.Carolina J.Int'l L.& Com.Reg. ; North Car.J.Int'l L.& Comm. | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Journal of Law | - | N.C.J.of L. | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Law Journal | - | N.C.L.J. | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Law Review | N.C.L.Rev. | N.C.L. ; N.Carolina L.Rev. | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Register | N.C.Reg. | - | United States, North Carolina |
North Carolina Reports | N.C. | - | United States, North Carolina |
North Dakota Administrative Code | N.D.Admin.Code | - | United States, North Dakota |
North Dakota Century Code | N.D.Cent.Code | - | United States, North Dakota |
North Dakota Law Review | N.D.L.Rev. | N.D.L.R. ; North Dakota L.Rev. | United States, North Dakota |
North Dakota Reports | N.D. | - | United States, North Dakota |
North East Law Review | NELR | N.E.L.R. | |
North Eastern Reporter | N.E. | N.E.Rep. ; NE ; No.East Rep. | United States |
North Eastern Reporter, Second Series | N.E.2d | NE 2d | United States |
North Western Provinces High Court Reports | - | N.P.C. ; N.W. ; N.W.P.H.C. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
North Western Reporter | N.W. | No.West Rep. ; Northw.Rep. ; NW | United States |
North Western Reporter, Second Series | N.W.2d | NW 2d | United States |
North-West Territories Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NWTCA | - | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Judgments | - | N.W.T.J. | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Rental Officer [Neutral Citation] | NTRO | - | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Reports | N.W.T.R. | NWTR | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Supreme Court Reports | - | N.W.T.R. ; N.W.Terr. | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NWTSC | - | Canada, North-West Territories |
North-West Territories Territorial Court [Neutral Citation] | NWTTC | - | Canada, North-West Territories |
Northampton County Reporter | - | North.Co. ; North.Co.R.(Pa.) ; North.Co.Rep. ; Northam. ; Northam.L.Rep. ; Northampton Co.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Northanptonshire Assize Rolls | Ritch. | Stenton | England & Wales |
Northern Illinois University Law Review | N.Ill.U.L.Rev. | North.Illinois U.L.Rev. | United States, Illinois |
Northern Ireland Conveyancing and Land Law Journal | N.I.C. & L.L.J. | Northern Ireland | |
Northern Ireland Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NICA | - | Northern Ireland |
Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin | NIJB | Blue Book | Ireland |
Northern Ireland Law Reports | NI | N.I.L.R. ; NILR | Northern Ireland |
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly | NILQ | N.I.L.Q. ; N.Ir.L.Q. ; N.Ir.Legal Q. ; North.Ireland Leg.Q. | Northern Ireland |
Northern Kentucky Law Review | - | N.Ky.L.Rev. ; North.Kentucky L.Rev. | United States, Kentucky |
Northern Kentucky State Law Forum | - | North.Kentucky St.L.Forum | United States, Kentucky |
Northern Law Today | - | N.L.T. | None |
Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Code | N.Mar.I.Code | - | Northern Mariana Islands |
Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Register | N.Mar.I.Reg. | - | Northern Mariana Islands |
Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Reporter | N.Mar.I.Commw.Rptr. | N.M.I. | Northern Mariana Islands |
Northern Rhodesia Law Reports | - | N.R.L.R. | Zambia |
Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission [Neutral Citation] | NTADComm | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NTCA | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Court of Criminal Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NTCCA | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Law Reports | NTLR | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Reports | NTR | N.T.R. | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Supreme Court Judgments | NTJ | N.T.J. | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northern Territory Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NTSC | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Northerntier Legal Journal | - | North.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Northrop University Law Journal of Aerospace, Business and Taxation | - | Northrop U.L.J.Aerospace, Bus.& Tax'n | United States, California |
Northrop University Law Journal of Aerospace, Energy and the Environment | - | Northrop U.L.J.Aerospace, Energy & Environ. | United States, California |
Northumberland County Legal New | - | Northum. ; Northum.Co.Leg.N. ; Northumberland Co.L..N. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Northumberland Legal Journal | - | Northum.Leg.J. ; Northumberland L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Northumberland Pleas | - | Northumberland Pleas | England & Wales |
Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business | - | Northwest.J.Int'l L.& Bus. ; Nw.J.Int'l L.& Bus. | United States |
Northwestern University Law Review | - | N.W.U.L.R. ; N.W.U.L.Rev. ; North.U.L.Rev. ; Northwest.U.L.Rev. ; Nw.L. ; Nw.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Norton Rose M5 Group EC Initiative | - | N.R. EC Init. | None |
Norton Rose M5 Group EU Initiative | - | N.R. EU Init. | None |
Norton-Kyshe's Reports | - | Ky ; Ky. ; Kyshe ; Norton-Kyshe | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Notable Judgments of Judge Young | - | Young | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Notables et Singulieres Questions de Droit Escrit Jugees au Parlement de Toulouse | - | Maynard | France |
Notes et Etudes Documentaires | - | N.E.D. | France |
Notes of Cases Decided in the Recorders' Court | - | Perry | India, Maharashtra |
Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts | N.of Cas. | Ec.& Mar. ; N.C. ; N.C.Ecc. ; No.Ca.Ecc.& Mar. ; Not.Cas. ; Not.Cas.Ecc.& M. ; Notes of Cases ; Thorn. | England & Wales |
Notfallvorsorge | - | NV | Germany |
Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy | Notre Dame J.L.Ethics & Pub.Pol'y | - | United States |
Notre Dame Law Review | Notre Dame L.Rev. | - | United States |
Notre Dame Lawyer | - | Notre Dame Law. | United States |
Nott and McCord's South Carolina Reports | Nott.& McC. | N.& Mc. ; Nott & M'C.(S.C.) ; Nott & McC. ; S.C.L.(Nott & McC.) | United States, South Carolina |
Nottingham Law Journal | Nott.L.J. | United Kingdom | |
Nouveau Code de Procedure Civile | - | Nouv.C. | France |
Nouveau Recueil de Plusiers Questions Notables tant du Droit que Cotumes Jugees par Arrets d'Audiences du Parlement de Paris | - | Soefve | France |
Nouveau Repertoire de Droit | - | Nouv.Rep. | France |
Nouveau Repertoire de Droit Dalloz | - | Nouv.Rep. | France |
Nouvelle Revue de Droit International (Lapradelle) | - | Lapradelle | France |
Nova Law Journal | - | Nova L.J. | United States |
Nova Law Review | Nova L.Rev. | - | United States |
Nova Scotia Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | NSCA | - | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Officer [Neutral Citation] | - | NSFOIPOP | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Law News | - | N.S.L.News | Canada, New Brunswick |
Nova Scotia Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | NSPC | - | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S. ; N.S.L.R. ; N.S.R. ; N.S.Rep. ; N.Sc.L.R. ; Nov.Sc.L.R. ; NSR | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Reports, 2nd Series | N.S.R.(2d) | N.S.R.2d. ; NSR 2d | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Supreme Court Family Division [Neutral Citation] | NSSF | - | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | NSSC | - | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board [Neutral Citation] | NSUARB | - | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Nowe Prawo | - | NP | Poland |
Noy's King's Bench Reports | Noy | - | England & Wales |
Nuclear Law Bulletin | - | NLB ; Nuclear L.Bull. | International |
Nuclear Regulation Reports | Nuclear Reg.Rep. | - | United States |
Nunavut Court of Justice [Neutral Citation] | NUCJ | - | Canada |
Nuova rivista del diritto commerciale | - | Nuova riv.dir.comm. | Italy |
Nyasaland Law Reports | - | N.L.R. ; N.P.L.R. ; Ny.L.R. | Malawi |
Nytt Juridiskt Arkiv | - | NJA | Sweden |
O Direito | - | Direito | Portugal |
O'Malley & Hardcastle Election Cases | O'M.& H. | O'M.& H.El.Cas. ; O'Mal.& H. | England & Wales |
OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy | - | J.C.L.P. ; OECD J Competition L & Pol | International |
OECD Observer | - | Observer ; OECD Obs. | None |
OPEC Review | - | OPEC Rev. | International |
ORDO | - | ORDO | Germany |
Oberstengerichts der Deutschen Demokratischen Republic in Strafsachen | - | OGSt.DDR | Germany |
Obiter | - | Obiter | South Africa |
Objective: Justice | - | Objective Just. | International |
Occupational Health Review | - | O.H.R. | United Kingdom |
Occupational Pensions | - | Occ.Pen. | United Kingdom |
Occupational Pensions Law Reports | OPLR | O.P.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Occupational Safety & Health Reporter | - | O.S.H.Cas. ; O.S.H.Rep. | United States |
Ocean & Coastal Management | - | Ocean & Coastal Mgmt. | International |
Ocean Development and International Law | - | O.D.and I.L. ; Ocean Dev & Intl L ; Ocean Dev.& Int'l.L. ; Ocean Dev.& Int.L. ; ODILA | International |
Ocean Management | - | Ocean Mgmt. | International |
Ocean Yearbook | - | Ocean Y.B. | International |
Ocean and Coastal Law Journal | Ocean & Coastal L.J. | - | United States |
Oceania | - | Oceania | None |
Odluke i Missljenja Ustavnog Suda Jugoslavije i Ustavnih Sudova Republika | - | OMU | Yugoslavia |
Offentliche Verwaltung und Datenverarbeitung | - | OVD | Germany |
Offentlicher Anzeiger fur das Vereinigte Wirtschaftsgebeit | - | OffAnz | Germany |
Office for the Supervision of Solicitors Bulletin | - | O.S.S.Bull. | England & Wales |
Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Michie) | Ga.Code Ann. | - | United States, Georgia |
Official Compilation Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee | Tenn.Comp.R.& Regs. | - | United States, Tennessee |
Official Compilation of Codes, Rules & Regulations of the State of New York | N.Y.Comp.Codes R.& Regs. | - | United States, New York |
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office | Off.Gaz.Pat.Office | O.G.Pat.Off. ; Off.Gaz. ; Off.Gaz.Pat.Off. | United States |
Official Journal of the European Communities | J.O.Communautes ; JO ; O.J. ; OJ | European Union | |
Official Journal of the European Union | O.J. ; OJ | European Union | |
Official Reports of the South African Republic | - | O.R. ; Off.Rep. ; OR | South Africa, Transvaal |
Official Translations of the Opinions of the Supreme Court Puerto Rico | P.R.Offic.Trans. | - | Puerto Rico |
Offshore & International Taxation Review | - | O.& I.T.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Offshore Financial Law Reports | - | OFLR | None |
Offshore Red | - | Offshore Red | None |
Offshore Tax Planning Review | - | O.T.P.R. ; O.T.R. | United Kingdom |
Oftel News | - | O.N. | United Kingdom |
Ohio (Lower) Decisions | - | O.Lower D. ; Ohio Low.Dec. ; Ohio Lower Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Administrative Code | Ohio Admin.Code | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Appellate Reports | Ohio App. | App. ; O.A.R. ; O.App. ; Oh.A. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Appellate Reports, Second Series | Ohio App.2d | O.A.R.2d ; O.App.2d ; Oh.A.2d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Appellate Reports, Third Series | Ohio App.3d | O.A.R.3d ; O.App.3d ; Oh.App.3d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Bar | - | O.Bar ; Ohio Bar | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Bar Reports | Ohio B. | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Board of Tax Appeals Reports | - | Ohio B.T.A. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Circuit Court Decisions | Ohio C.C.Dec. | O.C.C. ; Ohio Cir.Ct. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Circuit Court Reports | Ohio C.C. | Oh.Cir.Ct. ; Ohio C.C.R. ; Ohio Cir.Ct. ; Ohio Cr.Ct.R. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Circuit Court Reports, New Series | Ohio C.C.(N.S.) | O.C.C.N.S. ; Oh.Cir.Ct.N.S. ; Ohio C.C.N.S. ; Ohio C.C.R.N.S. ; Ohio Cir.Ct.(N.S.) ; Ohio Cir.Ct.R.N.S. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Circuit Decisions | Ohio Cir.Dec. | O.C.D. ; Oh.Cir.Dec. ; Ohio C.D. ; Ohio C.Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Commissioners of Railroads and Telegraphs Reports | - | O. C.of R.& T. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Court of Appeal Reports | - | O.C.A. ; Ohio C.A. ; Ohio Ct.App. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Decisions | Ohio Dec. | O.D. ; Oh.Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Decisions, Circuit Court | - | O.D.C.C. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Decisions, Nisi Prius | - | O.D.N.P. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Decisions, Reprint | Ohio Dec.Reprint | O.Dec.Rep. ; Oh.Dec.(Reprint) | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Departmental Reports | Ohio Dep't | O.Dep.Rep. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Federal Decisions | - | O.F.D. ; Oh.F.Dec. ; Ohio F.Dec. ; Ohio Fed.Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Government Reports | Ohio Gov't | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Jurisprudence | - | Oh.Jur. ; Ohio Jur. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Jurisprudence, Second Series | - | Ohio Jur.2d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Jurisprudence, Third Series | - | Ohio Jur.3d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Law Abstract | Ohio Law Abs. | O.L.A. ; O.L.Abs. ; Ohio Abs. ; Ohio L.Abs. ; Ohio Law Abst. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Law Bulletin | - | O.L.B. ; Oh.L.Bul. ; Ohio L.B. ; Ohio L.Bull. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Law Journal | - | O.L.J. ; O.L.Jour. ; Oh.L.J. ; Ohio L.J. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Law Reporter | - | O.L.R. ; O.L.Rep. ; Oh.L.Rep. ; Ohio L.R. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Law Reporter and Weekly Bulletin | - | O.L.R. ; Oh.L.Rep. ; Ohio L.R.& Wk.Bul. ; Ohio L.Rep. ; Ohio Law R. ; Ohio Law Rep. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Legal News | - | O.Legal News ; Oh.Leg.N. ; Ohio Leg.N. ; Ohio Legal N. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Lower Court Decisions | - | O.L.D. ; Oh.L.Ct.D. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Miscellaneous Reports | Ohio Misc. | O.Misc. ; Ohio Misc.Dec. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Miscellaneous Reports, Second Series | Ohio Misc.2d | O.Misc.2d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Miscellaneous Reports, Third Series | Ohio Misc.3d | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Monthly Record | Ohio Monthly Rec. | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Nisi Prius Reports | Ohio N.P. | O.N.P. ; Oh.N.P. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Nisi Prius Reports, New Series | Ohio N.P.(N.S.) | O.N.P.N.S. ; Oh.N.P.(N.S). ; Ohio N.P.N.S. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Northern University Intramural Law Review | - | O.N.U.Intra.L.R. ; Oh.N.U.Intra.L.R. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Northern University Law Review | Ohio N.U.L.Rev. | O.N.L.R. ; Oh.N.U.L.R. ; Ohio North.U.L.Rev. ; Ohio Northern U.L.Rev. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Official Reports (Anderson) | - | Ohio Off.R. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Official Reports (Laning) | - | Ohio Off.R. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Opinions | Ohio Op. | O.O. ; Ohio Ops. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Opinions, Second Series | Ohio Opp.2d | O.O.2d ; Ohio Op.2d ; Ohio Ops.2d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Opinions, Third Series | Ohio Opp.3d | O.O.3d ; Ohio Op.3d ; Ohio Ops.3d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Probate Reports | - | Goeb. ; Goebel ; Goebel(Ohio) ; Oh.Prob. ; Ohio Prob. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Reports | Ohio | - | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Reports Condensed | - | Ohio R.Cond. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Bar Association Bulletin | - | Ohio S.B.A.Bull. ; OSBABull | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Bar Association Reports | O.Bar | Ohio B.Ass.R. ; Ohio St.Bar.A.Rep. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution | Ohio St.J.on Disp.Resol. | Ohio St.J.Disp.Res. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Law Journal | Ohio St.L.J. | Oh.S.L.J. ; Ohio S.L.J. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Reports | Ohio St. | O.S. ; Oh.St. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Reports, Extra Annotated | - | Ohio St.Ex.Ann. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Reports, Second Series | Ohio St.2d | O.S.2d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio State Reports, Third Series | Ohio St.3d. | O.S.3d | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Supplement | - | O.Su. ; O.Supp. ; Ohio Supp. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Supreme Court Decisions, Unreported Cases | - | O.S.C.D. ; O.S.U. ; Oh.S.C.D. ; Ohio S.U. ; Ohio Unrep. ; Ohio Unrept.Cas. | United States, Ohio |
Ohio Unreported Cases | - | Ohio Un.Cas. | United States, Ohio |
Oil & Gas Law & Taxation Review | - | O.G.L.T.R. ; OGLTR | United Kingdom |
Oil and Gas Reporter | - | Oil & Gas Rep. ; Oil & Gas Reptr. | United States |
Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly | Oil & Gas Tax.Q. | - | United States |
Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence | OGEL | - | International |
Okayama Daigaku Hogakki Zassi | - | Okayama | Japan |
Okinawa Hogaku | - | Okinawa Hogaku | Japan |
Oklahoma Administrative Code | Okla.Admin.Code | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma City University Law Review | Okla.City U.L.Rev. | Oklahoma City U.L.Rev. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Criminal Reports | Okla.Crim. | O.Cr. ; Okl.Cr. ; Okla. ; Okla.Cr. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Gazette | Okla.Gaz. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Industrial Commission Reports | - | Okla.I.C.R. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Law Journal | - | Okla.L.J. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Law Review | - | O.R. ; Ok.L.R. ; Okla.L.Rev. ; Oklahoma L.Rev. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Lawyer | - | Okla.Lawy. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Register | Okla.Reg. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Reports | Okla. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Session Law Service | Okla.Sess.Law Serv. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Session Laws | Okla.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma State Bar Association Journal | - | Okla.B.A.J. ; Okla.B.Ass'n.J. ; Okla.S.B.A. ; Okla.S.B.A.J. ; Oklahoma Bar A.J. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Statutes | Okla.Stat. | - | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Statutes Annotated | Okla.Stat.Ann. | O.S.A. ; Okla.St.Ann. | United States, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma Statutes Supplement | - | O.S.Supp. | United States, Oklahoma |
Olcott's United States District Court Admiralty Reports | - | Olc. ; Olc.Adm. ; Olcott Adm(F.) | United States, New York |
Old Bailey Session Papers | O.B.S.P. | O.B.S. | England & Wales |
Oldright's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.(Old.) ; N.S.R.Old. ; Old. ; Oldr. ; Oldr.N.S. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Ollivier, Bell & Fitzgerald's Court of Appeal Reports | - | O.B.& F. ; O.B.& F.(C.A.) ; Oll.B.& F. ; Olliv.B.& F. | New Zealand |
Ollivier, Bell & Fitzgerald's Supreme Court Reports | - | O.B.& F.(S.C.) | New Zealand |
Olmsted's Privy Council Decisions | - | Olms. ; Olmsted | Canada |
Olwine's Law Journal | - | Olwine L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Ombudsman Journal | - | Ombudsman J. | Canada |
Ondernemingsrecht | - | Ondernemingsrecht | Netherlands |
One Lime Street | - | O.L.S. | United Kingdom |
Ontario Appeal Cases | - | O.A.C. ; OAC | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Appeal Reports | O.A.R. | A.R. ; A.R.Ont. ; App.Rep. ; App.Rep.Ont. ; Ont.A. ; Ont.App. ; Tup.App. ; Tupp. ; Tupper | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Case Law Digest | - | Ont.Case Law Dig. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Consent and Capacity Board Decisions [Neutral Citation] | ONCCB | - | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Corporation Manual | - | O.C.M. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Corporations Law Guide | - | Ont.Corps.Law Guide | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | ONCA | - | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Divisional Court [Neutral Citation] | ONSCDC | - | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Election Cases | - | Ont.El.Cas. ; Ont.Elec. ; Ont.Elec.C. ; Ont.Elect. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Family Law Reporter | - | O.F.L.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Human Rights Commission Board of Inquiry Reports & Memoranda Agreements | - | O.H.R.C. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Insurance Commission Arbitration Decisions | - | O.I.C.A.D. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Labour Relations Board Decisions [Neutral Citation] | ONLRB | - | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Labour Relations Board Reports | - | O.L.R.B.Rep. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Land Compensation Board Decisions | - | O.L.C.B. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Law Reports | - | O.L.R. ; Ont.L. ; Ont.L.R. ; Ont.L.Rep. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Lawyers Weekly | - | Ont.Lawyers Wkly. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Municipal Board Reports | - | O.M.B.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario OH&S Law Report | - | OH&S | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Practice Reports | - | O.P.R. ; Ont.P.R. ; Ont.Pr.Rep. ; P.R. ; P.R.U.C. ; U.C.P.R. ; U.C.Pr. ; U.C.Pr.(Can.) ; U.C.Pr.R. ; U.C.Pract. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Real Estate Law Guide | - | Ont.R.E.L.G. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Reports | - | O.R. ; Ont.R. ; OR | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Reports and Weekly Notes | - | Ont.R.& W.N. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Reports, 2nd Series | - | O.R.(2d) ; Ont.2d. ; OR 2d | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Reports, 3rd Series | O.R.(3d) | OR 3d | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Reports, New Series | - | O.R. ; Ont. ; Ont.R. ; OR | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Securities Commission Bulletin | - | O.S.C.B. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Superior Court of Justice [Neutral Citation] | ONSC | - | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Tax Reporter | - | Ont.Tax.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Weekly Notes | - | O.W.N. ; Ont.W.N. ; Ont.Week.N. ; Ont.Wkly.N. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Weekly Reporter | - | O.W.R. ; Ont.W.R. ; Ont.Week.R. ; Ont.Wkly.Rep. | Canada, Ontario |
Ontario Workplace and Insurance Appeals Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | ONWSIAT | - | Canada, Ontario |
OpRisk & Compliance | - | O.R. & C. | None |
Open Government: A Journal on Freedom of Information | - | O.G.J.F.I | None |
OperationalRisk & Regulation | - | O.R. & R. | None |
Opinions of the Attorneys General | Op.Att'y.Gen. | Op.A.G. ; Op.Att.Gen. ; Op.Attys.Gen. ; Ops.A.G. ; Ops.Atty.Gen. | United States |
Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel to the Department of Justice | Op.Off.Legal Counsel | - | United States |
Opinions of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department | Op.Solic.P.O.Dep't. | - | United States |
Optimum Studia eknonomiczne | - | ||
Orange Free State High Court Reports | O.F.S. | O.F.C. | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Orange Free State Provincial Division Reports | O.P.D. | OPD | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Orange River Colony Law Reports | O.R.C. | ORC | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Orbis | - | Orbis | International |
Orders and Resolutions on Contoverted Elections | - | Ord.& Res. | England & Wales |
Oregon Administrative Rules | Or.Admin.R. | - | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Administrative Rules Bulletin | Or.Admin.R.Bull. | - | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Law Review | Or.L.Rev. | O.L.R. ; Or.L.R. ; Ore.L.Rev. ; Oreg.L.R. ; Oreg.L.Rev. ; Oregon L.Rev. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Law School Journal | - | Or.L.S.J. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Laws and Resolutions | Or.Laws | Or.Laws Spec.Sess. ; Or.Laws.Adv.Sh. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Office of Public Utilities Commissioner, Opinions and Decisions | - | Or.P.C.Ops. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Public Service Commission Reports | - | Or.P.S.C. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Reports | Or. | O. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Reports, Court of Appeals | Or.App. | Or.A. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Revised Statutes | Or.Rev.Stat. | - | United States, Oregon |
Oregon State Bar Association Bulletin | - | OSBABull. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon State Bar Bulletin | - | Or.S.B.Bull. ; Oreg.S.B.Bull. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Tax Court Reports | - | Or.T.D. ; Or.Tax Ct. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Tax Reporter | - | Or.T.R. ; Or.T.Rep. | United States, Oregon |
Oregon Tax Reports | Or.Tax | - | United States, Oregon |
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Law Reports | - | O.E.C.S. Law Reports | West Indies |
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Bulletin | - | OPEC Bull. | International |
Orient | - | Orient | Asia |
Orientamenti della giurisprudenza del lavoro | - | Orient.giur.lav. | Italy |
Oriente Moderno | - | Oriente Mod. | Asia |
Orissa Judicial Decisions | - | Orissa J.D. | India, Orissa |
Orzecznictwo Sadu Najwyzszego | - | OSN | Poland |
Orzecznictwo Sadu Najwyzszego Izba Karna | - | OSN (K) | Poland |
Orzecznictwo Sadu Najwyzszego lzba Cywilna | - | OSN © | Poland |
Orzecznictwo Sadu Polskich | - | OSP | Poland |
Osaka University Law Review | - | Osaka U.L.Rev. | Japan |
Osgoode Hall Law Journal | Osgoode Hall L.J. | O.H.L.J. | Canada |
Osterreichische Blatter fur Gewerblichen Rechtsschtz und Urheberrecht | - | OBl` | Austria |
Osterreichische Entscheidungen zum internationalen Privatrecht | - | IPRE | Austria |
Osterreichische Juristen-Zeitung | - | OJZ | Austria |
Osterreichische Recht der Wirtschaft | - | RdW | Germany |
Osterreichische Richterzeitung | - | ORiZ ; ORZ | Austria |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft | - | OZP | Austria |
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | - | OZW | Austria |
Osterreichisches Archiv fur Kirchenrecht | - | Osterr.Arch.f.Kirchenrecht | Austria |
Osterreichisches Jahrbuch | - | Ojb | Austria |
Osterreichisches Jahrbuch fur Internationale Politik | - | Osterr.Jb.Int'l Pol. | Austria |
Osterreichisches Jahrbuch fur Politik | - | Osterr.Jb.f.Pol. | Austria |
Osterreichisches Osthefte | - | OOH | Austria |
Osterreichisches Steuer-Zeitung | - | OStZ | Austria |
Osterreichisches Verwaltungsarchiv | - | OstVerwArch | Germany |
Osteuropa | - | Osteur. | Germany |
Osteuropa Recht | - | Ost Eur-R ; Osteur.-Recht ; Osteuropa Recht ; OstEurR | Germany |
Osteuropa-Wirtschaft | - | Osteur.-Wirtsch. | Germany |
Otago Law Review | - | OLR ; Otago L.R. ; Otago L.Rev. | New Zealand |
Ottawa Law Review | Ottawa L.Rev. | Ottawa L.R. ; Rev.D.Ottawa | Canada |
Otto's Supreme Court Reports | - | Ot. ; Ott. | United States |
Oudh Appeals | - | Oudh App. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh Cases | - | Oudh Cas. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh Criminal Cases | - | Oudh C.C. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh Law Journal | - | O.L.J. ; Oudh L.J. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh Law Reports | - | O.L.R. ; Oudh L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh Weekly Notes | - | O.W.N. ; Oudh W.N. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Oudh and Agra Law Reporter | - | Oudh & Agra L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Overton's Tennessee Reports | Overt. | Tenn.(Overt.) | United States, Tennessee |
Owen's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | Owen | Ow. | England & Wales |
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion | O.J.L.R. | ||
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | - | O.J.L.S. ; OJLS ; Ox.J.L.S. ; Oxford J.Leg.St. ; Oxford J.Leg.Stud. ; Oxford J.Legal Stud. ; Oxford J.of Legal Studies | United Kingdom |
Oxford Pleas of the Crown | - | Rogers | England & Wales |
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | OUCLJ | O.U.C.L.J. | Commonwealth |
Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal | OUULJ | - | |
Oxley's Light Railways, Procedure, Reports & Precedents | - | Oxley | England & Wales |
P & I International | - | P & I Int. | None |
P.D.Vroom's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Vroom) ; Vr. ; Vroom ; Vroom (P.D.) | United States, New Jersey |
PBHAWZKJNmh | XvGRWiTK | - | |
Pace Environmental Law Review | Pace Envtl.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Pace International Law Review | - | Pace Int'l L.Rev. | International |
Pace Law Review | Pace L.Rev. | - | United States |
Pace Yearbook of International Law | - | Pace Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
Pace, Diritti dell'Uomo, Diritti dei Popoli | - | Pace, Diritti dell'Uomo | Italy |
Pacific Affairs | - | Pac.Aff. | Asia |
Pacific Coast Law Journal | - | Pac.Coast L.J. ; Pacific C.L.J. | United States, California |
Pacific Law Journal | Pac.L.J. | Pacific L.J. | United States |
Pacific Law Reporter | - | Pac.Law Reptr. | United States, California |
Pacific Reporter | P. | P ; P.R. ; Pac. ; Pac.R. ; Pac.Rep. | United States |
Pacific Reporter, Second Series | P.2d | P 2d | United States |
Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal | Pac.Rim L.& Pol'y J. | - | United States |
Page's Ohio Legislative Bulletin | Ohio Legis.Bull. | - | United States, Ohio |
Page's Ohio Revised Code Annotated | Ohio Rev.Code Ann. | Ohio Rev.Code.Ann. (Anderson) | United States, Ohio |
Paget's Decisions Affecting Bankers | - | Paget | England & Wales |
Paige's New York Chancery Reports | Paige Ch. | Pai. ; Pai.Ch. ; Paige | United States, New York |
Paine's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Pa. ; Pai. ; Paine ; Paine C.C. | United States |
Paisner Company Update | - | Paisner C.U. | None |
Paisner Environment Update | - | Paisner E.U. | None |
Paisner European Bulletin | - | Paisner E.B. | None |
Paisner Intellectual Property Briefing | - | Paisner I.P.B. | None |
Pakistan Criminal Law Journal | - | Pak.Crim.L.J. ; PCr.LJ | Pakistan |
Pakistan Labour Cases | - | PLC | Pakistan |
Pakistan Law Journal | - | PLJ | Pakistan |
Pakistan Law Reports, Karachi Series | - | Kar. ; P.L.R.(Karachi) ; P.L.R.Kar. ; Pak.L.R. | Pakistan |
Pakistan Law Reports, Lahore | - | Lah. ; P.L.R. ; P.L.R.(Lahore) ; P.L.R.Lah. ; Pak.L.R. | Pakistan |
Pakistan Law Reports, Lahore Series | - | P.L.R. ; P.L.R.(Lahore) ; Pak.L.R. | Pakistan |
Pakistan Law Reports, West Pakistan | - | P.L.R. ; P.L.R.(West Pakistan) ; P.L.R.W.P. ; Pak.L.R. | Pakistan |
Pakistan Legal Decisions | P.L.D. | A.P.L.D. ; All Pak.Leg.Dec. ; PLD | Pakistan |
Pakistan Supreme Court Reports | - | P.S.C.R. ; PSCR | Pakistan |
Pakistan Tax Decisions | - | PTD | Pakistan |
Pakistan Tax and Corporate Laws | - | Pakistan Tax & Corp.L. ; PTCL | Pakistan |
Palestine Law Reports | - | P.L.R. | Palestine |
Palestine Yearbook of International Law | - | Pal.Y.B.Int'l.L. ; Palestine Y.B.Int'l L. ; Palestine Yrbk Intl L | International |
Palestra (Pismo Adwokatury Polskiej) | - | Palestra | Poland |
Palmer's Company Cases | PCC | P.C.C. | United Kingdom |
Palmer's In Company | - | P.I.C. | United Kingdom |
Palmer's King's Bench Reports | Palm. | Pal. ; Palmer | England & Wales |
Palmer's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Palmer) | United States, Massachusetts |
Panama Canal Code | C.Z.Code | - | Panama, Canal Zone |
Pandectes Francaises | - | Pand.F. | France |
Pandectes Periodique | - | P.P. | Belgium |
Panstwo i Prawo | - | Panst Prawo | Poland |
Papua New Guinea Companies Legislation | - | PCA | Papua New Guinea |
Papua New Guinea Income Tax Legislation | - | PTX | Papua New Guinea |
Papua New Guinea National Court [Neutral Citation] | PGNC | - | Papua New Guinea |
Papua New Guinea Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | PGSC | - | Papua New Guinea |
Papua and New Guinea Law Reports | - | P.& N.G.L.R. ; P.N.G.L.R. | Papua New Guinea |
ParIiamentarian | Parl | Parl. ; Parliamentarian | Commonwealth |
Parker School Journal of East European Law | - | Parker Sch.J.E.Eur.L. | None |
Parker's Exchequer Reports | Park. | Par. ; Park.Exch. ; Park.Rev.Cas. ; Parker | England & Wales |
Parker's New York Criminal Cases | - | Park. ; Park.Cr. ; Park.Crim.(N.Y.) ; Park.Crim.R. ; Parker ; Parker Cr.Cas. ; Parker Cr.Cas.(N.Y.) ; Parker Cr.R. ; Parker Cr.R.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Parliamentary Affairs | - | Parl.Aff. | United Kingdom |
Parson's Select Equity Cases | - | Pars. ; Pars.Eq.Cas. ; Pars.Sel.Eq.Cas.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pasicrisie Belge | Pas. | Pas.Belge | Belgium |
Pasicrisie Luxembourgeoise | - | Pas.Lux. | Luxembourg |
Pasinomie Belge | - | Pasin. ; Pasin. Belge | Belgium |
Patent Law Annual | Pat.L.Ann. | - | United States |
Patent Law Review | - | Pat.L.Rev. | United States |
Patent World | - | P.W. ; Pat.World | United States |
Patent and Trademark Review | - | Pat.& Trademark Rev. | United States |
Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Research and Education | - | Pat.Trademark & Copyright J.Res.& Educ. | United States |
Patentblatt | - | PatBl | Germany |
Patents County Court (neutral citation) | EWPCC | PCC | England & Wales |
Patents, Trademark & Copyright Journal | Pat.Trademark & Copyright J. | - | United States |
Paterson & Murray's Supreme Court Reports, New South Wales | - | Mur. ; Murr. ; Pat.& Mr. ; Pat.& Mur. | Australia, New South Wales |
Paterson's Abridgement of Poor Law Cases | Pat.Abr. | - | England & Wales |
Paterson's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords | Paters.App. | Pat. ; Pat.App.Cas. ; Pat.H.L.Sc. ; Pater. ; Pater.Ap.Cas. ; Pater.App. ; Pater.App.Cas. ; Paterson ; Paterson Sc.App.Cas. | Scotland |
Patna Criminal Reports | - | Pat.C.R. | India, Bihar |
Patna High Court Cases | - | P.H.C.C. ; Pat.H.C.R. | India, Bihar |
Patna Law Journal | LGR (NSW) | Pat.L.J. | India, Bihar |
Patna Law Journal Reports | - | Pat.L.J.R. ; PLJR | India, Bihar |
Patna Law Reporter | - | Pat.L.R. ; Pat.L.Reptr. | India, Bihar |
Patna Law Times | - | P.L.T. ; Pat.L.T. | India, Bihar |
Patna Law Weekly | - | P.L.W. | India, Bihar |
Patna Weekly Notes | - | P.W.N. ; Pat.W.N. | India, Bihar |
Paton's Scotch Appeals, House of Lords | Pat.App. | Pat.App.Cas. ; Paton ; Paton.App.Cas. ; Paton.Sc.App.Cas. | Scotland |
Patrick's Election Cases | - | Patr.Elec.Cas. ; Patr.Elect.Cas. ; Patrick El.Cas. | Canada, Ontario |
Patton Jr. & Heath's Virginia Court of Appeals Reports | - | P.& H. ; Pat.& H. ; Patton ; Patton & H. ; Patton & H.(Va.) | United States, Virginia |
Pay Equity Reports | - | P.E.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Pay Magazine | - | Pay Mag. | United Kingdom |
Pay and Benefits Bulletin | - | P.A.B.B. | United Kingdom |
Payroll Tax Rulings | PT Rulings | - | Australia |
Peace and the Sciences | - | Peace & Sci. | Austria |
Peake's Additional Cases at Nisi Prius | Peake Add.Cas. | Pea.(2) ; Pea.Add.Cas. ; Peake N.P.Add.Cas. | England & Wales |
Peake's Law of Evidence | - | Peake Law Ev. | England & Wales |
Peake's Nisi Prius Reports | Peake | P.N.P. ; Pea. ; Peake N.P. ; Peake N.P.Cas. | England & Wales |
Pearce's Reports in Dearsley's Crown Cases Reserved | - | Pearce C.C. | England & Wales |
Pearson's Pennsylvania Reports | - | Pears. ; Pears.(Pa.) ; Pearson | United States, Pennsylvania |
Peck's Tennessee Reports | Peck | Peck (Tenn.) ; Tenn.(Peck) | United States, Tennessee |
Peckwell's Election Cases | Peck. | Peck.El.Cas. ; Peck.Elec.Cas. ; Peckw. | England & Wales |
Peere-Williams' Chancery & King's Bench Cases | P.Wms. | P.W. ; Peere Wms. ; Williams ; Williams P. ; Wms.P. | England & Wales |
Pegu Commissioner's Cases | - | Pegu Comm.Cas. | Burma |
Pelham's South Australia Reports | Pelham | - | Australia, South Australia |
Peltier's Decisions, Parish of Orleans | Pelt. | - | United States, Louisiana |
Pennewill's Delaware Reports | Penne. | Del.(Penne.) ; Pen. ; Penn.Del. ; Pennew. ; Pennewill | United States, Delaware |
Pennington's New Jersey Reports | - | N.J.Law (Pennington) ; Pen. ; Pen.N.J. ; Penn. ; Penning. | United States, New Jersey |
Pennsylvania Bank Cases | - | Pa.Bk.Cas. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly | - | Pa.B.A.Q. ; Pa.B.Ass'n.Q. ; Pa.Bar Asso.Q. ; Penn.B.A.Q. ; Pennsylvania Bar A.Q. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Bar Association Report | - | Pa.B.A.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Bar Brief | - | Pa.B.Brief | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Bulletin | Pa.Bull. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Code | Pa.Code | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Colonial Cases | - | Pa.Col.Cas. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Common Pleas Reporter | - | Pa.C.P. ; Pa.C.Pl. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Reports | Pa.Commw. | Pa.C. ; Pa.Commw.Ct. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes | Pa.Cons.Stat. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Corporation Reporter | - | P.C.R. ; Pa.Corp. ; Pa.Corp.R. ; Pa.Corp.Rep. ; Penn.Corp.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania County Court Reports | Pa.C. | P.C.R. ; Pa.C.C. ; Pa.Co.Ct. ; Pa.Co.Ct.R. ; Pa.County Ct. ; Penn.Co.Ct.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Courts, Decisions in Workmen's Compensation Cases | - | Pa.C.Dec.W.C.C. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Department Reports | - | Pa.Dep.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Decisions | - | Pa.Dep.L.& I.Dec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania District Reports | Pa.D. | Dist.Rep. ; Pa.Dist. ; Pa.Dist.R. ; Penn.Dist.Rep. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania District and County Reports | Pa.D.& C. | Pa.Dist.& C.Rep. ; Pa.Dist.& Co. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania District and County Reports, Fourth Series | Pa.D.& C.4th | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania District and County Reports, Second Series | Pa.D.& C.2d. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania District and County Reports, Third Series | Pa.D.& C.3d | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Fiduciary Reporter | - | Pa.Fid. ; Pa.Fiduc. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Law Journal | - | P.L.J. ; Pa.L. ; Pa.L.J. ; Pa.Law.J. ; Pa.Law.Jour. ; Penn.L.J. ; Penn.Law Jour. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Law Record | - | P.L.R. ; Pa.L.R. ; Pa.L.Rec. ; Pa.Rec. ; Penn.L.Rec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Law Review | - | Pennsylvania L.Rev. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Law Series | - | Pa.Law.Ser. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Miscellaneous Reports | - | Pa.Misc. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania State Reports | Pa. | P.S.R. ; Pa.Rep. ; Pa.St. ; Pa.State ; Penn. ; Penn.Rep. ; Penn.St. ; Penn.St.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports | Pa.Super. | Pa.S. ; Pa.Super.Ct. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Board Decisions | - | Pa.W.C.Bd.Dec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Board Decisions, Digest of Decisions | - | Pa.W.C.Bd.Dec.Dig. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennypacker's Colonial Cases | - | Penny.Col.Cas. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pennypacker's Unreported Pennsylvania Cases | Pennyp. | Penn. ; Penny. ; Pennyp.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Penrose and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports | Pen.& W. | P.& W. ; P.R. ; Penr.& W. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pension Benefits Law Reports | PBLR | United Kingdom | |
Pension Lawyer | - | Pen.Law. | United Kingdom |
Pension Review Board Reports | - | C.R.P. ; P.R.B. | Canada |
Pension Scheme Trustee | - | P.S.T. | United Kingdom |
Pensions | - | Pen. | None |
Pensions & Employee Benefits | - | P.& E.B. | None |
Pensions Law Reports | PLR | Pen.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Pensions Law Update | - | P.L.U. | None |
Pensions Management | - | P.M. | United Kingdom |
Pensions Systems | - | P.S. | None |
Pensions Today | - | P.T. | None |
Pensions Week | - | Pen.Week | United Kingdom |
Pensions World | - | Pen.World | United Kingdom |
Pensions and Benefit Reporter | Pens.& Ben.Rep. | - | United States |
Peoples for Human Rights | - | Peoples for Hum.Rts. | Japan |
Pepperdine Law Review | Pepp.L.Rev. | Pep.L.R. ; Pepperdine L.R. ; Pepperdine L.Rev. | United States |
Pereira's Supreme Court Reports | - | Pereira | Sri Lanka |
Periodiek Woordenboek | - | P.W. | Netherlands |
Permanent Court of International Justice Series A: Judgments and Orders | P.C.I.J. Series A | A. | International |
Permanent Court of International Justice Series B: Pleadings, Oral Statements & Documents | P.C.I.J. Series B | - | International |
Permanent Court of International Justice Series C: Acts & Documents Relating to Judgments & Advisory Opinions Given by the Court | P.C.I.J. Series C | - | International |
Permanent Court of International Justice, Judgments, Orders and Advisory Opinions, Series A/B | - | A/B | International |
Perrault's Conseil Superieur de Quebec | - | Per.C.S. | Canada, Quebec |
Perrault's Prevoste de Quebec | - | Per.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Perry & Davison's Queen's Bench Reports | Per.& Dav. | P.& D. ; Perry & D. ; Perry & Dav. | England & Wales |
Perry & Knapp's Election Cases | Per.& Kn. | P.& K. ; Perry & K. ; Perry & Kn. | England & Wales |
Perry's Insolvency Cases | Perry Ins. | - | England & Wales |
Perry's Notes of Cases, Bombay | - | Perry | India, Maharashtra |
Perry's Oriental Cases, Bombay | - | P.O.Cas. ; Per.Or.Cas. ; Perry | India, Maharashtra |
Persona y Derecho | - | Persona & Derecho ; Persona y Derecho | Spain |
Personal Injuries and Quantum Reports | P.I.Q.R. | - | England & Wales |
Personal Injuries and Quantum Reports - Liability | P.I.Q.R. P | - | England & Wales |
Personal Injuries and Quantum Reports - Quantum | P.I.Q.R. Q | - | England & Wales |
Personal Injury (EMIS) | - | P.Injury | United Kingdom |
Personal Injury (Wiley) | - | P.I. | England & Wales |
Personal Injury Brief Update Law Journal | - | P.I.B.U.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Personal Injury Compensation | - | P.I.Comp. | United Kingdom |
Personal Injury Law Journal | - | P.I.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Personal Injury Law and Medical Review | - | P.I.L.M.R. | England & Wales |
Personal Injury Newsletter | A | P.I.N. | England & Wales |
Personal Property Security Act Cases | - | P.P.S.A.C. | Canada |
Personal Property Security Act Cases, Second Series | - | P.P.S.A.C.(2d) | Canada |
Personal Property Security Act Cases, Third Series | - | P.P.S.A.C.(3d) | Canada |
Personal Tax Planning Review | PTPR | P.T.P.R. | United Kingdom |
Personal and Medical Injuries Law Letter | - | P.& M.I.L.L. | United Kingdom |
Personalblatt. Amtlicher Mitteilungsblatt d. Personalamts d. Verwaltung d. Vereinigten Wirtschaftsgebietes | - | PersBl | Germany |
Personnel Today | - | Pers.Today | None |
Perspectives on European Business Law | - | P.E.B.L. | European Union |
Perth International Law Journal | Perth ILJ | PILJ | International |
Peters' Condensed Reports, Supreme Court | - | Pet.Cond. | United States |
Peters' Prince Edward Island Reports | Peters | P.E.I. ; P.E.I.R. ; P.E.I.Rep. ; Pet. | Canada, Prince Edward Island |
Peters' Supreme Court Reports | Pet. | Pet.S.C. ; Peters ; U.S.(Pet.) | United States |
Peters' United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Pet. ; Pet.C.C. ; Peters C.C. | United States |
Peters' United States District Court Admiralty Decisions | - | Pet. ; Pet.Ad. ; Pet.Adm. ; Peters Adm. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Petit Code Dalloz des loyers et de la copropriete | - | C.loyers | France |
Petroleum Economist | - | Petroleum Economist | International |
Petty Sessions Review | PSR | P.S.R. ; P.S.Rev. ; Petty SR | Australia |
Pharma-Recht | - | PharmaR | Germany |
Pharmaceutical Law Insight | - | Pharm.L.I. | United Kingdom |
Philadelphia County Reporter | Phila | Philadelphia Co.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia Reports | - | P.R. ; Phil. ; Phil.R. ; Phila. ; Phila.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Philippine International Law Journal | - | Philippine Int'l L.J. | International |
Philippine Journal of Public Administration | - | Philippine J.Pub.Adm. | Philippines |
Philippine Law Journal | - | Philip LJ ; Philippine L.J. | Philippines |
Philippine Yearbook of International Law | - | Philip Yrbk Intl L ; Philippine Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
Philipps' Election Cases | Phil.El.Cas. | Ph. ; Phil. ; Philipps | England & Wales |
Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Judgments | Phil.Judg. | Jud. ; Phil.Ecc. ; Phil.Ecc.Judg. ; Phil.Jud. ; Phill.Ecc.Judg. ; Phillim.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports | Phil. | Ph. ; Phil.Ecc. ; Phil.Ecc.R. ; Phill.Ecc.R. ; Phillim. ; Phillim.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Phillips' Chancery Reports | Ph. | Ph.Cas. ; Phil. ; Phill. ; Phill.Ch. ; Phillips ; Phillips' Ch.Rep. | England & Wales |
Phillips' North Carolina Equity Reports | Phil.Eq. | N.C.(Phil.Eq.) ; Phil. ; Phil.Eq.(N.C.) ; Phill. ; Phillips | United States, North Carolina |
Phillips' North Carolina Law Reports | Phil.Law | N.C.(Phil.Law) ; Phil. ; Phil.N.C. ; Phill. ; Phill.L.(N.C.) ; Phillips | United States, North Carolina |
Phillips' State Trials (prior to 1688) | - | Phil.St.Tr. | England & Wales |
Philosophical Quarterly | - | Phil.Q. | United Kingdom |
Philosophical Review | - | Phil.Rev. | United States |
Philosophy | - | Philosophy | United Kingdom |
Philosophy East and West | - | Phil.E.& W. | Comparative Law |
Philosophy and Public Affairs | - | Phil.& Pub.Aff. | United States |
Phipson's Supreme Court Reports, Natal | - | Phip. ; Phipson | South Africa, Natal |
Pickering's Massachusetts Reports | Pick. | Mass.(Pick.) ; Pick.(Mass.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Pickle's Tennessee Reports | - | Pickle ; Tenn.(Pickle) | United States, Tennessee |
Piggot & Rodwell's Reports in Common Pleas | - | P.& R. ; Pig.& R. | England & Wales |
Pike and Fischer's Radio Regulations | - | R.R. | United States |
Pike and Fischer's Radio Regulations, Second Series | - | RR 2d | United States |
Pinney's Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports | Pin. | Pinn. | United States, Wisconsin |
Piske-din shel Bet Hadin ha-Raban yim be-Israel | - | Piske-din | Israel |
Piston's Mauritius Reports | - | Pist. ; Piston | Mauritius |
Pitcairn's Criminal Trials | Pitc. | Pitc.Crim.Tr. ; Pitc.Tr. | Scotland |
Pittsburgh Legal Journal | - | P.L.J. ; Pitt.L.J. ; Pitts.L.J. ; Pittsb.L.J. ; Pittsb.L.J.(Pa.) ; Pittsb.Leg.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Pittsburgh Reports | - | P.R. ; Pitts. ; Pitts.Rep. ; Pittsb. ; Pittsb.R.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Placitorum Summae Apud Gallos Curiae - Libri XII | - | du Luc | France |
Planned Savings | - | Pl.Sav. | United Kingdom |
Planner - Local Government Court Decisions | - | Planner | Australia |
Planning Appeal Decisions | P.A.D. | PAD | United Kingdom |
Planning Appeals Board Reports | PABR | - | Australia, Victoria |
Planning Inspectorate Journal | - | P.I.J. | United Kingdom |
Planning Law Case Reports | P.L.C.R. | - | United Kingdom |
Planning Law Reports | - | P.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Planning and Administration | - | PA ; Plan.& Admin. | Comparative Law |
Planning and Compensation Reports | P.& C.R. | Plan.& Comp. ; Prop.& Comp.R. | England & Wales |
Planning and Environmental Law Bulletin | - | P.E.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Plateau Law Reports | - | Plateau L.R. | Nigeria, Plateau State |
Plaxton's Constitutional Decisions of the Privy Council | - | Plaxton | Canada |
Plea Rolls for the County Palatine | - | Parker | England & Wales |
Plea Rolls of the Jewish Exchequer | - | Rigg | England & Wales |
Pleading & Practice Cases | Pl.& Pr.Cas. | - | England & Wales |
Pleadings and Depositions | - | Fishwick | England & Wales |
Pleas of the Court of King's Bench | - | Phillimore | England & Wales |
Plowden's Commentaries or Reports | Plow. | Plowd. | England & Wales |
Pobwon Kongbo | - | Pobwon | Korea, South |
Police Journal | - | Pol.J. ; Police J. | United Kingdom |
Police Law Reports | Police LR | Po LR | United Kingdom |
Police Station Practice | - | P.S.P. | United Kingdom |
Policing | - | Policing | United Kingdom |
Policing Today | - | Policing T. | United Kingdom |
Policy and Politics | - | Pol'y & Pol. | United Kingdom |
Polish Affairs | - | Polish Aff. | Poland |
Polish Legal Journal | - | Polish Legal J | Poland |
Polish Perspectives | - | Polish Perspectives | Poland |
Polish Political Science Yearbook | - | Polish Pol.Sci.Y.B. | Poland |
Polish Western Affairs | - | Polish W.Aff. | Poland |
Polish Yearbook of International Law | - | Polish Y.B.Int'l L. ; Polish Yrbk Intl L | International |
Political Quarterly | - | Pol.Q. | United Kingdom |
Political Research Quarterly | - | Pol.Res.Q. | United States |
Political Science | - | Pol.Sci. | New Zealand |
Political Science Quarterly | - | Pol.Sci.Q. ; PSQ | United States |
Political Science Review | - | Pol.Sci.Rev. | India |
Political Science and Politics | - | PS | United States |
Political Studies | - | Pol.Stud. | United Kingdom |
Political Theory | - | Pol.Theory | United States |
Politics and Society | - | Pol.& Soc'y | United States |
Politik und Kultur | - | Pol.& Kult. | Germany |
Politikon | - | Politikon ; S.A.J.Pol.Stud. | South Africa |
Politique Africane | - | Pol.Afr. | France |
Politique Etrangere | - | Pol.Etr. | France |
Politische Studien | - | Pol.Stud.(Munich) | Germany |
Politische Vierteljahresschrift | - | PVS | Germany |
Pollack's Ohio Unreported Judicial Decisions | - | Ohio Unrep.Jud.Dec. ; Pol. ; Poll. ; Pollack | United States, Ohio |
Pollexfen's King's Bench Reports | - | Pol. ; Pollex. ; Pollexf. ; Pollexfen | England & Wales |
Pondicherry Comparative Law Review | - | Pondicherry Comp.L.Rev. | Comparative Law |
Poor Law Magazine | P.L.Mag. ; Poor L.Mag. | Scotland | |
Poor Law Magazine and Journal of Public Health for Scotland | - | Scotland | |
Poor Law Magazine and Local Government Journal | - | Scotland | |
Poor Law Magazine and Parochial Journal | - | Scotland | |
Poor Law Magazine for Scotland | - | Scotland | |
Pophak | - | Pophak | Korea, South |
Popham's King's Bench Reports | Poph. | Pop. ; Popham | England & Wales |
Porter's Alabama Reports | Port. | Port.(Ala.) ; Porter | United States, Alabama |
Portfolio International | - | P.Int. | United Kingdom |
Posey's Unreported Texas Cases | - | Posey ; Posey Unrep.Cas. ; Tex.Unrep.Cas. | United States, Texas |
Post Magazine | - | Post Mag. | United Kingdom |
Potomac Law Review | Potomac L.Rev. | - | United States |
Power, Rodwell & Dew's Election Cases | Pow.R.& D. | P.R.& D. ; P.R.& D.El.Cas. | England & Wales |
Powers' New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Pow.Surr. ; Power ; Powers ; Powers Surr. | United States, New York |
Prace Prawnicze | - | Prace Praw. | Poland |
Practical Law for Companies | PLC | P.L.C. | United Kingdom |
Practical Lawyer | - | Prac.Law. | United Kingdom |
Practical Litigator | - | Prac.Litig. | United States |
Practical Planning & Development | - | P.P.& D. | United Kingdom |
Practical Planning Law | - | P.P.L. | United Kingdom |
Practical Real Estate Lawyer | - | Prac.Real Est.Law. | United States |
Practical Register in Chancery | - | Pr.Reg.Ch. | England & Wales |
Practical Register of the Common Pleas | - | Pr.Reg.C.P. ; Pract.Reg. | England & Wales |
Practical Tax Lawyer | - | Prac.Tax Law. | United Kingdom |
Practical VAT | - | Pract.VAT | United Kingdom |
Practice Today | - | Pract.Today | England & Wales |
Practice and Procedure | - | P.& P. | Ireland |
Practitioners' Child Law Bulletin | - | P.C.L.B. | England & Wales |
Practitioners' Child Law Journal | - | P.C.L.J. | England & Wales |
Pratische Ausfurungen aus Allen Theilen der Rechtwissenschaft | - | Pfeiffer | Germany |
Pratt's Ships' Light and Rule of the Road Cases | - | Pratt Cas. | England & Wales |
Pratt's Supplement to Bott's Poor Law Cases | Pratt | - | England & Wales |
Pravna Misul | - | Pravna Misul | Bulgaria |
Pravna Praksa | - | PP | Slovenia |
Pravnicke Studie | - | Prav Stud ; Prav.Stud. | Czech Republic |
Pravnik | - | Pravnik | Czech Republic |
Pravno Misao | - | Pravno Misao | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Pravny Obzor | - | Prav.Obzor ; Pravny Obzor | Slovak Republic |
Pravo | - | Pravo | Serbia |
Pravo Ukrainy | - | Pravo Ukrainy | Ukraine |
Pravovedenie | - | Pravoved. ; Pravovedenie | Russian Federation |
Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts | - | IPRax | Germany |
Praxis des Kantonsgerichtes von Graubunden | - | PKG | Switzerland |
Praxis des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichtes | - | Pra. | Switzerland |
Precedents of Hindoo Law | - | Pershad | India |
Pregled | - | Pregl. | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Prentice-Hall Weekly Legal Service | - | P.H. ; PH | South Africa |
Presence Africaine. Revue Culturelle du Monde Noir | - | Presence Afr. | Africa |
Press Releases | - | Press R. | United Kingdom |
Preussische Gesetzsammlung | P.L.I. | PrGS | Germany, Prussia |
Preussische Justiz | - | PrJust | Germany, Prussia |
Preussisches Besoldungsblatt | - | PrBesBl | Germany, Prussia |
Preussisches Finanz-Ministerialblatt und Besoldungsblatt | - | PrFMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Preussisches Verwaltungsblatt | - | PrVerwBl | Germany |
Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases | Preview U.S.Sup.Ct.Cas. | - | United States |
Price's Exchequer Reports | Price | Pr. ; Pr.Exch. ; Pri. | England & Wales |
Price's Mining Commissioners' Cases | - | Price ; Price Min.Cas. | Canada, Ontario |
Price's Notes of Practice Cases in Exchequer | Price Notes P.C. | Price Pr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Prices Justification Tribunal Decisions | - | PJTD | Australia |
Prideaux & Cole's Reports | Prid.& Co. | P.& C. ; Prid.& C. | England & Wales |
Prince Edward Island Supreme Court, Appeal Division | PESCAD | - | Canada, Prince Edward Island |
Prince Edward Island Supreme Court, Trial Division [Neutral Citation] | PESCTD | - | Canada, Prince Edward Island |
Prinosi za Poredbeno Proucavanje Prava I Medunarodno Pravo | - | Prinosi Pored.Prouc.Prava Medunar.Pravo | Croatia |
Prison Law Reports | Prison LR | PLR | United Kingdom |
Prison Service Journal | PSJ | Prison Serv.J. | United Kingdom |
Privacy & Data Protection | - | P.& D.P. | None |
Privacy Commissioner of Canada Decisions [Neutral Citation] | PCC | - | Canada |
Privacy Law & Policy Reporter | PLPR | - | Australia |
Privacy Laws & Business International Newsletter | - | P.L.& B.I.N. | None |
Privacy Laws & Business United Kingdom Newsletter | - | P.L.& B.U.K.N. | United Kingdom |
Privacy Laws and Business | - | P.L.& B. | United Kingdom |
Privacy Laws and Business Newsletter | - | P.L.& B.N. | United Kingdom |
Private Acts of the State of Tennessee | Tenn.Priv.Acts | - | United States, Tennessee |
Private Client Advisor | PCA | P.C.A. | United Kingdom |
Private Client Business | - | P.C.B. | United Kingdom |
Private Client Practitioner | - | P.C.P. | England & Wales |
Private Investments Abroad | - | Priv.Inv.Abroad | United States |
Private Investors Abroad | - | Priv.Inv.Abroad | United States |
Probate Law Journal | Prob.L.J. | - | United States |
Probate Section | - | PS | England & Wales |
Probation Journal | U.N.Y.B.I.L.C. | Probat.J. | United Kingdom |
Problemes Economiques | - | Probs.Econ. | France |
Problemes Politiques et Sociaux | - | Probs.Pol.et Soc. | France |
Problems of Communism | - | Prob.Communism | None |
Problemui Pravovedeniya | - | Probl.Pravoved. | Ukraine |
Problemy Rad Narodowych | - | Probl.Rad.Nar. | Poland |
Procedure Reports of New Zealand | - | PRNZ | New Zealand |
Proceedings & Ordinances | - | Nicolas | England & Wales |
Proceedings of the Administrative Law Conference | - | Admin.L.Conf. | Canada |
Proceedings of the Association of American Law Schools | - | A.A.L.S.Proc. | United States |
Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space | - | Proc.Colloq.on the L.of Outer Space | International |
Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales | Medico-Legal Soc NSW Proc | - | Australia, New South Wales |
Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria | Medico-Legal Soc Vic Proc | - | Australia, Victoria |
Proceedings of the New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law | NSWSCL Proceedings | N.S.W.S.C.L.Proc. | Australia, New South Wales |
Proceedings under the Conciliation (Trade Disputes) Act | - | Proc.Conc.Act | England & Wales |
Proceeds of Crime Review | - | P.C.R. | United Kingdom |
Proche-Orient: Etudes Juridiques | - | Proche-Orient | Lebanon |
Procurement and Outsourcing Journal | POJ | P. & O.J. | United Kingdom |
Product Adviser | - | P.A. | None |
Product Liability Australia | - | PLA | Australia |
Product Liability International | - | P.L.I. | None |
Product Safety & Liability Reporter | Prod.Safety & Liab.Rep. | - | United States |
Products Liability Reports | Prod.Liab.Rep. | - | United States |
Produkthaftpflicht International | - | PHI | Germany |
Professional Administrator | - | Pa. ; Prof.Admin. | Australia |
Professional Broking | - | P.B. | United Kingdom |
Professional Lawyer | - | Prof.L. | United Kingdom |
Professional Liability Today | - | P.L.T. | None |
Professional Negligence | PN | P.N. ; Prof.Negl. | United Kingdom |
Professional Negligence and Liability | - | P.N.& L. | England & Wales |
Professional Negligence and Liability Reports | P.N.L.R. | - | England & Wales |
Professional Pensions | - | P.P. | United Kingdom |
Professional Practice Management | - | P.P.M. | United Kingdom |
Progres | - | Progres | European Union |
Property & Compensation Reports | P.& C.R. | P & CR ; Prop.& Comp.R. | England & Wales |
Property Finance | - | P.F. | United Kingdom |
Property Finance & Development | - | P.F.& D. | None |
Property Law Bulletin (S&M) | - | P.L.B. ; Prop.L.Bull. | England & Wales |
Property Law Bulletin (W Green) | - | Prop.L.B. | Scotland |
Property Law Journal | - | P.L.J. | England & Wales |
Property Law Newsletter | - | P.L.N. | England & Wales |
Property Law Service Case Summaries | PLSCS | - | England & Wales |
Property Review | - | P.R. | England & Wales |
Property Valuer | - | P.V. | Ireland |
Property Week | Dow.& Ry.K.B. | P.Week | United Kingdom |
Property in Practice | PIP | P.I.P. | England & Wales |
Property, Planning & Compensation Reports | P.& C.R. | - | England & Wales |
Prospect | - | Prospect | United Kingdom |
Provincial Judges Journal | - | J.Juges Prov. ; Prov.Judges J. | Canada |
Provincial Reporter | Prov.Rep. | - | United States |
Przeglad Sadowy | - | Przeg Sad ; Przegl.Sadowy | Poland |
Przeglad Sejmowy | - | Przegl.Sejmowy | Poland |
Przeglad Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego | - | Przeg Ustaw Gospod ; PUG | Poland |
Przeglad Zachodni | - | Przegl.Zachodni | Poland |
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | - | PPL | Australia |
Psychology, Crime & Law | - | P.C.& L. | United Kingdom |
Public Acts of the State of Tennessee | Tenn.Pub.Acts | - | United States, Tennessee |
Public Administration | - | Pub.Adm. ; Pub.Admin. | United Kingdom |
Public Administration Quarterly | - | PAQ | United States |
Public Administration Review | PAR | Pub.Admin.Rev. | United States |
Public Administration and Development | - | Pub.Admin.& Dev. | United Kingdom |
Public Contract Law Journal | - | Pub.Cont.L.J. | United States |
Public Finance | - | Pub.Fin. ; Public F. | None |
Public General Acts & Measures | - | P.G.A.M. | United Kingdom |
Public Interest | - | Public Interest | United States |
Public Interest Law Journal of New Zealand | PILJNZ | - | |
Public Land Law Review | Pub.Land L.Rev. | - | United States |
Public Land and Resources Law Digest | - | Pub.Land & Resources L.Digest | United States |
Public Land and Resources Law Review | Pub.Land & Resources L.Rev. | - | United States |
Public Law | P.L. | PL ; Pub.L. ; Publ.L. | United Kingdom |
Public Law Bulletin | - | Pub.Law Bull. | United Kingdom |
Public Law Forum | - | Pub.L.Forum | United States |
Public Law Review | PLR | Pub.L.Rev. | Australia |
Public Law Today | - | England & Wales | |
Public Laws of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | R.I.Pub.Laws | - | United States, Rhode Island |
Public Policy | - | Pub.Pol. | United States |
Public Procurement Law Review | - | P.P.L.R. | European Union |
Public Sector Employment Law Journal | Fed.Comm.L.J. | P.S.E.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Public Service Staff Relations Board Decisions | - | Decision de la C.R.T.F.P. ; PSSRB Decisions | Canada |
Public Treasurer | PT | P.treas. | United Kingdom |
Public Utilities Reports Annotated | Pub.Util.Rep. | P.U.R. ; Pub.U.Rep. ; PUR | United States |
Public Utilities Reports Annotated, Fourth Series | - | P.U.R.4th | United States |
Public Utilities Reports Annotated, New Series | Rick.& M. | P.U.R.(N.S.) | United States |
Public Utilities Reports Annotated, Third Series | ACopyT | P.U.R.3d | United States |
Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan | Mich.Pub.Acts | - | United States, Michigan |
Publications of the European Court of Human Rights: Series A, Judgments and decisions | Series A | - | |
Publications of the European Court of Human Rights: Series B, Pleadings, oral arguments, and documents | Series B | - | |
Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising & Allied Fields Law Quarterly | Pub.Ent.Advert.& Allied Fields L.Q. | Pub.,Ent.,Adv.& Allied Fields L.Q. ; Pub.Ent.Adv.L.Q. ; Publ.& Entertainm. | United States |
Publius: The Journal of Federalism | - | Publius | United States |
Puerto Rico Federal Reports | - | P.R.F. ; P.R.Fed. ; Puerto Rico F. | Puerto Rico |
Puerto Rico Industrial Commission Decisions | - | P.R.I.C.Dec. | Puerto Rico |
Puerto Rico Supreme Court Reports | P.R.R. | P.R.S.C.R. | Puerto Rico |
Pugsley & Burbridge's New Brunswick Reports | - | N.B.R.(Pugs.& Burb.) ; N.B.R.P.& B. ; P.& B. ; Pugs.& Bur. ; Pugs.& Burb. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Pugsley & Trueman's New Brunswick Reports | - | N.B.R.(Pugs.& Tru.) ; N.B.R.P.& T. ; P.& T. ; Pugs.& Tru. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Pugsley's New Brunswick Reports | - | N.B.R.(Pugs.) ; N.B.R.Pug. ; N.B.R.Pugs. ; Pug. ; Pugs. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Punishment & Society | - | P.& S. | None |
Punjab Law Journal | - | Pun.L.J. | India, Punjab |
Punjab Law Reporter | - | P.L.R. ; PLR ; Pun.L.R. ; Punj LR | India, Punjab |
Punjab Record | - | P.R. ; Pun.R. | India, Punjab |
Punjab University Law Review | - | Punjab U.L.Rev. | India |
Punjab Weekly Reporter | - | P.W.R. ; Pun.W.R. | India, Punjab |
Purchasing Law Today | P.L. Today | England & Wales | |
Purdon's Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Annotated | Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Purdon's Pennsylvania Legislative Service | Pa.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes Annotated | Pa.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
Purvis' Monastic Chancery Proceedings | - | Purvis | England & Wales |
Pyke's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports | - | Py.R. ; Pyke ; Pyke L.C. ; Pyke's R. | Canada, Quebec |
Qada' al-Mahkamah al-'Vlya al-Ittihadiyah | - | Qada' | Libya |
Quaderni Costituzionali | - | Quad.Cost. | Italy |
Quaderni Fiorentini | - | Quaderni Fiorentini | Italy |
Quantum | Quantum | - | England & Wales |
Quarterly Account | - | Q.A. | United Kingdom |
Quarterly Journal of Administration | - | Q.J.Admin. | Nigeria |
Quarterly Journal of Economics | - | Q.J.Econ. | United States |
Quarterly Review of Tort Law | - | Q.R.T.L. | Ireland |
Quebec Appeal Cases | - | Q.A.C. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Arbitrator's Conference [Neutral Citation] | QCDAG | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Commission des Relations du Travail [Neutral Citation] | QCCRT | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Common Law Cases | - | Q.C.L.C. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Conseil de la Magistrature [Neutral Citation] | CMQC | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | QCCA | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Human Rights Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QCTDP | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Judicial Council [Neutral Citation] | QCCMQ | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Labour Court [Neutral Citation] | QCTT | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Law Reports | - | Q.L.R. ; Que.L.R. ; Quebec L.(Can.) ; R.J.Q. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Official Reports, Court of Appeal | - | C.A. ; Que.C.A. | Canada |
Quebec Official Reports, King's Bench | Que.K.B. or Que.Q.B. | B.R. ; L.R.K.B. ; L.R.Q.B. ; Q.S.C. ; Que.K.B. ; Que.Q.B. ; Queb.K.B. ; Queb.Q.B. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court | Que.S.C. or C.S. | C.S. ; C.S. ; Que.S.C. ; Que.S.C. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Practice Reports | - | Q.P.R. ; Que.P.R. ; Que.Pr. ; Queb.Pr. ; Quebec Pr.(Can.) ; R.P. ; R.P.C. ; R.P.Q. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Revised Reports | - | Math. ; R.J.R.Q. | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Securities Commission [Neutral Citation] | QCCVM | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Superior Court [Neutral Citation] | QCCS | - | Canada, Quebec |
Quebec Tax Reporter | - | Que.Tax R. | Canada, Quebec |
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property | QMJIP | Q.M.J.I.P. | None |
Queen's Law Journal | - | Q.L.J. ; Queen's L.J. ; Queens L.J. | Canada |
Queensland Administrative Reports | QAR | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Annual Law Review | - | QALR | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QADT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Bar News | Q Bar News | Q.Bar News | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management Commissioner - Adjudicator Orders [Neutral Citation] | - | QBCCMCmr | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Building Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QBT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Conveyancing Reports | Q ConvR | AQC ; CCH Q Conv R ; Q Conv R ; Q.Conv.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Criminal Law Journal | - | QCLJ | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Criminal Reports | QCLR | Q CAR ; Q.C.A.R. ; Q.C.L.R. ; Q.C.R. ; QCR | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Crown Lands Law Reports | QCLLR | CL (Q) ; CLR ; Q.C.L.L.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland District Court [Neutral Citation] | QDC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Government Gazette | QGG | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Government Industrial Gazette | QGIG | Q Gov Indus Gaz ; Q.Gov.Indus.Gaz. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Industrial Court [Neutral Citation] | QIC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission [Neutral Citation] | QIRComm | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Information Commissioner Decisions [Neutral Citation] | QICmr | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Institute of Technology Law Journal | QIT Law Journal | Q.I.T.L.J. ; QITLJ ; Qld Institute of Technology Journal ; Qld.Inst.Tecnol.L.J. ; Queensland Inst.Tech.L.J. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Justice of the Peace Magisterial Cases | QJP (Mag Cas) | Q.J.P.Mag.Cas. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports | QJPR | Q.J.P. ; Q.J.P.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Justice of the Peace and Local Authorities' Journal | QJP | Q.J.P. ; Queens.J.P.& Loc.Auth.Jo. ; Queensl.J.P.(Aus.) | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Land Appeal Court [Neutral Citation] | QLAC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Land Court Reports | QLCR | Q.L.C.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Land Court [Neutral Citation] | QLC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Land and Resources Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QLRT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Journal | QLJ | Q.L.J. ; Queens.L.J. ; Queensl.L.J.(Aus.) | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Journal & Reports | - | Q.L.J. ; Queens LJ ; Queensl.L.J.& R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Journal, Notes of Cases | QLJ (NC) | Q.L.J.(N.C.) | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Reporter & Weekly Notes | - | Q.W.N. ; Queensl.W.N.(Aus.) | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Reports | - | Beor ; Q.L.Beor ; Q.L.R. ; Q.L.R.(Beor) ; QL Beor ; QLR ; QLR (Beor) ; Queens LR ; Queens.L.R. ; Queensl. ; Queensl.L.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Law Society Journal | QLSJ | Q Law Soc J ; Q.L.S.J. ; Q.Law Soc.J. ; Queensl.L.S.J. ; Queensland L.Soc'y J. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Lawyer | QL | Q.L. ; Q.Law.R. ; Qd L ; Qd.L. ; Qld Lawyer Reps ; Queensland Law. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Liquor Appeals Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QLAT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Medical Assessment Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QMAT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Mental Health Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QMHT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Investigations Report | - | Q.P.C.A.I.Rep. ; QPCAI Report | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Planning & Environment Court [Neutral Citation] | QPEC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Planning Law Reports | QPLR | Q.P.L.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Practice Reports | - | Q.P.R. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Property Agents and Motor Dealers Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | QPAMDT | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Reports | Qd.R. | Qd R ; QR | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland State Reports | St.R.Qd. | Q.S.R. ; Queensl.St.(Austr.) ; Queensl.St.R. ; S.R.Q. ; SQR ; St R Qd ; St RQ ; St.R.Q. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Supreme Court Reports | - | Q.S.C.R. ; Queensl.S.C.(Aus.) ; Queensl.S.Ct.R. ; S.C.R.(Q.) ; SCR (Q) | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | QSC | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Supreme Court: Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | QCA | - | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Unit and Group Titles Law and Practice | - | Q.U.& G.T.L.P. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland University of Technology Law Journal | QUTLJ | Queensl.U.Tech.L.J. ; QUT Law Journal | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland Weekly Notes | QWN | Q.W.N. | Australia, Queensland |
Queensland and Northern Territories Judgments Bulletin | QNTJB | Q.N.T.J.B. | Australia, Queensland |
Questions Decided by Decrees of Parliament | - | Le Coq | France |
Questions Notables de Droits, Decidees Par Plusiers Arrets de la Cour de Parlement | - | Le Pestre | France |
Questions of International Law | - | Quest.Int'l L. | Hungary |
Quincy's Massachusetts Reports | - | Quin. ; Quincy | United States, Massachusetts |
Quinnipiac Health Law | - | Quinnipiac Health L. | United States |
Quinnipiac Law Review | Quinnipiac L.Rev. | - | United States |
Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal | - | Quinnipiac Prob.L.J. | United States |
Quotidien Juridique, Ancien Journal Special des Societes par Actions | - | Quot.jur. | France |
R.M.Charlton's Georgia Reports | - | Charl.R.M. ; Charlt. ; Charlt.R.M. ; Charlton (R.M.) | United States, Georgia |
Rabels Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht | - | Rabels Z ; Rabels Z. ; RabelsZ | Germany |
Raccolta completa della giurisprudenza del Consiglio di Stato | - | Racc.Cons.Stato. | Italy |
Raccolta degli Atti del Governo di Sua Maesta il Re di Sardegna | - | Atti del Governo | Italy |
Rafique and Jackson's Privy Council Decisions on Appeals from the Oudh High Court | - | Rafique & Jackson | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Ragland's Superior Court Decisions | - | Rag.Super.Ct.Dec. ; Ragland S.C. | United States, California |
Ragland's Unwritten Decisions | - | Ragland U.D. | United States, California |
Railroad Labor Board Decisions | - | R.L.B.Dec. | United States |
Railway & Canal Traffic Cases | Ry.& Can.Tr.Cas. | B.& M. ; B.& Mac. ; Brown & MacN. ; Browne & MacN. ; N.& McN. ; Nev.& Mac. ; Nev.& MacN. ; Nev.& McN. ; R.& C.Tr.Cas. ; R.& Can.Tr.Cas. ; Rail & Can.Cas. ; Ry.& C.Traffic Cas. ; Ry.& Can.Traf.Cas. ; Ry.& Can.Traffic Cas. | United Kingdom |
Railway & Corporation Law Journal | - | Railway & Corp.L.J. ; Railway & Corp.Law.J. ; Ry.& Corp.Law J. ; Ry.& Corp.Law Jour. | United States |
Rajarathnam's Revised Reports | - | Raj. ; Rajarathnam | Sri Lanka |
Rajasthan Law Weekly | - | R.L.W. ; Raj.L.W. | India, Rajasthan |
Rajdhani Law Reporter | - | Raj.L.R. | India, Delhi |
Ramachendrier's Cases on Adoption | - | Ramachendrier Cas.A. | India |
Ramachendrier's Cases on Dancing Girls | - | Ramachendrier Cas.D.G. | India |
Ramachendrier's Cases on Hindu Marriage Law | - | Ramachendrier Cas.H.M.L. | India |
Ramanathan's Supreme Court Reports | - | Ramanathan | Sri Lanka |
Ramsay's Appeal Cases | - | R.A.C. ; Ram. ; Rams.App. | Canada, Quebec |
Ramsey & Morin's Montreal Law Reporter | - | Law Rep. ; Law Repr. ; Ram.& Mor. | Canada, Quebec |
Ramshay's Cases of Pleading & Evidence | - | Ram.Cas.P.& E. | England & Wales |
Randolph's Virginia Reports | Rand. | Va.(Rand.) | United States, Virginia |
Rangoon Criminal Law Journal | - | Rangoon C.L.J. | Burma |
Rangoon Law Reports | - | Rang.L.R. ; Rangoon L.R. | Burma |
Rassegna Parlamentare | - | Rass.Parlam. ; Rass.Parlamentare | Italy |
Rassegna Tributaria | - | Rass.Trib. ; Rass.Tributaria | Italy |
Rassegna amministrativa | - | Rass.amm. | Italy |
Rassegna bibliografica di scienze giuridiche | - | Rass.bibl.scienz.giur. | Italy |
Rassegna dei magistrati | - | Rass.magistr. | Italy |
Rassegna del Consiglio Nazionale Forense | - | Rass.cons.for. | Italy |
Rassegna del lavoro | - | Rass.lavoro | Italy |
Rassegna dell'Arbitrato | - | Rassegna dell'Arb. | Italy |
Rassegna della proprieta industriale, letteraria e artistica | Comp.L.Yrbk.Intl.Bus. | Rass.propr.ind.lett.art. | Italy |
Rassegna di diritto cinematografico | - | Rass.dir.cin. | Italy |
Rassegna di diritto e technica dognale e delle imposte di fabbricazione | - | Rass.dir.dog. | Italy |
Rassegna di diritto pubblico | - | Rass.dir.pubbl. | Italy |
Rassegna di diritto sanitario | - | Rass.dir.san. | Italy |
Rassegna di finanza pubblica | - | Rass.fin.pubbl. | Italy |
Rassegna di giurisprudenza italiana dell'Istituto italiano di studi legislatavi | - | Rass.giur.it.ist.studi legisl. | Italy |
Rassegna di legislazione e giurisprudenza petrolifera | - | Rass.leg.giur.petr. | Italy |
Rassegna di studi penitenziari | - | Rass.studi.penit. | Italy |
Rassegna ecclesiastica | - | Rass.eccles. | Italy |
Rassegna economica | - | Rass.econ. | Italy |
Rassegna finanza tributaria | - | Rass.fin.trib. | Italy |
Rassegna giuliana di diritto e giurisprudenza | - | Rass.giuliana | Italy |
Rassegna giuridica sarda | - | Rass.giur.sarda | Italy |
Rassegna giuridica umbra | - | Rass.giur.umbra | Italy |
Rassegna internazionale delle assicurazini e degli infortuni | - | Rass.internaz. | Italy |
Rassegna lavori pubblici | - | Rass.lav.pubbl. | Italy |
Rassegna mensile delle imposte diritte | - | Rass.imp.dir. | Italy |
Rassegna penale | - | Rass.pen. | Italy |
Rating & Income Tax Reports | R.& I.T. | - | United Kingdom |
Rating & Valuation Reporter | RVR | R.& V.R. ; R.V.R. | United Kingdom |
Rating Appeals | RA | R.A. | United Kingdom |
Ratio Juris | Ratio Juris | - | None |
Ratsfallsreferat fran Regerings | - | RR | Sweden |
Rattigan's Select Cases in Hindu Law | - | Rattigan | India |
Rattsfall fran Bostadsdomstolen | - | RBD | Sweden |
Rattsfall fran Forsakringsoverdomstolen | - | RF | Sweden |
Rattsfall fran Hovratterna | - | RH | Sweden |
Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports | Rawle | Pa. Rawle ; R. ; Raw. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Rayner's Tithe Cases | Rayn. | Rayn.Ti.Cas. | England & Wales |
Re Report | - | Re Re. | International |
Reactions | - | Reactions | None |
Real Estate Law Journal | - | Real Est.L.J. ; Real Estate L.J. | United States |
Real Property Reports | - | R.P.R. | Canada |
Real Property Reports, Fourth Series | - | R.P.R.(4th) | Canada |
Real Property Reports, Second Series | - | R.P.R.(2d) | Canada |
Real Property Reports, Third Series | - | R.P.R.(3d) | Canada |
Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal | - | Real Prop.,Probate & Trust J. ; Real Prop.Prob.& Tr.J. | United States |
Receivers, Administrators and Liquidators Quarterly | - | R.A.L.Q. | None |
Recht | - | Recht | Switzerland |
Recht der Arbeit | - | RdA` ; Recht Arbeit | Germany |
Recht der Datenverarbeitung | - | RDV | Germany |
Recht der Elektrizitatswirtschaft | - | RdE` | Germany |
Recht der Energiewirtschaft | - | RdE` | Germany |
Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft | - | AWD ; RIW | Germany |
Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens Neuwied | - | RdJ ; RdJB | Germany |
Recht der Landwirtschaft | - | RdL | Germany |
Recht in Afrika | - | R in Afr | Africa |
Recht in Japan | - | Recht in Jap. | Germany |
Recht in Ost und West | - | ROW | Germany |
Recht und Politik | - | RuP` | Germany |
Recht und Psychiatrie | - | R&P | Germany |
Recht und Schaden | - | r+s | Germany |
Recht und Wirtschaft der Schule | - | RWS | Germany |
Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation | Del.Rptr. | RBD | Germany |
Recht, Zoll und Verfahren in Auslandsmarkten | - | RZV | Germany |
Rechts- und Wirtschaftspraxis | - | RWP | Germany |
Rechtsentscheidsammlung zum Wohnraummietrecht | - | RES | Germany |
Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis | - | R.M.Th. ; RMT | Netherlands |
Rechtshistorisches Journal | - | Rechtshistorisches J. | Germany |
Rechtskundig Weekblad | - | R.W. ; Rechtsk Weekbl | Belgium |
Rechtspfleger-Jahrbuch | - | RpflJB | Germany |
Rechtspfleger-Studienhefte | - | RpflStud | Germany |
Rechtspflegerblatt | - | RpflBl | Germany |
Rechtspraak Sociale Verzekering | - | R.S.V. | Netherlands |
Rechtspraak van de Week | - | R.v.d.W. | Netherlands |
Rechtsprechung der Hessischen Verwaltungsgerichte | - | HessVGRspr | Germany |
Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen | - | BGHWarn | Germany |
Rechtsprechung des Reichgerichts | - | WarnRspr | Germany |
Rechtsprechung in Arbeitssachen | - | ArbRspr | Germany |
Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum | - | DRiZ Rspr | Germany |
Rechtsprechung zum BGB, EGzBGB, CPO, KO, GBO und RFG | - | SoergelRspr | Germany |
Rechtsprechung zum Wiedergutmachungsrecht | - | RzW | Germany |
Rechtstheorie | - | Rechtstheor. ; Rechtstheorie | Germany |
Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York | - | Rec.A.B.City N.Y. | United States, New York |
Recovery | - | Recovery | United Kingdom |
Recueil Dalloz | - | D. | France |
Recueil Dalloz et Sirey | - | D.S. | France |
Recueil Dalloz-Sirey | - | D. ; D.S. | France |
Recueil Dalloz-Sirey: Informations Rapides | - | I.R. | France |
Recueil Dalloz-Sirey: chronique | - | Chr. | France |
Recueil Dalloz-Sirey: jurisprudence | Nat.L.R. | D.S.Jur. | France |
Recueil Penant | - | Rec Penant | France |
Recueil Sirey | - | S. | France |
Recueil analytique Dalloz | - | D.A. | France |
Recueil analytique Dalloz: jurisprudence | - | J. | France |
Recueil analytique Dalloz: legislation | - | L. | France |
Recueil analytique Dalloz: sommaire | - | Som. | France |
Recueil critique Dalloz | - | D.C. | France |
Recueil critique Dalloz: chronique | - | Chr. | France |
Recueil d'Arrets du Parlement de Paris | - | Bardet | France |
Recueil de Decisions en Matiere de Permis d'Alcool | - | R.D.M.P.A. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil de Droit Fiscal Quebecois | - | R.D.F.Q. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil de Droit Immobilier | - | R.D.I. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil de Droit de la Famille | - | R.D.F. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil de Jurisprudence | - | RJ(Benelux) | Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg |
Recueil de Jurisprudence Commission Municipale du Quebec | - | C.M.Q. | Canada |
Recueil de Jurisprudence du Quebec | - | R.J.Q. ; RJQ | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil de Jurisprudence et de Legislation; Publie par le Cour d'Appel de Dakar | - | R.J.Dakar | Senegal |
Recueil de jurisprudence commerciale et maritime du Havre | - | Rec.Le Havre | France |
Recueil de la Gazette de Palais | - | Gaz.Pal. | France |
Recueil de legislation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence coloniales (Dareste) | - | Dareste | France |
Recueil des Arrets Renus sur Plusiers Questions Jugees dans le Proces de Rapport en la Quatrieme Chambre des Enquetes | S.& G. | Grainville | France |
Recueil des Arrets de la Cour Supreme | - | R.C.S. | Morocco |
Recueil des Arrets de la Cour d'Appel de Rabat | - | R.C.A.R. | Morocco |
Recueil des Arrets de la Cour d'Appel et de la Cour Martiale du Canada | - | C.A.C.M. ; C.M.A.R. | Canada |
Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International de la Haye | - | R.C.A.D.I. ; RdC ; Recueil des Cours | International |
Recueil des Decisions du Conseil Constitutionnel | - | Cons.Cost. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil des Decisions du Tribunal Supreme | - | RDTS | Monaco |
Recueil des Grandes Arrets de la Jurisprudence Administrative | - | R.C.F.J. | Cameroon |
Recueil des Ordonnances de la Regie des Services Publics | - | R.S.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil des Plusieurs Arrets Notables du Parlement de Paris | - | Louet | France |
Recueil des arrets du Conseil Constitutionnel | - | Rec.Cons.Constit. | France |
Recueil des arrets du Conseil d'Etat (Lebon) | - | Collection Lebon ; Lebon ; R ; Rec. ; Rec.Cons.d'Et. | France |
Recueil des lois et reglements pour les neuf departements reunis par la loi du 9 vendemaire an IV | - | Recueil | Luxembourg |
Recueil en Responsibilite et Assurance | - | R.R.A. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueil general de jurisprudence de droit administratif et du conseil d'etat | - | R.J.D.A. | Belgium |
Recueil general de jurisprudence, de doctrine et de legislation de l'Union francaise (Penant) | - | Penant | France |
Recueil general des anciennes lois francaise (Isambert) | - | Isambert | France |
Recueil hebdomadaire Dalloz | - | D.H. ; DH | France |
Recueil le Dalloz | - | Rec Dal | France |
Recueil periodique et critique Dalloz | - | D.P. | France |
Recueils de Jurisprudence Cour du Bien-Etre Social | - | C.B.E.S. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueils de Jurisprudence de la Regie des Services Publics | - | R.S.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueils de Jurisprudence, Cour Provinciale | - | C.P. | Canada, Quebec |
Recueils des Jugements de l'Echiquier de Normandie au XIIIe Siecle | - | Delisle | France |
Redfield's New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Red. ; Redf. ; Redf.(N.Y.) ; Redf.Surr.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Redogorelser och Meddelanden Angaende Hogsta Domstolens Avgoranden | - | HD | Finland |
Refonte Sirey | - | Refonte Sirey | France |
Refresher | Refresher | - | Australia, Queensland |
Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia [Neutral Citation] | RRTA | - | Australia |
Regards sur l'Actualite | - | Regards sur l'Actual. | France |
Regent University Law Review | - | Regent Univ.L.Rev. | United States |
Regeringsrattens Arsbok | - | RA | Sweden |
Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, First Series | - | Reg.P.C. | Scotland |
Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, Second Series | - | Reg.P.C.2d | Scotland |
Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, Third Series | - | Reg.P.C.3d | Scotland |
Registro Judicial | - | R.J. | Panama |
Regulator & Professional Conduct Quarterly | - | Regulator | United Kingdom |
Reichs-Gesundheitsblatt | - | RGesundhBl | Germany |
Reichs-Verkehrs-Blatt | - | RVkBl | Germany |
Reichsarbeitsblatt | - | RABl | Germany |
Reichsbesoldungsblatt | - | RBB | Germany |
Reichsgesetzblatt | - | RGBl ; RGBl. | Germany |
Reichshaushalts- und Besoldungsblatt | - | RHBl | Germany |
Reichsministerialblatt | - | RMBl | Germany |
Reichsministerialblatt der Forstverwaltung | - | RMBlFv | Germany |
Reichsministerialblatt der Landwirtschaftlichen Verwaltung | - | LwRMBl | Germany |
Reichssteuerblatt | - | RStBl | Germany |
Reichsversicherungsordnung | - | RVO | Germany |
Reichsversorgungsblatt | - | RVBl | Germany |
Reichsverwaltungsblatt | - | RVerwBl | Germany |
Reichsverwaltungsblatt und Preussisches Verwaltungsblatt | - | RuPrVBl | Germany |
Reichszollblatt | - | RZBl | Germany |
Reid's Administrative Law | R.A.L. | Canada | |
Reid's Administrative Law Letter | - | Canada | |
Reid's Digest of Administrative Law | - | Canada | |
Reinsurance | - | Reins. | United Kingdom |
Reinsurance Law Reports | Re LR | Re.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Reinsurance Market Report | - | R.M.R. | None |
Reinsurance Quarterly | - | R.Q. | None |
Reinsurance Security Insider | - | R.S.I. | None |
Relationes Internationales | - | Rel.Int'l | France |
Renewable Energy Law & Policy Review | RELP | Europe | |
Renner's Reports of Cases in the Gold Coast and Nigeria | - | Ren. ; Renn. | Nigeria |
Rent Control Reporter | - | R.C.R. | India |
Rent Law Reporter | - | R.L.R. | India |
Rent Review & Lease Renewal | RRLR | R.R.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Reparation Bulletin | - | Rep.B. | Scotland |
Reparation Law Reports | - | Rep.L.R. | Scotland |
Repatriation Pension Decisions | RPD | R.P.D. | Australia |
Reperes: Bulletin Mensuel: Droit Civil Quebecoise | - | Reperes | Canada, Quebec |
Repertoire Pratique du Droit Belge | - | R.P.D.B. | Belgium |
Repertoire alphabetique et methodique de legislation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence | - | Jur.gen. ; R. ; R.D. | France |
Repertoire general pratique du notariat et de l'enregistrement (Defrenois) | Err.& App. | Defrenois ; Rep.Defrenois | France |
Repertoire pratique de legislation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence | - | Rep.prat. | France |
Repertorio Generale Annuale della Giurisprudenza | - | Rep.Giur.It. | Italy |
Repertorio Generale della Giurisprudenza Italiana | - | Rep.Gen. | Italy |
Repertorio cronologico de legislacion | - | Aranzadi | Spain |
Repertorio del Foro Italiano | - | Rep.Foro.It. | Italy |
Repertorio di Giurisprudenza Patria | - | RGP | Switzerland |
Repertorio di Giurisprudenza Patria Cantonale e Federale, Forense e Amministrativa | - | Rep. | Switzerland |
Repertorio di Giurisprudenza Patria Cantonale e Federale, Forense e Amministrativa, 2 serie | - | Rep.2s | Switzerland |
Repertorio di Giurisprudenza Patria Cantonale e Federale, Forense e Amministrativa, 3 serie | - | Rep.3s | Switzerland |
Repertorio di Giurisprudenza Patria Cantonale e Federale, Forense e Amministrativa, 4 serie | - | Rep.4s | Switzerland |
Report of Proceedings of the Annual Tax Conference Convened by the Canadian Tax Foundation | - | Rep.Proc.Ann.Tax Conf.Convened by Can.Tax Found. | Canada |
Reported Cases on Costs | - | Rep.Cas.Costs | Ireland |
Reporter - Australian Institute of Criminology Quarterly | - | Reporter | Australia |
Reporter on Human Reproduction and the Law | Human Reprod.& L.Rep. | RPTR.H.R.L. | United States |
Reports in Chancery | Rep.Ch. | Ca.t.Ch.II ; Cas.t.Ch.II ; Ch.R. ; Chan.Rep.C. ; Rep.in Can. ; Rep.in Ch. | England & Wales |
Reports of Bankruptcy and Companies (Winding Up) Cases | B.& C.R. | - | United Kingdom |
Reports of Cases Decided by the Supreme Constitutional Court | - | R.C.S.C.C. | Cyprus |
Reports of Cases Decided in the Sudder Court of Sindt by R West | - | Leggett | Pakistan |
Reports of Cases of the Supreme Court | - | R.C.S.C.M. | Malaysia |
Reports of Company Cases | - | R.C.C. | India |
Reports of Family Law | R.F.L. | - | Canada |
Reports of Family Law, Fifth Series | - | R.F.L.(5th) | Canada |
Reports of Family Law, Fourth Series | - | R.F.L.(4th) | Canada |
Reports of Family Law, Reprint Series | - | R.F.L.Rep. | Canada |
Reports of Family Law, Second Series | - | R.F.L.(2d) | Canada |
Reports of Family Law, Third Series | - | R.F.L.(3d) | Canada |
Reports of International Arbitral Awards | - | R.I.A.A. ; RIAA ; UNRIAA | International |
Reports of Municipal and Election Cases | - | R.M.E. | India |
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases | R.P.C. | Cut.Pat.Cas. ; Cutler ; R.Pat.Cas. ; Rep.Pat.Cas. ; Rep.Pat.Des.& Tr.Cas. ; RPC | United Kingdom |
Reports of Selected War Pensions Appeals | - | W.P.A.R. | United Kingdom |
Reports of the High Court of Griqualand | - | H.C.G. | South Africa |
Reports of the High Court of South West Africa | S.W.A. | - | Namibia |
Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic | S.A.R. | - | South Africa, Transvaal |
Reports of the Native Appeal Court (Central Division) | N.A.C.(C.D.) | N.A.C.(C.) | South Africa |
Reports of the Native Appeal Court (North-Eastern Division) | N.A.C.(N.-E.D.) | N.A.C.(N.E.) | South Africa |
Reports of the Native Appeal Court (Southern Division) | N.A.C.(S.D.) | - | South Africa |
Reports of the Native Appeal Court Reports (Cape and Orange Free State Division) | N.A.C.(C.& O.) | N.A.C.& O. | South Africa |
Reports of the Native Appeal Courts | - | N.A.C. | South Africa |
Reports of the Native Appeal and Divorce Court (Transvaal and Natal Division) | N.A.C.(N.& T.) | N.A.C.(T.& N.) | South Africa |
Reports of the Supreme Court | - | L.R.B.G. | Guyana |
Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals | B.T.A. | - | United States |
Reports of the United States Tax Court | T.C. | T.Ct. | United States |
Reprinted Selections from Reports on Civil Cases in the Punjab Record | - | Johnstone | India, Punjab |
Rerum Judicatarum Curiae | - | Robert | France |
Res Gestae | - | Res Gestae | United States, Indiana |
Res Judicatae | Res Jud | Res Iudicatae ; Res Jud. | Australia |
Res Publica (Belgium) | - | Res.Pub. | Belgium |
Res Publica (UK) | - | Res Publica | United Kingdom |
Research Programme on Risk Management | - | R.P.R.M. | None |
Research in Law and Economics | RLE | R.L.E. ; R.L.E.J.P. | |
Reserved Cases | Reserv.Cas. | Res.Cas. | Ireland |
Resmi Gazete | RG | R.G. | Turkey |
Resmi Kararlar Dergisi | - | RKD | Turkey |
Resource Management and Planning Appeal Trbunal of Tasmania [Neutral Citation] | TASRMPAT | - | Australia, Tasmania |
Resources: Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law | - | Resources | Canada |
Responsa Meridiana | - | Responsa Merid ; Responsa Meridiana ; RM | South Africa |
Restitution Law Review | RLR | R.L.R. ; Restitution L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Restorative Justice: an International Journal | R.J. | International | |
Retirement and Estate Planning Bulletin | REP | - | Australia |
Rettens Gang | - | RG | Norway |
Rettie, Crawford & Melville, Session Cases (4th Series) | R. | J.C.Rettie ; R.(Ct.of Sess.) ; R.(H.L.) ; R.C.(J.Rett.) ; R.H.L. ; RC(J) ; Rettie | Scotland |
Revenue | - | Revenue | United Kingdom |
Revenue Civil and Criminal Reporter | - | R.C.& C.R. ; Wyman | India, West Bengal |
Revenue Decisions of the Punjab | - | Ashraf | India, Punjab |
Revenue Law Journal | Revenue LJ | Revenue L.J. | Australia |
Review | - | Review | None |
Review of Central and East European Law | - | Rev CEE L ; Rev.C.E.E.Law ; Rev.Cent.& E.Eur.L. | None |
Review of Community and International Environmental Law | - | R.E.C.I.E.L. | None |
Review of Constitutional Studies | - | Rev.Const.Stud. ; Rev.Constit. Studies ; Rev.Etudes Constit. | Canada |
Review of Contemporary Law | - | Rev.Contemp.L. ; Rev.drt.contemp. | Comparative Law |
Review of European Community and International Environmental Law | RECIEL | R.E.C.I.E.L. ; Rev.Eur.Community & Int'l Envtl.L. | None |
Review of Ghana Law | - | R.G.L. ; Rev Ghana L ; Rev.Ghana L. | Ghana |
Review of International Affairs | - | Rev.Int'l Aff.(Belgrade) | Yugoslavia |
Review of International Business Law | - | Rev.Int'l Bus.L. | International |
Review of International Studies | - | Rev.Int'l Stud. | International |
Review of Litigation | Rev.Lit. | Rev.Litig. ; Rev.Litigation | United States |
Review of Mental Health Law | R.M.H.L. | England & Wales | |
Review of Socialist Law | - | Rev.Soc.L. ; Rev.Socialist L. | None |
Review of Taxation of Individuals | - | Rev.Tax'n Individuals | United States |
Review of the International Commission of Jurists | Brooklyn L.Rev. | I.C.J.Rev. ; ICJ Rev. ; Intl Com Jurists Rev | International |
Revised Code of Washington | Wash.Rev.Code | - | United States, Washington |
Revised Code of Washington Annotated | Wash.Rev.Code Ann. | - | United States, Washington |
Revised Codes of Montana Annotated | Mont.Rev.Code Ann. | - | United States, Montana |
Revised Reports | R.R. | Rev.R. ; Rev.Rep. ; Revised R. | England & Wales |
Revised Reports of Ceylon | - | C.R.R. | Sri Lanka |
Revised Statutes Canada | - | RSC | Canada |
Revised Statutes Nova Scotia | - | RSNS | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Revised Statutes of Nebraska | - | Neb.Rev.Stat. | United States, Nebraska |
Revised Statutes of Nebraska Annotated | - | Neb.Rev.Stat.Ann. | United States, Nebraska |
Revista Brasiliera de Estudos Politicos | - | Rev.Bras.Estud.Polit. | Brazil |
Revista Brasiliera de Politica Internacional | - | Rev.Bras.Polit.Int'l | Brazil |
Revista Chilena de Derecho | - | Rev Chil Der ; Rev.Chil.Der. | Chile |
Revista Cubana de Derecho | - | Rev Cub Der ; Rev.Cubana Der. | Cuba |
Revista Espanola de Derecho Canonico | - | Rev.Esp.Der.Canonico | Spain |
Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional | - | Rev.Esp.Der.Const. | Spain |
Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional | R.E.D.I. ; Rev Esp Der Intern | International | |
Revista Forense | - | R.F. ; Rev Forense | Brazil |
Revista General de Derecho | - | Rev Gen Der | Spain |
Revista General de Legislacion y Jurisprudencia | - | Rev.Gen.Legis.y Jurispr. | Spain |
Revista IIDH | - | Rev.IIDH ; Revista IIDH | International |
Revista Judicial: Corte Suprema de Justicia | - | R.J. | Costa Rica |
Revista Judicial: Organo de la Corte Suprema, Segundo Seria | - | R.J.(2a) | El Salvador |
Revista Judicial: Sentencias de la Corte Suprema | - | R.J. | El Salvador |
Revista Juridica | - | Rev.Jur.(Havana/Cuba) | Cuba |
Revista Juridica de Buenos Aires | - | Rev.Jur.Buenos Aires ; Rev.Jurid.Buenos Aires | Argentina |
Revista Juridica de Catalunya | Indus.Prop. | Rev.Jur.Catalunya | Spain |
Revista Juridica de Macau | - | Rev.Jur.Macau | Portugal |
Revista Juridica de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico | - | Rev.Jur.U.I. ; Rev.Jur.Univ.Interam.Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Revista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico | - | Rev.Jur.U.P.R. ; Rev.Jurid.Univ.Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Revista Juridica del Peru | - | Rev.Jur.Peru | Peru |
Revista Peruana de Derecho Internacional | - | Rev Peruana Der Intern ; Rev.Peruana Der.Int'l | Peru |
Revista Peruana de Jurisprudencia | J Occ Health Safety Aust | Rev Peruana Jurisp | Peru |
Revista Romana de Drept | - | Rev.Rom. | Romania |
Revista Trimestral de Direito Publico | - | Rev.Trimestr.Direito Publ. | Brazil |
Revista Trimestral de Jurisprudencia | - | R.T.J. | Brazil |
Revista da Faculdade de Dereito da Universidade de Lisboa | - | Rev.Fac.Dir.Univ.(Lisbon) | Portugal |
Revista da Faculdade de Dereito da Universidade de Sao Paulo | - | Rev Fac Dir Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Revista da Ordem dos Advogados | - | Rev Ord Advog | Portugal |
Revista de Administacion Publica | - | Rev Admin Publ ; Rev.Adm.Publ. | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Mercantil | - | Rev Der Merc | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Politico | - | Rev.Der.Polit. | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Privado | - | Rev Der Priv | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Procesal: Dirigada a Iberoameriana | - | Rev Der Proc Dirig Iberoam | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Publico (Spain) | - | Rev.Der.Publ.(Madrid) | Spain |
Revista de Derecho Publico (Venezuela) | - | Rev.Der.Publ.(Caracas) | Venezuela |
Revista de Derecho Publico y Ciencia Politica | Ann.Fac.Dr.Sci.Polit. | Rev.Der.Publ.y Cienc.Polit. | Colombia |
Revista de Derecho Publico. Universidad de Chile, Escuela de Derecho | - | Rev.Der.Publ.(Santiago) | Chile |
Revista de Derecho Puertorriqueno | - | Rev.D.P. ; Rev.Der.Puertorriqueno ; Rev.Derecho Puertorriqueno | Puerto Rico |
Revista de Derecho e Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales | - | R.D. | Chile |
Revista de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales | - | Rev Der & Cien Soc | Chile |
Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia y Gaceta de los Tribunales | - | Rev Der & Jurisp ; Rev.Der.y Gac.de los Trib. | Chile |
Revista de Direito Administrativo | - | RDA | Brazil |
Revista de Direito Publico | - | RDP | Brazil |
Revista de Direito e Economica | - | RDE | Portugal |
Revista de Estudios Politicos | - | Rev.Estud.Polit. | Spain |
Revista de Estudios e Investigacion de las Comunidades Europeas | - | Rev.Estud.e Invest.de las Comun.Eur. | European Union |
Revista de Informacao Legislativa | - | Rev.Inf.Legisl. | Brazil |
Revista de Informacion Juridica | - | R.I.J. | Cuba |
Revista de Instituciones Europeas | - | Rev.Inst.Eur. | European Union |
Revista de Investigaciones Juridicas | - | Rev Investigac Jur ; Rev.Invest.Jur. | Mexico |
Revista de Jurisprudencia do Tribunal Federal de Recursos | - | R.T.F.R. | Brazil |
Revista de Jurisprudencia do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho | CWN | R.T.S.T. | Brazil |
Revista de Lengua i Dret | - | Rev.Lengua i Dret | Spain |
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia | - | Rev.Acad.Colombiana de Jurispr. | Colombia |
Revista de la Academia Puertorriquena de Jurisprudencia y Legislacion | - | Rev.Acad.P.Jur.Legis. | Puerto Rico |
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Politicas (Universidad Central de Venezuela) | - | Rev.Fac.Cienc.Jur.y Polit.(Univ.Cent.Venez) | Venezuela |
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de Mexico | - | Rev Fac Der (Mexico) ; Rev.Fac.Der.Mex. ; Rev.Fac.Derecho Mexico | Mexico |
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense | - | Rev.Fac.Der.Univ.Complutense | Spain |
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales | - | Rev.Fac.Der.Cienc.Soc. | Uruguay |
Revista de las Cortes Generales | - | Rev.Cortes Gen. | Spain |
Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales | - | Rev.Cent.Estud.Const. | Spain |
Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico | - | Rev.Col.Ab.P.R. ; Rev.Colegio Abog.Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Revista del Foro: Organo del Colegio de Abogados de Lima | - | Rev Foro Lima ; Rev.Foro | Peru |
Revista dos Tribunaes | - | R.T. | Brazil |
Revisto do Supremo Tribunal | - | R.S.T.F. | Brazil |
Revue Administrative et Juridique du Burundi | - | Rev.A.J.B. | Burundi |
Revue Algerienne des Relations Internationales | - | Rev.Alger.Rel.Int'l | Algeria |
Revue Algerienne des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Politique | - | Rev Alger Sci Jur ; Rev.Alg. | Algeria |
Revue Algerienne, Tunisienne et Marocain de Legislation et de Jurisprudence | - | Rev.A.T.M. | Algeria |
Revue Analytique de Jurisprudence du Congo | - | Rev Anal Jurisp Congo | Congo (Democratic Republic) |
Revue Belge de Droit International | - | R.B.D.I. ; Rev Belge Dr Intern ; Rev.Belge Droit Int'l | International |
Revue Burkinabe de Droit | - | Rev Burkinabe Dr | Burkina Faso |
Revue Congolaise de Droit | - | Rev Cong Dr | Congo (Brazzaville) |
Revue Critique de Droit International Prive | - | Niboyet ; R.C.D.I.P. ; Rev Crit Dr Intern Priv ; Rev.crit.dr.intl.priv. | International |
Revue Critique de Jurisprudence Belge | - | R.C. ; R.C.J.B. | Belgium |
Revue Critique de Legislation | - | Rev.Crit. | Canada, Quebec |
Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence | - | R.C.L.J. | France |
Revue Egyptienne de Droit International | - | Rev.Egypt.Dr.Int'l ; Rev.Egypt.Droit Int'l | International |
Revue Europeenne de Droit Public | - | ERPL ; RED ; Rev Eur Dr Pub | None |
Revue Fiduciaire | N.C.Adv.Legis. | Rev.fiduc. | France |
Revue Francaise de Droit Administratif | - | Rev Fr Dr Admin ; RFDA | France |
Revue Francaise de Droit Aerien et Spatial | - | R.F.D.A.S. ; Rev Fr Dr Aerien ; Rev.franc.dr.aerien. | France |
Revue Francaise de Droit Constitutionnel | - | Rev Fr Dr Const ; Rev.Fr.Dr.Const. | France |
Revue Francaise de Science Politique | - | R.F.S.P. ; Rev.Franc.Sci.Pol. | France |
Revue Fribourgeoise de Jurisprudence | - | FZR ; RFJ | Switzerland |
Revue General de Droit Aerien | - | R.G.D.A. | France |
Revue General de Droit International Public | R.G.D.I.P. | Rev Gen Dr Intern Pub ; Rev.Gen.D.I.Publ. ; Rev.Gen.Dr.Intern.Pub. | France |
Revue Generale de Droit (Section de Droit Civil, Universite d'Ottawa) | - | R.G.D. ; Rev Gen Dr ; Rev.Gen.Droit | Canada, Quebec |
Revue Generale de Droit International Public | - | R.G.D.I.P. | France |
Revue Generale de l'Air | - | R.G.D.A. | France |
Revue Generale des Assurances Terrestres | - | R.G.A.T. | France |
Revue Generale des Assurances et des Responsabilites | - | R.G.A.R. | Belgium |
Revue Hellenique de Droit International | - | R.H.D.I. ; Rev Hellen Dr Intern ; Rev.Hellenique Droit Int'l | International |
Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger | - | R.H.D. ; Rev Hist Dr Fr & Etran | France |
Revue Internationale de Droit Africain, Revue EDJA | - | Rev Intern Dr Afr EDJA | Senegal |
Revue Internationale de Droit Compare | - | R.I.D.C. ; Rev Intern Dr Comp ; Rev.Intern.Dr.Comp. ; RIDC | Comparative Law |
Revue Internationale de Droit Contemporain | - | Int'l Rev.Contemp.L. ; Rev.Int'l Dr.Contemp. | Comparative Law |
Revue Internationale de Droit Economique | - | Rev Intern Dr Econ | Belgium |
Revue Internationale de Droit Penal | - | R.I.D.P. ; Rev Intern Dr Pen ; Rev.Int'l Dr.Penal ; Rev.Int'le Droit Penal | France |
Revue Internationale de Protection Civile | - | ICDO J. ; Rev.de la OIPC ; Revue de l'OIPC | International |
Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge | - | Rev.ICR | International |
Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquite | - | Rev Intern Dr Antiq ; Rev.Int'le Droits Ant. | Comparative Law |
Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives | - | Rev.Int'l Sci.Admin. ; Rev.intern.sc.admin. ; RISA | Comparative Law |
Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur | - | Rev Intern Dr Auteur ; Rev.Int'le Droit d'Auteur ; Rev.internat.dr.auteur ; RIDA | France |
Revue Internationale du Travail | - | Rev.Int'l Travail | International |
Revue Ivoirienne de Droit | - | Rev.Ivoir.Dr. | Cote D'Ivoire |
Revue Juridique (Droit Ecrit et Coutumier) du Ruanda et du Burundi | - | Rev.J.R.B. | Rwanda |
Revue Juridique Politique et Economique du Maroc | - | Rev Jur Pol & Econ Maroc ; RJPEM | Morocco |
Revue Juridique de l'Environnement | - | R.J.E. ; Rev Jur Environ ; Rev.jur.environ. | France |
Revue Juridique du Rwanda | - | Rev Jur Rwanda | Rwanda |
Revue Juridique et Politique, Independance et Cooperation | - | Rev Jur & Pol, Independ & Coop ; RJPIC | France |
Revue Legale | - | R.L.O.S. ; Rev.Leg. ; Rev.Leg.(O.S.) ; Rev.Legale | Canada, Quebec |
Revue Legale, New Series | R.L. | R.L.N.S. ; Rev.Leg. ; Rev.Leg.(N.S.) ; Rev.Legale | Canada, Quebec |
Revue Penitentiaire et de Droit Penal | - | R.P.D.P. | France |
Revue Politique et Parlementaire | - | R.P.P. ; RPP | France |
Revue Pratique des Questions Commerciales et Economiques | - | Rev.prat.quest.com.et econ. | Belgium |
Revue Pratique des Societes civiles et commerciales | - | Rev.prat.soc. | Belgium |
Revue Pratique du Droit Social | - | R.P.D.S. | France |
Revue Quebecoise de Droit International | - | R.Q.D.I. ; Rev Quebec Dr Intern ; Rev.Quebec Droit Int'l | Canada, Quebec |
Revue Roumaine d'Etudes Internationales | - | Rev.Roum.d'Et.Int'l | Romania |
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Juridiques | - | Rev Roumaine Sci Jur ; Rev.Roum.Sci.Jur. | Romania |
Revue Senegalaise de Droit | - | Rev Senegal Dr | Senegal |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil | RTDCiv | R.T.D.C. ; Rev Trim Dr Civ ; Rev.tr.civ. ; Rev.trim.civ. ; Rev.trim.dr.civ. ; Rev.trim.droit civil | France |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique | - | R.T.D.C. ; Rev Trim Dr Comm & Econ ; Rev.trim.com. ; Rev.Trim.Dr.Com. ; RTDCom | France |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen | RTD eur | R.T.D.E. ; Rev Trim Dr Euro ; Rev.tr.dr.eur. ; Rev.trim.dr.euro. ; Rev.trim.droit.eur. ; RTD Eur. ; RTDE ; RTDEur | France |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Sanitaire et Social | - | R.T.D.S.S. | France |
Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l'Homme | - | Rev Trim Dr Homme ; RTDH | Belgium |
Revue Tunisienne de Droit | - | Rev Tunis Dr | Tunisia |
Revue Universelle des Droits de l'Homme | - | RUDH | None |
Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest | - | Rev.d'Et.Comp.Est-Ouest | Comparative Law |
Revue d'Etudes Juridiques | - | R.E.J. | Canada |
Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique | - | Rev.d'Hist.Dipl. | France |
Revue de Droit Administratif et de Droit Fiscal | - | RDAF | Switzerland |
Revue de Droit Canonique | - | Rev.de Droit Canonique ; Rev.dr.canon. ; Rev.Droit Canon. | France |
Revue de Droit Compare | - | Rev.Droit Compare | Comparative Law |
Revue de Droit Compare (Institute Japonais de Droit Compare) | - | Rev.Dr.Comp.(Tokyo) | Japan |
Revue de Droit International Public | - | Rev.drt.publ. | Belgium |
Revue de Droit International de Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques | - | R.D.I. ; Rev.Droit Int'l Sciences Dipl.& Politiques | International |
Revue de Droit International et de Droit Compare | - | R.D.I.D.C. ; Rev Dr Intern & Comp ; Rev.drt.intern.et.drt.comp. | International |
Revue de Droit International et de Legislation Comparee | - | Rev.drt.intern.et leg.comp. | International |
Revue de Droit Judiciaire | - | R.D.J. | Canada |
Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre | - | Rev Dr Milit ; Rev.Dr.Mil.Dr.Guerre | Belgium |
Revue de Droit Penal Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre | - | Rev.Droit Pen.Mil.& Droit Guerre | Belgium |
Revue de Droit Penal et de Criminologie | - | Rev Dr Pen ; Rev.drt.pen. | Belgium |
Revue de Droit de L'ULB (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) | - | Rev.Dr.ULB | Belgium |
Revue de Droit de l'Universite de Sherbrooke | - | R.D.U.S. ; Rev Dr Sherbrooke ; Rev.Droit Univ.Sherbrooke | Canada |
Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales | - | Rev Dr Aff Intern ; Rev.Droit Aff.Int'les | International |
Revue de Droit des Pays d'Afrique (Penant) | - | Penant | France |
Revue de Droit du Travail | - | R.D.T. | Canada |
Revue de Droit intellectuel-l'Ingenieur-Conseil | - | Ing.Cons. | Belgium |
Revue de Jurisprudence | - | R.de Jur. | Canada, Quebec |
Revue de Jurisprudence de Liege, Mons et Bruxelles | - | JLMB | Belgium |
Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence | - | R.de L. | Canada, Quebec |
Revue de Planification Fiscale et Successorale | - | Rev.Plan.Fisc.& Success. | Canada, Quebec |
Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Penal Compare | Rev.Sc.Crim. | R.S.C. ; Rev Sci Crim & Dr Pen ; Rev.Sci.Crim.& Dr.Pen. ; Rev.Sci.Crim.Dr.Penal Comp. | France |
Revue de Science Financiere | - | R.S.F. | France |
Revue de droit immobilier | - | Rev.dr.immob. | France |
Revue de droit international prive (Darras) | Aus.J.Psych.Phil. | Darras | France |
Revue de droit rural | - | Rev.dr.rur. | France |
Revue de jurisprudence commerciale | - | Rev.jur.com. | France |
Revue de jurisprudence fiscale | - | Rev.jur.fisc. | France |
Revue de l'Administration et de Droit Administratif | - | Rev.de l'adm. | Belgium |
Revue de l'Arbitrage | - | Rev.arb. ; Rev.l.Arb. | France |
Revue de l'enregistrement et des impots | - | Rev.enreg. | France |
Revue de la Banque | - | Rev.Banque | Belgium |
Revue de la Common Law en Francais | - | R.C.L.F. | Canada |
Revue de la Navigation Interieure et Rhenane | - | NPI | France |
Revue de la Recherche Juridique | - | R.R.J. | France |
Revue des Affaires Europeenes | - | R.A.E. | None |
Revue des Droits de l'Homme | - | R.D.H. ; R.D.H.-H.R.J. ; Rev.Droits l'Homme | France |
Revue des Estudes Sud-Est Europeennes | - | Rev.Et.Sud-Est Eur. | None |
Revue des Faillites, Concordats, Liquidations, Sequestres | - | R.F. | Belgium |
Revue des Syndics et Administrateurs Judiciaires de France | - | Rev.syndics | France |
Revue des huissiers de justice | - | Rev.huissiers justice | France |
Revue des loyers | - | Rev.loyers | France |
Revue des postes et telecommunications | - | Rev.P.et T. | France |
Revue des societes | - | Rev.soc. | France |
Revue du Droit Public | RDP | R.D.P. ; Rev Dr Publ & Sci Pol ; Rev.dr.publ. | France |
Revue du Marche Commun et de l'Union Europeene | - | R.M.C. ; Rev Marche Com | European Union |
Revue generale de l'air et de l'espace | - | Rev.gen.air | France |
Revue internationale de la propriete industrielle et artistique | - | Rev.int.propr.industr. | France |
Revue internationale de science criminelle | - | Rev.int.science crim. | France |
Revue juridique d'Alsace et de Lorraine | - | Rev.jur.Alsace et Lorraine | France |
Rewi-Information | - | RewiZ | Germany |
Rheinisch-Pfalzisches Verwaltungsblatt | - | RhPfVerwBl | Germany |
Rhode Island Bar Journal | - | R.I.B.J. | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhode Island Board of Railroad Commissioners Reports | - | R.I.Bd.R.C. | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhode Island Decisions | - | R.I.Dec. | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhode Island Government Register | R.I.Gov't Reg. | - | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhode Island Reports | R.I. | - | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhode Island Superior Court Transcripts | - | R.I.R. | United States, Rhode Island |
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Court of Appeal Law Reports | - | R.N.C.A. ; Rhod.C.A. | Rhodesia and Nyasaland |
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Reports | R.& N. | FSC (SR) ; R&N ; R.& N.L.R | Rhodesia and Nyasaland |
Rhodesian Court of Appeal Law Reports | - | Rh.C.A. | Rhodesia and Nyasaland |
Rhodesian Law Journal | - | R.L.J. ; Rh.L.J. ; RLJ | Zimbabwe |
Rhodesian Law Reports | R.L.R. | RLR | Zimbabwe |
Rice's South Carolina Equity Reports | Rice Eq. | Rice Ch. ; S.C.Eq.(Rice.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Rice's South Carolina Law Reports | Rice | Rice L.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(Rice) | United States, South Carolina |
Richardson's South Carolina Equity Cases | Rich.Cas. | Rich.Cas.(S.C.) ; Rich.Eq.Cas. ; S.C.Eq.(Rich.Cas.) | United States, South Carolina |
Richardson's South Carolina Equity Reports | Rich.Eq. | Rich.Ch. ; Rich.Eq.Ch. ; S.C.Eq.(Rich.Eq.) | United States, South Carolina |
Richardson's South Carolina Reports | Rich. | Rich.L.(S.C.) ; Rich.Law(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(Rich.) | United States, South Carolina |
Richmond Journal of Law & Technology | - | Rich.J.L.& Tech. | United States |
Rickards & Michael's Locus Standi Reports | Rick.& M. | - | United Kingdom |
Rickards & Saunders' Locus Standi Reports | Rick.& S. | - | United Kingdom |
Ridgeway's Parliamentary Reports | Ridg.Parl.Rep. | Ridg.Ap. ; Ridg.P.C. ; Ridg.Pr.Rep. ; Ridgw.Ir.Pr.C. | Ireland |
Ridgeway's Reports in King's Bench and Chancery tempore Hardwicke | Ridg.temp.H. | Ridg. ; Ridg.Cas. ; Ridg.t.H. ; Ridg.temp.Hard. ; Ridgew. ; Ridgew.t.Hardw. | England & Wales |
Ridgeway, Lapp & Schoales Irish Term Reports | Ridg.L.& S. | I.T.R. ; R.L.& S. ; Ridgew.L.& S.(Ire.) | Ireland |
Rights Workers' Bulletin | - | R.W.B. | United Kingdom |
Rights and Wrong in Medicine | - | Rts.& Wrong Med. | United Kingdom |
Rights of Way Law Review | - | R.W.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Rights of Women Bulletin | - | ROW Bulletin | None |
Rikkyo Hogaku | - | Rikkyo Hogaku | Japan |
Riley's South Carolina Equity Reports | Ril.Eq. | Ril. ; Riley ; Riley Ch. ; Riley Eq. ; Riley Eq.(S.C.) ; S.C.Eq.(Ril.) | United States, South Carolina |
Riley's South Carolina Law Reports | Ril. | Riley ; Riley L.(S.C.) ; S.C.L.(Riley) | United States, South Carolina |
Ripley's Selected Judgments and Rulings of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner | - | Ripley | Burma |
Risk Management | - | Risk Man. | United States |
Risk Management Bulletin | - | R.M.B. | None |
Risk Management Reports | - | Risk M.R. | None |
Risk Update | - | Risk Update | None |
Risk: Health, Safety and Environment | - | Risk Health Safety & Env't | United States |
Rissho Hogaku Ronshu | - | Rissho Hogaku Ronshu | Japan |
Ritchie's Equity Reports | - | R.E.D. ; Ritch. ; Ritch.Eq.Dec. ; Ritch.Eq.Rep. ; Ritchie | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Ritsumeikan Hogaku | Ritsumei | - | Japan |
Rivista Amministrativa della Repubblica Italiana | - | Riv.Amministr.Repubbl.Ital. | Italy |
Rivista Giuridica Sarda | - | Riv.Giur.Sarda | Italy |
Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente | - | Riv.Giur.Ambiente | Italy |
Rivista Internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo | - | Riv.Int.Dir.dell'Uomo | Italy |
Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto | - | Rev.Int.Filos.Dir. ; Riv Intern Filos Dir ; Riv.Int'le Filosofia Diritto | Italy |
Rivista Italiana di Diritto Procedura Penale | - | Riv It Dir & Proc Pen | Italy |
Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario | - | Riv.Ital.Dir.Pubbl.Comun. | Italy |
Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Publico | - | Riv Trim Dir Pubbl ; Riv.trim.dir.pubbl. ; Riv.Trimes.Dir.Pub. ; Riv.Trimestr.Dir.Pubbl. | Italy |
Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile | - | Riv Trim Dir & Proc Civ ; Riv.trim.dir.proc.civ. | Italy |
Rivista del Diritto Commerciale e del Diritto Generale delle Obbligazioni | - | Riv Dir Comm ; Riv.Dir.Comm. | Italy |
Rivista del diritto matrimoniale e dello stato delle persone | - | Riv.dir.matr. | Italy |
Rivista del diritto navigazione | - | Riv.dir.nav. | Italy |
Rivista della Societa | - | Riv Societa ; Riv.soc. | Italy |
Rivista della proprieta intellettuale ed industriale | - | Riv.prop.intell.ind. | Italy |
Rivista di Diritto Civile | - | Riv Dir Civ ; Riv.Dir.Civ. | Italy |
Rivista di Diritto Europeo | - | Riv Dir Euro ; Riv.Dir.Eur. ; Riv.Dir.Europ. | None |
Rivista di Diritto Internazionale | - | Riv Dir Intern ; Riv.Dir.Int'le ; Riv.Dir.Int. ; Riv.dir.internaz. | International |
Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale | Arm.Mac.& Og. | Riv Dir Intern Priv & Proc ; Riv.Dir.Int'le & Priv.& Proc. | International |
Rivista di Diritto Internazionale e Comparato del Lavoro | - | Riv Dir Intern Comp Lav ; Riv.Dir.Int'le & Comp.Lavoro ; Riv.dir.internaz.comp.lav. | International |
Rivista di Diritto Privato | - | Riv.Dir.Priv. | Italy |
Rivista di Diritto Processuale | - | Riv Dir Proc ; Riv.dir.proc. | Italy |
Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali | - | Riv.Stud.Polit.Int. | Italy |
Rivista di diritto aeronautico | - | Riv.dir.aero. | Italy |
Rivista di diritto finanziario e scienza della finanze | - | Riv.dir.fin. | Italy |
Rivista di diritto industriale | - | Riv.dir.ind. | Italy |
Rivista di diritto matrimoniale italiano e dei rapporti di famiglia | - | Riv.dir.matr. | Italy |
Rivista di storia del diritto italiano | Riv.stor.dir.ital. | Italy | |
Rivista giuridica del lavoro | - | Riv.giur.lav. | Italy |
Rivista italiana di diritto penale | - | Riv.it.dir.pen. | Italy |
Rivista italiana di previdenza sociale | - | Riv.it.prev.soc. | Italy |
Rivista italiana per le scienze commerciali | - | Riv.it.scienze comm. | Italy |
Rivista italiana per le scienze giuridiche | - | R.I.S.G. ; Riv.it.scienze giur. | Italy |
Rivista penale | - | Riv.pen. | Italy |
Road Haulage Cases | R.H.C. | - | United Kingdom |
Road Law | - | Road L. | United Kingdom |
Road Law Reports | R.L.R. | Road L.R. | United Kingdom |
Road Law and Road Law Reports | - | Road L.R. ; Road Law | United Kingdom |
Road Traffic Indicator | - | R.T.I. | United Kingdom |
Road Traffic Law Bulletin | - | R.T.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Road Traffic Reports | RTR | R.T.R. | United Kingdom |
Road Transport Licensing Appeals | - | R.T.L.A. | New Zealand |
Robards' Conscript Cases | Robards | Rob. ; Rob.Cons.Cas.(Tex.) ; Rob.Consc.Cas. ; Robard | United States, Texas |
Robbin's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Robbins) ; Robb. ; Robb.(N.J.) ; Robbin | United States, New Jersey |
Robert's Divorce Cases | - | Roberts | Ireland |
Roberts' Divorce Cases | - | Roberts | Ireland |
Roberts, Leeming & Wallis' New County Court Cases | Rob.L.& W. | R.L.& W. | England & Wales |
Robertson's Ecclesiastical Reports | - | Rob. ; Rob.E. ; Rob.Ecc. ; Rob.Eccl. ; Robertson ; Robt.Eccl. | England & Wales |
Robertson's New York Superior Court Reports | - | Rob. ; Rob.N.Y. ; Rob.Sr.Ct. ; Rob.Super.Ct. ; Robertson | United States, New York |
Robertson's Scotch Appeal Cases | Rob. | Rob.App. ; Rob.Cas. ; Robert. ; Robert.App. ; Robert.App.Cas. ; Robertson | Scotland |
Robinson & Joseph's Digest | - | R.& J.Dig. ; Rob.& Jos.Dig. | Canada |
Robinson's Louisiana Reports | Rob. | Rob.La. ; Robinson | United States, Louisiana |
Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases | Robin.App. | Rob. ; Rob.App. ; Robin.Sc.App. ; Robinson ; Robinson.Sc.App.Cas. | Scotland |
Robinson's Virginia Reports | Rob. | Rob.Va. ; Robinson ; Va.(Rob.) | United States, Virginia |
Roche, Dillon & Kehoe's Irish Land Reports | Roche D.& K. | Land Com.Rep. | Ireland |
Rocky Mountain Law Review | - | Rocky Mt.L.Rev. ; Rocky Mtn.L.Rev. | United States |
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute | Rocky Mtn.Min.L.Inst. | Rocky Mt.M.L.Inst. | United States |
Rogers' New York City Hall Recorder | - | Reg.Rec. ; Rog.C.H.R. | United States, New York |
Rolle's King's Bench Reports | Rolle | Ro.Rep. ; Rol. ; Roll. ; Roll.Rep. ; Rolle R. | England & Wales |
Rolls Reports | Rolls Rep | United Kingdom | |
Rolls of the Justices of Eyre | - | Stenton | England & Wales |
Romilly's Notes of Chancery Cases | Rom. | Rom.Cas. ; Romilly N.C. | England & Wales |
Root's Connecticut Reports | Root | - | United States, Connecticut |
Roscoe's English Prize Cases | Eng.Pr.Cas. | E.P.C. ; Rosc.P.C. | England & Wales |
Roscoe's Reports of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope | Roscoe | - | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Rose's Bankruptcy Reports | Rose | Rose B.C. ; Rose Bankr. | England & Wales |
Ross' Leading Cases in Commercial Law | Ross L.C. | Ross Ldg.Cas. ; Ross Lead.Cas. | Scotland |
Ross' Leading Cases in the Law of Scotland (Land Rights) | - | Ross L.C. ; Ross Ldg.Cas. ; Ross Lead.Cas. | Scotland |
Rossiiskaia Iustitsiia | - | Rossiiskaia Iustitsiia | Russian Federation |
Rossijskij Ezegodnik Mezdunarodnogo Prava | - | REMP ; Rossiiskii Ezhegod Mezhd Prav | International |
Rothery's Judgments of Wreck Commissioners | - | Rothery | England & Wales |
Rotuli Curiae Regis | - | Rot.Cur.Reg. ; Rot.Cur.Regis ; Rotuli Curiae Reg. | England & Wales |
Rotuli Parliamentorum | - | Rot.Parl. | England & Wales |
Rotuli Parliamentorum Hactenus Inediti | - | Rot.Parl.H.I. | England & Wales |
Rowe's Reports of Interesting Cases | Rowe | Int.Cas. ; Rowe Rep. | England & Wales |
Ruch Prawniczy Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny | - | Ruch Prawniczy | Poland |
Ruling Cases | Rul.Cas. | E.R.C. ; Eng.Ru.Cas. ; Eng.Rul.Cas. ; R.C. | England & Wales |
Rulings and Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania | - | RDCCL | Lithuania |
Rundbrief des Deutschen Instituts fur Jugendhilfe | - | RdbfJugH | Germany |
Rundschau fur GmbH | - | GmbH-Rdsch | Germany |
Rundschau fur den Lastenausgleich | - | RLA | Germany |
Rushworth's Historical Collections | - | Rushworth | England & Wales |
Russell & Chesley's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.(R.& C.) ; N.S.R.R.& C. ; R.& C. ; R.& C.N.Sc. ; Russ.& C. ; Russ.& Ches. ; Russ.& Ches.Eq. ; Russ.Eq. ; Russ.Eq.Cas. ; Russ.Eq.Rep. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Russell & Geldert's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.(R.& G.) ; N.S.R.R.& G. ; R.& G. ; R.& G.N.Sc. ; Russ.& G. ; Russ.& Geld. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Russell & Mylne's Chancery Reports | Russ.& M. | R.& M. ; R.& My. ; Russ.& My. | England & Wales |
Russell & Ryan's Crown Cases Reserved | Russ.& Ry. | R.& R. ; R.& Ry.C.C. ; R.R.C.C. ; Rus.& Ry. ; Russ.& R. ; Russ.& R.C.C. ; Russ.& R.Cr.Cas. | England & Wales |
Russell's Chancery Reports tempore Eldon | Russ. | Russ.Ch. ; Russ.t.Eld. | England & Wales |
Russell's Contested Elections Cases | - | Russ.Cont.Elec.Cas. | United States, Massachusetts |
Russell's Election Cases | - | Rus. ; Rus.E.C. ; Rus.E.R. ; Rus.Elec.Rep. ; Russ. ; Russ.El.Cas. ; Russ.Elect.Cas. | Canada, Ontario |
Rutgers Camden Law Journal | - | Rutgers Camden L.J. | United States |
Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal | Rutgers Computer & Tech.L.J. | - | United States |
Rutgers Journal of Computers and the Law | - | Rutgers J.Comp.& L. ; Rutgers J.Computers & Law | United States |
Rutgers Journal of Computers, Technology and the Law | - | Rutgers J.Computers, Tech.& L. | United States |
Rutgers Law Journal | Rutgers L.J. | - | United States |
Rutgers Law Review | Rutgers L.Rev. | Rutg.L.R. ; Rutg.L.Rev. | United States |
Rutgers Race and the Law Review | - | Rutgers Race & L.Rev. | United States |
Rutgers University Law Review | - | Rutgers U.L.Rev. | United States |
Rutgers-Camden Law Journal | Rut.-Cam.L.J. | Rutgers-Camden L.J. | United States |
Ryan & Moody's Nisi Prius Reports | Ry.& M. | R.& M. ; R.& M.N.P. ; Ry.& M.N.P. ; Ry.& Moo. ; Ryan.& M. | England & Wales |
Ryde & Konstam's Reports of Rating Appeals | Ryde & K.Rat.App. | Rat.App. ; Ryde & K. | England & Wales |
Ryde's Rating Appeals | Ryde Rat.App. | Ryde | United Kingdom |
Ryde's Rating Cases | R.R.C. | - | United Kingdom |
Ryley's Pleadings in Parliament | - | Ryl. | England & Wales |
Ryudai Hogaku | - | Ryudai Hogaku | Japan |
SA Publiekreg | - | SA Publiekreg | South Africa |
SCOLAG | - | SCOLAG | Scotland |
SCRIPT-ed | - | SCRIPT-ed | United Kingdom |
SEC Accounting Rules | SEC Accounting R. | - | United States |
SIPRI Yearbook of World Armaments and Disarmament | - | SIPRI Yb. | International |
SMU Law Review | SMU L.Rev. | - | United States |
SOAS Law Journal | SOASLJ | S.L.J. | |
Sadler's Cases (Pennsylvania) | Sadler | Pa.Cas. ; Sad.Pa.Cas. ; Sad.Pa.Cs. ; Sadl. ; Sadler(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Sales Tax Cases | - | S.T.C. ; STC | India |
Salkeld's King's Bench Reports | Salk. | - | England & Wales |
Salmon's Edition of State Trials | - | Salm.Abr. ; Salm.St.Tr. | England & Wales |
Sammel- und Nachschlagewerk der rechtsprechung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts, hrsg. V. K. Buckholz | - | Buchholz | Germany |
Sammelblatt der Reichsvorschriften des Bundes und der Lander | - | SaBl | Germany |
Sammlung Arbeitsrechtlicher Entschiedungen | - | Arb Sig ; SAE | Austria |
Sammlung Auselesener Bayerische Rechtsfalle | - | du Prel | Germany |
Sammlung Ehe- und Familienrechtlicher Entscheidungen | - | EF-Slg | Austria |
Sammlung Hanndelsrechtlicher Entscheidungen | - | SHE | Austria |
Sammlung Lebensmittelrechtlicher Entscheidungen | - | LRE | Germany |
Sammlung amtlich nicht veroffentlichter Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs | - | BFH/NV | Germany |
Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Bundesfinanzhofs | - | BFHE | Germany |
Sammlung der Entscheidungen und Gutachten des Reichsfinanzhofs | - | RFHE | Germany |
Sammlung der Erkentnisse des Verwaltungsgerictshofes | - | SEV | Austria |
Sammlung der deutschen Entscheidungen zum interzonalen Privatrecht | - | IzRspr | Germany |
Sammlung des Plenarbeschlusse | - | SP | Austria |
Sammlung von Entscheidungen aus dem Sozialrecht | - | Breith. | Germany |
Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Strafsachen | - | BayObLGSt. | Germany |
Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivilsachen | - | BayObLGZ | Germany |
Sammlung von Entscheidungen des k. bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes | - | BayVGH | Germany |
Sammlung zivilrectlicher Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts, hrsg. v. Buchwald | - | WarnRspr | Germany |
Samoa Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | WSCA | - | Samoa |
Samoa District Court [Neutral Citation] | WSDC | - | Samoa |
Samoa High Court [Neutral Citation] | WSHC | - | Samoa |
Samoa Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | WSSC | - | Samoa |
San Diego Law Review | San Diego L.Rev. | San D.L.R. | United States |
San Fernando Valley Law Review | San Fern.V.L.Rev. | San Fernando Valley L.Rev. | United States |
San Francisco Law Journal | - | S.F.L.J. ; San F.L.J. ; San Fr.L.J. ; San Fran.L.J. | United States, California |
San Francisco Law Review | - | S.F.L.R. ; San Fran.L.Rev. | United States, California |
Sandford's New York Chancery Reports | Sand.Ch. | Sand.Chy. ; Sandf.Ch. ; Sandf.Ch.(N.Y.) ; Sandf.Chy. | United States, New York |
Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports | - | Sandf. ; Sandf.(N.Y.) ; Sandford | United States, New York |
Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal | Santa Clara Computer & High Tech.L.J. | - | United States |
Santa Clara Law Review | Santa Clara L.Rev. | Santa Clara L.R. | United States |
Santa Clara Lawyer | - | Santa Clara Law. | United States |
Sanyal's Record of Criminal Cases between Natives and Europeans | - | Sanyal | India |
Saopstenja Ustavnih Sudova | - | SUS | Yugoslavia |
Saraswati's Privy Council Judgments of Appeals from India | - | Saraswati | India |
Saratoga Chancery Sentinel | Sarat.Ch.Sent. | Ch.Sent. ; Ch.Sent.(N.Y.) ; N.Y.Ch.Sent. ; Sar.Ch.Sen. | United States, New York |
Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei Supreme Court Reports | - | Sarawak, North Borneo & Brunei S.C.R. | Malaysia, Sarawak |
Sarbah Fanti Law Reports | - | Sar.F.L.R. | Ghana |
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | SKCA | - | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench [Neutral Citation] | SKQB | - | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan Law Reports | - | Sask. ; Sask.L.R. | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan Law Review | - | Sask.L.Rev. ; Saskatchewan L.Rev. | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan Provincial Court [Neutral Citation] | SKPC | - | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan Reports | - | S.R. ; Sask R ; Sask.R. ; Sask.R., S.R. | Canada, Saskatchewan |
Saunders & Austin's Locus Standi Reports | Saund.& A. | S.& A. ; Saund.& Aust. | United Kingdom |
Saunders & Bidder's Locus Standi Reports | Saund.& B. | S.& B. | United Kingdom |
Saunders & Cole's Bail Court Reports | Saund.& C. | B.C.C. ; B.C.R. ; B.C.Rep. ; Bail Ct.R. ; Bail Ct.Rep. ; S.& C. ; Saund.B.C. | England & Wales |
Saunders & Macrae's County Courts & Insolvency Cases | Saund.& M. | Saund.& Mac. | England & Wales |
Saunders' King's Bench Reports | Saund. | Wms.Saund. | England & Wales |
Sausse & Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports | S.& S. | Sau.& Sc. ; Sausse & Sc. | Ireland |
Savile's Common Pleas Reports | Sav. | Savile | England & Wales |
Sawyer's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Saw. | United States |
Saxton's New Jersey Chancery Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Saxton) ; Sax. ; Saxt. ; Saxt.Ch. ; Saxton | United States, New Jersey |
Sayer' King's Bench Reports | Say. | Sayer | England & Wales |
Sbirka Soudnich Rozhodnuti a Stanovisek | - | SSR | Czech Republic |
Scammon's Illinois Reports | Scam. | Ill.(Scam.) ; Sc. | United States, Illinois |
Scandinavian Legal Studies | - | Scandinavian Leg.Stud. | Sweden |
Scandinavian Political Studies | - | SPS | None |
Scandinavian Studies in Law | - | Sc.St.L. ; Scand Stud L ; Scandinavian Stud.L. | Sweden |
Schalk's Jamaica Law Reports | - | Schalk | Jamaica |
Schiedsmannszeitung | - | Schs-Ztg | Germany |
Schip en Schade | - | S.S. | Netherlands |
Schmalensbachs Zeitschrift fur betriebswirtsschaftliche Forschung | - | ZfbF | Germany |
Schmollers Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkwirtschaft | - | SchmollersJb | Germany |
Schmollers Jahrbuch fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | - | Schmollers Jb. | Germany |
Schoales & Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports | Sch.& Lef. | S.& L. ; Schoales & L. | Ireland |
School Law Bulletin | - | Sch.L.Bull. | United States |
School Law Reporter | School L.Rep. | - | United States |
Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gruppe der AAA | - | Schr.-Reihe Dt.Gruppe AAA | International |
Schriftenreihe der Polizie-Fuhrungsakademie | - | PFA | Germany |
Schriftenreihe zum europaischen Weinrecht | - | EWR | Germany |
Schuylkill County Legal Record Reports | - | Schuy.Leg.Rec.(Pa.) ; Schuyl.L.Rec. ; Schuyl.Leg.Rec. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Schuylkill Register | ACUS | Sch.Reg. ; Schuy.Reg.(Pa.) ; Schuyl.Reg. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung | - | RSJ ; SJZ | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Mitteilungen uber Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht | - | SchwMittGRUR | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Mitteilungen uber Immaterialguterrecht | BNIL | SMI | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Versicherungs-Zeitschrift | - | SVZ | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Internationales und Europaisches Recht | - | RSDIE ; Schw Z Int & Eu R ; SZIER | International |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Sozialversicherung | - | SchwZSozV | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Strafrecht | - | Schw Z Str ; SchwZStR | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | - | SZW | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur das Buerkendungs- und Grundbuchrecht | - | ZBGR | Switzerland |
Schweizerische Zentralblatt fur Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht | - | ZBl | Switzerland |
Schweizerisches Bundesblatt | - | BBl. ; FF | Switzerland |
Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fur Internationales Recht | - | Annuaire Suisse ; ASDI ; Schweiz.Jahrbuch Int'les Recht ; SchwJbIntR | International |
Schweizerisches Zentralblatt fur Staats- und Gemeindeverwaltung | - | SchwZbl | Switzerland |
Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch mit Obligationenrecht | - | OR ; ZGB | Switzerland |
Sciences Juridiques | - | Sciences Jurid. | Romania |
Scientia Juridica: Revista de Direito Comparado Portugues e Brasileiro | - | Sci Jur (Portugal) ; Scientia Jur. | Comparative Law |
Scintilla Iuris | - | SI | South Africa |
Scotch Court of Session Cases decided by English Judges | - | Eng.Judg. | Scotland |
Scotland Court of Criminal Appeal (Neutral Citation) | HCJAC | - | Scotland |
Scotland Court of Session, Inner House (Neutral Citation) | CSIH | - | Scotland |
Scotland Court of Session, Outer House (Neutral Citation) | CSOH | - | Scotland |
Scotland High Court of Justiciary (Neutral Citation) | HCJT | - | Scotland |
Scots Law Times | SLT | S.L.T. ; Sc.L.T. ; Scots L.Times | Scotland |
Scots Law Times Lands Tribunal Reports | - | L.T.S.R. ; S.L.T.(Land Ct.) ; S.L.T.(Lands Tr.) | Scotland |
Scots Law Times, Lyon Court Reports | S.L.T.(Lyon Ct.) | - | Scotland |
Scots Law Times, News Section | - | S.L.T.(News) | Scotland |
Scots Law Times, Notes of Recent Decisions | S.L.T.(Notes) | - | Scotland |
Scots Law Times, Sheriff Court Reports | S.L.T.(Sh.Ct.) | - | Scotland |
Scots Revised Reports | Sc.R.R. | S.R.R. ; Sc.Rev.Rept. ; Scots R.R. | Scotland |
Scott's New Reports Common Pleas | Scott N.R. | J.Scott N.S. ; Sc.N.R. ; Sco.N.R. | England & Wales |
Scott's Reports Common Pleas | Scott | J.Scott ; Sc. ; Scott J. | England & Wales |
Scottish Affairs | - | Scot.Aff. | Scotland |
Scottish Banker | - | S.B. | Scotland |
Scottish Bankers Magazine | - | Scot.Bank.Mag. | Scotland |
Scottish Civil Law Reports | S.C.L.R. | SCLR | Scotland |
Scottish Constitution Law Review | - | S.C.L.Rev. | Scotland |
Scottish Constitutional and Administrative Law & Practice | - | S.C.A.L.& P. | Scotland |
Scottish Construction Law Review | - | S.C.L.Rev. | Scotland |
Scottish Court of Session Decisions [Neutral Citation] | ScotCS | - | Scotland |
Scottish Criminal Case Reports | - | S.C.C.R | Scotland |
Scottish Criminal Law | - | S.C.L. ; SCL | Scotland |
Scottish Current Law Year Book | C.L.Y. | - | Scotland |
Scottish High Court of Justiciary [Neutral Citation] | ScotHC | - | Scotland |
Scottish Human Rights Journal | - | S.H.R.J. | Scotland |
Scottish Jurist | Sc.Jur. | J. ; Jur.(Sc.) ; S. Jur. ; S.J. ; Scot.Jur. | Scotland |
Scottish Land Court Reports | S.L.C.R. | L.C. ; Sc.La.R. | Scotland |
Scottish Law & Practice Quarterly | - | S.L.P.Q. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Gazette | - | S.L.G. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record | - | Sc.L.J. ; Scot.L.J. ; Scot.Law J. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Magazine & Sheriff Court Reporter | - | Sc.L.M. ; Scot.L.M. ; Scot.L.Mag. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Reporter | S.L.R. | Sc.L.R. ; Sc.L.Rep. ; Scot.L.R. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Review | Sc.L.R. | S.L.R. ; Sc.L.Rev. ; Scot.L.Rev. | Scotland |
Scottish Law Review and Sheriff Court Reports | - | S.L.R. ; S.L.Rev. ; Scot.L.R. | Scotland |
Scottish Licensing Law and Practice | - | S.L.L.P. | Scotland |
Scottish Parliament Law Review | - | S.P.L.R. | Scotland |
Scottish Planning Law & Practice | SPLP | S.P.L.P. | Scotland |
Scottish Planning and Environmental Law | SPEL | S.P.E.L. | Scotland |
Scottish Private Client Law Review | - | S.P.C.L.R. | Scotland |
Scottish Sheriff Appeal Court [Neutral Citation] | SAC | Scotland | |
Scottish Sherrif Court [Neutral Citation] | ScotSC | - | Scotland |
Scribes Journal of Legal Writing | - | Scribes J.Legal Writing | United States |
Scuola Positiva | - | Scuola pos. | Italy |
Search & Seizure Bulletin | Search & Seizure Bull. | - | United States |
Searle & Smith's Probate & Divorce Reports | Sea.& Sm. | S.& S. ; S.& Sm. ; Searle & Sm. | England & Wales |
Searle's Supreme Court Reports | Searle | - | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Seattle University Law Review | Seattle U.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Second Book of Judgments | - | Sec.B.Judg. | England & Wales |
Securities & Federal Corporate Law Report | Sec.& Fed.Corp.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Securities Regulation & Law Report | Sec.Reg.& L.Rep. | - | United States |
Securities Regulation Law Journal | - | Sec.Reg.L.J. | United States |
Securities and Corporate Regulation Review | - | S.C.R.R. | Canada |
Securities and Exchange Commission Decisions and Reports | S.E.C. | - | United States |
Securities and Exchange Commission Judicial Decisions | - | S.E.C.Jud.Dec. | United States |
Security Dialogue | - | Sec.Dialogue | International |
Seijo Hogaku | - | Seijo Hogaku | Japan |
Seikei Hogaku | - | Seikei Hogaku | Japan |
Seinan Gakuin Daigaku Hogaku Ronshu Fukuoka | - | Seinan | Japan |
Selden's Notes, New York Court of Appeals | - | Seld.N. ; Seld.Notes | United States, New York |
Selden's Reports, New Court of Appeals | - | Seld. | United States, New York |
Select Cases Relating to Evidence | - | Sel.Cas.Ev. | England & Wales |
Select Cases before the King's Council | - | Leadam | England & Wales |
Select Cases from Coroners' Rolls | - | Gross | England & Wales |
Select Cases in Chancery tempore King | Ca.t.King | Ca.temp.King ; King, Cas.temp. ; S.C.L. ; Sel.Ca.t.King ; Sel.Cas.Ch. ; Sel.Cas.Ch.(t.King) ; Sel.Cas.t.King ; Sel.Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Select Cases in King's Bench | - | Sayles | England & Wales |
Select Cases in the Court of Requests | - | Leadam | England & Wales |
Select Pleas of the Crown | - | Maitland | England & Wales |
Select Pleas of the Jewish Exchequer | - | Rigg | England & Wales |
Selected Cases Concerning the Law Merchant | - | Sel.Cas.Law Merchant | England & Wales |
Selected Cases Sudder Dewanny Adawlut, Bombay | - | Sel.Cas.d.A. ; Sel.Cas.S.D.A. | India, Maharashtra |
Selected Cases Sudder Dewanny Adawlut, North Western Provinces | - | Sel.Cas.N.W.P. ; Sel.Cas.S.D.A. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Selected Decisions of the Native Appeal Court (Southern Division) | - | N.A.C.(S.) | South Africa |
Selected Judgments of the Federal Supreme Court of Nigeria | - | FSC | Nigeria |
Selected Judgments of the Full Court of the Gold Coast Colony | - | F.C. | Ghana |
Selected Judgments of the High Courts of Oyo State of Nigeria | - | Oy SH C | Nigeria, Oyo State |
Selected Judgments of the Ogun State High Court | - | OG SH C | Nigeria, Ogun State |
Selected Judgments of the Ondo State High Court of Justice | - | Ondo St.H.C.J. | Nigeria, Ondo State |
Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel | - | S.J.S.C.I. | Israel |
Selection of Leading Cases of the Hindoo Law of Inheritance | - | Norton | India |
Selostukia ja Tiedonanttoj a Korkeimann Oikeuden Ratkaisvista | - | KOR | Finland |
Selçuk Law Review | SLR | Turkey | |
Semanario Judicial de la Federacion | - | Semanario | Mexico |
Sentences Arbitrales de Griefs | - | S.A.G. | Canada, Quebec |
Sentencias de la Corte de Casacion | - | S.C.C. | Costa Rica |
Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia en Materia Civil | - | S.T.S.J.(Civil) | Spain |
Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia en Materia Criminal | - | S.T.S.J.(Criminal) | Spain |
Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico | P.R.Sent. | - | Puerto Rico |
Sentencing News | - | S.News | England & Wales |
Seoul Law Journal | - | Seoul L.J. | Korea, South |
Sergeant and Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports | Serg.& Rawle | Serg.& R. ; Serg.& Raw. ; Serg.& Rawl. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Service Law Cases | - | Serv.L.Cas. | India |
Services Law Journal | - | SLJ | India |
Services Law Reporter | - | Serv.L.R. ; SLR | India |
Session Cases | S.C. | SC ; Sess.Ca. ; Sess.Cas. | Scotland |
Session Cases, 6th Series | S.C. | Sess.Ca. ; Sess.Cas. | Scotland |
Session Cases, Court of Justice of the European Union | SC (CJEU) | Scotland | |
Session Cases, European Court of Human Rights | SC (ECHR) | Scotland | |
Session Cases, House of lords | S.C.(H.L.) | - | Scotland |
Session Cases, Justiciary | S.C.(J.) | J.C. ; JC ; SC (JC) | Scotland |
Session Cases, Sheriff Appeal Court | SC (SAC) | - | |
Session Cases, United Kingdom Supreme Court | SC (UKSC) | Scotland | |
Session Laws of Kansas | Kan.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Kansas |
Session Laws of North Carolina | N.C.Sess.Laws | - | United States, North Carolina |
Session Laws of Wyoming | Wyo.Sess. | - | United States, Wyoming |
Session Laws of the Virgin Islands | V.I.Sess.Laws | - | Virgin Islands (US) |
Session Laws, Idaho | Idaho Sess.Laws | - | United States, Idaho |
Session Notes | S.N. | Sess.N. | Scotland |
Sessional Laws of Hawaii | Haw.Sess.Laws | - | United States, Hawaii |
Sessions Cases touching Settlements | Sess.Cas. | Cas.S.M. ; Sess.Ca. ; Sess.Cas.K.B. | England & Wales |
Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal | Seton Hall Const.L.J. | - | United States |
Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law | - | Seton Hall J.Sport.L. | United States |
Seton Hall Law Review | Seton Hall L.Rev. | - | United States |
Seton Hall Legislative Journal | Seton Hall Legis.J. | - | United States |
Seufferts Archiv fur Entscheidungen der obersten Gerichte in den deutschen Staaten | - | SeuffArch | Germany |
Seufferts Blatter fur Rechtsanwendung | - | SeuffBl | Germany |
Sevestre's Appeal Cases, High Court, Bengal | - | Sev.App.Cas. ; Sev.H.C. ; Sevestre | India, West Bengal |
Sevestre's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bengal | - | Sev.S.D.A. | India, West Bengal |
Sevremenno Pravo | - | Sev.Pravo | Bulgaria |
Seychelles Court of Appeal Reports | - | S.C.A.R. | Seychelles |
Seychelles Law Reports | - | S.L.R. ; Seych.L.R. | Seychelles |
Shadforth's Reserved Judgments, Victoria | Sh | Sh. ; Shad ; Shad. | Australia, Victoria |
Shannon's Unreported Tennessee Cases | - | Shan. ; Shan.Cas. ; Shannon ; Shannon Cas.(Tenn.) ; Ten.Cas. ; Tenn.Cas. | United States, Tennessee |
Shari'a Law Reports | - | Sharia LR | Nigeria, Northern Region |
Shariat Decisions | NLR SD | SD | Pakistan |
Shaw & Maclean's Scotch Appeal Cases | Sh.& Macl. | S.& M. ; Shaw & M. ; Shaw & M.Sc.App.Cas. ; Shaw & Macl. | Scotland |
Shaw's Appeal Cases | Sh.App. | Sh. ; Sh.Sc.App. ; Shaw ; Shaw App. ; Shaw Sc.App.Cas. | Scotland |
Shaw's Justiciary Cases | Shaw.J. | J.Shaw ; J.Shaw Just. ; S.Just. ; Sh. ; Sh.Jus. ; Shaw ; Shaw J. | Scotland |
Shaw's Justiciary Decisions | Shaw | P.Shaw ; S.Just. ; Sh.Just. | Scotland |
Shaw's Session Cases, 1st Series | S | Shaw ; Shaw Dec. | Scotland |
Shaw's Teind Court Decisions | Sh.Teind Ct. | Sh. ; Shaw ; Shaw P. ; Shaw T.Cas. ; Shaw Teind | Scotland |
Shawcross and Beaumont Aviation Reports | - | S&B Av R | None |
Sheldon's Reports, Buffalo Superior Court, New York | - | Sh. ; Sheld. ; Sheldon | United States, New York |
Shephard's Touchstone (Anthony's edition) | - | Anth.Shep. | None |
Shepherd's Alabama Select Cases | - | Ala.Sel.Cas. ; Shep. ; Sheph.Sel.Cas. ; Shepherd | United States, Alabama |
Shepley's Maine Reports | - | Me.(Shepley) ; Shepley | United States, Maine |
Sheriff Court Reports | Sh.Ct.Rep. | - | Scotland |
Shipping & Transport International | - | S.& T.I. | International |
Shipping & Transport Lawyer International | - | S.& T.L.I. | International |
Shipping Regulation | Shipping Reg. | - | United States |
Shipping and Trade Law | - | S.T.L. | None |
Shire and Municipal Record | - | S & M Record ; S.& M.Record | Australia |
Shizuoka Daigaku Hokei Kenkyu | - | Shizuoka | Japan |
Shome's Law Reporter | - | Shome L.R. | India, West Bengal |
Shower's King's Bench Reports | Show.K.B. | Show. ; Shower K.B. | England & Wales |
Shower's Parliamentary Cases | Show.P.C. | Show. ; Show.Parl.Cas. ; Shower P.C. | England & Wales |
Shudo Hogaku | - | Shudo Hogaku | Japan |
Siderfin's King's Bench Reports | Sid. | Siderfin, Reports | England & Wales |
Sierra Leone Law Recorder | - | S.L.Law Recorder ; Sierra Leone L.Rec. | Sierra Leone |
Sierra Leone Law Reports | - | S.L.L.R. ; Sierra Leone L.R. | Sierra Leone |
Sigma | - | Sigma | None |
Silvernail's New York Court of Appeals Reports | - | Sil.App.Dec. ; Silv. ; Silv.A. ; Silv.App. ; Silv.Ct.App.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Silvernail's New York Supreme Court Reports | - | Sil.Sup.Ct. ; Silv. ; Silv.Sup. | United States, New York |
Simon Greenleaf Law Review | - | Simon Greenleaf L.Rev. | United States |
Simon's First-tier Tax Decisions | SFTD | United Kingdom | |
Simon's Tax Cases | STC | S.T.C. | United Kingdom |
Simon's Tax Cases, Special Commissioners' Decisions | STC(SCD) | S.T.C.(SCD) ; SSCD | England & Wales |
Simon's Weekly Tax Intelligence | - | S.T.I. ; S.W.T.I. | United Kingdom |
Simons & Stuart's Vice Chancellor's Reports | Sim.& St. | S.& S. ; Sim.& S. ; Sim.& Stu. | England & Wales |
Simons' Vice Chancellor's Reports | Sim. | - | England & Wales |
Simons' Vice Chancellor's Reports, New Series | Sim.N.S. | - | England & Wales |
Sind Law Reporter | - | S.L.R. ; Sind L.R. | Pakistan |
Sind Sadar Court Reports | - | Sind S.C.R. | Pakistan |
Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases | SAL Ann Rev | - | Singapore |
Singapore Academy of Law Journal | S.Ac.L.J. | SAcLJ ; Sing Ac LJ | Singapore |
Singapore Arbitrator | - | SINARB | Singapore |
Singapore Court of Appeal (unreported judgments) | - | SGCA | Singapore |
Singapore District Court (unreported judgments) | - | SGDC | Singapore |
Singapore High Court (unreported judgments) | - | SGHC | Singapore |
Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law | Sing JICL | Singapore J.Int'l & Comp.L. ; SJICL | International |
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies | Sing JLS | S.J.L.S. ; Singapore J Legal Stud ; Singapore J.Legal Stud. ; SJLS | Singapore |
Singapore Juvenile Court (unreported judgments) | - | SGJC | Singapore |
Singapore Law Gazette | - | Sing Law Gaz | Singapore |
Singapore Law Reports | SLR | S.L.R. | Singapore |
Singapore Law Reports (Reissue) | SLR ( R ) | - | Singapore |
Singapore Law Review | - | Sing L Rev ; Sing LR ; Sing.L.R. ; Singapore L Rev ; Singapore L.Rev. | Singapore |
Singapore Magistrate's Court (unreported judgments) | - | SGMC | Singapore |
Singapore Small Claims Tribunal (unreported judgments) | - | SGSCT | Singapore |
Singapore Year Book of International Law | S.Y.B.I.L. | - | |
Singer's Probate Cases | - | Singer | United States, Pennsylvania |
Single Market Monitor | - | S.M.M. | None |
Singularium Observationum Imperialis Camerae | - | Gail ; Mynsinger | Germany |
Sinnacutty's Maintenance Cases | - | Sinnacutty | Sri Lanka |
Sino-Soviet Affairs | - | Sino-Soviet Aff. | Korea, South |
Sinossi Giuridica | - | Sin.giur. | Italy |
Sir J Bridgman's Common Pleas Reports | J.Bridg. | Bridg. ; Bridg.J. ; J.Bridgm. | England & Wales |
Sir O Bridgman's Common Pleas Reports | O.Bridg. | Ban.Br. ; Bridg.O. ; Orl.Bridg. | England & Wales |
Sirey Chronologique | - | S.chr. | France |
Skillman's New York Police Reports | - | Skillman | United States, New York |
Skinner's King's Bench Reports | Skin. | Skinner | England & Wales |
Slavic Review | - | Slav.Rev. | None |
Smale & Giffard's Chancery Reports | Sm.& G. | S.& G. ; Sma.& Giff. ; Smale & G. | England & Wales |
Small Business Taxation & Finance | - | S.B.T.& F. | United Kingdom |
Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Chancery Reports | - | S.& M. ; S.& M.Ch. ; S.& M.Chy. ; Sm.& M.Ch. ; Smed.& M.Ch. | United States, Mississippi |
Smedes and Marshall's Mississippi Reports | S.& M. | Miss.(S.& M.) ; S.& Mar. ; Sm.& M. ; Smed.& M. ; Smedes & M.(Miss.) | United States, Mississippi |
Smethurst's Locus Standi Reports | - | Smeth.L.S. | England & Wales |
Smith and Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports | Sm.& Bat. | S.& B. ; Smith & B. ; Smith & Bat. | Ireland |
Smith and Sager's Drainage Cases | - | Sm.& S. | Canada, Ontario |
Smith's Circuit Court Martial Reports | - | Sm.C.C.M. ; Smith C.C.M. | United States, Maine |
Smith's Indiana Supreme Court Reports | - | Sm.Ind. ; Smith ; Smith Ind. ; Smith S.C. | United States, Indiana |
Smith's King's Bench Reports | Smith K.B. | J.P.Sm. ; J.P.Smith ; Sm. ; Sm.K.B. ; Smith ; Smith J.P. | England & Wales |
Smith's Leading Cases | - | Sm.L.C. | England & Wales |
Smith's New Hampshire Reports | - | Smith ; Smith N.H. | United States, New Hampshire |
Smith's Registration Cases | Smith Reg.Cas. | Sm.R.C. ; Smith ; Smith Reg. | England & Wales |
Smith's Tennessee Reports | - | Smith ; Tenn.(Smith) | United States, Tennessee |
Smoult's Supreme Court Reports, Bengal | - | Smoult | India, West Bengal |
Smythe & Bourke's Irish Marriage Cases | Smy.& B | - | Ireland |
Smythe's Irish Common Pleas Reports | Smy. | Smythe | Ireland |
Sneed's Kentucky Decisions | Sneed | Ken.Dec. ; Ky.(Sneed) ; Sneed Dec. | United States, Kentucky |
Sneed's Tennessee Reports | Sneed | Tenn.(Sneed) | United States, Tennessee |
So- og Handelsretsdom | - | SHD | Denmark |
Sociaal Maanblad Arbeid | - | S.M.A. | Netherlands |
Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving | - | S.E.W. ; SEW ; Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving | Netherlands |
Social & Legal Studies | - | S.& L.S. | None |
Social Care Law Today (England) | S.C.L.T. | England | |
Social Care Law Today (Wales) | S.C.L.T. | Wales | |
Social Justice | Social Justice | - | Australia |
Social Philosophy and Policy | - | Soc.Phil.& Pol'y | United States |
Social Problems | - | Soc.Prob. | United States |
Social Research | - | Soc.Res. | United States |
Social Science Quarterly | - | Soc.Sci.Q. | United States |
Social Sciences | - | Soc.Sci.(Shanghai) | China |
Social Sciences in China | - | Soc.Sci.China ; Soc.Sci.in China | China |
Social Security Bulletin | E.P.S. | Soc.Sci.Bull. | United States |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Attendance Allowance | AA | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Child Benefit (and formerly Family Allowances) | FA | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Industrial Injuries Benefits | II | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Invalid Care Allowance | ICA | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Invalidity Benefits | IVB | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Maternity Benefits | MB | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Retirement Pensions, Widow's Benefit and Guardian's Allowance | P | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Sickness Benefit | SB | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions Northern Ireland: Unemployment Benefit | UB | - | Northern Ireland |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Attendance Allowance | A | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Child Benefit (and formerly Family Allowances) | F | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Child Support Appeals | CS | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Compensation Recovery | CR | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Disability Living Allowance | DLA | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Disability Working Allowance | DWA | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Family Credit | FC | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Family Income Supplement | FIS | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: General | G | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Incapacity Benefit | IB | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Income Support | IS | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Industrial Injuries Benefits | I | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Job Seekers Allowance | JSA | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Mobility Allowance | M | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Retirement Pensions | P | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Sickness and Invalidity Benefits | S | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Statutory Sick Pay | SSP | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Supplementary Benefits | SB | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Commissioner Decisions: Unemployment Benefit | U | - | United Kingdom |
Social Security Reporter | - | Soc Sec Rep ; SSR | Australia |
Social Security Rulings | S.S.R. | - | United States |
Social Theory and Practice | - | Soc.Theory & Prac. | United States |
Socialist Lawyer | - | Soc.L. | United Kingdom |
Society | - | Society | United States |
Society of Public Teachers of Law Reporter | - | S.P.T.L. Reporter | United Kingdom |
Sociologia del Diritto | - | Sociol.del Diritto | Italy |
Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance | SLCD | S.C.L.D. | |
Software Law Journal | Software L.J. | - | United States |
Software Protection | - | Software Protection | United States |
Soka Hogaku | - | Soka Hogaku | Japan |
Solar Law Reporter | - | Solar L.Rep. | United States |
Solemo's Decisions of the Supreme Court on Appeals from Courts of Requests | - | Solemo | Sri Lanka |
Solicitor | Sol. | - | England & Wales |
Solicitor Quarterly | - | Sol.Q. | England & Wales |
Solicitor's Journal | - | Bull.Avocats ; Solicitor's J. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Solicitors' Journal | SJ | S.J. ; Sol.J. ; Sol.J.& R. ; Sol.Jo. ; Solicitors' J. | United Kingdom |
Solicitors' Journal LawBrief | - | S.J.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Solomon Islands Magistrates Court [Neutral Citation] | SBMC | - | Solomon Islands |
Solutions | - | Sol. | England & Wales |
Somalia Law Reports | - | S.L.R. | Somalia |
Somerset Legal Journal | - | Som. ; Som.L.J. ; Som.Leg.J.(Pa.) ; Somerset L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Somerset Pleas, Civil and Criminal | - | Healey & Landond | England & Wales |
South Africa International | - | S.A.Int'l | South Africa |
South African Banker | - | South Afr.Bank. | South Africa |
South African Bankers' Journal | - | South Afr.Bank.J. | South Africa |
South African Criminal Law Reports | SACR | SACLR ; SACV | South Africa |
South African Human Rights Yearbook | - | S Afr Hum Rts Yrbk ; S.A.Hum.Rts.Y.B. | South Africa |
South African Journal of Criminal Justice | - | SACJ | South Africa |
South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology | - | SAJCC ; So.Afr.J.Crim.L.& Criminol. | South Africa |
South African Journal of International Affairs | - | SAJIA | South Africa |
South African Journal on Human Rights | SAJHR | S Afr J Hum Rts ; S.A.J.H.R. ; South Afr.J.Hum.Rts. | South Africa |
South African Labour Bulletin | - | South Afr.Lab.Bull. | South Africa |
South African Law Journal | SALJ | S Afr LJ ; S.A.L.J. ; S.Afr.L.J. ; So.Afr.L.J. ; So.African L.J. ; South Afr.L.J. | South Africa |
South African Law Reports | S.A. | S.A.L.R. ; SA | South Africa |
South African Law Times | - | S.A.L.T. ; SALT ; So.Afr.L.T. | South Africa |
South African Tax Cases | S.A.T.C. | S.A.Tax Cas. ; S.Afr.Tax Cas. ; SATC | South Africa |
South African Yearbook of International Law | - | S Afr Yrbk Intl L ; SAYIL ; South Afr.Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
South Australia District Court [Neutral Citation] | SADC | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Environment Resources and Development Court [Neutral Citation] | SAERDC | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Industrial Relations Commission [Neutral Citation] | SAIRComm | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Industrial Relations Court [Neutral Citation] | SAIRC | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Law Society Bulletin | - | SA Law Soc Bull | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | SASC | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia WorkCover Levy Review Panel [Neutral Citation] | SAWLRP | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | SAWCAT | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australia Workers Compensation Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | SAWCT | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Advertiser Reports | - | S.A.Advertiser (Newspr.) | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Government Gazette | - | SAGG | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Industrial Gazette | - | SAIG | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Industrial Reports | SAIR | IR ; S.A.I.R. ; S.A.R. ; SAR | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Law Librarians Bulletin | SALLB | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Law Reports | S.A.L.R. | L.R.S.A. ; LRSA ; S.Aust.L.R. ; S.Austral.L.R. ; S.Austrl.L.R. ; SALR ; So Aus LR ; So.Aus.L.R. ; So.Austr.L.R. ; Sou.Aus.L.R. ; South Aus.L.R. | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Licensing Court Reports | SALCR | S.A.L.C.R. | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Planning Decisions | - | SAPD | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Planning Reports | SAPR | S.A.P.R. | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Planning and Environment Decisions | - | SAPED | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Register Reports | - | S.A.Regr.(Newspr.) | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian Residential Tenancies Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | SARRT | - | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian State Reports | SASR | S.A.S.R. ; SA St R ; So.Austr.St. | Australia, South Australia |
South Australian and Western Australian Judgments Bulletin | SWAJB | SAWAJB | Australia |
South Carolina Bar Association Reports | - | So.Car.B.A.Rep. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Code | - | S.C.Code | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Constitutional Reports | - | So.Car.Const. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Environmental Law Journal | S.C.Envtl.L.J. | - | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Equity Reports | - | S.C.Eq. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Law Journal | - | S.C.L.J. ; So.Car.L.J. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Law Quarterly | - | S.C.L.Q. ; So.Car.L.Q. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Law Reports | S.C.L. | - | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Law Review | S.C.L.Rev. | S.C.L.R. ; S.Carolina L.Rev. ; So.Car.L.Rev. ; So.Carol.L.R. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Public Service Commission Reports | - | S.C.P.S.C. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina Reports | S.C. | S.C.R. ; S.Car. ; So.C. ; So.Car. ; South Car. | United States, South Carolina |
South Carolina State Register | S.C.Reg. | - | United States, South Carolina |
South Dakota Advance Code Service | S.D.Adv.Code Serv. | - | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Bar Journal | - | S.D.B.Jo. ; S.D.St.B.J. ; So.Dak.B.Jo. | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Codified Laws | S.D.Codified Laws | - | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Compiled Laws Annotated | - | S.D.Compiled Laws Ann. | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Law Review | S.D.L.Rev. | S.Dakota L.Rev. ; So.Dak.L.Rev. ; South Dak.L.Rev. | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Register | S.D.Reg. | - | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Reports | S.D. | S.Dak. | United States, South Dakota |
South Dakota Sessional Laws | - | S.D.Sess.Laws | United States, South Dakota |
South Eastern Reporter | S.E. | SE | United States |
South Eastern Reporter, Second Series | S.E.2d | SE 2d | United States |
South Pacific Law Reports | - | S.P.L.R. ; SPLR | Pacific |
South Texas Law Journal | - | S.T.L.J. ; S.Tex.L.J. ; S.Texas L.J. ; So.Tex.L.J. ; South Texas L.J. | United States, Texas |
South Texas Law Review | S.Tex.L.Rev. | S.Texas L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
South West Africa Reports | - | H.C. ; S.W.A. | Namibia |
South Western Reporter | S.W. | SW | United States |
South Western Reporter, Second Series | S.W.2d | SW 2d | United States |
Southampton Student Law Review | S.S.L.R. | - | |
Southard's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Southard) ; Southard | United States, New Jersey |
Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal | - | S.Cal.Interdisc.L.J. | United States, California |
Southern California Law Review | S.Cal.L.Rev. | So.Cal.L.R. ; So.Calif.L.R. ; South.Calif.L.Rev. | United States, California |
Southern California Review of Law & Women's Studies | S.Cal.Rev.L.& Women's Stud. | - | United States, California |
Southern Illinois University Law Journal | S.Ill.U.L.J. | So.Ill.U.L.J. ; South.Ill.U.L.J. ; South.Illinois L.Rev. | United States, Illinois |
Southern Law Quarterly | - | South.L.Q. | United States, Louisiana |
Southern Law Review | - | So.L.Rev. | United States, Tennessee |
Southern Law Review, New Series | - | So.L.Rev.N.S. | United States, Missouri |
Southern Reporter | So. | South. | United States |
Southern Reporter, Second Series | So.2d | South. | United States |
Southern Rhodesia High Court Reports | S.R. | S.R.H.C.R. ; S.R.H.R. ; S.R.L.R. ; SR | Zimbabwe |
Southern Rhodesia High Court Reports by Burns-Begg | - | Burns-Begg ; SR | Zimbabwe |
Southern University Law Review | S.U.L.Rev. | So.U.L.Rev. ; So.Univ.L.Rev. ; South.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas | - | Sw.J.L.& Trade Am. | United States |
Southwestern Law Journal | Sw.L.J. | So.West.L.J. ; Southwest.L.J. ; Southwestern L.J. | United States, Texas |
Southwestern Social Science Quarterly | - | Southwest.Soc.Sci.Q. | United States |
Southwestern University Law Review | Sw.U.L.Rev. | Southwest.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo i Pravo | - | Sovet Gosud Prav | Soviet Union |
Soviet & Eastern European Foreign Trade | - | Soviet & E.Europ.Foreign Trade | International |
Soviet Law and Government | - | Soviet L.& Gov't | Soviet Union |
Soviet Statutes & Decisions | - | Soviet Stat.& Dec. | Soviet Union |
Soviet Studies | - | Soviet Stud. | Soviet Union |
Soviet Yearbook of Maritime Law | - | Soviet Y.B.Mar.L. | Soviet Union |
Soviet and East European Business Law Bulletin | - | S.& E.E.B.L.B. | None |
Soziale Arbeit | - | SozArb | Germany |
Soziale Selbstverwaltung | - | SozSelbstVw | Germany |
Soziale Sicherheit | - | SozSich | Germany |
Soziale Sicherheit in der Landwirtschaft | - | SdL | Germany |
Sozialer Fortschrift | - | SF | Germany |
Sozialgesetzbuch | - | SGB | Germany |
Sozialrecht, Rechtsprechung des Bundessozialgerichts | - | SozR | Germany |
Space Insurance Report | - | S.I.R. | None |
Spanish Yearbook of International Law | - | Span Yrbk Intl L | International |
Sparkasse | - | Spark | Germany |
Sparks' Rangoon Court Select Decisions | - | Sparks | Burma |
Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada | - | Spec.Lect.L.S.U.C. | Canada, Ontario |
Special and Selected Law Cases | Sp.& Sel.Cas. | - | England & Wales |
Spectrum | - | Spectrum | United States |
Speculum | - | Speculum | United States |
Speculum Iudiciale | - | SI | South Africa |
Speculum Juris | - | SJ | South Africa |
Speers' South Carolina Equity Reports | Speers Eq. | S.C.Eq.(Speers Eq.) ; Sp. ; Sp.Ch. ; Spear Ch. ; Spear Eq. ; Spears ; Spears Eq. ; Speers ; Speers Eq.(S.C.) | United States, South Carolina |
Speers' South Carolina Law Reports | Speers | S.C.L.(Speers) ; Sp. ; Spears ; Speers L.(S.C.) | United States, South Carolina |
Spencer's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Spencer) ; Spen.(N.J.) ; Spencer | United States, New Jersey |
Spinks' Ecclesiastical & Admiralty Reports | Sp. | E.& A. ; Ecc.& Ad. ; Eccl.& Ad. ; Eccl.& Adm. ; Sp.Ecc.& Ad. ; Spinks ; Spinks.Eccl.& Adm. | England & Wales |
Spinks' Prize Cases | Sp.Pr.Cas. | Sp. ; Spinks ; Spinks P.C. ; Spinks Prize Cas. | England & Wales |
Sport and the Law Journal | - | S.& L.J. ; SATLJ | United Kingdom |
Sports Law & Finance | - | S.L.& F. | None |
Sports Law Administration & Practice | - | S.L.A.& P. | United Kingdom |
Sports Law Bulletin | - | S.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Sports and Character Licensing | - | S.& C.L. | United Kingdom |
Sprague's United States District Court (Admiralty) Decisions | - | Spr. | United States, Massachusetts |
Sprawy Miedzynarodowe | - | Sprawy Miedz. | Poland |
Sri Lanka Journal of International Law | - | Sri Lanka J.Int'l L. | Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka Law Reports | - | S.L.L.R. ; Sri LR | Sri Lanka |
Srinagar Law Journal | - | Sri LJ ; Srinagar L.J. | India, Jammu and Kashmir |
Srinivasan's Reports of Income Tax Cases | - | Srinivasan | India |
Ssa Fa Yuan Kung Pao | - | Ssa | China, Taiwan |
St.John's Journal of Legal Commentary | St.John's J.Legal Comment. | - | United States, New York |
St.John's Law Review | St.John's L.Rev. | S.J.L.R. ; SJLR | United States, New York |
St.Louis Law Review | - | St.Louis L.Rev. | United States, Missouri |
St.Louis University Law Journal | St.Louis U.L.J. | - | United States, Missouri |
St.Louis University Public Law Review | St.Louis U.Pub.L.Rev. | - | United States, Missouri |
St.Louis-Warsaw Transatlantic Law Journal | - | St L-W Trans LJ | United States |
St.Mary's Law Journal | St.Mary's L.J. | - | United States, Texas |
St.Thomas Law Review | St.Thomas L.Rev. | - | United States |
Staat und Recht | - | StR | Germany |
Staats- und Kommunal-Verwaltung | - | SKV | Germany |
Staats- und Selbstverwaltung | Am.Prob.N.S. | StaatsuSVerw | Germany |
Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden | - | S. ; Stb. | Netherlands |
Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis | - | Staatswiss.u.Staatsprax. | Germany |
Stadt und Gemeinde | - | StuG | Germany |
Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund | - | Staff Pap. | International |
Stair's Decisions, Court of Session | Stair Rep. | St. ; Stair | Scotland |
Stamp Duties Rulings | SD Rulings | - | Australia |
Standard Federal Tax Reports | - | Stand.Fed.Tax Rep. ; U.S.Tax Cas. | United States |
Stanford Environmental Law Annual | - | Stanford Envtl.L.Ann. | United States, California |
Stanford Environmental Law Journal | Stan.Envtl.L.J. | Stanford Envtl.L.J. | United States, California |
Stanford Journal of International Law | Stan.J.Int'l L. | Stanford J Intl L ; Stanford J.Int'l L. | United States |
Stanford Journal of International Studies | - | Stanford J.Int'l Stud. | United States |
Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance | - | Stan.J.L.Bus.Fin | United States |
Stanford Law & Policy Review | Stan.L.& Pol'y Rev. | - | United States |
Stanford Law Review | Stan.L.Rev. | S.L.R. ; Stan.L.R. ; Stanford L.Rev. | United States |
Staple Court Books of Bristol | - | Rich. | England & Wales |
Starkie's Nisi Prius Reports | Stark. | Star. ; Stark.N.P. ; Starkie ; Starkie's | England & Wales |
Stat a Pravo | - | SaP | Czechoslovakia |
State Government | - | St.Gov't | United States |
State Reports (Western Australia) | SR (WA) | S.R.(W.A.) | Australia, Western Australia |
State Tax Cases | - | S.T.C. ; State Tax Cas. | United States |
State Tax Report | St.Tax.Rep. | - | United States |
State Trials | St.Tr. | Cob.St.Tr. ; Cobb.St.Tr. ; How.St.Tr. ; S.T. ; St.Tri. ; State Tr. | England & Wales |
State Trials of Edward I | - | Tout & Johnstone | England & Wales |
State Trials, New Series | St.Tr.N.S. | State Tr.N.S. | England & Wales |
State and Local Tax Service | St.& Loc.Tax Serv. | - | United States |
State of Louisiana Acts of Legislature | La.Acts | - | United States, Louisiana |
State of Ohio Legislative Acts Passed | Ohio Laws | - | United States, Ohio |
Statens Offentliga Utredningar | - | SOU | Sweden |
Statsvetenskapling Tidskrift | - | Statsvet.T. | Sweden |
Statute Law Review | Stat.L.R. | Statute L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Statutes of California | Cal.Stat. | - | United States, California |
Statutes of Nevada | Nev.Stat. | - | United States, Nevada |
Statutory Instruments | - | S.I. ; SI | United Kingdom |
Statutory Regulations | - | SR | New Zealand |
Statutory Rules | - | SR | Australia |
Statutory Rules Consolidation | - | Austl.Stat.R.Consol. | Australia |
Statutory Rules and Orders | - | S.R.& O. | United Kingdom |
Stellenbosch Law Review | - | SLR ; Stellenbosch L.Rev. | South Africa |
Stephens' Quebec Law Digest | - | Stephens' Dig. | Canada, Quebec |
Stephens' Supreme Court Decisions of Jamaica and Privy Council Decisions | - | S.C.D. | Jamaica |
Stephenson Harwood Employment and Pensions Group | - | S.H.E.& P.G. | United Kingdom |
Stetson Law Review | Stetson L.Rev. | - | United States |
Steuer und Studium | - | SteuerStud | Germany |
Steuer und Wirtschaft | - | StuW | Germany |
Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberater | - | StWB | Germany |
Steuer-Warte | - | StW | Germany |
Steuer-Zentralarchiv | - | StZentralArch | Germany |
Steuerberater-Jahrbuch | - | StBJb | Germany |
Steuerberaterkongress-Report | - | StbKRep | Germany |
Steuerberatung | - | Stbg | Germany |
Steuerkongress-Report | - | StKRep | Germany |
Steuerliche Vierteljahresschrift | - | StVj | Germany |
Steuern und Finanzen | - | StuF | Germany |
Steuerrecht in Kurzform | - | StK | Germany |
Steuerrechtsprechung in Karteiform | - | StRK | Germany |
Stevens' New Brunswick Digest | - | Stev.Dig. ; Stevens' Dig. | Canada, New Brunswick |
Stewart & Porter's Alabama Reports | Stew.& P. | - | United States, Alabama |
Stewart's Alabama Reports | Stew. | Stewart | United States, Alabama |
Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Stewart) ; Stew. ; Stew.Eq. ; Stewart | United States, New Jersey |
Stewart's Vice-Admiralty Reports | - | Stew. ; Stew.Adm. ; Stew.Admr. ; Stew.N.Sc. ; Stew.V.A. ; Stewart ; Stewart Vice-Adm.(Nov.Sc.) | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Stewart-Brown's Cases in the Court of Star Chamber | Stewart-Brown | - | England & Wales |
Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases | Stil. | St.Eccl.Cas. ; Still.Eccl.Cas. | England & Wales |
Stockton's New Jersey Equity Reports | - | N.J.Eq.(Stockton) ; Stock. ; Stockt. | United States, New Jersey |
Stockton's Vice Admiralty Reports | - | Stock. ; Stock.Adm. ; Stockt.Vice-Adm. ; Stockton ; Stockton Adm.(New Br.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Stone & Graham's Private Bills Decisions | Sto.& G. | S.& G. ; Stone & G. | United Kingdom |
Storey's Delaware Reports | - | Del.(Storey) | United States, Delaware |
Story's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Sto. ; Sto.C.C. ; Story | United States |
Strafgesetzbuch | - | StGB | Germany |
Strafprozessordnung | - | stop | Germany |
Strafverteidiger | - | StV | Germany |
Straits Law Journal and Reporter | - | S.L.J. ; S.L.J.R. ; SLJ | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Straits Law Reports | - | Leic ; S.L.R.Leic. ; SLR Leic | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Straits Law Reports, New Series | - | S.L.R.N.S. ; SLR (NS) | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Straits Settlements Law Reports | - | S.S.L.R. ; SSLR | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Straits Settlements Law Reports, New Series | - | S.S.R.(N.S.) | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Straits Settlements Law Reports, Supplement | - | S.S.L.R.Supp. | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Strange's Cases of Evidence | Str.Ev. | Sel.Cas.Ev. ; Str. ; Str.8vo. ; Str.Cas.Ev. | England & Wales |
Strange's King's Bench Reports | Str. | Stran. ; Strange | England & Wales |
Strange's Notes of Cases | - | N.C. ; Strange ; Strange, Madras | India, Tamil Nadu |
Streit: Feministische Rechtszeitschrift | - | Streit | Germany |
Strobhart's South Carolina Equity Reports | Strob.Eq. | S.C.Eq.(Strob.Eq.) ; Strob. ; Strob.Eq.(S.C.) | United States, South Carolina |
Strobhart's South Carolina Law Reports | Strob. | S.C.L.(Strob.) ; Strobh.L.(S.C.) | United States, South Carolina |
Stuart's Lower Canada King's Bench Appeal Cases | - | S.L.C. ; S.L.C.App. ; Stu.Ap. ; Stu.K.B. ; Stu.L.C. ; Stuart ; Stuart K.B. ; Stuart L.C.K.B. ; Stuart's R. | Canada, Quebec |
Stuart, Milne & Peddie's Court of Session Cases | Stu.M.& P. | Stu.Mil.& Ped. ; Stuart ; Stuart M.& P. | Scotland |
Student Law Review | - | S.L. Rev. ; S.L.R. ; S.L.Rev. ; SLRev ; Student L.Rev. | United Kingdom |
Studi Parlamentari e di Politica Costituzionale | - | Stud.Parlamentari e di Pol.Cost. | Italy |
Studi Senesi | - | Studi Senesi | Italy |
Studi de Drept Romanesc | Rev Dr Pen | St.De Drept Rom. | Romania |
Studia Diplomatica (Belgium) | - | Stud.Dipl. | Belgium |
Studia Diplomatica (France) | - | Studia Diplomatica | France |
Studia Islamica | - | Studia Islamica | None |
Studia Missionalia | - | Stud.Mission. | Italy |
Studia Nauk Politycznych | - | Stud.Nauk.Pol. | Poland |
Studia Prawnicze | - | Stud.Prawn. | Poland |
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne | Stud.Prawno-Ekonom. | Poland | |
Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris | - | S.D.H.I. ; SDHI ; Stud Doc Hist & Iuris ; Stud.doc.hist.iur. ; Studia Doc.Hist.& Iuris | Italy |
Studie z Mezinarodniho Prava | - | Stud.Mezin.Prava. | Czech Republic |
Studies in Comparative International Development | - | Stud.Comp.Int'l Dev. | United States |
Studies in Comparative Local Government | - | Stud.Comp.Loc.Gov't | Comparative Law |
Studies in East European Thought | - | Stud.E.Eur.Thought | None |
Studies in Islam | - | Stud.Islam | India |
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society | SLPS | S.L.P.S. | |
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History | - | Stud.Mediev.& Renaissance Hist. | None |
Studies in Transnational Economic Law | - | Stud Transnatl Econ L | International |
Studii de Drept Romanesc | L.R.(Karachi) | Stud Drept Rom | Romania |
Studii si Cercetari Juridice | - | Stud.Cerc.Jur. | Romania |
Studium und Praxis | - | StuP | Germany |
Style's King's Bench Reports | Style | Sty. | England & Wales |
Sudan Law Journal and Reports | - | S.L.J.R. ; Sudan L.J. ; Sudan L.J.& Rep. | Sudan |
Sudan Law Reports | - | S.L.R. ; Sudan L.R. | Sudan |
Suddeutsche Juristen-Zeitung | - | SJZ | Germany |
Suddeutsche Juristenzeitung | - | SJZ | Germany |
Sudebna Praktika na Vurkhovniia sud na NRB: Grazhdansk a Kolegiia | - | SPGK | Bulgaria |
Sudebna Praktika na Vurkhovniia sud na NRB: Nakazatelni Kolegiia | - | SPNK | Bulgaria |
Sudebnaia Praktika RSFSR | - | SP | USSR |
Sudebnik | - | Sudebnik | Russian Federation |
Sudostasien aktuell | - | Sudostasien akt. | None |
Sudosteuropa | - | Sudosteur. | Germany |
Sudostforschungen | - | Sudostforsch. | Germany |
Suffolk Transnational Law Review | Suffolk Transnat'l L.Rev. | - | United States |
Suffolk University Law Review | Suffolk U.L.Rev. | - | United States |
Sugden's Law of Property | - | Sugden | England & Wales |
Summary of Pennsylvania Jurisprudence | - | Pa.Summary | United States, Pennsylvania |
Sumner's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Sum. ; Sumn. ; Sumner | United States |
Sunderland Student Law Journal | SSLJ | England & Wales | |
Superannuation Law Bulletin | SLB | - | Australia |
Supreme Court Cases (Criminal), India | SCC (Cri) | SCC (Criminal) | India |
Supreme Court Cases (Labour and Services), India | SCC (L & S) | S.Ct.Cas.(L.& S.) | India |
Supreme Court Cases (Taxation), India | SCC (Tax) | S.Ct.Cas.(T.) | India |
Supreme Court Cases, India | SCC | S.C.C. | India |
Supreme Court Cases, South African Republic | - | Kotze & B. ; Kotze & Barb. ; Kotze & Barber | South Africa, Transvaal |
Supreme Court Circular | - | S.C.C. ; S.Crt.Circ. | Sri Lanka |
Supreme Court Criminal Rulings | - | S.C.Crim.Rulings ; S.Ct.Crim.R. | India |
Supreme Court Economic Review | - | Sup.Ct.Econ.Rev. | United States |
Supreme Court Journal | - | S.C.J. ; Sup.Ct.J. | India |
Supreme Court Judgments edited by Marshall | - | Marsh. ; Marshall ; Marshall's Judgments ; Marshall's Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Supreme Court Law Review | - | Sup.Ct.L.Rev. | Canada |
Supreme Court Law Review, Second Series | - | SCLR (2d) ; Sup.Ct.L.Rev.(2d) | Canada |
Supreme Court Monthly Review | - | SCMR | Pakistan |
Supreme Court Practice News | - | S.C.P.News | England & Wales |
Supreme Court Rent Cases | VLR (I) | S.Ct.R.C. | India |
Supreme Court Reporter | S.Ct. | S Ct ; S.C. ; Sup.Ct. ; Sup.Ct.Rep. ; Supr.Ct.Rep. | United States |
Supreme Court Reports, Canada | S.C.R. | Can.S.C. ; Can.S.C.R. ; Can.S.C.Rep. ; Can.S.Ct. ; Can.Sup.Ct. ; Duv.(Can.) ; Duval ; Mast. | Canada |
Supreme Court Reports, Cape of Good Hope | - | Cape S.C.R. ; Juta ; SC | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Supreme Court Reports, Ceylon | - | S.C.R. ; S.Ct.Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Supreme Court Reports, India | - | S.C.R. ; SCR ; Sup.Ct.R. | India |
Supreme Court Review | Sup.Ct.Rev. | - | United States |
Supreme Court Weekly Reporter | - | SCWR | India |
Supreme Court of British Guiana Judgments | - | S.Ct.Judg. | Guyana |
Supreme Court of Canada [Neutral Citation] | SCC or CSC | CSC ; SCC | Canada |
Supreme Court of Ghana Law Reports | - | S.C.G.L.R. ; SCGLR | Ghana |
Supreme Court of Ireland [Neutral Citation] | IESC | - | Ireland |
Supreme Court of Nigeria Law Reports | - | S.C.N.L.R. ; SCNLR | Nigeria |
Supreme Court of Sarawak. Reports of Decisions | - | S.C.Dec. ; Sarawak S.C.R. | Malaysia, Sarawak |
Supreme Court of Tasmania [Neutral Citation] | TASSC | - | Australia, Tasmania |
Surinaams Juristenblad | - | SJ | Suriname |
Surnaamse Jurisprudentie | - | SJ | Suriname |
Susquehanna Legal Chronicle | - | Sus.Leg.Chron. ; Susq.L.C. ; Susq.L.Chron. ; Susqu.Leg.Chron. ; Susquehanna Leg.Chron.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Sutherland's Appeal Reports, Small Causes Court | - | Suth.App. | India, West Bengal |
Sutherland's Full Bench Rulings | - | Suth.F.B.R. ; Suth.Sp.N. ; W.R., F.B. | India, West Bengal |
Sutherland's High Court Reports | - | Suth. ; Suth.Bengal | India, West Bengal |
Sutherland's Privy Council Appeals | - | Suth.P.C.A. ; Suth.P.C.J. | India |
Sutherland's Weekly Reporter, Supplementary Volume | - | W.R., 1864 | India, West Bengal |
Sutherland's Weekly Reports | - | Suth. ; Suth.W.R. ; W.R. | India |
Sutherland's Weekly Reports, Miscellaneous Appeals | - | Suth.W.R.Mis. | India |
Svensk Forfattningssamling | - | SFS | Sweden |
Svensk Juristtidning | - | SJT ; Svensk Juristtid ; Svensk Juristtidning ; SvJT | Sweden |
Sveriges Internationella Overenskommelser | - | SO | Sweden |
Swabey & Tristram's Probate & Divorce Reports | Sw.& Tr. | S.& T. ; Swab.& T. ; Swab.& Tr. ; Swabey & T. | England & Wales |
Swabey's Admiralty Reports | Sw. | Swab.Admir. ; Swabey Adm. | England & Wales |
Swan's Tennessee Reports | Swan | Tenn.(Swan) | United States, Tennessee |
Swanston's Chancery Reports | Swanst. | Sw. ; Swan. ; Swan.Ch. ; Swans. | England & Wales |
Swaziland Law Reports | - | SLR | Swaziland |
Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports | - | Sw. ; Sween. ; Sweeney ; Sweeny | United States, New York |
Sweet's Wife's Separate Estate | N.B.R.Kerr | Sweet | England & Wales |
Swift's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Swift) | United States, Massachusetts |
Swinton's Justiciary Reports | Swin. | Sw. ; Swint. | Scotland |
Swinton's Registration Appeal Cases | Swin.Reg.App. | - | Scotland |
Swiss Review of International Antitrust Law | - | Swiss Rev.Int'l Antitrust L. | International |
Swiss Review of International Competition Law | - | Swiss Rev.Int'l Competition L. | International |
Sydney Law Review | Syd LR | S.L.R. ; SLR ; Syd L Rev ; Syd.L.R. ; Syd.L.Rev. ; Sydney L.Rev. | Australia |
Sydney Maritime Arbitration Rules and Terms | - | SMART | Australia |
Sydney Morning Herald Reports | - | S.M.H.(Newspr.) (N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
Syme's Justiciary Reports | Syme | - | Scotland |
Symphoremata Supplicationum Pro Processibus in Supremo Camerae Imperialis Auditorio Impetrandis | - | Gylmann | Germany |
Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce | Syracuse J.Int'l L.& Com. | Sy.J.Int.L. ; Syr.J.Int'l L.& Com. | United States |
Syracuse Law Review | Syracuse L.Rev. | Sy.L.R. | United States |
System of Marine Insurance | - | Park | England & Wales |
Systematische Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs | - | BGHR | Germany |
Systematische Sammlung des Bundesrechts | - | RS ; SR | Switzerland |
T Jones' King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | T.Jones | Jon. ; Jones T. ; Jones(2) ; To.Jo. | England & Wales |
T Raymond's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | T.Raym. | Ray.Sir.T. ; Raym. ; Raym.T. ; T.Ray. | England & Wales |
T.B.Monroe's Kentucky Reports | T.B.Mon. | Ky.(T.B.Monroe) ; Mon. ; Mon.T.B. ; T.B.Mon.(Ky.) | United States, Kentucky |
T.Jones' Exchequer Reports | Jo.Ex.Ir. | Jon. ; Jones | Ireland |
T.U.P.Charlton's Georgia Reports | - | Charl.T.U.P. ; Charlt. ; Charlt.T.U.P. ; Charlton (T.U.P.) ; T.U.P.Charl. | United States, Georgia |
TAXline | - | Taxline | United Kingdom |
TRNdiawKlFiG | FodPLxKkLH | - | |
Taebowon P'an'gyol-chip | - | Taebowon | Korea, South |
Tai Whati: Judicial Decisions Affecting Maoris and Maori Land | - | Tai Whati | New Zealand |
Talbot's Cases in Equity | Tal. | Ca.t.Talb. ; Cas.F.T. ; Cas.t.Tal. ; Cas.t.Talb. ; Cas.temp.Talb. ; Rep.t.Talb. ; Talb. | England & Wales |
Tambyah and Sansoni's Appeal Cases | - | Tambyah & Sansoni | Sri Lanka |
Tambyah's Reports | - | Tamb. ; Tambyah | Sri Lanka |
Tamlyn's Rolls Court Reports | Taml. | Tam. ; Tamlyn Ch. | England & Wales |
Taney's United States Circuit Court Decisions by Campbell | - | Camp.Dec. ; Campb. ; Campbell ; Taney | United States |
Tanganyika Law Reports | - | T.L.R. | Tanzania |
Tanganyika Territory Law Reports | - | T.T.L.R. ; Tan.L.R. | Tanzania |
Tanzania High Court Digest | - | T.H.C.D. | Tanzania |
Tanzania Law Reports | - | L.R.T. ; T.L.R. ; TLR | Tanzania |
Tappan's Ohio Common Pleas Reports | - | Tap. ; Tapp. ; Tappan ; Tappan (Ohio) | United States, Ohio |
Tariff Board Reports | - | R.C.T. ; T.B.R. | Canada |
Tarleton's Term Reports | - | Tarl ; Tarl Term R ; Tarl. ; Tarl.Term.R. ; Tarleton | Australia, New South Wales |
Tasmanian Building Appeal Reports | - | Tas Bldg App R ; Tas.Bldg.App.R. | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian Law Newsletter | Tas LN | - | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian Law Reports | T.L.R. | Tas LR ; Tas.L.R. ; Tasm.L.R. ; TLR | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian News Reports | - | Tas.News | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian Reports | Tas R | Tas.R. ; TR | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian State Reports | Tas.S.R. | Tas SR ; Tasm.St.R. | Australia, Tasmania |
Tasmanian University Law Review | - | Tas.Univ.L.Rev. ; Tasm.U.L.Rev. ; Tasmanian U.L.Rev. | Australia, Tasmania |
Tatachariar's Decisions of the Board of Revenue under the Madras Estates Act | - | Tatachariar | India, Tamil Nadu |
Taunton's Common Pleas Reports | Taunt. | Taun. | England & Wales |
Tax Administrator's News | - | Tax Adm'rs.News | United States |
Tax Adviser | - | Tax A. | United Kingdom |
Tax Adviser | Tax Adviser | Tax Ad. | United States, New York |
Tax Appeal Board Cases | Tax A.B.C. | - | Canada |
Tax Briefing | - | Tax B. | United Kingdom |
Tax Business | - | Tax Bus. | United Kingdom |
Tax Case Leaflets | T.C.Leaflet No. | L.(T.C.) | United Kingdom |
Tax Cases | TC | Inc.Tax.Cas. ; Rep.Cas.Inc.Tax. ; T.C. ; Tax Cas ; Tax Cas. | United Kingdom |
Tax Commentary | - | Tax C. | United Kingdom |
Tax Counsellor's Quarterly | - | Tax Coun.Q. | United States |
Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (CCH) | - | T.C.M. ; T.C.M.(CCH) ; T.C.M.(RIA) ; Tax Ct.Mem.Dec. | United States |
Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (P-H) | T.C.M.(P-H) | T.C.M. ; Tax Ct.Mem.Dec. | United States |
Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (RIA) | T.C.M.(RIA) | T.C.M. | United States |
Tax Court Reported Decisions | Tax Ct.Rep.Dec. | - | United States |
Tax Court Reporter | - | Tax Ct.Rep. | United States |
Tax Court of Canada [Neutral Citation] | TCC or CCI | CCI ; TCC | Canada |
Tax Court of the United States Reports | Trial Law.Guide | T.Ct. | United Kingdom |
Tax Journal | - | Tax J. | United Kingdom |
Tax Law Reporter | - | Tax L.R. ; Tax L.Rep. ; Tax Law Rep. | United States |
Tax Law Review | Tax L.Rev. | - | United States |
Tax Lawyer | Tax Law. | - | United States |
Tax Magazine | - | Tax Mag. | United States |
Tax Management | - | Tax Mgmt. | United States |
Tax Management International Forum | - | T.M.I.F. | International |
Tax Management International Journal | - | Tax Man Intl J ; Tax Man.Intl.J. | United States |
Tax Matters Newsletter | TMN | - | Australia |
Tax Notes | Tax Notes | - | United States |
Tax Planning International Asia-Pacific Focus | - | T.P.I.A.P.F. | None |
Tax Planning International European Union Focus | - | T.P.I.E.U.F. | European Union |
Tax Planning International Indirect Taxes | - | T.P.I.I.T. | International |
Tax Planning International Review | - | T.P.I.R. | International |
Tax Planning International Transfer Pricing | - | T.P.I.T.P. | International |
Tax Planning International e-commerce | - | T.P.I.e-commerce | International |
Tax Planning Review | T.P.R. | ||
Tax Planning Review | - | Tax Pl.Rev. | United States |
Tax Practice Notes | - | Tax P.N. | United Kingdom |
Tax Practitioner | - | Tax P. | None |
Tax Reports, New Zealand | - | T.R.N.Z. ; TRNZ | New Zealand |
Tax Review | - | Tax Rev. | United States |
Tax Treaties | - | Tax Treaties | United States |
Tax and Investment | - | Tax & Inv. | United Kingdom |
Tax-Exempt Organizations | Tax-Exempt Org. | - | United States |
Taxation | - | Tax. ; Taxn. | United Kingdom |
Taxation (Pakistan) | - | Tax. ; Taxation | Pakistan |
Taxation Board of Review Decisions | TBRD | Board of Review Decisions ; T.B.R.D. | Australia |
Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series | TBRD | T.B.R.D.(N.S.) ; TBRD (NS) | Australia |
Taxation International | - | Tax.Int. | United Kingdom |
Taxation Internet Review | TIR | - | Australia |
Taxation Law Reports | - | T.L.R. ; Tax LR | India |
Taxation Laws of Australia | - | TLA | Australia |
Taxation Practitioner | - | Tax.P. | United Kingdom |
Taxation Reports | T.R. | Tax.R. | United Kingdom |
Taxation and Revenue | - | Tax.& Rev. | United States |
Taxation in Australia | TIA | Tax in Aust ; Tax.in Aust. ; Taxn in Aust | Australia |
Taxation of Executive Compensation and Retirement | - | T.of Executive Comp.and Retirement | Canada |
Taxes: The Tax Magazine | Taxes | Taxes: Tax Mag. | United States |
Taylor & Bell's Supreme Court Reports, Bengal | - | Tay.& B. | India, West Bengal |
Taylor's Customary Law of Rembau | - | Taylor | Malaysia |
Taylor's North Carolina Reports | Tay. | N.C.(Tay.) ; Tay.J.L. ; Tay.N.C. ; Tayl.N.C. ; Taylor | United States, North Carolina |
Taylor's North Carolina Term Reports | Taylor | N.C.(Taylor) ; N.C.T.Rep. ; N.C.Term.R. ; N.C.Term.Rep. | United States, North Carolina |
Taylor's Supreme Court Reports, Bengal | - | Tay. ; Taylor | India, West Bengal |
Taylor's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports | - | Tay. ; Tay.U.C. ; Taylor ; Taylor K.B.(Can.) ; Taylor U.C. | Canada, Ontario |
Te Wharenga - New Zealand Criminal Law Review | NZCLR | New Zealand | |
Technical Bulletin | - | T.B. | United Kingdom |
Technical Bulletin of the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency | - | T.B.S.P.I. | United Kingdom |
Technische Uberwachung | - | TU | Germany |
Technology and Construction Law Reports | - | T.C.L.R. | United Kingdom |
Technology and Entertainment Law Journal | - | T.E.L.J. | Ireland |
Technology and Investment Enhancement Strategy Newsletter | - | TIES Newsl. | International |
Teisser's Orleans Court of Appeals | Teiss. | La.App.(Orleans) ; Teissier | United States, Louisiana |
Tel Aviv University Law Review | - | Tel Aviv UL Rev | Israel |
Tel Aviv University Studies in Law | - | Tel Aviv U Stud L ; Tel Aviv U.Stud.L. ; Tel Aviv Univ.Stud.in L. | Israel |
TeleMedia | TeleMedia | - | Australia |
Telecommunications Journal | - | Telecomm.J. | Switzerland |
Telecommunications Law & Policy Review | TLPR | TL & PR | Australia |
Telecommunications Policy | - | Telecomm.Pol'y | United Kingdom |
Telecoms Law Today | - | T.L.T. | None |
Temple & Mews Crown Cases | T.& M. | Temple & M. | England & Wales |
Temple Environmental Law & Technology Journal | - | Temp.Envtl.L.& Tech.J. ; Temple Envtl.L.& Tech.J. | United States |
Temple International and Comparative Law Journal | Temp.Int'l & Comp.L.J. | Temple Int'l & Comp.L.J. | United States |
Temple Law Quarterly | - | Temp.L.Q. ; Temple L.Q. | United States |
Temple Law Review | Temp.L.Rev. | Temple L.Rev. | United States |
Temple University Law Quarterly | - | Temp.Univ.L.Q. | United States |
Tenant and Landlord Reports | - | T.L.L.R. | Canada |
Tennessee Administrative Register | Tenn.Admin.Reg. | - | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Appeals Reports | Tenn.App. | - | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Appellate Bulletin | - | Tenn.App.Bul. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Bar Journal | - | Tenn.B.J. ; Tennessee Bar.J. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Chancery Appeals | - | Tenn.Ch.A. ; Tenn.Ch.App. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Chancery Appeals Decisions | - | Tenn.Ch.App.Dec. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Civil Appeals | - | Higgins ; Tenn.Civ.A. ; Tenn.Civ.App. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Code Annotated | Tenn.Code Ann. | - | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Criminal Appeals Reports | Tenn.Crim.App. | - | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Law Review | Tenn.L.Rev. | Tennessee L.Rev. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Legal Reporter | - | Tenn.Leg.Rep. | United States, Tennessee |
Tennessee Reports | Tenn. | Ten. | United States, Tennessee |
Territories Law Reports | Terr.L.R. | N.W.T. ; N.W.T.L.R. ; N.W.T.R. ; N.W.T.Rep. ; N.W.Terr.(Can.) ; Terr.L.(Can.) | Canada, North-West Territories |
Territories Law Reports | - | Terr.L.(Can.) ; Terr.L.R. | Canada, North-West Territories |
Territory Law Journal | Terr LJ | - | Australia, Northern Territory |
Terry's Delaware Reports | - | Del.(Terry) | United States, Delaware |
Teruvenkatachariar's Railway Cases | - | Teruvenkatachariar | India |
Texas Administrative Code | Tex.Admin.Code | - | United States, Texas |
Texas Bar Journal | - | Tex.B.J. ; Texas B.J. ; Texas Bar.J. | United States, Texas |
Texas Civil Appeals Reports | Tex.Civ.Rep. | Tex.Civ.App. | United States, Texas |
Texas Court Reporter | - | Tex.C.R. ; Tex.Ct.Rep. | United States, Texas |
Texas Court of Appeals Reports | Tex.Ct.App. | Tex.Ct.App.R. | United States, Texas |
Texas Criminal Reports | Tex.Crim. | Tex.Cr.App. ; Tex.Cr.R. ; Tex.Crim.Rep. | United States, Texas |
Texas Election Code Annotated | - | Tex.Elec.Code.Ann. | United States, Texas |
Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal | - | Tex.Intell.Prop.L.J. | United States, Texas |
Texas International Law Forum | - | Tex.Int.L.Forum | United States, Texas |
Texas International Law Journal | Tex.Int'l L.J. | Tex.Int.L.J. ; Texas Int'l.L.J. ; Texas Intl LJ | United States, Texas |
Texas Jurisprudence | - | Tex.Jur. | United States, Texas |
Texas Jurisprudence, Second Series | - | Tex.Jur.2d | United States, Texas |
Texas Law Journal (Austin) | - | Tex.L.J. | United States, Texas |
Texas Law Journal (Tyler) | - | Tex.L.J. | United States, Texas |
Texas Law Reporter | - | Tex.L.R. ; Tex.L.Rep. | United States, Texas |
Texas Law Review | Tex.L.Rev. | Texas L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
Texas Register | Tex.Reg. | - | United States, Texas |
Texas Southern Intramural Law Review | - | Tex.So.Intra.L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
Texas Southern University Law Review | - | Tex.So.U.L.Rev. ; Texas South.U.L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
Texas Supreme Court Journal | Tex.Sup.Ct.J. | - | United States, Texas |
Texas Supreme Court Reports | Tex. | Tex.S.Ct. | United States, Texas |
Texas Supreme Court Reports Supplement | - | Tex.S. | United States, Texas |
Texas Tech Law Review | Tex.Tech L.Rev. | Texas Tech L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
Texas Wesleyan Law Review | Can. Bankr. Rep. (5th) | Tex.Wesleyan L.Rev. | United States, Texas |
Thacher's Criminal Cases | - | Thach.Cr.Cas. | United States, Massachusetts |
Thailand Yearbook of International and Comparative Law | - | Thailand Y.B.Int'l & Comp.L. | Thailand |
The Accountant | - | Accountant ; Acct. | England & Wales |
The Advocate (Vancouver) | - | Adv. ; Advoc.(B.C.) ; Advocate (Van) ; Advocate (Vancouver) | Canada |
The Advocates' Chronicle | - | Adv.Chron. | India |
The Advocates' Quarterly (Canada) | - | A.Q. ; Advoc.Q. ; Advocates' Q. | Canada |
The Advocates' Quarterly (USA) | - | Advoc.Q. | United States |
The Advocates' Society Journal | - | Advocates' Soc.J. | Canada |
The Age | The Age | - | Australia |
The Association of Corporate Trustees Review | - | TACT Review | None |
The Aviation Quarterly | - | T.A.Q. | None |
The Bar Examiner | - | Bar Examiner | United States |
The Barrister (Toronto) | Barr. | - | Canada |
The Broker | - | Broker | United Kingdom |
The Business Law Reports | Bus.LR | - | England & Wales |
The Buyer | - | Buyer | United Kingdom |
The Capital Letter (Australia) | - | TCL | Australia |
The Capital Letter (New Zealand) | TCL | - | New Zealand |
The China Quarterly | - | China Q. | China |
The Courier | - | Cour. | International |
The Docket | - | Dkt. ; Dock. ; Docket | United States, Pennsylvania |
The Ecumenical Review | - | Ecumenical Rev. | International |
The Forum | - | Forum | United States |
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy | - | HJD | International |
The Important Unreported Travancore Decisions | - | Pillai | India, Kerala |
The Independent Law Reports | The Independent | - | United Kingdom |
The Journal of Inonu University Law Faculty | IULR | Ä°nÃœHFD | |
The Judicial Review | TJR | - | Australia, New South Wales |
The Jurist (Catholic University of America) | The Jurist | Jurist | United States |
The Law Magazine | - | L.Mag. | India |
The Law Society of Hong Kong Gazette | - | The Law Society of Hong Kong Gazette | China, Hong Kong |
The Laws of Australia | - | TLA | Australia |
The Lawyer | - | Law. ; Lawy. ; Lawyer | India, Tamil Nadu |
The Louisiana Bar | La.B. | - | United States, Louisiana |
The Magistrate (South Africa) | - | TM | South Africa |
The National | - | National | Canada |
The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution | - | Interaction | Canada |
The Philanthropist | - | Philanthrop. | Canada |
The Public and Third Sector Law Reports | PTSR | P.T.S.R. | England & Wales |
The Public and Third Sector Law Reports (Case Summaries) | PTSR (CS) | P.T.S.R (C.S.) | England & Wales |
The Regulatory Affairs Journal Devices | RAJ Devices | - | International |
The Reports in all the Courts | R. | - | England & Wales |
The Resolver | Resolver | None | |
The Review | - | Rev. | United Kingdom |
The Review of Politics | - | Rev.Pol. | United States |
The Revised Law Reports | - | Rev.L.R. | India |
The Round Table: the Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs | - | Round Table | United Kingdom |
The STEP Journal | - | STEP Journal | United Kingdom |
The Sentence | - | The Sentence | United Kingdom |
The Syllabi | - | Syl. | United States, Missouri |
The Table | - | Table | Commonwealth |
The Theory and Practice of Legislation | TPLeg | T. & P.L. | |
The Transnational Lawyer | Transnat'l.Law. | Transnat'l Law | United States |
The Weekly Reporter | - | Weekly R. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
The World Today | - | Wld.Today | International |
Theoretical Criminology | - | Theo.Crim. | None |
Theoretical Inquiries in Law | - | Theo Inq L | Israel |
Thesaurus Acroasium of the Institute of Public International Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki | - | Thes Acroasium ; Thesaurus Acroasium | International |
Third World Legal Studies | Third World Legal Stud. | Third World Legal Stud | None |
Third World Quarterly | - | TWQ | None |
Thomas Jefferson Law Review | - | T.Jefferson L.Rev. | United States |
Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practical & Clinical Law | - | T.M.Cooley J.Prac.& Clinical L. | United States |
Thomas M. Cooley Law Review | T.M.Cooley L.Rev. | - | United States |
Thompson & Cook's New York Supreme Court Reports | - | T.& C. ; Thomp.& C. ; Thompson & C. | United States, New York |
Thompson's Tennessee Cases | - | Tenn.(Thompson) ; Thomps.Cas. ; Thompson | United States, Tennessee |
Thompson's Unreported Tennessee Cases | - | Ten.Cas. ; Tenn.Cas. ; Thomp.Tenn.Cas. ; Thompson | United States, Tennessee |
Thomson's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.(Thom.) ; N.S.R.Thom. ; Thom. ; Thom.Dec. ; Thom.N.Sc. ; Thom.Rep. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Three Northumberland Assize Rolls | - | Page | England & Wales |
Three Ohio Miscellaneous Decisions | - | Dayton | United States, Ohio |
Three Rolls in King's Court | - | Maitland | England & Wales |
Three Yorkshire Assize Rolls | - | Clay | England & Wales |
Thurgood Marshall Law Review | T.Marshall L.Rev. | T.Mar.L.Rev. | United States |
Thuringer Verwaltungsblatter | - | ThurVBI | Germany |
Tidjschrift van Het Recht | - | THR | Indonesia |
Tidskrift Utgiven av Juridiska Foreningen i Finland | - | JFT ; Tids Jur Foren ; Tidskrift Finland (JFT) | Finland |
Tidsskrif for Gronlands Retsvaesen | - | T.Gronlands Retsvaes. | Greenland |
Tidsskrift for Familie- og Arveret | - | TFA | Denmark |
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap | - | TIR | Norway |
Tidsskrift for Skatter og Afgifter | - | TSA | Denmark |
Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justicia | - | T.A.R. ; Tijds Antill R-Jus | Netherlands Antilles |
Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage | - | Tijds Arbit | Netherlands |
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Burgerlijk Recht | - | Tijds Belg Burger R | Belgium |
Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht | - | TBP | Belgium |
Tijdschrift voor Milieu Aansprakelijkheid | - | TMA | International |
Tijdschrift voor Overheidsadministratie | - | T.v.O. | Netherlands |
Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht | - | Tijds Privaatr ; Tijdschrift Privaatrecht | Belgium |
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis | - | Leg.Hist.Rev. ; Tijds Rgeschied | Netherlands |
Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht | - | T.v.S. | Netherlands |
Tijdschrift voor Vennootschappen, Verenigingen en Stichtingen | - | T.V.V.S. ; TVVS | Netherlands |
Tilburg Foreign Law Review | - | Tilburg Foreign L.Rev. | Comparative Law |
Times Law Reports | T.L.R. | Times L.R. ; Times L.Rep. | England & Wales |
Times Newspaper Law Reports | The Times | - | United Kingdom |
Times of Ceylon Law Reports | - | Times ; Times L.R. ; Times L.Rep. | Sri Lanka |
Today's Solicitor | T. Sol. | None | |
Tokyo Toritsu Daigaku Hogakkai Zassi | - | Toritsu | Japan |
Toledo Journal of Great Lakes' Law, Science and Policy | Tol.J.Great Lakes' L.Sci.& Pol'y | Toledo J.Great Lakes L., Sc.& Pol. | United States |
Toledo Law Review | - | Toledo L.Rev. ; U.Tol.L.Rev. ; U.Toledo L.Rev. | United States |
Tolley's Employment Law & Practice | Rev.L.R. | T.E.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Employment Law Newsletter | EML | T.E.L.N. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Employment Law-Line | - | T.E.L.L. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's National Insurance Brief | - | T.N.I.B. | None |
Tolley's Overseas Tax Reporter | - | T.O.T.R. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical Audit & Accounting | - | T.P.A.& A. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical NIC | - | T.P.N. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical NIC Newsletter | - | T.P.N.N. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical NIC Service | - | T.P.N.S. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical Tax | - | T.P.T. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical Tax Newsletter | - | T.P.T.N. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical Tax Service | - | T.P.T.S. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical VAT | - | T.P.V. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical VAT Newsletter | - | T.P.V.N. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Practical VAT Service | - | T.P.V.S. | United Kingdom |
Tolley's Tax Investigations | - | T.T.I. | United Kingdom |
Tomlin's Election Cases | Toml. | Toml.Cas. ; Toml.Supp.Br. | England & Wales |
Tonga Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | TOCA | - | Tonga |
Tonga Land Court [Neutral Citation] | TOLC | - | Tonga |
Tonga Privy Council [Neutral Citation] | TOPC | - | Tonga |
Tonga Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | TOSC | - | Tonga |
Tongan Law Reports | - | Tonga L.R. | Tonga |
Tort Law Review | Tort L Rev | Tort L Rev. ; Tort L.Rev. ; Tort.L.R. | Common Law |
Tort and Insurance Law Journal | - | Tort & Ins.L.J. ; Tort & Insurance L.J. | United States |
Torts Law Journal | TLJ | Torts L.J. | Australia |
Tothill's Transactions in Chancery | Toth. | Tot. | England & Wales |
Tottel's Construction Newsletter | - | C.N. | United Kingdom |
Touro Journal of Transnational Law | Touro J.Transnat'l.L. | - | United States |
Touro Law Review | Touro L.Rev. | - | United States |
Towers Perrin Headlines | - | T.P.H. | None |
Towers Perrin International Update | - | T.P.I.U. | None |
Towers Perrin Update | - | T.P.U. | None |
Town Planning and Local Government Guide | TPLGG | TPG | Australia |
Town and Country Planning Appeals | - | N.Z.T.C.P.A. ; NZTCPA | New Zealand |
Townsend's Modern State Trials | Town.St.Tr. | - | England & Wales |
Toyo Hogaku | - | Toyo Hogaku | Japan |
Tracey's Cases on Evidence | Eng.Judg. | Tracey, Evidence | United States |
Tractatenblad van het Kroninkrijk der Nederlanden | - | Tr. ; Trb. | Netherlands |
Trade Cases | - | T.C. ; Trade Cas. | United States |
Trade Law Topics | - | Trade L.Topics | Canada |
Trade Practices Cases | TPC | T.P.C. | Australia |
Trade Practices Commission Bulletin | TPC Bulletin | - | Australia |
Trade Practices Commission Decisions and Determinations | TPCD | T.P.C.D. ; T.P.C.D.D. ; TPCDD | Australia |
Trade Practices Law Journal | TPLJ | - | Australia |
Trade Practices Legislation Service | - | T.P.L.S. | Australia |
Trade Practices Reporting Service | TPRS | T.P.R.S. | Australia |
Trade Practices Reports | TPR | T.P.R. | Australia |
Trade Practices, Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin | AMLB | A.M.L.B. | Australia |
Trade Regulation Reporter | - | Trade Cas. ; Trade Reg.Rep. | United States |
Trade and Competition Law Reports | - | TCLR | New Zealand |
Trade and Development | - | Trade & Dev. | International |
Trade and Tariff Reports | - | T.T.R. | Canada |
Trade and Tariff Reports, Second Series | T.T.R.(2d) | - | Canada |
Trade and the Environment | - | Trade & Env't | International |
Trade-mark Reporter | Trademark Rep. | TMR ; Trade Mark R. ; Trademark Rptr. | United States |
Trademark World | - | T.W. ; Trademark World | None |
Trading Law | - | Tr.L. ; Trad.L. | United Kingdom |
Trading Law & Trading Law Reports | - | Tr.Law | United Kingdom |
Trading Law Reports | Tr.L.R. | Tr.L. | United Kingdom |
Traffic Cases | Traff.Cas. | - | United Kingdom |
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries | - | T.F.A. | Scotland |
Transaktie | - | TA | Netherlands |
Transcript Appeals, New York Court of Appeals | - | Trans.Ap. ; Trans.App. | United States, New York |
Transitional Legal Theory | TLT | - | None |
Transnational Associations | - | Transnat'l A. | International |
Transnational Corporations | - | Transnat'l Corp. | International |
Transnational Environmental Law | TEL | T.E.L. | International |
Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems | Transnat'l L.& Contemp.Probs. | - | International |
Transnational Legal Theory | TLT | Trans. L.T. | International |
Transnational Organized Crime | - | T.O.C. | International |
Transport Appeal Decisions (New Zealand) | - | T.A.D.(N.Z.) | New Zealand |
Transport Law and Policy | - | T.L.P. ; Trans.L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Transport Tribunal Appeals | - | Tr.Trib.App. | United Kingdom |
Transport- und Speditionsrecht | Cress.Ins.Ca. | TranspR | Germany |
Transportation Law Journal | Transp.L.J. | - | United States |
Transportation Practitioners Journal | - | Transp.Prac.J. | United States |
Transportrecht | - | TranspR | Germany |
Transvaal Provincial Division Decisions | T.P.D. | TPD | South Africa, Transvaal |
Transvaal Supreme Court Reports | T.S. | TS | South Africa, Transvaal |
Travancore Law Journal | - | Trav.L.J. | India, Kerala |
Travancore Law Reports | - | Trav.L.R. | India, Kerala |
Travancore Law Times | - | Trav.L.T. | India, Kerala |
Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Francaise | - | Trav Ass Capitant ; Trav.Ass.Capitant ; Travaux de l'Assoc.Henri Capitant | Comparative Law |
Travaux de la commission de reforme du Code Civil | - | Trav.comm.ref.C.civ. | France |
Travaux du Comite Francais de droit international prive | - | Trav.Com.fr.d.i.p. | International |
Travel Law Journal | ZBJV | T.L.J. | United Kingdom |
Treadway's South Carolina Law Reports | Tread. | S.C.L.(Tread.) | United States, South Carolina |
Treasury Decisions Under Customs and Other Laws | Treas.Dec. | - | United States |
Treasury Decisions Under Internal Revenue Laws | Treas.Dec.Int.Rev. | - | United States |
Treatise on Life Assurance | - | Farren | England & Wales |
Trent Law Journal | - | Trent L.J. | United Kingdom |
Trial | - | Trial | United States |
Trial Lawyer's Guide | Trial Law.Guide | - | United States |
Trial Lawyers Quarterly | - | Trial Law.Q. | United States |
Tribunal de l'Expropriation: Recueil de Jurisprudence | - | R.J.T.E. ; T.E. | Canada, Quebec |
Tribunal des professions du Quebec [Neutral Citation] | QCTP | - | Canada, Quebec |
Tribunals | - | Tribunals | United Kingdom |
Trinidad and Tobago Law Reports | - | T.& T.Sup. ; Tr.L.R. ; Trin.& Tob.L.R. ; Trinidad L.R. | Trinidad and Tobago |
Trinity College Law Review | TCLR | - | Ireland |
Tristram's Consistory Judgments | Trist. | Tr. ; Tr.Consist.J. ; Tristram | England & Wales |
Troubled Insurer Alert | - | T.I.A. | None |
Trudove po Mezhdunarodno Pravo | - | Trud.po Mezhd.Pravo | International |
Trueman's New Brunswick Reports | - | N.B.R.(Tru.) | Canada, New Brunswick |
Trust Law & Practice | - | T.L.& P. ; Trust L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Trust Law International | TLI | Tru.L.I. | United Kingdom |
Trust Quarterly Review | TQR | T.Q.R. | United Kingdom |
Trustee | - | Trustee | United Kingdom |
Trusts & Estates | - | Tr.& Est. | United Kingdom |
Trusts & Trustees | - | T.& T. | England & Wales |
Trusts and Estates | - | Trusts & Est. | United States |
Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal | Younge & Je. | T.E.L.& T.J. | United Kingdom |
Trusts and Estates Law Journal | - | T.& E.L.J. ; Tr.& Est.L.J. ; Tru.& E.L.J. | England & Wales |
Trusts and Estates Tax Journal | - | T.& E.T.J. | England & Wales |
Tucker and Clephane's District of Columbia Reports | Tuck.& Cl. | D.C.(Tuck.& Cl.) ; Tuck. ; Tuck.& C. | United States, District of Columbia |
Tucker and Swift's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(T.& S.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Tucker's Massachusetts Reports | - | Mass.(Tuck.) | United States, Massachusetts |
Tucker's New York Surrogate Court Reports | - | Tuck. ; Tuck.Sur. ; Tuck.Surr. ; Tucker ; Tucker(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Tulane Environmental Law Journal | - | Tul.Envtl.L.J. ; Tulane Envtl.L.J. | United States |
Tulane European and Civil Law Forum | - | Tul.Eur.& Civ.L.F. ; Tulane Euro Civ LF | United States |
Tulane Journal of International and Comparative law | - | Tul.J.Int'l & Comp.L. | United States |
Tulane Law Review | Tul.L.Rev. | T.L.R. ; Tu.L. ; Tu.L.R. ; Tulane L.Rev. | United States |
Tulane Maritime Law Journal | Tul.Mar.L.J. | Tulane Mar.L.J. | United States |
Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law | - | Tulsa J.Comp.& Int'l L. | United States |
Tulsa Law Journal | Tulsa L.J. | - | United States |
Turk Latihatlar Kulliyati, Series I | - | TLK (I) | Turkey |
Turk Latihatlar Kulliyati, Series II | - | TLK (II) | Turkey |
Turkish Yearbook of International Law | - | Turkish Y.B.Int'l L. | International |
Turner & Russell's Chancery Reports | Turn.& R. | T.& R. ; Tur.& R. ; Tur.& Ru. ; Tur.& Rus. ; Turn.& Rus. ; Turn.& Russ. | England & Wales |
Turner Kenneth Brown European Legal Information | - | T.K.B.E.L.I.S. | None |
Tuvalu High Court [Neutral Citation] | THC | - | Tuvalu |
Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollands Reg | - | T.H.R.H.R. ; THRHR ; Tydskrif H.R.-Hollandse Reg | South Africa |
Tydskrif vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede | - | T.vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede | South Africa |
Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap | - | TR ; TRW | South Africa |
Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg | - | TSAR ; Tyds S Afr R ; Tydskrif Suid-Afr.Reg | South Africa |
Tyler's Vermont Supreme Court Reports | Tyl. | Tyler | United States, Vermont |
Tyng's Massachusetts Reports | Tyng | Mass.(Tyng) | United States, Massachusetts |
Tyrwhitt & Granger's Exchequer Reports | Tyr.& Gr. | T.& G. ; Tyrw.& G. | England & Wales |
Tyrwhitt's Exchequer Reports | Tyr. | Tyrw. | England & Wales |
U.C.Davis Journal of International Law & Policy | U.C.Davis J.Int'l L.& Pol'y | - | United States |
U.C.Davis Law Review | - | U.C.Davis L.Rev. | United States |
U.S.Department of State Bulletin | - | U.S.Dep't St.Bull. | United States |
U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances | N.R.C. | - | United States |
U.S.Supreme Court Bulletin | - | S.Ct.Bull. | United States |
UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | UCL J.L. and J. | ||
UCL Jurisprudence Review | - | UCL Juris. Rev. | None |
UCLA Entertainment Law Review | - | UCLA Ent.L.Rev. | United States |
UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy | - | UCLA J.Envtl.L.& Pol'y | United States |
UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal | - | UCLA Pac Basin LJ ; UCLA Pac.Basin L.J. ; UCLA PBLJ | Pacific |
UCLA Women's Law Journal | - | UCLA Women's L.J. | United States |
UCLA-Alaska Law Review | - | UCLA-Alaska L.Rev. | United States, Alaska |
UFITA: Archiv fur Urheber- Film- Funk- und Theatrrecht | - | UFITA | Switzerland |
UK Competition Law Reports | UKCLR | U.K.C.L.R. ; UK C.L.R. | United Kingdom |
UK Insurance Broker | - | UK Ins.Broker | United Kingdom |
UK Law Student Review | UKSLR | UK L.S.R. | |
UNCTAD Review | - | UNCTAD Rev. | International |
UNESCO Courier | - | UNESCO Cour. | International |
UNIDIR Newsletter | - | UNIDIR Newsl. | International |
USSR Human Rights Yearbook | - | USSR Hum.Rts.Y.B. | Soviet Union |
UWLA Law Review | - | UWLA L.Rev. | United States |
Uberrima Fides: An Insurance Journal | - | Unberrima Fides | Canada |
Uchcha Nyayalaya Nirnaya Patrika | - | H.Cts.S.R. | India |
Uchchatam Nyalaya Nirnaya Patrika | - | S.Ct.S.R. | India |
Udhezime dhe Vendime te Gykates se Larte te RSPH | - | UVGL | Albania |
UgIUleetIbAphJN | PYPEcweSeqdOydqcl | - | |
Uganda Law Focus | - | Uganda L.Focus | Uganda |
Uganda Law Reports | - | U.L.R. ; Ug.L.R. ; Ug.P.L.R. ; Ug.Pr.L.R. ; Uganda L.R. | Uganda |
Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen | - | UfR ; Uges Retsv | Denmark |
Ulfljotur | Sm.E.D. | Ulfljotur | Iceland |
Umsatzsteuer- und Verkehrsteuer-Recht | - | UVR | Germany |
Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau | - | UR | Germany |
Umsatzsteuerkartei des Bundesfinanzministeriums | - | Ust-Kartei | Germany |
Umwelt- und Planungsrecht | - | UPR | Germany |
Unasylva | - | Unasylva | International |
Unemployment Insurance Reports | Unempl.Ins.Rep. | - | United States |
Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal | - | U.C.C.L.J. ; UCC L.J. ; Unif.Com.Code L.J. | United States |
Uniform Commercial Code Reporting Service | U.C.C.Rep.Serv. | UCC Rep Serv | United States |
Uniform Commercial Code Reporting Service, Second Series | - | U.C.C.Rep.Serv.(2d) ; UCC Rep Serv (2d) | United States |
Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Proceedings | ABT Manual | Conf.Unif.Lois C. ; Unif.L.Conf. | Canada |
Uniform Law Review | Unif.L.Rev. | Rev Dr Uniforme ; Rev.Dr.Uniforme ; Rev.Droit Unif. ; U.L.R. ; Uniform L.R. ; Uniform L.Rev. | International |
Union Labor Report | Union Lab.Rep. | - | United States |
Union Postale | - | Union Postale | International |
United Kingdom Care Standards Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | UKCST | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Employment Appeals Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | UKEAT | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Customs) [Neutral Citation] | UKFTT C | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Excise) | UKFTT E | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Financial Services and Markets) [Neutral Citation] | UKFTT FSM | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Insurance Premium Tax) [Neutral Citation] | UKFTT IPT | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Landfill Tax) [Neutral Citation] | UKFTT L | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (Special Commissioners) | UKFTT SPC | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Finance and Tax Tribunals (VAT) [Neutral Citation] | UKFTT V | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom First-tier Tribunal (Health Education and Social Care Chamber) (Neutral Citation) | UKFTT (HESC) | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) (Neutral Citation) | UKFTT (SEC) | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom First-tier Tribunal (War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Chamber) (Neutral Citation) | UKFTT (WPAFCC) | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom House of Lords [Neutral Citation] | UKHL | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Human Rights Reports | UKHRR | U.K.H.R.R. | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Immigration Appeals Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | UKIAT | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Privy Council (Devolution Cases) [Neutral Citation] | UKPC D | - | |
United Kingdom Privy Council - Decisions for Fiji [Neutral Citation] | FJ-UKPC | - | Fiji |
United Kingdom Privy Council [Neutral Citation] | UKPC | - | Commonwealth |
United Kingdom Social Security and Child Support Commissioner's Opinions [Neutral Citation] | UKSSCSC | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Supreme Court (Neutral Citation) | UKSC | - | United Kingdom |
United Kingdom Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) [Neutral Citation] | UKUT (AAC) | United Kingdom | |
United Nations Bulletin | - | U.N.Bull. | International |
United Nations Chronicle | - | UN Chron. | International |
United Nations Juridical Yearbook | - | U.N.J.Y. ; U.N.Juridical Y.B. | International |
United Nations Law Reports | - | U.N.L.R. | International |
United Nations Monthly Chronicle | - | U.N.Mo.Chron. ; UN Monthly Chron. | International |
United Nations Review | - | U.N.Rev. | International |
United Nations Treaty Series | - | U.N.T.S. ; UNTS | International |
United Nations Yearbook of the International Law Commission | - | U.N.Y.B.I.L.C. | International |
United Provinces Law Reporter | - | U.P.L.R. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
United States Appeals Reports | - | U.S.Ap. ; U.S.App. | United States |
United States Attorney's General Reports | - | Att'y.Gen.Rep. | United States |
United States Aviation Quarterly | - | Aviation Q. | United States |
United States Aviation Reports | - | U.S.Av. ; U.S.Av.R. ; U.S.Aviation Rep. ; USAvR | United States |
United States Circuit Court of Appeals Reports | - | U.S.C.C.A. | United States |
United States Claims Court Reporter | Cl.Ct. | - | United States |
United States Code | U.S.C. | USC | United States |
United States Code Annotated | USCA | U.S.C.A. | United States |
United States Code Congessional and Administrative News | U.S.C.C.A.N. | USCCAN | United States |
United States Code Service | U.S.C.S. | - | United States |
United States Code Unannotated | U.S.C.U. | - | United States |
United States Code of Federal Regulations | - | CFR ; USCFR | United States |
United States Court of Appeals Reports | U.S.App.D.C. | - | United States, District of Columbia |
United States Court of Military Appeals Reports | - | C.M.A. | United States |
United States Law Week | U.S.L.W. | LW ; USLW | United States |
United States Maritime Commission Reports | - | U.S.M.C. | United States |
United States Merit Systems Protection Board Decisions | M.S.P.B. | - | United States |
United States Naval Institute Proceedings | - | US Nav.Inst.Proc. | United States |
United States Patents Quarterly | U.S.P.Q. | USPQ | United States |
United States Patents Quarterly, Second Series | - | USPQ2d | United States |
United States Statutes at Large | Stat. | Stat.at L. ; U.S.St.at L. ; U.S.Stat. | United States |
United States Supreme Court Reporter | - | U.S.Sup.Ct. | United States |
United States Supreme Court Reports | U.S. | U.S.S.C.Rep. ; USSCR | United States |
United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition | L Ed | L.E. ; L.Ed. ; L.Ed.(U.S.) ; LAW ED ; Law.Ed. ; U.S.L.Ed. ; U.S.Law.Ed. | United States |
United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition, Second Series | L Ed 2d | L.E.2d ; L.Ed.2d ; U.S.L.Ed.2d | United States |
United States Tax Cases | USTC | CCH USTC ; U.S.T.C. ; U.S.Tax Cas. | United States |
United States Tax Reporter | U.S.Tax Rep. | - | United States |
United States Treasury Regulations | - | Treas.Regs. | United States |
United States-Mexico Law Journal | - | U.S.-Mex.L.J. | United States |
Universal Human Rights | - | Univ.Hum.Rts. | United States |
Universities and Colleges Education Law Network | - | UCELNET | United Kingdom |
University College London Journal of Law and Jurisprudence | UCL J.L. and J. | None | |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Journal | U.Ark.Little Rock L.J. | U.Arkansas Little Rock L.J. | United States |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review | - | U.Ark.Little Rock L.Rev. | United States |
University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal | - | U.Balt.Intell.Prop.L.J. | United States |
University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law | U.Balt.J.Envtl.L. | - | United States |
University of Baltimore Law Forum | U.Balt.L.F. | - | United States |
University of Baltimore Law Review | U.Balt.L.Rev. | U.Balt.L.R. ; U.Baltimore L.Rev. | United States |
University of Bridgeport Law Review | - | U.Bridgeport L.Rev. | United States |
University of British Columbia Law Review | UBC Law Rev. | U.B.C.L.Rev. | Canada |
University of California at Los Angeles Law Review | UCLA L.Rev. | U.C.L.A.L.Rev. ; U.C.L.A.Law.Rev. | United States |
University of California, Davis, Law Review | U.C.Davis L.Rev. | U.C.D.L.Rev. ; U.C.Davis L.R. | United States, California |
University of Chicago Law Review | U.Chi.L.Rev. | U Chi L R ; U.C.L.R. ; U.Chicago L.Rev. ; Univ.of Chic.L.R. | United States |
University of Chicago Legal Forum | U.Chi.Legal F. | U.Chicago Leg.Forum | United States |
University of Cincinnati Law Review | U.Cin.L.Rev. | U.C.L.R. ; U.Cincinnati L.Rev. ; U.of Cin.L.Rev. ; Univ.of Cin.L.R. | United States |
University of Colorado Law Review | U.Colo.L.Rev. | U.C.L.R. ; U.Colorado L.Rev. | United States, Colorado |
University of Dayton Intramural Law Review | - | U.Dayton Intramural L.Rev. | United States, Ohio |
University of Dayton Law Review | U.Dayton L.Rev. | - | United States, Ohio |
University of Detroit Journal of Urban Law | - | U.Det.J.Urb.L. ; U.Detroit J.Urban L. | United States |
University of Detroit Law Journal | - | U.Det.L.J. ; U.Detroit L.J. ; U.of Detroit L.J. | United States |
University of Detroit Law Review | - | U.Det.L.Rev. ; U.Detroit L.Rev. | United States |
University of Detroit Mercy Law Review | U.Det.Mercy L.Rev. | - | United States |
University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy | U.Fla.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y | - | United States, Florida |
University of Florida Law Review | U.Fla.L.Rev. | U.Florida L.Rev. ; U.of Fla.L.Rev. | United States, Florida |
University of Ghana Law Journal | - | U Ghana LJ ; U.G.L.J. ; U.Ghana L.J. | Ghana |
University of Hawaii Law Review | U.Haw.L.Rev. | U.Hawaii L.Rev. | United States, Hawaii |
University of Ife (Nigeria) Law Reports | - | Ife | Nigeria |
University of Illinois Law Forum | - | U.Ill.L.F. ; U.Ill.L.Forum ; U.Illinois L.Forum | United States |
University of Illinois Law Review | U.Ill.L.Rev. | U.Illinois L.Rev. | United States |
University of Iowa Law Review | - | U.Iowa L.Rev. | United States, Iowa |
University of Kansas City Law Review | - | U.Kan.City L.Rev. ; U.Kansas City L.Rev. ; U.of Kans.City L.Rev. | United States |
University of Kansas Law Review | U.Kan.L.Rev. | U.Kan.L.R. ; U.Kansas L.Rev. | United States |
University of Louisville Journal of Family Law | - | J.Fam.L. ; U.Louisville J.Fam.L. | United States |
University of Malaya Law Review | - | U Mal LR ; U.Malaya L.Rev. ; UMLR ; Univ.of Malaya L.R. | Malaysia |
University of Maryland Law Forum | - | U.Maryland L.Forum | United States, Maryland |
University of Memphis Law Review | U.Mem.L.Rev. | - | United States |
University of Miami Business Law Review | - | U.Miami Bus.L.Rev. | United States |
University of Miami Entertainment and Sports Law Review | U.Miami Ent.& Sports L.Rev. | - | United States, Florida |
University of Miami Inter-American Law Review | U.Miami Ent.& Sports L.Rev. | U Miami Inter-Am L Rev ; U.Miami Inter-Am.L.Rev. | United States, Florida |
University of Miami Law Review | U.Miami L.Rev. | Miami L.Rev. ; U.M.L.R. | United States, Florida |
University of Miami Yearbook of International Law | - | U.Miami Y.B.Int'l L. ; Y.B.Int'l L.(U.Miami) | International |
University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform | U.Mich.J.L.Refom | U.Mich.J.L.Ref. ; U.Michigan J.L.Reform | United States |
University of Missouri Law Bulletin | - | U.Mo.l.Bull. | United States |
University of Missouri Law Bulletin, Law Series | - | U.Mo.B.,Law Ser. ; U.Mo.Bull.,L.Ser. | United States |
University of Missouri at Kansas City Law Review | UMKC L.Rev. | U.Missouri at K.C.L.Rev. ; U.Mo-Kansas City L.Rev. ; U.Mo.K.C.L.Rev. | United States, Kansas |
University of New Brunswick Law Journal | - | R.D.U.N.-B. ; U.N.B.L.J. ; U.N.Brunswick L.J. | Canada, New Brunswick |
University of New South Wales Law Journal | UNSWLJ | U.N.S.W.L.J. ; U.N.S.Wales L.J. ; Univ of NSWLJ | Australia, New South Wales |
University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal | - | UOLTJ | Canada |
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business Law | U.Pa.J.Int'l Bus.L. | - | United States, Pennsylvania |
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law | - | U.Pa.J.Int'l Econ.L. | United States |
University of Pennsylvania Law Review | U.Pa.L.Rev. | Pa.L. ; Pa.L.Rev. ; U.of P.L.R ; U.Pennsylvania L.Rev. ; Univ.of Pa.L.R. | United States |
University of Pittsburgh Law Review | U.Pitt.L.Rev. | U.Pittsburgh L.Rev. | United States |
University of Puget Sound Law Review | - | U.Puget Sound L.Rev. | United States |
University of Queensland Law Journal | UQLJ | Q.U.L.J. ; QULJ ; U.Q.L.J. ; U.Queens.L.J. ; U.Queensland L.J. ; Univ QLJ ; Univ.Q.L.J. ; Univ.Qld.L.J. | Australia, Queensland |
University of Richmond Law Review | U.Rich.L.Rev. | U.Richmond L.Rev. | United States |
University of San Fernando Valley Law Review | - | U.San Fernando Valley L.Rev. | United States |
University of San Francisco Law Review | U.S.F.L.Rev. | U.San Fransisco L.Rev. ; U.San.Fran.L.Rev. | United States |
University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal | - | U.S.F.Mar.L.J. | United States |
University of Sydney Faculty of Law Institute of Criminology Proceedings | - | Univ S Inst of Crim Proceedings | Australia |
University of Tasmania Law Review | U Tas LR | Tas L Rev ; Tas.L.Rev. ; Tas.Univ.L.Rev. ; Tasm.U.L.Rev. ; Tasmania L.R. ; U Tas L Rev ; U.T.L.R. ; U.Tas.L.R. ; U.Tas.L.Rev. ; U.Tasm.L.Rev. ; Univ.T.L.R. ; Univ.Tas.L.R. ; Univ.Tasmania L.Rev. | Australia, Tasmania |
University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review | - | R.D.U.T. ; U.T.Fac.L.Rev. ; U.Toronto Fac.L.Rev. ; U.Toronto Faculty L.Rev. | Canada |
University of Toronto Law Journal | U.T.L.J. or R.D.U.T. | R.D.U.T. ; U.T.L.J. ; U.Toronto L.J. ; Univ.of Toronto L.J. | Canada |
University of West Los Angeles Law Review | - | U.West.L.A.L.Rev. | United States |
University of Western Australia Law Review | UWAL Rev | U W Austl L Rev ; U.W.A.L.R. ; U.W.A.L.Rev. ; U.W.Austl.L.Rev. ; U.West.Aust.L.Rev. ; U.Western Aust.L.Rev. ; Univ WAL Rev ; Univ.W.A.L.R. ; Univ.W.A.L.Rev. ; UWALR | Australia, Western Australia |
University of Western Ontario Law Review | U.W.O.L.Rev. | U.W.Ont.L.Rev. ; U.West.Ontario L.Rev. ; U.Western Ont.L.Rev. | Canada |
Unreported Judgments (Supreme Court) | - | UJ (SC) | India |
Unreported Ohio Appellate Cases | Ohio App.Unrep. | - | United States, Ohio |
Unsere Jugend | - | UJ | Germany |
Upper Burma Rulings | - | U.B.R. ; U.B.Rulings | Burma |
Upper Canada Chambers Reports | - | Ch.R. ; Cham. ; Cham.Rep. ; Chamb.Rep. ; Chamber ; U.C.Cham. ; U.C.Chamb. | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Chancery Chambers Reports | Chy.Chrs. | Chamb. ; Chamb.R. ; Chan.Chamb. | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports | - | U.C.C.P. ; U.C.C.P.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Jurist | - | U.C.Jur. ; U.C.Jur.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Law Journal | - | U.C.L.J. | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Law Journal, New Series | - | U.C.L.J.N.S. ; U.C.L.J.N.S.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Law Journal, Old Series | - | U.C.L.J.O.S. | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, New Series | - | Q.B.U.C. ; Rob. ; Rob.Ont. ; Rob.U.C. ; Robinson ; U.C.Q.B. ; U.C.R. | Canada, Ontario |
Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, Old Series | - | O.S. ; U.C.Q.B.O.S. ; U.C.Q.B.O.S.(Can.) | Canada, Ontario |
Urban Law and Policy | - | Urb.Law Pol. ; Urban L.& Pol'y ; Urban L.& Policy ; Urblaw | None |
Urban Lawyer | Urb.Law. | Urban Law. | United States |
Urteilssammlung | - | US | Germany |
Urteilssammlung fur die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung | - | USK | Germany |
Utah Administrative Code | Utah Admin.Code | - | United States, Utah |
Utah Bar Bulletin | - | Utah B.Bull. | United States, Utah |
Utah Bar Journal | - | Ut.B.J. ; Utah B.J. ; Utah Bar J. | United States, Utah |
Utah Code Annotated | Utah Code Ann. | - | United States, Utah |
Utah Law Review | Utah L.Rev. | U.L.R. ; Ut.L.R. | United States, Utah |
Utah State Bulletin | Utah Bull. | - | United States, Utah |
Utah Supreme Court Reports | Utah | - | United States, Utah |
Utah Supreme Court Reports, Second Series | Utah 2d | - | United States, Utah |
Utilities Law Reports | Util.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Utilities Law Review | Util LR | U.L.R. ; Util.L.R. ; Util.Law Rev. | United Kingdom |
Uttar Pradesh Rent Control Cases | - | U.P.R.C.C. | India, Uttar Pradesh |
Uttar Pradesh Services Cases | - | UPSC | India, Uttar Pradesh |
VAT Digest | - | VAT Dig. | United Kingdom |
VAT Intelligence | - | VAT Int. | United Kingdom |
VAT Planning | - | VAT Plan. | United Kingdom |
Valparaiso University Law Review | Val.U.L.Rev. | Valparaiso Univ.L.Rev. | United States |
Value Added Tax Tribunal Reports | VATTR | V.A.T.T.R. ; V.A.T.Trib.Rep. | United Kingdom |
Value Added Tax and Duties Tribunals Reports | V & DR | V.& D.R. | United Kingdom |
Van Koughwet's Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports | - | Van K. ; Van K.& H. | Canada, Ontario |
Van Ness' United States District Court Prize Cases | - | Van N. ; Van Ness Prize Cas. | United States, New York |
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law | - | Vand.J.Transnat'l L. ; Vanderbilt J Transnatl L ; Vanderbilt J.Transnat'l.L. | United States |
Vanderbilt Law Review | Vand.L.Rev. | Vanderb.L.R. ; Vanderbilt L.Rev. | United States |
Vanderstraaten's Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ceylon in Appeal | - | Vanderstr. ; Vanderstraaten | Sri Lanka |
Vanuatu Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | VUCA | - | Vanuatu |
Vanuatu Island Courts [Neutral Citation] | VUIC | - | Vanuatu |
Vanuatu Law Reports | Van L.R. | Van LR ; Van.L.R. | Vanuatu |
Vanuatu Magistrates Court [Neutral Citation] | VUMC | - | Vanuatu |
Vanuatu Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | VUSC | - | Vanuatu |
Varldspolitikens Dagsfragor | - | Varldspol.Dagsfragor | Sweden |
Vauatu New Hebrides Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | VUNHSC | - | Vanuatu |
Vaughan's Common Pleas Reports | Vaugh. | Vaug. ; Vaughan | England & Wales |
VdK-Mitteilungen | - | VdKMitt | Germany |
Ventris' King's Bench Reports | Vent. | Ventr. | England & Wales |
Verbraucher und Recht | - | VuR | Germany |
Vereinte Nationen | - | VN | Germany |
Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee | - | Verf & R Ubersee ; Verfassung & Recht Ubersee (VRU) ; VRU | None |
Verfassungrechtsprechung in der Bundesrepublik | - | VerfRsprBRD | Germany |
Verfassungssammlung. Sammlung der Erkenntnisse und Wichtigsten Beschlusse des Verfassungsgerichthofes | - | VfSlg. | Austria |
Verfassungssammlung. Sammlung der Erkenntnisse und Wichtigsten Beschlusse des Verfassungsgerichthofes, Neue Serie | - | VfSlg.NS | Austria |
Verhandlungen der Gemeinsamen Versammlung. Ausfurliche Sitzungsberichte | - | ABlEGKS-Verh. | European Union |
Verhandlungen des Deutschen Juristentages | - | VD | Germany |
Verkeersrecht | - | V.R. | Netherlands |
Verkehrs-Rundschau | - | VR | Germany |
Verkehrsblatt | - | VkBl ; VkBl. | Germany |
Verkehrsblatt des Vereinigten Wirtschaftsgebietes | - | VkBl | Germany |
Verkehrsrechtliche Abhandlungen und Entscheidungen | - | VAE | Germany |
Verkehrsrechtliche Mitteilungen | - | VerkMitt | Germany |
Verkehrsrechtliche Rundschau | - | VR | Germany |
Verkehrsrechts-Sammlung | - | VRS | Germany |
Vermont Bar Association Reports | - | Vt.B.A. | United States, Vermont |
Vermont Government Register | Vt.Gov't Reg. | - | United States, Vermont |
Vermont Law Review | Vt.L.Rev. | Vermont L.R. ; Vermont L.Rev. | United States, Vermont |
Vermont Reports | Vt. | V.R. ; Verm. | United States, Vermont |
Vermont Statutes Annotated | Vt.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Vermont |
Vernon & Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports | Vern.& Scr. | V.& S. ; Vern.& S. ; Vern.& Scriv. | Ireland |
Vernon's Annotated Missouri Statutes | Mo.Ann.Stat. | V.A.M.S. | United States, Missouri |
Vernon's Chancery Reports | Vern. | - | England & Wales |
Vernon's Kansas Statutes Annotated Uniform Commercial Code Annotated | Kan.U.C.C.Ann. | Kan.U.C.C.Ann.(Vernon) | United States, Kansas |
Vernon's Texas Business Corporation Act Annotated | Tex.Bus.Corp.Act.Ann. | - | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Annotated | Tex.Code Crim.P.Ann. | - | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Codes | Tex.Code Ann. | - | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Insurance Code Annotated | Tex.Ins.Code Ann. | - | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Probate Code Annotated | Tex.Prob.Code Ann. | - | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated | Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat. | V.A.T.S. | United States, Texas |
Vernon's Texas Session Law Service | Tex.Sess.Law | - | United States, Texas |
Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Europarecht | - | Veroffentl Komm Europarecht | Austria |
Veroffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer | - | VVDStRl ; VVDStRL` | Germany |
Veroffentlichungen des Bundesaufsichtsamtes fur das Versicherungswesen | - | VerBAV | Germany |
Veroffentlichungen des Reichsaufsichtsamtes fur die Privatversicherung | - | VerAfP | Germany |
Veroffentlichungen des Zonenamtes des Reichsversicherungsamtes fur das Versicherungswesen | - | VeroffVw | Germany |
Verordnungsblatt fur die Britische Zone | - | VOBl BrZ ; VoBl.BrZ ; VoBlBZ | Germany |
Versicherungsrecht | - | VersR | Germany |
Versicherungsrecht. Beilage Ausland | - | VersRAl | Germany |
Versicherungswirtschaft | - | VW | Germany |
Versicherungswissenschaft, Versicherungspraxis und Versicherungsmedizin | - | VV ; VVV | Germany |
Versicherungswissenschaftliches Archiv | - | VersArch | Germany |
Verwaltung und Fortbildung | - | VuF | Germany |
Verwaltungs Gerichtsentscheide der Bundesbehorden | - | VerwEntsch | Switzerland |
Verwaltungsarchiv | - | Verw Arch ; VerwArch | Germany |
Verwaltungsblatter fur Baden-Wurttemberg | - | VBIBW | Germany |
Verwaltungsfuhrung, Organisation, Personal | - | VOP | Germany |
Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung | - | VwGO | Germany |
Verwaltungsrechtsprechung in Deutschland | - | VerwRspr ; VerwRspr. | Germany |
Verwaltungsrundschau | - | VR | Germany |
Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz | - | VwVfg | Germany |
Verzeichnis Rechtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften und Serien | - | VRZS | Germany |
Verzekeringsarchief | - | V.A. | Netherlands |
Vesey & Beames' Chancery Reports | Ves.& B. | V.& B. ; Ve.& B. ; Ves.& Bea. ; Ves.& Beam. | England & Wales |
Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports | Ves.Jr. | Ves. ; Ves.Jun. | England & Wales |
Vesey Senior's Chancery Reports | Ves.Sen. | Ve. ; Ves. ; Ves.Sr. | England & Wales |
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universitets Nauchnuii Zhurnal. Seriia 11: Pravo | - | Vest Moskov U Prav ; Vest.M.U.Pravo | Russian Federation |
Veterans Appeals Reporter | Vet.App. | - | United States |
VfSlg | - | ||
Victoria Civil Procedure Updater | - | AVCP | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Civil and Administrative Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | VCAT | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria County Court [Neutral Citation] | VCC | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Court Practice | - | AVCP | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | VSCA | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Domestic Building Tribunal [Neutral Citation] | VDBAT | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Supreme Court (1997-1998) [Neutral Citation] | VICSC | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria Supreme Court (1998-) [Neutral Citation] | VSC | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victoria University College Law Review | - | Vict.U.C.L.Rev. | New Zealand |
Victoria University of Wellington Law Review | - | V.U.W.L.R. ; V.U.W.L.Rev. ; Vict.U.of Wellington L.Rev. ; Vict.U.Well.L.Rev. ; Victoria U.Wellington L.Rev. ; VULR ; VUWLR | New Zealand |
Victorian Accident Compensation Practice Guide | - | AVW ; VACR ; Vic ACR | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Accident Compensation Reports | Vic ACR | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Administrative Reports | VAR | V.A.R. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Bar News | - | VBN ; Vic Bar News ; Vic CC ; Vic.Bar News | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Conveyancing Law and Practice | - | AVC ; CCH V Conv R ; V Conv R | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Industrial Notes | VIN | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Industrial Reports | VIR | V.I.R. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Judgments Bulletin | VJB | - | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Journal | Vict LJ | Vict.L.J. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports | V.L.R. | Vict.L.R. ; VLR | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Admiralty | - | V.L.R.(Adm.) ; V.L.R.Adm. ; VLR Adm | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Cases at Law | VLR (L) | V.L.R.(L.) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Equity | VLR (E) | V.L.R.(E.) ; V.L.R.(Eq.) ; VLR (Eq) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Insolvency, Probate and Matrimonial Causes | VLR (I) | V.L.R.(I.P.& M.) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Mining Cases | VLR (M) | V.L.R.(M.) ; Vict.L.R.Min. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Reports, Probate and Matrimonial | VLR (P&M) | V.L.R.(P.& M.) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Law Times | VLT | V.L.T. ; Vic LT ; Vict LT ; Vict.L.T. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Legal Executive | VLE | V.L.E. ; Vic.Legal Exec. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Licensing Decisions | VLD | V.L.D. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Planning Appeal Decisions | VPA | V.P.A. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports (1) | - | V.R. ; Vic.Rep. ; Vict.L. ; Vict.L.(Austr.) ; Vict.Rep. ; Vict.Rep.(Austr.) ; W.A'B.& W. ; Webb A'B & W ; Webb A'B.& W. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports (2) | V.R. | Vict. ; VR | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports, Admiralty | VR (V) | V.R.Adm. ; Vict.Admr ; Vict.Rep.(Adm.) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports, Cases at Law | VR (L) | V.R.(L) ; Vict.L. ; Vict.Rep.(Law) | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports, Equity | VR (E) | V.R.(E.) ; V.R.(Eq.) ; Vict.Eq. ; Vict.Rep.(Eq.) ; VR (Eq) ; W.A'B.& W.Eq. ; WA'B & W Eq ; Webb A'B & W Eq ; Webb A'B.& W.Eq. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports, Insolvency, Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial | VR (I) | V.R.(I.E.& M.) ; W.A'B.& W.I.E.& M. ; WA'B & W IE & M ; Webb A'B & W IE & M ; Webb A'B.& W.I.E.& M. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Reports, Mining Cases | VR (M) | W.A'B.& W.Min. ; WA'B & W Min ; Webb A'B & W Min ; Webb A'B.& W.Min. | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Tax Board of Review Cases | VTBR Cases | V.T.B.R.Cases | Australia, Victoria |
Victorian Workers Compensation Board Decisions | Vic WCR | Vict.W.C.R. | Australia, Victoria |
Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte | - | Vierteljh.Zeitgesch. | Germany |
Vierteljahresschrift fur Sicherheit und Frieden | - | S + F ; S+F | Germany |
Vierteljahresschrift fur Sozialrecht | - | VSSR | Germany |
Vietnam Law & Legal Forum | - | Viet L & Legal Forum | Vietnam |
Vietnamese Law Journal | - | Viet L J | Vietnam |
Villanova Environmental Law Journal | - | Vill.Envtl.L.J. | United States |
Villanova Law Review | Vill.L.Rev. | Villanova L.Rev. | United States |
Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Forum | - | Vill.Sports & Ent.L.F. | United States |
Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal | - | Vill.Sports & Ent.L.J. | United States |
Virgin Islands Bar Journal | - | V.I.B.J. | Virgin Islands (US) |
Virgin Islands Code Annotated | V.I.Code Ann. | - | Virgin Islands (US) |
Virgin Islands Register | V.I.R.& Regs. | - | Virgin Islands (US) |
Virgin Islands Reports | V.I. | - | Virgin Islands (US) |
Virgin's Maine Reports | - | Vir. ; Virg. ; Virgin | United States, Maine |
Virginia Appeals Reports | - | Va.Apps. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Bar Association Journal | - | Va.B.A.J. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Circuit Court Opinions | - | Va.C.C. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Colonial Decisions | - | Randolph ; Va.Col.Dec. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Court of Appeals Reports | Va.App. | - | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Criminal Cases | Va.Cas. | - | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Environmental Law Journal | Va.Envtl.L.J. | - | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Journal of International Law | Va.J.Int'l L. | Va.J.I.L. ; Virg.J.I.L. ; Virginia J Intl L ; Virginia J.Int'l L ; Virginia J.Intl.L. | United States |
Virginia Journal of Natural Resources Law | - | Virginia J.Nat.Res.L. | United States |
Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law | Va.J.Soc.Pol'y & L. | - | United States |
Virginia Journal of Sports and the Law | - | ||
Virginia Law Digest | - | Va.L.Dig. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Law Journal | - | Va.L.J. ; Va.Law J. ; Vir.L.J. ; Virg.L.J. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Law Register | - | Va.L.Reg. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Law Register, New Series | - | Va.L.Reg.N.S. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Law Review | Va.L.Rev. | Va.L. ; Virginia L.Rev. | United States |
Virginia Law Weekly; Dicta; Compilation | - | Va.L.Wk.Dicta Comp. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Register of Regulations | Va.Regs.Reg. | - | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Reports | Va. | V. ; Virg. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Reports, Annotated Edition | - | Va.Ann. | United States, Virginia |
Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal | - | ||
Virginia Tax Review | Va.Tax Rev. | - | United States |
Virginia Unreported Decisions | - | Va.Dec. | United States, Virginia |
Vita Italiana | - | Vita Ital. | Italy |
Vneshnyaya Torgovlya | - | VneshTorg | Russian Federation |
Volkswohlfahrt | - | VMBl | Germany, Prussia |
Vorschriftensammlung Bundesfinanzverwaltung | - | VSF | Germany |
Vos' Decisions of the Water Courts of South Africa | - | Vos | South Africa |
W Jones' King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | W.Jones | Jon. ; Jones W. ; Jones(1) | England & Wales |
W.W.Harrington's Delaware Reports | - | Del.(Har.W.W.) | United States, Delaware |
WIPO Journal | - | W.I.P.O.J. | None |
WNdQRltzmoTQx | CbXNzpxgQ | - | |
WSI-Mitteilungen | - | WSI-Mitt | Germany |
WWI-Mitteilungen | - | WWI-Mitt | Germany |
Wage and Hour Cases | - | Wage and Hour Cas. ; WH Cases | United States |
Wage and Hour Cases, Second Series | - | WH Cases 2d. | United States |
Waikato Law Review | - | Waikato L.Rev. | New Zealand |
Waitangi Tribunal Reports | - | WTR | New Zealand |
Wake Forest Intra-Mural Law Review | - | Wake Forest Intra.L.Rev. | United States |
Wake Forest Law Review | Wake Forest L.Rev. | Wake For.L.Rev. | United States |
Wales Law Journal | - | Wales L.J. | England & Wales |
Walker's De-rating Appeals in Scotland | - | Walker | Scotland |
Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports | - | Walk. ; Walk.Ch.Cas. ; Walk.Ch.Mich. ; Walker | United States, Michigan |
Walker's Mississippi Reports | Walker | Miss.(Walker) ; Walk. ; Walk.Miss. | United States, Mississippi |
Walker's Pennsylvania Reports | Walk. | Walk.Pa. ; Walker | United States, Pennsylvania |
Wall Street Journal | Wall St.J. | - | United States |
Wallace's Nova Scotia Reports | - | N.S.R.Wall. ; Wall. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Wallace's Supreme Court Reports | Wall. | U.S.(Wall.) ; Wall.Rep. ; Wall.S.C. | United States |
Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports | Wall.Lyn. | Lyne ; Lyne(Wall.) ; Wall. ; Wallis ; Wallis by L. ; Wallis by Lynne ; Wallis(Ire.) | Ireland |
War Compensation Court Reports | - | Proc.& Judg. | United Kingdom |
Ware's United States District Court Reports | - | Ware | United States, Maine |
Warenzeichenblatt | - | WzBl | Germany |
Warneyer's Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts | - | Warneyer | Germany |
Warwick Student Law Review | WSLR | W.S.L. Rev. | None |
Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law | - | Waseda Bull.Comp.L. | Comparative Law |
Washburn Law Journal | Wasburn L.J. | Washburn L.J. | United States, Kansas |
Washburn's Vermont Reports | - | Wash. ; Washburn | United States, Vermont |
Washington Administrative Code | Wash.Admin.Code | - | United States, Washington |
Washington Appellate Reports | Wash.App. | W.App. ; Wa.A. | United States, Washington |
Washington Circuit Court Reports | - | W.C.C. ; Wash.C.C. | United States, Washington |
Washington County Reports | Pat.L.J. | Wash.Co. ; Wash.Co.(Pa.) ; Wash.Co.R. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Washington Jurist | - | Wash.Jur. | United States, Washington |
Washington Law Reporter (D.C.) | - | W.L.R. ; Wash.L.Rep. ; Wash.Law Rep. | United States, District of Columbia |
Washington Law Review (Seattle) | Wash.L.Rev. | W.L.R. ; Wa.L.R. | United States, Washington |
Washington Legislative Service | Wash.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Washington |
Washington Public Utility Commission Reports | - | Wash.P.U.R. | United States, Washington |
Washington Reports | Wash. | W. ; W.St. ; Wa. ; WASH ; Wash.St. | United States, Washington |
Washington Reports, Second Series | Wash.2d | W.2d ; Wa.2d | United States, Washington |
Washington State Bar Association Proceedings | - | Wash.S.B.A. | United States, Washington |
Washington State Bar News | - | Wash.St.B.News ; Wash.St.Bar News | United States, Washington |
Washington State Register | Wash.St.Reg. | - | United States, Washington |
Washington Territory Opinions | - | Wash.T. ; Wash.Ter. ; Wash.Terr. ; Wash.Terr.Op. ; Wash.Ty. | United States, Washington |
Washington Territory Reports | Wash.Terr. | Allen ; W.T. ; W.Ty.R. ; Wash. ; Wash.T. ; Wash.Ter. ; Wash.Ter.N.S. ; Wash.Ty. | United States, Washington |
Washington University Global Studies Law Review | Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. | - | International |
Washington University Journal of Law and Policy | - | Wash.U.J.L.& Pol'y | United States, Washington |
Washington University Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law | Wash.U.J.Urb.& Contemp.L. | Wash.U.J.Urban & Contemp.L. | United States |
Washington University Law Quarterly | Wash.U.L.Q. | W.L.Q. | United States, Missouri |
Washington and Lee Law Review | Wash.& Lee L.Rev. | W.& L. | United States, Virginia |
Washington's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Wash. ; Wash.C.C. | United States |
Washington's Virginia Reports | Wash. | Va.(Wash.) ; Wash.Va. | United States, Virginia |
Wastes Management | - | W.M. | United Kingdom |
Water Law | - | W.L. | United Kingdom |
Watermeyer's Decisions of the Water Courts of South Africa | - | Watermeyer | South Africa |
Watermeyer's Reports of the Supreme Court Cape of Good Hope | Watermeyer | W. ; Wat. ; Wat.C.G.H. | South Africa, Cape of Good Hope |
Watsons Eurocomment | - | Watsons E.C. | European Union |
Watsons Insurance Review | - | Watsons I.R. | None |
Watsons Pensions News | - | Watsons P.N. | United Kingdom |
Watsons Quarterly | - | W.Q. | United Kingdom |
Watsons Remuneration Review | - | Watsons R.R. | None |
Watsons Worldwide Review | - | Watsons W.R. | None |
Watts and Sergeant's Pennsylvania Reports | Watts & Serg. | W.& S. ; Watts & S. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Watts' Pennsylvania Reports | Watts | Wa. ; Watts(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Wayne Law Review | Wayne L.Rev. | - | United States, Michigan |
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues | Web JCLI | Web J.C.L.I. | United Kingdom |
Webster's Patent Cases | Web.Pat.Cas. | W.P.C. ; W.P.Cas. ; W.P.R. ; Web.P.C. ; Webs. ; Webs.Pat.Cas. ; Webster Pat.Cas. | United Kingdom |
Weekblad voor Fiscaal Recht | - | W.F.R. ; WFR | Netherlands |
Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie | - | W.P.N.R. ; WPNR | Netherlands |
Weekblad voor Privaatrecht: Notariaat en Registratie | - | WPNR | Netherlands |
Weekblad voor het Recht | - | W. ; W.v.h.R. | Netherlands |
Weekly Criminal Bulletin | - | W.C.B. | Canada |
Weekly Digest of Family Law | - | W.D.F.L. | Canada |
Weekly Law Gazette | - | W.L.Gaz. | United States, Ohio |
Weekly Law Reports | WLR | W.L.R. ; Week.L.R. ; Weekly L.R. | England & Wales |
Weekly Law and Bank Bulletin | Curtis | W.L.& B.Bull. | United States, Ohio |
Weekly Notes Covers, New South Wales | - | W.N.Covers (N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
Weekly Notes of Cases | W.N. | W.N.(Misc.) ; W.N.Misc. ; Week.No. ; Week.No.Cas. ; Weekly Notes | England & Wales |
Weekly Notes of Cases (Pennsylvania) | - | W.N.Cas. ; Week.No. ; Week.No.Cas. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Weekly Reporter | W.R. | Week.R. ; Week.Rep. ; Week.Reptr. ; Wkly.Rep. | England & Wales |
Weekly Tax Bulletin | WTB | - | Australia |
Weerakoon's Supreme Court Decisions | - | Weer. ; Weerakoon | Sri Lanka |
Wege zur Sozialversicherung | - | WzS | Germany |
Welfare Benefits | - | W.B. | United Kingdom |
Welfare Rights Bulletin | - | Welf.R.Bull. | United Kingdom |
Welfare and Family: Law & Practice | - | Wel.& Fam. L.& P. | United Kingdom |
Welford, Symons & Bittleston's Real Property & Conveyancing Cases | R.P.C. | Real Pr.Cas. ; Real Prop.Cas. | England & Wales |
Welsh's Registry Cases | Welsh Reg.Cas. | Welsh | Ireland |
Weltgeschehen | - | WG | Germany |
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv | - | Weltwirtschaftl.Arch. | Germany |
Wendell's New York Reports | Wend. | W. ; Wend.(N.Y.) ; Wendell | United States, New York |
Wendt's Reports of Cases | - | Wendt. | Sri Lanka |
Wertermittlungsforum | - | WF | Germany |
Wertpapier-Mitteilungen | - | WM | Germany |
West African Court of Appeal Reports | - | W.A.C.A. ; W.A.L.R. ; W.Afr.App. | Africa, West |
West African Law Reports | - | W.A.L.R. ; W.Af.L.R. | Africa, West |
West Cameroon Law Reports | - | W.C.L.R. | Cameroon |
West European Politics | - | W.Eur.Pol. | None |
West Indian Law Journal | - | W.I.L.J. | Jamaica |
West Indian Reports | - | W.I.R. | West Indies |
West Virginia Bar | - | W.V.Bar ; W.Va.Bar | United States, West Virginia |
West Virginia Code | W.Va.Code | - | United States, West Virginia |
West Virginia Code of State Rules | W.Va.Code St.R. | - | United States, West Virginia |
West Virginia Law Quarterly and the Bar | - | W.V.L.Q. ; W.Va.L.Q. ; W.Virginia L.Q. | United States, West Virginia |
West Virginia Law Review | W.Va.L.Rev. | W.V.L. ; W.V.L.R. ; W.Virginia L.Rev. ; West Va.L.Rev. | United States, West Virginia |
West Virginia Supreme Court Reports | W.Va. | W.V. ; West Va. | United States, West Virginia |
West's Alabama Reporter | - | Ala.Rptr. | United States, Alabama |
West's Alaska Reporter | - | Alaska Rptr. | United States, Alaska |
West's Annotated California Codes | Cal.Code (West) | Ann.Cal.Codes | United States, California |
West's Annotated Indiana Code | Ind.Code.Ann. | - | United States, Indiana |
West's Arkansas Cases | - | Ark.Cas. | United States, Arkansas |
West's Chancery Reports tempore Hardwicke | West temp.Hard. | We. ; West Ch. ; West Chy. ; West t.H. ; West t.Hard. ; West t.Hardw. ; West. | England & Wales |
West's Colorado Reporter | - | Colo.Rptr. | United States, Colorado |
West's Connecticut Reporter | - | Conn.Reptr. | United States, Connecticut |
West's Delaware Reporter | - | Del.Rptr. | United States, Delaware |
West's District of Columbia Appeal Cases | - | D.C.App.Cas. | United States, District of Columbia |
West's Florida Cases | - | Fla.Cas. | United States, Florida |
West's Hawaii Reports | Haw. | - | United States, Hawaii |
West's Indiana Cases | - | Ind.Cas. | United States, Indiana |
West's Indiana Legislative Service | Ind.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Indiana |
West's Louisiana Civil Code Annotated | La.Civ.Code.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Annotated | La.Code.Civ.Proc.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure Annotated | La.Code.Crim.Proc.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Louisiana Code of Evidence Annotated | La.Code.Evid.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Louisiana Code of Juvenile Procedure Annotated | La.Code.Juv.Proc.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Louisiana Revised Statutes Annotated | La.Rev.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Louisiana |
West's Maine Reporter | - | Me.Rptr. | United States, Maine |
West's Maryland Reporter | - | Md.Rptr. | United States, Maryland |
West's Massachusetts Decisions | - | Mass.Dec. | United States, Massachusetts |
West's Michigan Reporter | - | Mich.Rptr. | United States, Michigan |
West's Minnesota Reporter | - | Minn.Rptr. | United States, Minnesota |
West's Mississippii Cases | - | Miss.Cas. | United States, Mississippi |
West's Missouri Cases | - | Mo.Cas. | United States, Missouri |
West's North Carolina Reporter | - | N.C.Rptr. | United States, North Carolina |
West's Ohio Cases | - | Ohio Cas. | United States, Ohio |
West's Oklahoma Decisions | - | Okla.Decs. | United States, Oklahoma |
West's Oregon Cases | - | Or.Cas. | United States, Oregon |
West's Oregon Decisions | - | Or.Dec. | United States, Oregon |
West's Pennsylvania Reporter | - | Pa.Rptr. | United States, Pennsylvania |
West's Reports, House of Lords | West H.L. | We. ; West. | England & Wales |
West's Rhode Island Reporter | - | R.I.Rptr. | United States, Rhode Island |
West's Smith-Hurd Illinois Compiled Statutes Annotated | Ill.Comp.Stat.Ann. | Ill.Ann.Stat. | United States, Illinois |
West's Tennessee Decisions | - | Tenn.Decs. | United States, Tennessee |
West's Texas Cases | - | Tex.Cas. | United States, Texas |
West's Utah Reporter | - | Utah Rptr. | United States, Utah |
West's Wisconsin Legislation Service | Wis.Legis.Serv. | - | United States, Wisconsin |
West's Wisconsin Reporter | - | Wis.Rptr. | United States, Wisconsin |
West's Wisconsin Statutes Annotated | Wis.Stat.Ann. | W.S.A. | United States, Wisconsin |
West's Wyoming Reporter | - | Wyo.Rptr. | United States, Wyoming |
Westdeutche Arbeitsrechtsprechung | - | WA | Germany |
Western Appeal Cases | - | W.A.C. | Canada |
Western Australia Annual Law Review | - | Annual L.Rev. | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Arbitration Reports | - | W.A.A.R. ; W.A.Arb.R. ; WA Arb R ; WAAR | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia District Court [Neutral Citation] | WADC | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Government Gazette | WAGG | W.A.G.G. | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Industrial Gazette | WAIG | W.A.I.G. ; W.A.Indus.Gaz. ; W.Austl.Ind.Gaz. ; WA Indus Gaz | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Industrial Relations Commission [Neutral Citation] | WAIRComm | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | WASC | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia Supreme Court: Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | WASCA | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australia University Law Review | - | W.A.L.R. ; W.A.U.L.R. ; WAULR ; West.Aust.L.Rev. | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australian Law Reports | WALR | W.A.L.R. ; W.Austl.L.R. ; WAR ; West.Austl.L. | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australian Liquor Licensing Court [Neutral Citation] | WALLC | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australian Mining Warden's Court [Neutral Citation] | WAMW | - | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Australian Reports | W.A.R. | WAR ; West.Austl. ; West.Austr.L. | Australia, Western Australia |
Western Labour Arbitration Cases | - | W.L.A.C. | Canada |
Western Law Journal | - | W.L.J. ; West.L.J. | United States, Ohio |
Western Law Monthly | - | W.L.M. ; West.L.M. ; West.Law Month. | United States, Ohio |
Western Law Reporter | - | W.L.R. ; West.L.R. ; West.L.R.(Can.) | Canada |
Western Law Review | - | WLR | Canada |
Western Law Times | - | W.L.T. ; West.L.T. | Canada |
Western Legal History | - | W.Legal Hist. | United States |
Western New England Law Review | W.New Eng.L.Rev. | West.N.Eng.L.Rev. | United States |
Western Ontario Law Review | - | West.Ont.L.Rev. | Canada, Ontario |
Western Political Quarterly | - | West.Pol.Q. | United States |
Western Region of Nigeria Law Reports | - | W.R.N.L.R. | Nigeria, Western Region |
Western Reserve Law Review | - | West.Res.L.Rev. | United States |
Western Samoa Law Reports | - | W.S.L.R. | United States, Western Samoa |
Western State University Law Review | - | W.St.U.L.Rev. ; West.St.U.L.Rev. | United States |
Western States Agency Law Reports | - | W.S.A.L.R. | India, Gujarat |
Western Weekly Digests | - | W.W.D. | Canada |
Western Weekly Notes | - | West.Week.N. | Canada |
Western Weekly Reports | - | W.W.R. ; W.W.R.(N.S.) ; West.Week.(Can.) ; West.Week.N.S.(Can.) ; West.Week.Rep. ; WWR | Canada |
Western's Tithe Cases | West.Tithe Cas. | We. ; West. ; West.Ti.Cas. | England & Wales |
Westlaw Transcripts | WL | - | United Kingdom |
Westlaw United Kingdom | WLUK | United Kingdom | |
Westmoreland County Law Journal | - | West. ; Westm. ; Westm.L.J. ; Westmore.Co.L.J.(Pa.) ; Westmoreland Co.L.J. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering | - | Rv. ; WBRv | Netherlands |
Wetboek van Koophandel | - | K. ; W.v.K. | Netherlands |
Wetboek van Strafrecht | - | S. ; W.v.S. ; WvS | Netherlands |
Wetboek van Strafvordering | - | Sv. ; W.v.Sv. ; WvSv | Netherlands |
Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis | - | WRP | Germany |
Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports | Whart. | Wh. ; Whar. ; Whart.Pa. ; Wharton | United States, Pennsylvania |
Wheaton's Supreme Court Reports | Wheat. | U.S.(Wheat.) ; Wheaton | United States |
Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases | - | Wh. ; Wh.Cr.Cas. ; Wheel. ; Wheel.Cr.Cas. ; Wheeler ; Wheeler C.C. ; Wheeler Cr.Cas. | United States, New York |
Wheeler's Privy Council Law | - | Wheeler P.C. | Australia |
White & Tudor, Leading Cases in Equity. 9th ed. | White & Tud.L.C. | White & T.L.Cas. ; White & T.Lead.Cas.Eq. ; White & Tudor | England & Wales |
White & Willson's Civil Cases, Court of Appeals Texas | White & W. | Tex.A.Civ. ; Tex.A.Civ.Cas. ; Tex.App. ; Tex.C.C. ; Tex.Civ.Cas. ; Tex.Ct.App.Dec.Civ. ; W.& W. ; White & W.(Tex.) ; White & W.Civ.Cas.Ct.App. ; Wi.& Will. | United States, Texas |
White's Justiciary Reports | White | - | Scotland |
Whitman's Patent Cases | - | Whitm.Pat.Cas. ; Whitm.Pat.Cas.(U.S.) | United States |
Whittier Law Review | Whittier L.Rev. | - | United States |
Widener Journal of Public Law | - | Widener J.Pub.L. | United States |
Wight's Scottish Election Cases | - | Wight El.Cas. | Scotland |
Wightwick's Exchequer Reports | Wight. | Wightw. | England & Wales |
Wigram's Selections from Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on Appeals from India | - | Wigram | India |
Wijeyewardene's Appeal Cases | - | Wijeyewardene | Sri Lanka |
Wilcox's Condensed Ohio Reports | - | Wilc.Cond. ; Wilc.Cond.Rep. | United States, Ohio |
Wilcox's Lackawanna County Reports | - | Wilcox | United States, Pennsylvania |
Wilkinson's Road Traffic Law Bulletin | - | W.R.T.L.B. | United Kingdom |
Wilkinson, Owen, Paterson & Murray's New South Wales Reports | - | Wilk,P.& M. ; Wilk. ; Wilk.& Mur. ; Wilk.& Ow. ; Wilk.& Pat. ; Wilkinson WN & Owen ; Wilkinson WN & Paterson JS | Australia, New South Wales |
Willamette Bulletin of International Law and Policy | - | Willamette Bull.Int'l L.& Pol'y | United States |
Willamette Law Journal | - | Willamette L.J. | United States |
Willamette Law Review | Willamette L.Rev. | - | United States |
Willes' Common Pleas Reports | Willes | Will. | England & Wales |
William Blackstone's King's Bench Reports | Bl.R. | Bl. ; Bl.W. ; Bla. ; Bla.W. ; Black. ; Black.R. ; Black.W. ; Blackst. ; Blackst.R. ; W.Bl. ; W.Bla ; W.Black. ; Wm.Bl. | England & Wales |
William Mitchell Environmental Law Journal | - | William Mitchell Envtl.L.J. | United States |
William Mitchell Law Review | Wm.Mitchell L.Rev. | William Mitchell L.Rev. | United States |
William Robinson's Admiralty Reports | Wm.Rob. | Rob. ; Rob.Adm. ; Rob.Jun. ; Rob.Wm.Adm. ; Robinson ; W.Rob. ; W.Rob.Adm. ; Wm.Rob.Adm. | England & Wales |
William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal | - | Wm.& Mary Bill Rts.J. | United States |
William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review | - | Wm.& Mary Envtl.L.& Pol'y Rev. | United States |
William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law | - | Wm.& Mary J.Women & L. | United States |
William and Mary Law Review | Wm.& Mary L.Rev. | W.M.L.R. ; William & Mary L.Rev. ; WMLR | United States |
William's Massachusetts Reports | Will. | Mass.(Will.) ; Will.Mass. ; Williams | United States, Massachusetts |
Williams' Practice Cases | - | Will.P.C. | Australia, Victoria |
Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's Queen's Bench Reports | Will.Woll.& Dav. | W.W.& D. ; Will.Woll.& D. ; Willm.W.& D. | England & Wales |
Willmore, Wollaston & Hodges' Queen's Bench Reports | Will.Woll.& H. | W.W.& H. ; Will.Woll.& Hodg. ; Willm.W.& H. | England & Wales |
Wills & Trusts Law Reports | WTLR | W.T.L.R. | England & Wales |
Willson's Civil Appeals, Court of Appeal Texas | Willson | Tex.A.Civ. ; Tex.A.Civ.Cas. ; Tex.App. ; Tex.Civ.Cas. ; Tex.Ct.App.Dec.Civ. ; Will. ; Willson Civ.Cas.Ct.App. | United States, Texas |
Wilmot's Notes and Opinions | Wilm. | Not.Op. ; Wilm.Judg. ; Wilm.Op. | England & Wales |
Wilson & Shaw's Appeal Cases, House of Lords | W.& S. | Wils.& S. ; Wils.& Sh. ; Wilson & Shaw | Scotland |
Wilson's Chancery Reports | Wils.Ch. | Wils. ; Wilson | England & Wales |
Wilson's Exchequer Reports | Wils.Ex. | Wilson | England & Wales |
Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Reports | - | Ind.Super. ; Wils.Ind. ; Wils.Super.(Ind.) ; Wilson ; Wilson S.C. | United States, Indiana |
Wilson's King's Bench and Common Pleas Reports | Wils.K.B. | Wils. ; Wilson | England & Wales |
Winch's Common Pleas Reports | Win. | Winch | England & Wales |
Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues | - | Rev.Affaires Juridiques & Sociales Windsor ; Windsor Rev.Legal & Social Issues | Canada |
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice | - | Rec.Ann.Windsor Acces Justice ; Windsor Y.B. Access Just. ; Windsor Y.B. Access Justice ; Windsor Yearb.Access Justice ; Windsor Yrbk Acc Jus | Canada |
Winer's Unreported Opinions, New York Supreme Court | - | Win. ; Winer | United States, New York |
Winston's North Carolina Equity Reports | Win.Eq. | N.C.(Win.Eq.) ; Win. ; Winst. ; Winst.Eq.(N.C.) | United States, North Carolina |
Winston's North Carolina Law Reports | Win.L.(N.C.) | N.C.(Win.) ; Win. ; Win.Law | United States, North Carolina |
Wirtschaft und Recht | - | WuR | Switzerland |
Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa | - | WiRO | Germany |
Wirtschaft und Verwaltung | - | WiVerw | Germany |
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb | - | WuW | Germany |
Wirtschaftsdienst | - | Wirtsch.-Dienst | Germany |
Wirtschaftspruferkammer-Mitteilungen | - | WPK-Mitt | Germany |
Wirtschaftsrecht | - | WiR | Germany |
Wirtschaftsrecht (DDR) | - | WR | Germany |
Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blatter | - | WBl | Austria |
Wirtschaftsschutz und Sicherheitstechnik | - | W+S | Germany |
Wirtschaftsverwaltung | - | WiVerw | Germany |
Wirtschaftsverwaltungs- und Umweltrecht | - | WuR | Germany |
Wisconsin Administrative Code | Wis.Admin.Code | - | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Administrative Register | Wis.Admin.Reg. | - | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Bar Bulletin | - | Wis.B.Bull. ; Wisconsin Bar Bull. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal | - | Wis.Envtl.L.J. | United States |
Wisconsin Industrial Commission (Workmen's Compensation) Reports | - | Wis.I.C. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin International Law Journal | - | Wis.Int'l L.J. ; Wisconsin Int'l L.J. | International |
Wisconsin Law Review | Wis.L.Rev. | Wis.L.R. ; Wisconsin L.Rev. | United States |
Wisconsin Lawyer | - | Wis.Law. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Legal News | MCR | Wis.L.N. ; Wis.Leg.N. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Public Service Commission Opinions and Decisions | - | Wis.P.S.C.Ops. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Public Service Commission Reports | - | Wis.P.S.C. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Railroad Commission Reports | - | Wis.R.C.R. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Reports | Wis. | W. ; W.R. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Reports, Second Series | Wis.2d | W.2d | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin State Bar Association Bulletin | - | Wis.B.A.Bull. ; Wis.S.B.A.Bull. | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Statutes | Wis.Stat. | - | United States, Wisconsin |
Wisconsin Women's Law Journal | - | Wis.Women's L.J. | United States |
Wissenschaftsrecht, Wissenschaftsverwaltung, Wissenschaftsforderung | - | WissR ; WWW | Germany |
Witkin's Summary of California Law | So.Car.L.Q. | Witkin, Cal.Summary | United States, California |
Witwatersrand High Court Reports | T.H. | T.L.R. ; TH ; W.H.C. | South Africa, Transvaal |
Witwatersrand Local Division Reports | W.L.D. | WLD | South Africa, Transvaal |
Wohnungswirtschaftliche Gesetzgebung | - | WG | Germany |
Wohnungswirtschaftliche Informationen | - | WI | Germany |
Wohungseigentum | - | WE | Germany |
Wohungseigentumsrechts-Sammlung | - | WERS | Germany |
Wohungswirtschaft und Mietrecht | - | WM | Germany |
Wojskowy Przeglad Prawniczy | - | WPP | Poland |
Wolferstan & Bristow's Election Cases | Wolf.& B. | W.& B. | England & Wales |
Wolferstan& Dew's Election Cases | Wolf.& D. | W.& D. | England & Wales |
Wollaston's Practice Cases | Woll. | W.P.C. ; W.P.Cas. ; Wol. | England & Wales |
Wollstein's Friendly Society Cases | - | Wollstein | England & Wales |
Women Lawyers' Journal | - | Women Lawyers J. | United States |
Women's Rights Law Reporter | Women's Rts.L.Rep. | - | United States |
Wood's Selection of Oriental Cases Decided in the Supreme Courts of the Straits' Settlements | - | WOC ; Wood | Malaysia, Straits Settlements |
Wood's Tithe Cases | Wood | Wood Decr. ; Wood H. ; Wood Ti.Cas. | England & Wales |
Woodbury & Minot's United States Circuit Court Reports | - | W.& M. ; Wood.& M. ; Woodb.& M. | United States |
Woodfall Landlord & Tenant Bulletin | - | W.L.T.B. | England & Wales |
Woods' United States Circuit Court Reports | - | Woods ; Woods C.C. | United States |
Woodward's Decisions | - | Endlich ; Woodw.Dec. ; Woodw.Dec.Pa. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Woodward's Unreported Cases | - | Woodward | United States, Michigan |
Woolworth's United States Circuit Court Reports of Miller's Decisions | - | Mill.Dec. ; Mill.Op. ; Wool. ; Wool.C.C. ; Woolw. | United States |
Worker's Compensation Commission Reports of Cases | WCR (NSW) | W.C.C.R.(N.S.W.) ; W.C.R. ; W.C.R.(N.S.W.) | Australia, New South Wales |
Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal Reports | - | WCATR | Australia, South Australia |
Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal Reporter (Victoria) | - | W.C.A.T.R. | Canada |
Workers' Compensation Board Decisions (Victoria) | WCBD (Vic) | W.C.B.(Vic.) ; W.C.B.D.(Vic.) | Australia, Victoria |
Workers' Compensation Board Decisions (Western Australia) | WCBD (WA) | W.C.B.D.(WA) | Australia, Western Australia |
Workers' Compensation Cases | WCC | W.C.C. | Australia, Victoria |
Workers' Compensation Legislation in Australia | - | WCLA | Australia |
Workers' Compensation Reporter | - | W.C.R. | Canada, British Columbia |
Workers' Compensation Reports (New South Wales) | - | N.S.W.W.C.R. ; NSW WCR ; W.C.R.(N.S.W.) ; WCR ; WCR (NSW) | Australia, New South Wales |
Workers' Compensation Reports (Queensland) | WCR (Qld) | W.C.R.(Q.) ; W.C.R.(Qld.) ; W.C.R.(Qn.) | Australia, Queensland |
Workers' Compensation Reports (Western Australia) | WCR (WA) | W.C.R.(W.A.) | Australia, Western Australia |
Workmen's Compensation & Insurance Reports | W.C.& I.R. | W.C.& Ins.Rep. ; W.C.Ins.Rep. | United Kingdom |
Workmen's Compensation Cases | W.C.C. | - | United Kingdom |
Workplace News | - | Work.News | Canada |
World Affairs | - | Wld.Aff. | International |
World Bank Economic Review | - | Wld.Bank Econ.Rev. | International |
World Communications Regulation Report | - | W.C.R.R. | None |
World Competition | - | W.Comp. ; World Compet L & Econ Rev ; World Competition ; World Competition L.& Econ.Rev. | International |
World Court Reports | - | W.C.R. | International |
World Data Protection Report | - | W.D.P.R. | None |
World Development | - | World Dev. | International |
World E-commerce & IP Report | RDV | W.E.C.& I.P.R. | None |
World Fire Statistics Bulletin | - | W.F.S.B. | None |
World Insurance Report | - | W.I.Rep. | International |
World Insurance Report. Corporate | - | W.I.C.R. | International |
World Intellectual Property Report | - | W.I.P.R. ; WIPR | International |
World Internet Law Report | - | World I.L.R. | None |
World Journal of VAT/GST Law | W.J.V. | International | |
World Law | - | World L. | International |
World Licensing Law Report | - | W.L.L.R. | International |
World Online Gambling Law Report | - | W.O.G.L.R. | International |
World Policy Guide | - | W.P.G. | International |
World Politics | - | Wld.Pol. | International |
World Securities Law Report | - | WSLR | International |
World Sports Advocate | WSA | - | |
World Sports Law Report | WSLR | W.S.L.R. | International |
World Tax Journal | WTJ | W.T.J. | None |
World Tax Report | - | W.T.R. ; WTR | International |
World Trade Law Journal | - | World Trade L.J. | International |
World Trade Review | - | World T.R. ; WTR | International |
Worldlaw Business | - | Worldlaw Bus. | None |
Wright's Ohio Reports | - | Wr.Ch. ; Wr.Ohio ; Wright ; Wright Ch. | United States, Ohio |
Wright's Tennessee Chancery Appeals | - | Tenn.Ch.A. ; Tenn.Ch.App. ; Wright | United States, Tennessee |
Writ | - | Writ | Northern Ireland |
Wyatt & Webb's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports | - | W & W ; W.& W. ; W.& W.Vict. ; Wy.& W. ; Wyatt & W ; Wyatt & W. ; Wyatt & Webb | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt & Webb's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Equity | - | W & W (E) ; W & W (Eq) ; W.& W.(E.) ; W.& W.(Eq.) ; Wyat.& W.Eq. ; Wyatt & W.(Eq.) | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt & Webb's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Insolvency, Ecclesiastical & Matrimonial | - | W & W (IE & M) ; W.& W.(I.E.& M.) ; Wyatt & W (IE & M) ; Wyatt & W.I.E.M. | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt & Webb's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Law | - | W & W (L) ; W.& W.(L.) | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports | - | W.W.& A'B. ; WW & A'B ; Wy.W.& A'Beck. ; Wyatt,W.& A'B. | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Equity | - | W & W & A'B (E) ; W & W & A'B (Eq) ; W.W.& A'B.(E.) ; W.W.& A'B.(Eq.) ; Wyatt W & A'B Eq ; Wyatt,W.& A'B.Eq. | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Insolvency, Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial | - | W.W.& A'B.(I.E.& M.) ; Wyatt, W & A'B IE & M ; Wyatt,W.& A'B.I.E.& M. | Australia, Victoria |
Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Supreme Court of Victoria Reports, Mining | - | W & W & A'B (M) ; W.W.& A'B.(M.) ; W.W.& A'B.(Min.) ; Wyatt, W & A'B Min ; Wyatt,W.& A'B.Min. | Australia, Victoria |
Wyman's Civil and Criminal Reports | CCR | Wyman | India, West Bengal |
Wyoming Law Journal | - | Wy.L.J. ; Wyo.L.J. | United States, Wyoming |
Wyoming Public Service Commission Reports | - | Wyo.P.S.C. | United States, Wyoming |
Wyoming Reports | Wyo. | W. ; Wy. | United States, Wyoming |
Wyoming State Bar Association Proceedings | - | Wyo.S.B.A. | United States, Wyoming |
Wyoming Statutes Annotated | Wyo.Stat.Ann. | - | United States, Wyoming |
Wythe's Virginia Chancery Decisions | - | Va.Ch.Dec. ; Wy. ; Wythe ; Wythe (Va.) ; Wythe Ch.(Va.) | United States, Virginia |
Xian Dai Faxue | - | Xian Dai Faxue | China |
Ya Taqlay ferd bet yaferdoc maaf | - | Ya Taqlay | Ethiopia |
Yale Journal of International Law | Yale J.Int'l L. | - | United States |
Yale Journal of Law and Feminism | Yale J.L.& Feminism | - | United States |
Yale Journal of Law and Liberation | Yale J.L.& Lib. | - | United States |
Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities | Yale J.L.& Human. | - | United States |
Yale Journal of World Public Order | Yale J.World Pub.Ord. | - | United States |
Yale Journal on Regulation | Yale J.on Reg. | Yale J.Reg. | United States |
Yale Law Journal | Yale L.J. | Y.L.J. | United States |
Yale Law and Policy Review | Yale L.& Pol'y Rev. | - | United States |
Yale Review of Law and Social Action | Yale Rev.Law & Soc.Act'n | - | United States |
Yale Studies in World Public Order | - | Yale St.Wld.Pub.Ord. ; Yale Stud.World P.O. ; Yale Stud.World Pub.Order | United States |
Yate's New York Select Cases | Yates Sel.Cas. | Yates ; Yates Sel.Cas.(N.Y.) | United States, New York |
Year Books (Seldon Society) | - | Y.B.(S.S.) | England & Wales |
Year Books (ed. Maynard) | - | Y.B. | England & Wales |
Year Books (ed.Dieser) | - | Y.B. | England & Wales |
Year Books, Rolls Series | - | Y.B.(R.S.) ; Y.B.(Roll Ser.) | England & Wales |
Year Books, Rolls Series (ed.Horwood & Pike) | - | Y.B.(R.S.) | England & Wales |
Year Books, Rolls Series (ed.Horwood) | - | Y.B.(R.S.) | England & Wales |
Year Books, Seldon Society | - | Y.B.(S.S.) | England & Wales |
Yearbook (US Supreme Court Historical Society) | - | Yearbook (Sup.Ct.Hist.Soc'y) | United States |
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration | - | Y.B.Com.Arb'n ; Y.B.Com.Arb. | International |
Yearbook International Institute of Humanitarian Law | - | YB.Int'l Inst.Hum.L. | International |
Yearbook Maritime Law | YML | Y.B.Mar.L. | International |
Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration | - | YBCA | International |
Yearbook of Copyright & Media Law | - | Y.C.& M.L. | None |
Yearbook of European Law | YEL | Y.B.Eur.L. ; Y.B.Europ.L. ; Y.E.L. ; Yrbk Euro L | European Union |
Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy | - | Y.B.Finn.Foreign Pol'y | Finland |
Yearbook of International Environmental Law | - | Yb.Int'l Env.L. ; Yrbk Intl Env L | International |
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law | - | YIHL ; Yrbk Intl Hum L | International |
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law | - | Yrbk Islam Mid East L | Asia, Middle East |
Yearbook of Law, Computers & Technology | - | Y.B.L.Computers & Tech. ; Y.L.C.T. ; YLCT | None |
Yearbook of Media & Entertainment Law | - | Y.M.E.L. | None |
Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence | - | Y.B.N.Z.Juris. | New Zealand |
Yearbook of Private International Law | - | Yrbk Priv Intl L | International |
Yearbook of World Affairs | Y.B.W.A. | Y.B.World Aff. | International |
Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights | - | Y.B.Eur.Conv.Hum.Rts. ; Y.B.Eur.Conv.on Human Rights ; Y.B.Europ.Conv.Hum.Rts. | International |
Yearbook of the United Nations | - | U.N.Y.B. | International |
Yearbook on Human Rights | - | Y.B.Hum.Rts. | International |
Yearbook on Socialist Legal Systems | - | Y.B.Soc.Leg.Systems | Comparative Law |
Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports | Yeates | Y. ; Yea. | United States, Pennsylvania |
Yelverton's King's Bench Reports | Yelv. | Yel. | England & Wales |
Yerger's Tennessee Reports | Yer. | Tenn.(Yer.) ; Yerg. ; Yerg.(Tenn.) | United States, Tennessee |
York Legal Record | - | York ; York L.R. ; York Leg.Rec. ; York Leg.Rec.(Pa.) | United States, Pennsylvania |
Young Lawyers News | - | YLN | Australia, New South Wales |
Young Lawyers Section Newsletter | - | YLSN | Australia, New South Wales |
Young Solicitors Group Magazine | - | YSG Mag. | United Kingdom |
Young's Vice Admiralty Decisions edited by Oxley | - | Oxley ; Y.A.D. ; Young Adm. ; Young Adm.Dec.(Nov.Sc.) ; Young V.A.Dec. | Canada, Nova Scotia |
Younge & Collyer's Chancery Reports | Y.& C.Ch.Cas. | N.C.C. ; Y.& C. ; Y.& C.C.C. ; Y.& C.Ch. ; Y.& Coll. ; You.& Coll.Ch. ; Younge & Coll.Ch. ; Younge C.Ch. ; Younge C.Ch.Cas. | England & Wales |
Younge & Collyer's Exchequer in Equity Reports | Y.& C.Ex. | Y.& C. ; Y.& C.Exch. ; Y.& Coll. ; You.& Coll.Ex. ; Younge & C.Exch. ; Younge & Coll.Ex. ; Younge Exch. | England & Wales |
Younge & Jervis's Exchequer Reports | Y.& J. | You.& Jerv. ; Younge & J. ; Younge & Je. ; Younge & Jerv. | England & Wales |
Younge's Exchequer in Equity Reports | You. | Yo. ; Younge | England & Wales |
Youth Justice | - | Y.J. | United Kingdom |
Yugoslav Law | - | Yugoslav L ; Yugoslav L. | Yugoslavia |
Yugoslav Survey | - | Yugoslav Survey | Yugoslavia |
Yukon Reports | Y.R. | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yukon Territory Court of Appeal [Neutral Citation] | YKCA | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yukon Territory Small Claims Court [Neutral Citation] | YKSM | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yukon Territory Supreme Court [Neutral Citation] | YKSC | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yukon Territory Territorial Court (Youth Court) [Neutral Citation] | YKYC | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yukon Territory Territorial Court [Neutral Citation] | YKTC | - | Canada, Yukon |
Yurisprudensi Indonesia | - | Yurisprudensi | Indonesia |
Zabriskie's New Jersey Law Reports | - | N.J.Law (Zabriskie) ; Za. ; Zab.(N.J.) ; Zabriskie | United States, New Jersey |
Zaken Beslist in het Hooge Gerechtshof van den Oranjevrijstaat | - | HGB | South Africa, Orange Free State |
Zakonitost | - | Zak.(Zagreb) | Croatia |
Zakonnost' | - | Zak.(Moscow) ; Zakonnost | Russian Federation |
Zambia Law Journal | - | Z.L.J. ; Zambia L.J. ; Zambia LJ | Zambia |
Zambia Law Reports | Z.R. | Z.L.R. ; ZR | Zambia |
Zanzibar Protectorate Law Reports | - | Z.L.R. | Tanzania |
Zbierka Rozhodnuti a Stanovisk | - | ZRS | Slovak Republic |
Zbior Orzeczen Sadu Najwyzszcgo | - | ZOSN | Poland |
Zbirka Odluka Vrhovnih Sudova i Uputsva Vrhovnog Suda FNRS | - | ZOV | Yugoslavia |
Zbirka Sudskih Odluka | - | ZSO | Yugoslavia |
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveucilista u Rijeci | - | Zbor Prav Fak Rijeka | Croatia |
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu | - | Zbor Prav Fak Zagreb ; Zbornik PFZ | Croatia |
Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Splitu | - | Zb.Radova ; Zbor Rad Prav Fak Split | Croatia |
Zbornik Znanstvenih Razprav | - | Zbor Znan Razprav | Slovenia |
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte (Germanistische Abteilung) | - | ZRG Germ Abt ; ZRG Germ.Abt. ; Zschft.Savigny-Stiftung Rechtsgeschichte (German.) | Germany |
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte (Kanonistische Abteilung) | - | Z.de Savigny-Stift.f.Rechtsgesch.-Kan.Abt. ; ZRG Kan Abt ; ZRG Kan.Abt. ; Zschft.Savigny-Stiftung Rechtsgeschichte (Kanon.) | Germany |
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte (Romanistische Abteilung) | - | ZRG Rom Abt ; ZRG Rom.Abt. ; Zschft.Savigny-Stiftung Rechtsgeschichte (Roman.) | Germany |
Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins | - | ZBJV | Switzerland |
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Notarvereins | - | DNotV | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsrecht | - | ZfA | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsrecht und Sozialrecht | - | ZAS | Austria |
Zeitschrift fur Auslanderrecht und Auslanderpolitik | - | ZAR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches Offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht | - | Z ao RV ; ZaoRV ; Zschft.Ausland.Offentl.Recht & Volkerrecht | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht | L.J.Mag.Cas.N.S. | Z ai Arbeits- & Sozial R ; ZIAS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht, begr v. Rabel | - | RabelsZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft | - | ZBB | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Beamtenrecht | - | ZBR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Beamtenrecht und Beamtenpolitik | - | ZBP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Bergrecht | - | ZBergR ; ZfB | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Bernischen Juristenvereins | - | Z Bern JurV | Switzerland |
Zeitschrift fur Betriebswirtschaft | - | ZBetrWi ; ZfB | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Bildungsverwaltung | - | ZBV | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Binnensschiffahrt und Wasserstrassen | - | ZBinnSch ; ZfB | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht | - | Z Eu P ; ZeuP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Evangelisches Kirchenrecht | - | Z ev KR ; ZevKR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Gesetzgebung | - | ZG | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Insolvenzrecht | - | KTS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Japanisches Recht | ZJapanR | Z Japan R | Japan |
Zeitschrift fur Kommunalfinanzen | - | ZKF | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Lateinamerika | - | Z.Lateinam.Wein | None |
Zeitschrift fur Luft- und Weltraumrecht | - | Z Luft R ; Zschft.Luft- & Weltraumrecht | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Luftrecht | - | ZLR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Luftrecht und Weltraumrechtsfragen | - | ZLW ; Zschft.Luft-u Weltr.-rechtsfragen | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Miet- und Raumrecht | - | ZMR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Neuere Rechtgeschichte | - | ZNR ; Zschft.Neuere Rechtsgeschichte | Austria |
Zeitschrift fur Offentliches Recht | - | Z Offent R ; ZOffR | Austria |
Zeitschrift fur Parlamentsfragen | - | Zparl | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Politik | - | ZfP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Rechtsmedizin | - | Zrechtsmed | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Rechtspolitik | ZRP | - | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Rechtssoziologie | - | Z Rsoz ; ZfRSoz ; Zschft.Rechtssoziologie | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht | - | ZfRV ; ZRV ; Zschft.Rechtsvergleichung | Comparative Law |
Zeitschrift fur Schadensrecht | - | ZfS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Schweizerisches Recht | - | RDS ; Z Schw R ; ZSR | Switzerland |
Zeitschrift fur Sozialhilfe | - | ZfSH | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Sozialreform | - | ZSR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Standesamtswesen | - | StAZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Strafvollzug | - | ZfStrVo | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Tarifrecht | - | ZTR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht | - | ZfU | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht | - | ZGR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Urheber- und Medienrecht | - | ZUM | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft | - | Z Vgl Rwiss ; Zschft.Vergl.Rechtswissenschaft ; ZVglRWiss | Comparative Law |
Zeitschrift fur Verkehrs- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht | - | VOR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Verkehrsrecht | - | ZVR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Verkehrssicherheit | - | ZVS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Verkehrswissenrecht | - | ZVerkWiss | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Vermogens- und Investitionsrecht | - | VIZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Versicherungswesen | - | ZfV ; ZfVers | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Verwaltung | - | ZfV ; ZfVerw | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Volkrecht | - | ZVolkR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wasserrecht | - | ZfW | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaft, Kriminalitat und Sicherheit | - | WIK | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaft, Steuer, Strafrecht | - | wistra | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | - | ZWS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | - | ZIP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht und Insolvenzpraxis | - | ZIP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Wohungseigentumrecht | - | WEZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Zivilprozess | - | ZZP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Zivilprozess International: Jahrbuch des Internationalen Zivilprocessrechts | - | ZZPInt | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur Zolle und Verbrauchsteuern | - | ZfZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das Fursorgewesen | - | ZfF | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Familienrecht | - | Fam RZ ; FamRZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das Notariat in Baden-Wurttemberg | - | BWNotZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das Notariat, fur die Gerichtsbarkeit und das Grundbuchwesen in Bayern | Phil.Jud. | BayNotZ | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das Post- und Fernmeldewesen | - | ZPF | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Arztecht | - | ZArztR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen | - | ZfgG | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht | - | ZHR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Kreditwesen | - | ZKredW | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Lebensmittelrecht | - | ZLR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Sachverstandigenwesen | - | ZSW | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur den Lastenausgleich | - | ZLA | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur den internationalen Eisenbahntransport | - | ZIntEisenb. | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur den internationalen Eisenbahnverkehr | - | ZIntEisenb. | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur deutsches und internationales Baurecht | - | ZfBR | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur die Anwaltspraxis | - | ZAP | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft | - | ZStW | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft | - | ZgS | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft | - | ZVersWiss | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur die internationale Eisenbahnbeforderung | - | ZIntEisenb. | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur handelswissenschaftliche Forschung | - | ZHdlwF | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur offene Vermogensfragen | - | ZOV | Germany |
Zeitschrift fur offentliche Fursorge | - | Z.offentl.Fursorge | Switzerland |
Zeitschrift fur offentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen | - | ZogU | Germany |
Zeitschriftenverzeichnis der Juristischen Max-Planck-Institute | - | ZVJM | Germany |
Zentral-Justizblatt fur die Britische Zone | - | ZJBl BrZ | Germany |
Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung | - | ZBlBauVw | Germany, Prussia |
Zentralblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik | - | ZBl DDR | Germany |
Zentralblatt fur das Deutsche Reich | - | ZBl | Germany |
Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Unterrichtsverwaltung in Preussen | Man.t.Wood | ZBlUV | Germany, Prussia |
Zentralblatt fur freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit und Notariat | - | ZBlFG | Germany |
Zentrallblatt fur Jugendrecht und Jugendwohlfahrt | - | ZfJ | Germany |
Zentrallblatt fur Reichsversicherung und Reichsversorgung | - | ZRR | Germany |
Zentrallblatt fur Sozialversicherung | - | ZfS | Germany |
Zentrallblatt fur Verkehers-Medizin | - | ZblVerkMed | Germany |
Zentrallblatt fur Vormundschaftswesen, Jugendgerichte und Fursorgeerziehung | - | ZfJ | Germany |
Zentralverordnungsblatt | - | ZVOBl | Germany |
Zhanagguo Fazhibao | - | Fazhibao | China |
Zhongguo She Hui Zhu Yi Jian She | - | Zg She Hui ZYJS | China |
Zilla Court Decisions, Madras | - | Zilla | India, Tamil Nadu |
Zimbabwe Law Journal | - | Zimbabwe L.J. ; ZLJ | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Law Reports | - | Z.L.R. ; ZLR | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Law Review | - | Z.L.Rev. ; Zimbabwe L Rev. | Zimbabwe |
Zivilprozessordnung | EOR | ZPO | Germany |
Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Gongbao | - | Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Gongbao | China |
array development | - | ||
ayDUFnDGFr | TMkKaKAravlfJuFLc | - | |
criminal law | - | ||
djebbi | - | ||
eHealth Law & Policy | eH. L. & P. |